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He for research in child development issued a statement it cites quote overwhelming scientific evidence that separation between children and parents is harmful for development research on families separated by World War 2 documents increased mental health problems as well as higher mortality all the way into adulthood and there is evidence that separation can harm adolescents as well as small children the statement said on the cabinets n.p.r. News protests planned in Hong Kong after student Representatives rejected an invitation for dialogue with the territory's leaders N.P.R.'s Emily Fang reports student leaders said the invitation was too little too late the invitation came after a small group of protesters broke into Hong Kong's Legislative Council Building on Monday spray painting slogans on the walls and destroying furniture Hong Kong has been roiled by protest against an extradition deal that many residents see as a sign of growing control from Beijing leaders suspended the bill that protesters are calling for a permanent withdrawal for their protests events are planned for this weekend including one by a Hong Kong mothers Association this is n.p.r. News on the Saturday you are listening to Casey r.w. I'm cherry Glaser urban search and rescue teams from the l.a. County and Orange County Fire departments are on their way to Ridgecrest to assist with emergency response and to help in assessing damage to homes and businesses after the most recent powerful earthquake the magnitude 7 point one hit last night along the same fault as Thursday's $6.00 shaker killed tacks on a small just Lucy Jones says Thursday's quake is now being considered a foreshock to the more powerful one that hit last night when an aftershock becomes bigger than the main shock we change the name and call the 1st one a foreshock So everything up before the 7 point one would be considered a foreshock to this earthquake people reported feeling the shaking as far away as Las Vegas and parts of Mexico but few have the same vantage point as Carolina Miranda she says. Lafe writer for The Los Angeles Times when the quake hit she and members of her family were on the 71st floor of the will sure Grand Center that's the Korean Air skyscraper in downtown l.a. With a restaurant at the top she spoke with Casey r.w. Immediately after I've been through a lot of earthquakes including some big earthquakes and I have to say there's nothing quite like being on the 71st story had just amplify the experience not only did everything kind of start moving in rolling and creating this kind of I got the noise after the earthquake was over the tower because of the engineering system that it's built on kept a rolling so we felt this rolling motion going on for about 5 minutes that's right 5 minutes shaking in the tallest building west of the Mississippi after the shaking finally stopped the elevators were template shut down ultimately everyone got back down to the ground now that the sun is up work crews are going to be assessing the situation and looking for possible damage on everything from freeway overpasses to water reservoirs there are already reports of cracked buildings and injuries in the communities most directly affected in Kern in San Bernardino County as Ridgecrest police chief says only minor injuries cuts and bruises were reported there support for n.p.r. Comes from the station and from listeners like you thank you for making public radio possible information on how to become a member of the station is available at dot com slash joy. It's $630.00. This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Renee Montagne people in Southern California are on edge today bracing for aftershocks from the most powerful earthquake in 2 decades it hit last night a magnitude 7 point one quake centered near Ridgecrest about 100 miles north of Los Angeles that's the same location as Thursday 6.4 magnitude quake and there are reports of fires injuries and power outages in the area a town Wallace of k.g. 80 news is in Ridge Chris Ridgecrest thank you for joining us they were in a good morning to tell us what you're seeing there so Rene I'm actually at a mobile home park right now and it's actually the same of a home park that also was a was impacted by the 1st 6.4 earthquake a few days ago only this time many more of the mobile homes are significantly impacted their damage I'm standing in front of one right now that is literally off of its foundation. The older woman who lives here 1st son has come to help move her out we do not see a building inspector no building inspectors that actually come here but the Son and the woman clearly feel it is too dangerous to live here at this point they're moving out and we've heard reports of the thousands of people are now without power what do you know about that well I have what I know so far in age that power has been rolling in and out here now that it's morning time it's a little bit more difficult to tell if I can tell you some of the traffic lights still remain a little bit not operational and that's the thing read but in this case I have here that it's just rolling when you 1st got here last night so let me tell you it's the scene was eerie because half the town was basically in pitch black including gas stations and and car sales dealers and normal. We would have a lot of lights on all black so very eerie scene for sure I do also want to just tell you a little bit more about the damage and I'm standing also next to like a. Wall here that's made out of like concrete siller blocks many of those still are blocks of literally toppled over onto the ground almost like it looks like a construction site almost but know that it was once a standing wall no more and one which you know we haven't heard of a loss of life but I'm wondering what you've heard about that sort of thing injuries you know Renee this is something that the people of Ridgecrest people whom I've interviewed here since basically that the 1st earthquake struck they say you know there's 6.4 earthquake a 7 point one earthquake you know that happens but they are grateful that the worst that they've had so far is just damage you are right there are no reports at this time of any casualties or really even significant injuries and I should say that the hospital itself Ridgecrest Regional Hospital remains closed but the emergency room is open for anyone who needs to go they should know that the emergency room is open at that point if it's deemed serious enough and somebody some of the patients will be taken to other regional hospitals perhaps and Palmdale about 7200 miles south of here and Cilacap as well but again the you're right the good news is they're saying for such a powerful earthquake. There's there's not many reports of injuries and certainly no reports of casualties Well just briefly people must be awfully nervous because of course there's aftershocks. Absolutely and let me just say since I 1st got here Renee I have felt under my feet many many aftershocks and the u.s. Geological survey confirms aftershocks that 2nd place here I feel maybe right every few minutes and there's been hundreds of aftershocks that are 2.5 magnitude or higher and you've got to. We're going to have to leave it at that I'm sorry a ton Wallace of the news talking to us You're right there Mitch s. Thank you nerves are fraying amid the ongoing tensions between the trumpet ministration and Iran and concerns were heightened today when a u.k. Flagged super tanker came to a stop in the Persian Gulf Iranian vessels were in the vicinity it turns out the ship had simply put its voyage on pause so it could reach its next port of call on time that's according to a British Maritime Organization joining us from Vienna is N.P.R.'s Peter Kenyon He's been covering the situation between the u.s. And Iran and Peter 1st what actually did happen with this oil supertanker. It was called the Pacific Voyager it was traveling in the Persian Gulf and then suddenly it stopped not long after that the alarm bells started ringing on social media with people questioning what is the supertanker doing why isn't it going on to its poort asserting there were Iranian vessels in the area what's going on the speculation continued until eventually a group called u.k. Maritime trade operations weighed in it's their job to coordinate commercial shipping in the Gulf and an official with that group said they'd been in contact with the Pacific Voyager it had simply paused in its travels to make sure that it got to its next destination on time not early but in the meantime Iran had been forced to responded angrily denied what it called these fabrications about something being amiss with the Pacific Voyager so whether you want to call it a fabrication or just a misunderstanding of normal shipping practices it appears this is not the next escalation in us around tensions as some may have feared Well I mean I presume that this kind of routine pause does not normally cause such a stir remind us why it might have it today. Well there's a list of reasons the u.s. Has sent an aircraft carrier and strike group to the region along with thousands of troops clearly tensions are running high we've had defiant comments from Iranian leaders attacks on a half dozen tankers in recent weeks that the us is blaming on Iran to Iran denies any involvement and to give a bit of context to this latest issue on Friday a former Revolutionary Guard commander was quoted as saying Iran should seize a British tanker in retaliation for the recent seizure of an Iranian tanker by the British Royal Marines that happened in Gibraltar that ship was carrying crude oil to Syria something Iran has been doing for years now without incident although it does violate e.u. Sanctions and then there was a direct attack on u.s. Property it was an Iranian attack on a u.s. Drone shut down near the Strait of Hormuz Iran did claim that act saying it had entered Iranian airspace the u.s. Military denies that n.p.t. Meanwhile a top aide to Iran's supreme leader is sounding defiant about the country's nuclear program in the face of all this American pressure tell us about that. Yeah this is an ongoing problem that is likely to continue a senior aide Ali Akbar Velayati he's now quoted as saying Iran is ready to begin and reaching uranium above the current level that happens to be 3.67 percent Other officials have said tomorrow Sunday is the deadline for that increased enrichment to start now this would be to Ron's 2nd violation of the 2015 nuclear agreement it has already exceeded the deals cap on the amount of low enriched uranium it can have currently nowhere near weapons grade fuel that would be 90 percent enriched but if it gets over say 20 percent that could trigger alarms and possibly response from the u.s. For the moment just the combination of having more fuel than the deal allows plus possibly enriching it to a higher level that is raising anxieties and Washington has called a special meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency that's going to be held here in Vienna on Wednesday and the topic will be Iran's nuclear program N.P.R.'s Peter Kenyon in Vienna thanks very much. Thanks Renee Anchorage Alaska surrounded by glacier top mountains is used to cool overcast summers but not this year on the 4th of July for the 1st time since records have been kept to their the temperature hit 90 degrees Tracy Sinclair is a meteorologist at Channel 2 News in Anchorage and joins us to talk about it good morning good morning now this didn't just break the record it sounds like it's shattered it yeah the previous record was 85 degrees and it hit 90 degrees on July 4th just crazy crazy and when you say the highest previous record was 85 degrees why that's not Ok 85 degrees but really really it's never close to 90 degrees there right. No in to be honest when we get into the eighty's people start taking off work because this is hot this is you know incredible summer weather we have to go enjoy it and then so to make the jump up to 90 degrees was water cooler talk everybody that's all you're talking about is how hot it got to hear it got to 90 degrees so this is a big deal for us do you have air conditioning up there in Anchorage most people don't in their homes the office buildings do naturally but your regular home my home doesn't so I had to open windows I have one little tiny fan you cannot find a fan on the shelves in stores in Anchorage they're all bought up as soon as they get some in every store says they go out within an hour well how about the the land around you how prepared is it I mean I gather there are fires there are it's been a very dry summer we had the wettest May on record but then we have the driest June on record so since June 1st we've only had $2.00 inches of rain in Anchorage so everything is turning pretty crispy and we've got a pretty big fire down on the Kenai which is blowing smoke into the Anchorage area and then we've got a fire north in the mountainous disuse in valleys and then we've got fires dotted across the state well northern Alaska has seen dramatic effects of climate change thawing permafrost we've seen that decreasing Arctic ice is this heat wave part of that bigger trend. I think it is we're definitely seeing warmer than normal conditions like the 90 degree temperature is 25 degrees above our average our average for this time of year 65 degrees and just in the last 10 days we had 6 record high temperatures so not just this year but overall the trend for Anchorage and all of Alaska is a steady increase and a steady warming what is the forecast then for the next say few days we're expecting temperatures to stay in the eighty's probably through Monday and there's really no rain in the forecast at least for the next 7 days so we're in the situation dry crispy for at least a week probably closer to 10 days Tracy Sinclair meteorologist at Channel 2 News in Anchorage Alaska thanks for joining us thank you. You're listening to n.p.r. News. Support comes from the Getty experience some of today's most exciting indie bands it off the 405 the Gettys annual outdoor summer concert series on Saturday July 6th . Brings her un Kenny playful folk songs to the Getty for an evening of live music amid stunning architecture and Sun said fields learn more at Getty dot edu slash 360. It's 71000. On Giles and later with these headlines experts are warning of more aftershocks following last night's 7 point one magnitude earthquake in Southern California officials say the quake was the strongest in the region and some 20 years there have been dozens of aftershocks and service days initial quake also centered near the city of Ridgecrest Iran is warning that it will soon begin enriching uranium at higher levels of video featuring a top aide to Iran's supreme leader has been posted online Iran has set a deadline of tomorrow for Europe to offer a plan to help ease economic sanctions imposed by the trumpet ministration in North Korea's explaining why it expelled an Australian student state media say Alex signally had engaged in espionage by providing material to news outlets critical of the North North Korea deported sickly on Thursday on trial Snyder n.p.r. News from Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Babble a language app that teaches real life conversations in a new language like Spanish French or German Babble's 10 to 15 minute lessons are available in the app store or online at Babble b a b b e l dot com and from noon offering a personalized weight loss program that uses psychology and small goals to change habits with the goal of losing weight and keeping it off for good learn more at noon and 000 m. Dot com. This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Renee Montagne and on now to the week's news while many of you may have been enjoying your 4th of July I certainly was certain lawyers at the Department of Justice did not instead they were working trying to figure out how to get the citizenship question on the 2020 census in a way that would satisfy the Supreme Court and President Trump plus in Iowa this week following her strong performance at the 1st Democratic debates Sen Komla Harris did a little backtracking Joining me now to talk about the week's news is N.P.R.'s senior editor and correspondent Ron Elving welcome Good morning Renee 1st that citizens chip question in just a matter of days it's been on it's been off now the president says he wants it on again what what's going on there the Supreme Court said last month that you could have it but only with good justification and the Supreme Court has ruled before that the census is supposed to count everyone and not just citizens as it has always then the president said yesterday he had 4 or 5 ways that he could get this question back on but executive orders which were one of the ways he mentioned do not supersede court orders so the president is still going to have to have something that pleases the court and yesterday a federal judge in Maryland ordered further discovery in this case meaning people from Commerce and the Justice Department are going to have to answer questions about this question where it came from and yesterday in court the lawyers for the administration admitted that at this point they don't know what to say the president has also been tweeting about another big story the conditions at Border Patrol detention centers yesterday he said many of the migrants held there were and I'm quoting living far better now than they were where they came from and in safer conditions I mean that's not what a report from the Department of Homeland Security's own office of inspector general said this week it that report warned about dangerous overcrowding and prolonged detention without. Proper food or hygiene or laundry facilities very big difference that's right and in this informal conversation that the president had with reporters as he was leaving for his golf club he said that he had personally seen detention centers and that they were beautifully run clean and so forth he may have seen some senators and he has been down to the region but he has not seen the ones that were described by that interpret that inspector general report that you mentioned and this looks like another case of the president essentially telling people to believe what he says and not the evidence of their own eyes well let's switch now to the 2020 presidential race Senator Komla Harris has been trying to keep her momentum going after she confronted Vice President Joe Biden over his opposition back in the 1970 s. To mandatory school busing but then just a couple of days ago she answered a question about her support for mandatory school bussing and it sounded a lot like Biden's position the very one she criticized him for you know Renee this was the week Kamel Harris found out what happens when a candidate breaks out in a debate and gets in the face of the front runner you get a bump in the polls but it comes with a lot of attention much of it critical and people take a longer look at your own positions on say passing and other issues as well and we also saw headlines about how she and her husband made their money we see folks on Twitter questioning her racial origins which by the way caused her rival candidates to rally around in her defense including Joe Biden and what about Joe Biden and he's trying to recover ground lost in those debates he's been doing television interviews and trying to talk about his sort of multipart position on busing over the years and talk about his endorsements from African-Americans who are local and state officials in key states it's very early the field is shifting and it Biden can write his ship in time for the debates at the end of this month he'll still be the one the other candidates are coming after N.P.R.'s senior editor and correspondent Ron Elving thanks for joining us thank you Renee. Powerful Yes compelling absolutely the u.s. Women's soccer team has captured headlines hearts and stirred up controversy as they've played their way to the Women's World Cup final they'll face the Netherlands in Leone tomorrow the pressure is really on Bryana scary as someone who understands what that feels like she's a former goalie for the u.s. Team and she's with us to talk about it welcome thank you how are you I'm pretty good thank you you must be stuck like glue on this but you know you've you've played in 3 World Cups including one of the wins for the u.s. Team in 1999 How would you describe what it's like to be out there on that field in that final game it's exhilarating to be honest with you and it's really interesting for me to watch on t.v. Because on the game days I feel similar to how he's to feel when I played this because I really still feel a kinship in a connection to the current team even though it's been many years since I played but I feel we're all connected and inspired by each other well what are your thoughts on this current team they are really having to deal with so many things off the pitch that normally a lot of teams wouldn't be able to deal with one there reigning champion so of course the target is always going to be enormous on your back if your ring champion they had to play the host country France in the quarter final and you know were able to fight against you know 45000 French fans and still win the game they've had some controversy regarding their goal celebrations and whether they're celebrating too much or not enough it's been a lot of adversity off the pitch which it seems to me to have only fueled their fire on the pitch so it's actually come to be something of an advantage if you will because when you have outside forces sometimes crashing against us it's. It brings you closer to one another in a lot of times you feel like it's you against the world and I think that's really how they're playing right now one thing that has come up is that 2 other soccer tournaments are scheduled the same day as the Women's World Cup final Both are men's championships the Copa America and the Concord caf Gold Cup and one of the stars for the u.s. Women's team making Rypien know has called this and I'm quoting ridiculous and disappointing and a distraction what is your take on that I couldn't be more in alignment with the ridiculousness of this when the men's World Cup is going on she does not schedule anything other than the men's World Cup There's nothing else happening and the fact that these tournaments that are going on right now in the different areas of the world are 50 sanctioned tournaments and so there's some planning that went into putting 2 finals on the exact same date as the Women's World Cup It's almost a little bit of a slap in the face yeah and the idea is that you know thanks a lot. You know actually yes that's. I mean yeah so but it's happening and I but by now I'm sure there's plenty of people to watch who'll be tuning right in right into the women's World Cup final What will you be watching for during the game. So obviously it's going to be in amazing game in 2 very different points of view with 2 different teams the Netherlands I think is going to come out with nothing to lose because I don't think anyone except for their fans thought they'd even make the final and so that kind of opponent can be a little bit dangerous at times because they really just throw caution to the wind with the United States I am very confident that they'll you know ride that initial excitement storm out in part because they've been there before but also from what I've seen the u.s. Is superior. We are in their fitness and this is the 7th game of a very long and emotional month for all of these teams and I think the us has always pictured themselves in the final and I really think they're they're going to do incredibly well on Sunday and they'll ride out that initial wave that orange wave and I think they'll bring the Cup home Briain a scary farmer goalie for the u.s. Women's soccer team thanks very much for joining us All right thanks for having me 'd 'd. You're listening to Weekend Edition and special earthquake coverage here on . We're hearing this morning about how people across southern California are dealing with the earthquakes that have rumbled through the region the last few days including last night 7 point one quake it was a powerful one located near the community of Ridgecrest in rural Kern County and it was felt as far as way as Phoenix even Mexico but few people had the same view as Carolina Miranda she's a staff writer for the l.a. Times and she spoke with Evan George about where she was when the quake hit last night so Carolina you may have had one of the highest vantage points to experience the quake on Friday tell me where exactly were you what did you see. I was on the 71st story of the Wilshire grand which is the Korean Air tower where the Intercontinental Hotel is in downtown Los Angeles the tallest building in a I've been to a lot of earthquakes including some big earthquakes and I have to say there's nothing quite like being on the 71st story had just amplify the experience not only did everything kind of start moving in rolling and creating this kind of godly noise because this culture and all of these blinds were shaking in and making all this noise around us after the earthquake was over the tower because of the engineering system that it's built on kept to rolling so we felt this rolling motion going on for about 5 minutes. This was a longer duration than probably anybody else felt because of the height and the construction of the building and I'm assuming this is a cocktail bar restaurant at the top where you can sort of see all of the l.a. Area from above so what are the people around you doing is as it starts to become clear that something's happening you know we had just sat down at the bar at luxury which is a steak house on the 71st floor which is exactly has views of Los Angeles my mother in law was visiting from out of town so we had taken her for a drink and when it 1st started it almost felt like we drink hours you tend to feel a little bit of movement you know the elevators coming through or more the wind moving things around and so it 1st we felt this vibration that didn't feel on like feeling an elevator past the core of the tower but then the vibration kept on happening and then the blinds started to rattle against the walls there was a large neon sculpture that is draped over the lobby and that we could see from the bar where we were at when me back and forth like a swing and it all started to make a lot of noise and it got to the point where the staff started to push everyone away all of the staff started to bring people away from the windows and they put us all in the service hallway that led to the restaurant to get us away from the glass because one of the 1st things they tell you in earthquake training is get away from windows and here you are surrounded by glass right we are completely surrounded by glass from all sides so yeah the staff I mean it was quite incredible the staff remained very calm and they just shepherded everyone out of the dining room and they put us in this service hallway that led to the kitchen and there were the surreal moments of people shooting things other folks who almost didn't seem like the knew what was happening and then other folks slightly freaking out having the oh my God Oh my God moment couple hugging because. Just felt really intense You're 71 stories up so whatever's happening on the ground just feels much more magnified so this is going on for you know 4 or 5 minutes what happened once it was all over . Well once the rolling started to settle folks started to come out of the service hallway and back into the bar area and the restaurant area and everyone was kind of looking around to sort of like check Ok Is everything Ok am I here is the building here is anything broken and nothing nothing was broken nothing nothing fell down and then an intercom gentleman came on the intercom and announced that there had ended in an earthquake and that the elevators were shut down so we were on the 71st story of the tower not knowing if there would be any major aftershocks unable to take the elevator down so we ordered cocktails. There were they on the House I mean here you are 714 is not the you can't really leave the bartender did did get us around. I think you know because it's a it's a hotel there were obviously a lot of our towners for whom this was likely a 1st earthquake and so probably a spectacularly scary earthquake as a result and there was a gentleman who had been sitting down the far from us when he got ready to leave and this was after the elevators had been already turned back on and everything was Ok he came to us and he's like I feel like we are quite at moment and I just wanted to say good night to the left so there was this feeling of bonding among everyone who had good in the dining room Carlina Miranda Stafford with the Los Angeles Times thank you so much glad you're Ok thank you I was Carolyn Moran talking with case here at Evie's Evan George about being at the top of California's tallest building when the earthquake hit last night now emergency crews are going to be out about this morning assessing potential damage to everything from overpass. As to reservoirs we will keep you updated on the latest developments here on k c are. Brothels have been a part of Nevada's identity sense they were legalized in the 1970 s. But now brothels could be banned that's the goal of a federal lawsuit filed earlier this year by a woman who claims she was a victim of sex trafficking through the legal brothel system resent her from member station k.u.n.c. Are in Reno has this report when she was 17 Rebecca Charleston found herself homeless she was using drugs to cope with the trauma of a sexual assault in her brother's suicide it wasn't long before my 1st trafficker saw me and he seemed like a great guy and he was going to be nice and let me live with him and so I ran to his arms but then things went terribly wrong he forced her into prostitution and eventually she was trafficked across the country oftentimes in Nevada and while prostitution is legal in many counties in the state it's actually illegal within Clark County where Las Vegas sits Charleston says her trafficker would rely on the high sex demand from tourists there who thought it was legal in the city however if we were getting arrested too much in a city or if we weren't making enough money our trafficker would send us to legal brothels in Nevada as a form of punishment and control now it's a key point for her federal lawsuit against the state of Nevada her lawyer Jason Quinn also has made a couple of failed attempts through local ballot questions to ban the brothels over the past year and this lawsuit he says has the same goal when you reduce the female body to a product to be bought and sold I think we all lose as a society and he says the basis of this lawsuit is this Nevada is in violation of the federal Mann Act It's a 1010 law that prohibits anyone from being transported over state lines for the purposes of prostitution when also argues that because brothels are legal in. In some parts of the state it creates a sex demand the Nevada legislature is attempting to have the suit dismissed the legislature's lawyer declined multiple requests for comment on the case hey guys we are that legal license brothel here in wells that that most of the brothels in Nevada are rather modest and far from town centers that's the case for this one in Northeast Nevada near the Utah state line I'm sure you have a great time here at Dallas is a sex worker at Bella's hacienda she's trying to drum up business with truckers over a c.b. Radio she asked that we only use her stage name because she's involved in prostitution she's looking out a window as semis drive past the interstate to come on and that's right we shared up our drivers here at tell us the owner of this brothel is Bella comments she says all the women who work here choose to do so without coercion from others and she says required f.b.i. Checks that each worker completes make sure that no one is being trafficked I've seen none of it how come the ladies that work for May appear to have no pimps and it's true I would know the brothel industry is vowing to fight the lawsuit in fact the Nevada brothel Association which was long dormant has reincorporated for the 1st time in decades Chuck Muth runs the group one of the Kurdish will in a legal brothel dissuasion regulated by the government the safety of the workers and the clients are better protected so it is pretty hard to make an argument against the legal system other than a moral issue that distinction doesn't matter for women in brothels says Rebecca Charleston who herself was trafficked earlier in life they've had significant life events happen to them that got them to that place where they felt like this is all I can do with my life she says the lawsuit is about protecting those who are forced to work whether by pimps or by circumstance for n.p.r. News I'm breeze under in Reno. This is n.p.r. News. Cherry Glaser with this news update we're continuing to feel the fallout from the largest earthquake to hit Southern California in 20 years the 7 point one quake last night was centered in the high desert near the community of ridge Crast and reports of damage came in quickly but when it comes to injuries so far we're hearing about mostly minor ones l.a. Mayor Eric Garcetti says the hundreds of earthquakes over the last few days are reminder of the importance of being prepared with an earthquake plan and basic essentials like flashlights and fresh batteries I think we rely too much on our equipment our technology thinking that there's always going to be a digital solution I'll know how to text my family and be able to call my friend we know that we need to have an analog plan in the digital age so I think we are better prepared than anywhere else but this is a great reminder sober wake up for all of us and least 1100 Southern California Edison customers in Red Cross were without power as of 3 this morning a power outage in Encino may be quake related as well. Joel Snyder with these headlines the a.c.l.u. Is asking a federal judge in New York to permanently block the Trump administration from adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census the group filed a motion Friday evening after the Justice Department said it's still seeking a way to include the question efforts are ongoing in central Kentucky to minimize the environmental damage from a large fire at a Jim Beam bourbon warehouse or remains unclear how much bourbon spilled into the Kentucky River where fish kills are being reported a cause of the fire is yet to be determined initial reports claimed a lightning strike and cycling's Tour de France is underway the race started today in Brussels riders will tackle 21 stages over the next 3 weeks on trial Snider n.p.r. News from Washington. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from p.b.s. With chasing the moon American experience brings the space age to television in a new 3 part series a story of science politics and spectacle chasing the moon beginning Monday at 98 Central on p.b.s. And from hint maker of hint water unsweetened sparkling or still water infused with fruit essences like watermelon and Black Berry in stores or delivered to homes at Drink hint dot com hint mouthwatering water. This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Renee Montagne when it was published 50 years ago Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5 was an instant hit an anti-war novel that was searing satirical strange and darkly funny it revolves around a controversy a moment in World War 2 The firebombing of Nazi Germany's loveliest city it was 1944 and the end was in sight the Germans were losing Hitler was already in the bunker where he would die and nobody expected the allies to lay waste to the jewel like Dresden as Vonnegut would later right of every irony dreadful or Monday in so it goes in real life he happened to be in Dresden 2 he was a prisoner of war an Army private among a ragtag group of American P.O.W.'s held deep in the basement of a slaughter house slaughter house number 5 after the 1st night feeling the shake of endless bombing they emerged to find Vonnegut wrote a moonscape back in 2003 as new wars heated up in Iraq and Afghanistan I spoke with thought to get about why it took him 25 years to finish his novel Well we all came home you know with stories agent and we were all selling and we had you know we'd just been teenagers early twenty's and had seen real stuff you know destiny explosion fire all at and we don't want to cash it one way or another to tell a story and well I just couldn't get it right I kept writing crap with it. Over the years as he wrote other novels Vonnegut took to referring to his stalled masterpiece sarcastically as my famous Dresden book in the fifty's and sixty's as he struggled to get something good on the page other war novels were finding their way to the screen with big stars like Humphrey Bogart Burt Lancaster John Wayne. Again finally Vonnegut decided to track down an old war buddy a fellow prisoner in Dresden when he knocked on Bernard the O'Hare's door Vonnegut was carrying a bottle of Irish whiskey and hopes that O'Hare had stories to share this having him help me remember some interesting stuff and his wife was listening to Mariel hair and she blew her top because we were trying to think up next the war movie stuff you know could have been a little war movie so I could make some money after all and she blew up at she said you were nothing but a piece then and that was the key really is that. Or is in fact fucked by children not Frank Sinatra and declaim and I started all over again in the I thought of the subtitle for the book which was the Children's Crusade and what Mariel Harris was saying in effect is quite a to tell the truth for a change with that Vonnegut had found his protagonist a child really the hapless Billy Pilgrim a 20 year old innocent he escapes the horrors of war by travelling through time and space even to another planet readers today might see this as an example of p.t.s.d. a Term not yet invented when Slaughterhouse 5 came out for Vonnegut it was important to include the gruesome details the details that other novelist had mostly stayed away from part of it was a fashion set by Ernest Hemingway in the story I think it's called a soldier's home and this was from the 1st World War and it was very rude to ask him what he'd seen when he got back home. A lot of people clammed up point to civilian life ask about battle or at least think it was fashionable and one reason that unspeakable of course is. That war is murder and war veterans have committed murder and that's a rather serious thing to do and when you say you know about Ernest Hemingway and other writers it was fashionable to not speak of it that fashion would have to do with in some sense romanticizing it or where silent men who have lived on her are well it would be the most impressive. Way to tell your story if you refused to tell it. So you know the civilians that have to imagine all kind of the do daring do and that. And they and they probably wouldn't wouldn't in fact imagine. Something like what is in Slaughterhouse 5 a group of schoolgirls being boiled to death yes well it was well dressed in the whole city with burn down and it was a British atrocity not arses they were not bombers not came in and settled down on fire with a new kind of incendiary bomb and that it was a military experiment to find out if you could when to hold sitting down by scattering incendiaries all over that person. Print of war we dealt hands on with the Germans the basements because they suffocated there and take them to each funeral pyre and I heard I didn't see it done but finally they gave up this procedure because it was too slow and of course a city was trying to smell pretty bad. They sent in guys with flame thrower. Which when you wrote Slaughterhouse 5 you tried to look up some information about Dresden after the war and was told most of the information was still secret government information and you in the book say secret from from whom I said that good for me. And it was the natural reaction I should imagine of someone who'd been there and it got me wondering was there something about the time 1969 course the Vietnam War was in full swing that freed you to write the book I think Nunnally freed me I think it freed writers because the Vietnam War made our leadership when our motives. So scruffy and simply stupid we could finally. Something bad that we did people may not. What I saw. The report made war. You know the truth. Can be really powerful not expecting. I spoke with Kurt Vonnegut in 20034 years before his death is novel Slaughterhouse 5 was published in 1950. 2 the band luxury he started out as college kids in the 1990 s. Who just wanted to rock. Sailing from a small town in Georgia and the band was on the rise in the punk rock scene that's until this tragic event changed their lives today the band is still making music 3 members are now also Eastern Orthodox priests their story is captured in a new documentary parallel love the story of a band called me we spoke with the filmmaker Matt Hinton who later joined the band plus Father Christopher Foley the basis I started by asking why they were on a christian music label when they 1st started out you know we didn't feel particularly comfortable with the Christian label we were on our record label that was from the Christian music scene but they really felt like they were trying to you know sell to both markets trying to get some college radio airplay but certainly when we would play Christian venue's you know I think people didn't know quite how to take us we were. Maybe a little bit too edgy let me play let me play a song from your 1st album it's called Bitter once again. Ok well for cursing the chastity belts other songs by the way not just this one sexually suggestive lyrics. How did this go down in a very evangelical Christian milieu are. This is Matt records that were distributed to Christian bookstores in places like that you know would get returned because of lyrical content but I think that from the outset the idea was that that label had reached within the so called general market not necessarily the Christian market. For listeners who aren't familiar with the band luxury it had a very captivating 11 could even say hot front man and his brother was a guitarist who shredded until his fingers bled That was Jamie Bozeman and a gifted extremely intense drummer Glenn black Let's take a listen from some fans in your documentary. Themselves the luxury since I was 14 and much you know the sensitive guys were in it before and if they would just somebody and then an electric chair and I thought I can't believe these guys are from Georgia you know how quickly did luxury really hit Father Christopher you know the ninety's were such a unique time in the music world you know after broke and all these underground bands then all the sudden became on the forefront so we were touring around the Southeast doing a lot of weekend gigs we were starting to get bigger shows and Atlanta and. Athens after the 1st album came out you know there was this trajectory of you know we're going to play larger venues maybe start touring in other parts of the country. And right at that moment the band is leaving a festival and something terrible happens you know correct I was in the car following the van that had I don't know 9 folks maybe in the van the driver lost control and tried to overcompensate and wound up going into the median and landed after flipping a few times a few of the members got thrown out of the van it was just an awful tragic accident potentially deadly right you are saying early I mean there was a few days where he was in i.c.u. And you know they didn't know quite a few was going to make it in the documentary you actually see the Bozeman talking about this had to open me up and found my bladder burst I read through the server and then a lot of broken things in my my pelvis and a lot basically what effect did this have on the band and the band's ambitions. I think once everybody started healing up I don't think we sat down and had a discussion I think we just continued to start writing music again I think it wasn't until maybe a few years later looking back we began to realize how deeply this affected us and how it started to change the trajectory of where we were headed I guess the fame and fortune and the dream of living this this rock star life just started to fade and what became more important was our families you know many of us were married young and started having kids well in that moment. Let me just put it this in a little bit of perspective in America's rhythm and blues tradition musicians traditionally in fact come out of the church but becoming priests in the Eastern Orthodox church. You laugh you can hear you laughing I mean you know you know what I'm saying it's very unusual I think what drew me to the punk rock scene initially it was this authenticity of people coming together reacting against the evils in this world and wanting to make a change but the Christianity while in college I felt like was just in a sense playing a single note and I was longing for a chord I guess you can't get more countercultural than embracing an ancient Christian tradition and so the more that I discovered about the ancient Eastern Christian faith it just resonated on a deep level there is a tension in the fact that generally speaking the Eastern Orthodox Church does not use musical instruments Well there certainly is a tension there but you know we would never dream of having you know like a rock n roll liturgy or something like that in a sense that's what drew us to Orthodoxy was the fact that kind of transcended kind of a modern cultural expression of you know rock music. It was kind of the opposite of that what I liked about Orthodoxy as it kind of blew away the distinctions and the dichotomy between sacred and secular You know those that are in the world you know we try to find a way to bring whatever talents we have and just lift them up and to try to bring you know somehow God into the midst of our of our talents by using them and offering them up. This last question is do you Matt hinted me you are the filmmaker what is a luxury a story so the film is called parallel love that gets at something there that you have 2 different trajectories that run parallel to one another they're not exactly the story of bringing rock'n'roll into Orthodoxy it's people of faith living authentic lives and doing the things that they feel gifted to do that was Matt Hinton and Father Christopher Foley of the band lecture me the documentary parallel love is out in select theaters now thank you both for joining us thank you thank you. This is Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Renee Montagne support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Capital One committed to reimagining banking offering savings and checking accounts that can be opened from anywhere Capital One what's in your wallet Capital One and a. From the Walton Family Foundation where opportunity takes root more information is available at Walton Family Foundation dot org And from the Arcus Foundation dedicated to the idea that people can live in harmony with one another and the natural world. Support comes from the get experience some of today's most exciting indie bands. The Gettys annual outdoor summer concert series on Saturday July 6th. Brings her own canny playful folk songs to the Getty for an evening of live music amid stunning architecture and Sun said feels more a good. 360. It's . From n.p.r. News in Washington this is Weekend Edition. I'm Renee Montagne a magnitude 7 point one earthquake hit Ridgecrest California last night a day after another quake rattled the region we talk. About recovery efforts later this hour we'll hear from a father of 2. A country he left when he was 13. He came back home this week legally. Trademark battle over this word. The u.s. Patent office. 21000. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Barbara Kline hundreds of aftershocks are rocking southern California after a 7 point one magnitude earthquake struck last night it was centered in the same area damaged by a smaller quake on Independence Day N.P.R.'s Ina Jaffe reports the latest temblor was felt from the Southern California coast to Las Vegas and as far south as Mexico the quake's epicenter was about 10 miles from Ridgecrest a town of about 29000 people Dr Lucy Jones a seismologist at Cal Tech said after the July 4th earthquake that there was a one in 20 chance of it being a foreshock of a larger quake and this is that one in 2000 and time there were around $100.00 aftershocks within hours of the main shock a couple more than magnitude 5 Jones said that a magnitude 7 earthquake could produce aftershocks for years Ridgecrest is unlikely populated desert region between the Eastern Sierra Nevada and Death Valley National Park officials with the Kern County Fire Department said there were reports of multiple injuries and multiple fires one Canyon Road has been closed due to rockslides I knew Jaffe n.p.r. News Iran is repeating its threat to increase your Raney a member in Richmond above the limits of the 2015 nuclear deal if Europe doesn't present a plan to ease the burden of u.s. Sanctions by tomorrow N.P.R.'s Peter Kenyon reports Tehran calls it an appropriate response a video message from. Senior aide to supreme leader.

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