A Fox Report. This is a Pox News Alert I'm Jane Metzler after President Trump again said he wasn't happy and was expected to fire him tonight Health and Human Services secretary Tom Price resigns Fox's Jon Decker has the details live from the White House the White House moments ago putting out a statement that reads secretary of Health and Human Services Thomas price offered his resignation earlier today and the president accepted the president intends to designate Don Wright a deputy assistant secretary at h.h.s. To serve as acting secretary President Trump before departing the White House signaled he was about to fire price for the numerous amount of government funded private jets he's used over the last 6 months the president called Price's offer to reimburse the government nearly $52000.00 out of his own pocket for those flights unacceptable Jayne thanks John President Trump said he'd consider letting her keep her job but Federal Reserve chief Janet Yellen says she hasn't spoken to the president since February and this week he's been interviewing possible replacements including this former Fed governor right now but the the guy in the lead position is Kevin warsh for a stronger academic background a stronger he's been much more involved in policy in his career than any of these guys even though he was an investment banker and one other thing I think puts him over the top he is the son in law of Ron Lauder a longtime New York Republican who is best friends with Donald Trump Charlie Gasparino with a Fox Business Network Yellen is term expires in early February. Wrapping up the quarter on Wall Street with a record close for the Nasdaq and the s. And p. 500 s. And p. Up 9 The Nasdaq up 42 the Dow up 23 a Fox News they were in. I'm Nick Sobolewski a select quote agent with a true story that could save you hundreds of dollars a year a woman named Linda just called her husband Ray has a $300000.00 group life insurance policy but is changing jobs and can't take it with him well I shopped the many highly rated term life insurance companies we represent and found Ray who is 41 and takes medication to control his cholesterol a 10 year 5 $100000.00 policy for under $27.00 a month that's almost twice the coverage for less than half of what he had paid if select quote hasn't shopped for your life insurance you're probably paying too much for your free quote call 803 for a 2121 that's 803 for a 2121803 for a 2121 or go to select dot com since 1985 we shop you save get full details on the example policy it's like quote dot com slash commercials or price could vary depending on your health insurance company another fact not available in all states. Will spend the weekend at his golf club in New Jersey that President Trump will be traveling to Puerto Rico and the u.s. Virgin Islands on Tuesday to get a firsthand look at the hurricane damage there even before Maria hit the president says Puerto Rico's power grid was in pretty bad shape we will have to really start all over again we are literally starting from scratch and he talked about the islands urgent need for truck drivers to distribute water food and fuel the u.s. Pulling most of our diplomats out of Cuba secretary of state Rex Tillerson decided Friday morning while traveling to China to withdraw all non-essential diplomats in Cuba bizarre attacks against American diplomats injured nearly 2 dozen there the State Department says they're suffering from hearing loss headaches fatigue and other symptoms the Cuban government denies responsibility the u.s. Has blamed no one is still investigating and says it has discovered no culprit or cause the State Department says diplomats leaving Cuba will do so. Over the next several days Secretary tours and stresses the u.s. Maintains diplomatic relations with Cuba at the State Department Richardson Fox News a very close call for some u.s. Marines in Syria a Marine Corps Osprey aircraft crashed at a base in Syria early this morning 2 Marines suffered minor injuries out of nearly 2 dozen on board both have been treated and released from a clinic officials say it is a miracle more Marines were not hurt or killed when the Osprey crashed which destroyed the aircraft Fox's Lucas Tomlinson at the Pentagon a 3rd suspect is now in custody north of Atlanta in the fatal shooting of a Polk County police detective a bulletproof vest saved another officer who was also shot a man and a pregnant woman shot and killed on Chicago's South Side today doctors were able to save her baby Unchained Metzler Fox News Radio. This is a really what the senior living today show please join me every Saturday morning at 8 30 am for a compelling topic on a senior related issue here in southern Colorado that senior living today right here in New Stock K.C.'s as a parent it's what you do you protect your children you teach them how to brush their teeth and wash their hands to look both ways when crossing straight and you vaccinate I didn't know there was a vaccine for meningitis and I got it and my daughter died and my daughter and I get the facts and vaccinate it's the right thing to tell the national meningitis Association website n m and us dot org has details about the 2 vaccines that protect pre-teens and teens if you have diabetes or 2 to 4 times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease be good to yourself in those you know your risk of heart go to for your sweetheart. And for people to disrespect. Kneeling during the playing they're going to shoot them I think is disgraceful I do think Bob Mueller ought to fall the money wherever it leads and that may ultimately lead to the president's tax return so he's no different than the well he's in a hopefully as an ordered the killing of people and journalists and the like holding him down coward Oh. Well. That. Information. On the facts are finally drowned out Band information overload our right news roundup information overload our toll free telephone numbers 80941 Sean if you want to be a part of the program right so many of you have been saying I want to call I want to call I want to get this before we get to that I'll tell you one thing that the mainstream left wing destroy Trump media will never tell you so Robert Turner is a police officer Robert Turner was part of the president's motorcade present was headed to Air Force One out of Indiana president gets on Air Force One to anyway Robert Turner had an accident Robert Turner was injured the president hears about it and we have some audio the president would not take off he wanted to make sure this officer was Ok gets on the phone with him we actually have part of that. For. Sure I'm sure. They would believe so. I'm not sure I have actually. But Appreciate it sir. Ok. Thank you sir. For you know it's been amazing I remember when the president was down the hurricane Harvey the same thing happened there I mean no response everybody wanted their picture with everybody was happy that he among Lonny were there and all the media could focus in was on was a lot of the issues and obviously things have gone pretty well in terms of the president showing compassion in ways that I don't remember other president showing like our last president I'm not saying the Presidents don't care they obviously care but it's just you're not going to hear this you know right now you know what you watch c.n.n. And n.b.c. Fake news m s m b c And there are all the trying to push now is the accusation Trump is treating Puerto Rico poorly he's not treating Puerto Rico poorly and we've made multiple calls repeated calls the only practical problem the biggest problem they have is not the food water supplies the materials because they've been sent and they're there and the hardest problem they have is they can't get enough drivers to get the food in the water and the supplies out to people and on top of that people's homes have been devastated and now they've sent the military in to do the job and the military is doing the job so there is you know trumps opponents who are hoping hurricane Harvey would be a Katrina for him hurricane Erma would be a Katrina for him Puerto Rico would be a Katrina for him you know but what we're finding out and I'm looking at an article now here in front of me in the Washington Times you know they were hoping for a deja vu all over again and they didn't get it you know so it's you know Obama remember he handed the Marines on breathless to hold for him a member of the Marine who's you know hat Donald Trump picked up not once but twice you know just a little subtle differences and I can tell you in conversations that I have had with people that were around both presidents I'm going to mention where they work you could probably figure it out and the things that they told me in the differences that exist there are 19 they. And it's very obvious the presidents that they love the presidents that show them the greatest respect and the people that don't show them the greatest respect and the military and the services they all universally liked Bush and Trump universally and then if you ask them other questions they're pretty quick to tell you so there is they were hoping that this would go badly for the president and Maria also now that hit Puerto Rico and anyway the trying to just do anything to make the president look bad but Fema was prepared they had prepositioned all of the materials like they didn't he other hurricanes it's now in Puerto Rico look you can't win the electric grid is wiped out the whole lecture grill it was a Category 5200 mile per hour winds when you wipe out an entire island you just can't snap your fingers and say oh go let's just put up an electric grid and in 5 days or 10 days it's never going to happen anyway so they are doing a much better job than anybody had thought and liberal pundits you know don't even want to acknowledge it and they're just not even telling the truth in some cases and they're outraged and they talk about the islands fiscal and budget crisis and they try to conflate the issues and that's not what the issue is your issue is a Category 5 it was a direct hit on Puerto Rico and that out that they have the food water medicine supplies and everything else well guess what they're beginning of strike and get all of these materials all of these things that all the people donating to the people that are out there I got a couple let's go some other news here to hear about this n.s.a. Leaker reality winner she was so stressed from watching Fox News it made her steal classified documents you know everything in the world is yes probably my fault trumps fault it's Hannity's fault it's this person's fault but he it can possibly be your own fault you know what the saddest story though the day is you got some trump painting school librarian in Massachusetts refused to accept Dr Seuss books from the 1st lady Malani a trump. Insisting that Dr Seuss books were racist how is Cat In The Hat racist than anybody and want to call in green eggs and ham Sam I am whatever it is I I'm trying to understand what the argument they're saying here anyway to celebrate National Read a Book Day the 1st lady sent out a collection of 10 Dr Seuss books to one school in each state across the nation now Cat In The Hat One fish 2 fish red fish blue fish Wacky Wednesday Green Eggs and Ham old the places you'll go I mean books but probably most of you grew up with anyway she followed in the footsteps more Michelle Obama done the same thing and she often read Dr Seuss books to children and Hillary Clinton and Barbara Bush and Laura Bush all did the same anyway Liz Phipps see arrow as a librarian at a public school in Cambridge wrote a letter to the 1st lady which was then published in the hornbook blog notifying Mrs Trump that her school would not be keeping the titles for their collection because they didn't need them and she seemed to be most offended by the books themselves while many people are unaware that Dr Seuss's illustrations are steeped in races propoganda caricature isn't harmful stereotypes and she recommended journal articles reports and books for Mrs Trump to inform her about the systemic racism and oppression in education and literature I bought I think look I haven't gone back to study you know one step to see whatever it One fish 2 fish I didn't go back and study it all our cat and I had a Green Eggs and Ham but I does anybody in there remember any incidence of racism in a Dr Seuss book you know if you can tell me and please let me know it's reminds me you remember in New York New York hospital had gratefully accepted $100000000.00 gift from the Koch family the Koch brothers and then but the new wing at New York Presbyterian Hospital inspired a bizarre protest and activist groups went out there complaining where the money had come from and anyway they they surely. Whatever the hospital secretly they don't total freak out over the Koch brothers $100000000.00 hospital gift or you going to do with $100000000.00 for hospital you going to you're going to get the latest greatest equipment to help save people's lives and why wouldn't you want the donations you disagree with people just for political reasons what is the reason if George Soros donates money and me spends enough money trying to take me out and take other conservatives out and silence conservative voices you know where do you think all these liberal fascist groups get their money from and not believers in freedom of speech there they literally want to shut down anybody they don't agree with what else do we have here oh we have a story today that I did want to share with you it's all California has now moved its primary date to boost their impact on 2020 in the presidential race here's the story its California lawmaker wants to ban gas car sales have to 2040 France in the United Kingdom are doing it so as India one lawmaker in California would like to follow their lead phase out gasoline diesel powered vehicles air we go what are we going to write a pre-vis a Prius I don't even think I can fit in that stupid thing and I would never in my life I want to be in a tin can like that you know I have friends of mine they get older and I guess the gone through their midlife crisis and they buy these sports cars Ferrari's Mazda Roddy's and Porsches and big muscle cars I have no interest in them I think my last 12 cars have been the same car and escalate and I like traded in every 3 years King O'Rourke Cadillac I just call my 2nd you bring over a new one traded it and you know what they do because I'm a loyal customer I always known going to get the best deal I always know that they're going to be that a service my vehicle and sometimes the owner would call me and say well if you wait a month we have a much better deal coming on that car and they'll say you want to wait a month and not wait a month I mean that how could you not be loyal to a dealership like that I do they've been so phenomenal so my son was was buying ice is one day and he just kind of scraped the side of the car. And I called them up and said Can you fix us on we'll have it done in a day they fixed in a day and he goes no charge. Yeah and if he needs I'd love to just amazing Now I know the best part about car buying is you can look it up on your own you can find no 809 for one Sean toll free telephone number you know for one corporate job only 4 to 6 people will get in interview for every 250 resumes that are received Now those are not really very good odds if you're counting on getting a job when you are just uploading your resume to resume to a website The fact is you really need an advocate a real person working on your behalf talking to a real employer that has a real job available that you want and that's where my friends at Express Employment professionals come in now express is your local resource to help get a new job now Express has more than 18000 jobs available weekly That's 18000 jobs that need to be filled right now so find your nearest office at Express Pros dot com and express never charges a job seeker a fee to help find employment or your locally owned express office can connect you with available jobs in your community just go to express Pros dot com and you'll find jobs in manufacturing accounting customer service sales distribution information technology whatever it is you name it just visit the nearest express office today speak with the hiring professionals connected to the available jobs in your community it's expressed Pros dot com You never pay a penny and then try and improve your life and I'm going to hope you will continue . Ready to get out of the media spin room. This is the Sean Hannity Show. On the radio on the way to the fidelity case yesterday. Hey did you know that unsecured routers may be a very simple easy way for cyber criminals to hack into your home network and once on your network while they can access connected devices and your personal information stored on those devices now that's why Norton backed by semantic is now introducing a brand new secure wife I router called Norton Cor and Norton core monitors for suspicious activity and they are uniquely designed for stellar speed in coverage in the set up that's simple and easy is an app that will walk you through the steps it provides an overall security score and it will recommend how to make your home network even more secure just go to get Norton core one war dot com Use the promo code Hannity and you save 25 bucks towards next day shipping now thinking guarantee protection against every single cyber threat but by far Norton core is the best in terms of helping protect against cyber criminals trying to hack into your home network just visit their website get Norton court dot com promo code Hannity 25 bucks off towards next day shipping terms apply I want to talk about the most important thing we can do right now to get the economy in this country moving and of course help stop Nancy Pelosi from being speaker and 29 t. You voted last year to drain the swamp in the sewer and to return money back to hard working taxpayers and small business owners in this country you voted for tax cuts nothing is happening that's why I'm urging all of you now to go to tax cuts now dot com One more tax cuts now dot com I want to send a message to Congressman Ryan and Senator McConnell and your local congressman and senators you voted for tax cuts you want by Thanksgiving No excuses no exceptions so all of you listening you all need to do your part the goal is simple we want as many people as possible to act so to send a message to Congress loud and clear enough is enough now it's time to pass tax cuts and pass them now go to this website tax cuts now dot com Please do your part and you can send the link to 10 friends and ask them to do the same now Congress needs to hear from all of us tax cuts now dot com tax cuts now dot com. Jobs there I mean that's like 980 s. Yes Jane. Shot a good structure good lawyer down just a little bit I 25 over downtown Dublin or City Center Drive and 213th Street that could slow you down a bit east for street also construction continuing Highway 50 west near Pueblo Boulevard and Santa Fe Ave near Runyan field construction continues join Dave Ritter every Saturday at 830 for the senior living today show the show about seniors for seniors and those of us that love them cover topics relating to health independence and overall well being of seniors right here in southern Colorado senior living today is brought to you by this is an angel and others find sponsors the senior living today show with Dave Saturday mornings at 830 only here on News Talk 590 K.C.'s j. . It is time to go back in time now take a look at the $29960.00 John d. Rockefeller made him the 1st American billionaire and that was in $1916.00 with a perspective of 950 the telephone answering machine was created and in 76 Jerry Lee Lewis celebrated his birthday by shooting a few rounds with his 357 magnum Unfortunately it is based player 2 of those rounds in his chest he survived with Jerry Lee was charged with setting all firearms within city limits. On the state in 1985 Designing Women in 1986 and a 99. Hills Cop after she was pulled over and caught with an open container of alcohol and no driver's license only Nelson inducted in the Country Music Hall of Fame on this date in 1993 and Vice President Al Gore abruptly moved his presidential campaign headquarters from d.c. To Nashville in order to get in and it was out of the beltway and into the heartland. Didn't work there you go. All happen on this 29 to September. Matter who we are or where we come from. All experience difficulties in life. Military veterans know that sometimes it takes strength and determination to make it through. When there's obvious physical challenges or struggles on the inside it takes strength to ask for help when you need it. I knew that I had to get support not just for me but for the sake of my wife and kids. Talking about it has helped me feel more like myself again. Honestly. It's hard to go to that the 1st. Place changed my life for the better. You know veterans want to go to reach out for help. And hear stories of strength and recovery that make the connection that. Are Let's get to some calls here hi chris this agrees with me he's in Atlanta News Talk w.s.p. What's up Chris how are you glad you called. I'm good how are you sir are a great president of the United States. Romy and son of bitch and what would what would you what would you do shine your sunshine how and was sent home by school because he chose to call another here who chose not to stand up for the national anthem a son of a bitch how would you discipline him and would of your son told you I just heard the president of the United States how Romy is that and I know you've never cursed in your home you're perfect right and you're on your own all right if not I'm asking on time who have. If you would discipline your child I'm going to give you an answer I'm going to answer your question a ready What if somebody bit in the of a member of the military in a uniform say in an airport I'm asking you a question Mansour answering your question now follow along watch the bouncing ball listen closely I'm answering a question what if somebody sees of a guy in uniform in an airport and spits in his face is that guy a son of a bitch if some a bit for spitting in somebody's Yes Absolutely years and he's reacting to that one or at least happening to him Ok now I'm going to answer your question I'm glad you I'm glad you answer that way because for those people that did fight for this country and those people that appreciate all that fought under that flag and they see people politicizing the anthem politicizing the flag and not honoring the men who fought bled and died under that flag to them it's not a physical act but it's like spitting in their face that's how people feel and that's why the reaction is as strong as it is and you may disagree with it you may not like it and I love how people are so offended now by words. When I do remember that Donald Trump has pretty much been called every name in the book and I'll just say one last thing results will determine the success of this president and if he puts 30 more 1000000 more Americans on food stamps like Obama did and $8000000.00 more in poverty like Obama did and if he lower if he doubles the national debt like Obama did then I think you're He will be judged accordingly and so what I'm saying to you as you're not getting it Americans have a Fidelity and a sacred honor here and they know the sacrifice the cost that went into fighting under that flag and for them and me it's like spitting in. Your face and spitting in the face of the military that's how I feel about it now if you have I've offered anybody in the n.f.l. That wants to explain once they have a town hall wants to come on this program and talk about these issues and I'll even work to partner with them in any way they want and to help make this world a better place and to help make this a more perfect union but I am thankful and grateful of all that is gone into the those sacrifice of so many for me to have the right to be on this program every day talking to great Americans like you I'll give you the last word you never answer the questions or Linda did I answer the question because you could be Ok Or you could Linda that I have a question for you Ok I just answered your question so my answer with My Son is if he was standing up for those that fought bled and died and people were disrespecting at that sacred honor I wouldn't be mad at all that's the type of man you are I totally disagree with you thank you for thank you that a card that he has not a good answer and that's the type of man you are almost always never type I got a quote I go but last I got one last question for you oh so now you got a quote I got a question for you to show me the type of the type of man you are totally disagree with that you would not defend your own time for standing up for the military and the anthem that's a hell of a lot about you sir going for standing up for the military and standing up for the amp I'm and standing up for the flag and recognizing all the blood that was shed fighting under that flag I think it's a natural this Sorel reaction to think that people shouldn't insult it Ok that's the type of right that's the type of man I am I will bitch thank you for telling me that that's the type of man I am and you never said the word son of a bitch in your life Frank I asked you specifically and I asked you so you never now answer my question you never said Let me ask you a question do you know many men fought and died for. Adding on to that flank I asked you a question now I'm asking how do you know you don't know how many Americans died fighting under that flag for this country absolutely I do how many how many who watched how many you said you know how many was it 7 you know in them and I mean most of us I don't want to know what you say you know yeah about the military I absolutely how many how I mean how many troops died fighting for this country do you even know where you're getting emotional and who you know I'm asking you a question how many how many Americans died fighting for this country do you know the how many Americans died fighting for liberty actually us answer the question there can answer that question how many Americans died fighting for this country I don't know tell me exactly how many Americans that you tell me check my it good by over 650000 there's your answer I've been to Walter Reed I bend to Bethesda I've met these families I have I have been with these families I've met the children of slain soldiers I've met the widows of slain soldiers and let me tell you something the price that they have paid for all of us is massive massive and I honor and respect them and I want us as a country to honor and respect these brave men and women that's my opinion is a time and place for everything I'm all for making this a more perfect union I hope anyway I can. With me today I have Nicky Nicholas from s. R. D. a How are you young lady I'm doing great Nick how you I'm good I'm good now you have a really fun event coming up it sounds like right oh we are so excited about the event coming up in October our annual fundraiser Yes Tell us what's going to be happening well s r d A's going to be rock n roll and really yes yes yes we're really excited we're going to go back to the time of the fifty's and sixty's and Dr Fine is going to be our band that yeah how fun we're excited about it so we look forward to kind of get back to the Happy Days era if you will sure yeah sure obviously it's a fundraiser for us already a right it is it'll it's actually on October 13th and we're going to have it at the Union depot and yes it will fund all the older adult programs that we have at the s.r.d. Well bringing in Dr find you've got a lot of those older adults right there that's all you think about we're all in that mode as far as using the services that's a little or absolutely yes our da tell us a little bit about what you guys do there well s.r.d. Is a senior Resource Development Agency here in Pablo and it's actually located at the Joseph Edwards active adult centers so essential we just provide programs that keep folks independent in their homes if you look at it it's kind of like a one stop shop for services that people may need to be nourished so we have turned the Meals on Wheels are also transportation we have helping elders live program but they do a lot of maintenance not at the little earlier before the show and then also we have the program of the homemaker is just a myriad of congregate meal site where folks come down at the center and other 11 other sites in the community and they get to meet some other people and kind of get out there and think about other things a little bit probably right that's right that's right in the lot of the focus is to kind of prevent that social isolation right you know so that's that's key in what we do so just helping folks age well in the community I wish I got to hold him earlier. It's not too late too late oh no we have an active adult. Center with lots of exercise and programs and cards and exercise programs at far as fitness and we have tight zoom Yeah line dancing there's a lot of things going on a good study just started chair yoga so there's a lot of fun activities going on at the for all of us all ages ago fun stuff now fun stuff again on October 13th it's Rock rocks and rolls s.r.d. a Rocks and rolls to Dr Fine October 13th at the Union depot started we need to buy tickets in advance yes $620.00 and yeah we do need to reserve your hamburger french fry and I have beer there is a cash bar so lots of fun you know we'll have the opportunity to have a little drink here and there you must be 21 of our city and most of us 38 people probably are 21 they care but the well it's open to the community though we were if you want to have an intergenerational activity center you know look could you get tickets at the door if it was a last minute depends if it's sold out or not I guess well the cli we have x. Amount of meals that we order you need to know in advance yes we have to know in advance Yeah Ok we'll sounds good October 13th is that a Friday night is a Friday night starting at 6 o'clock probably Union understand you got some really cool cars or to be part of it too we're so excited we have great friend in Tom Thornburg he's going to have a few Carson his personal collection the 57 Cadillac new vertical 57 t. Bird convertible a 51 Studebaker if you can believe that part of all 50 Ford coupe and a 59 Studebaker hawk so he said these are just a few of his car just well just a few but that's after my own hand that right there you know well I'm telling you it's certainly appropriate for our event as your recent Tom allowing us to have and how far is that yeah we're looking forward to it and not always a good time thank you for coming in and tell us about it and you have a website or anything if you need to find out more about that. Dot s r d a dot org easy enough Yeah you know Nikki thank you for coming in wealthy. Thank you Nic appreciate it your home is a big investment and protecting that investment is a big responsibility if you live in a condominium or homeowner's association you need to think about how your community association is managed is your board knowledgeable is your manager trained and certified is your investment safe c a i community associations Institute has the tools you need to protect your home and community see ai is a nonprofit organization with resources you need to answer these questions and others you might have about community association management everything you need to build a great community see Ai has resources for your association board professional training for community managers and free helpful information for homeowners learn more at responsible communities dot com what your association does can influence the value of your home and your quality of life. Formation download Sean Hannity in the breaking news you might have missed today Sean's insider information Hannity is on right now 25 told the top of the hour happy Friday night usually we do our Friday Florida Georgia Line concert series but you know in light of everything that's gone on this week with the n.f.l. No idea what to expect this weekend it was a song that we have played before on the program I want to play it again it was written by an Iraq war veteran Sean a cat is his name and it was written through the Nashville mom profit operation song and you just go to Operation song dot org It pairs hit song writers with veterans and their families and helps them connect through music it's a really cool thing and sometimes for all these guys that have p.t.s.d. And all sorts of even physical injuries you know getting them involved and passionate about anything has a a very therapeutic impact on their lives anyway he wrote the song Sean did about his friend Army captain Andrew and Peterson keel of Miami as person died at the age of 28 in Afghanistan on March 11th 2013 let's play that. That's such an amazing song right when we put it up on Hannity dot com I could listen to that song all week it was going to be great extremely well done they were before we get your calls here we have Scott La bedo is with us member use the Staten Island artist whose Trump sign was burned to the ground during the election cycle where he stood outside the n.f.l. Headquarters which is in New York City earlier this week to paint his latest piece entitled Don't do it and the painting was a hand holding a lit match to a folded American flag in the hand feature. Did an n.f.l. Logo logo on its wrist and you know Scott like a lot of us are just sick of the n a l n players disrespecting the flag and and those that fought and bled and been the many that died fighting under that flag everybody is yelling at the Alameda still free speech personal nobody knows the 1st Amendment free speech and protests it over a 100 times over the last. Many of arrests of anything why have I been arrested in expressing myself free speech because I stepped over a line knowing that there is a time in a place of free speech we are a free nation we are a nation rules and once I work at McDonald's I'm accountable I get a lot of people coming in spend money Donal's I stop preaching my political rhetoric my beliefs my s.m.p. Do it in a split 2nd it's a scene concept well just to get dealt with you have the laws already on the books the rules push them straighten them out stand for the national anthem yes to the game you go out in the parking lot and you can do it evident how you want and I'll even be out to meet Scott would be to even if they're out there stepping on a flag makes me sick to my stomach but it happens to be their right there's a place and time and that's the issue you know I was looking at this number one your ability to paint is just amazing the quality of the painting is amazing. Tell us what inspired you to do this and that anyone from the n.f.l. Trying kick out. Sean. You know I've been painting American flags and pro American teams for the last 25 years biting political correctness warning people that it would come down the road at this point and here we are discussing me and my a veteran they have a serve never what I do oh you know 98 and 98 percent of Americans have never starve the fact that I carry 5 people. I know but and people ask me about why are you so patriotic and because I have the right to protest and express myself but big but here there are lines rules. Laws I've been arrested in some of my protests that I've done throughout the g.s. Pro-American protests Why because they stepped over that we speech line I knew I was because there's a place and the space and the time and this is the point I've been trying to bring up since Kaplan that you know you remember the woman and Home Depot in Staten Island who of the hat Merica was never great was a big story you know that woman hope bosses said you take that had all of you wear it outside on your own time or you're fired it's the same exact thing I'm trying to say here everyone's yelling at me because I'm a protester an activist and an artist Scott you should be the 1st one standing up for the 1st amendment right I absolutely do but outside the arena after the game go outside stand up for that national anthem because when you desecrate the flag when you disrespected the only people you're getting attention from and hurting other men and women were sacrificed so you can protest it and it just drives me up the wall so I went up there and made a beautiful point again it's a very very ugly image he's not actually burning the folded flag but he said tempting to it's coming close to that and the only one that has a way to stop this is good Del himself he has to just push the law that already is pretty I think there's a law in the books that rules that doesn't it that state I've read it many times and I read it many times as opposed to still be out there in time for the amp of the supposed to stand at attention a supposed to be quiet the supposed to put their helmet in the left hand and it is just like they can't work and just like they can't yell at the ref or curse at other players or celebrate the end zone or do a bow and arrow you know the mathematics I don't know much rooting. We're repeating ourselves too I mean everyone knows this but you know certain media outlets and groups are not talking about it remember when the Dallas 5 whistling and Dallas Cowboys want to wear a little sticker no good 911 they want to represent no good there are rules and regulations Why is it the flag why can I not burn a big wheel on the street without getting arrested cause I will for Austin but why can you burn a flag on the street it doesn't make sense arson is arson if you want to burn the flag in public and your private property maybe I could maybe I could pass with that but in public if you have a slight burn a can of paint. And protests I will be arrested for arson why the flag why it's the same thing fire is fire it's dangerous it's going to burn somebody no matter what why is the food I just it's just pains me it pains me again as a civilian I think the swags I raise money for these veterans I help them with their causes I meet them all nobody's met more veterans across this country than me and it hurts them more than anybody else you know a lot of them say a lot of the young veterans my friends Scott I disagree with you I thought of that but that guy to to to deal absolutely I tell him but to kneel on his own time kneel desecrate that flag outside your arena it's that simple and this can be fixed overnight and I know you're not a boycott I know you're not I think in your heart you are but I don't think you're saying. Well I'll listen I'm going to tell you I'm going to going to tell you how I feel and this is it's not a boycott I'm not telling other people I never tell other people what to do I my interest right now in the n.f.l. Is like 0 I'm just not into it and look I I can't it's for me it's like wow I'm just let me give you an example if now this could work in radio because it could be a shtick but if you come on the air and all you want to do I've been a talk show host that failed and in this business is a tough business and they fail and they come off and they blame the audience because all they want is that right wing crap and all they want they only listen to those people telling them there were no how about they didn't do their job if you go to any restaurant and somebody doesn't serve you well what do you do you just you say let's go get the service go in please you start out nicely and then more nice and then finally you know that you don't give the person a tip you know what we all have customers here and when you think of the sacrifice how much money it costs a family of 4 to go to an n.f.l. Game on average that's $100.00 a ticket right $400.00 in the door. Or if you're in New York and you go to the Met Life Stadium and you know another $50.00 parking you buy a beer what is a beer $15.00 you buy 3 beers 4 beers right now you're really big racking up the bills and then a few hotdogs a memory and a cheese steak and then you kids want to Jersey you're not getting out of there 7800 bucks later and you see in the game it's a big sacrifice for people they love it and then and they don't want to get they don't want their they don't want to be insulted when they are the N.F.L.'s customers and I'm telling you the most telling sign of that was I'm a Nascar fan I've always been well you know have a look at Nascar then I will not make sense I am an absolute moron I am a conservative pro-American pro-military artist in New York City who also happens to be a Nascar fan I don't belong here but I never leaving here because I keep the balance with the other side the art world hates my guts they know me they despise me go this goes back to here you go again that you know discrimination I am discriminated in the most open minded organization the art world because I'm a Republican and I'm pro American and I'm from Staten Island and I don't pronounce my arse probably So I I'm not a smoker now you know what I want though I love your paintings I think you're an enormously talented and I just got to tell you something and I'm glad you did this and I think it's probably back on Monday with another one I'm doing another one on one now with and it's going to be a doozy this one that might get me thrown off the property I mean I I set up my easel on public on the street right in front I know how to do this I've been protesting grow long time right there on the sidewalk a sign not selling I'm not soliciting I'm just set up my easel I might paint a skyscraper Well I felt like painting this so next week I'll be back again to express myself the way I do everybody has their way you have your way on the radio everyone has a different way and I think everybody should just keep telling her the pressure on the last thing is like a pain and pain but I. Campaign So there you go All right thank you so much you're . 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Our egos. This is the show Sean Hannity now Michael Brown coming up at 4 am stunned by 19 he has just. I want to talk about the most important thing we can do right now to get the economy in this country moving and of course help stop Nancy Pelosi from being speaker and 2019 you voted last year to drain the swamp in the sewer and to return money back to hard working taxpayers and small business owners in this country if voted for tax cuts nothing is happening that's why I'm urging all of you now to go to tax cuts now dot com One more tax cuts now dot com I want to send a message to Congressman Ryan and Senator McConnell and your local congressman and senators you voted for tax cuts you want by Thanksgiving No excuses no exceptions so all of you listening you all need to do your part the goal is simple we want as many people as possible to act so to send a message to Congress loud and clear enough is enough now it's time to pass tax cuts and pass them now go to this website tax cuts now dot com Please do your part and you can send the link to 10 friends and ask them to do the same now Congress needs to hear from all of us tax cuts now dot com tax cuts now dot com. Is there I mean the fighting is cheap. Shot 80 construction could sell you down just a little bit I 25 over downtown Dublin or city center drive and to 13th Street that could slow you down a bit east for street also construction continuing Highway 50 west near Pueblo Boulevard and Santa Fe Ave near Runyan field construction continues with me today I got a couple folks from wobble Crimestoppers some board members I have Cynthia Brown and Paul Montana's how you guys doing today and he couldn't agree in morning it's coming up now you've got to run coming up on Saturday September 30th right yes that's correct and this benefits public Crimestoppers restaurant which is a great organization that you guys do a lot of things and I've noticed a lot of things like on Facebook and different things where you are actually put out rewards to pick up people that are causing problems around here so the good thing here protests Paul you're a runner yes I am you look like a runner is why I asked there so this is kind of right up your alley here then. Right yes it is and I actually retired military so I have had a lot of. Experience with Ronnie Ok and I'm like we're looking forward to our run it's called the Swat. Run which stands for the sprinters walkers and trash talkers trash talkers are Gacy I thought you guys did know how to spell very others like the swat team is what I was think of trash talkers so people like me is what you're saying yeah so good stuff going on again this is coming up on September 30th what if you got knees like mean you can't run can you can you walk on this deal yes that's not a problem it's a one and a half mile walk Ok a memory going to walk and what are we going to do that is going to be at City Park and we're going to walk a mile and a half and then we're going to have 5 Cave Run as well and how many laps around city park is that if you calculated that yes we have we have about already in place and the walk is one time around Ok there is 2 times around. And so Paul experienced runner like you that will just be kind of a warm up probably right yes it will but we're really mostly happy that the people that are going to help us are the southern Colorado runners Association were sanctioned by them and this is a sanction run through the southern Colorado runners a cessation So thank God for all their help they've been very very pivotal and alpinist get this run together so none of this is a sanction Ron if you set a record or something does it go down. How do how does all that work I'm not a look at me I'm not a runner Wow Well the way that works is that we they will bring their timing equipment thing will be officially timed and if in fact someone happens to be that now then I think they are the governing body that would be able to you know say this is one of the fastest times in southern Colorado and maybe put in the bucks cold. If somebody wants to be a part of this what do we need to do Ok you can go to vend Sign Up dot com And that is where you can actually do the registration Ok And it allows you to pay online and at the end of the race there is a cutoff for I believe it's September the 20th and they have to register by Than And after that then of course the price goes up and they would have to register the day of the date Ok which is at the City Park and the price will go up they'll get all their stuff at that at the time and all sounds like good stuff it's all for a good cause so instead of running from the law will be running for the law I guess or something that's not right that's correct the 5 k. Run and walk anything else we need to know while the walk starts at 7 40 am in the run media after at run starts at 8 o'clock am it's all good stuff a Saturday September 30th if you need some details you can reach out to the radio station too will get you hooked up thank you both for coming in and look forward to seeing it thank you very much and. Are going to wrap things up put to Tom Price resigns will have the latest on that again thank you for an amazing week as and we have so many great surprises next week I mean one to 3 confirmed surprises next week. And I saw hope you tune in tonight on Hannity you do not want to miss this debate Burgess on wins is going to be debating Spencer Tillman and of all the people we've had on this week on radio they have been the most passionate one on each side talking about the n.f.l. So we'll get to that also part 2 of my interview with Rush Limbaugh amazing we're going to talk about a lot of things with the deep state and much more so Rush Limbaugh is on tonight also Erick Trump 9 Eastern Hannity Fox News our new time and we hope you'll join us back here on Monday have a great weekend we'll see it tonight at 9 back here on Monday. Attention all c pap users this is an important message regarding your c. Pet machine and your health if my husband see that machine isn't cleaned well it could make him sick but with so clean sanitizer we don't have to worry I'm Dr Joseph Kramer a sleep apnea specialist if you're using a c pap machine you can develop a respiratory illness if it's not clean properly that's why I strongly recommend so To help humans.