What she's going to do. Is already announced her agenda as the new speaker she said that the comments published yesterday that climate change will become a front and center if you if the Democrats or when the Democrats take back the House. And that's going to be Tuesday so starting Well the Democrats won't be sworn in January in a lengthy interview published yesterday in the failing New York Times Nancy Pelosi said that she would resurrect the defunct Select Committee on Climate Change when the Democrats win back the House Republicans killed off the Democrat funded special committee when they took control in 2011 Speaking of all of this the media has a new spin on the migrant caravan media outlets want you to know that the Central American migrants caravan heading to the u.s. Made whole border isn't just about fleeing poverty and violence no what do you think it is then what are they fleeing while the u.k. Guardian cited experts who say that the real big picture here is that changing climate is forcing farmers off their land and it's likely to get worse the huffing and puffing tin Post said that the migrant caravan foreshadows what's to come with global warming like why is easy and easy new. Easy and easy news. Well whatever they call the caravan a preview of climate migrations that is people driven from their homes due to man made in global warming thousands of migrants from Central American countries such as Honduras and Guatemala are making their way through made called to the u.s. Border to declare asylum does that mean that climate change isn't happening here I mean if they are migrate they're fleeing climate change in Honduras and Guatemala El Salvador and they're coming here it must mean that there isn't any climate change happening here. I mean that would be my logical common sensical conclusion if somebody were to tell me Russia got this caravan all wrong it's not a bunch of people want to flood the border it's not a bunch of Democrats and waving it's not a bunch of welfare recipients hoping to get on on the rolls these are people fleeing heat these are people fleeing high temperatures brought on by climate change Ok Well I think that every year when it gets hot in America we're told that climate change is happening here too so when these people fleeing manmade climate change arrive in the United States and then find out that there is still manmade climate change here where next will they go could we expect them to continue their trek north to Canada and at what point will it become cool enough for them to stop migrating northward or he's not logical questions if they're fleeing climate change in Honduras and Guatemala and El Salvador Well they're still climate change in America. In fact is climate change all over the globe last I was told the ice caps everywhere are melting. And so it might be impossible for me climate change caravans are to be the new name of it climate change caravan you realize how ridiculous this is all this is you know what this is this is another way of selling the caravan to people like that guy who called us a half hour ago oh they're fleeing the tell all we've got all oh I understand that climate change is bad happening or that it must be really bad you know there are so far south it must be really much hotter down there and it is here I can just imagine if it's climate change in the us it must be really bad down there or all and that's how it works that's them the mental process that is involved in this. From the New York Times new migrant caravan trekked north I'm sorry caravans new migrant caravans trek north ignoring political repr cautions the upshot here is that there are now 4 large caravans heading to the us and it seems like only yesterday the drive by is in the Democrats were saying that we had nothing to worry about the trip was just fear mongering in fact it was all over c.n.n. Today c.n.n. Is chi run graphic all over t.v. Today Trump fear mongering ratcheting up fear I had of midterms on care of it. There are more care vans in ever on the way here but it's Ok they are just fleeing high temperatures. It is a political stunt it is a political maneuver the caravans are the brainchild of a left wing Ober left wing organization in I think it is Guatemala or Honduras. And we'll find out if the if the Democrats win the House then they'll keep coming fully expecting to be let in if the Democrats don't win the House of course I know that's folly because official Washington says it's already over the Democrats have won the House but if somehow all of these pollsters are wrong on the Democrats are wrong if the Republicans hold the House then the caravan will probably stop and turn around because the stunt will have failed there is no question in my mind that this is some kind of political political stunt common sense that would tell you that would order well for Trump and for Republicans but we will just have to see. As time unfolds about that here's Trump talking about this let's go to audio sound bite number 4 this morning on Good Morning America he was talking with Jonathan Karl. And Karl said look you're talking about 10000 maybe 15000 active duty u.s. Military to the border more than we have fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan more than we have fighting ISIS in Syria you're really going to do that's very important we have to have a lot of people very highly trained people to rethink dedicated patriots as what they are you have caravans coming up that look a lot larger than it's reported actually I mean I'm pretty good at estimating crowd size and I will tell you they look a lot bigger than people would think what we see is deeply impoverished people fleeing violence many of them women and children are going to send 15000 active duty u.s. Military actually men and it's actually mostly young men and a lot of rough people who a lot of rough people John to pushing the women right up into the front not good and pushing the few kids right up to the front. And the Drive-By just can't believe this and have the shouting posse come a Thomas and and all that and then they're very very looking into their own cameras and us think there's nothing to fear these who did there nobody's coming to get you of these are not the bogeyman coming people on the left or in and in the media I don't know what's so hard to understand I guess is that to me it's not hard to understand this is a cultural invasion. Of illegal immigration it's a culture in bait and it's a law and order issue it's so simple it's against the law there isn't a country in the world that permits birthright sitting there certainly not one of our allies or none of our allies currently going to permit birthright citizenship open borders look. People in the European Union have tried it and now they want to shut it down but it's a law and order issue number one what is so hard to understand about that. I mean even even so-called conservative media people look into their cameras and get an expression of shaman Tut tut on their faces what are you afraid of these are just human beings and. The fact that the law of the United States is being violated openly wanting laved wantonly and purposefully doesn't seem to bother anybody what does that say about the rule of law anyway which is the glue that holds everything together here and then you get to the cultural impact here and why is it wrong to want to protect and grow your own country's culture where is it written that the Constitution of the United States a man essentially becomes a suicide pact why and where is it written that because we have produced a lot because we are prosperous and the super power where is it written that anybody who wants a part of it can just come get it but that's that's the kind of thinking that we're up against and one of the techniques for much it's just you know 15 people here 20 people there it's not it's where's your compassion ration not about that and it's not just 15 or 20 people look at the numbers are up not at least Nedim everybody talks about the leaven 1000000 but anyway our opponents simply refuse to understand this and see it in the way or on the same terms we do if they just chalk it up to bigotry Zina phobia racism or whatever which is so intellectually lazy to do. It's almost got to the point where standing up for your country and expressing patriotism is unhip and uncool and really it's beneath us we don't need anybody knows were Americans we don't need to remind ourselves of that just so you celebrate the flag bit what we all celebrate the flag well no we don't actually but what's wrong with wanting to why is it the people who want to honor the flag celebrate that why are they considered the oddball cool weirdos and the answers to these are questions are well known we have time to squeeze yet we do want to squeeze a call in here since I haven't had many today will squeeze one in here in the monologue segment of this hour this is John in Wichita Kansas welcome sir and thank you for waving. How do you write hey I'm a millennial and when the doctor you say you are a millennial yes sir no point 9 years old from Wichita Kansas and I want to tell you earlier you talked about how the left went there I think that all these millennia old are doing towards the left I'll tell you that's wrong almost all my friends I know all the people I went to high school with a majority of them are definitely supporting our president. Even some of the ones I personally know really well that didn't vote for Trump and 16 have now decided to back him because they're so sick and tired disgusted of how the media treat them on daily basis that they just want it all to end well I'm glad I'm glad to hear of him I hope your anecdotal example is statistically representative of a lot of people in a way of knowing. My my point earlier was that people your age and younger have been grossly misled about the 8 years of Obama the news today is how divisive non-literal this. A gun Trump is ripping America apart Donald Trump and his mean spiritedness in vogue irony and all of that is just ripping this country to shreds like it's never been before and these people have been lied to about how unified we were during the Obama years and the way the media got away with that was Republicans were scared to death to oppose Obama because he was the 1st African-American president any disagreement especially on policy was chalked up to racism or bigotry so there was no pushback there was no push yet some push back on Obamacare but there really was only pushback on Obama you couldn't criticize the president of the United States that created an allusion of total unity out there when there wasn't Democrats began losing elections in droves starting in 2010 because so many people were disappointed with Obama they were not happy with their vote and they still didn't say anything so now people who were never aware of these disunity that Obama largely sponsored and was in favor of Obama and his team in the in the end that the Democrats were all for dividing the country that was part of transforming it into something it wasn't intended to be 8 so now they see this disunity with Trump and they think it's new they think Trump is unique that we've never been divided like this and it's because they didn't see and they were lied to that the fact that we were all unified during the 8 years of Obama that's part of the history revisionism in the myth Oh I look at how wonderful things were when Obama was president there wasn't all this anx there wasn't all these arguments the division is partisanship people got along unified around the 1st African-American don't believe it it didn't happen. Anyway I hope you're right we got break back with more at Rush Limbaugh dot com app for your i Phone your i Pad or your Android device just makes accessing this program and all of its content as easy as it's ever been to get all this and more with the Russia and Russia $2470.00 probable at the Apple store Google Play or Rush Limbaugh the top you're listening to the b. Word check out Russia's blog. Yesterday dot com we're on. A 5 year old brutalized law enforcement officers gunned down these are the victims of illegal immigration American lives destroyed by our broken immigration law. But President Truong is fighting back and conservative Congressman Kevin McCarthy is leading the fight Kevin McCarthy has the will and in force the law that fully funds president transporter will expand Scates lot of people lies criminal illegal immigrants and insurers only American citizens have the right to vote that's the tough conservative solution Merica deserves and the leadership President from needs that's conservative Congressman Kevin McCarthy has built the wall and enforce the law and so help President Truong there's a time for the Wall dot com and tell Congress to pass Kevin McCarthy build the wall and enforce the law act now pay for by state the party express. Russia's. Rush Limbaugh aids Morris night and check this out if you're out there car shopping you're probably going to hear a lot of terms like him s.r.p. List price dealer price but really what does any of that really mean seriously it can all get to be a bit confusing for anyone and who is to be confused when you're out there trying to buy a new car well no more introducing true price from True Car that price you see actually mean something because it's the exact price you'll pay for the car you want so when ready to buy a new or used car visit True Car to enjoy a more confident car buying experience professional rodeo cowboys Association founded on this David 1936 Paul Newman's Cool Hand Luke was released on this date we'd like to thank the folks at c.n.n. Center in downtown for listening. And the convention center all for having us on when we were there and we hope you're enjoying i Heart Radio Listening on your smarts beaker News dot 590 K.C.'s. And welcome back great to check he was arrested there a caller upset you people are so worried. That that guy upset me. Ladies and gentlemen I am a man be an adult see not a whiner d. Not a complainer and I wish we got more calls like that I'm jealous of shows where people disagree call him and I understand why they don't hear him they understand how it was a losing proposition it would be I wish we got more but you know we deal with what we didn't it's not that's not to say I'm unhappy with the rest of you who call who are nice and supportive and all that. But I mean sometimes people like that you know offer an opportunity for the host a look good which is the primary role of a color. But no my feelings were not hurt I'm so far beyond that I don't even know what that feels like anymore in the meantime Mike in Harrisburg Pennsylvania hi great to have you sir how are you doing I am very good going to be talking to you quick good I am absolutely I'm proud to have a 19 year old who is voting for the 1st time here at a few games and it was our product that's caller from a neighboring town that obviously defend your feelings because you're telling us what you say is true that. She had some of the same things that she had me clarify just some clarification on truth and the black and white issues and one of the black and white issues that I was hoping you could expand upon a little more is how is the g.o.p. . Establishment supporting this new efforts of conservatives in this coming election like gentlemen in Florida are praying for governor of Pennsylvania we have a big governor effort to get Scott Wigner in the office. To any kind of address that particular summary of of all things you've been saying for that when you list can consider that summary or walk in white is that you if you supporting conservatives or is are mortified Well you know it's an issue that it's actually a good question you keep the keep the radio on and I'll get to it right after we get this break it's about Americans is no simple answer to that. In d.c. News Radio I'm Tom Roberts President Trump will talk briefly about immigration at the White House this afternoon press secretary Sara sander says the remarks will focus on the illegal immigration crisis and border security trump has ordered deployment of more than 5000 active duty troops to the u.s. Mexican border to prepare for Central American caravans a court appearance today from the man suspected of gunning down 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue he pleaded not guilty as expected this time Robert Wagner is walked into the courtroom you may recall on Monday he was in a wheelchair because of the wounds he received in the gun battle with police n.b.c. Correspondent Pete Williams Bowers is facing $44.00 criminal counts He also requested a jury trial today at his arraignment in a Pittsburgh federal courtroom Google employees worldwide are staging an unprecedented walkout to protest the company's treatment of women. That will. Run their. Workers are upset that the company paid millions of dollars in exit packages to male executives who are accused of harassment and did not disclose what they did the walkout was taking place in almost 2 dozen different offices around the world including New York and San Francisco Oprah Winfrey is campaigning for Democrat Stacy Abrams in Georgia as he did governor's race this afternoon watching you and you just keep coming. The entertainer spoke at a town hall style event in Marietta Abrams is in a tight race with Republican Brian Kemp New York police are investigating the deaths of 2 Saudi Arabian sisters found tied together by duct tape in the Hudson River last week officials say the 22 year old and 16 year old siblings were asylum seekers from Virginia who frequently went missing red tide is being blamed for the deaths of at least 10 manatees off Florida's Gulf Coast over the past month you're listening to the latest from n.b.c. News Radio. 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I got an email from the from the son of one of my good friends who just got into Hillsdale he has his Met You'd be amazed if you knew who this guy's father was I'm not going to tell you but he seemed to get a political science professor that is teaching him more than he's ever known before that a political science professor that's made to him want to learn more than anybody in a school has ever made him want to learn before he can't get enough of this guy's class it's basically a political science class and on the side he's also met a young woman that he really really likes a lot something a picture of I said it was 20 years ago I would tell you what I think but I would be accused of objectifying if I reply just suffice to say good job glad you're happy Hillsdale College life on the campus at Hillsdale College is the way college should be experience I'm tell you this young man who loves it there he loves the whole experience and I'm not talking just about the social fun activities of football games tailgating and all that I'm talk I'm sure there's a lot of spirit there I'm talking about the educational atmosphere and the entire concept of it there that is provided the students every student regardless their major spends half their time. On the same liberal arts court curriculum studying science the ology math philosophy literature and the Constitution imagine that learning about the Constitution and its enduring quality its 8th focal point at Hillsdale every student becomes quite expert in our founding and great heritage they learn it they are able to discuss it in teach it themselves our nation's history and you know what this resulted right Hillsdale alumni are outstanding members in our communities their leaders with intelligence and character to make a difference where they live and all starts with the core curriculum that develops morrow and it will lecture will virtue if you hear those discussed at all other than in a sneer ring mocking way but that is the Hillsdale core curriculum and the positive results that come from applying it taught by professors that make their students not want to leave class this is learning for the long term and they do it without a dime of federal money out a penny so there's no federal intrusion in the curriculum you can keep up and learn what's happening with education at Hillsdale a case you have some college age kids coming up at rush for Hillsdale dot com We have some we have some good sound bites here folks and I want to get started I've been what I'm going to pile up on me let's start with a montage from Tuesday yesterday and last night. People at n.b.c. C.n.n. And Fox News Cleveland Ohio Fort Wayne Indiana and Rush Limbaugh's hometown of Cape Girardeau Missouri the greatest hits arena rock tour and he's appropriately ending by the way in Cape Girardeau Rush Limbaugh's hometown the last stop on Monday night is really interesting Cape Girardeau Missouri he won that destroyed by 56 points in 2016 it's pretty smart strategy or dissertations Rush Limbaugh yet wrecked and surprise so the president is wrapping it up Monday night in Cape Girardeau the last rally before the election I guess at 9 o'clock on Monday is that it's it's local time to 10 o'clock Eastern is this this man is working harder we had our caller here what's the deal with Republicans trying to help conservatives and it's a complicated answer. Folks there are still a lot of a stablished Republicans who don't like conservatism that's why there is something called the Freedom caucus in the house which is a caucus of conservative Republicans and I've. I mean the Greville straight years Paul Ryan immediately standing up to oppose Trump on his birth right citizenship argument the 14th Amendment Ryan is wrong about this the 14th Amendment I've explained this for 2 days in a row the 14th Amendment was never intended I can get you the original words of the of the guy and I've already done it who wrote the amendment he specifically says it's not even for Native Americans because they live under a different jurisdiction their reservation system he clearly spells out that foreigners and people here as Embassy representatives are not subject to the 14th Amendment are you trying to tell me the way to look at this is when the 14th Amendment was written in the 18th sixty's. You trying to tell me that the people who wrote it intended for the children of illegal immigrants in the 1990 s. Into thousands to become citizens of that that's no way under the sun that's not what was written and the guy who wrote it specify just the exact opposite and yet the Republican speaker of the house was one of the 1st to stand up and mock Donald Trump about it so folks there isn't a lot of Republican unity and I'm sad to tell you I can't prove this but I'm sad to think I think there are still well it's not a matter of thinking I know it and it's certainly true of the never trump or so-called conservative media they are hoping for a Republican wipe out because that's the closest thing they can get to a trump wipeout there are a lot of people on our side who will not be upset at all if Nancy Pelosi isn't a speaker of the house anything anything that stands in for or represents a rejection of Donald Trump will make them happy and there are a lot of real elect I saw a couple of elected Republicans from Florida today on c.n.n. Happily Guly fully bashing Trump and the way he's talking about the caravan and what his plans for the Wall are and so forth so the caller's instincts are right I mean there there isn't unity on the Republican side it's such a shame. I cannot I can't relate to the kind of hatred and anger that there are people on our side who have who end up because of that indorsing the agenda of the left I just can't find a way to make that compute but I think that's the poison of hatred I think that's what it is other sound bites look I get it keep talking I want to get some of these and let's start. With and I say we're going to start at 7 did I say 6 that it should 70 Yeah Ok here we go this is this is President Trump this is over in Florida last night the West Coast the Great a make America by the way they're lining up in Columbia Missouri out in droves today President is there tonight for a rally thousands have already shown up but a parent me it doesn't mean anything is it Democrats him or anyone the house c.n.n. Just so Charlie Cook says look the Democrats don't have to vote now it's over. Anyway here's Trump of the rally last night I came home and sadly turned on the news and watched as the far left media once again use tragedy to do so and to me was sadly they took a small group of protesters far away from where we were because we could not have been treated better the 1st lady and myself but we're representing the presidency and they did everything in their power to try to play it up and push people apart that's what's happening they're pushing people apart. It was fake and it was make believe what they said I came home looked forward to seeing it and it was said and when we talk about division this is a big part of the division right there meaning media dividing the country and then aligning to the country of the country wasn't defy the law during the Obama years and here's Trump Sam are not holding back about the media we are forcefully condemned hatred bigotry race I'm prejudiced in all of its ugly forms but the media doesn't want to hear your story it's not my story it's your story was and that's why 33 percent of the people in this country believe the fake news is in fact and I hate to say this in fact the enemy of the people was was the left wing media doesn't want to solve problems they want to stoke resentment it has to stop now a couple of points he is not referring to all media is not saying the media he's saying fake new. Is the enemy of the people think Newell's and it is and the left wing media doesn't want to solve problems absolutely right. But more than that 92 percent of the media's coverage of Donald Trump is negative what is he supposed to do just sit there and take it like Mitt Romney did sit there and take it like George w. Bush did this sit there and take it like everybody in the administration would be forced to take it. It's not the answer hadn't gotten this anywhere I want to go back and play you because the media does not play did not play this is the audio of Trump walking through the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center where the people who tried to save and treat the victims of the synagogue shooting work. Thank you. For. That breach. Of. Security sort of. Thank you so much thank you thank you presenter actually not going to skip And here's here's the next Here's more of the same thing immediate no broadcast media outlet has broadcast they include 1st lady thank you thank you for your laziness and we love you thank you all very much do you think you are your name to nominate your thank. You page you Gary in the lobby of on. And finally Jim Acosta last night c.n.n. With anti white guy Don Lemon Well Don Lemon's anti white men. That's what I did with the entitle white men Don Lemon Here's Jim Acosta Listen to this they may succeed in running up this based on when I was at that rally earlier tonight here in Fort Myers that language that the president was using the very volatile hostile rhetoric and it immigrants coming into this country that was whipping up this crowd more than anything I've seen in some time out on the campaign trail the president once again the president talking about his frustrations with the coverage of his trip to Pittsburgh under the phrase enemy of the people referring to the press or what he says as the fake news Jim Acosta Jim Acosta c.n.n. Just really really Trump fired up this morning crowd more than I have seen in some time really really really worried and can I ask a question. Safe to say that Jim Acosta and the people on c.n.n. Affair are far far more disliked than the people on m s n b c Is that true would you agree with this why do you think the. They're all libs they're all the same in a yeah they're all the same fake leftist media why is c.n.n. So hated do you think we did the number one talk with your personality of all time and Rush Limbaugh completely on the grid Rush's blog at 590 k c s g dot com. Life is on the line and on the ballot this year there are many important issues in this campaign but one is fundamental the right to life sadly Diane Midge Bush supports taxpayer funding of abortion providers Diane which Bush even supports late abortions after 20 weeks when the baby can feel pain Diane Mitch Bush should never be in Congress Congressman Scott Tipton knows better Scott Tipton will keep your tax dollars from paying for abortion and Scott Tipton will support laws to protect unborn babies from painful late dismemberment abortions unborn babies can't vote but you can their lives really are on the line and your vote is crucial on Tuesday November 6th Please vote to return Scott Tipton to the u.s. 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How many people voting in the midterms that are going to vote for Democrats how many of them do you think are aware of what the Democrats' primary objective is the medium term the Democrats' primary objective is to investigate Trump impeach Trump impeach Kavanaugh every congressional committee every house committee will be focused on exposing whatever the Democrats think went on between Trump and Russia his administration in other words how many people think how many people are for me how many people are going to be shocked when all the House does is investigate the president and I'm here to tell you I would bet you over half the people voting for Democrats will be shocked and amazed that that happens that they don't know they're just voting party line they're just voting this thing and. They have no idea they actually think they're voting for Democrats to change their lives or to do something and it's not going to be about that it could be about punishing the enemies of Nema grants not granted some of them are going to be in favor of it but this is not going to be personal as we punishing Trump. Anyway simply say simply saying Home Security is another shining example of an easy ib network success story and folks we're so proud of these we have so many of these starting with Snapple way back in 19891990. Is outfits come to the e.i.b. Network when they are young and fledgling and they're turned into a major major enterprises simply safe home security makes a great home security system no question they provide great customer service on an ongoing basis no question if you watched any of the World Series coverage on Fox last weekend you saw simply safe t.v. Commercials airing with him a games between the Red Sox and the Dodgers and singles t.v. Spots of the game. 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Your numbers got less talks that it's more than smaller than a $20000.00 that's how many American men in the us this year along with the 2nd most common cancer with prostate cancer this one in 7 men one of 5 African-Americans one in 3 if you have a brother or a father that's been diagnosed they know your stats talks a good doctor about your prostate health and this is going to step out a lot today stand a day for life. Don't forget comes up or down songs on your favorite i Heart Radio station our life's human programmers are there to receive your instant feedback and will work to give you your best listening experience i Heart Radio. Pan didn't buy or mentally safeguard my way. I just I just realized tomorrow is Friday I can't. Believe it's gone by so quickly but it has some Open Line Friday. That's where you're going to talk about it ever specially if you disagree you know we point to the front of the line. As evidenced by the guy that called so we'll see you that thanks for being with us today as always. My very big j c s j Colorado Springs Colorado Xnews to dependable accurate ballots 5. S.j. Now he spread the word to 90 percent of the u.s. 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To the immigration at the forefront so I'm rich Dennison Fox News president from continuing to focus on the caravan of Central American migrants heading to. The u.s. Border as a key issue leading into Tuesday's midterm election before leaving the White House for a scheduled campaign rally one of several The president will do in the closing days of the midterm campaign press secretary Sarah sander says President Trump will 1st make remarks on an illegal immigration crisis and border security President Trump announced yesterday is many as $15000.00 active duty military troops could deployed to the border region to provide support to Border Patrol ice and other agencies responding to a slow moving caravan of mostly Central American migrants making their way through Mexico Fox's Jarrett helper in Washington the president set to make that comment on immigration in just over an hour president from signing an executive order today imposing new sanctions against Venezuela under its leadership by Nicolas Maduro the United States will not tolerate the Duras undermining of democratic institutions and ruthless violence against innocent civilians national security adviser John Bolton also taking aim at Cuba and you can agua calling the 3 countries the troika of tyranny saying the u.s. Will not tolerate dictators or despots in this hemisphere the man accused of fatally shooting 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue has pleaded not guilty to federal charges that could put him on death row Robert Bowers was arraigned today one day after a grand jury issued a 44 count indictment that charges him with murder hate crimes obstructing the practice of religion and other crimes it was his 2nd appearance in a federal courtroom since Saturday's massacre at the Tree of Life Synagogue Fox News has learned President Trump has offered a State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert the job of u.s. Ambassador to the United Nations is not yet clear of the former Fox t.v. Host has accepted the offer This is Fox News. Are you taking Buy agra and tired of paying $50.00 per tablet Marley John has generic biographer just $10.00 per tablet $10.00 for generic buy Agora is a savings of $40.00. Now and get free shipping on 10 tablets or more a generic by Agra Miley drug is a North Carolina pharmacy licensed in all 50 states for information go to Molly generics dot com at 805781640 That's 805-7816 point 0 noted author former chief medical correspondent and Salon pos user Dr Bob are not the human body has billions of pain receptors blocked those receptors with the yet ascetics found in Salon pause live again plus and you'll have to leave salon pos live again plus contains 2 anesthetics including the maximum strength light again available without a prescription they numb aggravated nerves for affective lasting relief for Aleve try would not use salon pause light again plus in the silver box with the blue way . Between North and South Korea comes with new rules in effect today along the tense d.m.z. Between North and South Korea a no fly zone and a ban on live fire drills this a result of a recent summit between Kim Jong un and South Korean president move on as diplomacy aimed at reading the north of nukes is stepping up Secretary of State said to meet with a North Korean counterpart next week possibly in New York and a 2nd summit is being planned involving Kim and President Trump possibly for early next year and London Greg Palkot Fox News hundreds of Google engineers and other workers around the world have walked off the job to protest what they see as the Internet companies lenient treatment of executives accused of sexual misconduct It's the latest expression of the black class against men's exploitation of female subordinates in a business entertainment and politics double murderer facing execution by the electric chair tonight in Tennessee 63 year old Edmunds or Gorski is set to become a. This 2nd a person put to death by electrocution in Tennessee since 1960 capital punishment with almost 2000 volt shocks that he chose at Nashville's Riverbend a super max instead of the lethal injection method which takes longer and that's been a subject of controversy after several botched lethal injections in recent years Gorski was sentenced to death after shooting and slitting the throats of 2 men we robbed in 1983 during a drug deal just Manassero Fox News Diana Ross will perform at this year's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City Macy's says other performers including Martina McBride john legend John Legend rather Pentatonix and Sugar Land will also take part in the 92nd annual parade on the 22nd of this month those watching the event will also catch a glimpse of the Muppets Barenaked Ladies and freedom or up a marriage Dennison and this is Fox News. Hey this is Gary solving from at home with Gary Sullivan watch you joined us this weekend we're going to talk about the fall projects and we all know there's plenty of those plus winner mix that with your questions about your home wall so be taken care of some of those late summer projects kind of wrapping those up for the season hope you can join us this weekend as we take your calls about your home at home with Gary Sullivan Sunday mornings at 7 new stock 590 K.C.'s j. K. And Kristen Bell when my kids fall down I treat them with kisses in Colorado but when kids are really sick and rather it's hundreds of hospitals to help put your money with America into your Children's Miracle Network. Sunny warmer today 56 for a high of chilly 33 tonight warmer tomorrow 67 to wind up your workweek mid fifty's just to get through the weekend w.i. Again to 20200. The Jews have endured terrible persecution and you know that we've all read it we've studied it they've got through a lot and those seeking their destruction we will see here this president has radicalized many more people than I thought Oh. Well. We. Should. Keep. 5 days to Election Day So much happening it gets really exciting in the days leading up to the election so I get ready for the big game on Sunday and yeah there's going to be winners and losers and sometimes there's even a tie in the sense that you can have a split the situation and in a political mid-term election year which everyone seems to be calling. The now for 1 am just kind of polled not sure how much is accurate anyway I think polls leading up throughout the whole year were meant to deflate. Conservative Republican chances these project Vera tossed tapes and we have one that we're going to air tonight it's going to blow you away and it's it's kind of like the one last night let me play a little bit of this this is you know there's 2 Suppose it stars in the Democratic Party to emerge this election year and one is bozo bedo O'Rourke as a tape on him I think that's coming out pretty soon took them here and rumors and it's not going to be very good for him and Andrew Gillum who wants to raise business taxes 40 percent in Florida let me just play a little bit of a Guillem staffer talking about really crazy how crazy crazy crazy crazy left that Gillum happens to be but of course like in the tapes with Bredesen and Tennessee and Claire McCaskill in Missouri and Kristen cinema in Arizona either way Martha makes Sally took a lead there finally I think that message has gotten through how absolutely nuts and crazy Kristen cinema is and Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota on this particular case she hearing gallows Gillum sap staffer say that he's part of the you know the left wing crazy crazy crazy he calls Florida a well a cracker state Listen to this the programs that people are hoping for. The base if you. And. Your. Business partners and. That's not for them to know. Them very well so you're saying that's a fair start. And. There you have the extreme right wingers who are very.

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