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Mentioned I hired radio and when you purchase a complete bathroom remodel receive $1000.00 off and a $50.00 Cosco gift card. They've had. 2 more public impeachment hearings at the house today I'm Dave Anthony Fox News the 1st one the swarming features u.s. Ambassador to the European Union warn someone to be asked about his conversations with President Trump who insists he did nothing wrong in the Ukraine controversy yesterday 4 witnesses testified former u.s. Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker says when he 1st heard of a push to get Ukraine to investigate. A Ukrainian energy firm he did not understand it's link the former Vice President Joe Biden in retrospect I should have seen that connection differently and had I done so I would have raised my own objections other impeachment hearing witnesses who listen to a July phone call between President Trump and Ukraine's president did raise concerns on Fox's Jarrett help or not Democrats call the testimony damaging but Republicans point to exchanges like this between Volcker and another witness to Morrison and g.o.p. Congresswoman Elise to phonic neither of you ever have any evidence of quid pro quo it's more some remember a masterful did not any evidence of bribery. Remember now that the House also voted yesterday to try to avert a government shutdown as funding is set to run out tomorrow they passed a resolution that gives 4 more weeks of spending that goes to the Senate the White House's indicated support to American troops are dead in Afghanistan killed when their helicopter crashed today the Taliban claims to have shot it down to u.s. Military statement says there's no indication of enemy fire causing the crash or Chicago police officers at a hospital the morning after being shot in the head chasing a bank robbery suspect he does have a skull fracture he does have blood on the brain. I would say he's currently in serious but stable condition Dr Marius could still use a 15 year old boy was also shot in the arm and stomach on the crossfire as he was getting a piano lesson in a music store where the suspect ran trying to get away he was eventually shot and killed there's another shoot out in Georgia the Richmond County narcotics officer dead America's listening to Vioxx. News. That as I began my career as a teacher and I invest a lot of what I learned them at Harvard Business I'm Elizabeth MacDonald We're thinking about what you're interested in what you care about because we have families to Melissa Francis comics we have on send you back to what you know in a way that matters to you so you can make a better decision for yourself. Cause here's the best and if you. 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Team noticed unusual activity and according to Jock Barry with the state's Division of administration they quickly realized it was a ransomware attack they shut down more than 5000 servers a message had popped up on at least one of the computer screens presumably from the hackers with an e-mail address to contact them in order to retrieve their data we don't pay the ransom and we acted quickly within protocol and therefore were able to save over data there he says they were storing the clean servers and bringing back the affected ones as of their last backup which is done daily Jessica Rosenthal Fox News 3 months after Jeffrey obscene committed suicide in a New York City jail while awaiting trial over and rage sex trafficking 2 guards have been charged accused of failing to do require. Cell checks instead they were napping and serving the web overnight his body was found in the morning there's another crack down on the v.a. Being a bit outbreak of lung injuries at the industry blames on black market products New York the latest state to sue jewel New York attorney general Leticia James is accusing brands jewel of quote glamorizing vaporing and putting countless New Yorkers at risk James says jewel misled people not only about the nicotine content of its products but the safety of them versus cigarettes Jule basically took a page from a Big Tobacco playbook by marketing its products in a manner that was appealing to under each youth the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say there have been 42 vaporing related deaths nationwide and more than 2100 long injuries have been reported California is suing jewel over its ads as well in New York talking type hours Fox News Wall Street stocks could drop as markets also fall overseas Dow futures down more than 100 points but after 102 point drop the Nasdaq though another record high I made Anthony and this is Fox News. And technology credit union our mobile app is available everywhere your family needs us jobs did you tell Crapsey you will be traveling I just notified a magazine. Did you make your car payment I'm on it right now I want. Did you find an a.t.m. There is a block away from the hotel in Rolodex e.u. Savings reward promotion and earn up to $1000.00 go to Texas dot com slash save more. From the new film shows most of our See. Here Richard a Mary Poppins Juliet true Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious l.a. Today it's free on n.b.c. For we know your life is full for them you need someone working for you that's why n.b.c. Forces you to know how for hours of news starting at 4 pm we're going to run your afternoon with breaking news in the most accurate weather in town and b c 4 News add who are for you. Some of the most amazing moments inside were totally unexpected. Discovery of microwave oven or heard was also discovered by X.-Men Yeah but I'm thinking about the times when you go out there just to double check something something you thought you already understood but you find an answer which makes no sense of course you change how you see things yeah like I heard one of the most fundamental things in the universe was actually discovered this way by accident and it's totally amazing makes me wish that I've been involved and it makes to see the universe differently makes to see everything different isn't more impressive than a slinky in a microwave math pretty hard to top but I think this one does. I am learning maker tonight and I'm Daniel I'm a particle physicist and this is our podcast Daniel and Jorge explain the universe today on the program. Dark energy and why is it everywhere and feeling the universe is that powerful as it. Danger is is a dark after all will it stain your clothes. And most importantly why is it causing the universe to explode the universe is exploding people but don't get out of your cars it's going to take a while dark energy is a mysterious topic we went around and we asked people what do you know about dark energy. Is it like empty space I'm not sure no I have no idea about it it's like and here I don't see this kind of speed is dark energy something with black holes I don't know but that's my speculation. So most people really seem to have almost no idea what dark energy is which as a physicist really surprised me because it's one of the most dramatic and amazing discoveries of the last 30 years yeah but people sort of has seem to have heard about it right it sounds really familiar but they didn't know what it was yes some people thought it was dark matter some people maybe thought it was something in black panther like people really didn't seem to have a good grip on what dark energy is which is amazing not just because it was a big discovery but because it has huge consequences for our lives yeah it's a great name I mean I think it's easy to see why people would confuse it with dark matter dark matter and it is a cool name Dark Energy It sounds so mysterious though you're right in the in the h.r. Meeting where they decided what to call this weird physics thing should consider the fact that Dark Matter and Dark Energy sound alike I wonder if they do focus groups when they do that kind of thing you think they thought hey all those dark matter people get a ton of grant money if we call our Starke energy we could also get them any sure of that was the number one concern in their minds you know how will this play in my next grand proposal *. Anyway let's tell people what dark energy is and why it's so important Yeah well 1st of all it's a huge deal right like it's not like an obscure thing in physics it's like a huge part of the universe that's right most of the energy in the universe is actually taken up with dark energy like 67 percent right that's right fully 2 thirds of all the energy in the universe is devoted to this weird mysterious force called dark. Energy and that's about all we know about it but when you think of the universe and like Adams and protons and electrons and rocks asteroids planets although with hamsters and that hamsters Yeah yeah they had us do a lot you know all that stuff out there in the universe stars that not all there is to it to the universe right whole bunch of it is dark energy that's right yeah most of the stuff in the universe is not the kind of stuff that we see around us but as you say even stars and planets and gas and dust that all adds up to a tiny little sliver like 5 percent turns out and this is the kind of stuff we've only learned recently most of the universe is weird stuff we never even thought about we never even would have included in a pipe chart of the universe 30 years ago is the biggest piece of the pie it's this big kind of mysterious energy that's out there that's right so imagine for example you take like a cubic meter of space you have what's in it well on average if you average over the whole universe that we can see it has about 5 or 6 hydrogen atoms worth of energy and most of that is not matter or or stuff that you're familiar with most of it is dark energy and another big chunk of it is something called dark matter which we can talk about in another episode yeah and like dark energy is all around us right like right now 2 thirds of the room right now that I'm in is filled with dark energy that's right most of the energy in the universe and most of the energy everywhere and dark energy is not something that out there in space you're exactly right it's here it's with you it's between your toes it's a refrigerator just other dark matter between my toes let's be honest. I don't think I want to know if you care to say whether it's a cosmic mystery of physics or not yeah let's not let's not get into my toes and this and this podcast Navy Dale Jorge explain the universe and Jorge's to be yes that's right that's a winner right there but yes it's a huge deal it's all around and it's causing the universe explode. So that's that's kind of distressing yet not only is it turn out to be most of the universe it has huge consequences right the universe is exploding in every direction and in some ways dark energy is causing the universe to explode another way to think about it is that dark energy is our description of the fact that it is exploding like we saw the universe is exploding we named that dark energy like we there's 2 separate things where oh here's dark energy we know that's a thing here's it's cause it's more like dark energy is a description of the fact the universe is exploding and we don't really know why it's another name for the explosion of the universe it's a fancy title for our lack of understanding the explosion of the universe it's like you know if you don't understand something you have the p.r. Version we could've called it what is going on with the earth but dark energy sounds better energy. T.f. Universe Man Yeah yeah exactly. Well let's get into that So how did how do we find out about this dark energy that's all around us and it's causing the universe to explode Well it's one of my favorite stories in science because it's a story where the answer was a surprise you know scientists went into it asking one question and learning something totally different about the universe question they started with was what is the history of the universe and what is the future of the universe like what's going to happen eventually Yeah exactly like is this whole universe going to keep going forever is it going to compress into little Dot do I have time to like write that novel I've always been wanting to write you definitely have time to read that novel and there were no skis is another young adult novel because we have those already it's called dark youth. The dark so you've got vampires to go where will. The never have dark you know being this yeah and so when physicists when physicists want to predict the future when they typically do is look into the past and try to stand what's happened so far and then extrapolate so to figure out what the future of the universe was they 1st looked into the past and said what's been going on so far and let's see what direction things are going in right like. Like how my doing financially to have more money now than I used to have money before and that will sort of tell me what my I might expect in the future if I don't make ill advices Asians That's right you know if your net worth has been rising then you expected to keep going what if your bank account is dropping every single month and you can expect some sort of cataclysmic event in your near future they need to record more podcast to make more money that's right that's right and so in the physics world we went back to the very beginning of the universe and said Ok the universe started with a big bang right in and things blew up from there and the question people had in their minds was you know after the big bang things flying out from that huge explosion the question was Is there enough stuff in the universe for things to slow down for the gravity from that stuff to slow things down stop them and then make them fall back in so that was one possibility people were considering right and universe would stop the expansion would stop and then come back into a big crunch the death of full after the Big Bang and now the question is like are they going to keep flying off or maybe as they're not gravity pulling it other stuff together that it's going to like your slow down and then pull back in just kind of like how our solar system formed Yeah exactly most of the stuff we know around us in the in the universe was formed by gravity right gravity gathered together rocks and dust and rubble and hamsters or whatever and coalesced it together right that's why the Earth is round because that's gravity's work tumbling everything towards a smooth surface and that's how the sun is formed as gravity compressing dust and gas until it gets hot enough to burn so gravity is very powerful force and has a lot of time it's actually one of the weakest forces but over cosmic scales and all this time it has enough power to pull all this stuff together and compress it into objects of people thought maybe that's going to happen with the whole universe man like maybe the whole universe is going to come back together and. Press back into a tiny dot that would be pretty amazing like a giant cloud we all just kind of come get pull together and we maybe come back down that's one possible way that the future universe could end up that's right yes so option a was the big crunch but people didn't know like is there enough stuff in the universe is there enough gravity from that stuff to pull everything back together because it could totally have been that the explosion was more powerful essentially than the gravity and the thing spread out forever so that could happen like things are like a grenade out in space it is blows so violently that gravity is too weak to pull everything back together again that's right yeah and that could deck could have been the fate of the universe it could be that the universe just keeps expanding things spread out and slow down like gravity gravity still slowing things down but it doesn't have enough power to stop it and have it fall back in and so could be that just spreads out forever getting cooler and cooler and more distant until something we call the heat death of the universe that's when everything is the same temperature right to face this is where like are we ever going to be cool . We'll know in about 3 years to find out if is ever cool so that's I mean that and that is a very significant question right like we are and we live in this universe we can i want to know where is this whole thing headed I wonder if it's interesting to me to most people to me as a physicist I think it's one of the most interesting questions like What is the future of this whole amazing beautiful experiment we're living in very is going to go on forever isn't it going to tear itself apart is going to crunch together like to me that's a really interesting question why do we live at the peak of it or we like in the after party you know I mean like or are we or are our great grandchildren going to be like at the peak of the universe Yeah I think they That's exactly right and I think there's an issue of context there right like as humans we are always striving to understand the context of our existence. Why is this important what's going on and one of those questions is like is Earth at the center of the cosmos is Earth even important and another question is like that but in time right like are we living at an important time what is the future going to be pretty we fit in yeah are people in a 1000000000 years going to look back and say Man I wish I lived when Dana Jorge were doing their awesome those with days mean those were the good old days of the universe this podcast is peak civilization. After this are like I'm going to speak civilization. State Let's take a quick break. 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To option a everything comes crashing back down and be they just going to float away Yeah exactly and so when they wanted to do was look back in time because you can't actually see the future but it's not that hard in physics to see the past especially in astronomy to see the past all you have to do is look out into space and everything you see in space happened in the past just because it takes light time to get here from there take back in the day when there was no email or internet you would get your news from mail letters right and so the further away the more letter actually happened. At some point the Internet did not exist Daniel But why was it it was all dark dark male Yeah. So yes I like the further away you get a letter the older that news was yes exactly and some people think oh that's a bummer I think it's actually pretty cool because it lets us look into the past and so the verger out to look the further in the back in the past you can see in the goal is to see like how fast is stuff moving away from us you know the expansion of the universe how fast the stuff moving away from us now and how fast was it moving away from us earlier so we could understand like. How is this changing what is the fate going to be is it slowing down how fast is it slowing down yes because like of the fate of the us was for it to crunch down then you would see things kind of expanding slower now than before before you think that would be flying out and now they've become a slowing down and so we could expect things to cringe or if we measure things to be moving at about the same now as as they were before then maybe the fate of the universe is just to kind of keep floating off and getting cooler Exactly and so that was the question there was like Let's look and see how things are changing how much is it slowing down is slowing down a lot which means maybe big crunch or slowing down just a little which means maybe heat death was the question they asked but it's actually fascinating how they did it because it's tricky right here order to know how far back in the past you're looking you have to know how far away a star is and that's not easy to figure out. Like if you look at a star. If it's damn you don't know if it's just like a week star or really far away star it's just a little point right it's hard to tell you can like tell far away it is just from how bright that point is that's right you can't tell the difference between a star that's very bright and far away and very weak in close up we have some tricks but none of them are really good the early days people used to figure out how far away stars were by seeing how they shifted as the Earth went around the sun because if something was really close then you could see it sliding back and forth as the Earth went around the sun that's called the parallax system it's like how you triangulate with your eyes red like if yes if something looks really different when you wake when I and you went the other one then it must be pretty close but it doesn't change a lot when you wait between eyes and. It's far away yeah and so that's the original way people can figure out how far stuff away it is and then it was like in the 1920 s. When Hubble figured out a new way to look at itself in the sky and he found a particular kind of star called a c. Fitted that rooted and its brightness. It was connected to half assed it was rotating so you could figure out by measuring its rotation how bright it is which told you how far away it was so he was the 1st one to be able to see things that were further away and he's actually the one who figured out not just that the universe is expanding before that people thought oh the universe is just a bunch of stars hanging in space and he figured out 2 amazing things one is the universe is expanding and the other is that the universe is more than just our galaxy and one anymore he figured out that there are other galaxies that's right before Hubble we thought there is just our galaxy like imagine just a single galaxy floating in space that's what people thought the universe was he saw these little smudges up in the sky the people thought all these are just dust or clouds or something turns and he proved by measuring the distance to them that they were way too far away to be part of our galaxy he prove that they were actually other galaxies and that those galaxies were running away from us one must mean so mind blowing to be humble you know to have this moment of realization to understand this huge context of our of our existence Yeah it must be very humble to be humble. You know I don't know anything about Hubble but a lot of these famous physicist were not the nicest guy really is that your are their stories about Hubble I don't know any of them but if I had to guess any random famous physicist from history or not only got there by not being nice as a person you know being humble anyway Hubble was able to see past our galaxy but cosmically speaking that's not far enough to be able to tell because that's just like the last you know a little bit of the history that it was in the 1990 s. People develop the powerful new technique to let them see much further so we could tell how far away things were they were much much much further and that gave us a much deeper view rather than like the nearest galaxy Yeah really far away galaxies and that's a new kind of star that we start to understand called a type one a supernova. Right there they come like standard candles right exactly the standard candles because they act the same way everywhere in the universe and so we can tell we know how bright they are so based on how dim they are or how bright we can tell how far away they are right so it was in the ninety's people figure this thing out like look we have a new standard candle that let's look much deeper into the history of the universe and now we can answer this question be configured out what is the future of the universe what is it going to be some most stars are Eakin really tell right some of them are damn Some are far away but there are this special type of star it will explode the same way so that if you see it really bright it must be closer if you see really damage must be far away right that's right and these are not just stars as you said these are supernova Ranger the end of stars right that's when stars collapse and implode followed by a huge enormous cosmic explosion and that explosion is super bright like a single supernova you know it shined the entire galaxy it's in but just for a few days it's like crazily burning up all of its fuel it's like a flare he said your house on fire it's brighter than the whole neighborhood right brain not very well. So there were you know people figured this out and then people sort of split into 2 teams it was a team of Berkeley as a team in Australia and they were racing to discover to get as much data as possible to bring over are not regular sounds like you know when it's going to happen if just scan the sky and hope to see one in the develop special technology to look through all this telescope data and try to find new stars that were appearing in the sky because it was supernova looks like looks like a bright new star that appears in a phase over a matter of days and if you capture enough data about it then you can learn about its brightness and figure out how far away it was and so finally one of them discovered like hey we have a measurement for how the universe is expanding whether it's expanding faster or slower than before yeah it took a took a couple of years for them to have enough data and it was a scramble I think I think those people must be working 20 hour days seriously. Yeah everyone wanted to be the 1st to say Les hey here's that measurement exactly finally they had this plot of how fast the universe is expanding as a function of time and what they discovered is that the universe is not slowing down a lot or slowing down a little so it's not obscene a nor option b. That's right the universe went for secret options see secret options the You Don't Even Know is on the man what we got for dinner right and I love when the universe does that because it's like oh you silly little humans you have no idea what even question you're asking or anyone thought about does answer that's right and so secret option c. Is that the universe the expansion of the universe is not slowing down at all it's increasing it's getting faster and faster it's accelerating so the fate of the universe is not that it's going to crash down or just float away things are like. Raising away from each other that's right faster and faster every year something out there we don't know what it is we can't explain it we don't understand it all something out there is pushing all of these other galaxies away from us and it's doing it faster and faster every year and if you need to know a little bit of physics to know that accelerating an entire galaxy hundreds of billions of stars takes a huge amount of energy that's why we were talking earlier about how it's 2 thirds of the energy in the universe because it's not a small feat to drain the whole universe faster every year yeah it's like these galaxies want to get together because of gravity they're pulling on each other to get closer but something is actually pushing them apart that's right and that's the thing we call dark energy so they discovered this thing told a mind blower like what the universe is totally different from what we thought it was the fate of the universe is different from we possibly imagined then there's the 2nd big question which is what is it right we found it we know we know that it's there we see that it's happening but we don't understand it at all we just observe it Ok but before we get into that lead to take a quick break. 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Limited time only a participating McDonald's cannot be combined with any other offer or cobble meal they should. That's what dark energy is it's like that thing that is pushing all the galaxies apart that's right the total unexplained understood phenomenon which is shredding the universe and causing it to explode in changing its future that's what dark energy is and most people walking the street have no idea it's like the phenomenon of the universe expanding faster and faster that dark energy that's exactly sound like some kind of like actual like energy like a photon or some kind of like thing like we really really don't know what it is all we know is that it's energy that's all we know. And we know that it's accelerating the universe and the fascinating thing is that it's not just pushing stuff through space right one way to imagine a galaxy moving away from you is that it's moving through space away from you right and that's what you imagine probably when you think the big bang everything comes out of this tiny little ball and expands through space but. Energy is doing something else it's also creating new space between us and the other galaxies it's not just pushing things through space it's making new empty space it's not pushing you and me apart from each other it's like it's creating more. Room or more land in between in between is that's right it's making the 4 or 5 even less. Well you know I mean like I like tonic glady not like it comes up and it creates land then to push things apart that's kind of what they're going to g. Is doing out in space I guess exactly right creating a new real estate in between you and me and that's pushing me apart further apart from you that's right and it's hard to think about what it means new space what is that unless you think about space in a different way space isn't just emptiness or nothing this is we said on this podcast a few times in this dynamic physical thing and this is one reason we think it's more than just emptiness is that it can do this thing that emptiness can't which is create more of itself it's not nothing it's like real estate and there's more of it being created That's right location location location is the most important thing that I do space is being created all the time and that's what dark energy is doing is creating this new space and we don't have an explanation for it you know people think about theories of what is dark energy could be this could be that one idea that physicists like is to think about the energy of this empty space like maybe space itself has energy maybe space can never really be empty you know it's full of the Higgs field and it's full of virtual particles and it's full of all this little quantum frothing bubbliness right like by its very nature is just like this has a bubbly personality that's right spaces and cold equations I've heard friendly wants to have more of itself it's a little and so one idea is maybe dark energy is this energy of empty space problem is if you sit down to do the calculations you say Alright well let's calculate how much energy there is an empty space and compared to what we see you come up with a number that's way off like not a little bit off off by 10 to the 60 and that's 10 with 60. 0 is beyond it that's a big error that's a pretty big mistake as you know you know the other fascinating thing is that it hasn't been doing it forever it turned on about 5000000000 years ago and started this Excel aeration and again we don't know why we don't know what turns on we know what would turn it off you know what is dark energy like you know long walks on the beach I don't know one of the very much about it it wasn't always there from the beginning of the big bang is just some Somehow 5000000000 years ago it started pushing things more actively Yeah these days the most modern picture of cosmology I think considers the Big Bang and dark energy to be sort of connected like imagine huge expansion of the universe in the very 1st few moments that we call the Big Bang or these days we call that inflation and then that stopped and things are sort of floated through space for a while and then 5000000000 years ago it started again so one things you could think of dark energy is like phase 2 of the big bang our Big Bang continued you know just when you thought it was safe to get into space the dark energy comes the bigger bang Yeah both of them are expansions of space we think they're probably related but we don't really know how or why they came to do the same thing but who knows why would take a nap for 5000000000 years. And say what do you do it has happened in time or we can build for that time yeah exactly and there are big consequences for the fact that it's not just pushing things through space but actually creating new space yet as we start as a park as asking like what is going to happen to the university and and yeah it had anything had a consequence for like what's going to happen to the universe Yeah because it's creating new space which means it's effectively evading the respect limit of the universe the speed of light right nothing in the universe can move through space faster than the speed of light by that's a hard and fast limit and so these galaxies can't move through space away from us faster than the speed of light bright but there's no limit on how fast you can create new space. Space being created between us. These other galaxies faster than light can go through it take if I was trying to get to you down in Irvine and I can only go 70 mph on the highway you know nominally you'd be looking. Really it's like 2 am and if you have you're a private or you are not. Let's say I was using a car pulling and but yeah the leg would say that new land was being created between you and me faster than 70 mph I would never get it right if you're just laying new road and you're faster than you're driving through it you'll never get down to Irvine exactly right and that's the situation those photons that are leaving those galaxies now will never reach us because the space in between us is growing faster than the photons go through it right at some point they'll stop reaching us right like like we'll see them and then suddenly. They'll blink out of existence exactly things that used to be in our observable universe things that we see now because life has had a chance to get through the universe to us will no longer be observable because dark energy is pushing them out of this sphere of the observable universe all the stuff we can see because light has had a chance to get to us so galaxies in the sky are disappearing right now right now a quick rush outside of. That on the edge of our observable universe are disappearing because dark energy is pushing them beyond the bounds of things we want so the nice guys getting darker and darker like have you had to fast forward on a camera pointed at this guy you would see like stars he's nuff out just like book but you know you you would see galaxies snuff out the reality of quiet clusters of stars and that's an area all these galaxies snuff out of the sky right they get pushed out beyond our observable horizon and they disappear and then we're left with the single galaxy in the universe just like the people before Hubble thought right then and imagine astronomers in the future right after our going to these are pushed out they're going to think we're the only there's only one galaxy in the entire universe Yeah because that would be the only thing they could see right it's amazing to imagine how to try to think about how could they learn about the universe if all they could see was their galaxy How could they even possibly know right there would have known them or how big it actually is yeah they would have no idea what's beyond their observable universe and that's really humbling because it reminds you of how little we know right where after all 14000000000 years into the history of the universe there could be fascinating clues about the way the universe works and what it's made out of that have already been pushed beyond our sky that we cannot see and we will never see right so what's a lost in the night sky Well we have no idea right it could've been sort of merely kinds of galaxies you know that we can't see anymore yeah exactly and continued even further and remember dark energy is not just out there in space it's here it's with me it's. With you it's literally pushing mean you apart right now the reason we don't see it is because we have bonds that are holding us together right like there are dark energies trying to create new space between the molecules in my hand but the molecules are bound together tightly enough to resist that but if dark energy continues in might eventually shred the Milky Way right take our own galaxy and toss the stars out into space eventually we might just be a solar system floating in the blackness of space seeing nothing right that's one potential future thinking that we're the only star in the entire creation entire universe that's right that's right that's one real possibility again we don't know what dark energy is going to do We don't know if it's strong enough to do that we don't know if it's going to stop when you know something else is going to happen we have really have no idea but it's it's amazing to me that it's only this knowledge is only 20 years old 20 years ago before we discovered the stuff we didn't know that the universe was accelerating and we didn't know that most of the universe was this thing called dark energy like think about how recent that discovery is that to me is inspiring because it makes me hope that we have more mindblowing discovers ahead you know more these moments of like why the universe is totally different from what I imagined that's what I live for in physics. * * But you know this is me can you think this past week you know as camping with my kids and my family and it was a beautiful night you could see all the stars and I pointed out to my daughter look at all the stars in those planets with the constellations and stuff and she's like wow. And I talked to pointed out the Big Dipper and he said that's the big dipper and he proceeded to tell me this whole complicated story about the Big Dipper the she read in this book she had it's cool that she's read like a 1000000 times but for the 1st time she'd actually see the stars she'd actually seen the Big Dipper What a fun moment for her yet to make to make these things real Yeah yeah and so yes. I think that's a big lesson you know go out there and look at the stars before they go away and this is not abstract I mean this is our universe we're actually talking about you can go along and live your life and worry about traffic and pain in x. Building your own financial big bang these things are our context right this is the universe we live in that we're desperately trying to discover before it blows itself up changing of the times and go out there and experiencing Absolutely. The families do have a question after listening to all these explanations please drop us a line we do love to hear from you you can find us at Facebook Twitter and Instagram at Daniel and Jorge That's one word or e-mail us at feedback at Dale and Jorge dot com. Ben my friend as you know there was a Puritan war on Christmas I didn't know him did you hear about that time Ben Franklin tried to remake the alphabet you know I know about that and you know about the war on Christmas because these are both recent episodes of our new show ridiculous history on the How Stuff Works network every week Nolan I dive into some of the strangest most fascinating and at times silly stories of human civilization so check it out every Tuesday and Thursday on Apple podcast or anywhere else you get your audio stimulation. Welcome to brains from house to fourths. Brain stuff. And of all the possible get rich quick schemes you could involve yourself in I'm betting you would stop short of serial killing yes even if it meant you'd be aiding the Advancement of Science but that's not the case for everybody to take William Burke and William hare to Irish immigrants who ran a boarding house and Scotland and killed at least 15 people during a 10 month period across 827 and 828 and we're not trying to aggrandize serial murders here but they made a small fortune doing it. Burke and Hare had no criminal records before they got into the murdering business Burke was a cobbler and Hare a laborer who owned a lodging house with his wife. When a boarder who owed the hairs a good deal of background died one day in Nov 18th 27 air complained to his friend Burke The 2 decided that the best way to read Cooper's financial loss was to sell the man's corpse to an anatomy professor at the University of Edinburgh. Anatomy research was a booming business an embryo in the early 18 hundreds and the many human dissections were conducted every day in the city human remains were hard to come by a grave robbing was frowned upon but anatomists were only technically allowed to study the bodies of deceased prisoners suicide victims orphans and abandoned children so embers underbelly was crawling with Body Snatchers since the demand was high for cadavers and the supply relatively low many anatomists used the services of so-called resurrection men to fill their human corpse requirements. Resurrection men were folks who made a business of body snatching or Clinton Lee removing a body from a burial site there was no law against digging up a dead body and selling it since the Dead didn't officially belong to anyone Oh what an innocent time but the general public was perhaps understandably dismayed by this practice in addition to the livings emotional attachment to loved ones remains at the time many Christians were concerned that the dissection of bodies after death would prevent the deceased from rising during the final judgment however anatomists desperate for cadavers were willing to pay good money for bodies and sometimes in terrible condition without asking questions about where those bodies came from. A doctor an anatomist named Robert Knox was a popular lecturer at the University of Edinburgh when Burke and Hare came to him with that 1st cadaver from the boarding house. Nox paid them 7 pounds 10 for the body in today's money that's almost $750.00 pounds or over $950.00 American dollars and was almost double with a dead man O'Hare in back rent the body was pretty fresh which pleased Knox and he was even more pleased a few months later with the body of broken hairs 1st murder victim she was a lodger who fell ill with fever in the boarding house perhaps worried that her illness would mean bad business for the boarding house or perhaps looking to make a quick buck the 2 men suffocated her next pay them $10.00 pounds that's $13.00 for that cadaver worth over a 1000 pounds or $1300.00 today over the course of the next year Knox bought a total of 16 bodies from the pair mostly women most of their victims were killed likely with the knowledge of the murders wives by playing them with whiskey and then suffocating them Burke and Hare preyed on people who are poor and alone or disabled during the eventual trial the 3 victims named in the indictment were a mentally disabled young man a young woman reputed to be a prostitute and their final victim of the one who got them caught a middle aged Irish woman named Margaret Daugherty reportedly in Edinburgh searching for her missing son. Burke and Hare were discovered by a couple staying in Harry's boarding house they saw the 2 men drinking with the woman in the evening and the next morning she disappeared they found her body packed in straw under a bed ready to be taken to Knox after the couple learned the police the authorities raided Knox's cadavers and found the woman's body among them in the trial hair testified against Burke and he and his wife were released Burke's wife was also released but Burke was executed Knox was exonerated of all charges because Burke testified that Knox didn't know about the providence of the bodies he was buying the case was extremely high profile and along with other murder cases including copycat crimes that led to the passing of the anatomy act of $832.00 this controversial legislation opened up anatomists options any donated body could not be dissected but with dissection still considered a sort of desecration The only people who considered such a donation tended to be those in poverty the act therefore shifted dissection from being a sort of secondary punishment for criminals after execution to being a sort of punishment for not having the family or funds to provide for yourself after death and led to riots at the Cambridge medical school though attitudes and laws have changed since then the issue of the ownership transfer and treatment of the dead is definitely still under discussion. Today's episode was written by Justice and shields and produced by Tyler for more on this and lots of other great topics visit our home planet work stop. Elana Ga 1909. 1 by one kids are going missing with no explanation there was a real life monster on the lose but nearly 40 years later this case is look more questions and answers. From the producers of up and vanished and how stuff works you present an all new podcast it land a monster subscribe to it in a monster right now an apple podcasts be the 1st of your new episodes every Friday . Our world is full of the unexplainable and if history is an open book all of these amazing tales are right there on display just waiting for us to explore. Welcome. To the cabinet of curiosities. Charlie grew up with an eye for the other world as a child his favorite nanny would entertain him for hours with eerie dramatic tales of ghosts and monsters and things that go bump in the night and the stories left their mark on him a mark that would be visible for the rest of his life later on as an adult he would profess no interest in the supernatural world and yet those ghosts seem to follow him around and haunt him once on New Year's Eve in 1963 he came face to face with those forces during a game with this children they had built an elaborate set of wooden rods and black fabric something about it troubled Charlie. A few days before he had been at the funeral of a dear friend and maybe it was all that black cloth or the shape of the shadows on the wall but something about that game reminded him of that somber gathering then again perhaps Charlie was ignoring the spirit world he had grown up so aware of because the following month terrible news reached his home. Charlie's son Walter it seems passed away while serving with the British military in India it had taken a long while for the news to reach him though the date of his son's death was New Year's Eve 1963. There were other moments that brought the world beyond the veil a little closer to Charlie's life once in 851 he stood nearby as his father was operated on to remove kidney stones the procedure failed and Charlie's father died soon after a short while later Charlie awoke in the middle of the night and swore he saw the figure of his father sitting at the foot of his bed. He once claimed that the spirit of his wife's sister a woman he had loved deeply before she died at a young age actually followed him around for a while Charlie claimed that she would be fully visible to him but no one else could see or hear her the spirit world it seems was a tricky realm if you had the experiences that Charlie claimed and while he might not have sought it out he seems to have had an open mind about it all. It's true Charlie did grow out of his passion for the other world but the spirits never really gave up on him his adulthood was filled with great success and punctuated from time to time with these ghostly moments from what I can tell they did much to influence everything he went on to create. Charlie was a writer you see in a writer who frequently allowed ghost stories to slip into his creations while he's mostly known for the tales without them he wrote at least 20 ghostly tales during his 6 decades behind the desk and we're grateful for all of them because Charlie's ability to see through the veil and into the world beyond our own has brought us wonderful moments of entertainment that are still with us over a century and a half later. Just who was this writer born with a knack for Seen the things that most of us are completely blind to he was a literary giant a champion of serial publication and the creator of some of the most beloved characters in English literature without him we wouldn't have one of the most famous ghosts of all the Ghost of Christmas past. Let's all be thankful that Charles Dickens had an open mind. There's a narrow strip of sea off the coast of Wales called them in a straight it cuts through the land there separating the mainland from the island of Anglesey thanks to the way the tides flow through the strait shipwrecks are much more common there than other areas along the coast and shipwrecks have a way of leaving debris for us to find like wood and cloth and stories. In December of 1664 a large boat containing 81 passengers was crossing the strait when the tide rushed in and capsized them out of the entire list of passengers only one person managed to survive and swim to shore a man named Hugh Williams over 120 years later another boat was crossing the strain this time with 60 people on board it was December again a season known for its bad weather so it shouldn't surprise us that a storm blew in and capsize this boat as well everyone on the ship perished in that accident everyone that is except one man his name was Hugh Williams. 35 years later in 820 a 3rd boat capsized while crossing the strain according to the reports there were 25 people on board and all but one of them died and I'm wondering if you can guess his name at this point that's right Hugh Williams. It's one of those stories that makes you scratch your head how can 3 shipwrecks happen over the span of a century and a half in the very same location and each of them have a single survivor who share the same name it's too good to be true in a sense poetic and coincidental and seemingly scripted by fate herself. But there are good reasons why we shouldn't be surprised or one the straight is infamous for the number of shipwrecks that occur there and that means between 1664 and 820 there were. A lot more accidents than just the 3 involving Hugh Williams dozens of ships went down in those waters perhaps hundreds making the coincidence a bit less odd. Yes it's odd that there was only one survivor in each of these tales but that's not uncommon either in fact another boat sank in the same place in $842.00 taking 14 souls with it and leaving one man alive his name though was Richard Thomas not he Williams. 3 more witnesses to 2 more public hearings Dave Anthony Fox News and Republicans like Congressman John Rachleff may try again to try to undercut the Democrats' argument the president from committed a crime in Ukraine controversy you've never used the word bribery or bribe to. Explain President Tom's conduct cracked yes or no when you haven't either but it's right there were similar questions for the 2 afternoons a witness as well but Democrat leading the inquiry Adam Schiff took a swipe at Republicans defenses well enough releasing the 8 gas after he got caught u.s. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon someone is 1st up this morning Fox's Rachel Southern live in Washington they've been better soundless name has come up throughout the open impeachment hearings says testimony from several u.s. Officials suggest he had direct conversations with President Trump and Ukrainian officials about political investigations and military aid Lieutenant Colonel.