With President Trump but the D.O.J. Says it will not prosecute Komi it's a latest development in an ongoing battle between Komi and Trump who has repeatedly criticized investigation into his 2016 campaign and ties to Russia a Russian opposition leader says she was attacked outside her Moscow home after calling for renewed anti-government protests N.P.R.'s Lucy and Kim reports from Moscow the Russian capital has seen the largest demonstrations in years after opposition candidates were barred from city council elections Sobel a 31 year old lawyer who was denied a spot on the city council ballot has emerged as the leader of the summer's protests she says an unknown assailants blast her with a greenish liquid as she was getting into a cab to go to work on accomplice filmed the incident on his phone. So will sit on social media she wouldn't give up and will continue fighting for the rights of Moscow residents she repeated her call for supporters to turn up for a rally this weekend even though as not been authorized by Moscow's mayor a close ally of President Vladimir Putin most of syllables fellow opposition candidates are serving short jail sentences in the run up to the September election Kim N.P.R. News Moscow a former Amazon software engineers now formally charged with 2 counts of fraud related to the security breach of Capital One a federal grand jury has indicted page Thompson for allegedly creating scanning software that allowed her to target customers of a cloud computing company that Miss configure their firewalls making them vulnerable to attack Capital One was among dozens of companies affected in the security breach This is N.P.R. News medical providers often give cost estimates for procedures but they have no obligation to patients to match those numbers do you think this fight every time trying to understand what you know and keep doing to find it and stress to something that should just be your time straight for the stress of trying to pay for medical care when you can't plan for the costs this afternoon on ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from N.P.R. News. Tune in for that story and more to consider today at 3 right here on K.C. Or W It's morning becomes a clock tick and all week it's been real celebration and also a bit in the style Jekyll of bittersweet as I wrap up my tenure as host of Morning Becomes a collective and music director here at K.C.I. To be this week it all ends on Friday and so we've had some of my predecessors music directors. CHRIS to read this and was here yesterday to give us the lowdown on what the plan is going forward which notably included Raul composts who joins me in studio Hello good morning. Good morning how you know good I'm good it's good to be here in the am Yeah man so you were announced as one of the all stars that will be sitting in on M.B.E. In the months to come that's exciting Yes super exciting thanks for the Jennifer and you obviously for giving me the nod for December it's going to be a blast then December is to me such a great month of the year because obviously the holidays and just all the festivities that come along and there's always a sense of joy in the air so to come in and play records during that month it's going to be it's going to be a hoot now you've been on the air case here have you for some time when did you get started here 20 years February this year was my 20 year anniversary and sort of a newbie and like oh yeah yeah I just started. But different incarnations of the show obviously at the beginning of my case here to be career was filling in for you on Metropolis then I did when's the knights move to Saturday nights with Peter stand in the Richardson and then to weeknights 10 to midnight and then the current state which is the weekends afternoons so no is no stranger to the case he had to be airwaves but did you ever think that the You'd be in you know consideration for for the M.B.E. Posts would have never thought of that now so but yeah just being a fan of the station a fan of yours and you know obviously the predecessors that we've talked about and all the different deejays here at the station everybody just brings a sense. Of just their own flavor to the big old melting pot that the music department is here melting pot I like that you know one of the nice things about having been christened and here in to talk over the last few days is just the sense of the history and the family and I don't know if the casual listener of case here to be fully going to understand that aspect and hopefully it's not something that's too kind of inside baseball but it just shows that these are real people that are putting their passion into something and building community and supporting arts and culture and it's just nice to appreciate that whole dimension and you know what I've loved being particularly mourning becomes a collective is the breaking of new bands and just pushing forward and just breaking those kind of boundaries that are traditional radio boundaries of like what you can play what you cannot play and you know obviously everybody that's come before you and even what you've done in breaking artists and all these great bands that we know and love now and you know it's just going to continue for years and years to come well if we can give you know different deejays a special signature particular style I guess we could say that you have been a champion of Latin alternative Yeah absolutely I mean that's one of the 1st kind of music that I heard back in the day which I wouldn't even consider alternative you know because it's just what I grew up with but then you know obviously getting into all the different John has of like house and hip hop and just the indie rock and everything else that we play but yeah definitely Latin alternative you know with all the classic rock and it's my new old bands like up at the. So this video you name it I mean even to the new bands that are coming out today well that's an important aspect of K.C. Out of your music and you've done a wonderful job representing that and that leads me to one of the selections on this beautiful live from the basement collection it's music from the Talia. She's a sweetheart she's an amazing musician great singer songwriter fantastic performer . And we just witnessed there at the Hollywood Bowl for K. Sort of use role festival series which is also like 20 years saying that and people have been raving about that performance at the ball you know how many times if you think you've been to the Hollywood Bowl over the years I don't count a strike on this and have you ever seen one artist play from beginning to end and I've never seen that so for me you know just witness seen somebody like not the left would gather start right at 7 o'clock which is that's the start time sharp at the ball all the way to the very last now and you know the 1st half play with Gustave to Mal from Venezuela who is the conductor for the L.A. Phil and then her with her band was pretty incredible to me that was kind of historical Yeah yeah well she is included on this double vinyl gatefold edition limited to 1000 pressings we have a song from her it's titled To see such as care I am a if my friend and see if it's imperfect that was bought so we are pleased to offer this to you as a benefit to public radio you can grab this collector's item that's a celebration of Casey out of years basement all live sessions from the basement including the telly law for comedy so let's play a song from this collection and I encourage you to pick up a copy now while they last limited to 1000 pressings and I'm so proud of this collection including some of the different sounds that each each side is kind of a curated mix as I would play on the radio I totally love that it goes from all the different genres and just different styles and it sounds amazing you know some of these a live recording sound even better than the studio performances on the original record which is really cool and well let's take a listen and everybody for the full set list and to snag a copy for yourself today go to K.C. Out of here dot com slash vinyl. A. Hello. I'm sad to hear you'll be leaving the airwaves but I'm sure you'll be on something new and exciting thanks so much for the support of years and for having us on Morning Becomes the correct tick and I wish you all the best for. Us. was . Another amazing recording. Thank. You. So if you're not a member this is a great way to support your public radio station with. Here. From the basement again details Casey out of you dot com slash vinyl compass is here with me in studio he'll be taking the M.B.E. Seat in the month of December 1 of a few case here to be All-Stars that will be taking turns and ultimately the choice for who will be the host of Morning Becomes a collective going forward are you nervous at all considering this is kind of this is I mean let's face it this is kind of a public audition I was definitely thinking about that and yeah that you know I'm sure right now it's all it's a little more calm but as it gets closer to like wow it's like you know $31.00 days of December you know and you know the majority of that is going to be 3 hours every morning which is going to cool the I'm going to have a lot of fun with it yeah are going to do a live sessions and hopefully of course of course already again been kicking around a couple ideas so it comes with the territory expect a live sessions so we're talking off air a moment ago about how much of a difference the show makes for artists and the radio station overall makes for artists careers and it's true when we speak to these these different artists and of course the different testimonials are a indication of this as well of how much the station means to emerging talent and that's something that's a part of what we do on morning becomes a collective but I'd like to turn the tables and ask you how has Casey out of you changed you over the years have you felt like you've grown up with this station totally because there are so many genres of music that I would never consider myself an expert in but just a little bit that I've learned over the years of world music jazz you know obviously like indie rock and you know I've always been a fan of like hip hop in urban and you know dance and electronic and of course Latin alternative but there's so much more music out there that you know before getting here to case you're listening to case here W was basically clueless you know so to learn at least a little bit and scratched the surface of these huge yonder as it's. Very important to me so well you know role something I have AS appreciate about you is your You're such a booster he is such a cheerleader for the station I see you at pretty much every case you are to be events not even the ones you're working you know and you do contributor time to D.J. And support different public events that we do but you always just show up for the team well ultimately they're fun events and you know you whether it's the contest or whether it's one of our summer nights or a live remote that you may be good at the Hollywood Bowl or something like that you know these are fun events and you know yeah I'm on the air you know a couple hours a day or 2 days a week but the rest of the time I'm a listener and a supporter just like everybody else out there so if I'm invited to an event and I know it's going to be fun I'm definitely good to try to make it so we've been celebrating morning becomes a collective both the past and the future and asking some of our friends and guests in studio to pick selections that they may associate with this radio show I know there are songs that everyone every listening right now has some songs that they'll always connect always associated with Morning Becomes Eclectic So to put you on the spot roll give me one song that you'll always think about. With Morning Becomes A There's been so many driveway moments as you know as you're pulling up and it's like a song that you hear and you don't know what it is and this was before like you know all the information came up on the website or before she was more things like that we had to actually kind of sit and wait for the D.J. To announce what was the song and I heard something that was kind of like Trip Poppy this was again you know back in the late ninety's my 1st kind of like days here at the station and it was a song by Moby Now I've always known Moby as you know like the big techno anthems from back in the day and there was some other things that came out later on like I like to score and things like that but but I heard the song honey and I was like What is this. You know and come to find out it was the new Moby backed band and it led to the album Play that we all came to know and love as was the lead single from us and hearing like Nick Harcourt played on Morning Becomes a collective back then like what is this and sure enough come to find out it's Moby and to later on in the years just champion more of his new music and become a friend of his because he's a good friend of the family here a case here and I guess that song is one of those ones that sticks out with so many other great artists later we can talk about like will go 07 the war on drugs you name it well I have just cued of Moby Sonny So let's listen to that and I want to invite the audience to also tell us what their pick that they'll always what one song that they'll always associate some morning because the collective tell us you can tweet us at M B E K C R W and share your selection for a morning becomes a collective best of joining me in studio with this our compass. I. That was a good one that's that's Moby and the song honey from the album play I like that choice because as you said Moby has been such a supporter and friend of Casey out of you he has performed at benefit events and come join us on air and in studio so many times and it's just speaks to his his activism and just social consciousness Yeah in like he said he's been such a friend to the family here at the you for many years and you know he's one of those kind of guys that. Unlike all his profits like he donates into to great causes around town whether it's animal rights or whatever he's involved with and it's cool to see like these artists that we've championed over the years do greater things not just with their music but just in society that's true all right so that was a good one but I have one for you now and it's another good friend of the station going back and I would also always associate it with certainly with Casey R.W. And with Morning Becomes a collective and that is Thievery Corporation. Please . Please please. Please. Please. Please. Pal chairman James just wanted to wish you Happy Trails bon voyage. And wishes for a beautiful next chapter. In your life. And thank you for all support even given the music that I've been involved with and thanks for turning us all on to some much great music over the years. Here's your lotsa love to you for a great next chapter in your life thanks but. Deep. Deep. Wound. How. Crazy you. Need the dark. Just as much. As the sun. Did. You eat. Eat. You. Used to steal. To. Expose me. Gonna lie close. To the. Stream to. Just put me to. Feel. Just. And. Strong. And. In. I. Am supposed to be. It's morning because the clock tick I'm Jason Bentley and we are celebrating recognizing my tenure which is coming to a close tomorrow finishing up that will be my last day as host of Morning Becomes a collective and as music director of K.C. R.W. Of course it's been a joy of a lifetime I cannot tell you how much of a pleasure it has been to serve for you guys the community listeners that make up public or radio K C R W And I'm especially proud to be able to offer on my way out . This. But edition double vinyl collection is called Live from the basement I put together 19 different live recordings from Casey out of these old basement studios which was really the defining times of the golden era of K.C. I tell you not to say that we can't meet and exceed those standards but still what we did in the basement is the gold standard for K.C. R.W. Radio I'm sure you would agree it was a truly magical time because you're in this basement you know we're literally underneath the cafeteria at Santa Monica College and yeah the you know the the the carpets were dirty and you know everything. The funniest thing was like trying to keep the equipment going you know in so many times we had issues with the board we'd go off the air you know and there's just hate public radio and you know thank God for pledge drives and fantastic engineers who fix the equipment you know yeah we made it work you know that's the thing that we don't really talk about is that the time in the basements was a daily reminder of sort of this D.I.Y. Ethic that really was part of our our culture as an organization was that we can do it despite the odds we can do it of course now we are in a beautiful state of the art facility 3 floors 30000 square feet I think there are 14 studios here I don't even know I haven't even been in all of the studios here at the new K.C. R.W. So I assure you they'll be much more magic to cut radio magic to come in the future for K.C. R.W. But we're sort of just getting nostalgic about the old days in the basements and we've got this beautiful compilation as a way to celebrate inviting you to pick up a copy we have a limited pressings to 1000 copies and I think they were right about halfway there to sell out so make sure you have yours today go to K.C. How to be a dot com slash vinyl and it sounds great it looks great and you know I'm a big vinyl junkie so I can't wait to get my copy and you know you know. You know me I'm a big fan of getting like the artist to autograph the record so I think you're going to sign my copy. And also speaking of the future of the bright future of this radio station you know I'll be in a lesser role but I'll still be doing metropolis on Saturday nights and word yesterday that on N B E We're going to have you all star deejays taking a turn hosting the show in the months to come including you roll and going to start off with September then it's going to be Garth Trinidad and it's going to be Aaron bird myself I'm going to be doing the December and. January of the new year so we're excited I mean it's an amazing show to be part of and to be filling in on occasion and now to do an entire month it's going to be a lot of fun what we all look forward to that in the meantime as I wrap up my time as host of M.B.E. We've been celebrating with some favorite picks M.B.E. Classics from years past and I have one for you cued up but let's take a quick break and then I'll share with you a song that I always associate to the very early days I want to call this a Thompson novel. Can make for you so stay with us it's morning becomes a collective case the R.W. Sponsors include H.B.O. Presenting Barry season 2 follows a depressed hit man trying to exclusively focus on the theater while being untangled in a violent criminal triangle nominated for 17 Emmys including outstanding comedy series today on press play Mandy Moore recorded her 1st single at 14 by 15 she was touring the country with in sync now at 35 she plays the matriarch and highest rated drama this is it's such a cathartic experience to sort of this amalgamation of everything that I've kind of lived over the last 10 years and put it all and I'm Madeleine Brand many more on a 1st Emmy nomination Bryan Adams and making news again today and I'm pressed by OK . All right so you're ready for my pick of ready made favorites. M.B.E. Song also we invite you guys out there to share your pick for a song that you'll always associate with Morning Becomes a collective You can tweet us at M B E K C R W and we'll try and get that on the air this morning so roll my pick is a record that I really I 1st heard way way way back so I don't know how many people out there in the audience will even connect with this choice but it's a group I think I believe they're from Scotland and they're called the Blue Nile Corps and the album hats at the time was just a K C R W sensation it was one of those records that kind of came out of nowhere and everyone loved it so this song is called the downtown lights it's music from the Blue Nile K C R W. playing my songs. And it was just such validation. And opened up so many doors for me and he gave me a voice and a pirate form where when I never had one before. A couple weeks ago we played the main stage a lollapalooza it was on reel and I felt led after the show to send him a message and it was simple the message was this I said I hope you take pride in this because you deserve it. So on behalf of myself and all of the band say you have given voice to I say thank you sir congratulations on 10 years and I can't wait to see what you do next. Nile the down town by it's from the album hats I'm Jason Bentley. We are getting the static we're we're celebrating mourning becomes a collector because I wrap up my tenure as host of the show and as music director of K.C. R.W. Role is in studio role I'm not crying you're crying and I'm not crying you're great you're crying when nothing's got kind of things that kind of sentimental there thanks to you to Mr Mondo cause now you know we're talking about different artists that have you know just it's so emotional and powerful I mean I can tell you like there was a couple times that I literally had to walk out of the studio while I was doing my show just because one of the songs just triggered this emotion yeah I got I got to get out I mean I like our of music you know the power of music has that effect told people you know but we live our lives and we still come every day to do our radio shows and a big part of doing a radio show is expression right you know I don't know if people fully appreciate that all the time they just think oh you know what's on the radio it's on the radio they don't know how it happens and specially literally being hand picked music again and it goes to 2 like the Jane out in a club or an event or you know where where you're creating this kind of emotional ride you know with your set of music it's the same thing that we take to the airwaves here we have our show but you can't do that without So you know life happening at the same time told and so you know it was you know it's a death it's a birth it's challenges it's good. Times it's bad times and it all happens together and I think music is that powerful connective tissue that brings us all to the same place and that's really the magic of it man and we lay it out there I mean literally by the songs were playing you can hear our emotions and I remember we were doing an apogee session and I think you were interviewing. Who shoot blanking on their name right now but you were talking about being on the treadmill listening to the album. Future i lose your islands Yeah yeah and just how like it grabbed you and it sent you on this kind of like trip and just your ball Yeah I was like crying at the on the on the treadmill at the gym but imagine that listening to the future I like I actually could see you when you don't you don't have any reservations in telling that story and you had an audience there of like 150 people that we do at apogee sessions you know and then of course to to the radio airwaves where it's tens of thousands or how many ever you know we have and it just goes to show that it is an emotional powerful medium that is music I mean it takes you there takes you to different places and you know we just want more of that in the future obviously and it will be there for you so you're going to be one of the hosts covering M.B.E. In the months to come the month of December will be your month and very excited for that So best of luck to you my friend and thanks for joining me this hour too to get nostalgic about M.B.E. But also get excited about what the future holds for Casey and you have selected one song that she will always associate with Morning Becomes a collective Yeah and in the more recent 10 year you know that you've been you know host of The right here in the big chair and being a huge fan of the war on drugs you know the last 2 albums have topped our charts for there for the annual Best of that we do and you know seen him again you know at places like the Hollywood Bowl or apogee sessions it always takes me to morning becomes a collector can specially the 1st time I heard red eyes I was like what. Is this you know they already had an album previously but it wasn't really until this kind of hit the mainstream and that's really when he grabbed me all right thanks for coming through Thank you for everything you've done thanks. Live from N.P.R. News in Washington I'm Lakshmi saying instead of getting ready for cookouts or leisurely visits to the beach this Labor Day weekend many people in Central and South Florida are busy stocking up for another hurricane and this one could make landfall Sunday as a destructive Category 4 storm with top winds of 130 miles per hour forecasters are projecting the hurricane Dorian will gain strength over the next 72 hours fueled by the warm waters of the Atlantic the Justice Department's inspector general's office .

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