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Seventy nine bird flu cases emerge in china with oval for the confirmed human cases since the start of the new year. I am the worlds leading Decision Makers began arriving in davos switzerland ahead of the annual gold guitar. The open use of cctv news i tend to look in beijing thank you for joining us our top story is how the un as an ltd has withdrawn an invitation to iraq to join this weeks peace talks almost alien crisis. The invitation to youre on the key backer of the Syrian Government prompted threats of a boycott from the Syrian Opposition un spokesman mark mr key said you didnt cheat by ki moon had invited youre on after getting assurances that he understood the bases and gold of the compass. But iran has strongly rejected the geneva ones communicates setting up of the new Syrian Government. Cctv is nick harper has. The showdown is starting on sunday evening when United Nations sexy general by the mayor said he invited ten additional comfort to the peace talks and one of them was iran. As i have said the pay tv. I believe strongly that iraq needs to be part of the solution to the scene in crisis. The sick the generals said hes been given assurances from Senior Iranian officials. Iran would support the main aim of the geneva to talks mainly to set up a new Transitional Government. The condition that was laid out in the geneva won agreements that the Us State Department was not convinced and alston said the generals decision to invite iran saying in a statement. We remain deeply concerned about the wrongs contributions is sought regimes Brutal Campaign against its own people. If iran does not fully and publicly accept the job picking the nikkei invitation must be rescinded. So with the u s urging the un to un invite iran. Key members of the Syrian Opposition threatening to pull out the sink the general was said to be caught allegedly considering his options. But the wrongs Common Mission to the un helped him to make up is money. Lip reading the United States writes issuing a statement it made it clear that iran would melt it and its good to have to help set up the new Syrian Governments saying its the anticipation of the rawness conditioned to accept genuine communicate the role will not participate in geneva to conference. That effectively cleared the way to visit the gentle trickle his invitation. Scotts cousin announcing the news he has decided that the one day. Montrose gathering will proceed without the wrongs participation. With all the cctv. The likely continue on the upcoming geneva to peace talks are to follow up on the costume from last june the objective this time around is to implement geneva one communicate for preview of the conference list of the correspondence which investing hes in geneva which are the opposition the Syrian National council has confirmed it will wilt and after the un secretary general withdrew that invitation to you on. Though the commitment of the s e and c at least knowing sure that these talks will be getting on the way there in geneva after the manner in which all are going to pay. Giving up the shaking of the question now is the commitment of the rebel groups represented by the National Syrian coalition with them. While the coach and this encouraged to attend middle school. Then of course with the question about how much control the production of a rebel like that on the ground but if i get a kick in the field but could buy cheaper than the ndp. The whole issue of what was joking that he is the solution to the formation of a Transitional Government which was the president. From the wall. It didnt appear to represent them. Orange you need to talk about remaining iran and syria are waging war on god. But there are a genius like that keeping cool dont in the chin chow to shrinking the United Nations will get by. Hoping to hear no rigid. Theres also delish out over the stocks theres a report published by the greed for more war crimes prosecutors claiming evidence of systematic torture and the execution of up to it that eleven thousand people by the Syrian Government what impact will that likely have on all the stops learned. George strait and is reported to confirm some credibility. So in the heat it adds to the general talked to me to learn and i are in disagreement. Surrounding the key tool in geneva. Opel ag day from some fifty five thousand to which they can start a second from the city government. I think shows were told him that it is the mother and child and bear the pain. There were many people think that day the report was commissioned by how the for me because i like it tough to pull that they were huge rebel. We made for Digital Marketing publishing in two thousand and four from the heat of the people cheering me up his widow in tribute to her it is already two people fell into it. I cant the good things to get to go. Prejean best in the air in geneva thank you. Access to medical care has been a huge challenge for those injured in serious a walk on monday night at least sixteen people were killed and Dozens Injured in a double car bombing and bob holland thats assuming and war to post new tricky the hospital unable to cope with the wounded many have to be transferred across the border for emergency treatment. Our correspondent heel caught before he visited a turkish hospital pulls the Syrian Border and used a hidden camera to film this report the ambulance is on standby and once again geese turkeys hospital hes bracing to treat more in shape from the other side of the board because of a double car bombing at a border post. I wheeled into the emergency room. At this hospital is hes only like five. As it has been for many others wanted in syria. We secretly meet and know someone who was injured ten days ago. He still unable to speak any scared for my fellow seal the ends. Heckle to store their opponent and the patient was that the colts and because of the tender trap dont have to stress kills referred to many hospitals in turkey because his theory. The renault of medicine and equipment keanes two surgeries in his eyes because they are full of dirt sand trap the intended victim over mortar or mocking explosion. He describes the deteriorating situation inside syria. The only model regarding the areas best be off stations storming and sweet copies of what kind of alteration and all i am talking about the temple since the bans the chemist was that Eric H Holder theres a big shortage of basic needs from and you bite off the fewest of any medical device about the electricity we dream about it. We have the luck o force the end of fruit as well. And even the gas becomes the auction ring at the same time we are not only at teens the government will fine tune troops from many which fights on the government saw it so we cannot decide when we can finish the wall. As fighting regions. Dozens die inside syria and the day. As for the war ended. Those who make it across the border to turkey. We have a better chance that stayed with a side of the line between life and death. Camille consciously cctv tapes earlier today the Russian Foreign minister said an overall briefed the media on the Foreign Policy achievements of russia in twenty thirty. He was asked about the situation in syria the four offset the withdrawl of the invitation to youre on to geneva to peace talks would not seriously damage their progress. But he stressed all for the stakeholders should have a chance to produce it. Do you know of course is a mistake. I have mentioned a domino patients. There will be an apostrophe. Dont carry as many on this record and is publicly about to run east to play an Important Role in finding acceptable ways to settle a searing crisis. Where i was being coy for the fact which is those are the basis of the Russian Initiative for the fact that the bowl before and stakeholders who could have an impact on the situation on the ground to participate in the first page of the conference. Iran has halted its most sensitive viewing enrichment work as part of the landmark deal struck with will power was easing concerns over the countrys new cool program and clearing away for a partial lifting of International Sanctions the iaea report to the Member States said the agency had confirmed that as of january twentieth of twenty fourteen iran had ceased enriching ewing him above five percent at its plants in the pilot and porter. The move is part of a deal reached with five permanent members of Un Security Council plus germany last november. According to the six month interim pak iran agreed to stop deluding is twenty percent in the queue a new beginning on monday. It will eliminate all is twenty percent enriched uranium within six months and provide inspectors would daily access to ford road site and monthly inspections at the iraq heavy water reactor in return the us of a five lb how wars will begin to modestly relieve sanctions against iran over the next six months. The United States and European Union had in fact begun to ease sanctions against iran as part of the new killer deal between tehran and six will. I was that went into effect on monday. The U S Treasury Department said this has lifted restrictions aimed at limiting doing in crewe all exports. Easing of the sanctions when the six current customers of iraqs oil will not be required to reduce their purchases of reeling in crude. Meanwhile washington is lifting sanctions on Foreign Companies engage tehran as petro chemical exports sections of also been suspended on the trade of some Precious Metals and goods and Services Provided to the lawns automotive sector. Eu governments have also started to suspend some sanctions against iran. These include easing restrictions in the trade of petrochemicals Precious Metals and insurance for all shifts. The new restraints on tehrans Nuclear Ambitions have received a mixed response from doing the media underline sharp political differences with the country one reform leaning newspaper has healed the start of the deal. It says it will pave the way to reach full agreement on the countrys nuclear program. Media representing hardliners say that monday issued the day of mourning forty when the new Blog Technology and that iran has compromised too much the market had responded with the wrong scurried to the ryall rising slightly against the us dollar. Us sanctions against iran data as far back as nineteen seventy nine following the line the revolution in the years since the us and other western countries that impose several rounds of sanctions on the islamic republic. The loop as the details. The us says to the game close and sanctions against iran in nineteen seventy knowing asked the us in the season strong with stones and fifty two americans were held hostage for over a year. In response to wash and centrals will be the guest to its west of the iranian government assets between the us and us banks overseas. The noise going to fight against companies will find from any old and sweet chewy and development and wrong. Two years late and us citizens colossal talks filming a scene in almost any traits an investment that you are. In twenty ten the us cost cpu we pulled into nations taking portraits and food stalls and a copy of the radio all reaching the phone and the ending has added a further restrictions on companies provide the floor with the equipment and expertise drawings oil and chemical industry. It also protected his troops that do business with Financial Institutions feet long from holding a College Student grants. In twenty twelve and has announced even more sanctions based on their teens he runs all week as trade the countrys Third Largest in for yet. Meanwhile in twenty ten dup can put in place as serious sanctions target eardrums Energy Industries and Financial Sector among others. Its hard since this is true even though the twins helped by climbing in portal few rungs to tony and cast on the cotto wheel. It also re max hit the packing job was to achieve financial mentions the channel cctv. A price surge of bird flu infections in humans is sweeping china as the number of cases continues to climb. In recent days twenty three people in china have been infected with the eight seventy nine strain of bird flu. Adding to the twenty four cases reported last week. The World Health Organization says more than forty cases have been confirmed in the first three weeks of this beauty. Chow has held the door in a reported two deaths caused by the eight seventy nine dollars both patients died on saturday. Neighboring georgian province reported three new age seventy nine cases on sunday. All are included condition and are being treated in hospitals the province has so far confirmed twenty three cases in the poll in told me she of the Chinese Health officials as the viruses may have been very active systems them up with more than two hundred cases confirmed since march of last year. The wto has also warned that general flu viruses might read more widely with the upcoming Holiday Travel rush around the chinese new year. East chinas huge own problems is among the places most affected by the eight seventy nine virus with twenty six confirmed cases so far the shia are employed in view on earlier toll was more about the mood on the streets of the provincial capital of asia. Ill catch up the bird flu and in some cities up to dump rubbish like it when it seemed clock living poetry mom gets up and the ghost of those canadian coach mark is a bit closer to home so its still open. The number of cost. This is about a few and now its the txu that i did spring festival way its supposed to be a bit busy period for the poetry binders however the notion that the markets best option for the doc and tickling her and i know most to add two t and the prices of the kicking job to tend them to know when im calm day and that awesome getting the same here with the price was fourteen and the kilogram. And though the price has dropped as significant a button almost no people want to buy chicken for that tiny spring festival going on. Some people say that they will cook this and rates as a look at it its one that theyre not on the spring festival dates the World Economic forums organizers wanted the growing gap between the rich and four in the world will be the most likely cause of unrest over the next decade and could lead to a lost generation cctv jack martin has this report from davos switzerland where many of the worlds most powerful Decision Makers have begun to arrive ahead of the meetings official start which is only set. Theres no doubt in anyones mind this years World Economic forum at davos is very different from the mosque when it seemed the euro was about to implode and many see as chinas economy was approaching a hard landing so the ever seen would go up immediately and this is going so the path that the risk was removed them but they did get there the more fundamental issue is i think they remind they remain this distinction cyclists to patiently to open grocery trade growth. We cut Employment Creation and to and of course rising unemployment and social goals so it was i think at the end of the table so that was what do we offer to citizens thats the big question according to the World Economic forums annual poll of seven hundred expect surveyed identified a growing income gap within countries as well as between rich and poor nations as the most likely cause of tensions and major unrest over the coming decade. Trade unions say whats needed is a renewed commitment to create jobs and hold falling Living Standards to counter what many believe is an ongoing raced to the bottom trawling the Global Financial crisis like this isnt to say to the welsh people tell us that the white is about the stagnated gone backwards in the last two years. Any date and when we know that more than sixty percent of current size. Being that the wilton couple. Sharon borrow this is the argument that higher wage is always in the competition. This is a key factor. With that light its on which people can leave without lights which people can sigh. Dean al hunt for recovery that the sale of telstra stake in the koran bodies and eight all see it hes dead pretty pessimistic job creation was another big issue could lead to flash points according to the floor saturday alongside extreme weather. A point that would not be lost on delegates attending this meeting amid some of the most snow fall and warmest Winter Weather experienced it for quite some time. Jackpot and cctv a double. Then toward what we expected the shoes doubles gathering. Lets go to our correspondent jack martin whos there. Hello jack that tell us more about the major issues policy makers are likely to tackle the skewer doubles. Ten years old finally it can go along with dealing with stubbornly high unemployment in many countries which of course is very hard here in europe but also identified along with that widening gap between tiand a new poll of one of my pupils of all stripes the next ten years but that was already feeling like a good cry to making love to do with the big question will be euros to lick it. Help us to turn the economy slowed down and in the us recovery real it seemed that all of those questions that came largely held that the focus shifted to the point shooting to death with a damage control measures. The was introduced during the crisis. No faking it. That means the cohort thirty here in europe and in us elsewhere particularly in the us and japan. All will be the implication that gradually ending the us and all of the old wanted to do anything particularly the impact of the potential impact of emerging economies jack know what details do you have force about the agenda and elvis. Well heres the official. You know again climate change. Its going to be pickled for attracting the sort of womens issues going up the whole of the future of the decade weve been known to be looking at the top position. Great progress being made that very clear that a lot more progress still need to be made. That is going to be one of the biggest talking point is i can make a good looking as a economic recovery with the economy going. But youre going back to that point we just did the official theme for this year is reshaping the world called clintons office but the politics and business. They dont seem to be shaping up to be in the thing that is not so much fun to watch but the economic crisis and the dean of the year. But it didnt seem to really take it off and government for what it was shocking because it was good enough for a few days. It is a key part of the worlds wealthiest people poorly controlled the same amount of combined wealth of fifty percent of the port people although the dutchman credible to get. But there is going to be a lot of discussion homophobic out there and the enormous gap that still widening between the worlds forests in the wealthiest business jack martin reporting from davos thank you. Disused also hope is all on in the western japanese town which has come under International Criticism the japanese Government Official has defended the annual although the form of traditional fishing. He was responding after the Us Ambassador to japan treated that she was deeply concerned about the inhumanity of that practice. We warn you now all that some viewers might find some of the images in this report disturbing. He now has that store. You dont the huntsman and supporters in the picture rest time of tights. When two hundred fatal boating nose dolphins were driven into a secluded bay and selected for sale to marine parks were cute for me the two thousand and nine the second oscar winning documentary that tells me that pumped in from us. Japan has always claimed is part of the tradition i do go out of the whale and dolphin has always been part of tiki culture. I hope people to other countries could understand. The u s investor to pay. Caroline kennedy treat on saturday that she was deeply concerned by the demands of dr hunt dolphin killing. And oh so sad. Washington the closest ive come to the streets japanese candlestick treat any impact. Well youre going to kill local conditions. One of the traditional forms of our country and is carried out to appropriately in accordance with the mole in the offing. Hes not covered by the International Whaling commission told the partys control under the responsibility of each country in any case greeks plant or pencil positioned to the american side you. Its Animal Protection groups a dolphin hunting and tidy its main them money. On sunday valuable to the captain taylor they can be trained to teach expert in entertainment and sold hundreds of thousands of dollars. So this time is literally a multimillion dollar pot and very profitable for tights sea shepherd is cleaning my flute teacher that i cheat codes. Showing fisherman on several ngos found out that all things inside the paint and stabbing them with small incompetence. No blogging was just last for maybe thirty minutes. Its a site that the japanese government tries to prevent humans from coughing. Controversy is likely to go for a minute and a cc to do. Thats our report for now im going to go to beijing thank you for watching the International Weather forecast is next and will have more news of the top of the hour for the latest home the few minutes invitation to fraud for the upcoming geneva to feast on the lawn is melted not that it will also bring you the latest on the surging number of seventy nine for two pizzas here to stay the eye. Is you. The light landed me an american talk about an hour. How women are powerful. If you empower women in empowering birth mothers of raising sons who were either drag us into war but deep inside of our mothers are the ones who are protecting their daughters mothers grind and noticed blood and therefore not empowering women were not any chains this forty to fifty percent generation that understanding. Also on. I cant help but call out sick the hindus and one main iraq and the trees. Stunningly since we brought them democracy that women are educated they were doctors lawyers and now its thing and its taking over their being forced into loans they dont appreciate and i think that the felt needs of my eye so he now. I would just say that president obama. What you tried in cairo was a great start. Box. If you dont get the whole picture and realized the role of women. It will never tell. I hope that everyone in this room takes a moment today when you come home to think about why the most powerful ways to empower the arab and muslim world is and how the women. So please please stop turning a blind eye to the atrocities against women by at how much im pleased with how when a human powered up thinking. You will will will will will will will eye fan. Its. The continues weeks off they share in this week that the soul. Was shut off the face Treason Charges all of me in a limited act

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