Here is up next. So leg. Length from American Public Media. Sitting in. The boat. Looking. Up. Oh welcome to live from here this week we bring you a rebroadcast of a show from earlier this season recorded live on January 13th at the Keller auditorium in Portland Oregon with our guests 2 yards. The Fairfield 4 and the Lucas brothers plus our Royal Academy of radio actors Claire Coffey Fred Newman Tim Russell and Tom Papa and in the 1st call radio players Madison Cunningham Richard. And Ted Poole live from here are supported by Home Advisor matching homeowners with home improvement professionals for a variety of home projects from repairs to remodels homeowners can read reviews and book appointments online at Home Advisor dot com And by Carbonite offering data protection solutions for businesses including automatic backup for servers and point protection high availability and disaster recovery data migration learn more at Carbonite dot com. How I missed you. Miss your deeply missed that's M.I.'s t.v. . You are missed. And I love that about you and for those of you listening around the country it's a refreshing welcoming noble mist is not right Portland it's Sure. It's sunny. Just Right now it's your Statue of Liberty the mist is your arch it's the security blanket of the Pacific Northwest in winter spring and fall. And summer. The mighty perma mist dome by park a hill Portland or well met What can she do in the perma mist Nothing that's what can you jog your you jog to this theater didn't you. Can you eat a shark could replay in the perma missed hell yes you can in fact the 2000 odd people in this theater are the only people in all of normal County who aren't currently consuming a cured pork product. Can you write a civil war love song in the promised column Malloy can. I. Please. Can you sing the December song in January yeah. You can do anything you want in Portland I got to live here for 5 years and I loved every 2nd. It's. That's true that's my wife Claire and I moved out here after she was cast on a television show called Graham. Rooster is in the how. Are the only new she did for the uninitiated Graham as in The Brothers Graham was a fairy tales for grown ups thriller The tended to emphasize the most disturbing aspects of classic fairy tales like for instance Big Bad walls eating and then impersonating people's grandmothers people's grandmothers eating their perspective grandchildren out of their children's wombs it was created 5. Great show Claire My wife was addled in shade lawyer by day yes. I don't. Write a fine she was a lawyer by day at all and she was a lawyer by day conniving murderous hacks and beast by night. People would come up to get a picture with her when we were out to dinner and say afterwards Wow you're you're so much nicer in person. It was this if they were pleasantly surprised that she hadn't poisoned them. We moved to Brooklyn about a year ago and this is the 1st time I've been back since I made a beeline for my favorite of Portland 500000 coffee shops and when I stepped up to the register I heard one of the things I missed most about living here a barista saying hi what you're up to today. Not what can I get Chia or how's it going it's what you're up to today and it's totally sincere ya'll are genuinely interested in how your fellow humans are choosing to spend their. Days you going to see the timbers game you going to climb Mt Hood. You in between stops on the shore could replace crawl. All of the above This is Portland you live well and you look out for each other I'm so happy to be back here's part 2. Here's part 2 of our 4 part song of the month called January 28. The book. The big. READY READY RINGBACK RINGBACK questions. In winter and. 'd how. It's. Coming. To find some. Synch and we. Can afford. The Wall. Thank. You Mr go back for the American. Citizen coming here Mr President over the post-polio players. In a vault somewhere above the Arctic Circle scientists concerned about the future of Planet Earth are stockpiling a precious resource audio recordings of David Attenborough talking about wildlife. Night approaches as the corpuscular also law stares in this way. Sir Adam Burrows says he'll never retire but that's the chance lovers of high quality in nature documentaries can't take much of our stockpile is evergreen sound bite that could apply to creatively edited footage of any animal species that sleeps well does the wrist. Jumps very goes. He's found to stop or is hunted Oh no he is. But with the natural world in a constant state of flux we need to provide coverage for every natural eventuality of the next 50 years and does now own the streets after dark and a not to be a cost truly every eventuality and more respected than ever before. Some of it is surprising. Is ocean oh so these and if they did cows have taught themselves to paddleboard. Lions and because there was no friends no more precisely acquaintances yes you will be able to release dramatic and reassuring nature programming narrated by the legendary David . Adam burrow in Definitely a busy black footed fairy tales that. He's late for lunch at an upscale beast. So sleep easy tonight our planet may not be on a sustainable course but our nature documentaries I owed job. This approach November through the book. And in a hat and a jacket he sewed himself Mr Willie Watson thank you. When a little while hanging a little while and see. God seeing my father come in we both see. The goods bring me a silver father did you bring some. What did you bring me dear father to keep me from the Gallows Pole. I didn't bring those little. Didn't bring logo come to see the bang in from the gallows. Oh a little. Hang me live a little while and see Thank God see my mother coming near you call to see. Lolo the did you bring me as soon love you can bring some gold you come to see the me hang in from the Gallows Pole. Love it bring those. I didn't bring no go come to see you swaying in from the killer was bold. Love of that you bring Miss Lulu love it did you bring some gold did you come to see me head from the Gallows Pole. Was so brought uses. Bought a little boat. About a little of a average paying to keep me from the gallows. In . Games in those. a. Brand new record out folk singer Volume 2. There was sorry man I should know better never talk to a folk singer whose tune I always have to tune my guitar These things always happen just because folk singers don't know how to make it up oh. Well then we should we should be listening to this it was so a rarity I think I think I got a figure you got it yeah I think I was jealous Paul is on the new on Iraq right that's on folk singer Volume 2 this is you're going back mining mining songs from the days of yore Well I mean it's more like sitting or driving but I don't all the way back to the days like Led Zeppelin Yeah I just like to dress like a coal miner Yeah exactly all the way back to the sixty's. I mean where did that song come from though Gallows Pole that's not their song Well there's I mean everybody was doing it you know for the past 100 years and Leadbelly of course has got a pretty popular version yeah yeah there's all kinds of like I guess it goes back hundreds of years though so by the way something has happened for those of you listening at home something has happened on stage at the Fairfield 4 are suddenly with us. Here you. Really ought to come to these shows sometimes folks I mean they were they were lowered onto the stage with hydraulics it was it was amazing we do it very quietly so as not to distract Willie while he's tuning. But you guys are fearful for us on this record. That's right they sing a few songs on the record with me including include Yes. This next number called Samson and Delilah. A. I don't think God is going to tell. Me to follow. Him. In something got his hands. With me. And. Hide. Away. If. This. Man that ever lived. Please welcome to our stage the Lucas brother. Has. Just come you believe. I'm so glad you're here so again for the folks at home and this time I'm telling God's honest truth. There's are identical twins and boy. Oh it's always a preschooler some identical twins and I mean you could kind of tell. Not with y'all. No it says you are identical we want to make it hard for people you really do Ok So right now it's it's you know I have no idea you know I don't know I'm going to ask this is clichéd but but I'm curious if you've done that that twin switching thing where you trade places with each other I'm very disappointed you asked that question. Because. We've never done it to people. Oh yeah. Done it we know that the individual Yeah we done it to institutions like the government has her eye for. It is not that radical. I thought because there's a row test yes license Oh yeah oh yeah the count imported to go. And so you got a you got a license Yeah so I couldn't pass my driver's test so I I asked my brother to do it for me and he never did and I finally got my license was Ok so what. Did you do when you finally got your licensed crash from Mom's car I don't know how to drive it could drive. I was a process story really sad story out of every kind of a tragedy. And. So use your twin powers for good then I guess yeah that's what I would say if you were 20 or clone. I you should point out for good right Lucas brothers I will be back with us in the 2nd half of the show. Using their powers for good. This portion of our show is about you as always by fast and fiddle tunes are safe there appeared and fun fast research shows the fiddle tunes promote heart health longevity and ridiculous dancing so don't forget to pick a full term today and play it fast. Britney hosts plays little of the last Indian Yeah this comes from the Haley. And this is Madison Cunningham Hello hello. How are you playing. Great I'm great I'm really I'm really excited about this song this is a brand new this is on record this is top secret stuff this is top secret don't tell anyone about this I will have to kill you probably. So don't mess around Madison I should say we're broadcasting live oh forgot about that that's cool right that's Ok. But you didn't tell me that actually I didn't know this different song maybe how yeah. I do songs called. Oh how are. The skies over. Hello welcome I'm Ellen I'm going to be working with you today Hi Shelly I know you are you feeling. Ok I guess a little Of course I understand your death came as something of a shock to you. You know it was sudden you know I was just merging into the other while no one expects it but we want this transition to be as painless as possible Ok great let me just pull up your file here oh I see you were a human in this last incarnation and that's right so let me show you some options for your next. Life I'll start with 3 of my favorites for your current level this is a Marmot It's sort of a large squirrel it eats fruits and berries and it hibernates in winter which if you've never done it is definitely something to try Ok Now if you'd rather not let go of your urban lifestyle you might also be interested in becoming a pigeon pigeons 1st scavengers so you'd be eating a lot of what humans have thrown away why were. You be a female pigeon So you lay eggs pretty regularly and you produce what's called milk that sort of nutritious secretion for ya you know it seems like these options are kind of crap. It's all part of a continuum Ok you're definitely moving down but that doesn't mean there aren't some great question Why am I moving down that's not really my department you'd have to take that up with one of my associate I mean I think there was a pretty good person I didn't steal or kill anybody did you make any racist jokes. No I mean not earnestly. Ironically. Yeah ironically. I do you think that's what made the decision well listen it's not any one thing it's a pretty complex algorithm I explained it last week to an actuary who came through and even he did look at it. Set him up as a nice Palak and Ok. You know if you're interested in having a short life so you can get back here pretty quickly and have some more options I might recommend be. What kind of a drone a drone you know the queen protects the queen fertilize the queen you don't have to make honey or anything like that on your penis will be torn off during mating and you die pretty fast after that Ok. You know it's not the most glamorous incarnation but it's really pretty hard to screw up and the whole thing doesn't last more than a couple of months are there any I mean are there really no options for me as a human. I mean we have both if we act fast I can get you into a blind asthmatic in Siberia. You know I have asthma and this life sucks right now really knowing I'm going to be honest with your karma I don't Marmet you get to hibernate their family oriented and you'll see some beautiful outdoor scenery Ok I'll be a Mormon you won't regret it and look if you play your cards right we could be back here in a few years talking about turtles. RINGBACK All the links in the world and where. Ever since ever since we booked the show I've been trying to figure out which Elliott Smith song we were going to play. And. I've narrowed it down to about 20. And I think we'll just it's time to make a decision let's do Angelus graduates this is off the last record Elliott made before he moved from Portland back to New York City and one of his finest from either or Angelus. Some school. Kid. Says a See picture. Hunter gone the. One seeking. Is Time now to check in with our travelling correspondent comedian Tom Papa in a segment we call out in America Tom you there I'm here Chris I continue on my journey to shine a light on some of the good people in America this week I was ready to head out to San Diego California because it seemed like it's the only place in the country that wasn't freezing cold but just before I left my agent who has a mean sense of humor got me a last minute gig in the frozen tundra of Boston Massachusetts. Have you ever passed out in a meat locker and when you came to realize you've gotten off a plane at Logan Airport. I have. When it's that cold there's only one way to get warm so it's not going to a small tavern in Mission Hill it was just my kind of place the kind of bar that looks like it should have been shut down 100 years ago. Where the customers are mostly retired drunks and off duty police where you can have a conversation without anyone looking over your shoulder because there's no chance anyone better would ever walk in. This is where I met an Irish bartender Patrick he's been the bartender here for the last 8 years and before that he was a customer for 30. He drank whiskey and Guinness every night and knew it was time to stop when his friends had to drive him home and they realized the bar was his home. I figured if I already lived here I might as well get paid for it he said Have you ever had a bartender tell you about his drinking problem while he was serving you the very same drinks that caused his drinking problem. I have. His family immigrated to the us in 1946 Patrick was one of 8 children there were so many kids that they had to share a bed food even clothes the trick was to plan it out so you got the underwear on Friday and could keep it for the whole weekend. His father was no stranger to bars which is why they never had any money I don't blame him he said Our house was so crowded that if they let 6 year olds drink I would have hidden a bar or 2. But he knows the damage that drinking can cause to a family and wanted to break the cycle I don't have any children of my own he said but I make it my duty to cut off the men who do and send them home I'm not always popular but the guys in here never to have any way. Have you ever drank so much Guinness in the middle of the day that you headed to the men's room and ended up on a park bench without your luggage or your coat I have. I didn't know where I was so I looked at one of those electric maps of the city the city is so full of American landmarks home of the Boston Tea Party the Boston Massacre it's a real colonial hotspot Have you ever tried to retrace Paul Revere's midnight ride with no coat on and ended up having to pay. It's fans save you from frostbite by pulling you into a bowling alley. I have. That's how I met Kevin and Donna they've been married for 2 years and were dressed in the same New York New England Patriots jerseys and even worked together at the bowling alley they wrapped me in a Patriots blanket and gave me a warm apple cider with some brown liquor and at the Donna called a don't ask just drink. There is a real sports fan love story they fell in love while tailgating at a Patriots game Kevin had gone out for a pass tripped on a b. a Beer cooler and fell into her plate of buffalo wings one landed right Ms map Donna looked and smiled and said How do you not marry a guy like that. Kevin look distracted he's been upset about the rumors of Tom Brady not getting along with Coach Belichick to him it seemed like they had the perfect marriage Donna said I guess not everyone could be as happy as us maybe they would be if Tom stopped training so hard and ordered a plate of wings. If he ever had a dream that you were stuck on a pig farm and you when you woke up you realize you had passed out in the shoe room at a bowling alley. Why haven't they improved on those shoes by now bowling would be so much more popular if they didn't make us wear old vinyl doll shoes. And why do they have to share them with strangers I don't want to make eye contact with anyone in a bowling alley let alone share their shoes. I think Donna and Kevin and went on my way they must've felt sorry for you because they let me keep the blanket Have you ever tried to climb into one of those Boston duck tour boats that goes on the river only to realize the river is frozen and you're sitting in there alone in the snow. I have. That's a good way to meet the Boston Police Department. They were really nice to me and mistook me for a local I guess if you want to blend in in Boston being drunk in a Patriot's blanket is a good way to go. They say that Boston is a Charm City powered by the luck of the Irish and I have to agree because all I had to do was mumble something about the bartender Patrick and they were able to make my jacket reappear. That's it for me next week hopefully I'll be somewhere warm but until then this is been Tom out in America come fall very much. Pleasure to say Please welcome to New Orleans thank. 2 Both. Businesses. Their decision I hear coming from the killer auditorium in Portland Oregon. We're coming up to the top of the hour and when we come back from intermission Chris of the band will attempt to play a song they've never played before so how are they going to find that song by reading your tweets so thanks for listening We'll be back in just a couple of minutes. We'll be right back after this brief intermission You're listening to Live from here rebroadcast of our January 13th show from the color auditorium in Portland Oregon Live from here supported by Magoo show on line test prep for the g.r. E.g. Matt AC t. And s. a T. That's designed to improve scores students can get video lessons practice questions and expert support online. And buy staples with printers printer ink and toner cartridges for home and business and in-store print shops for customized presentations booklets and manuals in-store and online Staples it's pro time and by Weston hotels and resorts dedicated to empowering your well being while on the road with signature wellness programs designed to help you stay in control while traveling west and let's rise more at Weston dot com And by Progressive Insurance offering snapshot a device that adjusts insurance rates based on safe driving habits now that's progressive learn more at progressive dot com or 1800 progressive and buy Carbonite offering secure data protection solutions for businesses including automatic backup for servers advantage and point protection high availability and disaster recovery solutions and automated data migration learn more at Carbonite dot com If you have some free time you can go to our website at live from here dot org While you're there you can shop for all the latest live from here merchandise including new t. Shirts caps and mugs or check out the rest of our season touring schedule next week will be in Chicago with of any a festival than the chateau San Michele winery near Seattle. The Telluride bluegrass festival and we'll wrap up our season at Tanglewood in the Berkshires of Massachusetts tickets and more info at large from here or life from here is produced by American Public Media. This is hell in force for me we've got a bunch of friends old and new for you this week our dear old friends the very talented travelling the curries are with us a new friend a very gifted and icily insightful singer songwriter vice and we talked to an American woman helping to relieve the suffering of Syrian refugees this week in the town join us for a town coming up next at 2 o'clock. To noon or State Public Radio k c h o Chico and 91.7 f.m. And reading at 88.9 f.m. With the following translators k 2590 w Hayfork at 99.708 d.j. Weaverville at 89.5222 b.r. Dunsmuir and Mt Shasta at 92.3. 0 Bernie at 91.928 Westwood at 98.309 a white tester at 89.7. 5 Greenville at 100.9 and k 222 a Q Oroville at 92.3 we're on line at my n.s.p. R.s. Org Twitter and his p.r. News and Facebook thanks to Sierra Nevada Brewing Company producers of Kraft ales and beers for their support of nor State Public Radio Sierra Nevada offers fine dining in its adjoining tap room and restaurant in Chico. Michelle Parker now time for the 2nd hour of live from here with Chris. It's. Coming up on 1 o'clock. Welcome back you're listening to Live from here a rebroadcast of our January 13th show from Portland Oregon. Now that time for instance song requests press What does Twitter want to hear this week Twitter want to hear a lot of stuff.

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