I'm David Greene and I'm Rachel Martin and what might the statewide election results portend for 2020. 1 comes up a lot in new transcripts of the impeachment inquiry how much power did Rudy Giuliani really have to shape u.s. Foreign policy in Ukraine and the u.s. Supreme Court hears a case that could change the Clean Water Act It's Wednesday November 6th actor Ethan Hawke turns 49. The news is next. From n.p.r. News in Washington. Voters in Virginia have given Democrats control of both chambers of the state legislature. Reports the Commonwealth now has a Democratic governor and state house for the 1st time in decades now with unified power Democrats say they can raise the minimum wage passed gun control measures and ratify the Equal Rights Amendment going into Tuesday's elections Republicans held a narrow majority in both the state Senate and House of Delegates the balance of power hung in the suburbs outside the state capital and in Virginia Beach where demographic shifts and recent redistricting have favored Democrats election officials reported unusually high turnout for an off year election a fact that Democrats are sure to cite as a sign of they are voters enthusiasm heading into the 2020 presidential race for n.p.r. News I'm no pain in Richmond House impeachment investigators have invited acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney to testify Friday N.P.R.'s Johnston reports the chairman of several House Committee sent a letter yesterday requesting he appear for a closed door deposition on President dealings with Ukraine in the letter the Democratic chair said they believe the president's right hand man possesses substantial 1st hand knowledge and information relevant to the investigation it's unlikely that Mick Mulvaney will comply with the request so far this week 6 Trump administration officials have been no shows several more are expected to follow suit including energy secretary break Perry who was subpoenaed to appear today. To . Top State Department official David he's to be questioned about the removal last May. In Jordan. At least 3 foreign tourists are injured in a stabbing at Tak and famed for its Roman ruins the b.b.c. Sebastian reports and eyewitnesses told the b.b.c. When he saw the person who carried out the attack running from the scene and being chased by local officials he says that one was stabbed in the attempt to be I wouldn't describe the person he believes to be the assailant is dressed all in black with his face mask and video shows one of the injured lying face down with blood being storage from back is one of the top tourist sites in Jordan which depends on its tourism industry as a major economic asset Jordan has been seen recently as relatively safe and foreign tourists have been flooding back the b.b.c. Sebastian. In northern Mexico criminal investigators say in a Facebook post that a suspect is now under arrest in connection with the killing of 9 u.s. Citizens in an ambush Monday this is n.p.r. In Western Canada a separatist movement is building momentum down carbon shock reports the group pushing for Alberta to separate from the rest of the country has applied to become a registered political party what's it Alberta grew out of what separatist described as a feeling of alienation by many in Western Canada and it took hold during the recent Canadian election when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as Liberal Party failed to gain any seats in either Alberta or Scotch works as leader Peter Downing says the paperwork has been filed with more than double the required 250 signatures and the party will do for Western Canada what separatists in Quebec have done for that province about 700 people attended a rally in Edmonton during the weekend where many were blue hats with the slogan make Alberta great again Downing says the party aims to unify Western Canadian provinces and elect members of parliament to focus on issues important to them for n.p.r. News I'm Dan Kerpen shark interoperable. San Francisco's recent ban on the sale of . Will stand voters yesterday. Rejected a ballot initiative that would have overturned it cigarette maker. Was behind the proposition to Up ahead the city's ban putting $12000000.00 into the campaign San Francisco is currently the nation's 1st major city to prohibit the sale and distribution of cigarettes until. There are approved by the f.d.a. . Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include Dr. Providing real time remote access to computers anywhere and future. Vision and. Support tool. A year ago this week a fun night at the bar in 1000 Oaks turned into a horrific all too common American scene a mass shooting. In the memory is seared into the lives affected by what happened that night borderline one year later and the next. It one. More than ever listen. Up lick your Apple music. And play back your favorite tracks customize your feed of shows and. It's downloaded free from your app store. There already this morning. At the 6 o 5. The actual rig has been. Taken away. Following an early. Education. At the beach up to mid eighty's in the. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm David Greene this morning Democrats are celebrating some major victories in yesterday's midterm elections in Virginia Democrats have taken full control of the state legislature for the 1st time in more than 2 decades this is Governor rough Northam last night I have one question for you Do you ever like the color blue. Do you like the color blue. Sun here to officially declare today November the 5th 2019 that Virginia is officially been converted relation that's for Ginia in Kentucky the Democratic candidate for governor is declaring victory though that one is a bit more complicated to explain all of this I'm joined by N.P.R.'s Sarah McCammon Hi Sarah Hi David So let's start with Kentucky the gubernatorial race this is a race where President Trump invested some some capital he went there he stumped for the incumbent Republican Matt Bevin but the result sounds like still in limbo right I mean President Trump won in Kentucky in 2016 by about 30 points so I think the hope among Republicans was that he would help push Bevan over the edge but as we heard Democratic attorney general Andy Bashir is claiming victory over the incumbent Bevan Bevan hasn't conceded yet but the sheer made a victory speech last night where he repeatedly think teachers who supported him a lot and he sounded a lot like a Democrat in a conservative state and tonight I think we showed this country that in Kentucky we can disagree with each other while still respected one another this is a close close race we are not conceding this raised by any stretch and that 2nd place David of course was a Republican governor Matt Bevin who went on to say that there's been quote more than a few irregularities in the election but didn't give specifics now if this year's lead holds this would be a big loss for him in the state but again Trump won by close to 30 points but Bevan has been very unpopular he's known for. His clashes with teachers' unions which is why teachers have supported Bashir so much but we should add it's not totally unusual especially in a year without a big Republican at the top of the national ticket for a Democrat to win in Kentucky like this in fact this year's own father also a Democrat was the governor just before Bevan and we should say there was a governor's race in Mississippi as well right yeah and there was good news there for Republicans in Mississippi is of course a deeply red state the previous governor had been a Republican but was term limited out and Republican lieutenant governor Tate Reeves has won that one keeping that state in the Republican column Ok let's move to where you are you're in Richmond Virginia where Democrats it sounds like are celebrating what seems like a significant victory Yeah I was at the Democratic watch party here in Richmond last night there was a lot of excitement about taking over the state house here which has been a goal for a long time they're portraying this as a big win for Democrats nationally to heading into 2020 and David you know for 10 years off year elections tend to get a lot of attention just because they're kind of the only game in town or one of the few games in town and that was especially true this year because just 2 years ago Democrats made some big gains in the state house didn't quite take that chamber over this year the entire legislature was up for election so flipping Virginia was a big goal for Democrats nationally there's been a lot of investment in these races and a lot of celebration after last night and it comes at the end of what I'm sure you remember was a tough year for Virginia Democrats remember the black face scandal involving Governor Ralph nor thems medical school yearbook and just a cascading series of scandals from the executive branch there so that prompted a lot of concern among Democrats about what that might mean for the selection but they pulled out a big victory and meanwhile the Republican House speaker Kirk Cox who narrowly held on to his seat but will not be speaker anymore released a statement congratulating Democrats calling on members to treat each other with respect I mean the big question is there anything we can read from these elections yesterday that would tell us something about 2020. I mean overall this is really good news for Democrats of course but you can only read so much from off year elections when turnout is lower you know it's a state by state kind of you have to look at each state individually and of course there's a long way to go between now and Election Day 2020 a long way to go but it's going to come quickly and for Sam and them and from Richmond Virginia Sarah thanks yeah thank you. U.s. Supreme Court today hears a case that could reshape one of the country's most significant environmental laws it centers on a dispute over waste water and coral reefs Hawaii Public Radio's Ryan Finnerty reports on Maui the local government has been injecting treated waste water underground for decades it was viewed as safer and cheaper than discharging waste water into the ocean which would require a permit under the Clean Water Act That's because the 1972 act regulates the discharge of pollutants into surface waters like oceans lakes and rivers but it does not cover pollution of groundwater but in 2006 the Hawaii Department of land and natural resources found that coral reefs off the coast of West now we were dying at a rapid rate community members suspected injection wells at the local wastewater treatment plant were to blame Hannah Bernard is a marine biologist and director of the Hawaii Wildlife Fund the lead plaintiff in the Supreme Court case we started organizing meetings and sharing information and talking about it and then we got in touch with our e.t.a. The Environmental Protection Agency eventually commissioned a study to find out if there was a physical link between the injection wells and the ocean University of Hawaii geologist Craig Glenn used color dye to track where wastewater from the injection wells was going he says the results were conclusive and a very little evidence of where this water was reaching from those wells who the coastline henna Bernard and other environmentalists sued saying that since the discharge was reaching the ocean that county was violating the Clean Water Act They won twice in federal court but in a similar case from Kentucky a different appeals court. Disagreed the trumpet ministration is backing Now county in this case a reversal from the Obama era e.p.a. It's part of a broader effort to limit federal water protections in favor of state control David Hankin an attorney representing the plaintiffs says the trumpet ministrations stance on groundwater pollution is a departure from longstanding policy really it's every administration since the Ackman of the Clean Water Act vs the Trump administration environmentalist say discharging pollution into groundwater is exploiting a loophole and not what Congress originally intended but if the Supreme Court rules in favor of Mao county that loophole could become law for n.p.r. News I'm Brian Finnerty in Honolulu across the country overdose deaths and also crimes related to methamphetamine are on the rise in Colorado fatal meth overdoses have surpassed heroin right now there aren't any drugs approved to help people get off of math but as Colorado Public Radio's Andrew Dukakis reports some practitioners say there is hope a few years ago methamphetamine became the only thing in the world Melinda McDowell cared about McDowell had used drugs like coke for years she'd smoked crack but no math until one night in 2017 when her mother died suddenly of a stroke that night I went over to a neighbor's house and he had crystal meth. I was hooked from the 1st hit it was the biggest high and every experience then that big high got more and more elusive McDowell's smokes more she went from 240 pounds to 110 Social Services took her children away she tried several times to stop but couldn't Macao started having hallucinations I used to think that there was this black web that was like covering my body kind of like a veil or a jury and I would sit in the mirror and look at it and I would take a knife and try to slice it off then one day Melinda McDowell found herself lying on her bathroom floor figuring she'd die or kill or self she remembered she'd heard about a woman named Nancy Bast a certified addiction counselor and physicians assistant best had recently opened a recovery center in Steamboat Springs Colorado close to where McDowell lived I called Nancy on her phone and I begged her to help me she thought she had goop coming out of her eyes and out of her fingers and she was scratching herself and and she was like I don't know what to do the call came at a good time best had just returned from a convention where she'd heard about several studies and the latest research indicates that the same medication that we use for alcohol use disorder track zone can help to stop the craving methamphetamine now tracks own is also used to reduce the cravings for opioids best had McDowell come into the office and started her on the drug within like 3 or 4 hours I knew something was happening because it had been like 48 hours since I'd smoked anything and the withdrawals started going away the shakes start going away the headaches I wasn't panicking I could feel some relief. And that evening I took my 2nd pill and I knew that something was different a few cautionary notes here studies indicate now tracks phone will only help some people with methamphetamine addiction and it isn't federally approved for use with math in fact no drug is yet that means health care professionals have to prescribe it off label which makes it harder to get insurance to pay for but with meth abuse growing scientists have stepped up their testing of several drugs already on the market to see if they or some combination of them are effective with methamphetamine other researchers are trying to develop new drugs My name is London . Research Project is trying to discover a novel therapeutic for methamphetamine use disorders Toscan is at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. Releases go from. The chemical in your brain that makes you feel happy and rewarding a fact and what we're trying to. Call that will block methamphetamines effect Toscan has been testing the chemical with rodents trained to push a lever to get an i.v. Infusion of methamphetamine once the animals are given the chemical they stop pressing the lever they don't seem to be interested in doing that anymore when our novel compound has been administered and says more research is needed back in Steamboat Springs Melissa McDowell says getting off math has been arduous even with the medicine which she still takes and she continues to have fears the methamphetamine will lure her back yeah there's always a fear I'm an addict I mean I'm always going to be an at it for the rest of my life even McDowell credits the meds for helping her stay sober now for more than a year for n.p.r. News. Exploring the creative possibilities. Of the heart. Of the. Past 5. A crash involving an overturned big rig. Low clouds even dense fog in some spots this morning but should be sunny later on today highs the upper sixty's to mid seventy's beach upper seventy's to mid eighty's in the valleys support train p.r. Comes from little passports there new science junior subscription per kid Sainz to inspire curiosity designed to bring projects to life while utilizing new science concepts more at little passports dot com from his contacts his colleagues tailors its policies to fit the unique needs of each small business an information on insurance policies are available at his cox dot com His contacts business insurance experts and from. Committed to the idea that while most things in life run out from clean shirts in the morning to a favorite dessert of night time income retirement should not learn more a to. Slash never run out it's $522.00. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm David Greene and I'm Rachel Martin protesters in Iraq are demanding changes to the political system and they are dying because of it more than 250 protesters have been killed since early October N.P.R.'s Jane Arraf has reported that some of those protesters were shot in the head or the chest by Iraqi security forces the u.s. Embassy in Baghdad is out with a statement this morning it reads for the Iraqi government to quote engage seriously and urgently with Iraqi citizens who are demanding these political changes Iraq's president has said the prime minister intends to step down and that there would be changes to the electoral system I'm joined now by rend choose the former Iraqi ambassador to the United States Ambassador thanks for being with us thank you very much for having me how does a spiraled out of control why are the security forces killing unarmed civilians because the state simply cannot respond to the demands of this in the citizens and if they do respond it means dismantling the existing power structure in Iraq and that to some. Thing that the political class simply cannot countenance and therefore the only remedy they have all the only response they can have is through violence in order to quell the protests but I don't think they will be able to do that they proper response would have been to engage with the protesters to put a timeline a time horizon to real reforms that the protesters are demanding and to declare that they would be a caretaker government and a caretaker government parliament until such such reforms are implemented within say a timeframe of 6 months that I think is the only remedy that can actually come for the protesters and persuade them to reduce the level of protest but I don't think the the state the government all parliament or the political parties are willing to do so we spoke with the former head of Iraq's electoral commission. And this is what he had to say they want to change it. From. The president he would like you are like by many on it's a rough ride but he's saying there that the protesters want an complete overhaul want the system to be a presidential like the u.s. Or France do you think that's what should happen Well 1st of all I think he's quite wrong there are arguments or there are some people who are requesting a presidential system instead of parliamentary but I don't think this is a universal demand I think this is the only parts parts of the protesters some of the protests as I don't think this is a good idea we have had presidential systems for decades and we know that in Iraq in a nascent democracy really not even a democracy we're not there yet but in a nation like Iraq this will lead to dictatorship it will lead to one man rule and we have already had a lot of that and we know what it leads to a parliamentary system. Is the best system the problem is not whether it's presidential upon the mentary it is that it's venal it's corrupt it's unresponsive to the needs of the nation the country is supposedly rich but we have a level of poverty that is 23 percent the political class simply neglects the population there have been there has been no infrastructure no schools no no hospitals no jobs I'm sorry to interrupt you but what is the ruling party's incentive to change if the protests are the ruling parties have no incentive to change and this is why they're only response is violence and I believe that there will be an increase in violence and we're even today there is talk about declaring martial law and suspending articles in the Constitution in order to legitimize greater violence to squash the protests and this is where I see it going and this will require a move by the international community to stop it this is a sort of burial of the nascent democracy we're supposed to have in Iraq former Iraqi ambassador to the United States Rend Rahim thank you so much for your time this morning we appreciate it thank you Rachel. Nigeria has submitted its 1st ever Oscar entry but the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences says the film does not qualify for the international category and that is sparking criticism Here's N.P.R.'s Mandalit del Barco. The Nigerian movie Lionheart stars Genevieve Nadji as a young woman who takes over her father's transportation business when he falls. Down depending on me to come. Lionheart is also her directorial debut it premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival last year and is now on Netflix is. One of just 11 minutes of dialogue are spoken in the language. Ebo the rest is in Nigeria's official language English the academy says that's why lion heart is in the eligible for the prize that from 1956 until this year was known as foreign language film on Twitter not she wrote this movie represents the way we speak as Nigerians She added This includes English which acts as a bridge between the $500.00 plus languages spoken in our country she alluded to Nigeria having been colonized by Britain director Ava Du Vernay and others also criticized the film's disqualification Scott Feinberg is the Hollywood Reporter's awards columnist I feel sorry for Nigeria it's the 1st time that they've ever submitted a film for this category at the Oscars and you know it's by all accounts a very good film Feinberg is sympathetic but he says the non English rules remain even if the categories name changed a statement from the academy said the intent of the award is unchanged to recognize the accomplishments in films created outside of the u.s. In languages other than English saying the term foreign was outdated the Academy renamed the category last April after director off on so quite on's Oscar acceptance speech for Roma I grew up watching foreign language film some learning some much from them and being inspired she wants like came jaws. Rush from on. Big old farm going broke loose in response to. Saying that foreign language is all the eye of the beholder they've renamed it international feature film but they didn't change the mission or the criteria and we can debate whether or not they should but this is a rule that's been on the books for more than a half century Feinberg says Lionheart could qualify in other categories though it would be tough he suggests the Academy could have been more explicit with its renamed category the British Academy Awards the quote best film not in the English language. N.p.r. News. This is n.p.r. News today I'm presently is the cradle of Mexican cuisine here in l.a. The cradle of the community is a restaurant in Koreatown. It's really nice as period of the. Brand the recipes and tradition. And. I have a neighbor and he's got this boat sized wood paneled station wagon thing is his kids went to college long time ago he's not driving it just moving it around parking tickets. So I told him hey I get. When you are ready. You can. Turn your radio you can do it. On flash cars. Live from n.p.r. News and Washington I'm Winsor Johnston Democrats are celebrating election victories in Virginia where they have regained control of the state legislature for the 1st time in decades N.P.R.'s Giles Snyder says the race for governor in Kentucky remains too close to call with all of Kentucky's voting precincts reporting to him a crowded state attorney general and the Bush year holds a slim lead in the governor's race and even though Bashir delivered a victory speech last night Republican incumbent Matt Bevin has refused to concede the governor's race in Mississippi was unusually close but Republican lieutenant governor Tate Reis defeated Democratic attorney general Jim Hood in Virginia voters handed control of the state legislature to Democrats for the 1st time in more than 20 years N.P.R.'s Snyder reporting Iran says it's starting the process of enriching uranium in ways that violate the 2015 nuclear agreement N.P.R.'s Peter Kenyon says Iran invited u.n. Nuclear inspectors to verify the process the head of Iran's nuclear program says once uranium gas is injected into advanced centrifuges they will begin enriching nuclear fuel to 5 percent purity still far from weapons grade but in violation of the nuclear deal the moves are being done as u.n. Inspectors are on the ground to verify the steps last year the u.s. Pulled out of the deal and re impose sanctions on Iran That's N.P.R.'s Peter Kenyon this is n.p.r. News. Voters in San Francisco overwhelmingly rejected a ballot initiative that would have overturned a ban on the sale and distribution of e. Cigarettes Laura climb bans from member station k.q.e.d. Reports the measure would have allowed the sale of babying devices and nicotine cartridges with some new restrictions the cigarette company tools labs poured millions into the proposition to overturn the ban before pulling out of the measure in September still the issue remained on the ballot and it was him to leave voted down city supervisor shame on Walton co-author the band and he celebrated as return started coming in other municipalities across the country will be able to look to San Francisco and say we be Julie sabbatical and so. San Francisco is the 1st major u.s. City to ban the sale of e. Cigarettes the measure will go into effect on January 1st for n.p.r. News I'm Laura Clive ends in San Francisco authorities have arrested a suspect in the massacre of 9 Americans including 6 children on the Mexican side of the border on Monday the arrest comes a day after the family was brutally attacked by criminal groups while driving near the Us Mexico border Mexico Security secretary says the gunmen may have mistaken there are vehicles for those of rival drug gangs on Wall Street Dow futures are trading higher You're listening to n.p.r. News from Washington and on this Wednesday morning this is new I'm cherry Glaser good to have you here while the Wednesday morning commute getting off to a very bumpy start just getting reports of Iraq out of the West Valley Police want to want to Los Virgina us as many as 4 vehicles and bald and apparently only the right lane may be open right now that's on the eastbound want to one last version as they're trying to get it moved over to the right shoulder Sigler continues in Baldwin Park eastbound 10 of the 6 o 5 were a big rig overturned only the right lane available to you there is. Long Beach north bound for. Earlier gravel and the right to lanes are out of commission not too far away. 10 that's where a big break in a car collided getting reports of some dense fog this morning to be burning off for plenty of sunshine today though highs in the upper sixty's mid seventy's along the coast to upper seventy's to mid eighty's in the valleys pretty much the same. Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations and from the ring foundation in support of N.P.R.'s continued mission to create a more informed one challenge in invigorated by deeper understanding of events ideas and cultures and. Committed to bridging science in the arts to develop a common language so that they can better understand other more information. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm David Greene good morning poor over the transcripts coming out of the impeachment inquiry and a name really starts to stand out Rudy Giuliani the former mayor of New York is now president personal lawyer and clearly a central figure in the emerging narrative with each release it seems we get a fuller picture of just how heavily he was involved in the u.s. Relationship with Ukraine so let's sort this out with N.P.R.'s senior political editor. Morning David So we're learning not just about Giuliani's interactions with with Ukraine but also with the State Department it can you give us sort of a thumbnail of what's coming together here well you know he really led this alternative foreign policy and really outside the regular channels of the State Department interacted with people from the State Department you know all roads in the Ukraine a fair lead back to Rudy Giuliani it's becoming very clear. We've known that he was the person who led this alternative foreign policy this pressure campaign but his role has become even clearer based on these than you know more than a 1000 pages of transcripts text messages released over the last 2 days put a finer point on a Giuliani's name came up more than 400 times as the 2 transcripts released yesterday from Basser. And former ambassador occurred Voelker Democrats kept asking about him he was the 1st person mentioned by Democratic investigators and his mention continued throughout Well let's get a little more specific here I mean one of the things that seemed to emerge yesterday was about President Trump's desire you know not just for some sort of corruption investigation but for a public statement from the president of Ukraine that in now seeing the investigation we're learning more about how Giuliani might have been involved in that yeah we know that embassador Volcker for example detailed that Giuliani wanted to Crane's president to make a public statement that mention 2 conspiracy theories the ones we keep talking about one about the 2016 election and one about a Ukrainian energy company brás mo which former Vice President Biden's son Hunter was on the board of Volcker thought it was inappropriate that that be included in a public statement he relayed that so did Ukrainian officials who didn't want to get involved in domestic u.s. Politics Giuliani though insisted according to Volcker and said if you craniums didn't do it then they weren't serious the translation here was a Giuliani was speaking for the president and we know that the president asked for basically that on the his phone call with Ukraine's president asking Ukraine's president to do him a favor and investigate the Bidens with each new mention of Giuliani news transcripts you have to believe House Democrats want to speak to him more and more . Absolutely they want to speak to him more and more but he's already said citing attorney client privilege he's not going to testify it seems kind of tenuous to cite attorney client privilege given that he wasn't in the White House and wasn't acting as the president's lawyer in litigation but more like his constantly area representative in this alternative foreign policy pressure campaign well so I mean he's a private citizen he's not a White House employing are there tools that Congress has to get him to talk either publicly or you know in one of these closed door sessions as part of this impeachment inquiry Well I mean potentially if they go to court and try to fight this but they say that they don't want to be dragged into court they want to get this impeachment situation dealt with and over with in a timely way not let it slip too far into the new year in an election year Adam Schiff said he doesn't want to have to you know drag this out in court and that it would just be used as an article of impeachment of obstruction Remember though there is this southern district of New York investigation that's already ensnared 2 Giuliani associates be interesting to see what comes of that and that's an office remember Giuliani ran as u.s. Attorney N.P.R.'s American want to now thanks to Monica you're welcome earlier this week McDonald's announced that its c.e.o. Had had a consensual relationship with an employee that violated company policy that he was out of a job but he got a lot of money on his way out the door tens of millions of dollars the story puts new attention on the enormous salary of the c.e.o. In the widening gap with the income of those on the front line flipping burgers and taking orders Here's N.P.R.'s. Almost $42000000.00 That's how much McDonald's will pay Stephen Easterbrook who was fired for violating company policy he's getting 6 months of severance plus stock options and other awards worth all that money according to pay consultants a quill r. And that doesn't even include the additional $24000000.00 in stock options that Easterbrook can cash out now wow he is walking. Lot of money Cornell Law School Professor Stuart Schwab is an expert on employment law and so it comes out as part of the story of just wow you know that one percent gets a lot more money than the rest of the workers in this economy it's actually a story that connects a few of the most controversial threads of today's corporate America that was one the widening income gap last year c.e.o. Easterbrook made more than 2000 times more money than a median McDonald's employee the 2nd thread is the complex power dynamic between bosses and employees in the Me $2.00 era Easterbrook that fired over a consensual relationship with an employee McDonald's prohibits dating or sexual relationships between managers and employees I asked what would happen if this policy was violated by a worker at the bottom of the totem pole you probably just fired in the door with nothing at the very least you'd never get 6 months of severance The reason is to Brooke is getting such a rich deal is because McDonald's board of directors decided that he was not fired for cause meaning his actions were entirely agree just the company did not respond to N.P.R.'s inquiries terminating someone for cause can be tricky each company has its own threshold and when a lot of money is at stake a lawsuit is very likely says Charles Elson professor of corporate governance at the University of Delaware and usually it drags on for a long time and rather than let it gated companies will agree that if it's a pleasant Mickel departure they'll pay the severance problems over and an Easter break Skase the departure was likely amicable after he joined in 2015 the company's stock price reached historic highs as he pushed to revamp the menu and upgrade the restaurants but his tenure also overlapped with a growing chorus of female workers alleging rampant sexual harassment by coworkers and managers at McDonald's restaurants most of them are owned by franchisees. This was in May when McDonald's workers in 13 cities protested low pay and the company's handling of alleged sexual harassment in recent years dozens of women have filed complaints alleging lewd comments and groping but also retaliations lawyers who work with these women say speaking out against their harassers sometimes caused them to lose shifts get disciplined even lose jobs Kim Lawson is a former McDonald's worker from Kansas City Missouri her claim of sexual harassment and retaliation is spending with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission We're not asking for the pay us $40000000.00 which is. What they're working less but so is find a better solution to this issue that there's something equally to be clear former c.e.o. Easterbrook Scase is not one of sexual harassment but his very lucrative firing is a reminder of how differently American workers get treated at the top and the bottom of the corporate ladder. N.p.r. News. This is n.p.r. News and you are listening to. On Thursday Nov 21st. Public Square present what can life on the Us Mexico border teach America in downtown l.a. New York Times correspondent Simone Romero anthropologist Cecilia baie and author of visits to explore the region's realities beyond the headlines this event is free and open to the public for details visit Casey r.w. Dot com slash events. A key witness in the impeachment inquiry now admits there were conditions attached to the release of military aid for Ukraine coming up you'll hear about some the details coming to line with the latest release of hearing trains scripts. For more on in Southern California it's time to prepare if you wait until you can see the flames that's too late you know you just don't have the time to get out when these things anymore what are they doing to panga on our climate change. You're listening to k.c. R.w. . Next time on All Things Considered North Carolina is the nation's biggest producer of tobacco how the trumpet ministrations trade war with China is destroying the state's already struggling industry why a Belgian scientist was pushed aside for being recognized for isolating the Ebola virus and how a new program trains much needed interpreters to help non English speakers testify in court plus local news weather and traffic it's All Things Considered from n.p.r. And k.c. R.w. a Wednesday edition starts at 3. Trouble spots all over the place out on the freeways this morning starting out in Diamond Bar South am 57 a temple that's a big rig hauling a tanker was rear ended by a car they managed to make it over to the right shoulder Baldwin Park eastbound 10 at the 6 o 5 only the right lane opened there due to an earlier crash involving an overturned semi Long Beach north found for all 5 at Palla verity the right to Lane still blocked for another hour or so due to a crash involving a dump truck that apparently spilled. Gravel and then in Calabasas. Virgina says many as 6 vehicles we're now being told may have collided here looks like there's some injuries involved and the middle lanes are blocked that's on the East want to want to us should be sunny today after the morning burn off highs in the upper sixty's to mid seventy's along the coast upper seventy's to mid eighty's in the valleys right now in downtown l.a. It's 56 degrees 57 carpentering. So portray n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations and from stars presenting the original series Dublin murders based on the novels in the woods and the likeness by Tana French. Premier's November 10th. Skills Tess for employers who want to see a deeper sense of the person behind. Com slash. 45. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm David Greene and I'm Rachel Martin if you had the chance to spend some time looking at photos and hearing old stories from a member of the Beatles would you be interested Yeah of course he would be. In addition to playing drums likes taking photos and making art he puts out these coffee table books for charity and they feel a little bit like scrapbooks with funny notes in the margins where did all these photos come from I'm imagining a bunch of shoe boxes stuck in stars closet. There's all sorts of weird stuff in here like some recent snapshots out of one of the room windows in New York's Plaza Hotel. There are a couple limos a horse and carriage but none of the hysterical crowds that met the Beatles when they stayed there on their 1st us tour Tell me about the significance of these you know I was there in the room and memories come flooding back and so I go over to the window and I felt I was like in the same rooms that we were in in the sixty's. Then of course where I took like that square that's below the fold It was. Very incredible moment in my life the bad side was that there was a lot of people everybody sort of wanted something and we all ended up in one of the bathrooms we had all the streets and we ended up in a bathroom just to have a break from the pressure just to shut everybody out just to have a break and it's so interesting to now look at these photos they just sort of look like shots like anyone would take shots that a tourist would take or just someone passing by well at that moment in 2014 I was a tourist I was on tour. You know. Ok I want to ask about the picture on page 42 this is you and George Harrison you're at the premier of the film a hard day's night it's such a lovely photo in the To Do You are these taxes you're smoking cigars Yeah well in those days it mean you know we came out of class Liverpool and within 2 years we were smoking cigars and football ties on you know it was like watch what's going on but we were having fun with it that's what was great yeah intended to be those guys . There's another one. You write in the margins who knew the Abbey Road cover photograph conic. The story . Real suggestions that were being thrown. Talking about the photos in his new book titled another day. Committed to helping people committed to helping people be stronger. And. It's recommended that. Later today. As the number. Of conversations with musicians. Come Wednesday. It's $551.00. Congress still has serious work to do beyond that impeachment investigation Marketplace Morning Report a supported by Progressive Insurance offering a way to buy home insurance with their homecourt Explorer tool custom quotes and rates are available online learn more at progressive dot com or 1800 progressive Now that's progressive and buy Forex dot com helping traders find opportunity in currency trading for over 18 years Forex dot com It's your world trade it for x. Trading involves significant risk of loss David Brancaccio here the investigation of the president is complicating things for congressional budget negotiators all of the drop dead date is November 21st Congress only has 8 working days left when both houses are in session to keep government funded Marketplace's Nancy Marshall Genzer how are these budget negotiations going very slowly David Congress has to pass the president has to sign 12 spending bills that was supposed to be done before the government's new fiscal year started October 1st it wasn't Instead Congress passed what's called a continuing resolution temporary funding and the Trump investigation does not foster a conciliatory mood it does not it just aggravates the gridlock a Congress could pass another continuing resolution that would keep the government going through the end of the year but when it expired lawmakers would have to deal with this all over again at that point the Senate could be in the middle of an impeachment trial and without funding the government shuts down and how our federal agencies doing it's really hard for them to plan continuing resolutions can also force agencies to keep spending on stuff they don't want Todd Harrison at the Center for Strategic and International Studies remembers this happening when the Department of Defense was trying to phase out the c. 17 cargo jet then that money would continue to continue production of that even though d.o.d. Didn't want to and they're trying to get permission from Congress to not buy any more of the jets now Harrison says the Pentagon can try to stall so it doesn't have to spend the money right away. Nancy thank you let's check markets Dow s. And p. And Nasdaq futures are each up just under 2 tenths of a percent about half an hour before the opening bell now we've been remarking here in the newsroom that it seems like a lot of C.E.O.'s were quitting Under Armor Nike at all the firm Challenger Gray and Christmas today confirms $172.00 chief execs left in October the highest month on record some jumped some were pushed others got tired Marketplace Morning Report is supported by Kronos providing h.r. Solutions for the modern workforce and the people who support them learn more of Kronos dot com slash h.r. Swagger 10 by price offering a strategic investing approach that examines opportunities 1st hand since 1937 price invest with confidence the Berlin Wall came down 30 years ago Saturday we've been reporting on the wild amount of money Germany opted to spend to unite east and west the equivalent of $30000.00 per person over 30 years now what if the u.s. Spent that kind of money to reunite an economically divided America that's maybe $10.00 trillion dollars Experts say gaps between booming and lagging areas are set to get worse in the u.s. Given technology the McKinsey Global Institute is map this out across more than 300 cities and $3000.00 counties as part of a future of work forecast this year Katie George is a senior partner at McKinsey Thanks for doing this thank you for having me let's talk about the geography of opportunity do you see a danger that many places in America get left behind as the workplace changes over the next few years and decades. We definitely see that there's going to be an increasing separation between winners and losers geographically across the United States unless there's interventions to change that this is higher resolution analysis than saying rural versus urban That's right it's one of the things that's most interesting is to see how complex this story is and that there are cities that have a lot of momentum and there are also cities that are trailing And similarly on the rural side you see some rural areas that have found a way to continue to modernize the skill sets of their local workforce is talk a little bit more about in the trailing places like what's wrong there I think there are a couple of things that are challenges in the trailing places one of things that we see in all geographies is that there's going to be a tremendous change in the kind of work that needs to get done people will need to use new skills they will need to be able to use digital in a new way to use data in a new way and in some of the trailing cities and in some of the trailing rural areas you see that the workforce is not prepared for that I'm a little worried looking at the report about people who are office workers and also people who are in food preparation and from our own reporting people in retail those didn't look like huge areas of job growth what are now is this look that was basically if you look at the tasks that the job does how often are those tasks the kind of repeatable tasks that could be easily automated so are many lawyers jobs by the way so it's not just about high wage versus low wage and then of course the sector I'm most focused on which is manufacturing has a lot of roles that are going to be most impacted Let's talk about that what has to be done to fuel jobs. That are oriented toward making things as we've studied the most advanced manufacturing facilities around the world one of the things we see is that they're not fully automating production with robotics they're using robots in really smart ways but they're actually augmenting the workers where you seen some places that are effectively doing that we found 26 sites to date that really stand out as being able to adopt these technologies in a way that really move the needle but they are clustered in Europe and in Asia not so many in the United States on that list of $26.00 so far we have found 2 of the $26.00 that are in the United States there may be people who hear this and say we'd like to change that is this a problem that's amenable to government spending this problem is amenable to both government and private sector spending certainly rescaling the workforce is key we also know that some parts of the sector have been slow to invest in new technologies in part because it's hard to actually invest in these new technologies in a way that creates real returns in the near term and so some of the research we're doing is trying to figure out what is the recipe for investing in new technology and getting it to pay off and we think we have some insights there. Katie George is senior partner at the McKinsey consultancy and we're posting a link to the future of work reported marketplace dot org where all of our reunification of America coverage is accumulating Tomorrow we talk to an economist who argues that with interest rates this low low now's the time to spend on things that boost productivity and future prosperity in New York I'm David Brancaccio And this is the Marketplace Morning. From a.p.m. American Public Media. On the newest episode of here be monsters I ask farmers if anyone can be a water where it's just something you have to be born with I mean it's in your body it's your make up for your chemicals or something in your body that you can do it some people can't people can't and why I can I don't know must be because it would be ideal to get a good. Head home. Subscribe to here be monsters wherever you listen to part terrorists. On this Wednesday you are listening to member support a case of santa monica Los Angel us. Santa Barbara Casey our Indio Palmo Springs k.c. Are you. C.r.y. . For and community service of Santa Monica College and n.p.r. For southern California it's 6 o'clock. That morning a key witness in the impeachment inquiry has quote refresh his memory that's according to a newly released transcript is there evidence of a quid pro quo It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. Ambassador Gordon someone else says he told a Ukrainian official that u.s. Military aid likely hinged on pup. Committing to the investigations President Trump on and I'm Rachel Martin and I'm David Greene this hour William bars of all the reputation. Bar was respected by both parties when he became attorney general now critics say he's using the Justice Department to go after the president's opponents and as we celebrate this program's 40 year anniversary we look back at our coverage of science the world's changed a little bit it's Wednesday November 6 actress Emma Stone turns 31 years old. The news is next live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Barbara Kline researchers are announcing an important 1st step toward developing a cancer treatment N.P.R.'s Rob Stein reports it involves a powerful new gene editing technique the research is the 1st attempt to test the gene editing technique called crisper for cancer in the United States University of Pennsylvania scientists removed Keamy and system cells from 3 cancer patients edited the cells and then infuse them back into the patient's bodies and so far the cells seemed to be going after their cancer cells without causing any dangerous side effects the scientists stressed however that it'll take a lot more research to make sure the approach is safe and actually helps patients Rob Stein n.p.r. News for the 1st time.

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