Deutsch indications be that if it is Santa Barbara broadcast from the University of California at Santa Barbara. It's time for the flu it's. A good think I kept a record another great show I really like that Alan Parsons Project. They were the show is blue founded on the. Blind Melon chip pig's feet 23. Right here. Who gets on the. Phone and. Have a special guest in the studio but he had a problem with his headphones. Holly with us today we're going to try to work that out like to say good morning 'd to his simply. If they. There's a request from our sister this is it the James folks are to lose to the boat here . Bojo work. Here. Ok let's let's. Let's try this again can you hear me Howard Yeah can you hear yourself oh yeah I want to say hello to your sibling I remain. Does a good question Wayne at the James of blues to the bone from up also over I was a while ago he heard I Got My Mojo Working. How I want to say thanks for coming in I'm glad you had time to come in and they got with me at the oh yeah yeah yeah yeah once again thanks to Captain Rick good to see him back in the hood. So tell us what you did Tucker is this time you went down to visit your family you had to make Amtrak specific surf line there to fall or to and. Then. Visit my family. Celebrated My dad's 86th birthday 86. So you know when your family go out to dinner or when. To limit your lunch on the 27th grade in a restaurant. Family Restaurant that leaves been to 3 years called the Dal rain Pico Rivera is expensive Yeah and what you have to eat there Howard Prime Rib good yeah. And. Wedge talent like that is like a half hour yeah. Yeah. With whatever you want to have cheesy answers yes we. Are joined June acacias b.f.m. And Sarah Barbara thanks for coming in thanks to a quest of. Etta James Up next we have. Amos Wilbur simply the blues are going to hear chicken shack. Right here Ok she is. If Santa Barbara happy new year everybody will say happy new year our Happy New Year Stay tuned. Now though I just got back and I look and look at places they call in sick and sad this is my mother this little bowl no lives no dole this is just all over. Did you say slow can it not a. Good old love of the sixty's. All the parts of the cyclones most essential usually get the last bottle when all the fish. This is simply well a bad test you view to be a modern cavalier take the see. Them Long. The. A. In Santa Barbara we just heard from Slim Harpo doing rain in my heart before that we heard from Johnny Adams doing. After dark relief snap your fingers. And we heard from the boat daily with the boat beat Kid judge a book by its cover and we start out that set with the chicken shack bookie Can You Hear Me Oh yeah look at that we have a request from your debt right yeah and you want to hear. B.b. King. So he is for Dr Leon this is from blues on the by you this is one of b.b. King's favor releases blues on the bio by you we're going to hear blues boy too right here in K.C.'s b.f.m. In Santa Barbara. I've. Feel Ok she asked be at the university. Escape. So. It's a news group so wants. To maintain them is going to want. You All right your internship K.C.'s b.f.m. In Santa Barbara I saw my special guest in the studio with me Mr Howard how you never fund Howard Yeah. We get a lot of requests on your social media Oh yeah. That's a good thing then to indicate she has p f m and Santa Barbara name of the show is blues down and I'm here host Blind Melon chilling pics speak to preheat here every Saturday from 112-1230 then at 1230 I host a show called Dead air. You know home. Well thanks again for coming in Howard I look at about a 45 well about an hour 15 minutes to go so I hope you're enjoying the music as much as me yeah. We just heard from. Rod Piazzi in the mighty flyers who hail from San Diego California we hear from their release tough and tender we heard tough enchanter and before that we hear from Joe Louis Walker from his 2008 release of Stony Plain records we hear from the album witness to the blues we hear a. 100 percent more may. Next be have Robert. Burnside. From his perch side of Burnside release from 2001 which is recorded in Portland Oregon fats possum records release we're going to hear his. Original 2 called Snake drive right here Ok So yes. If they have it where is it in it at. Santa Barbara e.c.s. You broadcast from the University of California at Santa Barbara at the bottom of Stork shower this is your university Oh please. Up next we have. By request we have a request from Howard Sibley his brother Paul we're going to hear Ray Charles from the piano is a film by Clint Eastwood Martin Scorsese presents this goes back to. But the Year of the blues which is which was 2002 are going to hear we're going to hear we're going to hear what I say Part $1.00 and $2.00 right hearing pitches be f.m. It set apart. Coming up on. This. Long. Long. Long. Long. I. Brother a 19. Entering a case e.s.p. F.m. In Santa Barbara and my good friend Howard with me. A half hour left and Howard getting requests Fast and Furious. And you know. Which is a good thing we're going to go in the studio and. To impart some high.