Transcripts For KCSM Newsline 20131212

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Sporting given that the whole thing. The country and their Reform Efforts in the internet. Cheap electricity and fuel cell korean remarkable. With another cold winter on the way some watery. It could bring the power grid to a breaking point. South korean aviation authorities have confirmed to neighboring countries. Theyll extend to their air defense identification zone. This sunday. It will overlap japans and its one china declared last month. They all lie outside each nations airspace. Initially the south korean and japanese is the oldest were adjacent to each other over the east china sea. South koreas own did not include a submerged rock both it and trying to climb but authorities in beijing said theres did include the rock officials in seoul. Ask them to revise it but the request was denied then they announced the plan to extend their zone representatives with Japanese Airlines say the change will affect their operations they say thereby zone covers south koreas current air Traffic Control area. Defence Ministry Officials in tokyo told lawmakers with the ruling liberal Democratic Party. How they plan to deal with the change. They said the Self Defense Forces and the south Korean Military have used the communication line to notify each other of their flight plans in their ears owns they do that to avoid on the intentional problems. They said they use the line around twenty thousand times last year and planned to continue using it defense officials of the two nations engaged in another form of cooperation they conducted a joint rescue drill in japans ears on which overlaps chinas without informing the chain south Korean Defence Officials Say the two sides carried out the drill on thursday. Four ships in several aircraft record and they say they dont recognize chinas newly established is on. But at the same time leaders in seoul have softened their stance again beating. They decided on thursday to allow airlines to submit my plans to chinese authorities before flying through chinas is known in establishing his own last month. Beachy more than aircraft refusing to follow instructions from its Defence Ministry would face defensive and emergency measures japanese leaders say theyre trying to set up communication with china in response to its newly declared era defense identification zone. They dont agree with the badges and its neither do their allies in washington but they dont want the situation to get out of hands more from nhk world junior tomato. He is the sands as Early Warning systems to detect possible incursions. I made scrambled fighter jets to identify the craft and determine if they pose a threat. Ten as the newcomers our lands controlled by japan china and taiwan claimed them. Japan maintains the sea islands are inherent part of japanese character each in terms of the history and teaching us now on the early years in tokyo have for me though that neely declan to be a seek and accept that. They were called on their attorneys counterparts to receive meets on thursdays they seem like the one that sounded for a number of reasons. This far i can deal with japans Maritime Self Defense force says. In response to internal pressure. Chinese navy. Hes always upbeat on top. In east tennessee. Bob gale course not. Cologne the two of us she has to offer. A lot of coupons to let you know. Ten easy of course prison. He looks kind of go missing Chinese People barnes has said. Chinese leaders also made them is because they are trying to be on equal footing with the United States. He says they now wants to make a shield. The focus of the u s Vice President joe bidens recent trip to east asia other senior officials in the Obama Administration say they wont allow china to unilaterally change the status quo. A problem adding that the chinese born a week of course before and that crap ton of baking instructions into town. I can really carry commanders the flu b fifty two ballets thirty eight bac two days beijings reaction. So on the meaning of life owned by the fifty two auntie kim green tea on a Nuclear Weapon its very sensitive to impress. Also on the news on you its off to china. What these two meanings. Tokyo the fifth tunisia. Buying option. Oh flight thats it no one seems interested in reading this just gets kicked out of hand. Japanese and us officials agree that building Effective Communication with china is urgent to avoid mistakes or any speculations thats all i know kyra said dialog between japan and china is difficult for is the time being because of their difference is resisting pack islands. He he he loved eating the soup. In the time to bone up on roll off on tuesdays to an external force cannot fool but in the home also i wore to school a teacher. Cologne. Do you into all feasibility of these not only do you know on treating receipt of sync up call. On the diesel store the other reconstruction all the upbeat than the snow for the wheeze United States us leaders of the current outcome they stand united with japan. This ends on a sheet continues to unfold they are finding themselves forced to mediate on behalf of both nations in their discussions with aging j and smacked at nhk world had him. The self the station games kicked off in myanmar on wednesday and after a spectacular Opening Ceremony competition is now in full swing. Pmr is attempting to reach out to the world and fed to the garrison is at the games press center in the capital. How blessed are the second competition here this team simply take my pics thats held every two years. Wednesday spectacular opening scare when he kept the dumplings after its two cats in march a new ally in front of the wash and International Audience the game to the countrys first in more than forty years to come ahead of the two thousand fourteen oz summits which new marble a chair. Why were slid up the capital mankind than the one that hasnt seen for decades and says that the newly built thirty thousand seats eighteen twenty two dealers across the region. As president thinks he was among the spectators and it is what we are the seed teams represent an important opportunity to show it worked out its Reform Program has benefited the country. This is an opportunity for the guests in for two seconds to get to know the culture and heritage of myanmar. And to witness our endeavors in constructing a disciplined democratic country. So while the december twenty somethings but while the participating nations and really almost four hours here one in leeds but whats the thinking is a lot of media and sport and traditions. The Bigger Picture the open ceremony with just the greatest needs High Pressure the kids its yours games looked around more than thirty sports all selected by the host country buccaneers choices have become something of an uproar among the station had won six gold medals in shul on a traditional meal of the sport you see a box. The inclusion of the sport is at south main source of controversy the westlake your eyes out reports. You need some new seats and up. Cheadle heath him as most you have the tradition of school the big screen size you want to keep support the motion to speak at the ppp sprayed by demos National Team in the dental students. These were mostly in the new mall right to keep sixteen illegal some cd have been too windy for one thousand five hundred years. When the month with the young boy has she wont be receiving organizations often come to guess. We against geelong at the arundel flights according to people who prayed id been praying to know who almost forty years. It keeps me fit and healthy and yell anyone can take him off at any age the phrase gets along with jeff and i was in common. You know you are you. Lol know why no one knew what to blog liao. Im so happy that people from other countries also like to play chain known this is the first time in my life. The genome will be paid before an International Audience. Yet jesus simone is by far the most full gospel to him. Its inclusion in the sea games with the sum of four to confusion among the form of the country marshalls cheadle has unofficially been exercising its rights as host nation but the joke a nice beach about it. The more popular sports in which many teams could have quickly the decision raised an outcry. Representatives from some puppy speaking countries in the demo was speaking of monkeys station to ensure you receive the highest number we have loved you with discussions. It is in the steamy be lifted to one of these things but the end and the organizing committee get seats approve but with the sea games for their age if you have another sport i got that cleared to develop its gonna be quite a challenge for us myanmars chilled me as a hockey season sport of being excluded from International Competitions for long time. A healthy start to get out the week two hours at that time the shots competition to wean the middle. You dont. Goes to jail if we win all the gold medals and cheer on other countries might not want to compete. So we decided to skip one of the fort ornaments to give the others a chance to get the camera will definitely win the other three ornaments harpers of the speaking countries decided to fold goldstein on competition and sixty feet. Not to get the one team is struggling to announce that the natives creek re form the National Team. I knew the cia leaders who failed to meet its origins in the shots of protein you are asked to preach at all. I know it which despite stormy amount provided in a cheeky construction. Three years of pain. Also we didnt even cut off from gospel to lose such a sweet spot. The issue tickets. Lately been practicing for six months but its just off long enough the teams from me and r have been playing chain known for a long time. It is their traditional sport not ours we feel discouraged because this is a totally new sport for us. Were under a lot of pressure put on even. Just as evil and speak to him on grounds of the price you can read next to the one being decided not to compete. Mommy duties that i missed out on sport is a country which you dont want school. The resort these two up. So we chilled and so on a skewer. Thus the host nation has bagged twenty gold medals brink of sports including chin long so far so good but whats next. Off the field. I will post the awesome Summit Series in two thousand and fourteen. Its a high profile chance for the gospel and to show the world how dramatically its performance and change the country at the same time the topic has handled the diplomatic balancing act required to chant the sessions. Whatever happens two thousand fourteen will fight it would be a memorable year for myanmar reporting from god. Prime minister shinzo lot and his cabinet have an ounce guidelines for the fiscal two thousand and fourteen budget making to reduce the mounting debts in the year starting next april. The guidelines say the government will take a hard look at where the cost and what to focus resources on to help the economy grow the government decided the framework and an extraordinary Cabinet Meeting the guidelines say the government will improve its primary balance by more than four trillion yen or about forty billion dollars this balance is a gauge of how far tax revenues can cover discretionary expenses the government also aims to make utmost efforts to cap the issuance of government bonds to less than four hundred twenty billion dollars the steam out of bonds issued this year the planned urges cutting subsidies for local governments. It also calls for effective use of taxpayers money for Social Security programs in view of an aging society. The cabinet also approved a supplementary bad budget plan for the current fiscal year worth fifty five billion dollars to stimulate the economy lawmakers of japans Ruling Coalition are to introduce tax breaks. Thats to ease the impact of consumption tax hikes after the rate is double the tax rate will be raised from five percent to eight percent in april next year. And to ten percent in two thousand and fifteen policy and tax cheats of the liberal Democratic Party and new comb a joke already approved the tax reform guidelines for fiscal two thousand and fourteen lawmakers were focused on how they can ease the tax burden on low income people the two parties have lower taxes on selected items will be discussed further pain to reach a conclusion by December Next year but the guidelines do not specify when the tax breaks will be introduced to end the only stated when the rate is ten percent. Salaried workers with higher pay will see cuts across the board and Tax Deductions deductions are meant to be expenses needed to earn salaries the coalition plans to scrap an extra Corporate Tax one year ahead of schedule at the end of march next year this special tax was imposed after the two thousand and eleven disaster to help rebuild affected areas the ruling parties will continue to study the possibility of lowering Corporate Income tax rates South Koreans are heading into winter worried about how they will power their homes and businesses. Their country has seen Remarkable Growth in the past couple of decades spot Rapid Development fuelled by cheap electricity has strained the grid as nhk world cherry and reports the government is trying to figure out a fix people in south korea are bundled up for winter the temperature it did so well below zero across the country. And as a result the demand for electricity skyrocket. South koreans have traditionally used under floor heating or on going to keep businesses and households more and in winter. Their fuel of choice stance. But more and now switching to electricity thats what he chose change Consumption Patterns since two thousand ninety south koreas electricity consumption has been high during winter and summer. And the amount they used grow annually through two thousand miles. Those rates are feeling this trend electricity in south korea is much cheaper it and other energy sources. And the Meat Industry peeves is about two thirds the oecd average. And we did before murray emu Park Administration launched by advocating a business friendly policy. Hell be so cheap prices help businesses expand their economic activities. But the government held down the electricity rate excessively fur industry the demand has trained supply. In two thousand eleven officials at the state run Korea Electric Power Company triggered rolling blackouts to protect the grant. More than six million households lost power nearly three thousand people were trapped in them of the eucharist its been an eventful called on where either of the power supply problems again this winter and so the role played by staff here at the korea exchange. Is it the more social. Monitor how much electricity the countrys consuming. Alerts go off into reserve power supply falls dangerously low. That happened in the summer the South Koreans use even more upcoming winter. This is expected to happen again making things cars the realtor reactors or offline because of safety concerns. Regulators found documents had been forced for thousands of components in some units. Prosecutors have indicted one hundred people including top compliments and utility officials. South korean leaders have been looking for ways to employ another energy crunch. Blunt and keith. Were trying to resolve the problems resulting from excessive electricity consumption by addressing the difference in the energy price structure the government has increased the electricity rate for industry five times in the past two years and last summer. It ordered energy guzzling companies to cut power use during peak periods businesses are unhappy the one assigned to you because prices are cheap businesses switch from oil electricity. Small and medium sized businesses havent had time to deal with the price hikes south korean leaders like obi wan for the first chorus at the same time theyre preparing for energy shortfall. Officials will soon announce that farmers are forecast for this winter and downline emergency measures to avoid another blackout. Cherry and nhk world soul. Russian president Vladimir Putin has again criticized a us plan to deploy Ballistic Missile Defense System in europe he says despite claims to the contrary. Its designed for an offensive purpose. In taxonomic issued a state of the nation address. For he outlined his domestic and Foreign Policy priorities the big blue cheese. So no Difference Program is super funds. Despite recent progress in efforts to resolve the iran nuclear issue. Ok so then you shouldnt be. The us has been promoting the Missile Defense system to deter or what it calls potential threats from iran. Russian leaders say the system is targeted at them. Godin says his country will strive to be a world leader that the Fans International law and respects National Sovereignty along with the independence of nations. People living in cities across canada will soon have to go out to get their mail managers with the National Postal service say theyre phasing out urban home deliveries. They say they need to cut their losses as people communicate more and more online. Managers with banana a day can end up posts that are applied to wind down their deliveries german dollars over five years starting in late two thousand and fourteen president s will have to collect their letters and parcels from Community Mailboxes two thirds of canadian households already get their mail that way deliveries of letters and postcards and canada have fallen twenty percent over the past seventy years old the chiefs blamed increased use of the email they say they be losing nine or fifty million us dollars a year by twenty twenty unless they mean fundamental changes the changes also include raising postal charges in march and cutting eight thousand jobs. Theres a snowstorm in the middle east and our meteorologist roberts pena has been following the situation drop. This has been going on for several days now so heavy snowfall across much of a turkey extending down towards the south axis and video to start off without coming out of the jerusalem and of the west ato or you havent seen this of fairly heavy snowfall last several days will happen the way the traffic of the staff often well its been on coming down not quite hardy its easily up the kids out there trying to enjoy the situation with is the first snowfall of the year but look at other courses northward talk about damascus and just outside of that eerie we have thousands of rescue package hes out here in tents and temporary shelters that the snow in this a very frigid weather is baffling not welcome and unfortunately missed the cutoff low producing a week of a couple of names is remote from the jet stream so its not going anywhere very fast he is the next twenty four ounces continues to linger here and while the three d outlook reflects a sustainable youre looking at snow fall them apart that it was in a damascus and jerusalem you have that ill be seeking new routes will not show up recent case in that snow in the rain mixed in their love of the misleading. Definitely not very pleasant and all i thought i was going on eleven five the corps the west a High Pressure dominating much of central western youre in for some a fairly decent weather out here we go to the system moving through the British Isles owners to bring some fairly rough weather across northern portions of the uk study offered courts scotland you could see how baba hundred twenty clump of crowleys go into next week for hours with that storm system this on top of the mild weather go out there towards the west temperatures remaining rather decent the Single Digits but due to some sunny skies in london paris although in the east. Ill be getting that blew in and get into the snow fall there for you in moscow in kiev. The notts know how to get that seat effects no snow in packing with a candle idol on top local poker rico forty sixty centimeters easy out here in the next twenty four to forty eight hours the good news all this is staying on the western seaboard but on the western seaboard you are still to be seeing the snow in the very gusty winds east of dhaka airport heidi klum or pro wins today on the Pacific Coast and in and stays dry at all so much was trying to stay dry when another storm system that it will be developing know going into the weekend and by next week. Heavy rainfall down here for self hong kong taipei and then eventually the Pacific Coast of japan you will be seeing some of that priests to teach and start to wrap up here for you hope all about money thing there i pay with twenty one its a relatively cooler fiber up was an oracle told you about fourteen select minus two in beijing just for the year some sunny skies and a forecast on friday the balls going on in the americas High Pressure dominating much of this entry last bit of a storm system moving in across the Pacific Northwest in the pc and see some gusty winds out of that gives us more easter flowing into the southwest so in this is going to be the big top because you have the cool there you have that warm tropical moisture and what happens. Well concluded that they break there that is what were talking about this next storm system that we bring one its been freezing rain across the heartland out here arkansas missouri going through friday then some snow fall the northeast and really make for some rough travel conditions until then it stayed cold it will be staying home after that storm system passes or so to bundle up and thus look you will love it. This is the forecast i knew. I do. The time. Its a man accused of giving bogus sign language interpretation and Nelson Mandelas memorial has apologized. He claims he was ill. Tennis anchorage and ga stood alongside heads of state and other dignitaries from around the world. He moved his hands as if he were translating words into sign language. Organizations for the hearing impaired said his gestures were meaningless changi claims he suffers from mental illness. He says he lost concentration and started hallucinating and hearing voices. I wouldnt swim. Boat. They teach you hes fourteen South African government Officials Say they share responsibility for what happened they say they chose the sign Language Interpreter and made the wrong choice. I use line for the czar and a note on the end of it. The us the us. Each. Did. Shes unique voices. Its a program that seeks to find answers to our opponents are for the worlds leading to move in there. The uses of hot white range of opinion the leading lights of our society sharing their thoughts on the geisha of today. These invoices with michael gordon. He he he he he. Here you can. You name meaning you will. I was. Our theme this time. These artists are fond of all animal motifs and especially cats. These seventeenth century heal and friends

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