Is there to debate the topic on trial for the blind horse on it the eye. Its an extraordinary session of the osce is underway. Indiana to sow it with reports that there is just that a decision to send one hundred civilian monitors to you crying while more details on this development as they can and one reason for that theres unrest in the countrys east and just across the border of Russian Troops are conducting movements enforced no Washingtons National security adviser susan rice as the us is monitoring the situation has grown skeptical about russia assurances that these are simply military exercise in these developments come as the interim government in kiev moved to bind ukraine more closely to the European Union its a rare demonstration of european unity. Eu leaders signed the political section of a Partnership Agreement designed to bring the block and ukraine closer together it includes concrete aid for ukraine and it sends a strong signal to russia. Russia is a strong and successful ukraine free to make choices about its future. Every day at the summit is very clear that it be the head of ukraines interim government immediately called on the eu to demonstrate its commitment with quick Energy Deliveries to his country. You need to pay the price and we all need to free the price for peace stability and security and relatives. The European Union has widened sanctions on moscow to include those in president clintons inner circle. European Council President hammond fun romp lloyd said he was also looking for alternative energy supplies. Today we sent the knesset to know that europe has set the stepping up to get to review is an edgy dependency especially from russia. The European Commission is preparing a new round of economic sanctions should not attempt further incursions into ukraine the blocs leaders are keen to de escalate the crisis and help moscow will agree to accept an Observer Mission from the organization for security and cooperation in europe. He was in his mind off the ends of the mystery of the best thing you know what i spent time today and tomorrow is another doubt about that time is money and to make the decisions that special student. Now that russia has agreed to having observers in Ukraine Commission is set to get underway as soon as possible all i can and will europe maintain its unity on sanctions against russia thats a question with an earlier to our brussels correspondent the house oh if you talk to colleagues a lot of sad as it is true that there is a great sense of surprise maybe. And regarding this new unit see that the europeans are saying when it comes to an accident to what sandra says annexation of crimea and seven. Of course they will admit that theyre worried about the potential impact that sanctions economic sanctions would have on their own economies. Bought a squad to the extent that the European Union to cost the commission actually identifying and the most effective and the most efficient sanctions and that could be imposed if indeed contain does cost base and reclined and if he does send troops and to ukraine and also theyre working on its mens qantas had the bad denies that that that mystique early as possible and meanwhile president latter in turn has formally completed the annexation of crimea by russia and sign the documents during a ceremony at the upper house of russias Parliament Today after lawmakers into an endorsed the annexation and in russia and twenty itself is a night of official and private celebrations too impressive fireworks displays of moscows sinful war memorial in crimea colorful displays with up to propose and square. People are hearing are still part. So although the move has met with fierce condemnation in the west its a different story in crimea and maths now we have the support the new new new. The total demand for the team. As expected russias upper house of commons that economically to try to find that Realty Incorporated mind the inconvenience and a gucci much integration. The west is going to be me who i think it and responded by slapping sanctions on austin. In a speech to the team is going to thank enough role. It was breaking into a tool. We will switch to the desires of songs we know that the sanctions imposed on russia are completely un lawful. You will only create unnecessary barriers in the way a normal communication between us. Our position on crimea remains unaltered. Youll make it until the treaty the president of the approved and signed him to know. Nancy does mean that the commission has not been told that may be incomplete. They can t think i still want to be done the speedy moment i walked the whole of the pats did very well. We have a lot of work ahead of us to complete the incorporation of crimea and to russias economy and society. St utah. The west in the Crimean Peninsula is still possibly praying the European Union responded to the ceremonial signing find anything in the round of sanctions on walks. Was this lets go live to our correspondent else with entrant who joins us on the line from camp. Charles what are you hearing or ukrainians resigned to accepting that crimea is now a part of russia. The key word. I kid you are in for the workshop. Take legal action. Though now i know. If you think. I thought. When the protests. You should quit half of what he termed them from melting more to offer. I mean couldnt hear what i do somewhat helpless. I dont like. He got a kick out of hundred feet away. Im not running. Repeat with his wife the creek. But the right people it could be. I got up officials in the lives of muslims. It also shows in forests and you have signs of sch. Many of the some other news now and just days before main municipal elections take place turkish Prime Minister exit and no one has blocked the micro blogging website twitter going on says the social media website is being misused by his political enemies now meanwhile the countrys president of billy gould who is known to be offensive to get fired back calling the band was at the end of it he made the statement on twitter since Early Morning twitter users in turkey see only a court order when they try to access the social media website. It was a move that Prime Minister which it type and one had repeatedly threatened. A court order now we will wipe out all of these. The International Community can say that i can say that i dont care at all last month theyre the ones government passed legislation enabling authorities to shut down websites and track users browsing history. That prompted several days of protests by opposition groups in using the internet to organize demonstrations against the government. A turkish president s are doing a good sign the controversial legislation but also imposed several changes to limit its power. And today he used twitter to say it was not right for the government to completely block the site note we did the government should only be able to shut down individual accounts. And that he hoped the shutdown would be lifted quickly still opposition activists are outraged by the move which they say wont accomplish anything. Its a song. We cannot criticize any shots down to a doll struggle will continue. Nothing will change despite the piano i got so big its got that opposition parties have announced legal challenges to have a government ban lifted and from the spring in our correspondent in istanbul doran jones adoring as good as her cousin cole has fleas his opposition to Prime Minister and i want them on twitter what is this say about the political situation theyre in their decisions at the top it appeared the boy will not be a bit of a meeting with colonel imperfect incomplete the show for it to open it in the classroom they are tricking. It will soon be lifted. Although the deputy Prime Minister the thing nobody because iam wanted to pull a tooth pick. The bank will be significant. Their recent acknowledging the damage he said the station. And very un useful attack on a new section of my pickup and that he was up. Well there is no actual balls of cotton in it to back down to that the opposn movement in the arab spring explain tell us how important it is in turkeys opposition movements. I can never bring any people in over eighteen eighty eight can now be with the meter and the double bed im pleased that the french open draw or paint a very Important Role in spreading information about allegations of pineapple government propped up with that. Well that is extremely uncool extreme heat of the tea break from thinking that because in the case today. Do not wait to get around it but all the thousands continue to appreciate that its been such a beginner thats the update. France now with the former french president Nicholas Sarkozy has compared the court were tapping of the stones to spine by east germanys secret police the stasi all the surveillance was part of an official investigation into allegations that some cozy accepted to fifty Million Euros in cash an elite libyan dictator mom wanted off before his two thousand and seven election campaign. The content of some of those phone calls. A few weeks to the french press and now sarkozy has hit back in a strongly worded newspaper article. Josie was president from two thousand seven to twenty twelve to the Corruption Case against him is politically motivated the comments of quito frances political atmosphere ahead of municipal elections this coming sun. Australias deputy Prime Minister warren truss said that any possible debris from the missing Malaysia Airlines plane that was floating in the southern indian ocean may have sunk beneath the weight that makes a show for it difficult for the boeing seven seventy seven. They zeroed in on a remote area of the southern indian ocean. More than two thousand kilometers off australias coast of fife military Surveillance Aircraft went out searching on friday as well as multiple ships scouring a massive area of open ocean so far. They found nothing. The australian and new zealands count he was slain in the southern indian ocean. The fifteen team did for me. In two thousand and six Boston Center nineteen eighties taking several days ago. This accent and take to the top twenty five hundred km southwest of paris. Its evident. Many need to be any of the two little ones the deal. On friday told recently that spot to entertain us. Dixon was disappointing. And for the recall list. If there is an objective that we will form the end of atonement with the launch we would hold out. I was just discovered it dawned on them. We continued to friends and family only two hundred and thirty nine go on to open up and i know many refuse to give up they still havent confirmed that two objects we just have to wait for information from the Australian Government bay city mi forty eight hours to tell if the reports are true or not. China and india have loaded she seemed to be missed. The us is helping with more. Even if the anti wreckage was found it will be extremely difficult to identify the actual crash site. They didnt eat too many have been several hundred yuan that is kinda strong and sometimes becoming the black folks can gain valuable pieces as to what happened to the prophet time is running out. Its a nice take to the court to transmit timing signals. Off to a crutch. What are the economic costs of the sanctions on russia will be looking at that. After a short break at sustainability and africa all that more cynical. I do. I do. To do and. The us sanctions the intersections between the west. Rochelle are being accompanied by a deepening economic stand off over the future of utrecht the effects of rippling through trading floors and boardrooms with acts for this rambling to protect revenues in Global Financial firms quilting services on the american and european sanctions remain limited in scope. There is concern that more sanctions could spiral into a trade war with hundreds of thousands of jobs across europe and rest. This is the most difficult market to see mission is to make the minute and i feel blessed is yet to come as wasting thousands to fight. Mostly i need to associate the academy of contingencies the fast motion and its beak its quite cute images from the us the credit on giants beat the candlestick on tables and treason and dealings with it the financial four down to the crimea crises has cooled rating agencies seats and standing and forced to downgrade down to the new russian jets from stable to negative. The suite the jet Government Owned Company tried to commit to deal and to be russian investments in gemini and intercept and the sweet serendipity. I thought got me into routine does not speak on to the western financial sanctions of his and his team mate hes feeding the chino russias state energy firm gazprom has counseled against myspace account agreed in late december. As to how stocks reacted to all that stuff on lopez a whole lot more from frankfurt the sanctions against russia and the probable escalation of the crises he is of cos the main topic is on the Frankfurt School at the moment investors did not give that to the so far made sanctions may hurt the economy too much. This is my chance will appear on the Frankfurt School but of cos the key is that if there would be more sanctions that these would wait on the Balance Sheets of company soon our lanka and many jobs are in dangerous says some experts say that to their car up to four hundred thousand jobs depending on the trading between germany and russia. I will hear more from seven thousand one of the first most of americas biggest banks could now with stanton economic rice is better than at any time since two thousand and eight financial meltdown thats according to the Federal Reserve in its annual banking stressed acts twenty nine of the countrys thirty vegas legends show would improve stability the banks assets including bank of America Jpmorgan chase and wells fargo the only land are failing to measure up was due time based design on sprinkler. As promise lets bring back and stefan wealth once again was the reaction on the markets the crimean crisis a probable Interest Rate hike in two thousand fifteen piece of the problems that investors are faced with here on the Frankfurt School and two they discussed the probability of high interest so the euro went down because of back to gym again and the president of the degrees of said she thinks that an Interest Rate hike might be possible in the middle of it makes beauty and of cos this means that an arrow off cheap and easy money would end soon but not now and this was the red continue today. It was like and those martin members free Housing Estate in europe west fm mentions germanys dax heading into the weekend in the green up by half a percent the euro stocks fifty also got a little in the two step over a new opportunity is still underway for the mountains industrial average is basically flat at the moment. The euro dollar is currently gaining thing for one dollars and thirty seven cents. Eloise twenty first is equal pay day thats an initiative meant to raise awareness of the persistent gap in pay between men and when it began in the United States but equal pay day is also relevant here in germany Labour Market study last week found that german women are paid on average a whopping twenty two percent last. And their male counterparts is one of the biggest pay gaps here in europe the pay gap is smaller among part time workers but many women the so called many jobs in germany find their earning potential limited in other works. Its getting is actually only responsible for cleaning in despair when retirement. Today the coke is sick. We can. He needs to eat as im taking the nineteen seventy two. She works part time thirty hours a week now the train housekeeper earns nine hundred thirty euros a month after taxes. A few hundred less than a full time employee. She says her family is more important. An easy one for my child. My husband and two he said to me was well for us to buy. We get to hog the works even fewer hours of the care home as a cleaner. The mother of four earns four hundred fifty euros a month with her so called mini job. But shed like to work more. It was an additional one hundred and nineteen the somewhat older i get into the hall today no one can deny anything is anything available. They got a happy and what does peace mean if nothing else besides these mini job. Nearly half the workers here are a part time for the needs of workers nearly all of them are women many of the mothers the initiate is of equal pay they say its not an isolated situation. Macy Employment Practices like these as the main reason behind the male female wage. What appears to women as a chance to restart their careers after childbirth. Turns out to be a trap. I need not take any deal to work on time. He paid an hourly wage to me is considered inferior one. My granny hes doing the same job and working full time shes taken to higher rates in the line of work matters as well. Typical female jobs such as caregivers are not generally well paid. Each of the fallen into jobs that we need to be too deep on time and money in it it is not nice he can do everything on time. That is what we need to be the kind of luck in his intestine that dont cost the twins went skating and so on. As damning likes to take on responsibility. She manages eight of the workers despite her meager earnings shes even saving up for her retirement. When it comes to my penance i havent tried it was time to find a nineteen ninety eight. I can make my payments if i wanted. It will be enough demand to own this beat up. The care homes management would like to hire her full time. He so wants to wait. Family comes first she says. Even if like many women she takes a backseat when it comes to earnings. Ok change and hes now in passengers on live concert in store for some major travel disruptions more than five thousand pilots with the german carrier have voted to go on strike so far theres been no decision on when the stoppages will take place but its clear that the old editions in europes biggest Aviation Group including the Budget Airline john waynes pilots are currently locked in a dispute with management for higher pay and better retirement benefits. A trade dispute between china and the European Union over wine appears to be over Chinas Commerce Ministry announced the deal a day before chinese president shes in pain begins his visit to europe. A beijing launched in ukraine last year into whether youre selling wine in china as dumping prices. The move was widely seen as a form of retaliation over due levies on tiny solar panels under the new deal european firms will help chinese toy makers to improve their production. Tori told china imported more than seven hundred fifty Million Euros worth of european one off to africa a continent of opportunity. Thats the new line the German Government was taking his aid and development of a legitimate interest of the amount of money set aside for it to one point three billion euros annually that ahead of an eu africa summit next month some of the new ideas on the table include education and Training Centers systems amount of the trusts a greater emphasis on Sustainable Farming. With the support. We can see the oil and are highly flammable. Do people get in but donna gonna take care to clear the forest floor in winter. The trees here are the only affordable natural resource. And with the help of german forestry experts they plan to fast growing varieties found at the timber is used for houses furniture for firewood. Edition supports local businesses and brings money into the community. It helps build schools. All children in punjab and have access to education. Like this that the German Government wants to come up. Seeing it in the shuffle was using the projects along ten key centers of Sustainable Agriculture and ten up from the field to the dinner plate we want to demonstrate how we can develop Sustainable Farming in africa the sudanese Opposition Green Party wants the government to tackle tougher issues the eu africa summit in april still bummed that it is all the truth of the matters africa still faces and its problems is it so the government has to put social and ecological justice as well as education and human rights on the summits agenda of the arctic the end of the six pm. The summit will also look into lifting trade barriers between africa and the u s import tariffs are a significant Revenue Source for many african states. Those talks are not expected to be easy. So the stock is down and call for the last eight of soccers biggest Club Tournament was made earlier today at uefa headquarters in me also so its been billed as one of the strongest quarter final line ups in Champions League history featuring some alpha watering clashes between europes top teams. Take a look at that time. Reigning champs and odds on favourites by indian it will take on englands manchester united. Fellow bundesliga side of the sea adorable face spanish giants real madrid and four time champions barcelona will play fellow band the gun club. I like to come adrift. French team grandson to mind are pitted against the london for chelsea. The two legged ties will be played at the beginning of april theyll be some good. It matches what i can and does right to stay with us at the next journal and more on those civilian monitors that should be heading to ukraine pretty soon. Dont go away from this job. Their house. I have. And chain of one mind is the worlds first jewish teachers. Its about the Peace Process as it was many years. Wendy told me a text written on trial. What im talking to. I like rain and wind. About that. Hunt all in. New way to start thinking of him crawling and can tackle the hot topics it again with my feedback from viewers keeping him on the terms and stepping up their debate. As of today just in the band recently ormond beach florida have just released a video of the canadian day weekend at one pm on to make the world we were when we will the tree in the next day i think you see something of what is so great about the ninth grade. I must say that in United States the rest of your sons and daughters. Twenty five million. In fact wrote something great about ireland links between ireland and the United States are dong and ensuring that record twenty two us president s name irish heritage. Chilton keep on thinking. However president reagan and kennedy descendants were trying to immigrate to the united

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