Gun bills, including legalizing suppressors and allowing firearms on atvs and snowmobiles. Its not clear if they will get enough support to advance in the democraticcontrolled senate. Stacey . Stacey breaking news right now. Iowa gets approval to go ahead with its plan to privatize medicaid. Federal Officials Say iowa is now ready to proceed and can start april 1. The centers for medicare and Medicaid Services postponed the states original plan to start january 1, saying there were too many issues. Governor branstad says managed care of the 4. 2 billion Medicaid Program will save money and improve efficiency. Steve new at 5 00, state regulators say they will make a decision next month on the controversial bakken oil pipeline. The iowa utilities board is deciding whether to allow a Texas Company to bury 346miles of crudeoilcarryingpipe, under iowa farmland. Environmental and Property Rights group oppose the project. The board plans to meet again on march 9. Wants High School Students there to recite the pledge of allegiance. The board told staffers to have the students say the pledge at least once a week. Superintendent Dave Wilkerson says he will meet with administrators to figure out the best way to integrate the pledge into the school day. Stacey lawyers in the trial of a former boone man accused of killing his wife presented Opening Statements today in winneshiek county. Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys offered different versions of how Emily Fazzino died. Alexander fazzino is charged with first degree murder in his wifes death. The Prosecutor Says alexander feared losing his job, home and children if emily divorced him. The defense argued emily was addicted to painkillers and suffered withdrawal symptoms. Former iowa state senator Kent Sorenson pleads guilty one day before his trial. Sorenson was scheduled to go on trial tomorrow in a Domestic Abuse case from last summer. He entered a guilty plea to Disorderly Conduct today. Found unresponsive in her jail cell died from meth poisoning. 25yearold jessica lee was found in a page county cell december 1. She died the next day. Iowa dps says lee called someone to tell them she was dying. She admitted during the recorded call to sneaking meth into the jail. Steve ice jams on the Des Moines River continue to cause flooding problems. Kccis vanessa peng in fort dodge with a live look. Vanessa, what does it look like there . Vanessa steve, what a difference a few hours makes. Justice afternoon, this ice jam has finally broken free. Youve got to check this out. You can see the wrath of mother nature. Huge chunks of ice at the edge of the dam. Some of them as big as a car. Side of the river, earlier today, this ice jam was further up north cover creating some flood problems. Chunks of ice pepper yards here on riverdale drive. Evidence of mother natures wrath. We got stuff put up and ready, prepared. Vanessa water was up beyond toby harps riverside summer house. Right up against it, a huge ice jam was stuck out on the Des Moines River. An ice jam is like a dam made out of ice. It happens when ice builds up on the river, keeping water and ice back. Then, monday night, it broke free, crashing tons of ice and water downstream. Harp thought he would have to say goodbye to his summer house. This year, i really thought as you see the big chunk of ice there, i thought it was going to be gone, but it made it again. Vanessa the ice jam moved south. Four hours ago, you could walk down to the river. Vanessa mike collins is keeping a close eye on the water. Side of the river from loomis park for about 24 years. He says hes has to deal with ice jam floods 5 or 6 times. It is a mess out here. You have to wait for a month or two to go out and clean it up. Vanessa the ice jam stretches from collins place to hydro electric park, where its stuck again, this time at a dam. You get a lot of force from the water. That will push those ice chunks and can do a lot of damage besides just flooding. Vanessa this is really something else, something you never expect to see, really. I spoke to a man who says his brother lives in the riverdale drive area. He says that once the ice jam broke free, it was like they pulled the plug in the bathroom tub and it just went. Kurtis snow up in northwestern iowa, but these colder high temperatures slowly thought just a bit. Continuing this week with all the water out there. 43 for a high in ames. A little cooler than the past couple of days, but still above normal. Ottumwa, 45. Our planner kind of locks in the clouds. Cooler, down to 28 degrees. Up. Breezy by especially the afternoon hour. Friday, 44. Saturday, 58 degrees. Almost 20 degrees above normal. Back to the 40s next week. Stacey an iowa semitruck arrest on a busy highway during on the highway is crediting two emergency rescuers with saving his life. Kccis kim st. Onge is just back from indianola where this all happened. Hows the driver doing now . Kim Mercy Medical center tells me 57yearold jeff ronek is in Good Condition right now. It really is remarkable when you look at this video from sunday of his semi teetering over the edge of the highway 5 overpass at southwest 9th street. An indianola emt and paramedic were on their way back from a des moines hospital on a separate call when they took a wrong turn and stumbled across the wreck. They found ronek slumped over in the front seat of his semi. He wasnt breathing and didnt have a pulse. With the help of two bystanders, they performed cpr and shocked him 6 times before getting a pulse back. Ronek tells kcci he felt light headed and thought he should pull over shortly before the crash. The next thing he remembers is waking up in the ambulance. The paramedic who helped saved him says this is the perfect example of the old saying everything happens for a reason. , if we had not come across hooked him up to the monitor and were able to defribulate him as many times as we did, he probably would not be here today. Kim by the way, he was able to get his semi in park, so no one else was injured. Tonight, at 6 00, roneks message to the paramedic and the emt who saved his life. Steve workers are now busy cleaning up the damage at des moines Laurel Hill Cemetery after some families noticed machinery tracks over some graves. On monday, we spotted heavy machinery tracks that appear to have rolled over multiple gravestones. Nathan foster tipped us off to the problem. He says its frustrating and heartbreaking. Other families agree. Im sure that some of the people that work here, they dont have any respect either. Its what the worlds come to, no respect. Steve the des moines parks and Recreation Department maintains all city cemeteries. City of des moines hit a groundbreaking number in construction permits last year. Issued add up to more than 600 million worth of construction projects. The city says downtown is booming. Residential. And, officials believe the diversity in development will help support more growth. We are now at our highest population that we have ever seen, so after years and years of decline, we are now at around 210,000 and we expect that to grow. Stacey delafield says they expect the population to keep growing and increase 50 by 2040. Stacey still to come, wine workout. The not so sobering response to this viral video today in the buzz. Steve plus, no mo gitmo . President obama unveils his plan to close the controversial Detention Center and the one big roadblock it faces. But first sally silver state showdown. Im sally kidd in washington. Nevada. Campaign goes next. Announcer this is iowas news leader. This is kcci 8 news at 5 00 with steve karlin, stacey horst, and chief meteorologist john mclaughlin. Steve super tuesday is one week from today, but the republicans are caucusing in nevada first stacey kccis sally kidd is live in washington. Sally, the gop candidates have been making last minute appeals for support. Sally donald trump is fresh off a win in south carolina. He moves into nevada with a sizeable lead in delegates. If the polls get it right, donald trump is expected to win tonights gop caucus in nevada, where 30 delegates are at stake. Mr. Trump i mean, give me a break. Sally the feud continues between trump and rival ted cruz, on social media, at campaign stops. Mr. Trump when you hold up a bible, you dont then put it down and go around lying. Sally and on the airwaves. Cruz is running an ad hitting trump over nevada land rights. Sen. Cruz whenever anyone points to his actual record, he screams liar. Sally marco rubio held a heading to minnesota. Hes touting a flurry of new bushs exit from the race. Sen. Rubio these people have now realized that, alright, he wasnt our first choice but now hes our best choice. Sally one republican contender not in the silver state today, Governor John Kasich who , campaigned in georgia. Kasich has been taking some heat from the gop establishment for staying in the race, taking support away from rubio. Gov. Kasich why would i be feeling pressure from them . They ought to be consolidating around me. Sally ben carson, whos lagging in the polls, also says he has no plans to call it quits. Its important to note that there hasnt been much polling in nevada and polling for caucuses can be unreliable so anything could happen. Live in washington, sally kidd, kcci 8 news, iowas news leader. Steve president obama today unveiled his longawaited plan to close the prison at guantanamo bay, cuba and transfer the detainees to the united states. Its a controversial move that has been in the works for years. To the American People here is were already holding Terrorists Holding a bunch of really dangerous terrorists here in the united states, because we threw the book at them. There have been no incidents. Steve the president says terrorists use guantanamo as a recruiting tool. Under his plan, 56 detainees would be moved to the u. S. 13 locations are being considered, including 7 existing prisons and 6 military bases. But the plan could be a tough sell in congress, which has repeatedly passed legislation banning any efforts to move detainees to the u. S. Theres no domestic location that needs a target on its back to attract more enemy combatants, to attract more terrorists to come rescue their friends. Steve the House Armed Services committee will hold hearings on the president s closure plan. Stacey right now, u. S. Health officials are investigating more than a dozen possible zika the 14 cases all involve men who visited areas with zika outbreaks and who may have infected their female sex partners, who had not traveled. Zika virus is mainly spread by mosquito bites. But there have been at least two reported cases of sexual transmission, including a recent case in texas. Also right now, american chocolate maker mars is announcing recalls in 55 countries. The recall includes millions of mars, snickers, and milky way bars. The company says the candy bars with best before dates between june and october 2016 should not be eaten. Variety candy packs are also being recalled. Steve check this out. Waterspouts in louisiana after a line of strong severe storms. The 3 waterspouts are all in a row. The line of severe storms also produced a tornado warning. Things much colder here. In fact, no much calmer here. Kurtis those storms turning here, we have cloud cover, something you are will be our best day of the month. 40s and light winds, not too bad. Ames creeped up to 40. Lamoni up to 48. 47 in sioux city. Windchills mid30s, 7 00 p. M. Temperature still around 40, 41. Winds pick up tomorrow. Even by the morning hours, it is definitely going to feel chillier as we dropped down to about 28 degrees. Somewhat colder air. Still above normal for this time of year. Here is one system, a week a much stronger system spinning by to the south, which will bring a band of snow from st. Louis up towards detroit. Kansas city, 47. Warmer 50s in kansas. Heres the system moving through. Up to the north and east. High pressure builds in from the west. In between, we start to get those north winds. Futurecast, clouds hang around. I will see a whole lot of sunshine in store for tomorrow. In week system drops through. You might get a snow shower from harlan off to the west. Slowly, on thursday, we see these clouds spin. It is going to be our coldest winds will gradually pick up as the night goes along. Tomorrow, 41. I think we will see gusts over 34 Miles Per Hour on thursday. Friday, some sunshine. 44 degrees. Not a lot of wind on friday. Look at saturday. So these guys and upper 50s. Through. I know it is at the end of the 8 day forecast. Next wednesday, could be your system. Steve a few things in traffic. West side of the metro, a car versus pole. The car is off the roadway. Emergency vehicles are there and i 35 northbound, way out west. Use caution in that area. On the southeast side, a crash at indianola avenue northbound. Slowly there. Rest of the metro, not bad. Some places. Travel times to your mix masters are 9 and 6. Stacey tonight at 6 00 students , at a Des Moines High School say they are making a change for the better. Emmy students at Roosevelt High School are stepping up to make all students comfortable in the building. Im emmy victor with that story, ahead. Marcus Des Moines Public Schools Aviation Program lets the students take the controls. Andy the best bowlers in the state taking over plaza lanes in des moines. The 2a championship. Cyclones fans. Coming up come a dangerous outbreak of powerful storms and tornadoes on americas gulf coast. Where is the system had . Zika vir steve today in the bonds, today in the buzz, an adorable baby gorilla. Stacey take a look. She was delivered via c section at englands bristol zoo gardens less than two weeks ago. The procedure is rarely used on gorillas, but the zoo made the decision how cute is that . The zoo made the decision when the mom started showing symptoms of a life threatening condition. Steve both mama and baby gorilla are fine and are now being closely monitored by the zoos veterinary team. Stacey now lets take a look at a workout that almost anybody can get on board with. It is the wine workout. Steve april storey posted this quick exercise video to her Facebook Page using wine as motivation. The california mother received a the clip has been viewed by millions and millions of people. The nation hasnt picked a new president yet, but the Smithsonian National portrait gallery in washington, d. C, now has a new president ial portrait. Sort of. Its frank underwood, the fictional president on netflixs house of cards. Kevin spacey arrived, in character, for the unveiling of the painting. Its on display through october. The new season of house of cards is available on march 4. That is a pretty cool portrayed stacey kurtis cold one tonight. You by the iowa clin pelley dangerous weather hit the south. Millions of people in five states are on alert for tornadoes. Also tonight, more cases of zika in the u. S. , spread by sexual transmission. Apples lawyers say unlocking the iphone of a terrorist is a slippery slope. Apple knows how to do lots of things, buof but it is not an employee of the united states. Pelley and who let the dogs out . Wait till you see. Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley a tough day is turning into a rough night in much of the deep south. Multiple tornadoes have been spotted, as well as a water spout, near new orleans

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