There will be consequences. The british royals arrived in germany, and we are not just talking about 2yearold Princess Charlotte and older brother george. They brought their parents, Prince William and princess kate, with them to berlin. I am brent goff. It is good to have you with us. Turkeys ambassador was summoned to the German Foreign ministry today, and this is what he heard. The turkish government needs to immediately and directly here the German Governments outrage and in comprehension. The ambassador pledged to deliver that message to ankara. Berlin is demanding the release of german citizen peter steudtner, being held on terror charges, one of six human rights activists arrested this week. Germanys Foreign Ministry summoned turkeys ambassador on wednesday morning. Berlin is demanding the Immediate Release of german journalist and human rights activists who the government says has been arbitrarily jailed. Foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel has decided to break off his vacation and return to berlin. He will be at the Foreign Ministry on thursday to discuss what to do now, in view of the dramatic escalation of turkeys actions. The Foreign Ministry has hinted at punitive measures to change and karas to change ankars attitude. Considering these arbitrary acts directed at our citizens, i do not think it makes sense to continue negotiations on extending the customs union. That could have ramifications for its ports. There are also calls to and e. U. Financial assistance to turkey. The situation is that mr. Erdogan keeps blackmailing germany and europe. He arbitrarily detains people, and people should not travel to turkey anymore, and a travel warning for the whole country might have to be declared. Turkish authorities have handed berlin a list that has now become public. It alleges dozens of German Companies are supporting terrorism in turkey. Brent i am joined at the big table by our political correspondent. Good to see you. Lets begin by discussing there are reports that german businesses now are also in the crosshairs with ankara. What we are seeing here is another sign of how this mentality of open out if you are not with us, you are against us is unfolding in ankara. We have seen human rights activists invest arrested. This is not a leading figure working there. Now, it is a list of companies. We have learned 68 companies, individuals which include names like daimler, the chemical giant basf, but also snap also a snack bar. These are businesses ankara says are aiding and abetting terrorism. This is a charge we have seen against human rights activists, against journalists like deniz yucel, who has been imprisoned mostly in solitary confinement. The German Government seems to have exhausted quiet diplomatic avenues that i am sure we would hear all about, and has a need to send a clear signal that something cannot continue. Brent it seems things are going from bad to worse, when it comes to these strained relations. Michaela absolutely. This has been a long ride downhill. In the past, we have seen documents handed over, list handed over from turkish intelligence to german intelligence, asking for the german side to arrest these people who erdogans government says are people who might be involved in that coup. Germany is saying you cannot arrest people in germany if they have not committed a crime. These things need to be investigated. Turkey seems to doubt whether germany is still an ally. Germany is turning this around a bit and saying, do we really want to be your partner . What is going to happen in the future . Which way is turkey going to turn . There is a limited control germany has over this, the e. U. Has potentially over this, but we are expecting some can create measures to come out when germanys foreign minister will hold a statement. Brent we know there is a general election coming up in germany in september. The german chancellor is she going to come under fire for how she is handling this with turkey . Michaela there was a bit of criticism earlier in the week, but the social democrats also felt this is such a strategic relationship that it is really important. That cannot be put on the line. Now, the german chancellor has reacted herself. She has said enough is enough, called for the release of this latest incident, this latest case, but also of deniz yucel, who is taking this to the European Court of human rights. The government is backing of this case. Brent thank you very much for joining us. Germanys general election is just two months away. The countrys relationship with turkey promises to be a big issue. As part of thes preelection coverage, we spoke with the green party coleader. He has turkish roots. A top wing Party Candidate for the 2017 german parliamentary election, and party cochair, joined us at dw. The son of turkish immigrants, he was born and raised in germany. He told us how his turkish roots affected his view of integration problems in germany. He is critical of the way the turkish government tries to influence turkish People Living in germany. Cem as we speak, committees are being changed for the next germany, and the people in favor are being pushed out. The people who can speak german, who talk to their christian pastors and german neighbors, are being replaced by people who take orders from ankara. We must make a clear statement on this. I think angela is to silent on this respect. He feels germany has taken too long to admit it is a country of immigration. Cem we should not be naive. We need to be aware there are other countries that very clearly want their citizens here to not integrate. This applies not only to turkey, but to mr. Putin, who corresponds german russians to keep their eye toward moscow, not berlin. Reporter he feels e. U. Sanctions against russia over the ukraine conflict are justified. He sees no reason to lift them. He also wants a harder stance against erdogan, especially after the turkish president band bundestag members from visiting german soldiers stationed at a nato training center. Cem erdogan is not acting in line with nato. Erdogan is behaving like a tough guy in a bar who wants to beat everyone up. Nato does have rules. Reporter he wants e. U. Accession talks to be put on hold. If turkey introduces the death penalty, as erdogan has vowed, negotiations will already have failed. Brent here are some of the other stories making headlines around the world. U. S. President donald trump is senators should not go on their summer break until they have voted on overhauling the help your system. He the health care system. He is urging them to repeal obamacare without replacement. Republican leaders say they could try to hold a vote next week, even though it is not clear they would have a majority. Thousands of palestinian muslims have taken to the streets for protests, chance, and prayers near jerusalems temple mount, sacred to jews and muslims. Other palestinians crashed near a checkpoint at the edge of the city. A move by israel to install metal detectors near the site counted the anger. Marijuana in blue and white bags has gone on sale at some pharmacies in uruguay. It is the last step to making uruguay the first nation in the world to legalize the market for pot from cultivation to purchase point. Packages come with warnings about the drugs effects. Toght, a warning from the European Union to poland stock plans to change the judicial branch, or face punishment as early as next week. The e. U. Says that changes proposed by the ruling law and Justice Party would place judges under government control. It is an issue that has already brought polish citizens onto the streets. Reporter many poles are angry, and now they have the backing of the European Union. People have been on the streets of warsaw and other cities since sunday to protest government moves to overhaul the judicial system. It is a measure many feel will destroy the independence of the courts. This bill abolishes separation of the powers and Judicial Independence in poland. There is a debate going on which could lead to a situation in which the Justice Minister would report Supreme Court judges would appoint the Supreme Court judges. Reporter harlem is considering legislation which would terminate all 83 judges on the Supreme Court, excluding those the Justice Minister deans favorable to the government. Last friday, parliament passed a law dismissing current members of the National Council of the judiciary, which safeguards the independence of courts and judges, and put the body under control of parliament. The president insisted that appointment of judges to the council would require a 3 5 majority in parliament. He says that would create enough control over the parliament. The European Commission announced on wednesday it is considering legal action against poland. Each individual, if adopted, which seriously eroded the independence of the judiciary. Collectively, they would abolish any remaining Judicial Independence, and put the judiciary under full political control of the government. Reporter he warned that infringement procedures for breach of the law could be launched as soon as next week. Brent i want to bring in our correspondent in brussels. Good evening to you. The or else in the do you threat is suspending warsaws e. U. Voting rights if it does not comply. How would that work . Georg the European Commission reaches for the Nuclear Option here. It includes a number of prior steps that have been taken. The polish government has been warned ins early 2016. But my impression today of the message is that the commission now says enough is enough. At the end of the process, it takes 27 you Member States 27 e. U. Member states to decide whether article seven needs to be triggered or not. Brent how effective do you think these measures would be . Georg if 27 Member States have to decide, there is always room that one state could say, i would like to veto that. In this case, it is political ally hungary that has already indicated the Prime Minister of hungary has indicated that in such a case he would like to veto such a decision. It is mainly about political pressure. The e. U. Has really brought the big guns to the table. Another of those guns we just saw in the report is an infringement procedure. That includes huge economic fines at the end of a really lengthy process. In case of hungary, that has worked. Brent this is showing the growing rift between the Central Location of the European Union, brussels, and many Eastern European Member States, isnt it . Georg it is, in a way, although i would say there is quite a bit of difference between the relocation of refugees, which is one issue where a number of Eastern European states are have a different opinion than the rest of the e. U. Here, we are looking at fundamental principles of the e. U. , the division of powers. Since brexit, there is a growing awareness of the benefits of the e. U. , particularly for poland, which gets the largest share out of the budget. Ever since the french election, and the french president made clear these benefits come with Strings Attached when he said the e. U. Is not a supermarket, he meant you cannot shop around for the things you like. You have obligations. In this case, it is the division between the executive and the judiciary. Only if you have that, you can go shopping in the e. U. Brent our correspondent on a shopping spree day in russells. Thank you very much. Still to come, the days of easel cards could be numbered in many places. The german city of stuttgart is the latest to consider a ban. We will tell you why. Hobby air javier will be there with the headlines in 60 seconds. Brent welcome back, live from berlin. The German Government have summoned turkeys ambassador and demanded the release of a german human rights activist. The activist was arrested on terror charges charges that germany says are absurd. This is the latest sign of worsening ties between the countries. Closing arguments in one of germanys most notorious and expensive trials are due to begin today, but with the end seemingly in sight the trial of an alleged knee or not neo nazi was postponed yet again. Prosecutors expect to some of their evidence next week, before Defense Attorneys argue for their client. He is accused of complicity in 10 murders and two bomb attacks, allegedly as part of a terror cell. Business news now. Another day. Another headline. Arent we sick of the emissions, the toxic emissions . A Court Hearing took face in stuttgart. It is about the idea to and diesel cars in more cities after the aftermath of the dieselgate scandal. The reputation of the vehicles has suffered, making an easy target for environmentalist, but those who defend the band do not justify it with cheating carmakers. For them, it is about the quality of air. The home of the german car industry and the pollution hotspot so much so that campaigners are suing the Regional Government for failing to enforce airquality standards. Some protesters went to Great Lengths to prove their point. I cannot remove my mask, because the air quality is so bad. I want to see an improvement in air quality in stuttgart. We, the residents, as well as those who come here to work, have the right to clean air. Reporter so what kind of outcome are campaigners hoping for . We want a Court Decision that, starting next year, the air in stuttgart has to fulfill european legislation for health, and therefore it is necessary that there is a diesel a. M. So, diesel cars should not be allowed anymore to enter stuttgart city. Reporter that would deal a major blow to the automobile industry. Nearly half of all cars stole sold in germany are diesel. Daimler had to recall 3 million vehicles in europe in an attempt to reduce pollutants. Audi and bmw are planning to modify their engines. We are totally against a driving ban. We believe there are more intelligent ways to solve the problem of urban airquality. Traffic flow is very important. Better traffic is able to flow, the lower levels of nitrogen oxide in the air. Reporter car industry insiders will keep a close eye on what happens in stuttgart. After all, the outcome of the case could shape future policy in germany. Javier time now for a check on the Financial Markets on a special day in the u. S. And on wall street. But do not take it from me. Take it from our financial correspondent in new york. What is cooking . Jens well, we are celebrating National Hot Dog day. Americans probably this summer between memorial day and the end of may, labor day at the beginning of september americans probably will it around 7 billion of those hotdogs. Overall, the market probably got some strengths from National Hot Dog day. We had new records on wednesday. The nasdaq composite the nasdaq is up for a ninth consecutive day, the longest winning streak since february of 2015. Also, the s p 500 has hit a new record, mostly because ibm not a new record because ibm stock dropped more than 4 . It was a big drag on the dow jones industrial. A lot of records on the wednesday session. Javier in the midst of those records, we saw Morgan Stanley post quarterly results. Now, we know how all the big u. S. Banks are doing. What are the numbers telling us . Jens Morgan Stanley came in better than expected and gained 3 . Most of the american banks surpassed wall street expectations, but not all is shiny, especially if you look at the trading environment in the fixed income area. All of the major banks had to drop that area by quite a bit. There is also some uncertainty regarding the future, because we do not really know what the regulatory and the tax environment will be. That could mean that a lot of big corporations are delaying big deals. That could be to the expense of big financial institutions. That overall, earnings season was rather successful for the big u. S. Financial institutions. Javier we will see if that continues. Thank you for the analysis. Protesters have resumed demonstrations on the streets in venezuela, setting up roadblocks in the capital of caracas. The blockades, head of a general strike on thursday, which is set to bring the economy to a stansell. Opponents of the president are outraged at his plans to change the constitution. He wants to increase his grip on public institutions, a move the United States has heavily criticized, warning sanctions are under consideration. Collapsed, hitting the population hard, as this protester tells us. We are tired. We are fed up. We cannot get food. We cannot get medicine. Our families have to eat twice a day, and it is not fair in a world so rich and prosperous we are going through this level of need because of these riots. Javier the former head of spains bank was found dead on a country estate. A relative told spanish media that his body had been found with a wound to the chest. He had been sentenced to six years in prison for misuse of Company Credit cards for about half 1 million, one of the highestprofile banking scandals in recent years in the country. Authorities refused to comment on whether the death was a suicide or an accident. That is all from the business desk. It is back to brent for a very special visit. Brent we are going to do some while watching. Prince william and his wife jetted into berlin for their First Official trip to the german capital. They had a packed itinerary that ranged from the picture postcard views of the Brandenburg Gate to photos with Street Children and one of the less welloff suburbs. But the eyes of royal watchers were perhaps most of all on the youngest royals, Princess Charlotte and her brother george , on the plane with their parents. Rupert has been following this regal visit. Rupert the royal couple is punctual as always. At 11 50 a. M. , their aircraft lands, and here they are. Rinse william, the duke of cambridge, and his wife kate, bringing along the children, the beginning of a visit which gave berlin a royal touch. The Brandenburg Gate is probably one of the most iconic buildings in berlin. It has seen loads of historic moments and state visits. Therefore, it is the Perfect Place for the royal couple to visit, and one of the rare occasions when the german public has the possibility to meet Prince William and his wife, kate. And the german public, or at least 2000 spectators, are eager to catch a glimpse of the couple , ignoring the burning sun. Many came hours before william and kate were due to arrive. They are both so likable. They are simply a young, modern royal couple. They are interesting. I just like them. Rupert at 1 50 p. M. , the long wait was rewarded. The duke and duchess arrive and walk through the Brandenburg Gate. Then, we witness william shaking hands somewhere else, while kate pleases the audience, and all mobile phones go up. It is photo opportunity time. After 15 minutes, they are off to the next stage of their preciselyplanned visit. We follow them to the Holocaust Memorial site. And then it is already back to the car, a drive to Housing Estates in eastern berlin. It is time for a charity visit. Sharing and caring is one of the key qualifications for a member of the royal family. William and kate have been committed to help children from deprived emilys. Here in berlin, they are going to visit a project which provides shelter for street kids. Here they are. The children they meet our hands on are handson, and the royals do not seem to mind. The visit focuses on how to deal with depression and suicide among the youngest, an issue Prince William feel strongly about. It is already time for the farewell picture. Prince william and kate have an invitation for tea. At the palace, the resident of the german president , we leave the royal couple. We also need some refreshments. The first day of the royal visit ends with a reception at the ambassadors residence. Only the important in berlin are invited. On thursday, the royal couple has the opportunity to end its day in an evening here at a venue older than 100 years, with berlins young creatives entrepreneurs, artists, and hipsters. Perhaps they dare a dance to the tunes of a local dj. Brent time to dance. Here is a reminder of the top stories we are following. The German Government has some in turkeys ambassador and demanded his country release a german human rights activist arrested on terror charges charges germany says are absurd. This is the latest sign of worsening ties between the countries. After a short break, i will take you through the day. Myanmar. After decades of military rule, a new government headed by Aung San Suu Kyi came to power in 2016. Urban areas have been developing rapidly. The Economic Growth rate has approached 8 for several years. As a deeply

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