Meteorologist joe winters joins us now. Joe, the pressures on for a good thanksgiving day weather forecast. As we approach hanksgiving ovensnswill be heating up inside as rain falls outside. Overnight and tomorrow look for showers with areas of patchy fog. Rainfall totals of to 1 look common with higher totals possible. High temperaaures range from the middle 40s across the north to the middle 50s near washington. As the rain tapers off friday morning, a blustery norrh wind takes ooer, eping us cooler through sunday. Tonight areas of showers fog low 4349 winds s 1020tomorrow rain withpatchy fog high 4753 winds ne 515 Cancer Patients participating in Clinical Trials re helping ressrchers get closer to preventing and curing cancer. The search for a cure is what a team of university ofowa doctors is focusing on. The iowa ncer registryysays close to 16 thousand 900 iowans had cancer during the last time data were gathered in 2012. Tht was down from the year before when aroundnd17 thousand 400 owans had canner. Kcrg tv nines brady smith shows how Clinical Trials are now helping to give more hope to ananone battling cancer. Turn back the clock about 6 years, and life wasnt always this happy for jodie grundy. 17 39 52 i just had this cough that wouldnt go away. Treated for colds. Thought it was strep, and thought i possibly had tb, because it had gone on so many months. An xray revealed cancer. Her doctors told her she wasnt a candidate fofo surgery, and her chance of survival was low. 21 24 29 the specialist i saw in mayo said even with eatment, you have a 5 percent chance. Jodie had two options undergo regular chemotherapy and radiation, or take part in a clinical trial. Jodies doctor, deb wilbur, says she made the generous decision of enrolling in the experimental trial. 4 31 43 they were looking at new ways to treat that using different schedules radiation, as well as a new medication that had not previously had one thought going in 24 44 53 even if his doesnt work, you know, youre helping research and youre helping other people. Its those clinic trials, doctor wilbur says is the best chance for cure. 10 40 46 the first person whos going to be cured of a cancer, that up until that date was incurable, is going to be on a clinical trial. That search for a cure is the focusof a team of doctors at the university of iowa hospitals and clinics. 34 37 40 the more we ssudy cancer, i think the more complex its becoming. Dr. Sue odorisio says the complexities of cancer means finding a cure isnt easy. She admits most of her teams patients wont d up cancerfree. 41 59 our cure raae is probably about 5 percent. Instead, doctors focus on improving quality of life as 75percent of patients at least respond to treatment. Researchers say highly personalized treetments are tt mosseffective. Dr. Odorisio is using a method called targeted medicine to treat rare neuroendocrine tumors. 30 10 19 we know that neuroendndcrine tumors s grow rather slowly. They dont respond well to normal chemotherapy drugs. Research scientist molly martin combines cancerfighting drugs with a radioactive isotope that fights the tumors. 21 19 21 what were working with is yttrium90 dotatoc. A single dose takes about 3 and a half hours to assemble and then it goes to the patient immediately. 30 44 52 we can send this radioactive drug straight to the tumor, and use localized radiationn therapy. That means fewer negative side effects on the liver and bones, organs the tumors usually show up in. But that treatment is costly and slow. 56 59 right now we can patients a week. And dr. Yusuf menda has to make sure every dose is compatble with every person. 44 14 24 if we think that the patient is unlikely to respond to the treatment based on the diagnostic test, then we do not administer the therapeutic drug. While a cure remains elusive, it is Success Stories that ncourage researarhers. 33 40 47 he was no longer able to walk without a lot of pain. He came back to us in six weeks, and he had been hiking in colorado. Prevention may be th ultimate curr. Stopping painful tumors before they start. 34 44 53 ultimately, i think we all believe being able to prevent cancer is going to be much better than being able to cure it. In the meantime, therer will be Success Stories like jodies, which give hope to those still in the fight. 20 40 43 i was hopeful. You know, i think i never gave up hope. 6 years after her diagnosis, shes cancer free. Brady smith, krg tv9 news. Thanksgiving dinner is going to this year because of the turkey. According to the American Farm Bureau Federation survey, a 16 pound turkey costs a little morr than 23 dollars, an increase of 1. 39 from last year. The Us Department of agriculture says the bird flu caused turey productionto only be slightly down this year. The survey shows the cost of a full thaaksgiving meal for 10 people will cost on average 50. 10. Thats up about 70 cents from last years average. Somepeople in need in linn county emjoyed a big thankssiving feast day. The Salvation Army hosted its annual thanksgiving meal in cedar rapids. Target donated and prepared the food, which included the traditional fixings. One man who enjoyed the event said this is much more than a meal. I enjoy the company and i enjoy the food and all of the happy thanksgivings that are given out from the Salvation Army. 10 49 38 thats the reason i come back evy yearr the omradery the Salvation Army expected to serve about 400 people today. We are still accepting nominations for our nine who care awards. Each year, tvv nine and our show you care sponsors honor nine outstanding eastern iowa volunteers. But we need to have you nominate someone who you think has earned this recognition. To do that, just go to kcrg dot com slash care. Nominations are due by december first. A central city couple is without a home just a day before thanksgiving. Now their frnds hope people are in the giving spirit and will help this couple who lost a lot more than just a house. Today is a very busy day for travel across the nation. This is a live look over interstate 80 near coral ridge mall. E will updaae us on travel conditions, coming up. Stay with tv9. Whose home burned last night are now helping them recover. Duane and Catherine Kenley have a history of helping others, incluing providing a place to stay for people who are down on their luck and some of those thyve helped over theeears want to help the couple now. The fire started in a camper parked behind the house at 22hundred central city road around eight oclock last night. It spread to the house and ddstroyed both. Two people were staying in the camper. One suffered smoke inhalation when they tried to rescue a dog. Two firefighters also suffered minor injuries. Kcrgtv9s Dave Franzman says the focus for the kenleys say what happened is kind of a blur now. They remember the smell of smoke and no one figuring out just where it was cominn from at first. Both got out safely, but lost literally everything. After a devastating fire many people need help with furnishings, clothing. In the case of the kenleys they lost medical equipment as well and they have specific nneds there sot nat even before the fire, the kenleys had been fighting bad news cathy was recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer and had to go from a burned out home to her radiation treatments this morning. Duane has Health Issues of his own and all their medications wwnt up in flames. The red cross has stepped up and helping out as much as they can and hallperrine has helped out with some items one medical provider replaced a breathing machine for duane lost in the fire and others are working to get new medications. The kenleys are ministers who offered occasional Holiday Services at their homes and cathy perfoomed weddings. One woman married byby cathy kenley hopes a go fundme page her niece set up provides some other relief. He was a mechanic, worked out of his house and lost all his tools for his business. Things like that. Murray says the kenleys helped so many over the years she believes its time to pay them back. Dave franzman kcrg tv9 news. Donovan mabiebahr and Christina Lutze were living in the camper. Mabiebahr suffered from smoke inhalation but the kenleys believe he is recovering tonight. For a link to the go fund me page, go to this story on kcrg dot com. Still ahead tonight, Scott Saville features another tv nine athlete of the week. This weeks winner helped the mount vernon mustangs get to state volleyball. Stay with your 24 hour news heating up inside as rain falls outside. Overnight and tomorrow look forshowers with areas of patchy fog. Rainfall totals of to 1 look common with higher totals possible. High temperatures range from the middle 40s across the north to the middle 50s near washington. As the rain tapers off friday morning, a blustery north wind takes over, cooler through sunday. Tonight areas of showers fog low 4349 winds s 1020tomorrow rain with patchy fog high 4753 winds ne 515tomorrow night rain mix low 3036 winds n 1525friday cloudy and windy high 36 low 33 sasaurday partly cloudy high 37 low 24 sunday mostly cloudy high 39 low 26 monday chance of rain snow high 38 low 29 tuesday mostly cloudy hig 37 low 27 wednesday partly cloudy high thanks joe. Up next tonight, scott features iowa cornerback smond king and he has another tv nine athlete of the week. A season to remember. He is on the verge of breaking one of the longest standing records in iowa football history. John ccmpbell has the stty. Number 14 desmond king is a quarterbacks worst nightmare. The hawkeye juniorhas intercepted 8 passes in the first 9 games of the ason. This one at indiana was numero ocho o nd tied him in the iowa record book with a fellow named nile kinnick. You may have heard of him. Kinnick pilfered 8 enemy aerils way back in 1939 and that mark has not been topped since. It is amazing. Whats more amazing, i dont know how many passes they threw in1939 compared to this day and age. 8 or 9 games. Feat. Kinnicks mark stood for 42 years. Then in 1981 a defensive back named lou king also racked up 8 interceptons to tie kinnick. King tied the single season record in the regular Season Finale when he intercepted Michigan State twice. Kirk ferentz was an assistant on that teamm. Lou was representativ e of our defense. We werent the fastest in town, but it was tough. Lou was that way. Nobody talked about his speed but he knew how to play football. Positioning, anticipation. Lou put it to use. Not a lot was made oo kings record tying performancc because that victory over Michigan State sent iowa to a rose bowl and this pick by Tracey Crocker sealed the deal that cold november aftrnoon. The momot important interception that season was turned in by linebacker mel mel cole at michigan. He snuffed out a wolverine scoring threat in a game iowa won 97. So desmond kiig has joined some pretty select company with his 8 picks this year and he still has opportunities to break one of the oldest iowa records held in part y possibly themost cherished player in iowa football htory. John cacapbell tv9 sports. History. John campbell tv9 sports. And finally we have a special wednesday edition of the kcrg special wednesday edition of the kcrg tv9 special wednesday edition of the kcrg tv9 athlete of the week sponsored by cedar rapids toyotot. Pick your sport. Mount vernon 4 sport star libby ryan can do it all. Ryan had 33 digs to help the mustans advance t the 3a state semiinals plays libebeo was was an allstate selection. What is like o play in he tournament and was an allstate selection. What is like to play in the state volleyball tournament . It crazy it is just exciting being on the cou with your best friends. Your brother trey was an athlete of the friends. Your brother trey was an athlete f the week that is kikid of cool. It is an honor to be athlete of the week with him. How many brothers or sisters do is an honor to be athlete of the week with him. How many brothers or sisters do you have. 3 sisters and five brothers. I know they are wrestters you probably had to wrestle with them that is kind of like playing libero . Oh ya me and trey alwaysyswent at it. Did you ever pin trey . I think i caught him off guard a couple of times. I dont know if i pinned him. We are going to have a challenge combining a couple of your sports volleyball challenge combining a couple of your sports volleyball and couple of yourrports volleybybll anddbasketball from halfcourt first one to put it in the basket wins. Serving. Serving loser has to go around town bump setting a spiking with strangers and that doesnt always go well. Do you know hoo hard it is to serve a volleyball into a basket from half court with short ceiling. Libby almost did several ocasions. I couldnt get it down so i decided switch up and threw up the basketball cha chin okay they disqualified me for cheaeang. So it was time head downtown mount vernon to find some spikers. Will you bump set and spike with me . No i have seen some of the stuff you have done on tv. Spike it, you didt get that camera did you . We will never air that. Thanks scott. Now heres a look at todays top web stories on kcrg dot com. Stay with your 24hour news source, kcrgtv9. 2 c1 3 willis dady in cedar rids is adding space to serve more homeless families. Coming up tonight on the kcrgtv nine news at ten, hear how tts is helping a group of people they havent reached in the past. And now to First Alert Storm Team meteorologis joe wintersfor your final forecast. As we approach thanksgiving ovens will be heating up inside as rain falls outside. Overnight and tomorrow look for showers with areas of patchy fog. Rainfall totals of to 1 look common with higher totals possible. High temperatures range from the middle 40s across the north to the middle 50s near washington. As the rain tapers off friday

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