1016 Daniel Kurtz Laban n.p.r. News even as a wildfire continues to burn in the mountains near Santa Barbara California officials say most of the nearly 5500 people forced to flee their homes are being allowed to return the fire broke out yesterday in the mountains above Santa Barbara fueled by high winds Santa Barbara Battalion Chief Anthony store not a says it's been a wild ride for firefighters to get contain the blaze it's been quite a fire fight we've had winds moving up slope down slope across the slope we've had firefighters engaging in structure defense being pushed out and run out and then turn around come back and get right back on their structures so far damage reports have been light there are no reports of injuries the fire has grown to about 6 square miles and fire officials say evacuations for at least some people are likely to continue prices of new homes took a bump up in September compared to a year ago that's according to the latest s. And p. Core Logic a Schiller 20 city home price index up 2 point one percent on Wall Street today the Dow gained $55.00 points the Nasdaq was up 15 points if you're listening to n.p.r. Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include Amazon Studios with Honeyboy written by and starring Shiela buff the autobiographical Honeyboy traces shires early childhood as a young actor and his stormy relationship with his father now playing in theaters. This is c.p.r. News I'm Joanna Allen West bound I 70 at Idaho Springs is back open after today's rock slide see does tomorrow listen says crews have made significant progress plowing highways around the state but still we can question are and can be treacherous out there and we're advising parents to drive with extreme care and I 70 on the eastern plains has also reopened but I 76 is still closed. R.t.d. Canceled more than 100 light rail trips in Denver today mainly because of operator shortages spokeswoman Tina Hawke is says some buses are also behind schedule on our operating or more we're just telling a little slower about trying to get everybody to where they need to go and play hockey has says more than 90 percent of our T.V.'s light rail service is operating lawmakers plan to introduce legislation in January to tighten babying regulations including a bipartisan bill to raise the age for buying nicotine products to $21.00 it's a broad it has broad support from industry groups and public health advocates Democrats are also considering a ban on flavored babying products a mental health worker at Fairview Heights High School in Boulder is charged with failing to report sexual assault allegations against quarterback Aiden Atkinson The Daily Camera reports Marilyn Laurie didn't report that a student allegedly told her that Atkinson assaulted her on a party bus last year police say he attacked multiple young women on the bus back in sin is free on bond 17 and mostly cloudy in Denver 29 a mostly cloudy for Pueblo this is c.p.r. . Support for Colorado Public Radio comes from Rocky Mountain regenerative medicine committed to designing personalized treatment plans using stem cell and other biologic therapies learn more at r m r m dot com support comes from a history Colorado Center presenting the new exhibition a legacy of healing honoring the Colorado Jewish communities commitment to caring for those in need learn more at history Colorado dot org. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Mary Louise Kelly and I'm Ailsa Chang House Democrats released new transcripts tonight from the impeachment inquiry including the testimony from the closed door deposition from a senior career official at the White House budget office Mark Sandy the deposition focus on the hold put on aid to Ukraine and White House reporter I usually Roscoe is here to tell us more about it hello So what did Mark Sandy have to say about why the White House froze millions of dollars of aid will save me says he didn't really get a reason why the money was being put on hold at 1st he says that throughout July and August he asked about it but he was not given a reason and that it was an open question and then finally in early September he says that the associate director for national security programs at o.m.b. This is a political point point Mike Duffy that he sent an e-mail and that that attributed at the hold to the president being worried about other countries providing aid to Ukraine but that that kind of delay in the reasoning seems to underscore Democratic arguments that the rationale for the hold came after the hold was already done Sandy and his colleagues did pool together data on like other countries contributions to crane after that e-mail came in September the same be said that he could not remember another instance where assistance was held up in no reason was provided Well what particular concerns did Mark Zandi have about the hold while he was concerned that. Well he told oh I'm beef officials that they should consult with the Office of General Counsel because he was concerned that the funding authority for this money would expire at the end of the fiscal year September 30th and then the money will go back to Treasury and that would be a problem because there's this law called the impoundment Control Act that essentially says that o.m.b. Cannot impound funds if money is appropriated by Congress and signed into law by the president then it can be ill. Legal to withhold that money and for o.m.b. To withhold that money that would be impoundment And so this is something that o.m.b. Is very aware of in the always considering when dealing out money and so that's what Samy was concerned about that they would be withholding money that legally they were required to give out Ok so how does testimony square with what Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney has said about this hold on to Ukraine so moving me in that that press conference that he did a while back he listed 3 reasons for holding up the money the concerns about corruption questions about whether Europe was contributing enough and want seen Ukraine to cooperate in these ongoing investigations into the d.n.c. Server and proud strike that's that debunked conspiracy theory about a Ukrainian company interfering in the 26 team election now move Amy later walk back that idea that it had anything to do that the hold had anything to do with investigations but Sandy's testimony seemed to show that there was confusion or that it wasn't even clear within the administration and within the agency that was holding the money why the money was being held up Ok I understand that there was more testimony released in addition to Sandy's can you very briefly tell us about that additional testimony so they released testimony from Phil Reeker a senior State Department official and he corroborated testimony about that whisper campaign against the former Ukraine ambassador your. That came from the far right media All right that's N.P.R.'s at the White House thanks h.-a thank you in California a new transparency law is shedding light on a long hidden world the world of police investigating police action journalists analyzed records from 122 departments across the state what they found one in 10 fail to review Deadly Years of force incidents in other words they're not reviewing how police officers acted and why when they kill someone or badly injured someone took us about. Station k.q.e.d. Is one of the journalists who has been combing through the records she joins us now hi Suki Hi So how did you and your colleagues uncover this that some agencies are now investigating these incidents at all well my colleague Thomas peel at the Bay Area news group and I think when we went into this we assumed that these agencies would always do this kind of review especially in cases where someone died because these investigations are how departments identify problems or impose discipline on somebody and so we 1st thought that these departments were just withholding records and it was stunning to find out you know not just to me but to some law enforcement sources that they actually weren't doing them just not standard practice now in terms of the ones you decided to look at. Mentioned you looked at 122 law enforcement agencies out of more than something like 500 in the state of California why did you pick the ones you do so we were looking at agencies that both have had a deadly use of force incident in the past 5 years and that had provided us records so this analysis is not yet comprehensive statewide. Let me focus you on one example to bring to life some of the stuff you were uncovering there's a particular case in the Bay Area town of Pittsburgh that I know you were focused on Walk me through what happened there so this was a case in which an officer used a neck restraint on a subject who is resisting arrest and the man Martinez you know died as a result of that hold and this was a really similar case in a lot of respects to the death of Eric Garner in 2014 at the hands of a New York City police officer the I can't breathe case his famous last words yes and that case the Garner case and others like it had sparked this huge national debate about the use of neck restraints which can really easily be done improperly and be deadly but here in Pittsburgh they didn't even look at if the hold was done wrong how it had turned deadly or what could have been done differently and the police chief there Brian Addington he wouldn't comment on the case because. The city is being sued over it but at least one thing has changed in the years since that happened which was and 2016 you know now internal reviews of these kinds of incidents are mandatory there because I think you're touching on an important distinction between a potential criminal case against a police officer and then an internal reviews that might inform the way these departments are run going forward yes so a lot of these agencies that didn't do internal reviews said we just relied on the Da isn't best occasion but the aim of the district attorney's criminal inquiry is to figure out if a cop committed a crime when they shot at somebody or used force on a subject but that's a really high bar rate the goal of it in ministry to view is really different you know one expert I talked to who worked in internal affairs for years and trains other officers said this process is an opportunity you know not just for departments to discipline officers who break their rules but also to look back at these critical incidents in order to learn from them and potentially prevent deaths in the future and I also just want to point out that the cases we looked at you know some of them were pretty straightforward I don't want to you know misrepresent them and say that they all pointed to misconduct of some kind but the expert that I talked to said it doesn't even matter it's like it's something that should be looked at every single time so that these lessons can be learned and even if everything was done right that also teaches you something reporting there from Sukey Lewis of member station k.q.e.d. Thank you Sukhi thank you Ok it is that time of year again when the president takes part in one of the stranger American traditions the presidential turkey pardon but it was George h.w. Bush you 1st issued an official pardon. In keeping with that tradition today I will issue a pardon to a pair of very had some birds butter and his alternate bread some 46000000 turkeys will be eaten this Thanksgiving but not bread or butter the 2 turkeys pardoned today by President Trump joining us now is Dominica n.p.r. Senior political editor and correspondent and in-house turkey pardon expert Hello Dominica Oh hello All right we have lots of hard hitting questions you have been covering the story for a decade or 2 long you have written the history of it every year this is absolutely not getting old for you so why do presidents do this oh this is getting old for me but I will say look you this is all basically a big advertisement for big turkey big turkey in of over big tobacco I mean the national Well not quite but the National Turkey Federation turkeys yes have lobbyists too is behind this event they've spent something like $3000000.00 over the last 20 years on lobbying in Washington not that much money compared to other groups but this is their marquee event and they started giving away turkeys to presidents in 1947 but the real distinction here is that they were always meant to be eaten not part and in fact Bill Clinton famously got it wrong in 1907 when he said that the that Harry Truman was the 1st to pardon a turkey the Truman Library I check with them it's put out a statement saying they have no record no record is what got me started on this that they have no record of Harry Truman ever pardoning a turkey the library said quote Truman sometimes indicated to reporters at the turkeys he received were destined for the family dinner table Ok let's fact check another thing is President Trump right was George h.w. Bush the 1st president to issue an official turkey pardon the keyword there is official yes he is correct on that that he was the 1st to issue the official pardon start the tradition that we know 30 years ago 1909 not that long ago the president though Trump he was wrong when he said that President Lincoln was the 1st to spare . The life of a Thanksgiving turkey he spared a Christmas turkey that his heart signaling Well I mean hey matters truth matters and you know his son Tad taken a liking to this bird and wanted to keep it as a pet and they did and he did and I guess Trump was just winging it there I don't know but the best evidence we could find of the 1st Thanksgiving turkey being given a reprieve was John f. Kennedy in 1963 and to show you just how much this bird was meant to be eaten it had a giant sign hanging around its neck that read good eating Mr President all poor guy Ok so where do these poor turkeys go what happens to them after a pardon they really avoid getting eaten well they yes I mean they go to Virginia Tech University now they've done after the last 4 years to an exhibit called gobblers rest will be under the supervision of the department of animal and poultry sciences Virginia Tech even brought in the hokey mascot to bond with the birds at their hotel room they stay at the very fancy Willard Hotel before the pardoning event they used to go to Disneyland and the unfortunately named Frying Pan Park in Virginia all this talk is making me wonder what's left for you to talk about next year that's N.P.R.'s Dominica Martin are out thanks so much Dominican You're welcome Happy Thanksgiving. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Stay with us is All Things Considered continues on c.p.r. News for example coming up after the shooting at an El Paso Wal-Mart in August authorities started arresting people they suspected of planning more violence N.P.R.'s embedded podcast takes an in-depth look at one of those arrests next on All Things Considered multiple roadways remain closed including eastbound I 70 from Denver to Kansas I 76 from La buoy to Nebraska and many highways in Colorado's northeast corner seat us says travel there is strongly discouraged travelers who do venture out to have good snow tires and should be prepared for icy roads heavy snow limited visibility changing conditions and road closings the latest road information of course is always available at c o trip dot org 17 in Denver it's 18 in Vail this is c.p.r. . Support comes from fakery Baker Daniels lawyers counseling conventional and renewable energy companies on regulatory litigation and transactional issues on the web at fate gree be d. Dot com support for Colorado Public Radio comes from Carbonite offering data protection to Denver businesses for e-mail spreadsheets calendars and more Carbonite data protection for small businesses. Hi I'm Stuart Bender row president of Colorado Public Radio everything we are today as a result of community support you've helped create one of the largest public service institutions in our state locally owned and committed to producing news that important to Colorado this is why your interviewer gift is so important when you donated a fuel fuel and Bush's plans to grow this vital service in 2020 and beyond it's easy to do at c.p.r. Dot org And thank you support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from the pajama gram company creators of matching holiday pajamas for the whole family including dogs and cats with Charlie Brown Star Wars and Grinch themes in its fleece and flannel available at pajama gram dot com and from Focus Features and participant with dark waters a thriller starring Mark Russell Oh and Anne Hathaway mysterious deaths in a small town late one man to risk his life for the truth now playing in select theaters everywhere December 6th. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm also Chang and I'm Mary Louise Kelly after the shooting at a Wal-Mart in El Paso Texas in August authorities across the country began arresting people they suspected of planning more violence at least a dozen of those arrested were known to have extremist views for the embedded podcast Kelly McEvers looks at one of these arrests and what happens when a high school student repeatedly says extremist even violent things at school a warning this story contains reporting on racist bigoted language and ideas back in February f.b.i. Agents in Alaska got a tip that a user by the name army of Christ was posting violent comments and memes on this website called I funny comments about shooting federal agents plans to buy an ar 15 a picture of a man firing machine guns with the caption me walking into the nearest Planned Parenthood then the shooting in El Paso happened Witnesses say the gunman shot randomly and repeatedly right after that a mass shooting in Dayton Ohio it was 9 people dead and dozens more injured the f.b.i. Had learned that this user army of Christ was a white 18 year old named Justin Olsen who had just graduated high school and that he lived in Boardman Ohio just outside of Youngstown a local prosecutor said in light of the recent shootings they quote could not wait to act and a warrant was issued for Justin Olson's arrest police found him at his father's house where they also found $26.00 guns and more than $10000.00 rounds of ammunition just in Olson was arrested after he wrote on line he would quote shoot every federal agent inside officials they all said was under investigation since February but they decided to act now because of the recent shootings after the arrest authorities released more of just an Olson's online posts from that site I funny and others including a shopping cart of bomb making materials and a. Drawing of how to modify an a r 15 so it will shoot faster we talked to several people who went to high school with Justin Olsen Jack Pendleton says he was surprised he sat next to me at lunch during these I funny things so like I don't know some of the stuff got posted while he was sitting next to me or like in my house and stuff you know Jack used to be friends with just and but one day senior year in an a.p. Class called Human Geography Jack says Justin took it too far students had to do a presentation about a religion some chose Christianity Jack chose Shintoism Justin chose Islam like openings like it was black with white front it was centered in the middle and it said Islam and then under it a 6000 year death a 6000 year death cult a phrase used by internet conspiracy theorists Jack and others say justin then put up a slide that was a caricature of the Prophet Mohammad dark skinned drawn as a scrawny dejected looking loser and Jesus Christ drawn as a white Jock with a strong chin and a big bulging crotch Jack showed us the name Virgin Mohammad vs Chad Jesus and again like he thinks this is funny he thinks it's funny to make all of us like Square Mall watching this Jack did not think it was funny I got Mary put up their division mom and I was like you can't do that but you can not like that she's bad I was covering by about because it was just it was it was disgusting that's Safina McGee She was also in the class and she says she was surprised the teacher didn't stop Justin I think that that should not have been allowed to have been presented to a class. Like this teacher. But I see I feel like. The teacher just let it go the teacher just sat we reached out to the teacher Kyle Sheehan He's now the assistant principal at Boardman high school he declined to talk to us in an e-mail the school spokeswoman said quote At no point did any student ever report any racist or discriminatory jokes to the teacher or the administration no student alerted staff or administration they were ever uncomfortable still several students who knew Justin from high school said his rhetoric at times had an air of violence like saying he wanted a white ethno state or to start a war against people who weren't Christian he kept saying he wanted to bring back the Crusades and you know they're hoping today he'd like go to war against the infidels or whatever that's Pranav Padmanabhan he was Justin's captain in the quiz bowl team says he and other students tried to push back like one time at lunch he was talking about joining the military because he wanted to quote kill as many go. He meant Muslims that's according to several students we talked to I think that was one really just and you can say that said these things to Justin but he didn't take it up the teachers or administrators that's something he says he regrets now I mean when you think about it now do you think he was dangerous I think he was yeah I think especially with all the weaponry and everything he had when Justin got arrested Pranav was already in college but he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened in his school I kind of went back and thought about like what was the pathway of like how did he get here so wrote a letter to school administrators I've been thinking a lot recently about what happened with Justin Olsen and in hindsight there were a lot of warning signs that seem minor at the time but could have helped prevent us including him making offensive comments and troubling means he went on I've also been thinking about how the school district can help prevent this I strongly believe schools should take the lead on this issue. The principal wrote back to print up and said the school safety officer would work harder to detect threats in the future I asked the school why no action was taken by the teacher in class when Justin Olson did the presentation on Islam I read the spokeswoman response to Pranav and to Sophia McGee who remember was in the class many class discussions covered controversial topics and both ends of the political spectrum were represented there were students who were as far left in their political and social views as one can be labeled by more moderate students as socialists Conversely there were students as far right as one can be. I don't think that a valid political stance is wanting to hurt people or saying that people are less than you because of who they are or what they believe I think it's frankly responsible equating what they declare to be the far left about Justin's views were and I think this is the kind of thing that validates people like Justin I ran the schools response by 2 other people Megan Nevels who does training in schools for the Anti-Defamation League and Norah Flannigan a teacher who has written a guide for confronting White Nationalism in schools I think a lot of folks get scared to address things because they're quote political and I don't think that illustrating the throughline of racism and white supremacy in our country's history is political it is an issue of life or death I'm not I'm not here to Monday morning quarterback a situation in a class that I was sitting in. But there have to be those moments in class where teachers are willing to plant their feet and say this is not Ok. Not Ok at all Sophia McGee is in college now too and she says these days if someone says something extreme and she's in the room she'll say something we can both couldn't been bad this could have been the other matching day maybe not this summer but eventually there could have been a possibility of many more people losing their lives or being injured we tried to contact Justin Olson through his lawyer but the lawyer did not respond to several calls and e-mails he has a pretrial hearing in federal court in January Kelly McEvers n.p.r. News. Tomorrow what some schools are doing to confront white nationalism. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News after while she's gone she put her pencil down she walked out the room she was shaking she was going through a lot of exciting I'm Kate Schimmel editor for the c.p.r. News series teens under stress for giving teens the opportunity to tell us about their problems in their own words we're also interested in your experience with testing for me I once sat down to take a calculus test and immediately forgot everything I knew Tell us your story text tell c.p.r. 255-5888 I'm Dr Bob Eckel Barry president of the Lloyd unknown or King Foundation the King Foundation is a Colorado charitable foundation established by the of state of Lloyd and Elmer King our foundation's mission is to recognize and support organizations that excel in serving the needs of our community we proudly support C.P.R.'s efforts to educate and inform our community join the King Foundation with a leadership partner love a gift at c.p.r. Dot org. Support comes from t.s.a. Pre-check offering 5 year memberships that can streamline the security process without removing shoes laptops liquids belts and light jackets more at t.s.a. Dot gov support for Colorado Public Radio comes from the University of Colorado and shoots Medical Campus committed to achieving medical breakthroughs today learn more at this is breakthrough dot com. Live from n.p.r. News in Culver City California I'm to Wayne Brown the federal government says carbon dioxide emissions from power plants rose dramatically in 2018 as N.P.R.'s Rebecca Hersh or tells us that's contributing to an increase in global emissions which cause climate change generating electricity and heat by burning coal natural gas and oil creates pollution that causes climate change for 6 of the last 10 years for which records exist that pollution has been slightly decreasing but in 2018 pollution rose considerably by nearly 3 percent compared to the previous year much of that extra carbon pollution came from natural gas which has been replacing coal in many parts of the u.s. In recent years the report says a hotter than normal summer and colder than normal winter in 20000 meant that more fossil fuels were burned for heat and for air conditioning those weather extremes were being exacerbated by climate change which in turn is being driven by fossil fuel emissions it's a vicious cycle that will continue unless the economy moves to new cleaner energy sources were back or her sure n.p.r. News the trumpet ministration is asking a federal court to put a hold on a ruling directing former White House counsel Don McGann to testify to Congress as N.P.R.'s Bobby Allen tells us a federal judge has rejected the trumpet ministrations argument that top presidential aides are immune from testimony the judge said the White House's position that former top aides like Negan are immune from complying with a subpoena from congress has no basis in law the judge said quote Nobody is above the law and quote presidents are not kings but the top administration has filed its intent to appeal the decision asking the court to pas its ruling until the appeal is decided the highly anticipated district court opinion in the separation of powers dispute could have implications for other sought after witnesses and the impeachment inquiry into President Trump N.P.R.'s Bobbie Allen stocks finished higher on Wall Street led by shares of tech communications companies and some retailers You're listening to n.p.r. News. The trumpet ministration is asking a federal court well partly in Baltimore 3 men who were convicted as teenagers have been exonerated in the 1983 murder of a junior high school student N.P.R.'s Laura Wamsley has the story the state's new investigation find significant misconduct by police and prosecutors in the case Baltimore state's attorney Marilyn moseby reopened the case earlier this year after one of the incarcerated men wrote her a letter asking for the evidence to be re-examined Alfred chestnut ransom Watkins and Andrew Stewart were just 16 when they were arrested on Thanksgiving Day 1983 the renewed investigation found evidence clearing them their release after 36 years was not a victory said most this was a tragedy so on behalf of this system in an attempt to right the wrongs of the past I apologize to you and your family for the pain that you and they have had to endure because of this wrongful conviction the man now thought to be the real killer in this case was shot dead in 2002 Laura Wamsley n.p.r. News several 1000 people who fled to Southern California wildfire Monday above Santa Barbara County will be allowed to return home sheriff officials say the evacuation area has been reduced but some folks will likely remain displaced no homes have been lost or injuries reported but the fire has grown to more than 6 square miles and has yet to be contained as a cold front is set to arrive on Wednesday I'm to Wayne Brown You're listening to n.p.r. News. The time is now 634 on All Things Considered Good evening I'm Joe Allen coming up prosecutors in New York have since subpoenas to associates of Rudy Giuliani expanding a federal investigation into Donald Trump's personal attorney then last week as attention was focused on the impeachment inquiry that was a confirmation hearing for the candidate who is would be the number 2 at the State Department pundits say the position is important if Secretary Mike Pompei o leaves to run for the u.s. Senate Giuliani subpoenas and State Department leadership are next on All Things Considered and you can get the latest updates on the aftermath of the snowstorm along the Front Range and in the metro Denver area by going to see p.r. Dot org 17 in Denver 20 in Colorado Springs 18 degrees for Vail this is c.p.r. News. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Fidelity Investments taking a personalized approach to helping clients grow preserve and manage their wealth learn more at fidelity dot com slash wealth fidelity brokerage services l.l.c. From Lifeline reminding consumers that only one in 5 victims of identity theft discover their theft through a bank or credit card company learn more at Life Lock dot com and from the John d. And Catherine t. MacArthur Foundation at mac founded dot org. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm else the Chuang And I'm Mary Louise Kelly 2 fresh signs now that Rudy Giuliani the president's personal lawyer is the subject of increasing scrutiny from the u.s. Attorney's office he once led federal prosecutors in New York are reaching out to people with ties to Giuliani Mand his consulting firm according to The Wall Street Journal subpoenas to these people detail possible charges from wire fraud to money laundering to serving as an agent of a foreign government without registering Giuliani has not been subpoenaed he says he has not been contacted by prosecutors So what might be going on here and let's ask Rebecca ball House who's been writing about this for the journal Heather Hi Thanks for having me start with a little more detail please on who these subpoenas are going to sure so our story at describes specifically the charges that are outlined and at the people about whom documents are requested from 2 subpoenas and we don't identify who those subpoenas went to but we do know that subpoenas have now been issued to several people both in Giuliani's orbit and in President Trump's fundraising circles and we know for example Pete Sessions is a former congressman who was close with Rudy Giuliani and met with 2 of his associates he's someone who received a subpoena very early on in all of this Brian Ballard a top trump fundraiser who's close to the president more recently received one and 2 through 2 more names in the mix love partner Sonny Gore for him and these are 2 Giuliani associates who were arrested last month trying to board a plane they have already been charged this is all part of the same investigation or how do they fit in our understanding is that the Giuliani investigation grew out of this investigation into left Parness and eager Freeman and so some of the charges that we mentioned in our story that were listed on some of these subpoenas those are charges that partisan Truman have already been indicted on so for example making a contribution in from a foreign national. Or in someone else's name those are charges that were mentioned in the indictment for partisan ferment does the word you cream appear in these subpoenas is this all tied into the larger Ukraine drama for which Rudy Giuliani has been so much in the news of late we have this a good question I don't think we know that the word Ukraine appears specifically in the subpoena as we have reported previously that part of what Manhattan Federal prosecutors are looking into is Giuliani's business dealings in Ukraine and what we learned from these subpoenas most more recently is that they specifically want documents related to Giuliani Partners which is Giuliani consulting business that he started in 2002 and that has done some work with Ukraine as recently as 2017 Ok I hear you're picking your words carefully of course in your article is also carefully worded you describe the subpoenas you say these are subpoenas describe to the journal Have you actually seen them Have you read them they've been described to us Ok so in terms of how you know all this you have sources who have been able to share some of the information from the spinners with that be accurate that's right Ok. You have asked Giuliani for comment what's he saying he continues to not entirely believe I believe that there is an investigation into him he says he hasn't heard from investigators and that from everything he's read he feels like he would be able to explain it if they just asked him some questions and the other thing he's saying is that he feels like there is this campaign right now to discredit him which he feels like is an attempt to undermine these claims that he has been making about the Bidens which are of course at the center of the impeachment inquiry he also he flat out denied that he's ever served as a agent of a foreign government and he was citing attorney client privilege saying there are some things she's just not going to discuss That's right yes he says that whenever a client has asked him to do something that involves the Trump ministration that he has referred that client to a registered lobbyist whether they're a foreign client or a domestic client that he does not engage in lobby. Of any tie and do we have any sense of timing in terms of how quickly prosecutors are trying to proceed we don't have that from the prosecutors I would note that given that we've already seen a criminal case involving one of the president's lawyers Michael Cohen one of the key considerations there was that they didn't want anything to happen to close to an election Michael Cohen pleaded guilty in August $28000.00 which was a couple of months before the midterm elections so I would I would think that given that this time it's going to be a presidential election they would try and wrap it up as soon as they can before 2020 really gets going. That is Rebecca Paul House reporter for The Wall Street Journal thank you very much thank you President Trump calls the impeachment inquiry quote phony and a hoax but he says he would love to have Secretary of State might pump aoe testify anyway Well here's what pump Ailes said about that today when the time is right all good things happen to come pay was also keeping close to his vest a decision on whether to run for an open u.s. Senate seat in Kansas he still has time to jump into that race but he'll need a deputy secretary of state to be confirmed and position to fill in if he leaves the department N.P.R.'s Michele Kelemen reports lawmakers are working on that while the impeachment hearings were happening on one part of Capitol Hill last week the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was hearing from Stephen began the man tapped to be the next deputy secretary of state ranking Democrat Senator Bob Menendez laid out why that hearing was so important given the expectation that Secretary Powell will leave the department early next year to run for Senate and that if confirmed you will be the acting secretary as they fight sometimes your nomination takes on even greater significance beacon is well known in foreign policy circles in Washington he's worked on Capitol Hill in the National Security Council and has long experience in Russia where he once ran democracy programs for the International Republican Institute it was in Moscow when he 1st met Maree Yvonne of it the ambassador who was ousted from Ukraine this year I know over we're not close I haven't seen her in many many years but we worked together when she was in Moscow as a young political officer began to stop short of criticizing either the secretary of state or the president for recalling Javon of it from Ukraine a matter that's under investigation in the impeachment inquiry but he did say this my Steam is done nothing except grow for her it is clear to me an outside party based in Ukraine slandered her a former ambassador to Ukraine Steve. When Piper wrote to the secretary of state at the time of that dissent from ation campaign he never heard back from Pompei 0 but he was pleased to hear what began had to say it seems to me that there may have been ways that the department could have spoken out to defend its people that would not have been seen as a direct challenge to the president and that's were wonder Steve might have some ideas on that that could help the department be more supportive of its officers began is currently the lead negotiator on North Korea and he would keep that job if confirmed as deputy secretary of state the deputy also plays a key role in personnel matters by for things began will do a good job with that although there has been a lot of time in the State Department he's worked with the State Department from the National Security Council from Capitol Hill I just think he's going to be the right person who can come in and have both policy sense but I think it's also going to bring in a good feel for what the department needs at this particularly difficult time morale has taken a hit at the State Department where the inspector general has reported on cases of political retribution against career staff begin says he won't inject politics into his work there will not be disciplinary action by the State Department against any of our employees were testifying under subpoena in front of the house inquiry commission the State Department is going further we have provided resources to underwrite the legal costs of those people may acquire in the course of this inquiry and he says the department has made it possible for employees to come back to Washington to testify Michele Kelemen n.p.r. News the State Department. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Drug companies still face a lot of questions about their role in the nation's opioid epidemic the Wall Street Journal drew attention today to a probe by federal prosecutors looking at drug companies the u.s. Attorney's office in Brooklyn has been issuing subpoenas no charges have been filed this comes as efforts to settle thousands of civil cases against the drug industry have stalled North Country Public Radio's Brian Mann covers opioid litigation for n.p.r. He's here now Brian that there what do we know about this investigation so we've known for a while that the u.s. Attorney in Brooklyn has been issuing subpoenas for these documents related to opioid sales and distribution half dozen companies including Johnson and Johnson and Mellon crowd began receiving subpoenas as far back as April so this is been in the works for a while and we know this because the companies have been reporting it in their financial disclosures that they make to investors essentially identifying possible risk of criminal charges and so now the Wall Street Journal citing unnamed sources says this is taken the form of a preliminary criminal probe n.p.r. Reached out to the u.s. Attorney's office this afternoon they say they won't confirm or deny that a full blown criminal investigation is underway I know in your reporting you've been looking at why there haven't been more criminal charges stemming from these companies and their alleged role in the opioid epidemic is this maybe a sign that things are starting to change I don't think quite yet hundreds of thousands of Americans have died from opioid overdose is that a time when many of these companies were making billions of dollars in profits but federal prosecutors have been really cautious about bringing criminal charges it's unclear really where whether any of these firms will ever face any kind of criminal trial and I spoke this fall with Michael Candy he's a former federal prosecutor in New York and he said these criminal cases are just really hard to prove the burden of proof is much different you know when the basic tenets of being a prosecutor is that you don't bring a case unless you believe you can prove a defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. And what makes these opioid cases even harder to prosecute is that these pain medications are highly controlled they were tracked closely by federal regulators the drug companies point out the government knew all along how many pills they were making and selling has there been reaction from the drug companies today to this Wall Street Journal story yeah Johnson and Johnson issued a statement this afternoon to n.p.r. Acknowledging they've received what they called investigative demands they say it's their understanding the feds have opened an industry wide investigation of whether drug companies complied with the rules under the Controlled Substances Act But Johnson and Johnson like these other firms has denied any wrongdoing I am remembering the Johnson and Johnson lost that big civil trial in Oklahoma over the summer and then of course drug companies have settled another lawsuit filed in Ohio by 2 counties last month give us a quick update on where all of these thousands of other civil suit stand that's gotten really messy and there are court cases scheduled now out of the horizon all over the country and as you say settlement money has begun to flow hundreds of millions of dollars going to a handful of states and communities and some of that money could help people begin to recover from the epidemic paying for recovery treatment centers that kind of thing that the experts we've been talking to say a big national settlement of the drug industry is roll in this epidemic comparable to those tobacco settlements of the ninety's that's looking less and less likely there are just too many people fighting over what that kind of settlement would look like is Brian Mann with North Country Public Radio he covers opioid litigation for us at n.p.r. And we reached him via Skype Thank you Brant thank you so much. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. Coming up on the c.p.r. News cast several roads in ne Colorado remain closed as the storm moved away from Metro Denver coming up next on the program a senior associate with w r I's global climate program talks about the un emissions Gap Report and what impact repeated warnings about climate change are having then in the ever changing world of children's entertainment Highlights magazine survives with features that include hidden pictures and Goofus and Gallant it has lasted for generations of kids those stories are next on All Things Considered there is a c.u. Boulder alert the campus will be closed tomorrow for crews to continue cleaning clearing away large amounts of snow and ice from walkways Meanwhile c.s.u. And Fort Collins will be open tomorrow and all activities are on a normal schedule 17 and mostly cloudy in the Denver area this is c.p.r. News support for c.p.r. Comes from Kaiser Permanente were an integrated system of primary care doctors and specialists work together as a team to cultivate healthy outcomes and consistent care more I keep the dot org Kaiser Permanente thrive. Support comes from the Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center presenting Cirque dreams holidays of Broadway musical and new circuit adventure now through January 4th at Gaillard Rocky's bubbly theater sponsorship is one of the best ways for your business to support Colorado Public Radio I'm Tom Wolfe The president of the idle School of Theology in Denver committed to educating leaders with courageous theological imagination or relationship with c.p.r. Is the most natural thing for us to create and sustain because the reflection upon the news helps us understand more critically the world around us and we share in its ownership learn how your business can sponsor c.p.r. On the support page at c.p.r. Dot org This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm married to Reese Kelley and I'm else the Chuang it's hard not to sound like a broken record when it comes to climate change here's what the u.n. Said in a new report out today the world is not doing enough we have to learn from our procrastination we cannot afford to fail those 3 statements and yet according to the report countries are feeling failing to cut greenhouse gas emissions and thereby putting us on a path to climate catastrophe is just the latest of many dire predictions from the un climate scientists in recent years and to help us make sense of it we're joined now by Kelly Levin of the World Resources Institute school Lobel Climate Program Welcome thank you so much so what's out today is the 21000 and missions Gap Report it's this annual report and I understand that you've been the lead author on it in previous years why is this report important Sure so what we know is that the emissions gap which is this gap between where missions are headed and where they need to be to avoid the worst climate change impacts it is large by 2030 in just 10 years we have to cut in half our emissions to meet the temperature targets of the Paris Agreement and unfortunately we have. Delayed action significantly so greater cuts are going to be required the longer that action is delayed and while some countries are on track to meet their emission reduction targets many still are not President Trump of course has started the process of pulling the u.s. Out of the Paris accord but for other countries do reports like this one that we're talking about today do they have any impact does public shaming actually work is what I'm trying to ask Yeah no it's a great question I mean we certainly can add this report to the pile of reports that are clear calls to action I think the timing of this is important because countries are invited under the pair's agreement to up their commitments by the end of next year by the end of 2020 so this is critical because we need to take stock of where we are where we need to be and put mounting pressure on governments to up their commitments Well what about for the general public I mean how effective are reports like these in grabbing people's attention and changing their daily behaviors I think that we certainly have a public that is waking up to the climate change impacts around them as well as the lack of action there is a growing demand for action in climate justice around the world and if you think about the youth protests right after the climate summit the 7000000 people across 185 countries to protest the lack of government action I think increasingly we will hopefully see some more action I'm curious about the choice of language when trying to alert the public about the urgency of this problem the use for example of the word fail in this particular report countries collectively failed to stop the growth in global emissions it reminded me of gratitude in Berg's emotional speech at the un Climate Action summit earlier this year let's take a listen you are failing us the eyes of only future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us I say we will never forgive you failure I mean does the world the more languages like that more granted through Berg's if we're going to see the kind of rapid transformational action that today's report calls for yeah I mean we can't sugarcoat this and in many ways we have been failing if you think about it since the 1st you know commissions Gap Report was published in 2010 global emissions have increased around 11 percent that is startling and the impacts unfolding around us are just getting worse and worse and at the same time what we know is that it is still technically feasible to avoid the worst climate change impacts but our failure is reversible failure is is reversible but with tremendous effort and while there have been examples of rapid change in specific technologies or sectors in the past there is no precedent in our documented history for the rate of change at the scale that we're talking about for limiting warming to avoid the worse climate change impacts Kelly Levon is a senior associate with w.r. Ice Global Climate Program thank you very much for joining us today thank you in the ever changing world of children's intertainment Highlights magazine has stayed constant you might have grown up reading it your grandparents might have grown up reading it your kids might be reading it right now Ohio Public Radio's and each hour looks at the key to the magazine success a formula that mixes fun with learning it's reading time for Emily Bourke halters 3rd grade class at evening Street Elementary School in Worthington. When it comes time to picking something to read Highlights magazine is a popular choice i like ours like if. I like you facing Allen. This piece was the same magazine that was a mainstay in waiting room starting in the fifty's is still going strong today its headquarters. Says in Columbus Ohio editor in chief Christine French Callie says part of its popularity comes from recurring games and stories they're not negotiable they're in each issue so for example we always have a hidden picture in every issue of highlights in fact there's been a hidden picture at every issue of highlights 1946 the popular visual puzzle that challenges kids to find small pictures inside a larger scene has been in the magazine for nearly 75 years since 1988 kids have been enjoying the parables of Goofus and Gallant with Goofus modeling bad behavior and gallant modeling good part of that's appeal to young children is its lack of ambiguity it's a little black and white it's practice for the big harder of moral decisions that are going to. Highlight c.e.o. Kent Johnson's great grandparents started the company shortly after World War 2 He says highlights through games and stories taps into the universal issues kids have always faced I think adults believe that everything's change for kids you know about devices and it's busy and and all these things but what we know is kids still have some of the same issues they've had since 1946 How do I get along with my siblings what happens when I have a falling out with my best friend and those things are universal those things aren't changing Ellen Baer is a family development specialist with the group family connections in the Cleveland area she says kids face all sorts of fast paced entertainment with video games and movies but highlights found a way to slow things down and still capture kids' attention with short articles and puzzles being able to do something come back to it see where you left off and where your work was and then pick up where you left off I think is a really important part of how Highlights magazine can help with brain development highlights is looking to maintain that vibe while evolving it even has a podcast highlights Kirsten Rinehart is product. Lasting a mobile app that matches shapes to make an animal for example a heart and a triangle make a fish but now are they learning but there's an interactive element to add the surprise and delight back in Emily Bourke halters class students are on a mission to discover more hidden pictures. Might be the paper air now Goofus might think this is boring but gallant might see it as a fun way to work as a team for n.p.r. News I'm in Columbus. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Sierra Nevada Brewing Company family owned operated and argued over since 1980 proud supporter of independent thought whether that's online over the air or in a bottle more at Sierra Nevada dot com. From Amazon Studios with the report Adam Driver plays a Senate staffer investigating the CIA's post 911 tactics revealing evidence of a government cover up with Annette Bening and Jon Hamm available Friday on prime video. And from little passports their new science junior subscription for kids aims to inspire curiosity designed to bring projects to life while utilizing new science concepts more at little passports dot com. Here listening to c.p.r. News 90 point one k c f i f m Denver 1900. 90 point one f.m. And on line at c.p.r. . Support comes from Johnson and whales University a private nonprofit University in Denver offering career driven undergraduate and graduate degree programs m.b.a. Classes start in January more at j w u dot edu slash Denver support comes from the Nature Conservancy participating in Colorado Gives Day on December 10th learn more about their work to protect Colorado's lands rivers and forests for future generations at Nature dot org slash Colorado. Support comes from coal bourbon homes creators of Sloan's edge town homes designed for smart city living just steps from restaurants brewery shopping and access to Denver's Sloan's Lake learn more about Sloan's edge at Cobo urban homestead come from c.p.r. News this is Colorado matters. Colorado is known for its great outdoors preserving open space and public way and but there is a rift among the state's congressional delegation about what the next move should be when it comes to wilderness areas plus a shake up at r.t.d. At a time when the mass transit agency is struggling to get more people to jump on board will look at the impact the c.e.o. Stepping down could have then a Colorado researcher takes an emotional journey to ask why more than 160 Tibetans have self in Waited over the last decade a number of Tibetans have decided that drastic measures were needed but they thought might benefit other Tibetans to alleviate the suffering that the community was going through 1st. Live from n.p.r. News ay in Washington I'm Jack Speer the House Intelligence Committee released more transcripts of depositions of witnesses in the ongoing impeachment inquiry that includes an official with the Office of Management and Budget who testified he raised red flags about the White House's decision to place a hold on u.s. Funding for Ukraine war from n.p.r. Susan Davis Mark Zandi is a career government official at o.m.b. Who oversees spending on national security programs he testified under oath earlier this month that the White House began inquiring about the funding for Ukrainian military aid in June it wasn't until July 25th the same day as president Trump's call with Ukrainian president's Olinsky that the official hold was placed on the aid Sandy said he warned the White House that the hold could run afoul of budget law he requested information on the hold for months but it wasn't until early September that a White House official explained that the president had concerns about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine the hold prevented about 35000000 in aid from reaching Ukraine on time Susan Davis n.p.r. News Washington u.s. Secretary of state Mike Pompei o says a batch of recently learned documents proves Chinese are thought.

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