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Lately it seems like everything we use every day is getting an upgrade from the bed we sleep in to the razor we use when we wake up but we've neglected one of the more important products in our daily routine that old worn out tooth brush I'm Simon and of and I'm a product designer after I learned how important brushing teeth is to overall health I worked with a dentist a crypt better electric toothbrush that makes brushing my simple affordable and surprisingly enjoyable quip has sensitive sonic vibrations that a gentle on your gums and a built in time of the pulses to guide you around your mouth all packed into a beautifully slim and advise aluminum design we also to live afresh brush heads on a dentist recommended schedule for just $5.00 with 3 shipping backed by thousands of dentists quip is one of the 1st electric toothbrushes accepted by the American Dental Association upgrade and stop brushing Besa with quick whip starts at $25.00 and is guaranteed for a life with a refill plan sign up now a good quick dot com slash save and you'll get your 1st refill pack free with a quick electric toothbrush plan that's your 1st refill pack free at g e t Q u.i.p. 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The people generally speaking love the parody they want more of the parody beneath the parody. Me Enough I'm thinking and I'm telling you 99.2 percent love it and want to hear it again so we'll take that under advisement but it's always interesting because people will call polo Pablo and Palko and they'll spell your name 18 different ways yeah they also mishear my my lyrics sometimes like how did you see me that was incredible day oh Day Oh Day Oh Day Look day oh come and send bedo home is where they think I said. Or maybe they were just a credit refund on what you were singing about British or the whole look of the song was me yelling his name wasn't it yeah the usual as I'm sure they knew that. You're welcome. What do it live there now. No no no. That is be it on home I'm talking telling the people if you want me to do it a lot so there you go we're just a little some some for you we've got big news about Jeff Sessions we've got a Costa is now claiming that there's media censorship they care let me ask you something yes did was c.n.n. Banned from the White House no so just one guy yes yes so c.n.n. Can still go yes that is correct. But the guy that broke protocol had no manners with trying to shut down the president he envisage Levy has been assaulted a young female aide he can't go. Are there rules let me ask you something this is. One of those questions that I think people don't understand the answer to your Give me a good one I know you are. Does the 1st Amendment mean its own fettered untethered you can do anything you want well no it doesn't when it comes to the freedom of the press what do you think that means how man. Well you should be able to ask the president questions we need to know no but I think generally the for forgetting the present what it's about is of the 1st Amendment and the freedom the press just just for you a journalist you an anchor you know I mean what I've been doing for a long time forget the actual back and forth today with the president or even the White House the job what does the job what does that amendment restrict the government from stopping you from doing from telling the people what what you're doing they need to know the story right. Yes I'll give you an example when I was and when I was in Lansing Michigan for 5 years in East Lansing you got the m. Issue Spartans were heard on w j and in Lansing every night love the station love the state a bunch of stations in Michigan the Spartans one year and I believe 1909 made it to I think the elite 8 which is in the n.c.a.a. Tournament you have the sweet 16 you get the lead a then you get the final 4 then you get the champion I think they made it to the elite 8 and then lost like Kentucky or somebody and there was a riot in the streets of East Lansing m.a.c. Avenue or Boulevard where I think it's evident and they were burning a couch and people riding on horses and girls had no shirts on and stuff because it was just mayhem right. So I go at 2 o'clock in the morning and shoot some video and Brian one of my photography was out there shooting video whatever and. I'll never forget the police were telling us you can't be here and what do you think the answer was yes I can be here oh yes we can you don't have the right is the government to tell us we can't document this that we can't report on this that we can't take a picture of this that we can't do a story about this it wasn't like it was happening inside of somebody's home it was happening in the middle of the road you know I mean now they have the right to restrict access if they're there's something going on like there's a bomb that could explode inside a car you don't have to allow me a journalist access to go next to the car because that obviously I'm putting life in limit risk. They don't have to let me go through a police barrier because there's you know an armed gunman that's holed up in a house I get that as well but if there are a bunch of stupid drunk college kids who are half naked drinking and lighting a couch on fire I have the right to take video I have the right to document it I have the right to tell the story on my t.v. Station or my radio station or whatever I have that right. I've been to several. News conferences on many different topics and when you go there's generally a gaggle of people they actually call it a gaggle and you've got reporters from all sorts of outlets you've got people who want to get the story get it back for their deadline in the newspaper online or on the television or on radio and whatever and we already know that there is an inherent rule that you get to ask a question and again like I said earlier possibly a follow up you don't get to switch topics you don't get to argue you know I have never rancor. Sadly I had never carry in my in my history as a journalist and I'm not in this position but I have been I have never ever ever never ever decided that I was going to challenge the person I was questioning. Jim Acosta started that today by saying I'm going to challenge you on the caravan he'll remember that up he said he did and yes now it is his job to ask questions that could be questions that are favorable to the president they could be questions that might not come off as favorable they could be skeptical questions it's a journalist's job to be skeptical and ask questions that his viewers or listeners or whatever might buy one here if there's 2 but for him to stand I'm going to challenge on the caravan when the president says well this is what it is and the president even at one point which is kind of out of character for him says well you and I have a disagreement on that he says those words and the caustic keeps keeps on accosting him. He doesn't stop it isn't slow down it doesn't make sense and then he says look you're done sit down now get give her the mike and this young girl's trying to get the mike and he does physically push her arm away stop her from getting the mike that is the definition of assault any Some guy just called me a snowflake's I think is assault No I just know the definition but even beyond that it was his time to sit down sit your ass down now it's somebody else's turn this was never a news conference held for Jim Acosta this was a news conference held for the American people by the president of the United States and as much as a cost to doesn't agree with this the president is actually the important one in the room and that's Jim Acosta not c.n.n. That's a banks across credit I mean because how many times have we seen we're at Casa becomes the story not the question he asked the president it's he himself he becomes the story not to me as a journalist that it should never ever be he you're there to report what the president is saying or to an asteroid question here is the president dancer period you should never become the story is the journalist there covering the president and it have you and I cannot agree with you or. You're absolutely 100 percent right I could not agree with you more and at some point either the bosses at c.n.n. Are going to have to learn with journalism is what the job is and have a talk with him or the media is going to continue to be this this indoctrinating you know thought pushing machine and we're just going to see another generation fall prey to it it's very very strange to me are it is our 89 for one Pags headed 89417247 Rick has been unbelievably patient on line one Rick what's going on high. Thank you Joe God bless you and your staff thank spent less President Trump and his administration yes or God bless Kitty Lockheed and Pavel cruiser to get those things right yes very close yes very very close yes. Yes you talk about are about Minnesota Michigan I think is lost or everloving mind to how we turned into a pretty much at this point predominantly blue state and the used to resonate as you were just talking about you know we're here I didn't wear your stuff and then what can we do well I'm going to tell you something when you see Michigan go to President Trump nearly 2 years ago and you see that Michigan understands the workers understand manufacturing got to come back taxes have to go down regulation has to go down when you have a state that everybody thought was going to go blue go red and 2 years later when we're seeing the prosperity that was promised by President Trump 2 years later vote Debbie Stabenow to stay there when you have a great candidate and John James. And vote Whitmer in for god sakes over overshooting I don't get it I got to be honest with you I've got a house there I love Michigan we go all the time I don't understand what's going on I remember John Engler as the governor and a 1000000000 dollar surplus because he was doing the right things he was saying the right things and making the right moves why that state would go blue I don't get I truly don't understand it. How you pay for these things I mean since you were catches you know over who are. Gretchen can thank thing was you know fixing roads it's happening taxes and what about my crimes I've been getting here in the last year I was going to go back to. The Democrats are going to take them back and by the way she was shooting platform was I'm going to lower income tax in Michigan he was the right guy I don't understand I love Michigan if you look at the state when it comes to politics is predominately red but the urban areas are certainly blue I don't get why the the red couldn't overtake the blue they did it in the presidential election it was a surprise I get it but if every one of those people that voted for President Trump would have voted the right way this to yesterday you'd have a bill shooty as the as the governor elect and you'd have John James as the senator elect I don't understand what happened I absolutely understand agree you know where we go from here I know we'll see bro in again we keep a close eye on it Rick thanks I don't I don't get it I don't understand how it is look I get how it works if you look at any any United States map of red versus blue on and what the electorate looks like the country is. 8590 percent red just by color coded up by population as you look at the color of the of the nation it's predominately red by far then you've got splotches in l.a. In New York in Detroit and Chicago that are blue and those tiny splotches of geography tiny parts of the map those are the places that are electing or not electing people every 2 years every 4 years that's exactly what's going on and the idea that these very small metropolises on the map I mean they're large when you're there but these very small areas are voting that way and controlling everything that's a problem. So I don't know what you do you have to change the message and let people and by the way where was this this blacks it did 40 percent of black people in America yesterday vote red or Republican I don't think so not even close Kerry can you see if you can find a number on the black vote yesterday may not have it yet Ok but I guarantee it wasn't 40 percent for Republicans and that's what kinda So it has been saying this would have been plenty of other people been saying as good 40 percent approval for 04 for President Trump doesn't does not relate or parlay to votes in midterm elections and so on they might line up to vote for President Trump with the also lined up and voted for a lot of pretty horrible candidates so well that we come back Jeff Sessions is leaving got a lot going on this hour plenty of your phone calls too on the Joe Pags show stay here. Here listening to Joe. Are you like me and just about anybody I know you've got tons of old v.h.s. 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Those of us who believe in traditional American values have to do something that will bring so many millions of people that are voting against them back into the fold back into the pro USA pro-traditional marriage in values fold. The Constitution is great our freedoms and liberties are great smaller government lower regulations lower taxes great I don't understand why anybody voted the other the other way he said if I got even one phone call today at all who said I voted for the people that I voted for go arrival to for Iraq I want to talk about anybody no no not one person and I ask them off the top of the show call in man let's have that discussion I'm not looking to yell at you and go nuts and all it cost on you digger. To do all that. I would like to I was really want to pick your brain and find out why you thought Robert Francis O'Rourke was the right guy for Texas why you thought Andrew Gillum was the right guy for for Florida I want to know why you thought Stacy Abrams was the right person for Ga I want to know why why you thought Gretchen Whitmer was the right person for Michigan I'm open to hearing it. I really am and you had a really great choices on the other sides and thank goodness in least some of those races the the good guys won but man what the hell is going on here we've got the phone lines into us a little welcome to Dan who's in Minnesota Dan what's going on hi yeah you know little green Dan what's happening. You know I just want to assure you I did not vote you know good I'm glad I mean but but too many people did. Dr you're right but you know I like your song but I just want to improve it for so I wrote you a bridge Ok go ahead I don't think the song has a bridge to go ahead Ok well this is where you are going. You've got to go I think all I can stand I can't stand a mo so we got crews all you know the Paul soul so you gotta go. And I hope you like that Dan That was awesome I appreciate you got the phone so there you go I think I think you get a different song on Benghazi now wasn't quite the one you were he wasn't quite the Banana Boat Song but but hey it was good and he spoke so fast the fiddle in there ran out bad I was going to Rick roll his ass I was going to Rick Roll him but I don't think it is hard to recall I think he did very well he did was he held on for like an hour and a half aren't it is it 8941 Pags Joe Pags dot com Dom Minnesota Don talk to me. Hey Joe thanks taking a call you know I saw that started on t.v. The argument car stop closed on the White House staff are right you know I'm makes me wonder if technique to moment is taking notes on this for a cost I need to really need to you know I member what happened to Corey Dillon not ski when he tried to protect come from a female reporter and he got back his head got bashed in you know I mean but not how I am celebrating the year of the woman with the 3 Stooges Cortez Palosi and waters and as an added bonus John Gotti has my attorney general that's right we all right now oh no this isn't it. Yeah I mean like I was I was hoping desperately that this guy was got such a criminal behavior background I'm talking about Keith Ellison and. I'm just praying he would become attorney general but the thing is is he is from a very populated area of the city and that's the problem that's what I see with Texas because you can see a Texas Texas in mostly red but if you look at all the border states don't want to you know city is not going to Mexico they're all absolutely broke that should tell you something you know those border states awarding Democratic because they probably want to keep these guys coming in and all of that I disagree I think there is some right near the border but I've got to ask you why exactly would anybody who owns land on the southern border want illegals to keep coming in I disagree with you I don't think that's true you know that bothers me but I think if I kind of took a peek at the map some of those a lot of states are blue I don't know the reason why you know you're right some of them are No I agree with you some of them are but I thought you were saying they're all blue they're not. Well a lot of mob rule I guess I'm just I struggled as you are with your question you're right in your question but I don't quite understand what that deal was there but that last point I want to make of the Maxine Waters I just heard it on the news that her top priority is getting crime stats are good you know let's go on that and think about where we are headed as a nation in the next 2 years that's really sad you know about you know if all the improvement that he's trying to make are going to come course great thing I hope not that I hear you it's going to be interesting to watch because they have a very slim majority and if the Democrats want to be long jetty the 10 year in holding majority they're going to be very careful how they act for the next 2 years are going to find themselves out very quickly to be honest with you Carrie how long is this this story about sessions or is it a quick one. Yeah like you're going to be quick 30 seconds on if you can Ok from Fox News top Democrats including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in the ranking member of the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees sounded the alarm after Attorney General Jeff Sessions abrupt resignation on Wednesday demanded that acting attorney general Matthew Whittaker recused himself from overseeing the inquiry into Russian meddling in the 2016 elections sessions departure of President trumps requests came less than 2 years after he angered Trump by recusing himself in the probe and any involvement the Justice Department to Russian vest a geisha after reports contradicted this claims he had not met with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign and sessions had been advised recuse himself by career at thinks officials at the d.o.j. . There you go nice job by the way thanks actually we might play the parody you get depends on of the people want to play ball coming your way plenty of phone calls as well it is the Joe Pags show in it a 9 for one pax Joe Pags dot com Facebook Twitter Instagram you know the live video stream is there to give it here you know. Me see Newsradio I'm Lisa Carter congressional leaders are calling on the top administration not to interfere in the special counsel's investigation. Into Russian meddling in the 2016 election Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein said Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker should come before the Judiciary Committee and make a commitment not to interfere with the probe and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer warning of any attempt to get rid of Special Counsel Robert Muller It would create a constitutional crisis if this were pretty lewd to ending or greatly limiting the Moller investigation and I hope President Trump and those he listens to will rip reign from that and Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine is also saying the sudden forced resignation of Jeff Sessions as attorney general should not change bowlers investigation she tweeted that Molly's work needs to be completed without interference President Trump still has no plans to release his tax returns the change in which party controls the u.s. House means Democrats can now request a copy of Trump's tax returns Congressman Richard Neal who asked Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee would have that power said he hopes the president will release his tax returns voluntarily Trump said the returns are still being audited and are too complicated for most people to understand and the president is taking credit for Senator Jeff Flake not running for reelection in a free wheeling news conference today Trump said he retired Flake and that he was very proud of it he is retired I'd like to call it another word but we're going to treat him with great respect like announced last year he would not run because he didn't think he could win the Arizona Republican primary under the current climate Blake has been one of Trump's biggest critics within the party there's a winner in the close Montana Senate race Democratic incumbent Jon Tester is the projected winner he defeated Republican Matt Rosendale in one of the closest races in the nation there is still no announced winner in Arizona and Florida Republicans currently hold a slight lead in both of those states you're listening to the latest from the n.b.c. News radio I 25 is wide open in both directions through Pueblo and we're seeing heavier volume right now on Highway 50. The usual hot spots including eastbound on Hudson both directions at Norwood and Troy other than that you should have little trouble. With traffic high times the most iconic brand of the bumi cannabis industry just went public join the i.p.o. Now High Times Investor dot com Don't miss your chance to be part of history of the making visit High Times Investor dot com That's high times Investor dot com holding Corp's offering will be made only by means of an offering circular which has been filed with unqualified by the u.s. 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Radio stations across the land Joe Pags dot com Facebook Twitter Instagram e-mail the live video feeds there too I made it easier for you you go to the to the at the actual Web site Joe Pags dot com The 1st box that comes up either on your device or on your computer is going to be the actual live stream click on play and you're going to see boom immediately you'll see me when I switch over to Kerry you'll see Kerry you'll see video when I run video again I want you to listen on the radio because you know we need the ratings and we appreciate your support but if you can't get to a radio and you want to see the video feed there it is that again we made it easier for you shows to go check it out Joe Pags dot com The 1st thing that pops up abilities just press that play button in the middle and you can see we're talking about what we're doing you care that people will not leave me alone of this bay Towson you'll do it now or after the next break we're going to get it for the 3rd time. Now do it now. Do it now that now make it happen yeah get er done. By people little something like to call today to go now the 1st the 1st time I played it it was a little b.c. So I took some of the bass out for the following play it makes the rest of the song I think some a little tinny but I think that it's better than being all based out where you can hear it now let's hear the words sing along once you get the rhythm of it and and I want you to understand that I do this for the people. I think that's sort of true thanks for the. Well let's go. It. Has to be. Curtis. But. Hey you're welcome people that's what I bring I bring it every day try to get er done for you Carrie loves the way back when I was doing this unfortunately with the system that we have set up now she could hear me actually putting it together you give me. Sort of a left hand account some sort of a compliment was I mean I'll take it as a compliment you're like well it sounds better now than it did earlier yeah you should take that as a complement Yeah you're putting it well gathering logical voting No already do you think it sounds perfect the entire time or does the minister have to put it together 1st before we present it to an engine or the Master has to put it together Yass and stand that I have voted Yeah and I've heard it 3 times let's put that up in the hall he says You played a 4th time so you know I think you're right we have more than 3 times you heard it like 28 I now think you are earlier if you let me go to the phone lines have got a lot of people who want to be heard about the Minnesota election the Michigan election I'm just as happy then there's nobody on this line that says that I voted for Democrats I want to tell you I got to tell you what Democrats and liberals are they are the biggest scaredy cats I've ever seen in my life ever strange leave go to a Christian Minnesota Chris what's going on. Hi I live in a suburb of the People's Republic of Minneapolis and. I have a little bit of comment on. The Ellison election in movement around this area in recent weeks I saw hardly any Ellison yard signs at all and that would include in yards in which there would be $45.00 Democrat candidates signs. Wind up in the yard but no Allison sign and I saw a number of Wardle assigns many more than I saw I was on the signs and before do you think well that's just the nature of the the voters in the area I live in I live in the district which voted out the Republican this time who had been there a number of terms and in fact there will be a Democrat for the 1st time in representing this district in about 60 years so I don't think that that was for lack of people who might vote for Allison and did vote for Allison I think the hope that. They're not showing yard signs when they were obviously going to vote Democrat on the law and I think was simply because they did not want it to be known that it would go for Ellison and when the pollsters would call them they would not admit that they were going to vote prednisone because they were either embarrassed about it or are reluctant to say still and that may be some explanation of why I told showed. Work more in the lead and yet Ellison still won fairly comfortably well I'll throw this out sides don't mean anything and I'll explain why I say that in the state of Texas and I think Kerry polo and Sam can can all attest to this there was a flood of b.t.o. Bay to yard signs everywhere I mean everywhere to the point where people would e-mail me they'd Facebook me they contact me any way they could to say why am I not seen more crews yard signs to yard signs don't mean anything I got to be just before vehemence with you the number yard signs does not necessarily relate to the number of votes but I think you had a very important point that I want to make for you and for Minnesota and I think you'll agree let me know when I'm done saying Keith Ellison was basically a ghost when it came to the pamphlets the deal that the Democrats in Minnesota were putting out and when it came to yard signs I wouldn't doubt the Democrats were sending out to their constituency take any Ellison yard sign you have down don't say anything about Ellison don't tell anybody to vote for Ellison but do tell them to vote straight straight you know Democrat Party ticket if you do if you vote straight ticket Democrat you voted for Ellison whether you wanted to or not and I think that probably was their strategy and probably wasn't a dumb one what do you think. Well you know I'm not sure how old the strategy was or if this sort of conversation was had walked it was simply that many people simply voted for him because they were just going to vote Democrat and that's just what they were going to do I've actually seen a pamphlet from Minnesota and club which are always on there others were on there Ellison was not on the pamphlets So I do think it was a concerted effort now did they send out e-mails and stuff I have no idea but at the end of the day they wanted people to vote straight party line Democrat and I think you're right I think they did that and they whether they wanted to or not voted for Ellison and they might hold their nose and voted for Ellis and I don't know why you would want to give that guy a chance knowing what he's facing legally at least knowing what he said about our country so very interesting take I know you far off Chris I think that a lot of what you said makes sense yard signs to me don't mean anything to carry my right when I say the Beethoven signs were everywhere they were I saw them everywhere in San Antonio saw some crews made the absolutely Roark signs I think and the arts and I think people thought that meant that more people would vote for O'Rourke because of it and it didn't happen that way although we got a ton of votes so again to me yard signs don't mean the difference let me go back to it in satellite in one it's going to be victor in Michigan Victor what's going on. Good evening Mr Pegg lucky one of our local. Individuals he was running for state senate and he came maintain perspective now he's kind of a folksy sort of individual but around Monday he had you know one of his radio as me said Well you know people you're probably getting tired of all these ads and no matter what happens on Tuesday Wednesday morning the sun will still come up it will be garbage day in my town and I'll have to have the trash out to the curb. Well. Perspective and he got reelected as a Republican or a Democrat or Republican that's interesting so you think that somebody who's sort of deep politicized that and just said life is going to be fine we're going to be Ok in Michigan a matter what happens you think that sort of gave people a reason to say you know it's a normal dude I want to vote for him yeah I think so most of his ads anything that he did it was always kind of a very folksy very friendly it was not you know a negative ad I hear you I appreciate you thanks man open line now I got to tell you people say they don't like negative ads. Kerry what your take on this do they say they don't like negative ads and like the mudslinging yet every poll that sever taken shows that they're very effective that story they are I know well you've got to go with the negative I guess if it's a fact every night I think most people though right now I just called in from Michigan saying over though I'm sick and tired of it in the newsroom I'm tired of it part of it kind of let you know in something yeah it is that happen to me often you know watching television last night you know going to bed like 4 o'clock and I know watching television last night 130 I could barely keep my eyelids open could barely eat because it's been it's been a ridiculous been a couple of weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks but could barely keep my eyes open next thing I know it's 4 17 am and I'm just like drooling on the chair. And the guy I don't I don't want that it's exhausting I'm bad this has been exhausting early for a lot of people and again I was afraid to miss anything and I woke up this morning and all sorts of races were different and I thought they were now so all very interesting Do me a favor let's take a break here we come back can you find out if they're doing if they're going to do a recount for Bill Nelson because I think he's asking for it in Florida he is going to do a recount for offer Intrade Gillum I think you might be asking for and what's the latest on the the whose district 20 $323.00 or $28.00 it was screw that up it is $2323.00 for will herd and I will tell you they're going to be a recount there and she is asking are now that she's asking for one she has not conceded yet because she wants to wait for all the provisional ballots and the military ballots to come in because right as a you can see no. No as a cause a couple hours ago they were maybe about 700 votes apart with Will her to head Bish he just tweeted hours ago will her who is the yeah you know she just went out this afternoon that she wants to wait it's not over yet now that's what she tweeted this afternoon she came out last night this is Gina Ortiz Jones in San Antonio area and we'll heard who is the current. And Congressman Jones ran a campaign that lied consistently about heard and last night I saw her come out give about a minute long speech she was rude did not even talk to her campaign workers in a reporter even said are you are you going to address your campaign workers why don't you talk to them and she didn't turn around it's and look at them just kept on walking she was obviously angry she was obviously showing some true colors there in Iowa and I I hope to goodness that will hurt holds the seat I don't know how you make up 700 and again most military you would assume are are right leaning although she's a military veteran which I appreciate her service had been at the root though. That the fact is I don't think that's going to make a difference for her I think he'll actually gain some votes but that's interesting if you can give me a Florida story will do we come back and work your phone calls as well on the Joe Pags show stay here. You know pond. 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Towers and phone calls and Quick Hits culture we'll get to that to get a lot of love today on the social media carry people I go I will never hurt your show I'm going to check your show up and I think that a lot of people are disappointed in what Fox News did last night Fox News called the House of Representatives really early for the Democrats really early and now that we know that was a 2627. Ok now that out of my 4 seats I mean that might have changed some people's opinions they should never have done that they should never it was almost like rather calling George w. Bush in 2000 you never do that until you're sure now they're going to say well course we were short see it turned out that way there were still primary or there was still a lection on primers voting was still going on across at least half the country while me announce that the House of Representatives is going to the left. If you're waiting in line you can either wait line or you still screw their gun and I want to hear him go on home exactly right it was a really dumb move by Fox News and I usually like that network a lot but I'm telling you that was a horrible move let me tell you about Blink blink is a great security system h.d. Cameras they're full h.d. They're bright they're vibrant they're full color at night their night vision you can see everything you can hear a thing to the audio is crystal clear and we're going to prevent situations like a bad guy bad guy trying to get into your house steal your stuff hurt your family why not have that piece of mind that no matter where you are on the planet you can see what's going on at your house and you call authorities before anything goes on that's what you get with Blink blink fly feed option let's monitor what's happening in the home any time anywhere from your smart phone no contracts no subscriptions and listen the h.d. 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Miami after graciously conceding the governor's race to Republican Ron decentest Tallahassee mayor and Gillum may have a 2nd chance election apartments across the state are still counting vote by mail provisional and overseas ballots Gillum is currently point 12 percent away from a recount threshold he just needs 500 votes swing toward his column state law requires a recount when candidates are within one half a point when all the votes are counted if it reaches point 5 percent it automatically triggers a statewide machine recount if it goes to then point $25.00 It triggers a manual recount it could opt out of the recount but I would be unlikely given we have sent an agricultural commissioner races headed to recount Democrat Senator Bill Nelson wants to proceed with a recount in his race for reelection against Republican Governor Rick Scott and a statement Nelson's office the longtime incumbent said Scott had prematurely declared victory in the race based on the Fox News report Nelson has not conceded his campaign says it's preparing for a recount and will have observers in every one of the states 67 counties to monitor the process. Other than the observers are probably cheat those damn Republicans which again are the crybaby losers on the left but the crybaby losers on the left tell you it's pretty sickening it's going to be long 3 Marion's in Kalamazoo Michigan what's going on Marian. Are you and you know living the dream what's happening. Very good you were talking about why didn't anybody call in when you asked them why that would matter one why did anybody even think about going on winning in Florida because they can't they don't have anything good to say about them and the way I look at it is that this really was a rep random Trump anybody who didn't like Trump when in the voted Democrat right down the line and I saw that even in our local races here in Kalamazoo. A lot of our incumbents who have been really good for the area. Last in there are a couple that were really really really close and the people they were running against work like Ok one thought he would say he was a doctor and he really wasn't a doctor well it's it was just crazy Well Mary and it's interesting so I got to run here I appreciate it we're going to smoke little man. But I got to say I think that a president from were running last night that he would have done very well I don't think it was about Trump for the left it always is but I don't think that anybody who voted for him in 2 years ago what was voting against him last night Paul what's up so you see that a.b.c. In the hands Alec Baldwin's show from Sundays to Saturday's. Basically like they haven't said that they've canceled this over the garbage can cry and dance and they've canceled the show but the good movie from sending nights to Saturdays for to finish out the remaining episodes and kind of finally be canceling the show. It's about exactly are we going to get out of here for Kerry for polo for Sam it's Joe Pags We're back tomorrow same time same place we'll see yes there's something we probably all can agree on pain is no fun I'm excited about really factor because it's a 100 percent drug free supplement that's made up of ingredients that simply help your own body deal with its natural inflammatory response for a lot of us that's very important relief factor works for me I've been using it for a long time if you tried everything and still can't find relief maybe it's back neck or hip pain shoulder or knee pain even general muscle aches and pains that sometimes keep you from sitting or sleeping or standing or maybe golfing or playing tennis or even taking those nice long walks why not try really factor really factor don't settle you get a 3 week quick start for 1995 how do you beat that 1905 to find out if it works for you like it works for me really fact or is easy to get go to the website relief factor dot com Relief factor dot com for less than a cup of coffee a day find out of you can get some pain relief lets see if they can get you out of pain to relieve factor dot com. I. Just went public join the i.p.o. Now. Don't miss your chance to be part of. Investor. Securities Exchange Commission. Investing in shares of. Significant risk. Furthermore investors must understand that such investment could be a liquid for a period of time public market currently exists for the securities and if a public market. It may not continue the offering circular which contains information about the offering and other related topics including the risks of the investments. That are not associated with media and its affiliates are not responsible for the information contained in this message the information included in. The information filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. By. Another White House shake up. Reaction continues to pour in from most of the aisle to the resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The board has more mind Lisa Democrats worry what firing sessions will mean for special counsel Mahler's Russia probe Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer it would create a constitutional crisis if this were preload to ending or greatly limiting the mall or. Investigation House Republican Darrell Issa says the g.o.p. Wants to protect Muller But up until now every single one of these indictments and accusations has been completely outside his mandate Sessions' fell out of favor with President Trump after recusing himself from the Russia investigation Lisa Steve the midterms may be over but not all races are decided including in Florida Florida Republican Rick Scott claimed victory election night over incumbent Democratic u.s. Senator Bill Nelson at the time the race was tight but Scott maintained a lead of point 8 percent since then voting estimates say the race has gotten even closer and the Nelson campaign thinks by law they're entitled to a recount there's also a disputed race for state agriculture commissioner between Republican Matt Caldwell and Democrat Nikki freed the Ag commissioner in Florida is responsible for issuing concealed carry permits and Democrat fried campaigned on tighter gun control foxes have been proud the Arizona Senate race also remains undecided Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reflecting on the midterm we were worried about lack of intensity on our side and I think that covered all 5 short one provided that it was extremely helpful it's noteworthy that the one Democrat in a red state who survived voted for Governor Joe Manchin Republicans not only retain control of the Senate but picked up a few seats Democrats will control the House in January this is Fox News. 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Embers of Congress head back to Washington this week one former congressman heading to a far different place 10 years in prison for former Texas Congressman Steve Stockman the 61 year old sentenced Wednesday for conspiring to bilk at least $1200000.00 in donations to conservative foundations the money was allegedly used to pay personal expenses and fund political ambitions Stockman was convicted in April on 23 counts of mail and wire fraud conspiracy and money laundering the Republican served in the u.s. House from 1095 to 97 and again from 2013 to 2015 he failed to knock off John Cornyn in a Senate bid in 2 $1142.00 former aides who pleaded guilty in the case have yet to be sentenced Kevin battle Fox News Motel 6 agreeing to pay up to $7600000.00 to Latino guests who say the company's employees shared their private information with immigration officials that's according to an agreement filed in federal court in our cell on a bet O'Rourke who lost to Ted Cruz in the Texas Senate race could have a political future if some celebrities have anything to say about it showing in the polls enthusiasm as well as the money he raised his claims of Hollywood's heart now they're saying Betto 2020 on Twitter Alyssa Milano wrote pedo last that's Ok now I can run for president busy Phillips followed with battle Gillum 2020 naming Andrew Gillum who lost his bid for.