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This is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley one picture tells the story of the night birds of prey, the planes of donald trump and Hillary Clinton sized upd each other at the airport in las vegas today. The candidates debate one last time tonight on cbs for the right to command this plane, air force one. And this could be trumps last chance. Have a look at this a month ago, he was less than one point behind in the polls. Then, debate one, september 26, changed the course of the race. And debate two, october 9, put wind beneath the wings of the Clinton Campaign. Tonight, trump trails by more than six points, and no candidate has ever pulled out of a tailspin like that this late. Joining us now from las vegas, and, of course, the anchor of face the nation. John, these debates have been nothing but a boat anchor for donald trump. Why is that . Reporter well, because he has done nothing to expand his base. I mean, hes got that core group of trump supporters. In the last debate we saw him 100 donald trump. He was the same trump that shows up at those rallies. But this is not a donald trump who can reach out to those nervous republicans or even reach in to other areas of moderate voters who might have given him a chance several months ago. Reporter its very difficult in a third debate to change those orientations that have been established in the first two debates. So not only does donald trump have all the problems that john just references, but he has them so late in the campaign, its extremely difficult, almost unprecedented in our president ial campaigns, to reverse that tide in a third debate. Pelley nancy, this race at this moment is not even competitive. What does Hillary Clinton have to gain tonight . Reporter well, shed love if she could to just freeze this race in time. Do no harm, make no mistakes. Dont take any risks that could end up putting her behind where she is right now. What democrats would like her to do is to tie donald trump more explicitly to the republican party, to argue that hes a natural byproduct of a party thats grown more extreme and isnt able to govern. The reason they want her to do that is because they think he could then be an anchor on other candidates down ballot, and they think theyve got a shot if she does that of flipping the senate, scott. With nothing to lose tonight. What are you expecting . Three words economy, change, corruption. Trump will say, look, the global economy, if youre a middleclass morn is a threat to you, private Hillary Clinton is much more enthusiastic about that. Open trade, open borders than she is publicly. That leads into an accusation that Hillary Clinton is fundamentally a corrupt political figure unworthy of the presidency. And that he is the change agent, the only change agent, in this closing days of this campaign to try to reclaim that mantle because they believe thats the safest place for him to land. Pelley nancy, the Clinton Campaign braces every day for more email leaks from the e mail account of her Campaign Chairman john podesta, who presumably has learned to clear out his email trash can at this point. Marco rubio, the republican senator of florida said today, that the republicans should be careful about swinging this doubleedged digital sword. S im not going to do it. And ive advised my fellow republicans not to continue to do it because, again, do we really want to live in a country where a Foreign Intelligence Agency can hold our can blackmail our Public Officials by threatening if you dont do what they want theyre going to release your daughters emails or sons emails or wifes e mails. Today its them. Tomorrow it could be us, or everybody for that matter. Pelley so if donald trump tonight does not follow marco rubios advice, where is Hillary Clinton vulnerable to wiki reporter shes vulnerable to trump, or the moderator, for that matter, ask her why is it in these emails over and over again we see your top aides, your allies saying things like, you can be your own worst enemy, that you have trouble apologizing, that you lack good instincts . They can both argue, if even the people closest to you think that you dont always have the best judgment, how can the American People be sure that you have great judgment . Reporter you had, in one of these leaked or hacki should say emails, john podesta says he doesnt believe something Hillary Clinton told him. And that goes to the heart of is where she has had difficulty in her career, is explaining these sticky situations, whether its her private server, whether its benghazi, whether its the information in the hacked wikileaks emails. When she gives an explanation that voters have said even the explanation, if written on paper makes sense, when she gives it, they find something about it that doesnt ring true. Pelley nancy cordes, major now, dont miss cbs news live coverage of the debate tonight with norah odonnell, gayle king, john dickerson, and bob schieffer. It begins at 9 00 eastern time. The Arizona Republic has endorsed republican president iad candidates for a century and a quarter until this year. The papers editorial endorsed t Hillary Clinton, which turned out to be fighting words. Lee cowan is in phoenix. Reporter its a reliably conservative newspaper in a reliably red state. But when it endorsed Hillary Clinton for the white house, all hell broke loose. Okay, you dont need to be rude to me. Reporter calls came pouring in, some angry, others verbally abusive. And the last one was referring to the Arizona Republics president miai parrish. How fast did it come in right away . Right away. About 9 00 that morning. Reporter the first death threat. There were several. Her email was full of hate, too. This one we took to securityt we will burn you down. The idea that well burn you down, well firebomb you, you should be hung as a traitor. Those are those were concerning. Reporter even before the endorsement, donald trump had made media bashing one of the signatures of his campaign. Look at all that press, among the most dishonest people in the world. Its time to stand up and say stop. Reporter phil boas is theor republics editorial page editor. Im a conservative. Im a republican my entire life. It took somebody who was anre abomination to lose the endorsement of the Arizona Republic. Reporter one anonymous caller suggested more reporters would be blown up, more because one of the papers own, reporter don bolles, was killed by a car bomb while investigating a storo us, meant to terrorize us, meant to shut us up. Reporter so parrish took to the editorial pages again to thank those bold enough to disagree with us on principle but didnt threat to bomb our homes or harm our families. People have been afraid to just stand up and say, hey, this is not cool. You know, this is not who we are. It doesnt have to be so ugly. Thank you so much, and thank you for your support. Nd reporter the tone of the calls has since changed, she says. Of a really long, dark night. Reporter though many readers still disagreed with theag endorsement of Hillary Clinton, a certain level of civility had returned. Li thank you, byebye. That was a nice one. Reporter at least for now. Lee cowan, cbs news, phoenix. Pelley in another important story, a noose is tightening around isis in mosul, the city of one Million People in northern iraq. Kurdish troops surround the city to prepare for eventual liberation. Holly williams is there. Reporter iraqs elite special forces are battle hardened, and american trained, and today, they moved into position for a new push towards mosul. Lieutenant colonel ali husseinoo bragged that theyd be inside the city in a matter of hours. But isis has up to 5,000 fighters in mosul. Youre going to defeat them in a were the special forces, he told us. We can do it. But the truth is the mosul offensive has slowed to a crawl in the last 48 hours. Today, these kurdish fighters built new defensive positions 15 miles east of the city. They recaptured this area on monday and now look like theyre planning on staying put. In the village of kabali, you can see one of the reasons itso when isis fled the village two days ago, they left many of the houses here rigged with homemade bombs. Theyve detonated some and dismantled others. But Mohammed Sayeed satiq has come home to find his house still laced with explosives. He fled two years ago, along with all the other residents. Why would isis put explosives in your house . Theyre our enemy, he told us, and they have no mercy. What they found in the villages recaptured so far, scott, suggests that retaking mosul at, a densely packed city of around one million residents, could take months. Pelley Holly Williams on the battlefield tonight. Holly, thank you. Two americans were shot to death today, three wounded near a base south of kabul, afghanistan. The attacker wore an afghan army the americans have not been identified. Opioid addiction is killingl nearly 30,000 americans a year, and so weve been looking at solutions on this broadcast. For months, we followed jason amarals harrowing journey fromo addiction to rehab to recovery. And now jim axelrod has learned of a promising new treatment that begins behind bars. Me and my brother turned to stealing and doping. Reporter every jail is fulli of stories. Something i thought i needed to be. Reporter and while the ones these inmates are telling at the jail in Kenton County, kentucky may not sound like it at first, they are all stories of hope. Thank god that i screwed up bad enough that put me in jail. Reporter Jeremy Westerman ir doing seven years for dealing drugs to support his own opioidd habit. You come in here, and your hope comes back. You get your wits back. Youre tired of living that life. T reporter Jason Merrick is a inmate who took hard lessons and translated them into a new Substance Abuse treatment program, an innovative approach to kicking opiates for good. Is it easy to point to inmates who are here because of opioid addiction . 83 of our intakes are directly or indirectly related to substance use. Having a different persons perspective. Reporter merrick combines the traditional tools of psychotherapy and 12step pp the vivitrol comes in two parts. Reporter inmates are given an injection of the drug vivitrol just before theyre released, and then once a month after they get out. Essentially, it blocks the effects of opiates, including heroin, morphine, oxycodone, for up to 30 days. If they take a normal dose of heroin, they will not feel the effects. The shots kind of big. Reporter vivitrol, says merrick, gives them a fighting chance when they reintegrate chance of coming back here. Reporter if you are in your program . It drops to 10. Good luck, buddy. Thank you. This is what keeps peoplepl safe while theyre building those foundations of recovery. Reporter you were dead. I was dead. Reporter flat line. I was dead. Lips blue. My mom found me. Reporter not even a near fatal overdose kept jordan west from using again, eventually ending up in the Kenton County jail for 90 days on a possession charge. The vivitrol. Before, my perspective was, when i wasnt on this stuff, it was drugs, drugs, drugs. Who i can manipulate . Who i can steal from . Who can i lie to . I who can i deceive . And with vivitrol, when its blocking the cravings, its what can i do for the next man . How can i help somebody else out . Reporter jail offers addicts a shot at getting clean. Vivitrol offers a chance of staying clean. Take when you get out. If you get out and you keep on doing the same things, youre going to keep on getting the same results. Its called insanity. Reporter if these inmates in kentucky are as successful as jordan west, families andes neighborhoods devastated by the epidemic of opiate addiction may finally have a way to combat it. Giving them that extra level of support is essential to keeping them alive and building stronger communities. Reporter vivitrol is designed to been year or two after release, while the addict gets on his or her feet. Since february, 22 inmates have completed this program, and not one has reoffended, which iss why the white house is considering it as a model for prisons nationwide. Pelley what a hopeful storya jim axelrod, thanks very much. Still ahead on the cbs evening news, new rules to protect airline passengers. And for those who prefer to walk in the sky, chinas glassbottom bridge, not for the faint of advil liqui gels work so fast youll ask what bad back . What pulled hammy . Advil liqui gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what romantic moments can happen spontaneously, so why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. Many men arent aware their Health Insurance may cover cialis. Pelley two Million People board flights in the u. S. Every day. We dont know how many who are happy about it, but for those who are not, the government is proposing to add to the passenger bill of rights. Heres kris van cleave. Hi reporter ron mullenix and his wife are leaving the washington, d. C. Airport one bag short. Does the airline have a sense where your bags are . Yeah, they didnt get loaded in atlanta. Theyll be here at about 6 00, and theyll deliver before midnight. Reporter under newly proposed regulations, airlines would have to refund baggagehe fees when luggage is substantially delayed. Its one of the reforms aimed at better protecting fliers after years of Airline Mergers left four airlines in control of about 80 of the industry. Airlines will have to report on time performance for all planes that fly under their banner. Previously major carriers have fare comparison web sites will have to disclose if search results favor one airline over another, and if a wheelchair is damaged, airlines will have to report it. T sean kennedy is with a. 4. A. , which represents the airlines, and has concerns about the rules. Air travelers should be worried about unintended consequences. Were at a point right now where fares are low, competition is high, and customers have more choice now than ever. Any time theres a proposal to create new regulaon reporter some of the rules like the web site search results will be in effect in a matter of weeks. Scott, the bag fees and others wont come into effect untilt 2018 or later. Pelley kris van cleave, thanks. Coming up, divers trapped in a cave. Hashtag stuffy nose. Hashtag no sleep. I got it. Hashtag mouthbreather. Yep. Weve got a mouthbreather. Pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. So you can breathe. And sleep. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right. [ crowd noise ] whoa. [ gears stopping ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. Try this. But just one aleve has the strength to stop pain for 12 hours. Tylenol and advil can quit after 6. So live your whole day, not part. Whats going on here . Im val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. Were putting away acorns. You know, to show the importance of saving for the future. So youre sort of like a Spokes Person . More of a spokes metaphor. Get organized at voya. Com. Hey, ready for the big meeting . Yeah. Uh, hello . A meeting . Its a big one. 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Police say she came at a sergeant with a bat. He shot her twice. Mayor bill deblasio says the sergeant had other options, including a taser. The Police Commissioner said this is not how we train. But the Sergeants Union callsn it selfdefense. The eagles nest sinkhole in florida is known as the Mount Everest or grand canyon of scuba diving. But after the deaths of two scuba instructors over the close the underwater caves. Its not clear how the men drowned. Their bodies were recovered at 260 feet. 10 divers have died in the eagles nest since 1981. Tonight, a wildfire is threatening homes in the San Fernando Valley north of los angeles. It quickly destroyed 20 acres this afternoon. Its still growing, fueled by 90 degree heat and 40mileanhour gusts. Pregnant women to put off travel to Miamidade County florida, and said those who had spent time there since august should be tested for zika. The virus can cause severe birth defects. Mosquitoes in the county have been spreading the virus more than 150 cases since august. Cl the world series. Theyll play either the ltz dodgers or the chicago cubs. Up next, a walk on a wonder of the world. . Like a human fingerprint, pacific life has been delivering flexible retirement and Life Insurance solutions for more than 145 years. Ask a Financial Advisor how you can Tailor Solutions from pacific life to help you reach your financial goals. Im hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. But that doesnt stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. Thatd be devastating. I took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about oncedaily xarelto. Then i made the switch. Xarelto . Significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. It has similar effectiveness to warfarin. Warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. Xarelto . 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Theres more to know. Pelley if you have acrophobia, fear of heights; gephyrophobia, fear of bridges; or hyalophobia, fear of glassl well, then, hang on, adriana diaz has scared up a story for you. Y reporter if you like the feeling of floating on air, but if you cant put matter over mind, youre better off keeping your feet on the ground. Chinas zhangjiajie grand canyo glass bridge is the worlds highest and longest at 1 its also the worlds longest fashion runway. But the only people on this catwalk have to wear glasssafe booties. No heels allowed. Only two inches of glass separate us from a 1,000foot drop. It feels unnatural, but thats whats drawing 8,000 people here a day. Its so beautiful. Very nice. E. I feel a little scared. Opened in august, but had to close for a month for safety upgrades after too many people showed up. Once you get used to it, itt not that scary. Reporter the vice general manager, joe chen there are three layers of the glass panel, and each layer can actually withstand more than 40 tons. Reporter to prove it, this summer, officials had visitors try to smash the glass with a sledgehammer and ride a car over but chen says, this is more than just a tourist attraction. This bridge will represent the creativities and inventing power of new china. Reporter a new china reaching record heights. Adriana diaz, cbs news, zhangjiajie, china. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Isis. Reporter mass execution of ethiopian christians. Mike coffman was the only one that reached out to our community. He went to every ethiopian church. He was there, and he was sharing the sadness that we were actually experiencing at the time. He says what he means, and he does what he says. That means a lot to us and to me. Im mike coffman, happening now the countdown to the final president ial debate. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton take the stage at the university of nevada las vegas. You can watch it here on cbs4. Im jim benemann. And im currently. Shaun boyd joins us now and we know that millions are going to be watching so what should we be watching for . Reporter a lot has happened since the last debate. I think to see how both candidates address the controversies. A new poll shows a majority of voters dont think either candidate has a sense of decency and they say donald trump is not fit to be president and theyre divided on whether Hillary Clinton is. Fitness for presidency, one of the topics tonight. Over the last week trump has faced allegations of Sexual Assault by a number of women and is claiming without evidence that theres widespread voter fraud

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