The International Control and their destruction. We need to aim for is stronger now through attrition between the syrian press incidentally also strengthens the rule of the un. Naturally she shoots the sign to excel in this old city and diplomatic means. It should be no place for a minute intervention to stop which are not accepted by the International Society of course there is a wicked sense of the rainy knew she would just make a fuss that no need to be continued to compose his own. That school was done to protect the brain in life were new to thailand is most interested in its ease and security for all the states of the region opening is true keep it. Well whats so we had previously the reigning uk shoe was one of the main reasons why the media to defend senor up with steves deployed. Now we see that the rhythmically ratio has being sure to buckle is being sold as the cleanest of the fence is still being deployed. Lots of july the russian navy to work with the war in august based on the visible reason to put him to physically secure it seems meaningless goals to help earn a free version on what to call back to Drug Trafficking and terrorism and so we will talk about the stamps to. We did the splits. With the tga for words. It is having severe though well be guided by these principles six when we prepare for the breaks in the shot higher cooperation existence on this so that russia would hasten two thousand tickets soon. And so we are now finalizing an agreement to view racial economic union. And by the first of june two thousand fourteen will finalize the rocks of the line. It is the text of the seven agreement between increasingly to two proponents of data risk as is done in russia and mine too which means that you knew you would consider it the same token it and to please. Get easy. Armenia in kyrgyzstan meet you. Soon showing among the customs union. The corps as it gets more members so all the countries will be more interested in using our ukraine alchemist the fall of the same so we see it that way seeing today are folding up with either call the police who forced a save this country. Well come together and diesel black gold at the end she is stuck between two speakers. Before all that you could aid said its rating to attend school of art sessions as the lives of the senates leading to take parts of the sentence and said this week. Yes it was interesting to see that accepting some good signing up to seventy minutes. And if ukraine is still rated for that. Mccain continued to walk the parade with the expert level the rubes based on real economic interests on the call it. It will promote the regional project onto new molds at the demise of the projects who holds. Ford said included in oz. On a heated confrontation or in opposition to situate your project as the eu project wars will continue to cooperate with the manual in the drafting of the news that a secret. Teaching your little one on strengthening our armed forces. The above mentioned works the nice solid defenders say shoes yes would like to say a word swear what a weird dance in the midst of pain. Its just cool to defend see it. But the real intent group called the scheme of things soon arsenal and we see the new armament systems are being developed. You get to visit each cheek. No new nuclear strategic conventional weapon against the new. Whitehorse sound stuff. But that is in the distance and meets up with me. Will we see that hearing is leaning in close and its cold he meets gets try. Youre such a call center in spain in two thousand and two in a lot of the year in contention for his landscapes half of the so called sequences that Global Indigenous to the state of health at the beach. It has only seen the passion of december was the country is so for a strategic unconventional weapons sand into the mist onto. So its back on line for the previous fifty two still on the reduction of Strategic Nuclear weapons and its consultants whole stone to mind hes still in strategic balance. Use of force. We do understand that so we know what should be done the uh uh wouldnt it be to get no nobody listens to the post to teach you how they made it really a ticket. Studio into russia russia was pulling through the challenges of its co and tackles who wants to sell money you have all the potential to lead. Not exceed all humans the new palms to our units to get the two systems will help to ensure the security of the day. Remove the skillet pour is still on the way new to you to the pot precision of a once in the distance thats our islands. Its a start it soon will sell it before since we reached new levels according to plan the gay and so some of the funds will have to discuss healthy way. We also were tingling new Strategic Systems which are living in a new review based soon as i know what will continue to do so and more a minute to pilots and submarines. Soon we are currently working on the new kits to t j com thanks to you as an important when working in the walls of its target Identification Systems than working a real triumph with the beach this is the new Russian Armed forces. Of course who raced to a healthy place to the space for a six goal is to win on the blurry the army in the most airports so we have increased in oslo tcks fices ofowinto ahe only disease twenty thousand of course we need to think about them some gas reserves. Yes of course students relate to have fun. Then some of it in a bomb threat if its only too well with box they will have to you. Theyll have to give it that she needs to go admitted to training into getting me literally. Its realization that this will help us close to trying the necessary amount of reserve the sa for us among staying up for the specific minute it an expensive existence. Yes thats me and being with ministry of defense needs to come up. Are we to an arrangement inhe face oy whhe r aament of the armies that are on president to design the phones are precedents it is in it. Its a quaint see a total of twenty three treaty and its been a scare last decades the sentencing disparity will bring you the loan to its roots to this state of late but dont bank on tricks that they are the two of the real point of interest in its six to come up with new white take shelves back to you immediately see the human body are employed in the state industry to get with the fam is it about seven minute people out there who will have fun and all fully well that we cant that due to their families so we do with the beach. How fun enough funds. It is you guessed it. So called tuesdays take on carousel for field it is heated seats and need to continue to use it provides the sounds and the we need to strengthen our position is all for the International Market these facilities and the things that the citizens need to show it to see the production of fitting coda to us when its needed most and thats the ultimate excuse now. Thats less aware of the waiting list. Playa in two thousand twelve will need to get the house. My knees and bass will be tested and get the job to complete its gm would like to address is the mintry of defence has really become a queasy the ideal solution for everyone. You will finalize the shoot off of palace woods the less time in history. It was at school between the dominant with you. Thats why we can now move on to you ability to come to bowl in the victory. This is to meditate talents. You need to feel the responsibility of the country and thats it. On apostle of the constitution and betsy schools on everyone about when youre teaching a new approach to the russian union. Just now applying the methods of how we can achieve. Whats the old saying students in the next tuesday you can. I called the slowdown and a half yes thats our major sponsor to be a good start she takes more strength and confidence. Youre assigned to the pool this morning gangster who from all the bases and from what cruel you know you have for me me motivation to take on the asian markets. But the country if we posses the season came to the way home. Its the best of the arm onto the next day lesson for everyone the authorities. Besides it on tv and danced with babies hold the view of these was the seasons traditions of our people was about using the up and we see a huge box method of develment this eek so you wont be tossed to me if they succeed. All under the bed like its all the kremlin in central moscow the russian president s annual study. Youve been listening to much in the lavender food and as he delivered the state of the nation address they have for the shia former russian people. He talked about a number of domestic issues as well as International Issues he touched on the issue of the ongoing protests there in kyiv in the ukraine and the russian president also talked about rebuilding the Russian Military spending he said twenty three billion rubles and rebuilding the Russian Military and well above what foreigners but after a short break. Stay with us. Fan. In. The sells says. The uhaul. Welcome back down to eat lunch in beijing. Protesters in thailands capital cut off electricity to the Prime Ministers Office compound on thursday and demanded that police abandoned the premises the opposition back protesters had threatened to force their way in if police didnt leave. They are seeking to force the replacement of promising not to mock government before the february second election the Prime Minister was not in their offices at the time and me shortly afterwards gave a televised address from an unidentified location in which he announced to the summit to be the meeting of all sectors of society to try to find the solution to the political crisis of protesters in bangkok continue to demand the resignation of Prime Minister received a warm welcome from supporters in the Northern City of chiang rai on wednesday. He won at her party enjoyed widespread support in the countryside including the north and northeast thailand greece was recently fuel has already is all parliament and hold the election. Protesters are demanding he resign and be replaced by an unelected people scallops. More time in which the thai Prime Minister of a two gb diva was charged with murder on thursday in connection with the two thousand and ten deaths of two protesters killed when a crackdown on Anti Government demonstrators during that time. The move comes amid weeks of renewed protests that have shaken the thai capital and threatened again to plunge the country into crisis. I visit was charged with the debts of the forty three year old man and the fourteen new liberal. Not all the charges in the court hearing. About ninety people were killed in the crackdown in two thousand team and then it was not to be alive abhisit is facing charges in those two deaths. After the indictment thailand to move the Court Granted bail to visit his trial is set to begin wash the twenty fourth in twenty ten richard protesters occupied downtown bangkok for more than two months until being dispersed by a cracked. Richards on support from walmart. That opposition will use this tool is now Prime Minister military spokesman said that thailands top military brass will disgust on thursday whether to meet with Anti Government protest leaders meeting that earlier had been dismissed as dangerous the Supreme Court command is expected to discuss the matter with each of the Armed Forces Commanders but just reduce it to coax a bomb on wednesday as for meeting with senior military and police leaders. They want to be held in the next couple of hours. Two bank to bangladesh now for the bangladeshi supreme quarters cleared the way for the execution of an Opposition Leader convicted of war crimes. The court rejected an appeal by could be a marvelous. That was to prove his death sentence the rejected that on thursday. His execution had been on hold since he was better than last year. So the lawyers could watch them there was no immediate word on when the execution will be carried out. Paulo was convicted of war crimes committed during the nations war of independence against pakistan in two in nineteen seventy one while a party at ally of the main Opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party has warned of dire consequences if mallorca is executed. Note note to moscow without corresponding daria bondage of shed been following the state of the nation address that was just a completed by russian President Biden included are daria he covered a lot of ground may have can you give are some highlights of what the russian president said during his state of the nation address. This woman major part of his address was of course highly dedicated to domestic internal on the issue saddam base from economy to health to our labor markets to Housing Education on the and the work of the government and the wounding and one of the things that have found the applause of the audience i was so mad men impotent suggested to add to support the bean trees in demographic statistics in the country to support a program to provide our families hiding in my shop with Affordable Housing on him and he didnt extend the program existing problem for comment and to support butts on it least the housing for the young families on the will be on the top of the agenda of the government for the cup for the coming years. Also she stressed the importance to develop the connie to support new businesses and to create favorable environment for the starting businesses and in the russian president suggested that you love and support the existing on the system and enhanced it into your tax breaks in the regions that new businesses. I can enjoy a week so that late so they can bring more income to the local regional and in a circle of budgets. Also he addressed one of the important issues that testing so they heated debate ia costs youtube debate in the time its a couple of months. Bettys out the problem of migration. I mentioned is the cost of expansion of ultra nationalism on the xenophobic attacks the sofa would sell Illegal Migrants and im in here in moscow we packed up some protests are also a test against italy them be legally belong to them my friends here. So he said its important to regulate the labor market and to make sure that those laid out my days to come to work it out here in this country legally and financially on all the benefits but also to pay taxes and to have upset the sofa. They pay the cost to the social event. It took two to enjoy them but the benefits of the society him the shot but feel so content. Um so old son max induced omni of the attacks and also on that side out against the minorities and done she said that the aisle to mention his alms of spirits is not something as welcome that bit of this countrys Multi National identity spiritual masters and should be supported. Im also just another important issues economy and how to create on the hunt to help businessmen down to a new business is great news on jobs for them on the region on the school levels. Im proud to support these enterprises on that provides not only for the budget but also for a more comfortable social and investment environment not in the regions and bigger and smaller cities and towns. So this i pray for rachel said she talked about education providing better education for free for young people tell them what did they get to work late and in non commuting trio creates their own enterprises. And he said that the comments to the station should Work Together with the local businesses to make sure that the students that get education can relate to find themselves in the markets there were also quite talented and gracious act of that though the chavez in a headdress of course we cant tell them all i hear right now. I dyed you want you to bring it to some of the Foreign Policy issues though. The issue of the ongoing protests in ukraine. The russian president did touch on that and ill put that mr couldnt have to say about the of the protests that we see going on in ukraine. Well up the thing is that of the shares and exit from the beginning of the street is that this is a sobering choice of ukrainian people ah whether they want to enhance their ties with europe or with the shock and die as weve seen that the situation was not quite decided box of us shes going to a boost its ties with ukraine and um also among the flood internationally she said the russian president mentions the iam be in the victory basically all finale of abcs an Intentional Community in on changing situation on syria in the diverting it from the on from the warlike scenario rather to diplomatic solution and all syrian an aussie recall things that bring together the warring sides and he stressed the bases of the success of the sas mckinney d and he stressed that the cia the role of the un has proved that once again that it isnt one institution to provide stability in the inn in the wild only in the middle east. On the Russian Press and also undermines of a mention some of the non etc are some examples that have been receiving intensive committee has witnessed in the last couple of years in the middle east and north africa and done she also mentioned that he is important that together with its National Partners question manage to make a first breakthrough step but its the first epi on the mind only dissolution of the Iranian Nuclear program and said that in the coming in russia will also note what can these direction to make sure that on stability remains in the region but also that the security concerns of all sides that art. They are concerned about the iam you many new people who peddle these concerns are heard and that they are taken into consideration during the resulting all face off of the American Opinion the issue. And also mentions that im oh now thats on the iranian side and you control them. Is this not so cute its awesome the mobile wanting it in the top the calm of the time of the regionals citylink he said that was one of the key text the phone for creating of the m thomas at me so defense shield in europe. And he raised concerns that the stability of boys on the bed. This then be up in the end of the un in fact hes not so on the exciting as it was an owner that ayla and i wonder why i still have a system in place in life to develop the u s to lead texas to us. Daria bondage of reporting for us. They are from moscow thank you. Got back here domestically Chinas Foreign Ministry has urged the philippines to handle properly. The detained men of chinese citizens in the philippines. This comes after philippine immigration authorities stormed three chinese one markets and detained Seventy Eight Chinese Nationals on wednesday. He means if im down to what ill fitting suit but doubts it. China has launched a representation with a feather in size the seventies integration or start to set the pace. She is not aimed at Chinese Nationalist us has the legal immigration. Some citizens from other countries also detained the three chinese detainees have been bailed out due to Poor Health Conditions of the chinese detainees have been transferred to somewhere with Better Living conditions the Chinese Embassy would continue to funnel the issue has to put it inside to handle this puppy. Another news on Chinese National broadcasting is going to go market in argentina have been affected by a large wave of the ice when Chinese National has been confirmed dead. All is said to his embassy to argentina has initiated Emergency Managers are logged representation with the local government as well as provide necessary support to the victims and their families. The chinese Foreign Ministry also issued a statement in response to the japanese governments new video claiming sovereignty over the dial your islands the minister urged japan to stop its provocative action does he said oh dont you sell. Thank you to you we told cc single. So provocative action taken by the japanese sides. China strongly oppose this the last was he takes it would never change the fact that the delhi gone and its been known to china. We urge japan to stop its provocations and sold the difference is going on the south korean Foreign Ministry is also strongly protested japan for uploading a video claiming sovereignty over a disputed ice with south koreas Foreign Ministry spokesman chun kung young said japans move has cast doubt on japan and sincerity regarding improvement in south korean jap mutilation. He did not add it on youtube youll move and said the south korean side would also move the view of history and sovereignty of the ego or the topic in the islands and is called in japan the japanese Foreign Ministry initially uploaded the video in october. On wednesday japan released the same video in nine different languages including korea. And thats our report for now i intend to launch in beijing. Stay tuned well have much more news at the top of the aisle the new the us. I use. Lou will will will will. The us the idol welcome to nhk world news line and you know tony and took ill cures a look at some other stories were following this hour. I am. South korea has told other countries its expanding its era the fences on to overlap those of china and members of japans Ruling Coalition have agreed on guidelines to cushion the impact of

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