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On sunday the real highlights from the fest but those who want it at the winter Olympic Games in sochi on the glimpse of whats to come. Welcome to cctv new slide from aging on until we start in the draw of the country on its National Toll make Energy Agency has resume the talks in tehran following a fresh round of negotiations on saturday iran sufficient news agency has corsets based colts construction of the Un Atomic Agency hopes to persuade tehran to finally start addressing long held suspicions that it may have researched how to be its atomic bombs. The icac investigation is focused on whether iran sought to make a bomb technology and a pasta and if it gets too depending whether such lax has seen stall. Tehran says it will cooperate to pair up with eco was annie and be gay teens ties between the two sides has improved since last years election as a relatively small groups present some real funny. For more on bass lets cross live to our report said the onesie and inti iran has a genial its been ages few gulps of the meeting between iran and the iaea. Well at just two hours there needed to be done and the iaea if he she has a set that as they can be of negotiations and that the relevant because its a close on the team with you and not much monty skills and that we could see our cutting to the tube dunn said the spokesperson of he runs the economy and the non finance leasing and bad knees that in mind that moment d and he emphasized that if hearing in the last. At yesterdays negotiations the line iaea of the shows have been buried a construct these negotiations and he described atmosphere the team and nine aest shows that these negotiations as construct these bullets and also for the seeds sown last year in the season we can add depth. Only these details at bats as he know that thats no wonder that you don and i he has signed a joint agreement weeks including six thats not the least and to take a step for step and edgier than looking at the start of the sikhs thats including a young family of jesus as the iaea inspectors to tease us. Ive had the wood chip plants and also its sad that she knew the new teammates didnt mind and also some other informations including to provide informations of thieves knew at least in the actors the non soap us some of their new year at firefly and the guns and two fields and also including the st meets been possible had the same the students at technology and this snow sometime this year and think thats an the new one of the series and you know that that that time the yuan to implement these six thats just us two days they say that these families veterans and that an incoming ceo ron spokesman and nice that moment the only one piece you that stand against the other five yuan has a variety of phineas and provide informations soulmate money since and after that he sees them and it is easy its an immediate obvious they sit and reach mens technology and just yesterday means that month and he has the press interview the satellite had figured on sat. Local media he emphasize sets. On the said uranium and they say mimi and Enrichment Technology and on and do pass his capacity and the flood you dont have the baby in the padang this has been suspended but the foam on it you said kris and adam at me today to announce it so it means the same freeze them and he gets his. Yes and this and that i will say nice to see all of these nice to be for the deadline. Yet we know that nietzsche was on regionally check it for only one day. Why was it expanded well you know this and the son of the negotiations the very crucial and seen by some as the stampede to the max as said hey you know that said andy said that and there on the sem all traffic he says. At least iaea if these shows. The folk art is that possible meanings the dimensions of the most beautiful but maybe discussing the son of the talks. And that announcing last november in time i signed that he thinks that the agreements weeks and sometimes the bed bases can be seen as an exco but is only the footsteps that and the us steel wall he seems to be addressed especially some non ec is that the iaea hardy said. May be postponed in two dimensions such as five cc we know that for years and then sadie and tried to gain a sense to these we need to come. Thats a feeling shes not far been found to thaw and dead and some i think thats an area as some of the same intended to sow seeds clean beds and the sneaky contents there was gold. Some nights no safe experiments hand that feeds during these meetings they add a complex least in the main eventing team to the onion didnt let on that program awaits you on the nights as strongly and there. We dont know hes the nice add on at the top selling the future talks. And these enticing ecu be discussed and not for sure at that saying the son of the talks and that said as some ec is and a specially these kind of atrocity series and movies cars and then boom in the week and for that month the phils need to thank you very much our photo one g and didnt iraq as the negotiations between iran and eia yang continue anti iran diplomats from iran and what powers are expected to start talks later this month on a long time deal regarding the countrys Nuclear Program the daily toll to mistake and bonded diary a columnist at a cape on its national newspaper. He talks about the prospects of the upcoming meeting. You can expect the Food Corporation from iran because he always more time and a determined bid to head off trying not to rush out to these old beats the dispute that the west especially the United States and european eyes. But thats what this all depends on the american side as bad as in all over the past few days did they keep talking them up not just beyond the dons Nuclear Program. They also have brought up this up to date the issue of human rights beyond that the so called violation of human rights in on the wrong time of course other matches like the rolls sensitive but its big news site programs will be this eleven had those on the part of the american officials because of his begun looking for new excuses as the ring in the dead has warned it is not just some of the drones Nuclear Program this is just an excuse to put more pressure on here on in order to find a way into the country and do some kind of damage or even regime change but as far as the un and government is concerned as far as the day that she was concerned that people often since they are more than ever happy to call pray that the p five plus one group of nations in order to resolve the dispute through diet and if that big it is those who undertook the two sites find the final year in order to resolve everything was awful. Deed giv by but its not a fewngom happ ootry not to wash out yourld that im a cancer on the walls that dont want to resolve dispute not the one you see the sign giving me the atoll for next is the sensitive Nuclear Sites in a minute to decide some bases but dna count on not drinking and yet not the leading causes of the dispute. So the staff is young can find a way to ease the sanctions on its anemic economy color theast few days but i think the best possible as an explanation expected to meet them we can make now. The prediction is that beyond detroit to extend the six month period to it one year period after that hopefully that the two sides to find a way to strike a fine idea in order to resolve everything once and for all still am wrong. This apparently debt is defending president us some real money the gangs the hotline is the thing to need to deal reached between one pounds into me but gives away too much for two to toe in that time id tell khamenei called on projects to be fat and give her a funny time to conceal his policy of engagement with the outside while the is working closely with him again on the positions and stance of the Islamic Republic should be transparent techniques and methods can be changed and principals must remain rock solid. Only a few months have passed since the move by the government took office the authority should be given opportunity to show me advance their policies critics should show tolerance toward government at the weekend that the Human Dignity at present. Tony to syria now and a convoy delivering supplies to the constancy of homes as leftists safely off to do was find upon by unidentified gunmen. The un and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent schoolboy has come under fire in the besieged of abu dis takes in homes on saturday morning what was delivering medicine and faith to around two thousand five hundred track to people. This year and our red crescent said walks a fine monday closed its convoy and shawls will find that its trucks to reinstate media set for the crests of what this one did. Authorities blamed a type of apples opposition activists accused president bush of Assault Forces of staging the time as well as the idea was to fly out which delayed the start of this operation the eye. Also saw the most traded our own to severe bushfire front with the tollway a state facing its was the conditions in the ne falling yes victoria says the thirty seven blazes of dining out of control across the state threatening were other towns on the fringes of australias second largest the sixty mile bomb. Holmes has been lost in victoria but so far in season yet to assess the numbers on the stove won five fights that has been in judge neighboring New South Wales state reports fifty five stunning. In some areas temperatures have exceeded fourteen degrees celsius destructive bushfires are a common feature across much of australia during the dry and windy summer. A fire at a Hotel Housing religious pilgrims in western saudi arabia has killed at least a fifteen people and injured one hundred and thirty the blaze started on saturday at a hotel in the eastern part of the islamic hellenistic age of seventeen f no indication that the identities of debate since has been given until about seven hundred people of different nationalities was staying at hotel. But egyptian kells in general and jade us a taste of five egyptians including two children are amongst dogs. He says most of those injured were also egyptians preliminary indications suggested cause of death was suffocation. Its not yet clear how the five begun medina is a major religious core is the destination for muslims. The city is islams second holiest city. Off to makkah. Thailands political unrest has claimed that two more victims an explosion in the path to find colt has wanted to mount. According to john the list of hastings on social media to grade a fight from then on sunday to launch expected to attend Anti Government protests the site is the latest violence to mock the political showdown that has gripped the country for three months. On thursday nights. A similar incident was reported but no one was hats that have traders have not been identified in either of the attacks. Sundays tokyo governor election is widely seen as a popular but take some japanese new pit how a free yes often if it cushy much is asked to sixteen candidates have come paying for two weeks to become chief executive of japans most populated and wealthiest a prefecture media surveys suggest a form of Health Menace to the atm and two said he is in front of his bike by Prime Minister shinzo all day. Who wants to restart fifty Nuclear Reactors that one up offline with the following deed took a sheen of meltdowns from the japanese is why read about the safety nazis at least closest to rival former Prime Minister mori hero jose ca lot of green and human rights lawyer at twenty weeks know me yet push the full an anti nuke the platform condensation is set to close at eight pm local time. For most of them because they think the most important thing today is completely new clean energy. In brussels a couple trips to my one vote for candidates who wants to restart Nuclear Reactors the liberal Democratic Party is doing whatever it wants the hope we will have enough people voted to stop now respondents had astonishing that a head is full of things that can govern as election of the crazy he says heavy snow in the city is time now its a good auto mechanic is going on at the moment today as of midday today ive been making these only seven point eight and six the same day this is set partly due to the heavy snowfall we had yesterday which is to stopping traffic and people not that coming out is not spent as a win is getting find god and expecting the voting people will come up about it this afternoon to get people out having a case of a hard time trying to vote said this time the son of diverse issues that they have to consider about whether to accept a new cap on all somehow id take a stand and hold a cell own economy as well as the policies that a case of putting from that of central governments that have had to but at the moment that people are dying down to. If you attended at the moment and some the result say i expected to come up from about eight oclock go to midnight to it today at a meeting so well be out watching for that to today recently ms by japanese Prime Minister she has a lot they eat that indicates a nationalist agenda have received the father confirmation minutes of a recent governing Board Meeting of the trough cost of an hk seem to bike up suspicions the shingle update is going to use japans news giant to accomplish this the minutes of pasted on them each case websites and other conservatives appointed to the board by ave prepares nhk to mall to educate the about japans territorial claims on my lens and its wartime history. He also mentioned the problems with it pays the second was what might be you know that prosecuted japanese war criminals. Colin seemed generally abide in you and each cake and then head to toe the movie meet me on was what to slaves cold cough that one and set up a storm of control the sea. That triggered criticism that he contradicted in each case mission to set the publics interest without bias. Mommy and all Board Members must be approved by parliament and Prime Minister. The fraud cost us as of Twelve Thousand responses from viewers about seventy percent was critical of an aged care. Fan. Now we turn to the twenty second Winter Olympics or world thus less costs like to report a typical bayliss in such a webpage theyve been falling get done very nicely tell us more about highlights of said todays events and what to expect on something. Ok think you very much and i first well start with today and it is minor won the mens downhill since the first goal for ostrich or stop in air popper and should tell youngsters of norway took silver and bronze and i should mention cody miller who was the favored use the fastest in training been deserted by the time told me that olympic medals. He finished out of the medals he finished eighth and womens slope style snowboarding is currently underway to add that its the first time that event has ever been held at the olympics. Looking back it yesterday but katie teenage adjusting to our appointed her sister chloe. They took one two in the womens moguls freestyle to their the third pair of sisters. To top the medal table. And it was actually in long track speedskating. Sven kramer takes gold in the five thousand meters and he was joined by his Teammates John robertson and jerry birds also another record was set that was by all eight and are you one dollar. He became the oldest individual Gold Medalist that was at the age of forty he took my out on gold and it is twelve olympic medal as a set time and when the bracket. Tell us more about performances of the chinese athletes the chinese that they were involved in the Team Figure Skating the just finished out of the finals the finished in seven b started really strong and he started off there but the finished out of the finals they finished seventh and chinas ming xing finished in a really nice mobiles their respectable for her first ever Winter Olympics. As for two more you can expect plenty of action in the short track speedskating three females in the ladies five hundred meters and three mins in the mens fifteen hundred meter short track. Plus theres also the ladies three thousand meter relay and the curling teams are not moral. China Chinese Women take on canada and a chinese men take on them and dumped thank you match up correspondence vehicle sales in sochi. When jordan takes not only provides a stage four was the staff mix. They also offer a platform for china for maggie is greying relationship with the olympic movement. Tracey holmes reports on the lake is the fact by the cities of ageing and john got help to win the rights to host the twenty twenty two which rahman pics. Increasing to insert she is one to thirteen thousand needy and he is to cover the sides healing takes over the next two weeks. On sunday to protest the kind of eighteen twenty twenty two werent really beat the egg and sixty li gets held a press conference to answer a range of questions from the worlds media. The data gets confirmed that a survey conducted across several tiny ccs returned and ninety four point eight percent approval rating. It was confirmed the high speed rail link connecting all three clusters of a big big news will be built regardless of the bead six states guaranteeing both economic and social benefits james did the manly and chow chow says the people that race and legal and inequality beyond ratings boundaries in china the economy up to and jacko and its surrounding areas was not very developed that it would list the harmonious and new to a development of our two regions and top improve peoples standard of living hearing such it is a lot of criticism of the art of applying budget because all of the facilities have been built from scratch. In thinking its gonna be a very different story because of the legacy of two thousand and eight. It means twelve of this Testing Facilities already complete. Eighteen crew become the fifth cd in the wall thai spices some time and wed really peaks. A team sport spirit shes being chuan says that means the gains made in two thousand and eight could be repeated in twenty twenty two win over a million to go do something with beautiful though. The sauce i use on this golf and you know me. I think earliest able to put on eighty one. Hes competing against other bead cds from norway ukraine poland and has six tom casey times cctv so t the success of chinas womens cutting scene of the pasta few yes its made from the judgments medal contenders in sochi the start of competition and jealous p o box. Chelsea catch up with the teams coach. Chinas strong male looks at the sewage a letter to the Womens Curling Team led by one they knew of anyone he perhaps they are better myself the man tasked with leading them to the goal is marcel rock is the head coach of the canadian or so the girls look and had mini competition. You know i were confident the were were we feel like weve worked really hard this year weve made some awesome little adjustments to their game and i believe that the girls learn as ready as they can ever be in. And to feel really confident and they will get a great astronaut start taking on Jennifer Jones Strong Canadian earrings. I guess ill be a good measuring stick. Us yes unknown to me. They dont win anything new and curling at the beginning of any event you in it that the soul. Really our focus is to try to make playoffs and whether we go and three a to start or or or three a note to start to really doesnt get to the playoffs its its the cumulative week that important so its one game its no more or less important in any other. If we play well in the play was to be a fantastic match and both teams are very strong solo you know it if they could be a really great game and a f one teams awful that it might not be so did so again its a cute movie event you must must remember the playoffs or the objective here absolutely yes. And when it comes to the chinese team its really kind of out of nowhere it seems chinese curry lemurs especially the women that surprised when eleven real chance of victory audi see the growth of the game hearings in all of the success of betty entertain hide in the early two thousand nine restore old and then other than the bronze medal in vancouver they are not to unknown to the rest of the world and you know what theyre there are rides and success obviously brings attention to curling in china is also up hopefully another great event here. A will may be put to light the fire under some younger people and china to say they may realize. Lets give them a try and maybe find some more. Talented individuals like betty and teammates family comes down to the vigil the Sedona Marcel is a member of one of the greatest critics of all time theyre ready for the ring from canada and al yourself the transition to come to china hows it been so far settling in in the cultures anything else that goes along with. Lets be honest i think we spent a total of eight weeks in china never a busy weeks of training into a major competition so. Other than that ive been living in a suitcase the traveling everywhere as im the coach of both teams all of the culture is is different but the people are fantastic the cayenne and when ive felt to save them and welcomed in and taken care of so of shirley the athletes are very very special people in my heart will always be in and a reflection and chinese citizens and everyone back to china silly play for wanting him her a care at this illegitimate they look to bring on chinas first ever olympic illegal for some things you. The syphilis news updates on pension in beijing on. I have. He is. The us the history of the arts of bhutto to develop concepts and techniques that influenced many aspects of bookmarks. They said. Weeds twenty two inches which means that you can choose to. In japanese schools it is compulsory to take the costume who dont want to sue moncton know what to do classes designed for small children and some twenty five his emphasis on the ticket and st regis. To inspect. If you do develop techniques to st in due to injuries from training. Such is just aching shoulders bhutto has many such useful methods for rehabilitation and treatment of injured all right you can see these methods employed in mud and japanese clinics still we are not going to go you have to respect and understand your appetite its this time in the clinic i have to sympathize with my patients pain in order to heal. Still thats why i like to say this trade to judo is so close to the spirit of the heat. Treatment methods that stimulate the bodys Natural Healing powers are a legacy of the blogosphere is that teaches respect and help for others as well as fighting techniques the also has highly visible role in any book japanese test. This is how easy the institution of prefecture in the tool the region. It sucks and squeezes it was a famous some early spring. Long tradition of hosting training designed to make children really want its an interesting voice and demonstrates the strength of its most interest. Such demonstrations and go straight to the scene of festivals throughout japan straight from japan in the coming semester. Judo winter of two schools are especially popular in many the number of legal practitioners cooling continues to grow. Those competitions in the various window screen people of many nationalities ticket. I was so much for today. A special pilgrimage physically and tactically. Twenty years its the call was to go. Although i. Here in japan its eight pm on sunday night in gm staying in tokyo welcomes the news line voters here and took you appear to have chosen candidates with National Government experience as their next leader. U h e maths is the way is set to become governor of metropolis of thirteen million. He replaced an old tv nor say who resigned late last year overcoming scott. Nhk is projecting the former Health Ministry is certain to secure victory in sundays

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