First, meteorologis t kaj omara has your first alert forecast, kaj. Plan on a day similar to yesterday with lots of clouds in the sky. By afternoon, a few more breaks may occur, but itll be chilly regardless. Plan on highs in the mid30s. Tomorrow, clouds should scattered out some more with highs rebounding back to around 40. Theres no doubt some excitement about the weekend warmth, and for good reason. Plan on highs to go well into the 50s both days th sunny sky on saturday and partly cloudy sky on sunday. A cold front will move through on sunday evening, but precipitation chances are extremely low at this time. The takeaway message for the weekend is this itll be fabulous. Another area of low pressure may affect the area around march 1st. Have a great day today turning partly cloudy high ` 3339 winds nw 1525 alo 35 dbq 34 iow 37tonight partly cloudy low 2430 winds nw 515 alo 25 dbq 26 partly sunny high 3743 winds w 510 alo 40 dbq 38 iow 42tomorrow night mostly clear low 2632 iow 30 tonight, republican president ial candidates meet in the south for a debate leading up to super tuesday. The five remaining candidates will take the meet for the latest t bate showdown this time in houston. Leading up to this debate, donald trump is on a winning streak. Hes finished first in the nevada, South Carolina, and New Hampshire primary votes. Ted cruz bested him in the iowa caucuses. While, marco rubio and cruz have finished in the top three in every other vote. John kasich and ben carson have been finishing in the single digits, but will be on stage tonight. The cnn debate starts at 7 30 tonight, central time. The House Government Oversight Committee is now investigating alleged child abuse at a former Iowa Boarding School for troubled teenagers. Thats the Midwest Academy in keokuk. The school recently closed after allegations a authorities raided the school on january 28th and the investigation expanded to other possible criminal activity and abuse. In the past, often when there is an investigation going on, there are sometimes we cant talk to who we want to because they are under investigation by other authorities and so we get what we can take and try to put it together through that. Lawmakers will also interview the Iowa Department of Human Services and the Iowa Department of education. A recent arrest of a des moines teacher on an indecent exposure charge has brought up the q qstion of reference checks with iowa schools. That teacher, 60yearold michael madson, resigned from lincoln high school. He moved to des moines from waterloo in 2001, where he also faced harrassment charges. Those were eventually dismissed. We talked to iowa city schools, who showed us how they check references for open positions. We use a reference check process so everyone who applies for a job will give you their references, will give letters of reference and people to call. L. One of the things thaa we always ask is is there anyone else we should the quality of the applicant that were looking at. Murley also says that he thinks there have been problems in iowas education when people havent done their reference a new study from Purdue University says iowa leads the nation in the number of grain bin entrapment incidents. Nationwide, there were 47 incidents last year, 14 percent, happened in iowa. That adds up to sevevegrain bin accicints in the state. Nebraska had four incidents, and North Carolina and ohio each had two. Nine other states, mostly in the midwest, had one incident each. Purdue univivsity says the incidents nationwide last year is a 34 percent drop compared to the year before. In 2014, the us had 71 confirmed cases of grain bin accidents. Johnson county officials want to create a jail diversion campus. The sheriff, county attorney, area police discussed the proposal yesterday. The campus would include a shelter, psych units and a detox facility. There are no projections on cost or location. The county Attorney Says the campus is better than locking them up in jail. Its beneficial to the Law Enforcement officers and agencies in terms of saving money and the amount of time they spend dealing with people who are intoxicated, dealing with Mental Health crisis, having the collaborative approach is a really great way to go for everyone. The county also hopes to add crisis intervention teams of Law Enforcement to respond to people with Mental Health issues. Metro Care Connection provides schools in the Cedar Rapids Community School District with with february being School Based Health care awareness month, the clinic at Taylor School is asking the community to come out and see what they do. Tv9s brea love joins us from the newsroom. Brea, taylor is having an open house later today . Inviting they are and what they do for students and the clinic closely resembles a doctors office. Its equip with all of the tools to provide on site care for any student who needs it. The clinic can write preform tests, write prescriptions, and administer vaccinations. It is not meant to take the place of a childs regular physician, but the district understands healthcare can be a problem for some. 52 48 there are barriers that many students face in getting to the physician or their health care provider, so were here to be that bridge, so they can get the healthcare they need. Rimmer says the goal is to get children back in the classroom and learning as soon as possible. The clinic sees between 12 and 13 hundred 2 thousand visits. The open house starts at 4 pm and runs until 6. Nurses will give tours every fifteen minutes. The goal is to celebrate success and make this month of awareness known to everyone. Live in the newsroom, brea love, kcrgtv nine news. Familieieand doctors from around the state are back home this morning. They went to voice their concerns about the privatization of medicaid. Federal officials gave iowa the goahead this week to implement the transition on april first. Advocates for iowa medicaid gathered in the rotunda of the State Capitol yesterday along with former Iowa Governor chet culver. More than half a million iowans currently use medicaid. That includes more than 120thousand with disabilities. The group says iowans with disabilities stand to lose the most from the transition to privately managed care. Wwve invited both repupuicans and democrats; we believe this is not a partisan issue; it has been so far, it definitely should not be. However, if it continues to be, we are prepared to make this an issue in the november elections senators took up a bill yesterday that would give lawmakers more power to monitor the privatized care system. Some central city parentntare petitioning for a reaudit of the School Districts 2015 fiscal year. They allege that the district is breaking iowa code by hiding financial records from the public. Central city schools need to cut about 550,000 from next years budget to stay in the green. Amber weber is a parent on a Budget Committee looking at where those cuts shshuld come from. She says she needs more information like monthly finance reports which the district isnt sharing. I reached out to six area schools. The six area schools were able to provide me that information within, i think the quickest time was 27 minutes to an hour. Superintendent tim cronin said because the district is so small, it doesnt have the staffingngize to make those reports readily available like others. He said officials are working to get parents that information as soon as possible. Cronin said the schools Online Finance data is enough to meet iowa code. The dubuque School District has a re Engagement Program to help dozens of High School Drop outs earn their diplomas. The program is a partnership between dubuque schools, northeast t wa Community College and project hope. Online. Special coaches connect with the students whove dropped out and help them figure oot how to reachchtheir graduation goals the programs graduates often go on to college or join the workforce. I remember how refreshing it was to be in an environment where i didnt feel oppressed and where i kind of got a sense what the real worldlds like. More than 95 students have earned their diplomas through the Program Since it started in 2012. Apples favorite personal assistant siri may soon be available for mac. And a popular ride service may soon be launching a twowheeled version. Those stories are ahead in techbytes. Good morning its. Plan on a day similar to clouds in the sky. By afternoon, a few more breaks may occur, but itll be chilly regardless. Tomorrow, clouds should scattered out some more with highs rebounding back to around 40. Theres no doubt some excitement about the weekend warmth, and for good reason. Plan on highs to go well into the 50s both days with sunny sky on saturday and partly cloudy sky on sunday. A cold front will move through on sunday evening, but precipitation chances are extremely low at this time. The takeaway message for the weekend is this ll be fabulous. Another area of low pressure may affect the area around march 1st. Have a great day today turning partly cloudy high 3339 winds nw 1525 alo 35 dbq 34 iow 37tonight partly cloudy low 2430 winds nw 515 alo 25 dbq 26 iow 27tomorrow partly sunny winds w 510 alo 40 dbq 38 iow 42tomorrow night mostly clear low 2632 winds sw 510 alo 29 dbq 27 iow 30 plan on a day similar to yesterday with lots of clouds in the sky. By afternoon, a few more breaks may occur, but itll be chilly regardless. Plan on highs in the mid30s. Tomorrow, clouds should scattered out some more with highs rebounding back to around 40. Theres no doubt some excitement about the weekend warmth, and for good reason. Plan on highs to go well into the 50s both days with sunny sky on saturday and partly cloudy sky on sunday. A cold front will move through on sunday evening, but precipitation chances are extremely low at this time. The takeaway message for the weekend is this itll be fabulous. Another area of low pressure may area around march 1st. Have a great day today turning partly cloudy high 3339 winds nw 1525 alo 35 dbq 34 iow 37tonight partly cloudy low 2430 winds nw 515 alo 25 dbq 26 iow 27tomorrow partly sunny high 3743 winds w 510 alo 40 dbq 38 iow 42tomorrow night mostly clear low 2632 winds sw 510 alo 29 dbq 27 iow 30 thanks kaj. Now heres abcs reena ninan with this mornings techbytes. Trt oc in todays techbytes, apple said to be working on an upgrade for security. R rorts say the company is developing ways that would make it impossible for the government to hack into a locked iphone using current method. Reporter such a move could set the stage for more legal battles in the future it looks like siri could be sooning to your mac. Online reports claim that apple will unveil the new feature inn june. Siri has been ruledolled out for all of apples devices. Uber has launched a motorcycle service. Vehicle to ride on. The new program currently despite a helmet requirement will likely never be available in the u. S. Or, we hope so at some point. He looks my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the Grocery Store anything but simple. So finally, i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. He explained that humira works inside my body to target and d lp block a specifif source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults saw 75 skin clearance. And the majority were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. Humira can lowererour ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your dermatologist about humira. Whats all this nonsense about balls . Pink balls, blue, yellow, red. Its hard to k kp the whole thing straight. And all these socalled deals . Well, they come with a lot of deal breakers. Like when you leave the city the signal goes weak. U. S. Cellular built a network to give you a stronger signal where the other guys dont. And as for deals . Hows 300 back for every line you switch . 300 no ball nonsense. Get 300 per line and a stronger signal, its debate night for the the nevada caucuses and the final before super tuesday. This morning, republican frontrunner donald trump is in a new battle. This time, its former republican president ial contender mitt romney. Abcs Kenneth Moton has the latest on the race for the white house. Nat trump entrance hours before Severe Weather ripped through virginia overnight, donald trump was on the ground rallying supporters, talking running mamas. Sot donald trump i do want somebody thats political because i want to get lots of great legislation that we all want passed trump was a no show for a republican town hall on fox news. Hosted by megyn kelly who had a very public feud with the gop frontrunner. The candidates lined up as they work to take down trump. The conservative movement to be defined by a nominee who promised to release their tax returns this week . After mitt romney called on them to do so. The 2012 gop nominee even said he believes theres a bombshell in trumps taxes. Sot mitt romney phoner when people decide that they dont want to give you their taxes, its usually because theres something they dont want you to see trump went on the attack. The billionaire tweeted mitt romney,who totally blew an election that should have been won and whose tax returns made him look like a fool, is now playing toughguy sot Hillary Clinton 15 44 04 well hello ladiesf Alpha Kappa Alpha fewer fireworks on the democratic side. Hillary clinton made her case to the sisters of aka ahead of saturdays South Carolina primary. Bernie sanders who is struggling with black voters there moved on to super tuesday states drawing 9000 people to his rally in tulsa, oklahoma. As for trumps taxes, he says theres no people in the midatlantic are cleaning up storm damage this morning. The National Weather service spawned tornados that killed at least seven people yesterday. That includes three in waverly, virginia, where this video is from. Virginia state police say they found a two year old and two men, ages 50 and 26, about 300 yards from their mobile home. President obama says he will nominate someone to fill justice antonin scalias seat on the Supreme Court bench. That nomination may not get verz far according to one iowa senatat. Youre looking live on our camera. Kaj will be back right after the break with a look at your thursday forecast. Meteorologist kaj omara joins us now with your first alert forecast. Plan on a day similar to yesterday with lots of clouds in the sky. By aftftnoon, a few more breaks may occur, but itll be chilly regardless. Plan on highs in the mid30s. Tomorrow, clouds should scattered out some more with highs rebounding back to around 40. Theres no doubt some excitement about the weekend warmth, and for good reason. Plan on highs to go well into the 50s both days with sunny sky on saturday and through on sunday evening, but precipitation chances are extremelylyow at this time. The takeaway message for the weekend is this itll be fabulous. Another area of low pressure may affect the area around march 1st. Have a great day today turning partly cloudy high 3339 winds nw 1525 alo 35 dbq 34 iow w 7tonight partly cloudy low 2430 winds nw 515 alo 25 dbq 26 iow 27tomorrow partly sunny high 3743 winds w 510 alo 40 dbq 38 iow 42tomorrow night mostly clear low 2632 winds sw 510 alo 29 dbq 27 iow 30 thanks, kaj. Many wondered if cedar rapids backckfter the 2008 flood. Now the mayor is saying hes happy with the progress of downtown and other districts devastated by the high waters. Stay with tv9. Its. Good thursday morning. Youre looking live on our good thursday morning. Youre looking live on our citycam this morning. Its february 25th and this is what you need to know today. Cedar Rapids Police are looking for suspects in a shooting that left one man dead and another injured on the citys southwest side. 2016 gop president ial candidates are getting ready to faceoff tonight at a debate in texas. While the democrats make Campaign Stops in South Carolina states. The dubuque School Districts reEngagement Program is helping dozens of High School Drop find work. An open house tonight at Taylor Elementary in cedar rapids showcases the districts extended care to students beyond the Nurses Office. The newbo district in cedar rapids is expanding that means parking spots are hard to find. Youre watching kcrgtv9. Now, morning news. First, meteorologis t kaj omara has your first alert recast, kaj. Plan on a d d similar to clouds in the sky. By afternoon, a few more breaks may occur, but itll be chilly regardless. Plan on highs in the mid30s. Tomorrow, clouds should scattered out some more with highs rebounding back to around 40. Theres no doubt some excitement about the weekend warmth, and for good reason. Plan on highs to go well into the 50s both days with sunny sky on saturday and partly cloudy sky on sunday. A cold front will move through on sunday evening, but precipitation chances are extremely low at this time. The takeaway message for the weekend is this itll be fabulous. Another area of low preure may affect the area around march 1st. Have a great day today turning partly cloudy high 3339 winds nw 1525 alo 35 d d 34 iow 37tonight partly cloudy low 2430 winds nw 515 alo 25 dbq 26 iow 27tomorrow partly sunny high 3743 winds w 510 alo 40 dbq 38 iow 42tomorrow winds sw 510 alo 29 dbq 27 iow 30 cedar Rapids Police are looking for suspects this morning after one man died and another was hurt in a shooting on the southwest side. Its an update to a story we told you about yesterday morning. 25yearold seph perkins junior of chicago was killed. Someone also shot and injured a 21yearold man in the leg. Police have not identified him for his own safety. As of this morning, no one faces any charges. Witnesses told police t ty heard multiple gunshots at the cedar valley townhomes at 3thousand j street southwest about 9 30 tuesdayight. Police say it wasnt a random shooting. Those nearby found perkins body in the parking lot man who was injured limped behind a building. Some witnesses also think they saw a vehicle driving away, t police say there are conflicting descriptions. A vehicle. We dont have a confirmed description of that vehicle also the vehicle was occupied by at least two other subjects and possibly even a fourth person involved. In september, someone fired 17 shots at the same apartment complex. There was damage to a car and several buildings. No one was hurt. This is the first homicide in cedar rapids this year. Last year, there were 6 murders or murder suicides. Dubuques first homicide was on january 4th. Police say Delores Flynn beat her exhusband, 72 yearold d ry breckenridge, to death with a baseball bat in their home. She faces a Second Degree murder charge. Iowa city and waterloo have not had any homicides today, a cedar rapids businessman is scheduled for sentencing for mislabeling Meat Products. In july, a jury found bill aossey guilty on 15 charges of mislabeling halal beef that his cpany shipped to muslim customers in malaysia and indonesia. A federal judge pushed back his sentence to today on the same day his company midamar is scheduled to receive its punishment. Aossey was supposed to be sentenced on the 5th. His defense attorney said 40 people sent letters and several others vouched for him, asking for a lighter sentence. So the judge postponed the sentencing to review all of charges, the jury y so found aossey guilty of mail and wire fraud and making false statements. Cedar rapids mayor ron corbett says the city has since the 2008 flood. In his state of the city speech, he looked at how some of the citys urban renewal choices have turned out. Orbett spoke to a a controversial decision to close Second Avenue r the pci medical complex has sparked medical district. Hes also excited about a vibrant downtown and an emerging entertainment district. Our downtown used to be a place work and then left. We are entering a new phase where people work, live and, i predict, will eventually shop downtown the mayor pointed out the library levy that failed in november. Corbett says the Library Board may have asked for too much of a tax increase at once. Part of the growth of arts and entertainment mayor corbett spoke about is taking place in the newbo area. Since parlor city pub and the newbo city market opened, the mayor says development has grown quite a bit. Area leaders say the newbo station project is nearing completion and the depot project is well underway. As part of this growth, parking becomes a growing concern. Corbett says future developments will include parking in the construction plans. 4 44 31 we are probably going to do more of that whehe we incorporate parking in the actual building of the construction. We are seeing that with the crst building downtown. The building goes up but theres parking included while many are coming to newbo, one salon is leaving. Redhead salon is closing and the team is moving to luxe salon in hiawatha. The owner says shes liked the area,a,ut its time for a business change. Shes looking forward to more parking spots at the new location. 4 30 10 we have had some issues with parking just with everything coming in down here and so our clients are ready to have we have a front parking lot and a back parking lot. The salon says in their two years in business, theyve seen plenty of changes and new businesses opening in newbo. February is schoolbased healthcare awareness month, bringing light to the different practices inside of schools nation wide. Metro Care Connection provides schools in the Cedar Rapids Community School District with extended care clinics. Tv9s brea love joins us now. Brea, one clinic is having an open house tonight . Thats right. Taylor Elementary School is asking the month by coming out and seeing what they do. For those who dont know, these clinics resemble a doctors office, fully staffed with nurse practitioners. Its like having one right on campus. The clinic is availible to anyone who is a student within the district or their siblings. If a student visits the Nurses Office with a fever for instance, he or she could then visit the clinic for immediate care. 54 41 they would then be referred down here to our nurse practitioner, who wouldldhen be e le to do vital signs just like a regular doctor would do and then maybe do a strep test and then if that proves to be positive strep, we could then provide antibiotics and get that kid sent home the clinic doesnt want to take the place of students regular physician, but understands there are barriers in healthcare. Its there to be accessible to everyoyo. The clinic sees around 13 hundred students a year, with more than 2 thousand visits. The taylor clinic open house is this afternoon from 4 to 6pm, tours start at 4 15 and run every 15 minutes until 6. Thanks a lot brea. Construction is underway to make the Johnson County courthouse safer. The project includes creating a new Public Entrance in the back of the building. There will be one set of doors where the public will walk through metal detectors and put bags through an xray machine. The addition will also include a second set of doors that sheriffs deputies can use to move inmates to courthouse hearings. The project is expected to be done by march 11th. Johnson county has new renderings of its planned ambulance building. The county is planning to tear down the building that currently houses its ambulances on south dubuque street near downtown iowa city. Its planning to rebuild the facility with 7 Million Dollars starting next month. The new facility will include space for the medical examiner. The ambulances will be housed in other buildings while construction is underway. Iowa senator Chuck Grassley is defending his for anyone president obama will nominate to the Supreme Court. Grassley is the chair of the Senate Judiciary committee. He and other republicans to Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell on tuesday with the decision. Grassley told reporters yesterday the senate shoululwait until the next president takes office. He said he believes americans should have a voice in the process. This issue is not about a what your question is about. The president ight nominate somebody. Does it become an issue about who he nominates . About the process. President obama said he believes the Judiciary Committee should consider his nominee. He said a refusal to consider the nominee could hurt the Supreme Courts credibility. He is planning to meet wiwi grasslsl next week to discuss the situtuion. One group wants to honor wounded veterans from eastern iowa. And they want to do it with a monument but they need your help to make it happen. Up next. This mornings weather wise question. Meteorologist kaj omara is up joins us now. Plan on a day similar to clouds in the sky. By afternoon, a few more breaks may occur, bubuitll be chillllregardless. Plan on highs in the mid30s. Tomorrow, clouds should scattered out some more with highs rebounding back to around 40. Theres no doubt some warmth, and for good reason. Plan on highs to go well into the 50s both days with sunny sky on saturday and partly cloudy sky on sunday. A cold front will move through on sunday evening, but precipitation chances are extremely low at this time. The takeaway message for the weekend is this itll be fabulous. Another area of low pressure may affect the area around march 1st. Have a great day today turning partly cloudy high 3339 winds nw 1525 alo 35 dbq 34 iow 37tonight partly cloudy low 2430 winds nw 515 alo 25 dbq 26 iow 27tomorrow partly sunny high 3743 winds w 510 alo 40 dbq 38 night mostly clear low 2632 winds sw 510 alo 29 dbq 27 w 30 some major wrestling events are coming to iowa city. From the big 10 championships to the olympic trials tickets are going fast. Well have that story and more coming up on tv9. Stay with us. Help pay for the citys late night public bus program. The jule offers rides to passengers around the downtown area on friday and saturday nights. In 2013, the city got a grant from the state to ver the costs, but that money is running out. And the city says since 75 of the riders are college students, the colleges should help pay. But as weve gone forward, they really are the heavy users. So it really makes sense that they would pay the bulk of it. Rather than the taxpayers would pay based on what they use. Dubuque says students from Loras College and the university of dubuque tend to use that night ride more often than Clarke University students. An eastern iowa group wants to recognize wounded and fallen veterans at a cedar rapids park. Monument in North Carolina. The Eastern Iowa Purple Heart Monument Committee wants to install a similar one at all Veterans Park this summer. It would cost 25,000, and the committees raised 30 of that amount so far. One group member says this would be an appropriate way to honor veterans wounded or killed in battle. When you stop and think about it, the people that have been wounded in action, or killed in action, or died as a result of fighting, they gave the most plans call for the monument to measure more than 6 feet high and 6 feet wide. Itll be made from granite from texas. We have more Information Online on helping out thats on kcrg. Com. The city of Iowa City Human Resources Office is holding a job fair today. The employment fair is today from 3 30 until 5 30 this afternoon at the mercer park aquatic center. This will give people the chance to check out about 40 spring and summer positions available in to answer questions. You can also find the jobs on the iowa City Government website. Wrestling tickets are going quickly for two major events coming to iowa city. The university of Iowa Athletics Department said sales are brisk for both the big ten championships and Us Olympic Team trials. Fewer than 2,500 Tickets Remain for the collegiate tournament on march 5th and 6th. As for the trials, ticket sales are ahead of schedule. These are pictures from the 2012 trials. This years event is april 9th and 10th. Now heres our morning mugshot on your thursday. Its the marion masquerade show choir invitational. 30 high school and middle School Show Choirs from iowa and wisconsin will compete during this two day event. It will be this friday and saturday at marion high school. Joe winters, kaj omara, and i will be hosting this year. For more information on the invitational visit marion masquerade dot com. Definitely going to be lots of talent on stage this weekend. If you have a nonprofit event youd like to see featured. Send us an email. Mugshot at kcrgdotcom. You head out the door on your thursday. Metro Care Connection provides schools in the Cedar Rapids Community School District with extended care clinics. There is an open house to tour the clinic this afternoon at Taylor Elementary from four to six. A judge is scheduled to sentence founder bill aossey today in federal court. He faces charges for mislabeling Meat Products receive its punishment today. 2016 republican president ial candidates will take the debate stage this is the final debate before super tuesday. Donald trumps momentum after winning New Hampshire, South Carolina and nevada. Cnn will host the debate tonight at 7 30. Now, one last look at this mornings weather, kaj. Plan on a day similar to yesterday with lots of clouds in the sky. By afternoon, a few more breaks may occur, but itll be chilly regardless. Plan on highs in ththmid30s. Tomorrow, clouds should scattered out some more with highs rebounding back to around 40. Theres no doubt some excitement about the weekend warmth, and for good reason. Plan on highs to go well into the 50s both days with sunny sky on saturday and partly cloudy sky on sunday. A cold froro will move through on sunday evening, but precipitation chances are extremely low at this time. The takeaway message for the weekend is this itll be fabulous. Another area of low pressure may affect the area around march 1st. Have a great day today turning partly cloudy high 3339 winds nw 1525 alo 35 dbq partly cloudy low 2430 winds nw 515 alo 25 dbq 26 iow 27tomorrow partly sunny high 3743 winds w 510 alo 40 dbq 38 iow 42tomorrow night mostly clear low 2632 winds sw 510 alo 29 dbq 27 iow 30 we certainly hopeour is off to a good start. Good morning america is next. And well be back with a local news update at 7 25. Good morning, america. State of emergency. 53 tornadoes touch down from texas to virginia. At least eight dead as the outbreak rips apart homes. Winds hit 83 miles an hour and a coast guard ship overturns trying to rescue a fishing boat. And a blizzard slams the midwest overnight. Last chance, marco rubio and trumps momentum ahead of tonights big debate. If the donald wins the general election, who the heck knows what hed do as president. As mitt romney goes after trump hinting a bombshell may be coming. About the gop frontrunners taxes. Abc news exclusive, david muir oneonone with tim cook, the apple ceo answers s estions fofothe first time about why he wont help the fbi break into the San Bernardino shooters phone. This case is not about the phone

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