Ukraines opposition remains defiant protests read johns by president Viktor Yanukovich is offered for the leadership. We head to the capital for the latest chinese dissident gets four years in jail for disrupting order. Part of an ongoing crackdown and criticism against beijing. From humanitarian access to prison over the syrian peace talks continue in geneva the un mediator calling the discussions. Others headlights dont spend patents for joining us. First serie and the government and opposition delegates to prepare for their second day of face to face peace talks in geneva. Theyre expected to discuss the prisoner releases. What follows saturdays talks which focused on humanitarian access into besieged parts of the city of homes. Un mediator luck of the unions called the discussions a coat a good beginning. He says that these talks were a prelude to tackling the key question of establishing a Transitional Government for syria. A frost think thats a senior Foreign Editor rob parsons has more in todays talks in geneva. Well today begun to talk to more bites the third of the possible release of prisoners at horizons and cousins of people have disappeared from the streets. Both of syria some of them completely entrees kidnapped. And im hoping that they might make some progress on the perhaps identifying this are some of these people whether they are perhaps even leading to the release of some of those of you we didnt sound particularly optimistic about the set but again. But the real essence i think you of what this is a bike today is to get them on the table to get them talking to each other says that through him to build up the confidence to to get over the initial shock of sitting on the table with the toes so that when they get together. Tomorrow monday for the start of the real negotiations on progress towards a top six world cup and they can start to make some sort of progress. From parsons the area near geneva agent steve divisions are on display saturday as rival protest single the capital turning deadly place forty nine people were killed in violence that erupted on the third anniversary of the uprising against other crap hosni mubarak. Nearly two hundred and fifty people were wounded in cairo and several other provinces kentucky is where thousands rallied in support of the army backed government all else when the couple others protested against the regime. According to the interior Ministry Just over one thousand people were arrested. Meanwhile the sunday four soldiers have been killed and nine wounded when gunmen attacked a military bus traveling in the Sinai Peninsula militants based in the region have stepped up their crimes against the state. Its business as it hunted marcs abstinence in july one of chinas most common rights activists has been sentenced to jail on wednesday beijing court found sushi on guilty of the gathering crowd to disturb order. On a sunday he was handed a four year prison term. Sue was a campaigner for childrens rights to education. Critics warned the ruling dems hopes for meaningful political change as china pledges to embark on a host of reforms chiffon silk has the story she is she owns trial was held under tight security hundreds of Police Officers in uniform and in plain clothes were on course after the verdict. His lawyer was hustled away and see trying to speak to journalists kevin took off. The two young said that the rule of law in china. One pushing me what you have to use my cards is to be there. Restricted freedom of religion have the right to restrict my freedom. Will she leave her at the new Citizens Movement was famed guilty of gathering and friend to disrupt order and sentenced to four years in prison. Hes campaigned for the rights of children of chinese Migrant Workers and has pushed for officials to disclose their assets. Human Rights Organization International Said the verdict it was shameful eu diplomats in beijing said the conviction of shoe and other individuals who advocate transparency sends the wrong signal to the side world. The us embassy expressed its concern that the conviction was to be retribution for Shoes Campaign to expose official corruption. His conviction is part of a pattern of arrests and detentions of interest lawyers in and activists journalists religious leaders and others who challenged official chinese views and policies the several other students are on trial in the same charges the sentences of up to for years. The leader of ongoing protest movement in thailand has been shot dead a News Reporter involved in a confrontation your polling station. Eleven other people were wounded in the incident the station was opened for early voting week before controversial snap elections its been cold but the embattled Prime Minister the much wanted to organize the books on demonstrators and one to appease the government had non elected the Peoples Council to ukraine were there been no fresh clashes overnight a large crowd attacked the government exposition and Conference Call the police were stationed inside the increase in violence comes despite president yanukovich is concession to the opposition is often the positions of Prime Minister and deputy Prime Minister to the oppositions that leaders also fighting to have that neither accepted nor outright rejected the deal saying they would do so at the number of conditions are met. More houses that cost that sebastian but there was any cms sebastian the oppositions been offered places in that the government whoever theyre refusing to stand out with the protests are people reacting to this well employed. If you click here to petition the inner nerd and touch it though because it didnt take it andy had been expected to negotiate with the help of the year mike and movement is the lesson that aptly put the kids bring them for feeding or keep the people he became the coach of the confusion between the weird thing is weve got them going and going. But the streak which of course a few more than before he changed it up it to them. I couldnt get any of the one who would or could it be the traditional rite of bringing that. There he was able to stay with eric in wet with a new baby to accept that the petition or not but he never came back to the thunder hit peter smith of the common good that the current hero for up to the thirtieth of each tool for no position to get people negotiate think of the applicant to the to protect conditions meaning than the epic and her actions here the completion of her very sick. Police do that which were too far from him to the cannery or old repeat of that emotion coke but i have hated you to be away from the mt with it then quit and i have been accused of many people. We joke with me here. And even to remove dead the traditional thinking of the restaurant there. Alright just bashing the bed there in the capital kiev thank you for that update. Now three people had been killed in a shooting at a u s small man carrying a shotgun open fire the Shopping Center in columbia maryland killing two people and then himself of this has panicked shoppers ran for cover. Police say it couldve been worse the disabled a crude explosive device that the man was apparently carrying his bag at the time of five others were injured in the incident. These have yet to find a motive. Well its official french president francois dawn has called it quits with his partner of seven years at about eight pm and shes no longer frances first lady will this after allegations of an affair came to light. Captain get looks back out the turbulent past two weeks for the president the affair was exposed few weeks ago when the sky those splashed across the cover of a tabloid magazine inside the pages of close air for allegations about president francois online secret relationship with an actor as deputies later those revelations overshadow the president ial press conference that he delighted in epl data and will issue still the first lady of frost and the phones. Shut down everyone is. So life can get through ordeals. Thats the case with us. These are painful moments within the mall too. The french president said he would clarify a tray of the lambs position before an official visit to the United States things then took a dramatic tear and is chantelle and checked herself into the spittle Profit Center was due to stress. After we can grasp the phrase lady sought refuge in a president retreat and this night. Numerous winners have been circulating since the story broke. With an official announcement from oman any new relationship the drama maybe even an meanwhile the former first lady will be traveling to india this sunday then geo action against hunger confirmed he does visit to men by my brother thats been paid for by sponsors. Not that hes a palace coup and be the last time. Shes accompanied by state security thats all we have time for just eighteen holes think i will have more headlines for me. I welcome tea report says the new index falls fine catch reports from around the world. Today were heading to the miserable that dividing tacky and greece. A sketch of countryside which has become a major attraction to immigrants heading to make it into the European Union jenny is paradise and costly there are no guarantees of making it to the other side report as a runner long run and started to go home and to meet some of the people the feds to this border from around the world. Come out fast and how it feels to try and sneak into fortress stuart is that report. Do. No in the house. Between times he agrees. Migrants highlands with it. Planning on entering you are skinny and the common doctrine. Not the oxidation of baseball so fast. Shortly before friday its going to at least two weeks. Whats that with the off season and he told by the tree. Chinas about it. The a few weeks this material out to navigate it. On the present buying there is still traces of the migrants. Rarely are. But were looking at it. Thats a nice lady who seemed he was a group of pakistanis tries to use to cross. Met up for the opal cliff. Its badly damaged. They came through from then on with the votes in the wallets of him and crossed into greek sarah treated. Premier. This comes from turkey. Just think there was also a skull with him without recipient. Yet another migrants dad. Jenny is often full of change and the hundreds of migrants into the myth weeks in europe is little sin and death the pm post. We go. They make their own because they dont know how to swim to and many of those who know how to win sigh anyway to be from a heart attack. Just because its too cold to him a bottle open. Who will do until twenty eleven that we had just boarded was considered them as well mentally new and today its one of them is tightly controlled. On the other side of the board and tacky still nineties it with some twenty thousand illegal immigrants. And detained in a full menu to barracks before being expelled from the country inevitably a reinforcement of border controls his own urine to be seen. Kentucky is nice to people smugglers his writing. Just crossing the river cost three thousand dollars not to have been seeking cost up to ten thousand dollars. He stayed cool janice is well advanced in the methods used by people traffic is cursed with the insomnia they didnt treat my groups like human beings. A few innings on the cards on one occasion it was clear that the body is going to sink in the migrants are huge too far from our dump the bonus this month was given was too weak to them money and force them to get on board too. And if you go to squeeze into mad because we headed home the police raid yet the cost to its several bodies recovered from the river with agent sunk and a number of people who drowned in three weeks without verbal. In the joints it is of great times in istanbul. The election comes to town. Fostering had contacted one of these men it has. He asked across the river and post with a group of migrants. Key to this to a cafe at the table makes it all. A woman is essential he said greenpeace teaching country with a novice monk. Introduced us to one of his estates hits. My friend. Two great reasons to get into the amendment. Im well likes you. When people have problems to come and see me. He has a lot of power everybody goes to. Here hes kind of a local official arriving in istanbul goods and straightaway one of them if you can tell them what the people smugglers between situation due to mutations in korea price two thousand units dancing to the east by the astros with the recent affair with jenny and we look after you very well. Your safety the crossing of that dont worry ill take care of everything the good of the nextel some plants in istanbul. The kids in gg system of the people taking to make the crossing. An aide to then the camera is recording a conversation the cut doesnt want to use the deal. And warns us about it is michaels can bring immigrants integrate spot the eighteenth st. Sometimes they say. Dont worry on them youll get there without any problems. They take your money. And dont care whether your clients make the crossing were known to use them. When i saw for myself or so. One hundred and thirty people in sport boat built for only forty people sixty three of them die. Who knew that was day two children. And look to cut off electricity. Tens of thousands of migrants leaving istanbul in eighteen eighteen call the team trying to un enough to paint and aunt jenny. We know the afghan detention of finance and i dont have to tilt too. Shes going the right gift for mum stopped forcing iran within the works and plays. That way ever again. Its because micah as entryway afghanistan in a venue to be sticking with me. How can people say i am in the same time they are demanding lantos has hit its bottom line this one about london he came. Just one next to someone to help bbq and anya and safety. His peace and freedom. Until it is to get married. I wouldnt be able to study for myself i want to hospital. Mom bought me a temple on the radar everyone in the screen has a windy trying to cross the main and gross. With that you would be so bad that ive tried to illegally enter your five times and each time the article citing it. And the newly opened with a little between the track is going to teach me tell him again in several states further that the crossing not in the end. Yes dennis decided to take it apart to date. The migrants say that times in the false promises of this mondays. And it being systematically us to find two weeks this time he promised me it would be ok. No school to teach. Two weights and taro. Most everything i had six thousand dollars he believed it they make me scare me. The pizza so. Is she taking beat is up to god and since thousands of migrants like hes find themselves trapped in his temple. The dumb money le. Xd zeke and tells me tat he has become the main point of entry into the European Union he put a rival knots in the middle east asia or africa. In two weeks to sink in area. Nathan had a ton of classy has this point the african community. He is gone. His toys and be satisfied hes now in the game. Agricultural engineer by trade he know whati know if all the loot you know the awful for an offer to the suffering of the buffet was to be a funny look from there and that the cost of food can and can you. But the geography against norwood reinforces the board is this mom thing that blacks are being told that on the ground local and wished me well for his laundry before right bulgaria. Within the gravel beneath the devil good as this infant died on the board candidates in keeping with the man on a cd of the dc the twenty oh one to continue so boss some of them in dvd i bought twenty s islam before the out of dummy or follow up on eleven. Hanging my head in the next stall while and put the warning lights and on. We will wait for you. We cough johnny king as contact us about jenny to grace. Knowing ourselves and when to back away to pull down the hillside by eighteen eighteen i think the internet to you. I look like. The court of the topics the giant visit at his cousins house. This site. My heads been welcomed with saying the prison sentence this is the last time he looks to me and sat right across the border. The diva are we going to le race so we walking to the borrowers its name. Inside the doors between countries. Hoisting the cup. Take the stuffing its not. Stay tuned it is eighteen eighties. So the going though. What hes got guts. The job the knights the us disgusting. Chill he was betrayed by the people traffic as well the bail out beatings and tweaks here and sixty eight. Our tent and cold cereal a dt. Three i try to instill a dance of the countryside. Dont get out get out of the set on a likes. What a cavity with it though. The father. Its been a way to guide the migrants across the country stylings. Do you do you l. Thinking. Knowing this stately celsius. Tom says its the finest and it stinks. Not the hall our ward to be at both. Assignments because of the technicality oneill proceed with the buying them which comes from the camel comments and in tow and equipment of the greek decent one. I do greece. Read it. Its easiest option is a nice text to pointing out to be a complete idiot doctor. And the syrians three nights the new car is waiting for the moment weak side. In spite of the hummus was like a smart play. I dont like cold and piano. They decide to implant and coaxing. Nice way to keep the traffic is until they see me please everyone heads back to the temple without having even called tickets and get lost. Im joined by reports of a new long haul the boat as the film and twenty years so ive experienced some of what its like to be an illegal immigrant described how the fields on the long commute. Connolly has a good way we go. With this condition is the use of those disorders in women or treat it like migrants desperate migrants to enter the eu. As soon as we were on board with the migrants and the smugglers to try and reach greeks. Then we went and treated exactly the same way and we felt that we treat it like i will like it goes down as the city. The suns were in the hands of unscrupulous money has been known to them. There can be very dangerous. The European Union is working to try and reinforce the sport at how was it doing that. This caused a strain on his resume spiral into his room could use a measure of the dead are trying to dismantle your networks are a few. Because theyre coated in that role among the most honorable fortunes. The coach which you do all this. Infrared film cameras that make it possible to check on my arms even in the dark teal and the he knew that he has published it on keeping with the top two countries for example few days. Green was on the bbc according to this agreement Illegal Migrants who are arrested in europe. He will be sent back to tokyo and in return. As of pain more flexible policy of the simple addition to the eu. So in europe or some of these migrants trying to peek at the time and time again to cross the border came and we had to guess. There are people who come from all areas will people who are suffering from the free coffee tea sugar had to do anything to change or die for and to see their european dream. Its a seance have to go on the northeast. And they pretty much tells you on the way. Youre it reinforces his or her control. Netflix is allowed to do better in time for our open on the new hall. The front is also running tights and they are using mobile dangerous high standards in order to pay the difference. Which is poured into kentucky. Great she is the more it was difficult to cross for people to fight dont manage to cross this river is border that captured by greek league east the trafficking in human life. She has developed across the aegean sea which is even more dangerous and every week he will make an official or just picked up the dead and drums of migrants. I have stated that its very important he said thanks and the chapel no wrong. Are you that have been watching report says he will fuss like at the station. In any decision to revisit it if youre a small eskimo village ominously on the fringes of alaska. For the six hundred inhabitants Global Warming is not a far off concept but an all too real. Not me. Sheesh we were sinking into the sea little more each year and seems destined to disappear the little under thirty years. That way of life based on hunting and fishing has completely changed. After century slipping on the island inhabitants know that they must leave at the risk of losing their lord and teacher. Sister at revisit it off cos like that cos i cant go home the eye the router. Were we. Is this it is. The this headlines and the novel the weeks top stories right now were looking at live pictures coming out of kyiv where no peace on this street at the moment and the opposition mine offered to hand the government and intensifying drives across the countrys west. Syrias leaders and a rebel representatives hold dear first talks since the start of the civil war. Carol but by diplomats as a major step forward

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