The japanese government adopts the trap Energy Policy the place is renewed emphasis on Nuclear Power People Living in ukraine will head to the polls and made to elect a new government in the country after months of political turmoil. Election officials have begun the process of registering candidates the opposition dominated parliament passed a resolution to move up the election originally scheduled for march next year its unclear if former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko will run the archrival about the present victory in a cove which was released on saturday after serving more than two years in prison leaders of the three mile long Anti Government protests have expressed their willingness to run the governor of the russian speaking Eastern Province of card kit has also shown his interest in running for the countrys top job analysts say the announcement is seen as a move to capitalize on an opposition led transition of power. Staff at libraries in tokyo are trying to protect books from vandalism. They found damage to more than three hundred books relating to the holocaust including anne franks diary of a young girl. Libraries in tokyos change in the district move seventy books to shelves they can keep an eye on. We hope we can keep these books accessible for visitors in this way. We want to put them back to where they belong as soon as possible. Staff members have some pages damage to at least eighty titles and thirty eight libraries. The books include hondas suitcase which tells the story of a girl taken to auschwitz and murdered there a biography of june ms cindy hideout was also damaged he was a japanese diplomat to issue travel visa is to to save them from the nazis police are analyzing Security Camera footage to find out who is responsible the Israeli Embassy in tokyo and a jewish Group Planned to donate copies of the frank diary to the librarys Embassy Officials say they are moved by the concern japanese people have shown about the vandalism. South korean president pocket then has marked her first year on the job with the promise she said she based her countrys Economic Growth rate to at least four percent by two thousand and seventeen after all a time when the government to increase has been free with a three year plan for economic innovation. So creating an era of happiness for everyone in the country on a pc. In the parklands to nurture startups and reduce regulation and she aims to boost the employment rate to seventy percent. The kbs tv opinion polls suggest park has an Approval Rating of sixty three percent. Analysts say citizens appreciate her tough stance toward the north korean provocations. Still some South Koreans are frustrated by his economic policies including a failure to generate jobs for young people. Some labor unions held an Anti Government rally in the Capital Analysts say hi. They have made her do economic promise to try to keep up her support group during her first year in office pocketing has tried to reform corporations saddled with debt and shes brought about closer ties with china relations with japan have only become more tense. But some say her administration is showing signs of a shift in each key roles huge know how to sew on reports from seoul. New new. Make a mean that all Things Holding a country you enjoyed the show we see its neighbors. But the initials of his japan have only grown ups. And ill be the japanese have to behave. Aunt amy mallet either team. Its regrettable that japans words and actions are destroying the environment for potential cooperation of queens. Most korean and japanese off the shelves have taken different position on its own territory and history then in december. Japanese Prime Ministers xi and so i may be in the shoreline bbq team to gel pens for monday solar wind and at the shrine gluten eaters score they can go more crimes have no will want to. South korean leaders were outraged. Made any friends to the team and they know of it. They came in and asked me how forty minutes that to consult throw line the other in ways that our government will try to deal with north Koreas Nuclear issue and to work for cooperation with japan separately from historical matters. Some South Koreans the view was responding to comments from humans could to stay. Dont care. Its up to japan and the republic of korea. To what history behind them and move the relationship forward. So sporty and maybe in the afternoon shopping washington and seoul have different views on historical issues we didnt want to hear those comments we will make you do want to kill him the amended to end its financial you are. We had onto the road. You hes condoning reconfirmed that washington is taking seriously i love you. That depends Historical Perspective is regressive. Us plans and the mac obama is scheduled to visit sold in april. Explore its own policies. People are under more pressure. In the auditorium was a one vehicle color and how to improve ties. You had to go it isnt in a position to say no to him. But you can say yes either considering domestic politics than it did come will be in a tough dilemma. No need to let us know what he feels he can let it out and take steps to improve ties with japan before obama speaks the children of them a miniscule soul. Japans foreign minister says the lack of a summit between japanese and south korean leaders over the past year is regrettable the proposal nouveau pool. At a time like this its vital for the top leaders of the two countries to communicate sincerely. And understand each other when will i hope the South Koreans will be open to my call for higher level dialogue. You can get a license. She does know of some efforts to create a climate for dialogue he said government officials lawmakers and private citizens of all held gatherings. I eye. Ministers from twelve countries have ended the latest round of Trans Pacific partnership talks with little to show for their efforts. Officials from the two biggest economies in the negotiations. Couldnt agree on cutting farm tariffs so theres still no tee pee pee deal. And if carroll stuck to my su reports. It managed to see. To be liberal consensus on the wee boy some chose the name annie bought him one of which is not a success the man asserts a village before i came to craft some nectarines the danish or a smart can access across a wider range of sectors. But they didnt announce a date for the next round of talks. The biggest puddle was lack of progress between the us and japan on either a cultural types japanese delegates say they were ready to reduce or remove types on some key products like beef and pork but us officials who wants to pound to abolish types on almost all in farm goods delegates from other countries are frustrated hes told us to pam negotiations would slow down the overall talks when i got some forty busy include gdp destiny to see all that forty percent. And hes depending on its site so of course. When i reach the conclusion that women still bullseye when they reach a conclusion within me everyone of us. And is a very important not only of the outcome. Minister in china just to keep the talks says officials will continue working level talks with u s negotiators. By this as the clock is ticking the enemy to move and you can see you. I think the United States will be a Midterm Election mode later this year. No i see some political constraints ahead we should speed up working level negotiations between japan and the us. Its a job but is often self and the black and cut out parts will put more pressure on them. Then they run up to the auction. And then expect scarf issues to be high on riyadh on top of the u s president barak obama when he visits japan and the trail aka my tears choked up and into our old singapore japanese government officials have shown the surest sign yet that we intend to make Nuclear Power a key part of japans future theyve drafted a policy that describes it as an Important Energy source and its hero spiritual path the un has more. No the good and we will figure out how much Nuclear Power we need to win and we will secure that amount. The draft document adopted by a group of cabinet ministers and ghosts is a major change in japans Energy Policy. The Nuclear Accident in issue three years ago triggered a nationwide debate over Nuclear Power the ruling party of the party promises to phase out Nuclear Imaging whizzing through the years. To go on his return to palm good december two thousand fall collection change the situation. The Prime Minister called the elimination of Nuclear Power. Be responsible the trough and the policy adopted on tuesday he says the government will restart reactors was weakly it the latest safety regulations the document also underlines the need to learn from the Nuclear Accident and an old us of safety but some people question whether it is really safe to resume operations. Nuclear complex among them with the governor when uganda has been pressure pulse. The Worlds Largest Nuclear Plant. All for a day for a total electric power company. Hasnt learned from the petitioner accident. Its not qualified to operate Nuclear Plants. Coles kellys is an expert on japans Energy Policy she explains the rationale behind the governments renewed emphasis on new clip allah japans very precarious lack of natural resources. And the hope that by moving away from fossil fuels like imported gas oil and coal you can afford to be very disruptive and sharks to both electricity prices as well as gas prices that took place in the nineteen seventies. Lbc its Energy Policy will be welcomed by the business community. But he adds the tissues and the government need to display more transparency in order to convince the general. Your jaw up to you as your world. Operators of a Nuclear Plant near tokyo have come up with an un usual step in a bid to restart its operations they plan to explain Safety Measures to local governments before they apply for approval at the national level. Officials with japan atomic Power Companies say they hope to reach an agreement with leaders of eleven local governments as soon as next week. They include the village then posts the token number two Nuclear Plant. The agreement will require the company to outline Safety Measures to local governments before it applies to the Nuclear Regulation authority for safety screening. Japan atomic power officials would also pledged to get support from six local governments near kochi. Analysts say the agreement will give local governments a stronger voice in improving Nuclear Plants nearly one Million People within thirty km of the token facility would have to leave their homes if a series of serious accident occurred i eye. Thailands Election Commission says the government can use a portion of its budget to pay farmers for bryce purchased her Controversial Program but the amount of money falls far short of whats required and officials are now looking for additional funds to make the overdue payments to look on to neverland bangkok has the story. The commission on tuesday said the government could spend about twenty two Million Dollars from its current budget of becoming as fun as the events three billion gallons. The thai constitution requires that the county can come and seek approval from the Election Commission before spending any money. Dissolve the parliament in december and when the head with a snap election period this month that link to the formation of you can take that government protests falls Election Officials to cancel resulting in around twenty percent of the constituencies insufficient and days of the state is re elected to form a comment. Appointing a new Prime Minister a fondness the states rally steam on being the last Administration Made good on its flights to find their rights. From this about fourteen percent more than the market price. M n Officials Say the posse Election Commission on for more money. The dockers won elections would have profiled policies. Is that from the h e buffett bought that seems to know what was now or in the self imposed. Such policies helped them secure a role thats in the pocket is north and Northeast Area step behind the nations economic boom. Anti government protesters led by former deputy Prime Minister says the chaos that sublime say the government has been blind since the civil rights. Why is he underlines finance finance is. They continued to him on that you have resigned immediately and bring them all this influence to an end a hospital that was under construction near bangkoks a wonderful knack for apple has collapsed killing at least ten people and injuring at least sixteen seven of the dead wood construction elect is from Cambodia Police say the incident occurred on tuesday. Rescue operations are underway representatives of human Rights Groups have criticized high and fulfilled in him and Safety Standards at construction sites. A brace from neighboring countries such as cambodia laos and me and not have flown to thailand during its economic boom. Officials of the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs say chinese invaded special find what they can and filipino fishermen. This is what it is in the South China Sea have launched an official protest with the Chinese Government the official said that the vessel shot want to act to philippine fishing boats on january twenty seven. Im trying to force them to leave the area. Like ford coley process. The eye. I recommend the mariners three weeks these were committed by china. Forcefully driver weakened and Fishing Vessels being set into place and scott rush all about two hundred km west of news online and fairies inside an excuse of economic sound claimed by the philippines but it has been on the time as de facto role since chinese vessels made an appearance that in two thousand twelve fifty eight the government has protested chinas control. China has played almost all of the South China Sea as its country and this has led to a series of petrol disputes with some obscenities into the philippines. Chinas Foreign Ministry reiterated the governments stance on tuesday. D china and scaring outcome for enriching the controls his corn chips in the area. We earnestly demand that developing countries respect chinas sovereignty and not provoke any new receipts. I may just see link on sr the South China Sea. Many countries including the United States depend on it for shipping the goods. The second Tristan John Kerry as its not as involved in the dispute to the crop in the lead plaintiff code of conduct pakistans ministry is conducting a tirade started to islamic extremists in the country a bullet that would have done this time level one and the kids have been killed since the race began last week. I mean its a new washer reef has promised to make peace with the extremists. Talks between the two side im now on the brink of collapse as it was the son he said the reports from some time details for sees continuing to launch regime else but this time in old west in pottstown. At least thirty people were killed on tuesday that raised the number of the death sees the style of the Campaign Last wednesday to at least a hundred eighteen. He sees a mountainous region. Its a tribal area where the Pakistani Taliban hes known to hide out the Pakistani Taliban hes the countrys largest extremist group. Its being carried out attacks on Pakistani Army and Police Seized two thousand Seven Members are poised to become its cooperation in the us led war on terror. Prime minister sharif may the Campaign Pledge to engage in peace talks with the pox tiny town about. By the process has been fitted with two legs representatives from the government out of town and on finally sat down together in the sum of our own federal receipts. But on every sixteenth one day before the third round of talks was to begin. A faction within the taliban made an announcement. They killed twenty three security personnel held captive for four years. They said he was in retaliation for the killing of powder the members by security forces. People walk home and abroad are calling on Prime Minister straight to bring an end to the terror attacks but as a military action enters its second week the path to peace seems to be getting more difficult than on it. The psyche saddam and eight the lord is all about and that some of bullets in atlanta and son andrew and i in bangkok the emission of one point to him. This percentage solution six and the future. Their annual National Peoples congress. Aggressive in cheek jumping fences along with the challenge. Dont miss our special coverage. Utah thx heavy rains in the uk darby neurologist Roberts Pettitte has one robber. The us so we are seeing out here today is another low pressure area moving through old personally areas where you just dont need any more rainfall at this point it does look like an additional thirty to fifty millimeters will be fall in the next twenty four hours not just that but some high and we got him a roll these lines very close together well as in the team wins the scenery around seven the gust up to one hundred and twenty Kilometers Per Hour or so along the western seaboard of the British Isles looking at about five meter high waves even a coastal storm surge is possible to the biggest iraq is easy areas in red and thats where you of the flood warnings in place. Its not just do this rainfall but february one of the wettest or is the wettest month on a record for much of the uk are hearing yet more rain is in the forecast is very un welcomed in all fours or for the awesome snow fall parts of scotland over the next seventy two hours as the system does continue push through another one comes in a raid on its heels on to western europe messy weather out here for you. Central and eastern europe. This guy is for the most part a few thunderstorms popping up into eastern portion of them at a train across the black sea but thats going to continue to weaken on captures look like this though you know five nine warsaw to law school just that the freezing mark with some sunny skies in your forecast or midweek also sunny skies on tuesday droplets in korea were forced to pay and that that will be changing their midweek as well. The new low pressure areas developing in eastern china moon off course these bring some showers across the Southern Japanese island over for skis you on your wednesday and thursday and then eventually going over forced open by thursday into friday. But the thing is this is all going to be pumping in a warm air from the south so much japan actually temperatures will be on the rise and for tilly there is the risk of avalanche to go along with that number last us several weeks weve seen some significant snow fall is when the moms out here. All that will be nothing or rather quickly now behind this. If you have respiratory issues or if they pay the fee for its use of this is definitely something you want to look after other day on tuesday into wednesday snagged us will take up from the weston pm two point five forecast deftly showing the series in red eye with a high concentration of it and thats going to be one of the issues or the experts twenty forty min up to forty eight and seventy two hours as it does continue to push through now as far as it enters our concern hong kong died twenty five k at twenty five down towards the partly cloudy skies epping thunderstorms in the tropics for the most part but highs into the thirties and of course north we are seeing a warming trend so good news and still getting up to fourteen therefore eon took us sixteen. The thing is though was the next will just push through arctic air will be coming in from the north and temperatures will be falling down by saturday night we mentioned over in the uk dont need any more rainfall that said there is not here and definitely do need the rain and that is really across much of california bomb nine percent of the state actual capacity under drought at this time it does look like at least some relief is in sight and hearing your forecasts over the next seventy two hours some areas could see as much about fifteen to thirty millimeters of rainfall but a few locations out here as much as fifty two hundred millimeters in some of the foothills as it does continue to push on shore down for a zombie so if you read showers and thunderstorms here on your wednesday and then in the north. Arctic cod is dominating pitchers on the cold side but thats like a robot or physics than forecast. I am to noon. And i know. It is. The owner. I do. We leave you with details from the sea. A man in western japan went diving for shells and came up with a lot more than he bargained for its all come on the spot of the giants with four meters below the surface the creature was one of four meters long and weighed about two hundred kilograms come up that i did to his boat and took a back four i was stunned to see the giant creature ive been fishing at sea for decades but ive never seen anything like that giant squid live deep in the ocean survive and found this winter in the sea of japan. They could easily become who he is quite rare for a giant squid to come up from the deep waters Business People to see researchers will examine the squid to find out why it came to the surface. I didnt mind it is now ravaging of honey in tokyo. The eye. Did ch. Goo. 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