Day Britain France and Israel are calling on Ankara to stop the u.s. Is threatening unspecified consequences if Turkey fails to protect religious minorities hundreds of thousands of California customers are without power the state's largest utility p.g. And e. Is cutting power to keep lines from sparking wildfires Jeremy Siegel of member station k.q.e.d. Reports the shutoffs are massive in scope stretching far north and this year in Nevada foothills down into parts of the Bay Area so Horace Kaufman who lives in the hills of Oakland says p.g. And e. Cut her power late last night I thought I was prepared but I now I want to get more batteries and make sure I have more food in house just in case if I'm good for a polite 3 days but in the last 7 and I won't be genie says the outages could last for days even after the weather that could fuel fires subsides because crews will need to inspect their lines for any damage view to what he says it's being proactive after last year's deadly wildfires this is n.p.r. . Ohio University is now suspending 3 sororities and a professional fraternity over allegations of hazing and a wrongful death lawsuit the cease and desist letters come just days after the university suspended all fraternities on the campus university says administrative investigations are being conducted the federal government is issuing new guidelines for prescribing opioids N.P.R.'s Allison Aubrey reports there aimed at clearing up confusion on how or whether to take people off the drugs there's no doubt that opioids have been overprescribed but in the haste to reduce the number of people taking them Critics say some chronic pain patients have been forced to abruptly taper or stop using them now the new guidelines say doctors need to consider each patient individually and go slowly Here's Admiral Brett juror walk of the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services there is a very large body of data that would say that abrupt discontinuation or abrupt reduction in dosage can be harmful to patients for some patients the benefits of long term use at the lowest possible dose can outweigh the harms Allison Aubrey n.p.r. News Washington tennis champion Naomi Osaka is giving up her u.s. Citizenship so she can play for Japan in next year's Olympics was born in Japan and raised in the u.s. But under Japanese law dual citizens have to choose one nationality when they're 22 years old and turns 22 next week. Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include the ring foundation in support of N.P.R.'s continued mission to create a more informed public one challenged and invigorated by a deeper understanding of events ideas and cultures and Americans for the Arts. 'd 'd 'd 'd this is the composer's datebook for October 10th I'm John Birch. In James Joyce's novel Ulysses used the fonts of its major characters keep shifting from the sights and sounds they encounter in and around Dublin to their private nonstop interior monologues 'd this narrative technique came to be called stream of consciousness writing. In music something similar occurred on today's date in 1968 when the Italian composer Luciano Barrios conducted the Swingle Singers and the New York Philharmonic in the Premier performance of his new work untitled Sinfonia. Sinfonia including music quotes from Bach to Mahler intermingled with song and spoken texts ranging from Claude Levy Strauss to Samuel Beckett There's even a bit of Joyce's Ulysses tossed in as well alongside slogans from the student protests of 1968 the text of Sinfonia 2nd movement was a tribute to the recently assassinated civil rights leader Dr Martin Luther King Jr and consisted of nothing but the intoned syllables of his name. Sinfonia was Barrios stream of consciousness interior monologue on the year in 1968 made public with great theatrical flair and dizzying mix of poignant music and political text Dario was quoted as saying the juxtaposition of contrast in elements in fact is part of the whole point. Somewhat to everyone's surprise Sinfonia turned out to be ahead in Columbia Records even released a recording of the work with its premiere performers. Composers datebook is produced by a.p.m. American Public Media in conjunction with the American composers forum reminding you that all music was once new. And hello nor state I'm kind of false here with the delightful Who are you Nancy we mean yes. I do know that but can we get the phone number 1st we can it's 802345246802345246 or of course you can go online to make a pledge at my s.p.r. Dot org We are in our 4th day of a 5 and a half day pledge drive so it's important that we take full advantage of this we we don't have much much longer to go. Fortunately we have a couple of incentives today today is what we call $5.00 Thursday and what that means is if. This is an opportunity for folks to call in to make a 5 dollar a month for Dany new sustaining this new sustaining members we encourage sustaining memberships they're good for you they're good for us we'll explain why that's true a little bit but $5.00 a month we suggest and. Many people take more and more that or more we never we never discourage more if you want to do $5.00 plus $90.00 on top of that a month we're happy to have that. We also have a what we we've got another incentive if. I'd like to tell people what they can call the number to call if they want to met their thing contributors to this new challenge find and they will match an additional $60.00 for each of the next 5 new sustaining them Bers who phone in that be $5.00 a month level or greater so if you're interested in making this match and I hope you are Phone 802345246. So phone that number and let the phone volunteer know that you want to become a steady member at the $5.00 a month level or greater for example we are very grateful to Deborah Barker who is making this match possible David Welch thank you David for making this. This challenge possible so make that phone call 802345246 take advantage of this offer this match is being made possible by these people like Charlotte do wit and Randolph Chilton who have made this donation possible Absolutely we've got a we've got a group of about 20 people on that list who've given a little bit more. Maybe a little bit more than a little bit. But I want to send a voice you our our listeners out there at the north in the north state to call in and make your pledge as a place take advantage of that we would hate to leave that on the table so this is $5.00 Thursday $5.00 Thursday but you can multiply that by 5 and still take advantage of this that these kind people have set up yeah so don't be confused we have 2 things going on and both of them will increase your contribution to us and we'll thank you for that we have about 2 minutes to go. And we'll get back to classical music going back into classical music when you become a member of the team. We we want you to know that that helps us provide the kind of news that and music and entertainment that that you want and deserve we would like you to become a brand new member today if you can we really encourage new membership that of course is the future of the station. We have people who have sustained us and in many ways over men. The years but it's now it's time for some new members to to participate and extend our ever longevity we've been doing this for 50 years we'd love to be doing it another 50 years and then take a look at that and maybe do another 50 years so you this thing right now can make that possible 802345246 can you tell them how important it is to become a state sustaining member so yeah and let me explain what sustaining memberships are sustaining members contribute just a little bit each month or or more. And that ensures that we have good cash flow through the year it's very good for us and it's convenient for you the listener because once you set that in place it's ongoing until you stop it we're going to get back to classical Now let me give you the number again it's 802345246 or you can go to my n.s.p. Our daughter org I think we'll throw it back to Mike thank you Canon Nancy and in addition to listeners like you making our programming possible we also get support from Stiefel of Chico establish an 890 the national investment firm specializes in providing solid study advice and help in strategies to help investors pursue their financial goals they can be found online at Stiefel dot com That's s t i f e l dot com and from Chico orthodontist Dr Edward Bruno helping patients of all ages find their smiles within this line since 1999 information about visiting line a Chico orthodontics dot com or 3450600 schedule at Invisalign evaluation with Dr Bruno. Live from the s.p.r. Studios in beautiful downtown Chico this is afternoon classics where great music and great artistry live I'm your host Mike Fish again and it's coming up on 14 minutes after 1 o'clock this 1st hour today's dedicate overtures the 1st of which is by Beethoven who's spent 250th anniversary of his birth his next year. This is the overture to the creatures of Promethea sir Opus 43 researcher Collin Davis conducting the ferry and Radio Symphony in the spin 80 c.b.s. Recording. One. Person the 1st. The 1st. The with the with the the. Lisa. Millar. Beethoven's creatures for Promethea so future Opus 43 we're circling Davis and the Bavarian Radio Symphony and next is another overture by Verdi to his op press fest beseechingly on or Sicilian Vespers with trio surfing conducting the Royal Philharmonic in this classic late fifty's stereo recording. At. Yes. Verdi Sicilian Vespers overture to Leo Sarah feen of the Royal Philharmonic recorded in stereo 1959 for a minute and coming up we'll hear an extended length overture or frost Seanie to his opera 12 although 8 to the sky this is afternoon classics on s.p.r. This is Terry Gross the host of fresh air on North State Public Radio hearing gauging conversations different points of view thoughtful debates and something it's become impossible to live without in-depth coverage of the news so please keep listening and keep supporting an s.p.r. And my n.s.p. Are bought. And we are my n.s.p. Our daughter word we're s.p.r. Dot org I'm kind of all here with Nancy Whitman were about the business of giving you an opportunity support nor State Public Radio to raise the money we need to bring you his shirts Let's get the phone number to 802345246802345246 so you go to my honesty your daughter works sorry you know I was just reminding people that Mike that she's going to be playing some Rossini when we get back so stay tuned for that Racine e. So you won't miss any of that if you make the phone call and but we've got about 5 minutes here to talk to you about something else which is raising money to use support this the service that we provide we're specially encouraging people today to to call in as new sustaining members and we're emphasizing $5.00 a month today because it's $530.00 there's a $5.00 Thursday and we have a sweetener for that and you could certainly offer more than $5.00 a month that's a bargain basement price as if there is a $5.00 a month or more and if you do that there are some nice contributors who will match an additional $60.00 for each of you who do that 5 new sustaining members you phone in right now at the $5.00 level or more so we would like to thank some of these contributors Deborah Barker she has made this possible the snatching $60.00 and John. On air and Charlotte the Whit and Nancy Williams share in math and thank you all these contributors the supporters of North it Public Radio who a match an additional $60.00 if you you. Phony and 802-345-2466 extension 0 dollars is a great and handsome and it means a lot to us let me give you that number again we'll just keep doing that 802345246 you know whatever the reason you haven't given before if you're considering becoming a new member now's the time to just put aside those excuses and and pitch and you'll feel great about it I remember the 1st time I did this I felt like an adult suddenly kind of. Specializes in I'm still not sure I'm there. And just you know you you decide where you're comfortable starting we suggest $5.00 a month as a as a reasonable and trim out I'm sorry entry level entry level exactly but you make that decision and you of course can also if you're not comfortable with making a monthly contribution make a yearly contribution you can you choose the amount. Just call in and one of our phone helpers will and like your nomination the number of course is 802345246 we've got about 2 minutes to go. And you are mentioning that they can make just a single gift annual gift so whatever you think is appropriate you can choose how you want to go about supporting your state public radio set up your own schedule in if you want to give a single gift you can have a big impact right now right now 802345246 let's break down this this if you were to contribute 5 dollars a month less break that down a little bit that's just about $0.16 a day $0.16 a day if if you were to give say $10.00 a month that saw $120.00. Dollars a year that's $0.32 a day here's a suggestion what if you were to make your donation today however you do that as a sustaining member which we encourage or. Wanted a. Once a year gift and then starting tomorrow you get a big jar and you put $0.32 a day in it. That doesn't hurt too much and then at the end of the year you take it down the Safeway you you you get all that money all those coins changed into rolls or cash I think they give you cash and and you contribute that's your next year's contribution right there I think it's a good idea maybe nobody else does but I do well Ken you're also we were you posed the question What can you buy these days the $0.32 and we couldn't really come up with an you thought of only one thing Ken that you could do with $32.00 things that's parking meters but if you can think of something else call us even if you're just going to do that call us and tell us Ok let's give that number one last time 802345246 my and s.p.r. Dot org. Thanks again Ken and Nancy and in addition to listeners like you we also get support from live life juice company fresh organic cold pressed juices and elixirs open daily a 220 Broadway in downtown Chico now serving vegan and gluten free sweets and save Reese from their food menu information at live life you see yellow dot com and the live light use Facebook page and 4 members 1st present you created by the community for the community members 1st as a member own not for profit financial institution crowding checking savings loans and credit cards to all residents of Butte Glen Shasta and to him a county's more information I am one see you dot org That's m. Numeral one c. You die Oh Archie but most of all. It's listeners like you that make our programming possible call your pledge now at 180-234-5246 or pledge online at my n.s.p. Our dot org We hear next a nother overture well not extended Like I said but it's about a quarter minutes long but this time it's by Rossini who has rarely heard operatic . Profiled 08 Elisca with Ricardo Shadi conducting the National Philharmonic Orchestra in this recording. The. Russy nice Torvald 08 only sky overture were kind of shy in the National Philharmonic and in just a few moments well close our 1st hour dedicated to overtures with Sue pace beautiful Galatea as interpreted by Leonard Bernstein this is afternoon classics on ash p.r. Work great music and great artistry live and if you want to keep great music and great artistry alive here on the radio Well here's kinda Vala Nancy Reagan to tell you more about the importance of pledging to support it is that right that is absolutely right before we tell you about the importance some of you were just ready to call in now so go the 80234 $524682345246.00 or you can do it online at my n.s.p. Our dot org And today is $5.00 Tuesday and we've got a special spiff to go with that and we all can and this is can develop has just been giving you the phone number on Nancy Whitman host of Nancy's book shelf here north of public radio and that rousing music can wow the Rossini was it's a nice way to come into the breakers and well I think so because it gets the blood blood flowing if you want to get up out of your chair and become your telephone and call 802345246 well we've got this wonderful offer so can why should they do that Russia they make that phone call today today right now because we we will augment your pledge by 60 dollars courtesied Now there are provisions there courtesy of a listener challenge funded it's been put together by some folks who have made additional contributions just so we could do this and Nancy who is who are those people will this match that his been describing he's made possible thanks to Deborah bargain or Thomas Hayes Joseph Williams. And Russell Wade among others and there are so many on this list that are encouraging you right now to make the phone call Katie Milo is another that is offering this match $60.00 for each new sustaining member who phones in $5.00 a month is all you have to do that's that's really the a lower price if you want to call it a price that will certainly welcome more it's like it's kind of an entry price anyway level it's a way to start. To become a member. For many people that's a fairly painless $5.00 a month but you got to make the call 802345246 that's the number again 802-345-2462 make that call and then there are a lot of people that have already called in and there's one that I thought was especially nice Kimberly Chapelle said that she is already currently a sustainer but she's calling in with an additional pledge because there are others who can't with the troubles that we're having the power outages from p.g. And e. There are some people who are able to call in so this nice listener even though she's already sustaining member Kimberly Chapelle she wanted to call in additional pledge because of others who can't because they don't have power right now it's just like the folks on the list that Nancy just read we do have. Those those supporters who like Jennifer or Roark. Who was kind enough to make that additional get we have these people who in addition to their regular contributions . Drive after drive add some additional to that time user doing double and sometimes triple duty the truth is only about why. One out of 10 of our listeners contributes to the station so if you're listening to be that one beat out one let's try to get it to 2 because what it means is 90 percent of the people who listen to this station do not support it. I think the lesson there is obvious and we don't need to get too heavy about that but we would like you if you're a fairly regular listener to to consider what what n.s.p. Are an n.p.r. Mean to you in your day and you know consider making that $5.00 a month pledge at $0.16 a day. $0.16 a day so be one of the callers who calls in right now we need 5 callers to complete this challenge or this match and let's get 2 of those callers in before the next break so do yourself a favor call 802345246 that's right or go to my n.s.p. Or dot org Maybe you're thinking that you know what difference does my pledge make it's maybe 60 or or $120.00 of that is can that's just an excuse it is it is an excuse and you're not a good reason is just an excuse you know many grains of sand make a beach so be a grain of sand and call in 802345246 my n.s.p. Our daughter work. Thanks again Nancy and can farms Fons who pays 1st critical says success in the world of unis opera was de sure not Ghana today or the beautiful Galatea which premiered in 1985 in the Stop read of the sculptor Pygmalion has fallen madly in love with his statue of Galatea a and accordingly does not want to sell it to minus a patron of the arts by to spelt with a y. Instead he prays to Venus the goddess of the love that the statue be brought to life the wish is granted by Galatea turns out to be a very independent minded creature she is one thankful to big name 1000000000 with a servant Gana made because he is much more pleasing to her than Pygmalion and does not reject miters who offers her jewelry when pick mailing catches Galatea in a compromising situation he successfully employs Venus to turn her back into stone a Jew We offered by my guess is also tried in the stone but the whole statue is sold to him Here is its popular overture performed in this late sixty's recording by the one and only Leonard Bernstein and The New York Philharmonic suppose a beautiful Galatea. Thank you thank. You. Her. To. Recorded in 1967 for Columbia masterworks Now Sony Classical that was who pays beautiful Calla tayo overture with Leonard Bernstein and The New York Philharmonic . And support from happening classics comes from listeners like you and from Chico Karkare an independent Toyota Lexus specialist offering warranty compliant service work located 89 miles north of Sacramento at 1369 East 9th Street. Car Care office a courtesy shuttle and wife find their waiting. Information about services as well as appointments on line that she call Car Care dot com and from Ground 0 wood fired foods an Italian inspired farm to table restaurant. 198 East 2nd Street Chico serving lunch and dinner Tuesday through said excuse me close Sunday and Monday menu and information at Toronto Chico dot com and by phone 809-2304 most of all listeners like you so show your support for great music and great artistry on the radio by calling your pledge now at 102345246 that's 180-234-5246 or pledge online at my end as b.r. Dot org And coming up after n.p.r. News will be an assortment of winds and brass Bernard Rodgers 3 Japanese dances with Frederick from now on the East Wind Ensemble autumn from of all these 4 seasons with the North one quintet Corcovado by Meo with sucker and 2 selections by walking Torino with the Empire brass it is now 2 o'clock this is afternoon classics on s.p.r North State Public Radio ke c h o Chico n.k.f. P.r. Reading on the web at my s.p.r. Dot org a broadcast service of California State University Chico. Life from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Janine Herbst energy secretary Rick Perry is the latest Trump administration official to be subpoenaed in the House impeachment inquiry the chairman of 3 House committees intelligence Florence of Foreign Affairs and oversight city of questions about Perry's efforts to press Ukraine.

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