The problem, and right now the situation is getting critical. Some 1500 people from syria and african crisis regions are in the area ready to cross the english channel. The ferry from calais stops in dover over 25 times a day. Anyone approaching the port area of the frenchtown, these young men like this at the motorway exit. Some 1500 refugees a day try to climb aboard trucks to smuggle themselves into britain. In the end, we Truck Drivers are the one to get into trouble, especially with customs officials. We have to pay hefty fines if they find one of them. Our loads often get damage, and the french bullies take no action at all against the migrants. And the French Police take no action at all against the migrants will stop the more refugees appear. Many drivers have observed them using even riskier methods. They open truck doors in broad daylight when the drivers stopped briefly in traffic jams. The migrants desperation is stronger than any fear of injury. I have tried several times, but without success. Maybe it is gods will. The last time, Police Sniffer dogs discovered me. This refugee from yemen does not want to be recognized. Like 700 others, he is waiting near the roadway station for one of the hot meals distributed by private charities. One meal a day. That is all calais has to offer. This volunteer says it is the least she can do for people who of already risked their lives crossing the mediterranean. The city or the government has to make buildings available where these people can stay with showers and toilets. It is terrible. I have read that aid organizations can guarantee showers for only 40 people a day, and half the people here wont be able to eat this evening. It wont do. The seaside resort is in a state of emergency. Since the government in paris closed the only red cross refugee camp here more than 10 years ago, local authorities have been trying to keep the towns image clean. Most recently, the Mayors Office threatens to close the port if nothing changes soon. Calais is not a city of migrants or a war zone. It has been dealing with this problem for 15 years on its own. What is happening in calais is chris i fell over europe is criticized all over europe, but nobody in europe is making any decisions. It is easier to shift they responsibly and tell us what to do, but you should do your part as well as the britain has now offered to supply better barb wire security fences for the port. In addition, 50 Million Euros happen promised to tighten security. Even demanding the french army step in. He says the number of migrants have never been as high as now. It is their problem. We are not the ones causing the trouble. It is because of britain that we have all of these problems. Britain insist we carry out border patrols that cost us a lot of money. At least a 200 people work around the clock, and it costs us 15 Million Euros a year to check all the cars and trucks on their way to england. Britain already pays for its own border controls in calais. High tech equipment is used to detect Illegal Migrants will stop Carbon Dioxide detectors analyze the air in the air in the hole and special microphones can detect stowaways heartbeats. Fewer refugees are getting across the border, but the frustration of those who dont make it is growing, as in this makeshift camp in an industrial state in the middle of calais. It is already set to be closed because the town fears accommodation will attract even more refugees. Right now, about 300 people share a few toilets and showers here. Many of them have scabies. The smell of human waste hangs in the air. You see the people making food there . Some potatoes, some vegetables, they bring from the garbage, and they try to cook it, to get their daily life. Abdul is 28. Es fled sudan. He wants asylum and does not care where. Many people here have relatives in britain, like his friend, who has tried 50 times to get across. The police have always had to release him. He has not applied for asylum in france fearing he would be deported. He did not imagine before he imagined the life in europe or in france, life to give you more production, and he said, he said every day like two hours, three hours because the business, maybe he can blend himself. Instead, no. Even if it was a mistake to come here, he will try again today to get across the channel. Men outnumber women worldwide by a big margin and it does not look like that situation is going to change anytime soon. Experts estimate there is a global shortage of someone hundred 60 million women. The reason in some regions like india and china, girls are not wanted and or aborted. The same goes for albania here in europe. Patriarchal rules still apply and boys are considered to be worth more than girls with the devastating consequences, especially for the mothers. This young woman was forced to have an abortion. She does not want to be identified. She is too ashamed and afraid of her family. But she is eager to tell her story. It was not just my husband. His whole family put me under pressure. They all wanted a boy. I had already had a girl. They told me you have to give us a boy this time. That is why i had an abortion. In albania, an ultrasound tests can determine whether a child lives or dies. This doctor is familiar with the fears of his pregnant patients who are under great pressure to produce a male heir. In my experience, it is mainly the men who want to have a boy much more than a girl. We accompanied the doctor to the maternity ward. Here, a shocking trend is revealed. It is the same all over albania. For every 110 boys, just 100 girls are born. He numbers a result of a shameful practice if the fetus is a girl, it is often aborted, often with the help of illegally obtained drugs. The women come to us with a damaged amniotic sac and a high fever. Then we have to intervene to help them. We have no other choice but to abort the child. That is the only way to save the patients life. It is a fate, to thousands of women and all beanie of. Many of them live here on the outskirts of duress. Most of the 60,000 People Living on these marshlands come from the impoverished mountains in the countrys north. This family moved here in search of work, but the difficulties they still face have led them to cling all the more firmly to their own traditions. Albanians womens Rights Campaign says it is a pattern she sees frequently. Civilization is looking to them, that is why they are going back. They had more traditional roles now. The rules are determined by ancient albanian commonlaw governing content. Women are worth less than men, subject to male dominance. While we were filming, we did not see a single adult male. They are supposedly all out earning money, but even when they are not home, patriarchy rules the roost here. When i had a son, the whole village was happy. The men fired their guns in the air. It sounded like a war. But the same mentality caused torment for this woman. She was four months pregnant when her husband brought her to a house in the albanian capital. My husband took me to a building in the city that looked like a hospital, but i do not think it was one. I was in a rightwing a right room i was in a white room and i was in painful stop i do not remember anything else. Incidents like this are now in a rater of the government in tirana. The economic ministers of the present there is nothing they can do about it, but she does admit that it is a problem. Yes, yes, in a way, yes. This means that we have to work hard for improving mats, and that means we have to coordinate better. For this woman, though, any future action will come too late. It was simply wrong. I should never have done it. I would never do it again. Even if that meant i had to leave my family. The only important thing is that children are healthy. Regardless of whether they are male or female. The activist is tried to help this woman recover from the trauma she shares with thousands of others. Albanian women who are forced to abort their children just because they are female. Russian president Vladimir Putin plans to pump billions of dollars into his army and strengthen forces in the countrys west. Putin has long felt threatened by natos eastern expansion partly because of Missile Defense systems being built by western alliances in rimini and poland. The west says the systems are for defense, but russia is not convinced. In a small romanian village, a new military base is seen as something completely different the start of a better life. This village is located in the romanian countryside, but 180 kilometers west of bucharest. The military base year is to form part of natos antidefense shield. Some 400 million u. S. Dollars is being invested in this village of fewer than 3500 residents. The mayor is glad to take us on a tour and his new bmw. According to official figures, romania is spending 5 Million Euros on infrastructure required for the american base. This includes roads, power lines, a water supply, and a sewer system. We finally have Running Water like elsewhere. Until now, we did not have anything. No sewers, no Sewage Treatment plant. People here since that there lights are changing. Across from the entrance to the new missile base, a kiosk has just opened. This man hopes to do big business. The Missile Defense shield is good for us. People here finally have work again. Now anybody in deveselu who wants to work can. He is not seen any americans close up yet for so were also not allowed to get any closer to the future nato base with our tomorrow. This is now a highsecurity area. Cameras were only permitted at the official groundbreaking ceremony last october, with was accompanied by lots of military pomp. The defense shield in deveselu is intended to protect europe from missiles launched from the middle east, for instance, iran. The groundbreaking third money itself was a political statement because the defense shield could also be turned toward russia. Natos plans have provoked strong criticisms from russian president Vladimir Putin. In the year since construction the income of the Political Climate has changed greatly. The conflict in ukraine has some residents deveselu of worried. Naturally we fear being the target of an attack. We are now the second american base in the area. All the world is watching us. It is the same anywhere the military is. War wont break out right away. Just because we now have a missile base here. If war breaks out, then of course we will be a target. The mayor prefers to think about deveselus glorious past. There was a military base here, but it was closed when the cold war ended. He does not mind whether it is in russian or american hands. I feel safe with a missile base here. If there is a strike, we will not be the only ones attacked. Then he takes us to see his favorite project, a new Water Purification plant with a well. Deveselu receives grants and there is money in store for schools and a day care center. The mayor does not know he what he will do with the rest of the 5 Million Euros, but he says there is still much to be done in deveselu. What happens once hundreds of europeans who train to become islamist fighters in syria come home . Authority see them as a real threat for stop in brussels recently, Belgian Police prevented a terrorist attack on an eu building, but five months ago, they were too late when four people were killed in an attack on the jewish mise museum there. Witnesses say they recognized the gunman as an active jihadists will suck like the jewish we see them in russells is now as an active jihadist. The Jewish Museum in brussels is now closely guarded. For years, unlike many other jewish institutions, it was not a fortified stronghold. People were proud of the fact that its doors were always open and special security measures were unnecessary. The Museum Director is disillusioned. That ideal, that humanistic vision has been shattered by reality. Unfortunately, now we have to face that reality. What happened . On might when he fourth, the day before the european elections, shots were fired in the museums entrance area. Police arrived quickly but not soon enough. Three people were killed on the spot. Another died two weeks later. The copresent threat. The culprit fled. A Surveillance Video was released with the victims in the red circle pixilated. The picture show a coldblooded act being carried out. Two weeks later, 29yearold man was arrested with the weapons believed to have been used in the attack. He was born in northern france. He has spent time in foster homes and was a repeat criminal offender sentenced to seven times toy total of five years in prison where he became radicalized. He went to syria and joined islamic state. Former hostages report on what he did there. In april, four journalists were freed with the aid of the government. That led to the fate of american journalists james foley and steve sotloff. After his arrest following the attack in brussels, i saw quite a bit of visual material showing mehdi nemmouche, and i was able to defy him with certainty as abu omar, who i met several times during sixmonth of my captivity in syria. Did he threaten to execute me . Yes, he threatens to cut my throat among other things, but he had his orders and strict discipline prevailed and fear because terrorist organizations and still fear both internally and externally. Islamic state recruits members by advocating extreme violence will stop most prepared to use violence often have a criminal past. Terrorism experts are fatalistic about what can be done when they return. Even if we had the capacity to shadow every suspicious person in belelum, we still could not eliminate the risk from people who are not from belgium. We are doing the most we can to limit the risk, but zero risk would be hard to obtain. Certainly no one was able to stop the murders on may 24. A plaque at the Jewish Museum now commemorates the victims. Not too many musicians singing in german have an International Audience these days, but back in 1930, 1 woman took the world by storm with her trademark legs and husky voice, marlena detrick. Who wouldve thought that somewhere on the board between poland and belarus she somehow lives on. A small town in eastern poland, 80 kilometers on the border with belarus, it looks like an ordinary polish town full of people leading ordinary life, like this woman who is a wife and a mother, but sometimes looks can be deceiving. Hi. My name is marlena. Welcome. In reality, my name is Marlena Dietrich. Follow me. Marlena dietrich . You heard right. For more than six years, marlena and her blue angel band have been touring poland, singing songs by the legendary german dealer diva. The polish marlena hopes to become famous or self and promoted the german language was up at us because she is a german teacher. She shows us the school where she used to teach. I worked here for four years until i was like go into thousand eight. There simply were not enough students wanting to learn german. That was the moment i decided to fight back with my passion, with music, with marlena. I had to do something, and i took my fate into my own hands. So now she teaches german with a little help from Marlena Dietrich. In 2011, the eu even gave her an award for innovation in teaching. Even her husband and son have become marlena fans. Their home is decorated in posters and they help her polisher it image. The entire families often onstage together. Marlena practices at home. Her husband accompanies her on the pl. On the piano. Marlena dietrichs influence is everywhere. She is a model in every sense of the world. Marlena is my namesake. My idol, my role model. By that im in mainly her attitude during world war ii. That was a controversial topic in germany. She was not always loved in germany because she defied hitler and left her homeland. That is why she is a very positive figure for us in poland. She stood by her convictions and did not sell out. For me as a pole, she sets a very positive example. She did not accept that hitler wanted to go to war. It is no accident that marlena bears the same name as her idol fo. Her family were also fans. She has all the tools to translate herself into marlena d dietrich. The lipstick am of the eyeshadow, and of course the legendary top hat. But how does she become Marlena Dietrich . It is simple. I already am Marlena Dietrich. I seeing like her, i look like her, i have an interesting voice like her, and i feel like her on stage. What would the real marlena make of her . At any rate, the polish marlena is a charming musical ambassador for the german language. In that report wraps up this final edition of european journal. Do not forget, you can watch all of our shows online. The address is www. Dw. De europeanjournal. We are always pleased to hear from you. Send us your feedback. Dw will be back with focus on europe next week, so make sure you tune in. On behalf of the entire team here at dw, thank you very much for watching. Take care. Captioned by the National Captioning Institute www. Ncicap. Org steves a selection of ferries make the 50mile crossing between helsinki and tallinn nearly hourly. Because of the ease of this delightful twohour cruise and the variety a quick trip over to estonia adds to your nordic travels, pairing helsinki and tallinn is a natural. Stepping off the boat in tallinn, the capital of estonia, you feel youve traveled a long way culturally from finland. Tallinns nordic lutheran culture and language connect it with stockholm and helsinki, but two centuries of czarist russian rule and nearly 50 years as part of the soviet union have blended in a distinctly russian flavor. Fins and estonians share a similar history. First, swedish domination, then russian. Then independence after world war i. Until 1940, the estonians were about as affluent as the fins, but then estonia was gobbled up by an expanding soviet empire and spent the decades after world war ii under communism. When the ussr fell, estonia regained its freedom, and in 2004, it joined the european union. Tallinn has modernized at an astounding rate since the fall of the soviet union. Its Business District shines with the same glass and steel gleam youll find in any modern city. Yet nearby are the rugged and fully intact medieval walls, and the town within these ramparts has a beautifully preserved oldworld ambiance. Among medieval cities in the north of europe, none are as well preserved as tallinn. The town hall square was a marketplace through the centuries. Its fine Old Buildings are a reminder that tallinn was once an important medieval trading center. Today its a touristy scene, full of people just having fun. Through the season, each midday, cruiseship groups congest the center as they blitz the town in the care of local guides. Like many tourist zones, tallinns is a commercial gauntlet. Here theres a hokey torture museum, strolling russian dolls, medieval theme restaurants complete with touts, and enthusiastic hawkers of ye olde taste treats. Woman [ laughs ] steves but just a couple blocks away is, for me, the real attraction of tallinn workaday locals enjoying real freedom and better economic times. Stillramshackle courtyards host inviting cafes. Bistros serve organic cuisine in a chic patina of oldworldmeets new. And just outside the walls, it seems theres no tourism at all. Under towering ramparts, the former moat is now a park, perfect for a warm afternoon stroll. Hello and welcome to nhk newsline. Im ross mihara in tokyo. The Prime Minister of japan has seen a shake up after last month. Abe accepted the resignations of two ministers and has appointed the replacements. They are both facing scandal. Translator i express my sincere apologies to everyone ive troubled. Obuchis use of political

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