Servers are considering the role today's impeachment inquiry fits into the constitutional framers understanding the classic form that was familiar to the framers was the abuse of office for personal gain or advantage Harvard Law School Professor Noah Feldman argues that's why bribery is listed as an impeachable offense by George Washington Law School professor Jonathan Turley response been is now bribery was vague and broad but the idea that bad practices could be the definition of bribery. Really Turley has been critical of this and treatment process describing it as too fast Lisa thanks Sherritt of the White House press secretary calling it a sham hearing also tweeting that 3 of the witnesses have known biases against the president one Democratic congressman just announcing his retirement day heck of Washington State is his 4th term and he sits on the House Intelligence Committee the lead committee on the impeachment probe is prepared statement tech is critical of President Trump and a Republican colleagues arguing that civic discourse is dying on Wall Street back to a rally the Dow right now is up 197 points America is listening to Fox News. This is a special alert to all the Americans who own a vehicle with less than 200000 miles with an auto warranty about to expire or with no warranty coverage at all due to a decline in the economy protect my car is announcing a low cost extended service plan that is now available to the public to save any driver out of pocket expenses on auto repairs call now to find out how you can pay nothing for all repairs Yes you heard that correctly pay nothing for auto repairs and open phone line has been established for all drivers to call for a frequent quote call 809875410 Now drivers who are covered by protect my car will not have to pay for a covered repair bill again this auto coverage is at an all time low much lower than what dealerships are charging Additionally drivers who activate this auto coverage today will also receive free roadside assistance free towing and free car rental at no additional cost call protect my car for your frequent quote today 809875410809875410 What do you have to lose again 809875410. President Chavez on his way back from the NATO summit which ended on a testy note for the us and Canada President Trump coding Justin Trudeau 2 faced after the Canadian prime minister was caught on camera joking about the president's interactions with reporters I called him out of the fact is I'm paying 2 percent and I guess he's not very happy about the president suggesting church day was responding to American pressure of a candidate to spend more on defense the prime minister we had a great meeting yesterday existing all is well the relationship between Canada and the United States is extremely strong and I have a very good relationship with President Trump and his team in London Simon and Fox News as a president canceled what had been planned as a closing news conference at the end of the summit the state of Minnesota announces a lawsuit against the nation's leading maker of East cigarettes and they've been products state attorney general Keith Ellison says the suit against jewel labs alleges creation of a public nuisance in violation of state consumer protection laws including for super fraud deceptive trade practices unlawful trade practices and false advertising the suit comes weeks after Governor Tim Walz listened to students concerns about they being and its health risks he says Jew will put up a fight but he guarantees the state will fight back you can hire your attorneys you will have your day in court but we will bring the righteous justice of the state of Minnesota down on July the c.d.c. Says nationally at least 47 people have died from illnesses related to vapor going all Scott Fox News a lockdown scary Jackson State University in Mississippi where there had been reports of an active shooter university officials now say a non student was shot in the leg by a single shooter who was also a not a student the injury described as non life threatening and the separating this is fun. This year in. Finity celebrates 30 years and 30 winters with exceptional offers on all infinity S.U.V.s celebrate 30 years by carving corners in a Q x 50 with b.c. Turbo celebrate 30 years by steering gear in a Q x 60 with a bailable motion activated with came to celebrate 30 years of luxury in the lobbies interior of r Q x 80 with the Bose 13 speaker premium sound turned all the way up visit your bay area I'm going to be challenged day for the Infinity winter sales of guns because luxuries should be lived in. 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And I put that in quotes Pam Karlan Pam of the Karlen she is the Stamford to war professor who has been testifying about want to read for a break Donald Trump is a bureau's does power all of this rot got partisan hackery what it turns out that this witness donated thousands of dollars to Hillary Clinton and was on Hillary Clinton short list of Supreme Court nominees and then it all went up in smoke when Hillary Clinton even running a campaign couldn't even draw flies to book signings or campaign stops couldn't even deign to go out into the states where some deplorable xl live no wonder she isn't hinged No wonder she ticked off. I wouldn't be surprised if this woman wore one of those vagina hats in protest after Trump one member that would trump announces a travel ban and so forth only vagina hat women start showing up all over I would be a bit surprised if she's one of them she donated thousands of dollars of Democrats was on Hillary Clinton's list for a potential Supreme Court nomination. So is it any surprise that this baby has a vendetta they all have a vendetta against Trump but again I'm telling it Turly. Turly is. One voice I think was able to illustrate put in context the. Lunacy. Of all of these so-called legal scholars now let me find by the you notice what he said I want to play this once again play summit 25. There are many reasons we're here today one of the reasons the Democrats are livid still to this day that Bill Clinton was impeached 60 percent approval and a Republican still after Navy wanted to get even for so long and this is part of it's not all of it's part of. Have you heard the Bill and Hillary Clinton were regular guests of Epstein's at that ranch or his in Arizona yes they were both of them both of them not just Bill but both of them were guests event Steen at the ranch we haven't heard much about what was on a ranch we've heard about we've heard about the island we've heard about the Manhattan penthouse and we've heard about the fleet of private jets in the Mile High Club there but we've not heard much about this Arizona other than the fact that Epstein had or we've heard a lot about Prince Andrew his mommy canceled his 60th birthday party. My for can you imagine the humiliation among his friends at the sandbox. Mommy cancel birthday party. Understand this if you're 10 if you're 60 and your mother cancels your birthday party. Anyway here's Turly audio some by 25 listens because this is a money sound bite. My testimony lays out the criminal allegations in the previous impeachment those were not just proven crimes they were excepted crimes it is even the Democrats they are usually Committee agreed that Bill Clinton had committed perjury that's on the record and a federal charge later said it was perjury in the case of Nixon the crimes were established no one seriously disagreed with those crimes right so he's is reminding everybody Clinton literally committing crimes now you knew that because you listen here regularly and I've known that and told you he committed perjury he suborned perjury for those in your real Linda that means. You know that ask people to lie and he lost his law license for a year me but there was a crime there and with Watergate there was the perception of crimes although I'll never forget my dad my dad was so live in it what happened next and my dad until he died 18 years later with the subject of Nixon came up my dad lost it in whoever dared bring up Nixon in my dance Tell me what he did. One thing what did he do and nobody could name anything. People wilted and faded away into the carpet when my dad was really a man. What did he do nobody can tell you what Nixon did anyway you can tell people what Clinton did he lied under oath Ok. I've got sound bites of all these people have and it you really need to see them through the air right. And this appear your 80 These people have just drips off of them and I don't know what is that arrogance it's also condescension. And this babe Carla. She pulled a pencil neck she even made up a story about Trump denying Louisiana governor. Disaster grab somebody number 8. Not remember what this is this is this isn't Peter here in Trump's abused his power no trump even a bribe Oh no they drop the bribery they're going to bribery didn't focus group well so now he's abused his power New York Times is coordinating Trump's abuses power that's always people saying and here's Stanford law professor Pam a carbon testifying is part of her opening remark imagine living in a part of Louisiana or Texas that's prone to devastating hurricanes and flooding well when you think if you lived there and your governor asked for a meeting with the president to discuss getting disaster aid that Congress has provided for what would you think if that president said I would like to do you I would like you to do us a favor all meet with you and I'll send the disaster relief once you brand my opponent a criminal when you know in your gut that such a president had abused his office that he betrayed the Latin to take risk it didn't happen that's why I was so livid watch this did not happen she is building off the same technique that Adam Schiff used Adam Schiff lived about the call between Trump and Zelinsky while he was sitting in his committee chair the actual chairs the committee was in session and Adam Schiff said. That the president told the president of Ukraine to make up to dig up make up if you have to dirt on my opponent told him 7 or 8 times make it up dig it up and don't get back to me until you've found it. You know I'm going to send my guy over there Rudy you like him let him help you but don't get back to me till you've found and made up that dirt on my opponent that's what shift said and it was a total lie because Trump and released the transcript nothing even close to that I mean not even close shift totally made it up and he was called out on it and he then said Well I was doing parody to try to make the point of trying to make you know lighten the proceedings it wasn't funny and he got away with it for 30 minutes before a single Republican called him out on an umbrella and a gas can watch it on t.v. And there's not a single Republican objected to it and here comes this baby making up another story based on that lie a magic you live in Louisiana you need some hurricane relief and a presence is I'm not going to sit to you until you dig up dirt none of this ever happened these are the law professors these are the most brilliant among us these are the best and the brightest these are people teaching students about the law she's an abject faker and liar because she's a partisan hack who has been poisoned with abject hatred she's a donor to the Democrats a donor to Clinton and she was on Hillary short list for Supreme Court nomination if you already had one so she's understandably ticked off and hates Trump because you want this is made up Trump never told the president of Ukraine to make up dirt dig up dirt and don't get back to me Do you found any and he certainly never told the governor of Louisiana or any such thing this stuff these to be gaveled down and quot Eve mediately this is a he. Goes beyond character assassination and lying you want to talk about abuse of power the Democrats are engaged in it in spades here I mean this is this is just being on the pale. And they have this woman presented as an almost saleable witness because she's a scholar and she's a professor and she teaches at Stanford and you can't object just like you couldn't object to look 10 a colonel been. A knew. You better be very careful around Lieutenant Colonel women and you better be very careful around because she's a woman and you can't criticize a woman. This is just outrageous. Imagine if you she's trying to make an analogy in a later one of these other more years this guy Gary Hart from North Carolina is you know my analogies aren't nearly as good as Professor Carlin's But let me try let say that you're robbing a bank and if you're leaving with the money you know you're going to get caught so you drop the money on the floor did you rob the bank or not even though you don't leave the money that's what bank the Trump Rob no faults of fact is it had bunch of people some of the notes this morning watching this thing tell me they had to turn it off because they couldn't deal with the hate the hate they were watching made them uncomfortable right now we've got to get on to. Because I've I promise we'll get to this one. If Justin Trudeau let me find the. Number Trudeau went to number 16 Ok fine let me find 16 here I thought I had it right in front of me. So there was an open mike there was a reception at Buckingham Palace you know what else you know you hear this official receiving line you get the Queen Prince Philip is not there he's. Not well. The prince from us not there the queen's husband they've got the Queen you've got Prince Charles who the guys of the kooky himself he's a big climate change guy that. Burns up more carbon dioxide you and I couldn't our lifetimes. And then come Ella his his high school sweetheart who we ended up marrying but princes and did not join the receiving line princes and stayed in the doorway. And the queen was not happy that Princess Anne apparently looking according to weight appeared was dissing the president of the United States because a president Malani a going through the reception line the queen apparently loves trump the queen apparently wants him to come back a lot thinking back NATO thing reception for him and all the other NATO people and princes Amazon and she got a stare down from the queen and a look on the queen's face like Where the hell are you get your over here and princes and this kind of shrug and lifted her hand rule. The queen was embarrassed this queen by the way I would think she's embarrassed every day by her kids but that's just me. I guess most parents have the ability to see beyond the embarrassing nature of it their kids engaged in. Anyway there was an open mike during the reception and this Pierre Trudeau Justin Trudeau the. Head Honcho in Cuba it is the guy that dressed up in blackface Justin Trudeau did went to a party in blackface What was he doing in person a should have Governor Raphe know them Virginia so anyway the reception was late because Trump was late in the reason Trump was late was he did another press conference here's I want to talk to the media and Trudeau is talking to Boris Johnson the British prime minister and the Dutch prime minister Mark Ruta. And there's a mike catching for Doug there talking to the French president you might well not groan and here is how it sounded. To just. Say. It's all just. Now when this thing 1st when this thing 1st aired the Drive-By Media including Fox News for trade this is these people mocking Trump what out Joe They said Trump look at this guy white even his staff George dropped to the floor I don't think they were mocking Trump I think they're sitting there in disbelief that he'll spend so much time with the media including being late to one of these boring receptions that they have to go to and then sure don't know talk yet Yeah the fake news media I think they would all love to be able to talk to the press like Trump does except maybe not because they may be part of the whole press combo you know that a buncha leftists so they don't see the media the way we do or the way or the way trumped all those. Trump then punched back this is this morning and want for Dingell an atlas summit between meeting train Trump and Angola Merkel. A reporter said Mr President have you seen the video of Prime Minister true don't talking about you last night well he's 2 faced and honestly with today's guy I find him to be a very nice guy but you know the truth is that I called him out on the fact that he's not paying 2 percent and I guess he's not very happy about it so I called him out on that and I'm sure he was unhappy about it but that's the way it is look I'm representing the u.s. . He should be paying more these days and he understands it and I can imagine he's not that happy but that's the way it is so they they ran with it a dry but well look who's up there on c.n.n. Andrew McKay just let's just put a call like should all liars up on television as official commentators and or McCabe was fired in disgrace from the f.b.i. And there he is an official commentator waiting in on the testimony so far this morning here's the headline 3 legal experts testified Trump committed impeachable offense as one expert dissents and that one expert. Was this it was extremely powerful in his dissent anyway a brief brief break we'll be back we will continue much more straight ahead right after this choosing the perfect holiday gift for your loved ones can be tricky so given the gift it sure is a one gift memberships to Russia 24704 hero of everything Limbaugh radio show transcription plus podcast and video cam video live or on demand order today at Rush Limbaugh dot com You're listening to be e.i.b. Network. 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Going to get time to squeeze in another form called nervous Jersey City New Jersey Michael hello and welcome to the program. Thank you thank you and here's my question why are the Democrats having new hearing with 4 academics who have no direct knowledge whatsoever about what's going on I don't Miss Stanwood I'll tell you why it's a great question on to exactly why they're doing it because none of the other witnesses were compelling and influence anybody and they didn't have any personal contact with Trump either you know all these ambassadors and all these foreign service civil servants and everyone had 2nd hand knowledge and ever boring stiffs in the audience ratings plummeted every day they were on so it was a bomb so the round mound of a gavel decides we need something compelling and we need something official and he realizes there's not a single Democrat that can offer any credibility you have to go out there and grab who they think are credible and unassailable and who are they scholars or your He's Professor A's and these professors have been acting as fact witnesses is a comment I made to be the program and it's another thing it takes me off these people are acting like they were on the phone call they heard Trump make the phone call it was outrageous what happened they're all acting like they're the whistle blower in essence none of them have met Trump none of them no trust none of them heard the phone call the transcript of the phone call is out the baby is making up stories but the reason they're doing this is because they think oh nothing they have shifted away from bribery because that bombed out on them like Wile e. Coyote So now they've shifted to abuse of power so these constitutional experts are there to explain the stupid idiots that of the American people why what drunk did bad and why truck needs to be kicked out of office. It is pure liberal hackery on display here. If I can't tell you a. Particle that is guys off and on throughout the day 55 for a high chance of some moisture tonight in tomorrow 31 for a low 48 for a high on Thursday we're back to 50 on Friday warmer for the weekend this is j. Foreigner c.e.o. Of Quicken Loans and we want to help your house feel more like a home with some of the lowest refinancing rates ever rates have dropped so much that many Americans can reduce their rate you may be able to save money on your monthly mortgage payment right now the rate today on our 30 year fixed rate mortgage is 3.99 percent a.p.r. 4.18 percent call us at $800.00 Quicken or go to rocket mortgage dot com rates up to change a 1.15 percent discount rate. 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You know a little gutless wonder millennial types have of us ever have the guts to face dad and tell dad what they think you have to just talk to themselves about what Barry thinking we're late because Trump Pentago talk to the media by the way I want to read to you about this Pamela Karla The more that we learn about her one of the so-called witnesses. I want to read to you here this is from seed National Review back in 2013. 2013 National Review October 10th from the article Stanford law professor Pamela Karlan is a favorite candidate of the left for a Supreme Court seat in large part because as this 2009 New York Times article put it the left hungers for a full throated unapologetic liberal torchbearer right she puts herself in a category by the way of snarky bisexual Jewish women that's how she describes herself. Snarky bisexual Jewish women the article goes on to say that she is a supporter of partial birth abortion. What's strange about that commie babe brawl intents and purposes but here she is as a scholarly Jack Dee of constitutional lawyer which. To the head buttes is a power of Donald Trump remember this woman who thought she was destined for the Supremes court after Hillary Clinton would win the presidency something to which she donated thousands and thousands of dollars folks as tempting as it might be to access the free white fire and all the places that that now offer it got to be careful there's a hidden cost it could well be that there's a hacker nearby that you know the you can pretty much bank on it I mean there's all kinds of hackers and good hackers that test systems to see how hard they are to hackers bad hackers that want to get in there and steal data or plant malware on people's machines and that's what you got to look out for. And public Wi-Fi is a perfect place for cyber thieves and hackers to hangout plant them selves on and use your software to access your data use your computer to get into it. And it happens more often than you think and there's a way to prevent this is a way to access free Wi-Fi and be invisible no hacker can see you it's called v.p.n. Virtual private network Norton v.p.n. Now we've been talking about Norton v.p.n. For a long time and I wonder every time I see v.p.n. On t.v. Now I wonder if those of you in this audience see that oh yeah yeah I know what that is now Russia been talking about it I was watching an episode of Mr Robot on Sunday night and they were trying to pull off some giant scam of stealing all of the establishment money liberating every dime held by every establishment member and they were having trouble because one of the establishment connections was behind a v.p.n. They couldn't get to it. And I'm watching I wonder how many people see this and notice this because Fox it that people have found a way around this yet a virtual private network is exactly what it is you're on the network but it can't be seen as private It really is I've tried to think of many different ways to create a picture because you don't see your connection you're sitting on your phone or your laptop your desktop whatever you're using it and especially if you have a wife I don't see the connection but you know you're connected because you get the icon there and you're able to download data you're able to send receive e-mails Well somewhere in that connection there is a wire has to be. Now imagine in your own public Wi-Fi there's no wire it's just your machine communicating with the router and that's a wireless connection imagine that there's a pipe. Then only your connection is m. 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Is how you go about it Norton dot com slash B.P.M.'s the Web site $3.33 a month Norton dot com slash v.p.n. Ok that's been in the Richmond Virginia hello. Hi Rush thanks so much for taking my question you bet you kind of already we're getting to it but I've been wondering all day 1st of all why the expert lawyers who are have been lecturing I'm not going to use the word testifying but lecturing to us. Are allowed to be called witnesses that is my my 1st question because my concern is they're not witnesses and they're not testifying but by calling them witnesses it gives them a heightened sense to the public heightened sense of authority and credibility Rango you're exactly right it is what I'm what I was listening to the bit I listened is such a mind game these lawyers are basic I thought they were you know they're lawyers with you're supposed to be pretty innocent until proven guilty. To Hanly right out and say Trump did it no their lawyers we take the case all only if we think we can get you a judgment that we're going to take 70 percent of. Well I just I don't understand why that those lawyers can sit there and definitively say Trump has done you know something illegal when it hasn't been cruising what how can the press say it. Well the press is the prize right and you're you're alone aren't the press isn't the press these are all leftwing hacks now Bevan that that is the answer to your question they are not appearing as lawyers today that's the disguise that'll to camouflage that's how they're obvious gating that's how they're hiding these are the epitome of goober angry hate filled leftwing hacks angry that trump won the election they are part of the effort to get him thrown out of office to reverse the results they're showing up as lawyers and witnesses because this is how the Democrats think they can be a salable how they can be not criticized how they can be not not believed they are supposedly experts you cannot just believe Yeah I I'm wondering as to why was there no accountability because if they're going to it's the president of the United States of committing a crime to immediately before he and prevent their wife and her accountable Libby for that. Well because interesting question Congress. It has its own set of rules and can and of conduct and behavior and law in a sense like you might say well how come the Republicans don't get their own witnesses how come they don't get Trump's lawyers and so forth yeah the house can make the rules and they can deny the minority anything they want to deny them that's how it works and have consequences and Democrats can run this this house represented however they want to but I really see the remedy the accountability in this case is at the ballot box Yeah no no it really that's not just a cliche if I had 8 that's the accountability they're not accountable in a court of law here there's no way you can go with and say that NAVL or has committed a crime by virtue of the way he conducted the hearings he can't accuse him but you can't accuse these witnesses of committing crimes by testifying to things they haven't seen because they're not there they're being called witnesses but they're not there they're ex parte hope heading in the is what he has been well yeah well this side praying fervently that God would bring justice in that situation I've also kind of been praying they quit you that that the American people Democrat or Republican would wake up and see through this mind game and be offended that they're trying to take us for fools so I can identify with that be honest with you I've I've had that same hope my whole life yeah that. Well that's some force that that some power that some thing would happen that would cause the American people to see this for what it is. But you can't wait for that to happen you have to try to help it along which is why I am behind the Golden e.i.b. Microphone. People. Sadly I don't you know I m No the polls were in the press the media has got the lowest approval ratings respect that it's had a long long time but. There's something about if people see the words written on a page piece of paper or newspaper or even on a web page it is true I read it some people I saw it on t.v. It's got to be sure I saw it and depending on who said it on t.v. It's true. It's if you look at it the 2 most powerful institutions in the creation of public opinion our education education system and the media and it's a constant constant. Battle and I've gone through my life I have been both pleasantly surprised that more people and I ever dreamed saw things the way I did and I've also been dumbfounded that people didn't. So you just you you never know. You have to realize most Americans are not watching this Bevan even if these things get bought for ratings that the highest ratings these things got during shifts committee I think was 13000000 and that was spread out over so what Ford networks maybe 5 that's nothing. In comparison to the numbers of people who vote and then the numbers got smaller every day of ever hearing now the Democrats know that they were terribly let down they were thinking Watergate hearings with 50000000 people watching so that's what they're still trying to create here it's in the reason why they got these people they think these people are going to be automatically more credible and more powerful and more compelling than a much a dry ball civil servants were but the still the witness they don't have. They still don't have a fact witness who can testify to any allegation they've made and that the end of the day is all anybody really needs to know they're making all these accusations and they don't have one witness who saw it happen who heard it happen who knows that it had even there was no blower was a fake 2nd hand and was blown to smithereens when the transcript of the call was revealed and that's what's so mind bogglingly if frustrating to me about this there hasn't been any evidence for any allegation they have made me in 3 years plus. I got to go just on the clock sorry Beavan don't mean to be rude but I'm out of time he didn't start it but I'll be happy to finish it Rush 8 I began before you were in the right place the far right place to stop by. 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