It works now. Though this is. The biggest. Mistake. That. You. Can get. To so well. Oh you hate. This. One like this. Oh you might like the rest of the night just a little in the back when the moon does that. When we don't think of the whole. Good this bad taste you know complained their own list. Of the the old the old the old. Heavy folks got. To separate the good. Souls. And feel a sense of what it is. To the. Right. Place. To. Get. To. Know the. Real. Still. You. Really do worry we. Will see. Right. With. You. Thank. You. Scott. Alex. At the 1st set as. Well commutes to. The Jam side of things. Wednesday night here on p.c. Card to Trinidad Johansson selector right here and just play some. Loose. And. We have Rosie. At that age. Coming up the latest. Electric gas this new record can. Project. A year after her house burned in the Woolsey fire 40 year Malibu resident My Lindquist is trying to rebuild finally back on my own property it's nice to be on my property it's comforting and. She's living amidst the charred rubble in a $26.00 foot trailer and take is the struggle to rebuild on the next greater l.a. Tomorrow at one. Thank you for the. This is. This. Is. This. This. This is. This. Is. Thanks. Thanks thanks thanks. Thanks thanks thanks. Thanks thanks thanks. This. Is it. Was. a. Huge . The latest LP called where the house. Recently dropped It's called The Mighty tide and. It's out with. Return this Friday night to the Mayfair Hotel with yours truly and Juliet Mendoza. Always a good time we do it every 2nd Friday of the month. No cover just be $21.00. To go. With this Friday more information at a fuse ecology dot com. Speaking of. New work from 7 Jr and. Loving this 85 to Africa album from just down a. New record just dropped from electric gas. Kings got a brand new one falls. Intriguing new solo for Jim Gordon. All over it. Anyway stay tuned music continues on k.c. R.w. . Support comes from 1st 5 l.a. Children of the future leaders and innovators of l.a. County that's why it's important to spark positive changes for their future it's as easy as asking doctors teachers elected officials family and friends how to advocate for children every chance we get asking is advocacy to learn more and for helpful tips visit the 1st 5 l.a. Dot org slash parenting listen up it's the golden age of audio on air fest has partnered with you for the inaugural on air l.a.x. Exploring the creative possibilities of sound 2 nights of conversations live podcasts and more featuring industry leaders like made de Mayo of the memory palace the a towel of strangers Caitlin pressed of the heart and case. Tomorrow and Friday at Caesarea. For details and take its go to k.c. I w dot com slash on air fest. Weeks . Thanks. Excuse. Me. Excuse . Me. Excuse . Me Excuse . Me. Thank you. So. Much. 6. 6. 6. 6. 666666. 6. 6. 6. 666. 6666. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6.