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Fox news it's been downgraded but it's still deadly hurricane Dorian now threatening Georgia and the Carolina Hurricanes Dorian starting to quietly who are out of the state of Florida and move on to other coastal communities or along Georgia and the Carolinas but we are still very much feeling things outer bands of this storm as it moves along the wind gusts are very strong and the ranking 10 years of fall and the beach right now hilly and clear the water probably not the safest place to serve out there very rough and power back. Away from where we are at a nearby paper and be a water rescue when a woman who is trying to check out the waves come and this area this storm moves on a very much fortunate compared to what is happening right now in the Bahamas oxes Jeff Hall in Cocoa Beach the Bahamian health minister says 20 people are confirmed dead and he says more fatalities are expected president saying emergency management officials are keeping an eye on Dorian we think it could come on in South Carolina very much we're unsure we'll see what happens but so we have to keep your guard up we have we're watching that but we're also very much helping the government of this the president has offered help as the Bahamas recover the state of Michigan now the 1st in the nation to ban flavored a cigarette this is a health crisis that we're confronting and it would never be permitted if it was cigarettes or letting these companies target our kids appeal to our kids and to see our children when they're showing up with respiratory illnesses no one can explain governor Gretchen Whitmer of the v.a. Being industries expected to file suit to try to block the ban a Texas death row inmate has been executed for stabbing an 89 year old woman and her daughter to death more than 16 years ago Billy Jack quote singer put to death by lethal injection at the state penitentiary in Huntsville America is listening to Fox News. 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And Chinese trade negotiators set to meet this month in Washington the president telling reporters that the u.s. Has the upper hand in the ongoing trade dispute because some manufacturing is moving out of China they're moving all over Asia and some here. You know if I were China I'd want to make a deal to tell you but I want to make a deal of I can tell you they do want to make a deal we'll see if we can do a real deal not a fake deal while China's domestic g.d.p. Is growing at the slowest rate in nearly 3 decades the trade tariffs from China has had a negative financial impact on American farmers at the White House John Decker Fox News Prime Minister Boris Johnson has failed to win sufficient parliamentary support for an early national election October 15th under British law Johnson needed the support of 2 thirds of the 650 legislators in the House of Commons Johnson's gambling that he can win a general election emerge with a parliament majority and would have Britain leave the European Union October 31st . The little boy who was tossed over a Mall of America balcony in the spring is now home 5 year old Landon Hoffman endured months of surgeries and rehabilitation following a miracle his survival after being grabbed by a stranger and tossed over a 3rd floor balcony at the Mall of America arm in April his family announcer you know my Go Fund Me page that the boy will enter the next phase of recovery outpatient rehabilitation while thanking people for support in prayers 24 year old Emanuel Iran deal was sentenced to 19 years in prison in the case after pleading guilty to 1st degree attempted murder just Manassero Fox news of Winfrey taking to the road early next year on a speaking tour she now she's working with Weight Watchers offering wellness conversations during the 9 city tour begins in January I'm established there and. When your way to our $29000.00 i Heart Radio Music Festival plus a $1000.00 you can score the ultimate v.i.p. 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Its products not intended to diagnose creek or prevent any diseases directed. His guys Jansa moisture off and on throughout the overnight 61 for a lot hot Thursday heavier with 97 for a high in a Chance of showers back to about 92 on Friday cooler for the weekend news and information 247 News dot 590 K.C.'s j. . You're listening to the fast track podcast for my Heart Radio and I'm your host happening and today we've got a topic that is something that has just been fascinating to me from the very beginning since I was a really young child. And I want to tell you a little bit about that in just a moment but I guess there's a couple of housekeeping things that I want to get out of the way early on because you're going to hear some paper shuffling along the way I'm looking at a sea of notes in front of me I've got a laptop I've got my phone going to get all kinds of things happen here and I just wanted to tell you that you do hear some of that paper shuffling that is neat going through a series of notes or looking for information that is all over the place because there's a lot there's a lot of information about today's topic and today's topic is by the way the fastest car on earth and it's the out right fastest car the out right record holder the land speed record holder and I'll give you some history about it I'm going to talk about the car itself the driver you know the search for the driver you know how all that happened and it's something that has just fascinated me from the very beginning because when I was a kid this goes way way back into the mid 1970 s. Early 1970 s. I'll tell you how long ago this was I for Christmas I wanted a gift that was a hard copy version hardcover version of the Guinness Book of World Records and it's right there right there shows you how long ago this was you can just look it up online of course and I did get that as a gift and one of the 1st things that I flipped to would be the automotive records anything that was you know the fastest the longest cars you know the most outrageous cars most expensive Whatever happened to be at the time but one of the things that really piqued my attention was the fastest car in the world of course and at the time there was a car that was out there that was called the blue flame and it was in 1000 records broken in 1970 but this is a rocket powered car and it is just speed of about 622 miles per hour and that was a again back in 1970. That's really moving even now that's really really fast for now but their record held I believe until about 1983 and you can hear this from that paper shuffling happening right now. 1903 that record was broken by a guy named Richard noble or at least he held the record in 1903 I should say in a car called the thrust to a net achieved about 634 miles per hour so we're not talking about a huge huge increase there we're talking about at like 12 miles per hour was all he bested the other record by at that point and then 14 years later along comes a guy named Andy Greene and we'll talk about in the green in another section here in the show but you know the search for him and who he is and why he was qualified to drive this vehicle but he is the current outright land speed record holder right now for the one mile and the one kilometer of the flying mile in the flying kilometer and these are f.i.a. Records their official records they were time by usec officials these are the United States auto club and that is the officiating group that makes all of this well official you know the ones that have to measure the record in order to make it to make it so and of course Guinness you know records this is well but in October of 1907 so that's 14 years after Richard noble broke the record you know by 12 miles per hour along comes in the green in the thrust s.s.c. And the thrust as a c. Is the vehicle that we will focus on today but the record that he he achieved on that day or on October 15th and there were many many runs which I guess will we'll talk about a little bit but not in depth we want to talk about the main record breaking runs but the average speed that he achieved on October 15th 1907 was 763.035 miles per hour that is a supersonic speed so this car was designed with the idea that they were going to go supersonic and it's again that's another little something we're going to touch on here and you know what it takes to go supersonic in a car it's unbelievable the the engineering that has to go into this vehicle in order to make this happen I should tell you that the average I say it's the average speed. 763.035 because you have to make 2 runs you have to make a run in both directions you know whether it's north south east west in this case I believe it was a north south run so the 1st run was run at $759.00 mph the 2nd run was $766.00 they average the 2 together to get the 763 again that is a you start measuring in mach speeds at that point so this is Mach point 1020 so they just broke. The sound barrier in this vehicle which is incredibly impressive for a vehicle now this is a of course it's a vehicle that has to be. On land when it breaks is it can't be a low flying aircraft which will also discuss you know actually you know what I'm going to talk about there right now because I think this is one of those like fascinating little bits of information that comes up that maybe not a lot of people understand the car looks like a likelihood jet if you look up the thrust as a c. Which I encourage you to do on you know just google image search or whatever it's very simple to look at up the car of course it was designed by math and science I mean that's that's why it's shaped the way it is but it's 2 enormous engines which which we'll talk about in a bit too which is the giant rolls royce jet engines and then there's like a pencil sheep in the middle like a fuselage and it's a very very long vehicle I want to say it's like 54 feet long we'll talk about the length and in a moment as well boy and promising a lot I hope I get to all this I really do well we'll see how to do my best to get to everyone that I say we'll talk about but the car itself it looks like it does look like a rocket ship on land or a jet on land and one of the fascinating things about this is that the car does have to remain in contact with the earth through the whole run through the entire measured mile or measured kilometer as it may be that we're going to talk about you know how they how they get this and how long it takes to get up to speed and all that but they do actually look the fold. To make sure that you know that the cars leaving a trademark not tread marks but the tire marks on the surface for that whole time now one thing that complicated this is that you know and you other vehicles there are measuring to make sure that you know it's again it's not like a low flying aircraft they don't just fly at you know like a foot above the ground for that distance because then there isn't the rolling resistance that there would be with any you know terrestrial vehicle so the one thing that complicated all this with with this vehicle is that because there was that there was a sonic boom that was associated with this vehicle and of course you know it's an arid environment the record is broken in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada Las Vegas but in Nevada nor kind of like the northwest corner of Nevada and one thing that the sonic boom did was it sort of not disintegrated but it kind of it kind of made the tire tracks difficult to see I mean it kind of blasted them away as it went over as well so it was difficult for them to to prove but they did in fact see that there were tire tracks the whole way so I always find that fascinating I think maybe we can talk about wheels in just a moment too because the wheels are interesting on this car everything about this vehicle is fascinating I've been reading some of these these Web sites that are you know like maybe engineering sites or you know sites were just fans that are just as deeply excited about this is I am and you know they'll talk about these little tiny things that make this car different to unique and and special in some way and of course it's not like any other car that you'd see on the road it's a lot different so that you know it's powered by jet engines and in fact the 2 rules Royce Spey turbofan engines and initially they were the Rolls Royce Bates who had 2 models and then eventually they went up to. A tool 5 models and there's a lot of interesting facts about those engines and the speeds and you know there are all kinds of things we need to talk about you know I. I mentioned just a moment ago that it this car did break the sound barrier and I one thing that we should note here is that the sound barrier varies by by altitude and even by temperature so you know when we're talking about the place that this vehicle broke the record I think it was the altitude is something like and I'm trying to remember this off the top my head but it's like 3900 feet above sea level so at sea level the sound barrier is something like 761 miles per hour and it has to be $59.00 degrees Fahrenheit so that's how particular that is right so it it changes so if you go up to between I'm going to give you a meters measurement here not feet I don't know why I'm doing that but 11000 to 20000 meters above sea level the speed drops down to about 660 miles per hour at negative 70 degrees Fahrenheit so the temperatures vary greatly the speeds vary that's almost that's almost 100 miles per hour off when you get to a different different altitude so very specifically for this record you know at 3900 feet above sea level when you know any green piloted this vehicle is 763 miles per hour he was breaking the speed barrier the sound barrier We'll be right back with more of the i Heart Radio original podcast the fast track to. 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We were just before the break saying that we're going to talk a little bit about how they drive or how they how they selected somebody to drive this this incredible machine it's such an amazing speech on land and I'm going to get to that I promise you I will but there's a couple of things that I think I may of kind of skirted over here at the beginning that I need to go back to and I want to talk about the engines just a little bit in ways we said that it's Rolls Royce 5 turbo jet engines these things between the 2 of them produce an approximate 100000 horsepower of c. Numbers a little bit higher than that 110000 something like that but we're talking about a ballpark of about 100000 horsepower between them and I know that they're typically measured in thrust output and all that but to be honest for a lot of us it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense of exactly what that what that means and the reason that they . Are have to be so powerful is because well you know as you as you get going faster and faster and faster we've seen this with you know some of the other land speed record attempts we know with with other vehicles with piston engine vehicles with wheel driven cars and that is that the faster you go the more wind resistance there is against you and it just it's like this this this give and take this push and pull that happens where you need more power but there's more force coming against you and more. A power more force against you and even in a car that shape the way that the thrust as a sea is shape which is a very I mean extremely arrogant and you wouldn't think you could design a vehicle more aerodynamic than this if you were to look at it it's unbelievable how much pushback there is against this vehicle I mean I've seen numbers and they like to do you know comparisons like this number of tons that you know tons of force that are against the vehicle and at that speed you know at the high rate of speed that it's going 760 plus miles per hour it's something like It's got the equivalent of like like pulling $33.00 and a half full size elephants behind it or something like that you know it's like that's the amount of drag on the vehicle as it's trying to push itself forward so it's just becomes exponentially more and more difficult the faster the you go and figured I'd just mention that at this point because we're talking about some of the more interesting numbers I guess that go along with this and at the rear of this whole thing at the rear of the craft and you call a craft not a car that is a craft the temperatures can be more than $300.00 degrees Celsius and to the rest of us use an imperial system that is $572.00 degrees Fahrenheit so it's incredibly hot back there at the back of course as you would expect the materials that have to be used you know that all of this has to be considered that you don't just melt the back end of the vehicle as soon as you fire up the engines because they're afterburner engines or jets or other and there's also a good bit of noise that goes along with this as you might expect the sound levels are just unreal I mean it's 175 decibels at speed and I would tell you that the air begins to heat up just because of the sound at 174 decibels so it's like I think it's the equivalent of if you can imagine this a quarter stick of dynamite igniting only it's a continuous sound it never lets up there's not like one moment when you know it's intolerable and then it goes away it's like it's continuous Ruhr at 175 decibels there's just I think 163 you could actually break glass so is. You know it's one of those crazy crazy things and you know one of the other things that's a little bit nuts about this whole thing are the wheels and you wouldn't really consider the wheels to be as important as they are maybe that's not the right way to say this because you know wheels of course are important but it's not the standard wheels that you're thinking of for an automobile as well now these are not driven wheels that's another thing we got to talk about boy there's a lot. The car is not the engines aren't driving the wheels in order to make this go with simply relying on thrust the wheels are there to keep the vehicle on track to keep it straight and you know course that's a function of the chassis in the course of the driver has a huge input into that as well obviously but the wheels themselves are made of not of rubber of course they could they wouldn't stand 763 mph there's no way that they would do it because these wheels are subjected at speed you know when that when they're at top speed they're rotating at $8500.00 r.p.m. So the tires are spinning that quickly at 763 miles per hour and of course it's far greater than any kind of you know rubber or carbon fiber anything like that would stand up to they are made of solid aluminum and it's something called l 27 aluminum I don't know exactly what l 27 aluminum stands for but they are they were forged by a company called h d 4 genes and then they were machined by another company and that's Dunlop aviation and they tested them on a dynamometer at speeds of up to 9500 r.p.m. So they exceeded what they expected to it to reach out in the desert and they actually you know just Cheve that it was a successful test obviously but you know the wheels come along with other things as well that now is strange enough that they're solid aluminum and you can find again you can find you know Google images of this online you can find there's a company called s.k.f. That created these special tungsten carbide roller wheel bearings for these for these wheels in particular and for the lubrication lubrication technology that allows them to continue to spin it that fast you know 8. 500 rpm in the desert so yet imagine the environment that they're in as well you know the sand in the dirt and rocks and all that the that the company that was I guess awarded the contract you had to do this was Castro so Castro developed lubrication technology that lubricate the wheels in order to allow them to go this fast now the wheels themselves I don't think I mentioned this they weigh about 353 pounds each so these are substantial pieces of metal and there's a short documentary you can watch and it's an easy thing to search online if you just search through us to see wheels or you know wheel technology or something like that you know anything you appoint you to the right place the company that did these are the one that machine them I guess it was Dunlop aviation and h.d. a 4 genes they together went out and tested these as they do at the desert and they found that the 1st set of wheels that they were using the profile of the wheel was digging into the surface too deeply it was going down to the bedrock this just below the surface and it was actually damaging the wheels as they spun and they knew that you know to certain speed or above the speed that they could even tested that because they're just dragging trailers behind them with these wheels you know with with weight on top of it you know the approximate weight of the vehicle in water ballast and that's how they test them how they how far they sink down into the earth and so the you know the dragon with a van or a truck or whatever and they realize they were sinking too deep so they went back and they changed the profile the wheel came back for more testing and finally determined that yeah it does allow this thing to have the grip that it needs as well as you know the ability to think in just the right depth and you know it won't it won't going too far it won't I won't stay you know too far on top as well because that would allow the vehicle to going to you know slide and skirt all over the place and it would be no good as well boy Ok so the wheels are one thing that I found fascinating there's a cache there's so much here I think it might even just have to skip over this but there's a scale model test that was done a 125th scale model that was it was built and was tested on a military rocket sled that's how they tested the the. The design the shape of this whole thing and to understand you know that how this thing what I would operate at supersonic speeds the design how it would hold up each one of these things you know the wheels the driver the car itself I think you know some of the 3 d. Printing technology that went into even the steering wheel of this thing all of this is stuff that it deserves you know it's own it's own show really and and I would love it if you would dig into it and maybe you know get back to me with questions or maybe we can even focus on it and in future shows but but again use this is kind of a springboard to dig into these topics much much deeper because you know there's just so much that you can tell I'm kind of all over the board on this one there's a there's a lot of information about this car that is every little tiny thing is just fascinating about it and I a couple of things that I really want to get out there that I again I hope I do and one thing that I don't want to neglect here is the aerodynamics of the whole thing and I'll just be real brief about this because there's again a lot to say about it but let's just get past this one thing because I found it fascinating. It's so important you know that this thing of course remains remains on the ground remains in contact with the earth and that's for control you know that the driver is able to you know do reasonably directed in the direction he wants to and hopefully you know reliably steer in the direction that he wants to but the other reason is that you know this is essentially a rock a rocket you know it could be like a flying ship at any moment you know we've all seen race cars that catch a little bit of air underneath them and they fly they go they're going so fast that they take off in the air they do flips they become if they spin around backwards they become you know instead of being the you having the downforce they have more of an up thrust that brings them up in the air and sometimes you know even headed forward if you get our you know air underneath the same thing happens they take off into the air that's exactly the case with this now imagine you know it's 760 miles an hour if the driver of the poor driver of this thing has to get into this is this vehicle knowing that you know a wreck is essentially a life ending. Venner can be is really not a whole lot you can do if you're here if you're already on the ground in this thing there's no chance for. Fuel dumping there's no chance for in a jet or seed or anything like that they've been they thought about that in this case and to be honest they decided that. They're just really at this speed and at this at this height which is you know just a couple of feet above the ground you know where the driver is that it's really difficult to survive a wreck at this at the speed so they can't they countered that by just going over the top with stability and control and trying to make this the save his vehicle to drive as far as maintaining control and I found this pretty interesting to someone said one of the engineers just I don't remember who exactly said this but I wrote it down because of one of those fascinating you know if the nose of this thing the the attitude of the vehicle as it travels through the speed the air at the speed and on the ground the speed if it's one degree off upwards it's going to take off if it's one degree downwards he said it's like your mind. Will be right back with more of the I heard radio original podcast the fast track. We believe everyone should have a bathroom that's why we do it all from. 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To or for notes my lunch box really Ok How bout that pouch of Benjamin's little bites muffins I put in their little blankets little bites into men's little bites muffins made with reeling gradients like blueberries bananas strawberries and no high fructose corn syrup are always baked Morriston delicious here comes the mouse. And to men's little bites muffin is the perfect portion of happiness. And. You're listening to the fast track podcast from My Heart Radio and I'm your host. And just before the break we were talking a little bit about well a lot of things really we're talking about the wheels are what they are attempts of the vehicle the engines you know where they did this it's just there's so much information about this car out there that there is a wealth of information that you know an embellishment of riches I guess maybe is what I have here. Front of me and I don't know if I going to be able to get to all of it but what I did want to talk about the driver for sure because and I'm promising it not only from the beat of the shell but just because it's kind of a fascinating story about how they got to the person that they eventually chose to drive this thing and as you can imagine it's not a decision that they take lightly at something that you know you have to be chosen for and there's more of a process to it than than what you might think and I'll get to that in just a 2nd but we've already mentioned who this is who the driver is his name is Andy Green and Andy Green was born in Warwickshire He's an English born wing commander for the Royal Air Force he's a fighter pilot and it kind of makes sense that they went to a fighter pilot for this instead of a driver I mean this thing is more or less like a jet on the ground really with wheels and that's really what it is so he has quite a bit of experience operating vehicles that you know are powered by jets and and has you know the know how and the and the ability to control these types of vehicles at these types of speeds he's a good choice and you'll find out why in just a 2nd as we go as we go through this but I do want to tell you that the one of the founders of the company here the one that you know the thrust as a c. The the initiative to go supersonic in a vehicle His name is Richard noble and I mentioned Richard was the current record holder he was the you know the guy that drove the vehicle that was called the thrust to back in 1983 to his own land speed record and one that Andy would eventually break in this vehicle and so Richard was of course heavily involved with the choice of who would be behind the wheel for this one and you know it initially was thought that maybe Richard would do it himself but Richard decided that he needed somebody that had even more skill than he had with this and maybe he was getting a little too old I don't know exactly what he was thinking but he needed somebody that had what he called exceptional skills in order to be able to achieve this goal and so he decided that he didn't have the skills to do this one which is pretty incredible to begin with and they needed a driver the reality is that they went to somebody you know they. Went to a lot of people that had experience going fast and so they they selected a group of about 30 people well 30 people applied or 30 people wanted to do it they might have gone to more than that but 30 people did apply for this and you'll find it as you might expect it was all drag racers all pilots that that applied but they did have to kind of decide how they're going to whittle down this group and they said the most obvious thing to do was to give them all a sanity test and then take the ones this is kind of funny let me tell you this is like a tongue in cheek but they said the most obvious thing to do was give them a sanity test and then take the ones who failed which I kind of understand you know to drive a car so you know supersonic on on land it's definitely someone who's a little bit out of their mind right but I don't want to say too much about Andy's mental state at this point but I think he's fine everybody had these fine we'll find out what he went through in just a moment but the you again the 30 were 1st narrowed down to about 16 and they were given a lot of different intelligence and personality tests along the way so you know it's not just getting behind a wheel and seeing what you could do that was a big part of it of course they took him to several different circuits and allowed them to drive you know formal race cars and all kinds of crazy things like that and allow them to you know kind of show what they have at their skills behind the wheel but a lot of it was intelligence and personality test and the reason is that they were trying to find someone that was very analytical somebody that could be trusted to make changes not only on the fly but be to be able to help the team to be able to contribute the most to you know solving problems and and controlling the vehicle and you know it kind of had to be a well rounded person somebody that could do all of these things all at once and do them quickly and efficiently and you know just make sure that they could trust this person's opinion as well you know that the you know the recommendations of the Give were spot on so once they got down to finally 8 months they you know they whittled down again from 30 to 16 down to 8 and when they got to 8 Here's the interesting thing is that only pilots remained at this point they remained in the top. 8 spots so all of the drag racers and some of the pilots were gone at this point so down to just pilots at that point it turns out that they were once again kind of handle like the extreme stress and discomfort and one way that they did this was they put them through a couple of surprise tests so they had a couple of days a couple of nights where they were at this place they go they called the center of human sciences and the team they spent a lot of time you know working on with them training and you know how they would deal with the you know the hot desert environment and how that would affect their mental capacity and you know whether or not they would affect them as far as you know like you know some of the decisions that they would make and it's a surprise they were kept awake all night one night in the in a he chamber they put them all in the heat chamber and they were filmed at various times and they were given computer based test at a different intervals and they were kind of tested at that point to see how they dealt with like fatigue and stress and you know how their performance was was measured at that point based on all of the stuff that they were subjecting them to and a couple of the people you know there were maybe 3 or 4 people that kind of rose to the top during that and then you know after that then they did some more driving testing and just on and on and on they did they they finally got to the point where just one man out of all these contenders finally comes out on top and again it was this British Royal Air Force jet fighter pilot by the name of Andy Green and Andy Green and I think I mentioned this already but he was born in 1962 in 1908 so the year after this record was made he was made an officer of the order of the British Empire which is a prestigious award and if you're looking for more information about any green and and I think you might be after you going to find out exactly what he had to go through with all this you know for this this with this record attempt in the thrust as a c. You could find it all over the place of course there's a thrust s.s.c. Web site to go to it's just thrust us to see dot com actually just do a keyword search for him in Google and you'll find a lot of information about him everywhere he's done many talks of course there's a there's documentary. About Him In fact I watched one that was really really fascinating there was a there's one that was actually a cockpit recording of the day that he made the final run the one that was the record breaking run is just really into it he also is in the shop talking about it in front of another vehicle this is one of the most fascinating bits of footage that I found of any green because it combines both what he did in the vehicle and you know him outside of the vehicle being able to kind of like calmly describe what's happening at what points and it's just it's really interesting because you know he tells you exactly how he begins the run how you know he's getting up to speed what's happening at the time the radio commands that are going back and forth between him and you know the base camp or whatever they call the the camp and of people that are in there watching this whole thing from a distance of course but it's fascinating to see how he brings the vehicle up to speed and that's a loan that is interesting because it doesn't just take off like a like a rocket like you would think it would he has to slowly creep up to speed so that all of the the debris from the desert you know the rocks and the sand and all that doesn't get into the engines and there's a certain point I think it's about 80 to 80 miles an hour that he can start to really kind of you know open it up and let it go and then the speed comes incrementally faster I mean it's amazing how quickly this thing gets up to speed and once it's at speed how quickly again speed but it's in again it's interesting to watch and there's a series of gauges on the on the dash that are in front of you actually the view out the windshield is did it's difficult to see and I would guess it would be difficult for him as well he's mostly doing this by gauges and a little bit by sight but he's got his hands on the wheel and it's not a typical steering wheel it's not round it's got it's kind of a yoke design almost And so you've got a left and right hand and at some point in he's go on a credible effect at this point still gaining speed the vehicle does start to track a little bit off it's not exactly on the line that is supposed to be on and he's talking about this very calmly when he's in the shop but you know in the car he's just as calm and that's so impressive because here's what happens the nose. Vehicle I can remember which direction is headed I believe it's headed you know off $11.00 direction or the other by several degrees and he's got to have so much steering input into this thing you would think it would just be you know you know mashing the throttle forward and hanging on and just going straight that's it but no he's there's a lot of input on the steering wheel by any green and a lot of effort put in you know with with what he's doing controlling all this at one point he has got 90 degrees of input into the steering wheel so his I believe it's his left hand is on the tight like he's made a 90 degree turn of the wheel he's got his left hand on top of the it's you know in the in the 12 o'clock position instead of being over at the 9 O'clock position that's how much steering input he's and he's got into this thing and he's traveling again it more than 500 miles an hour faster than you know a commercial jet would drop on the air and he's on the ground on a desert you know like a Sandy Sandy service in a vehicle with with you know with metal wheels to jet engines that are that are full throttle it's just it's an unbelievable moment and he maintains control and regains control and then completes the run it's so impressive to watch and it's a more impressive to see how he is able to control the situation and keep it you know keep it all kind of reined in he's so calm under pressure that's in that's exactly one of the reasons why they chose him and why some of those tests that they gave him early on the intelligence tests the kind of the analytical things you know the personality tests all that they knew that you know if something like that did happen he wouldn't just simply give up and you know that's it. He tries to maintain control he tries to you know fight to get back into control and he does so and then makes a successful and it's ultra impressive It really is to watch how calm and collected this guy is under pressure and again to to watch the final run him just to describe the process of you know the ramp up the flying mile the shut down and then you have to turn the car around you know 180 degrees and go back the same direction and you can see him thing again with different wind currents and it's just it's an unbelievable thing to watch will be right back with more of the i Heart Radio. The fast track. Technology credit union our mobile app is available everywhere your family needs us junk did you tell taxi you will be traveling I just notified a magazine. Did you make your car payment a mother an hour long case. Did you find an a.t.m. There is no one to block away from the hotel in Rolodex. Promotion and earn up to $1000.00 go to Texas dot com slash save. 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To have a squealing time discover innovation with world changing invent only Camp Invention where big ideas become the next big thing learn more and invent dot org slash cam the Children's Museum is super animated this summer with a new exhibit entitled zoom things that go kids will be off to the races with a series of motion themed things to do all over the children's museum including exploring principles of using wind power to propel a sailboat and learning about arid. By folding various styles of paper airplanes and seen how they fly it's ready set go with Zoom things that go at the Buhl children's museum in Pueblo. And. You're listening to the fast track podcast from My Heart Radio and I'm your host. Just before the break there we were talking about Andy Reid and the amazing process that he had to go through in order to be selected as the as the pilots of this vehicle this is actually I will call a pilot not a driver he was a pilot of this vehicle really I do know the Dr because he was technically touching the ground but he's over a lot like a pilot in this in The Situation fact that's what his experience was and then all the tests and now you know some of the stressors as they put them through in order to be selected it was just an unbelievable process really I mean it was a credible I found a couple of other quick little notes here that I want to mention before we get into the successor of the thrust as a c. And just a couple of quick notes they're really not a whole lot on these but something that I found really really fascinating is as I dug through some of this and one thing was that the vehicle wasn't created here in the United States where the record was broken it was from overseas it was a build vehicle they had to have it transported over somehow so they use this enormous cargo plane and I find this really funny is that you know the cargo plane that brought the team and the vehicle over here was only capable of doing something like 340 miles per hour in the air to bring in a car that you know does more than twice the head on the ground it's just it seems like a funny it's just a funny image in my head I don't know why I thought there was hilarious but one other quick thing that I wanted to mention here was about the fuel and we haven't really talked about the fuel a whole lot and as you can imagine it takes a lot of money to run this program I mean it takes as that is the program progressed the thrust s.s.c. People realized exactly how much that was going to be and it's tens of millions of dollars it's really really. It's of in order to you know to to put forth an effort like this you know that's that's everything it's paying for the team that's paying for you know the testing in the vehicle itself and you know if fuel is one of those one of those charges and it's going to take an awful lot of fuel to do this said in order to even make an attempt at this running that's not not just one run it's many many runs I think that the the thrust as a c. Ended up making something close to 70 runs the record breaking runs were you know somewhere in the sixty's so they made you know like 65 in 66 I think those are the record breaking runs but that's the number of times they're traveling you know 12 miles across the desert and then 12 miles back that's you know that's one run or 2 runs rather but it takes a lot of fuel door to do that and so on the website early on in the early days of this project they started mentioning that it was going to take a total of about 250000 gallons of fuel in order to do this in order to to make this effort work so once they got to the United States of the Black Rock Desert 250000 gallons of fuel in order to make it happen those jet fuel of course is very expensive fuel and there was no single source to provide this there was no one that was you know offering up the money in order to be able to do it so they put out I guess would be like an early Go Fund Me thing really if you want to think of it that way but people were donating money and this is the strangest thing there was no single source again so so he said you know if you could just help out by buying maybe 25 gallons of fuel for this program that would be helpful or you know what 5 gallons or whatever you can afford to pay for please help us out and it became kind of like a national pride thing you know the British were chipping in to be able to say that I helped fund this effort in order to maintain the land speed record in the British name because it's typically a very British record of the land speed record started back in 1908 I believe that was when the French started with it but it's been principally held by the British over the last 121 years it's something that the British of taking great pride in doing and. Once they found out that you know once I guess the public found out about this there are actually British television and radio picked up the story the traffic to the website started to grow and people started donating more and more money so all throughout the United Kingdom they decided that it was their duty they were pretty you know the sense of pride I guess that led them to donate whatever was it 5 gallons 25 gallons whatever was 100 gallons whatever they were able to share and help with is what they did and so they were there even like the executives and young kids that were sending in money for this effort to happen again to have 50000 gallons of fuel to do this and I'll tell you I found a number here that was astounding that is related to fuel and I want to share that with you know we were talking about you know the 2 Rolls Royce engines at speed you know for long distances we're talking about 12 miles at a time at full output the twin engines the thrust of their developing is like 50000 pound feet of force which is the equivalent of about $100000.00 horsepower is what the number that they're given here the amount of fuel that is burned at speed is just unreal here 4.8 gallons per 2nd so that's 4 point again magine I think we all can can picture like a 5 gallon bucket it's roughly that much fuel every 2nd that this thing is in operation so even even at you know the top speed in that measured mile that flying mile that for 5 seconds they burned 25 gallons of fuel in that for 5 seconds you know that that it took them to do that to to do that record run and just so we're on the same page you know the same path here in the metric system it's measured in leaders so you know one gallons about 3.8 leaders so it's 3.8 leaders every 2nd is I mean that the measurement doesn't really change there but every single 2nd that's how much is burning and it's just one of those facts and figures that they come out of this whole thing that you know you'll find there are hundreds of these if you if you really dig into the thrust as the program you know it has its own place in a museum now you might wonder where the vehicle is in the thrust is to see is it the Coventry Transport Museum in Coventry. The city center in England and it's part of the permanent collection there they have a huge collection so I guess if you get there if you should check out this display they've got something like 240 cars like $200.00 motorcycles Of course they got the thrust as a c. On display and I believe this is also the claimed birthplace of the bicycle so they have something like $200.00 bicycles on the splay as well as just a really interesting place it must be a massive collection but again it's now a museum piece and you can go and visited and look at it over it and you know check it all out it's a little bit it's also a little bit sad to see a vehicle like that park in museums sometimes I'm a little bit said that you know it's not going to be out and doing his thing anymore but I guess is what happens to some of these older cars you know they may be may not might not be safety you know continually run and you know year after year after year so maybe this is a maybe that's the best place for at this point but they're almost immediately almost immediately after the thrust us a c. Had broken this record there was a call for someone to break the record again as there always is there's always someone who's going to want to top that you know we always try to go fast a little bit faster a little bit higher a little bit longer you know whatever it is but this car there's another new vehicle out there and this is the new name of it it's the bloodhound l.s.r. Which stands for land speed record but the bloodhound is something that we have been hearing about for approximately I'm going to say 10 maybe even 15 years now maybe even 20 years at this point it seems like it's been mentioned a long long to prolong time the interesting thing about this is that they're not only trying to break the record by you know a few miles per hour or you know maybe 100 miles per hour whatever it is they're going to shatter this record they want to achieve above 1000 miles per hour in this vehicle now we're talking about a car that it meets every requirement that the thrust as he met his far as you know I stand on the ground and you know traveling the the flying mile the flying kilometer is cetera but it has to go 1000 miles per hour in order to achieve the goal that this one is looking for I will say is similar in design but it's different in 100 ways as well and this one has a. Couple of different things going for it it's not only powered by a jet engine single jet engine in this case it's also powered by a hybrid rocket So this is a jet powered and rocket powered vehicle combined into one and I believe there's even a piston engine in there somewhere there's a there's a big Jaguar v. 8 that runs like the auxiliary power or something like that it's a bloodhound is another thing in here to look at with a whole different group of. Facts and figures and information is just again just fascinating one thing that I should mention here and you see this in one of the animations that they sent out I think it was cast this goes back to about 2008 when I saw it 1st saw this animation so it tells you it's a long time ago but and a 1000 miles per hour the goal speed that they're hoping to travel and it's going to happen in South Africa by the way this will all go down in South Africa again on a desert situation. 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On track I nly sell the Sam Fox News hurricane Dorian continues to make its way up these coast Georgia just beginning to feel the a fact wind speeds of about 50 miles per hour are being recorded out on Tybee Island you've got some water up and over the top of Tybee Island we've seen some of the roads have been submerged you've got power outages but power outages reported by Georgia Power are around the number of 2000 right now so nothing really catastrophic that being said the worst is still yet to come look for the magic hour about 1 30 in the morning that's high tide that's about the time you're going to have a lot of that storm surge pushing up in this area so then the roads that connect the mainland with the barrier islands with the coastal areas those are very low very near the water level those should in all likelihood be submerged at that time because my Tobin in Savannah Georgia Dorian appears poised to impact Charleston South Carolina the city's vulnerable because it's nearly surrounded by water the Bahamas were pounded Dorian came ashore there as a Category 5 and stayed over the islands for a day and a half leaving streets underwater and homes and businesses and ruined and ready to get on the surface a little clearing to strange making here or Tamil people creating areas.