Social is the latest trend in a multibilliondollar global business. Well take you to gamescon. Brent i am brent goff. It is good to have you with us. Tonight u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is warning pakistan to get tough on terrorists who operate along its border with afghanistan. This comes after u. S. President donald trump sketched out a new strategy for u. S. Forces in the region. He pledged more military resources to support kabul but put no figure of the increase in troops. Reporter in an address to the nation monday evening, trump announced his new fight to win strategy. We are not nationbuilding again. We are killing terrorists. Reporter with insurgent attacks on the rise in afghanistan, trump was light on details on how he planned to stop them and increase u. S. Forces. But he said pulling out the remaining 8400 u. S. Troops from afghanistan is too big a risk. A hasty withdrawal would create a vacuum that terrorists including isis and al qaeda would instantly fill, just as happened before september 11. And as we know, in 2011, america hastily and mistakenly with drew withdrew from iraq. As a result, our hard won gains slipped back into the hands of terrorist enemies. Reporter the afghan president welcomed the renewed u. S. Commitment. Today is a special day because a few hours ago, the United States president delivered his speech. I hope that you have all heard it. His message was that after this, there is no limited time or conditions on their support for afghanistan. America will stand with afghanistan until the end. Reporter militants operating in afghanistan have long been able to seek refuge by crossing into neighboring pakistan. Trump condemns this. We can no longer be silent about pakistans safe havens for terrorists organizations, the taliban, and other groups that pose a threat to the region and beyond. Pakistan has much to gain from partnering with our effort in afghanistan. It has much to lose by continuing to harbor criminals and terrorists. Reporter trumps determination to keep troops in afghanistan reverses the position he took while he was running for president. Americans and afghans will be waiting to see if he can stabilize the warweary nation. Brent i am joined now by he has led seminars for u. S. And nato leaders in afghanistan. It is good to have you on the show. Let me ask you about the numbers that we do know. There is an estimate of about 4000 extra soldiers. Trump did not announce an exact number. Could this be enough to put pressure on the taliban in afghanistan . Guest you are right, President Trump in his speech last night did not mention the number of troops he would authorize for deployment to afghanistan, but he has purposefully there have been reports previously that the authorized general mattis, that he can dispatch as many as 4000 troops for key purposes. What would be to expedite training and equipment of the Afghan Security forces, and also to sniff out terrorism operations against the al qaeda remnants. We will have to wait to see the details of the strategy of afghan strategy on afghanistan. But last night he sent a very strong message. The United States will not abandon afghanistan, it will not repeat the mistake of iraq by prematurely pulling out troops. Brent let me ask you, do you think that is the key to success, not having a timeline and keeping your plans secret, as the u. S. President says should be done . Is that the key to success . Ahmad i think that is a very positive approach. We saw with obama, the timeline for withdrawal of troops, that discourage the taliban from seeking peace and negotiating because they thought they could just wait out. It also discouraged other countries about what would happen to afghanistan. Now by committing to enduring in afghanistan, i think the Trump Administration sent a very strong signal it will stay with afghanistan until the mission is completed. Brent thank you very much, we appreciate your insights. An american surge in afghanistan could could put pressure on nato allies to follow suit. Germany already has troops in the country. Reporter 931 german soldiers are in afghanistan on a nato training mission. They are there to come to carry out their numbers are unlikely to rise despite President Trumps call from support call to support from nato allies. Last year when others reduce the numbers of their troops we increased the numbers of our troops. So we dont see it as being our turn when it comes to being asked to deploy more units. Reporter the German Foreign minister has called on the u. S. To coordinate its approach to afghanistan with your here with your. With europe. Anything that goes wrong causes more refugees to leave and they come to germany, not the u. S. Reporter the opposition criticized what it called the militaristic nature of President Trumps revamped afghanistan strategy, saying it is too little. Whoever puts military solutions above all else will not solve the problem. I believe the path donald trump wants to follow is influenced by domestic policy and apparently he feels very comfortable in his role as commanderinchief. Reporter while the German Government hails in the u. S. Strategy it sees diplomacy and development as its main contribution. Brent we have breaking news coming in. A judge in spain has jailed two suspects related to last weeks deadly attacks in catalonia. The men had been charged with membership of a terrorist organization. A judge has ordered a third man to be detained while freeing a fourth suspect. It comes after Police Killed the chief suspect in the van attack yesterday. That attack killed 13 people. Here are some of the other stories making headlines around the world. A moroccan Asylum Seeker has admitted killing two people and wounding eight more in a knife attack. 18yearold appeared in court via video. He is recovering after police shot him in the leg. The venezuelan president says he is seeking an International Arrest warrant for his countrys former chief prosecutor. He fled to colombia after defying maduro. Colombian Authorities Say she is now has now travel to brazil. The iraqi army has pushed into a town for the First Time Since it fell to the socalled Islamic State in 2014. It is the latest objective in the war to drive i. S. From the country. Thousands of jihadists remain inside. It is the terror groups last stronghold in northern iraq. A cleanup is underway on in a thailand island after the magnitude 4. 0 earthquake last night which killed at least two and injured at least 40 more. Rescuers worked tirelessly to free survivors, including some very fortunate siblings. Reporter he is alive. One of the three brothers rescued from the rubble. He and his younger brother hid under a bed when the earthquake struck. The baby, just seven months old, was the first to be saved. The extent of the damage became clearer the next morning. Despite the quakes relatively low magnitude at only 4. 0, numerous buildings had collapsed. More than 2000 people have nowhere to go. Our house is destroyed. Destroyed. We cant enter anymore. What are we supposed to do . I came home after work and was about to change my cloth es. That the ground started to shake and i had to rush out of my house naked. Someone gave me a towel. We spent our night outdoors inside a car. Reporter being august, the island is popular with tourists. Many are leaving early because they are too afraid of aftershocks. Those residents left behind have no such luxury. Brent at lhave died in a mudsld by torrential rain in guinea. The disaster took place at a garbage dump in the outskirts of the capital. The government has said rescue operations are under way at the site. Eds topourt has banned a controversial islamic practice that allows men to divorce their wives instantly. A panel of senior judges from different phase ruled that the practice was both unconstitutional and unislamic. Its a major victory for womens rights activists in the country but some muslims fear it is a sign the due nationalist government is trying to limit religious freedom. Reporter the supreme courts landmark ruling opens the door for the countrys muslim women to receive protection under indian law they were denied under sharia law. We are very happy we have won. The bench has ruled it is invalid for our constitution. Reporter the ruling affects people her husband ended their fouryear marriage in a matter of seconds. She turned to the police. But the law was on her husbands side. I was shocked. I thought, what is going to happen to me . I am in limbo. I dont know what im supposed to do or where to go. What will happen to my daughter . Reporter more than 20 muslim countries have banned instant divorces, but india has continued allowing its religious immunities to follow theology on marriage and divorce. Some representatives of the Muslim Community believe sharia law should continue to take precedence. There should be no change to our personal muslim law, which is sharia. This is gods law. It is based on the koran and on the profits prophetssa saying. Reporter for womens rights activists it is a significant victory. I would not say it ends here. A proper, longer battle for social reform for empowerment, education, has to be taken up. Reporter now it is up to the indian government, which has publicly voiced support for the end of instant divorces to make the courts decision the law the land. Brent still to come, growing up with the specter of war. Young koreans do their best to shrug off years of conflict with their northern neighbors. And it is game on at gamescon, the worlds biggest videogame show starts in germany today. The latest trend going social. And Business News with christoph, who is always social. Stay with us. Brent welcome back here with dw news. U. S. President donald trump has pledged to commit more military resources to fighting the taliban in afghanistan. He says that pulling out of the country would mean making the same mistake as the u. S. Has made in iraq. The head of the u. S. Pacific command has urged diplomats to find a solution to the current standoff with north korea over its Nuclear Missile program. Joint drills tensions are high between pyongyang and the international community. But for young people in seoul, the heated rhetoric is an unwelcome distraction from daily life. Reporter just 60 kilometers from the north korean border, souls bars and clubs are buzzing. This it out for a night on the town. I just turned 18 to now i can drink out of all legally. There is always lots of drinking when we go out. Reporter but his party life is about to end. A twoyear stint in the military is mandatory for young men in south korea. I dont want to go. While i am stuck in the army, life goes on for everyone else. Reporter this is what his new life could look like. Antiterror drills in front of members of the press. The south korean army wants to show it is prepared for anything, like infiltration and destabilization attempts by north korea. The greens and the antiterror staff in the military are doing Everything Possible to protect our country. Exercises like this are part of our military preparations. Reporter north korean missiles could reach seoul in a matter of minutes. Arrangements are in place to protect the city and its 10 million inhabitants. In the event of a strike, the subway system would serve as a bunker. Instructions on how to use gas masks are broadcast in the stations. The people seoul are constantly reminded of the looming threat from pyongyang. In one of the city student quarters, they have found a serving inexpensive rice wine. They are unconcerned about the recent escalation of rhetoric from their northern neighbor. To be honest, i never even think about it. The north will keep threatening us but i dont think they will actually attack. I am not worried about it. Reporter despite the threats coming from the north, these young South Koreans are not scared of the dictator across the border. Brent tonight, russian investigators have detained a top theater director and are charging him with embezzlement. He is the artistic director known for popular productions critical of russia. These pictures are from may when he was briefly taken into custody for questioning. He denies any wrongdoing. He claims it is revenge for his biting satires of russian elite. Business news now, christophe is here. An unlikely event at gamings biggest event. Christoph german elections only a month away, it might be a good idea to touch base with young voters. So Angela Merkel became the first leader to open gamescon. She tried out a farming simulator and even met her digital avatar in minecraft. The industry expected to hit 1. 8 billion this year. Ms. Macroerkel said she wants to more to help game developers. I think we have to bring all actors in the industry together and look closely at what other countries are doing to see how we can make a level playing field. In order to give creative German Developers a reasonable chance. Christoph indeed Industry Player from germany are hoping for more state support. And there are calls for parents to support their kids in spending more time playing video games. Imagine that. Here is more on the latest trends and developments. Reporter these gamers are uncovering the secrets of ancient egypt. The new version of assassins creed features razorsharp images, enabling players to delve into an adventure. At the Event Companies are competing to gore consumers with the latest tech. This woman is chasing virtual monsters. For the mother and her children, Computer Games are a part of daily life. She doesnt understand parents to keep their kids away from gaming. People dont realize how much of that is going on. People were critical of gaming, people who are critical of kids in gaming, i think they dont realize this is how young people are connecting with each other on a totally different level. Reporter the Global Gaming industry is growing thanks in part to a new generation of tech savvy enthusiasts. The Games Industry is not so small anymore. Over the past three years it has grown consistently reaching over 100 billion in global revenue. When of its biggest sales market is germany but german markets still struggle to compete with foreign market leaders. Reporter that has prompted for german game market leaders to call for more government funding. In concrete terms we need funding for development such as long been available in france, poland, england and canada. That way reporter industry professionals say investment and longterm thinking are needed to help germany stay on top of its game. Christoph european regulators have launched a french fresh probe into monsanto. The deal would create the Worlds Largest integrated pesticides and seeds company. Critics say it would reduce competition leading to lower quality and higher prices and potentially threatening the livelihoods of many farmers in developing countries. European authorities have until january next year to make a final decision on the acquisition. For some more analysis lets go over to sophie standing by on wall street. It was clear from the beginning that this would be a farreaching deal should it come to pass. What exactly are regulators looking at here . Sophie there are some serious doubts this deal would form the largest pesticides company. It would definitely undergo an indepth investigation by the European Union and theyre going to focus on the lack of competition in the market and the consequences of this deal. The deal has a high potential to hurt farmers. A huge company like this could just reach raise prices while lowering the quality and the degree of innovation in the markets for pesticides in general. Also plant genetic traits which are developed in laboratories. Christoph what do investors think, could this probe the real the whole endeavor . The rail the whole derail the whole endeavor . Sophie the threat of a monopoly in the market is regulators are trying to complete their review by the first week of january 2018. Regulators rarely complete their analysis by deadlines. Monsanto has been facing him a lot of criticism and europe because europe is way more antigmo than america. Monsanto shares were slightly up still for the most for everyday. Christoph sophie, thank you so much. And that is all your business for now. We are staying on bigmoney. Brent big that could become expensive money for one soccer player. Spanish soccer giant ours alone a have announced they are seeking a. 5 Million Euros from their former player following his world record transfer to paris. The club announced tuesday they were seeking the return of money they say they have already paid the brazilian is a bonus for the renewal of his contract. He joined paris from barcelona for 222 Million Euros in july. Nice money. The legendary for spec will be announced as the head of the German Tennis Federation tomorrow. The sixtime grand slam champion will be in charge of germanys amendments tennis mens tennis. In late june, becker was declared bankrupt by a london court. He begins his new job on tuesday. User reminder of the top stories where following. U. S. President donald trump has pledged to commit more military resources to fighting the taliban in afghanistan. He says pulling out of the country would mean making the same mistake the u. S. Made he says in iraq. Dont forget you can always get dw news on the go. Just download our app from google play or itunes. You can also use the app to send us photos and videos when you see news happening. After a short break i will be back to take you through the day. Stick around for that. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] is made possible by. Croplife america. And its Member Companies and associations in the Crop Protection industry including the American Farm Bureau Foundation for agriculture. More information at agfoundation. Org. Sacramentos proud to be americas farm to fork capital visit farmtofork. Com im jason shoultz. Coming up, ill take you to the rice fields of Northern California to find out how the grain being harvested here gets turned into a popular alcoholic beverage folks in the country will tell you that there is a unique rhythm of life thats quite different from living in the city or suburbs. Im sarah gardner. Were heading to kansas to visit a ranch where that rhythm of life is an important element in helping people with disabilities

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