Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi certain members of Congress to support a resolution to block the president's declaration of a national emergency to build a wall with Mexico the resolution may be filed Friday and if the House approves it it must still pass the Senate and to get by a likely presidential veto crude oil futures posted their best finish in 3 months supplies Rose crude gained one and a half percent on Wednesday to 5692 a barrel this is Fox News. Fox Nation is the place for exclusive content you can't get anywhere else new opinion shows for more incorrect Tucker Carlson and Tom Lehrer and you can only get by signing up for Fox station plus the real stories behind the headlines documentaries on Chappaquiddick Jimmy Hoffa and more that you'll only find on Fox Nation more of the opinion done right great it's on Fox Nation documentaries and specials you can't get anywhere else there on Fox Nation so go to Fox Nation dot com today and sign up for Fox Nation opinion done right now Shepard Smith There are so many streams of information coming Some are designed to distract you and to mislead you when news is breaking you have to slow down we have to begin with what's most important I'm here to find out what happened to report it without fear or favor context and perspective to be honest brutally honest about every bit of it we work in list hours to make sure that we deliver to you is fact it's a fact Shepard Smith on Fox News Channel real news real honest opinion. The attorney filed a $250000000.00 lawsuit on behalf of Kentucky high school student Nick salmon wants to punish the Washington Post for allegedly targeting the teen Linwood says the paper's coverage was tends to with political bias there is no argument the next segment of the Covington Catholic kids were vilified by numerous media outlets including The Washington Post after cellphone video showed sad and staring down Native American Nathan Phillips and the lawsuit filed by the same and family says the Washington Post used its quote vast financial resources to enter the bully pulpit by publishing a series of false and defamatory print and online articles which effectively provided a worldwide megaphone to smear a young boy who was in a its view an acceptable casualty in their war against the President Fox's Chinese Gallagher The Washington Post says it's reviewing a copy of the lawsuit and will mount a vigorous defense of President drum sets up another battle of Caliph. This time over the state's ability to impose its own environmental regulations for vehicles Natural Resources Defense Council attorney David Pettit says this means both sides are probably headed now for a court fight he says the trumpet administration and defense of automakers likely got stuck on California's rules over how many 0 emission vehicles need to be made and sold that I think is a thorn in the side of the auto industry because they'll tell you that they're losing money on those California already sued last year when the trumpet ministration said it wanted to freeze mileage and emissions standards and take away California's ability to set its own emissions standards through a waiver Jessica Rosenthal Fox News and a devastating fire raced through buildings in the old part of Bangladesh capital killing at least 70 people and injuring 50 others. I'm Carmen Roberts and this is Fox News. Hi I'm Dr Mona done with the American Academy of Family Physicians with important information on how you can prevent shingles if you've had chicken pox you're at risk for getting shingles a very painful and potentially debilitating disease nearly one in 3 Americans will get shingles and older adults are more at risk but adults aged 50 and older can get protection simply by getting the shingles vaccine for morning emendations visit family doctor dot org or talk with your family physician. Protocol these guys are out here throughout the overnighted cold read a good. 40 for a high of 3045 on Friday what it's like a chance of showers for the weekend was like a slight chance of showers high stake right around 45 degrees. With the latest forecast for the place reducing the Probationer out southeastern Colorado it's always used by Casey as just to make sure this national our children's true scholar I know they see a joyous day America the great your great America this is the show every former CIA analyst for about rather than about a detox sex to talk back to. Counselors is not about justice it's not about equality it's not about lifting up the poor Socialism is about one thing only power for the ruling class. The ruling class you wouldn't have thought maybe a few years ago that a Republican president and in fact much of the Republican intelligentsia or at least the Trump supporting intelligentsia would call out the ruling class and that a guy who is a billionaire and obviously was born a century $100.00 millionaire would have a voice that would resonate with people on this issue might come as a surprise but when you dig into it more and actually makes perfect sense. There very much is a ruling class in this country one that in the error of Trump just because of the ability to get past political correctness to get past all of this. Forced respect for certain institutions journalism among journalism a very high on the list perhaps top of the list and we're able to really evaluate who these people are that think they should be in charge in charge of media newsrooms the arts the federal bureaucracy the d.o.j. The f.b.i. The CIA the universities are you go down the line and you say why do we have to revere these people should we review these people the answer is we shouldn't and we don't or we shouldn't have to and we don't have to and that's relatively new and I do think that there's a whole democratization of information component of this essentially because we see these people acting like idiots on social media because I can point to tweets from John Brennan who was the CIA director that show that he's an imbecile without any judgment without any credibility especially when it comes to issues of politics that offend that deal with the trumpet ministration I don't have to be told whether or not this is a guy that I should listen to trust I can see for myself that he's not somebody I should trust he's a clown and you Victor Davis Hanson who's one of my favorite one of my favorite currents living American columnists I mean he's definitely at the very top of the as he's top 10 for sure maybe even top 5 bigger Davis Hanson is spot on with what we've seen not just because of Trump's willingness to take it to the ruling class in this country but more specifically what we've seen from the ruling class in the government the 4th for. Ranch of government that is the bureaucracy and I think that it's never it's never going to be dissing which is a good thing the truth has come out in ways now that are unavoidable and it's caused a panic a panic that has manifested itself in all these different people struck in Mackay that Komi and you know all the rest of them who had behind this shield of oh you're disrespecting our institutions and no we're questioning our institutions and when we question some of these institutions we find ourselves getting answers that are not reassuring that do not make us feel better about these situation and that just means that we should dig more that we should ask more questions and also I think you quite a bit of as a nation. Reevaluating the value of some of these institutions and how they are constructed and who's in charge and what they're doing here's here's b.t.h. The man himself on this issue play 9 but really gets a subset spin the American people we have these sanctimonious boyscout self-righteous James Clapper John Brennan James Komi Peter Struck Andrew Macquarie and they feel that somehow they've got a rationale or Parag a tip to be divinities and they can tell people when a president should go and when he should calm and one of what a court needs to know what he doesn't when they can leak confidential information information when they can earn 245 times tell under oath a House Intelligence Committee they don't know and we can't do that the us the people but they've created a hierarchy or some type of care in Washington like a petroleum guard whether they're not subject to the limitations that we all enjoy as constitutional limitations on what you can do is absolutely right. You have seen with Clapper Brennan Komi struck McCabe Sally Yates this whole crew at the very top of the government hierarchy and keep in mind not only do they have a lot of government power and the power to ruin people the power to play in politics in a way that they're not supposed to but is incredibly effective if they're willing to they also will all take jobs in the private sector at their leisure where they will make millions of dollars most likely So there are leaks in every sense but they pose as protectors of the people they pose as individuals who care not for themselves but care only about you and me and what we have seen from this Praetorian class is that they're liars that they're self interested that they're self-motivated and we would be foolish to ignore this it's also important to note that they are living under a different set of rules in their own minds and this is problematic for a whole bunch of reasons one of them is that if they can get away with things that you and I can't how will we ever be able to reform the institutions of our government that go after citizens if the people that are making those decisions don't have to live by those laws themselves remember one of my favorite maxims here on the show is that a true tyranny is not the equal application of draconian laws it is the capricious application of laws based on political connections and favor and the whims of the mob or the whims of the powerful. It is that McCabe can lie under oath and somehow not face criminal charges but George Papadopoulos can lie about a non-crime to the special counsel and he faces prison time that General Flynn could lie or perhaps Miss remember a conversation he had with f.b.i. That was relayed f.b.i. Agents and then faced the ruination of his career the destruction of his reputation a reputation that involved 30 years of service in the military so when people say well McCabe should get the benefit of doubt I say hold on a 2nd I'm I'm somebody that's all for the benefit of the doubt when warranted but I need someone to tell me why Andy McCabe fired from the f.b.i. For being a liar should be given that benefit because of his service in the government especially given all the other stuff we've learned about him recently that he thought that a coup against the president against President Trump was a an acceptable idea but then why didn't General Flynn get that benefit after his 30 some odd years of government service. Oh I want someone to answer that question for me so the elites right now are unsettled and they're not used to that they don't like the truth coming out and they're trying to prevent it and it is incumbent upon all of us to continue to just look at what is reality here what's really happening and who these people are should they be in charge do they deserve to be in charge do we trust them should they have this power if you keep asking those questions on the radio. Why pay your hard earned money to join an organization that fought tooth and nail for a government run health care system one that scripted portions of White House speeches behind closed doors to insure the passage of the Affordable Care Act the organization that stood against tax cuts for middle class Americans and small business owners you know that's a a or p. Join a Mack Instead the conservative alternative a mac offers the same kinds of money saving benefits of a r.p. Without the liberal agenda becoming a Mack member right now at a mac dot us last buck in that fight for your values protecting our borders by enforcing commonsense immigration laws supporting small business and standing up for your individual god given freedoms a mac is the way to go stand with a Mac. 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Here's a story you would think would get a lot of media attention but sure enough there is something of a muted reaction to it. President Trump the Trump administration has decided that they will launch a campaign a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality Now at 1st glance this should be one of those rare moments in contemporary American politics where all sides in both sides are cheering you know yelling saying this is fantastic and this is as straightforward as a campaign of goodness and decency as I think you'll find anywhere you know put aside for a moment any feelings you may have about same sex were gay marriage and just understand this is about decriminalising homosexuality so this is you know countries that exist that are out there were you can still be punished even executed for homosexual acts that's barbaric and that's wrong and the Trump administration is trying to lead the way on this and in the campaign is supposed to be led by the u.s. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grinnell I know Richard a bit from from working with him at Fox And they're they're kicking this event off a rather kicking off this campaign in Berlin and you would think that perhaps the l g b t community would rally behind the Trump administration on this and what could be more obviously on the side of the community event a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality. Now did you even hear about this in the press I would I would 1st put that out there have you seen given the media's interest usually in any l g b t stories have you seen this covered Have you seen it tore heard it talked about I'm guessing a large percentage of you even those who spend a lot of time read the newspaper online watching the news haven't seen or heard a thing about this and it's because one as we know the press's desire to harm Trump or to undermine or even downplay any of his successes outweighs their desire to let the Trump administration or support the Trump ministration do good things that people will know about right so for most of the media. Trump And the administration's efforts to decriminalize homosexuality in countries around the world would have a tremendous. Effect of liberty and personal freedom on communities around the world then desire is less important to the press then to make sure that people don't realize that Trump is in many ways the most l.g.b. Tea friendly president of all time in fact Trump is the only president in history who stood on stage during his campaign held up a Gay Pride flag and ran as somebody who was openly in favor of same sex marriage you know for he was fine with gay marriage in favor of gay marriage Obama was not for everybody like to say well look at the Obama's ration and Obama was pro-traditional marriage largely I think as a as a political ploy to get black churches to support him especially black churches in the south to support him in his bid for the presidency and then once he had secured enough support for his 2nd term he was going to say Ok well now we'll move on this but back to this campaign not only is the press a little muted in its enthusiasm about this which I don't think is surprising to anybody there's also an effort from the left in fact an effort from within the l.g.b. Tea community to say that we should that this should not be celebrated as at all this is a piece in Out dot com which is a a a same sex focused publication from what I understand. And Out dot com has his piece up trumps plan to decriminalize homosexuality is an old racist tactic. Let me just read that headline's you again this isn't a left wing gate online publication and the title is Trump's plan to decriminalize homosexuality is an old racist tactic Wow Let's unpack this for a moment showing the left which views itself as on the vanguard always of. Gay rights and transgender rights and all these different communities and subcommunities within the movement. They all of a sudden have a problem with the president trying to do something that any sane reasonable person would say is good for the community and here's why what are the most anti gay portions of the globe where is homosexuality illegal Well it's in Africa the Middle East and the Caribbean Ok that if you're looking for areas of the globe where you're going to have a particular focus on this that's where you're going to find yourself that that's where the issue is going to be so now you have Africa the Caribbean in the Middle East which are areas that are predominantly not entirely were predominantly nonwhite are going to come under scrutiny here as part of this campaign and what you're going to see on the left is also an aversion to this because the Muslim world which is predominantly nonwhite not entirely but predominately nonwhite the Muslim world is the most anti gay portion of the world Ok there's more antique and Iran specifically is a viciously antigay country the Iranian government's policies towards homosexuals is that they can put them to death. So this is where the left starts to run into the usual incoherence there Pro l g b t rights as long as it allows them to bash Christian conservatives in America then they are then they're all about it and they want to talk about transgender rights and transgender is and all the rest of it but the moment that you look at what's going on with the community the rest the world all these other a left wing constructs come into play like colonialism racism. Islam or Islamophobia all of that is more important to the left then basic human rights and basic decency toward the gay community and I just think that this should get a whole lot more attention because what you're seeing here is that even the Left does view all of its issues as part of his hierarchy there are no fundamental principles because if if if treating. People from the gay community from the community as as human beings with basic decency is not more important to the left then trying to protect his sensibilities of the Muslim world the Middle East the Caribbean portions of the globe that or majority nonwhite then what are their fundamental principles. You know what what do they really a spouse if you're not able to join hands with this president on a movement to to push for the removal of laws that stigmatize and and even murder gay people around the world because there are regressive backwards countries I mean let's just start to say what's really going on here I'm sorry that Islam is as was said by Sam Harris correctly the mother lode of bad ideas from a liberal's perspective on a global scale but it is unfortunately a fact that doesn't mean that all Muslims feel that way obviously it doesn't mean that you know everybody from within the Islamic faith is guilty of believing these things are but if you're looking for one faith tradition that is particularly regressive when it comes to the l.g.b. Community among other things. It's Islam so the Middle East is going to be a problem if you're trying to get rid of laws that criminalize homosexuality does just affect also portions of Africa are going to be a problem you know that there are some parts of the world where there are cultures that are more regressive and backwards than what we have here in the West or in a lot of other places around the world not just the West is a fact this is objective truth so the left in you know cry in wail and criticize as much as they want with the trumpet ministration is doing is a good thing it is a kind thing and if they were being principled on the left they would understand that trump pushing for the decriminalisation globally of homosexuality is only a good thing for the community and there should not be any excuses made to undermine this movement was the last time you checked your credit score those 3 digits chorus can have a huge impact on your financial life Credit Karma can help you with free scores free reports and free monitoring credit card will also give you the tips tools and advice you need to understand your credit and how to improve it you can even spot potential errors on your credit report that could mean better interest rates on loans and credit cards which can save you thousands of dollars in the long run signing up is completely free no credit card needed visit Credit Card dot com or download the credit card app now. 30 General William Barr to decide what to do with Special Counsel Robert Muller's final report I guess from what I understand that will be totally up to the attorney general Trump and at that he thought the attorney general was a tremendous man reports say that Muller's report could be finished as soon as next week he is required to submit his findings to the attorney general it will be up to Bart to decide whether to send Congress the full report or a summary of the findings and what to release publicly federal prosecutors have accused a u.s. Coast Guard officer of planning to carry out a large scale domestic terror attack f.b.i. Agents arrested Lieutenant Christopher Paul Hassoun on Friday and seized weapons and ammunition from his home in Silver Spring Maryland government court filings say house and plan to launch a terror attack on politicians and journalists from a list of targets that included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi prosecutors describe housen as a white nationalist who shared the extremist views of Norwegian terrorist unders Brevik who shot and killed 77 people in 2011 Austin is due in federal court Thursday for a detention hearing and jurors in the El Chapo trial may have violated the judge's orders to avoid media coverage of the proceedings the Mexican drug kingpin was convicted earlier this month on federal charges connected to the sale of narcotics and related violence while now it appears possible that Joaquin El Chapo Guzman could get a new trial following a conversation with one juror published in Vice News The article also suggests that 1.2 jurors got into such a heated argument that u.s. Marshals had to intervene You're listening to the latest from n.b.c. News Radio. Part of a lot of guys are out here throughout the overnighted cold read a good 9 for a low sunny and 40 for a high of 3045 on Friday what it's like chance of showers but the weekend was like a slight chance of showers high stake right around 45 degrees. With the latest forecast of the place for news and information around southeastern Colorado it's always pueblos new stock K.C.'s just it's getting harder to take care of Mom I don't know where to turn my son has high needs and we need more help where do I start every day I'm there for hand sometimes I need time for me caregiving can be tough find the support you need 184-426-2372 work as a Colorado caregiving dot org Your care may be super but you're only human sponsored by the Colorado respite coalition the Colorado Broadcasters Association and his station the unemployment rate is at a 48 year low most people who want to work are working if you're trying to fill open positions at your business you'll have to find your next candidate from the currently employed by heart beat you can help you spread the word to 93 percent of the u.s. 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P's holding the line for America bucks exit is a. Team I know we're talking a moment ago about from the campaign to decriminalise homosexuality around the world and to encourage countries to have l g b t protections as a matter of law and certainly to end discriminatory and vicious practices against the l.g.b. Community but transgenderism the t.v. And l g b t transgenderism is still very much at the forefront at the vanguard of leftwing activism and I would you share with you if I had a an exchange today publicly that. I'm I just wanted to share because it was one of these moments where I was at at kind of cross purposes I have never heard of India more before but India more is a transgender act actor. And has you know a pretty substantial online following and India more tweeted I so in you were born a man and has become a now under transgender logic is becoming a woman and and he tweeted out or she tweeted. It's a he but you know I'm trying to be your I'm trying to be considerate right but the India more is a man. In the war is a man we can go back and forth on this is much is the left wants to but you know objective reality is just that but I also want to be polite to somebody and if somebody really wants a pronoun to be a certain way do I do I bend out of deference and politeness I mean one of the knocks on me in this business unfortunately is that I am actually too polite probably which I'm getting less polite as I get older because some people need to need it need a tune up publicly sometimes but but anyway back to India more this individual tweeted out if this is a quote if a woman has a penis her penis is a biological female penis and I just have to note that this she's the definition of false this is false is false gets right a female anatomy is female anatomy male anatomy is male anatomy there is no such thing as one of them becoming the other but what I see here is an embrace of falshood and the demand that we all embrace false as well though I responded to this I have questions. And then me as more or Mr Moore whichever one we're going to I would also know that I could get banned from Twitter for mis gendering and mis gendering some people want to be some people in the Western world I think in Canada now and among other places they want to be a crime so now they want to bring a force of law to make me lie about somebody else in order to protect their feelings that's that's where we have headed as a society but in your more responded to me if you have questions essential you know I'm happy to answer them and here's the thing I don't have questions. A woman cannot have a penis and a man cannot have a woman's anatomy I don't have questions I have questions about why we're supposed to pretend that we don't know what we know that's my question remember that where the discussion is I refuse to embrace the unreality of the transgender movement and just to give you an idea of where this is going now you had an l g b t organization announced that it was severing ties this was just yesterday with Martina Navratilova because she made comments about transgender athletes this group Athlete Ally which is a nonprofit to quote end rampant homophobia and transphobia in sport and to activate the athletic community exercise their leadership to champion l g b t Q equality said that they're no longer working with Martina Navratilova who is one of the most famous same sex athletes of all time right in a same sex. You know gay athletes of all time. The same sex attracted as when I met say. She she's now kicked off the island so to speak she is now no longer welcome in the group no longer welcome as part of the team here. Because she said that it is cheating to allow transgender women to compete in women sporting events because of their physical advantages she wrote quote a man can decide to be female take hormones if required by whatever sporting organizations concern when everything in sight and perhaps earn a small fortune and then then reverse his she said his decision and go back to making babies if he so desires it's insane and it's cheating I would not be happy to compete against her it would not be fair or meant never to lower said the world champion tennis player and she's gay and she's not allowed to say this folks she's speaking the truth all right biology is real and biology wins on this one biology is fact if I had been competing as women in college I would've been a 3 sport all American that's just a fact and I was barely able to be on the crew team so this is ridiculous all right ridiculous. I will not I will not be a part of this of this movement to embrace falshood you know I want to be polite to people I want to be decent I want to treat people with respect always right it is in Him It is an obligation of all of us but I'm also not going to be forced to lie and that's where we are heading with this transgender movement not even a choice anymore we're going to be forced to lie and we're going have to make some very tough choices going forward on the radio. 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Super Bowl champion signed the most important contract of his life to serve in the Army National Guard of a lot of military My family is big part of what my family's over a long time I want to go out there make a difference I don't find that working on a desk so for me is pretty easy decision to make and then the opportunity to serve margin in serve my country was is icing on the day to learn how to be part of the Army National Guard log on to National Guard dot com sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard aired by the Colorado Broadcasters Association at this station it's difficult to find a person in America right now whose life has not been impacted by the opioid epidemic in fact a recent report found that enough opiates were prescribed in 2016 for every man woman and child in the nation to have $36.00 pills each fiction is taking a toll on millions of lives across America but together we can reduce the devastation and work to and addiction and it all starts with prevention now more than ever it's important that we educate and empower patients to talk to their doctors about their post surgical pain management options we could reduce the number of opioids prescribed after surgery by just 10 percent it would mean almost $332000000.00 fewer left over poles available each year for potential diversion and misuse these prescription painkillers are not our only option for treating pain especially after surgery to learn more visit plan against pain dot com Hey we missed you at the game last week so everything our. Summer and so on like me. You know I'm here for you right that's the time you know acting is one thing talking about suicide in real life is another in the military you take Shellene over yet folks. It's time for roll call Indeed it is a snowy Roll Call today d.c. Gets a light dusting of powder and thinks that some kind of snow pocalypse has descended on it you'd think that our nation's capital would be a little more able to handle some inclement weather but if you thought that you would be wrong unfortunately d.c. Is very much in the midst of the usual almost goes for a half inch of snow panic but I'm here safe and warm in the freedom hut where love of freedom keeps us safe and warm Facebook dot com slash bucks Saxony if you want your thoughts to be included in low roll call so by all means let me know what you think by going to roll call and also by letting me load the Facebook page that I do live on air here and it always takes a 2nd sorry technology Sure. It's a low buck we should just start calling the fake news narrators and not journalists journalists report facts while narrators tell stories shields high fan since the real news days well Sean thank you so much for be in old school squad good to have you in the mix Year and thank you so much for writing to me I appreciate it my friend and yes I agree with you the journalists need to do more in the fact side of things and less in the opinionated while pretending to give facts. Adam writes in relation to you switching I dominance Mr Cage has the perfect solution for you in the movie Firebirds Shields Well I don't I have not seen Firebirds so I'll have to take your word for it. Lucinda 0 is in the back in action here ha I've seen killer clowns from outer space I definitely would not compare to the witch however because I watch killer clowns I throughly check any tour that I use for illions Shields I will listen to that sounds truly horrifying and I'm not going to add Killer Klowns from Spouter space into my viewing queue so yeah I will tell you that the which I shouldn't watch it you know Miss Molly was making fun of me a little bit I shouldn't watch it because it really kind of freaked me out and you know I may have even had some nightmares about it it's really creepy I think it's the creepiest movie I've seen probably since the Exorcist which I saw for the 1st time maybe 15 years ago. Rachel writes buck My husband is the main breadwinner giving me the privilege to stay at home with our kids and raise them the right way according to the Bible your excellent thoughtful analysis helps keep me sane during my day with a little once a thank you but I wouldn't have heard about the if my husband Jesse had told me about you and it's his birthday tomorrow he will listen to your show be a podcast I was wondering if you could give him a birthday shout out thanks again for all the hard work you do you have a fantastic show every time Rachel from Cali Well Rachel of course 1st of all thank you so much for listening and a big birthday shout out to our main man Jessie who is obviously an original squad officio not 0 for spreading the news of the show telling people start spreading the news Thank you Jesse for doing that and really really appreciate a man happy birthday to you and yours and your absolutely beautiful family which I can see here in Rachel's profile photo. John writes I'm sorry to bother you Buck i Heart Radio doesn't have the February 1000 shows on your listing . John very frustrating man we will look into this very that trust me and annoys me more than anybody when I put all the work in to do the show to try to make the best show I can and we don't have it up so we will look into that one right away. Efe in right don't listen to Robert Bach the analogies rock keep bringing them all even Thanks Man I'm glad to hear that least some folks like the analogies and maybe will get a happy medium or only use them when the really really good and really really necessary and that's one thing about taking feedback from my respected and beloved audience is sometimes people disagree very strongly on what they like and don't like in the show one example that is is the history show nothing history shows but history segments within the show I would get 3 or 4 people writing in at a time saying I love that segment you did on just that history deep dive that was you maybe a couple of segments 15 or 20 minutes or so and I would have somebody who's like don't ever do that again I come to you for Daily News I come to you for analysis of politics and what's going on the world not for what happened the world 1000 years ago so it's tough you know you've got to try to gauge what the what the best usage of the time that we have together is because I take it very seriously I do feel a very important obligation to make the best use of every moment every moment that you give me but then you for your feedback my friend Erin Rai it's I'm a little behind on your podcast it's Ok Or we can still be friends but if you are enjoying punk you should check out the bastard sons they are a contemporary Southern punk band my favorite song is never say die Also I'm not sure if you can get into these classics but bands like dead can. Nice minority threat Bad Religion Dead Milkmen Operation Ivy bouncing soles and no effects Well it's a lot Erin also some pretty good bands with female vocalist tsunami bomb until I can go on and on you'll definitely opposed to a lot of the political lyrics of these bands but you should still check them out Aaron you're obviously an audio file you're somebody that really likes listening to tunes and I would just say in terms of the politics of bands I I think everybody should take their the perspective that you can appreciate the artist without agreeing with the artists if you know what I mean you know you can you can feel Ok for it here's a perfect example for me for let me just put this one out there I think that Rage Against The Machine for my money is for work out purposes in the gym probably the greatest band of all time for working out not for listening to and just hanging out with obviously but I think that Rage Against The Machine has probably the best catalog for work out purposes of anybody out there now people can disagree with me vehemently that's fine obviously Rage Against The Machine also has the politics of Ocasio Cortez mixed with menorah and Karl Marx and Bernie Sanders all at once right I mean rage against the machine's politics are silly but I don't care about the politics because I listen for the music so when you can find an artist who also shares your beliefs great I think that that gives them a leg up but I do think it's Ok to separate out the music from the person's political beliefs and sing it you know I don't think I would have seen eye to eye with Jimi Hendrix in all matters of politics although we probably have agreed on more stuff than some folks realize. That and I have no idea what you mean 100 his politics were that said I mean Jimi is Jimi and you got to love the music. Nolan writes book we no longer need to point to Venezuela to communicate the harm that socialism can cause Amazon scrapping New York and the economic cost of that decision provides a snapshot of where these want to be communist will take the entire country we need to highlight that and other homegrown socialist disasters that do real not theoretical damage to real Americans will know and I hope you appreciate that I try to do that on this show I talked about Venezuela but I also talked about Amazon and I try to discuss the parts of the Venezuelan disaster that are political to what's going on here at home it's not enough to just say that Venezuela socialist It's why has Venezuela socialist experiment imploded and what are the fair points of comparison between Venezuela and the us and the American left and the cars you Cortez and Bernie Sanders it's not just about the talking points obviously the the huge advantage that I have here with you on this platform is I can spend real time on things that really matter I don't have to constantly just flip through really quickly with a 3 or 4 minute conversation that's meant to just be good t.v. And then run through the next topic we can really dig deep and I think that's why people keep coming back here now gosh going on 677 years on the air on the show so many time does fly. Gero rah it's Buck shields you often ask if liberals democrats are morons or liars the answer of course is usually they are both whether it's the absurd lie of just the small or the bald faced lies of Andrew McCabe the outlandishness of the lie displays their stupidity and the lie their moral vacuity Well Joe Nobody could ever say that you're mincing words you obviously have no trouble owning the lives as they say. Carol writes Ben Weingarten Rocky theme and Michael Pelka are my favorite fill in host great job shields Ok look you have fantastic taste those are all very very strong hosts in their own right and they will all be repeat hosts here on the show and they're going to continue to join us so I'm so glad that you like it when they're in for me you know I really do want to be the case that any day that I have to be away from this microphone which is almost always for some other business reason occasionally it's for vacation although I don't take very much vacation any day I'm gone I want you to know that when you chew on in you're going to get a great show I don't want people to think oh box not there I'm not going to listen today because you're going to get a different version of the kind of topics that we talk about here the sort of show we do here obviously with a different host so I want the best host possible as I've said I know a lot of other radio hosts like to put in the b. Team or the c. Team so that people miss them when they're gone that's kind of an old radio radio joke radio trope I want the best host we can get so that's always my plan and it Cale In the meantime thank you so much for writing in teen that's going to be it for this show I will talk to you all tomorrow same time same place shields up. Local verification network the only dual certified veteran own back on investigation and vetting company out there now I understand you've got to get this work done when you're hiring for your company no matter what size your company no matter what industry you're in you got to run background checks on your employees but a lot of people that run those background checks for you guess what they send that client information overseas so you don't really know who's doing it where that stuff is going you can get rid of all that all that fuss with global verification network are right there are experts handle everything here stateside they're based in the u.s. 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