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In revised testimonies online said by early September he came to the realization that the delay in u.s. Military aid was being held up in exchange for the Ukrainian government to investigate Trump's political rival Joe Biden the transcripts also show that u.s. Special envoy Kurt Volker said he became aware of the hold on aid on July 18th a week before the call but did not insist on finding out why N.P.R.'s winter Johnston Iran says it's injecting uranium gas into centrifuges to enrich nuclear fuel to 5 percent purity N.P.R.'s Peter Kenyon reports u.n. Nuclear inspectors are in Iran to verify the claim Iranian state t.v. Reported the injection of gas into the advanced centrifuges and the head of Iran's nuclear agency says the fuel will be enriched to a slightly higher level and called for under the 2015 nuclear agreement 5 percent enriched uranium is still far from weapons grade fuel the Iranian report said u.n. Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency were invited to witness the latest violations of the nuclear deal that was confirmed by the i.a.e.a. Iran has incrementally backed away from its commitments under the deal in response to President Trump decision last year to pull us out and re impose sanctions on Iran Peter Kenyon n.p.r. News Istanbul this is n.p.r. . In western Arizona the Mojave local government has unanimously declared the county a sanctuary for gun owners Ryan hunches of member station k.n. a You reports a non-binding resolution says board members won't authorize money resources or employees in defense of laws it sees as unconstitutionally infringing on people's right to bear arms the board worries gun control laws are gaining traction across the u.s. Dozens of other conservative leaning counties towns cities and even 4 states have passed similar initiatives in recent years national gun violence prevention groups however say 2nd Amendment sanctuary resolutions actually put the public in danger according to the Giffords Law Center many counties that have passed measures restricting gun safety laws have firearm suicide rates above national and state averages for n.p.r. News I'm Ryan Hines's in Flagstaff in Central Asia officials from the nation of Tajikistan say ISIS militants have attacked a post at the border with Afghanistan this morning 17 people are reportedly killed in India's capital New Delhi schools are back open after being shuttered for 2 days because of a spike in air pollution the toxicity not only triggered a public health emergency it triggered protests air pollution is still considered an unhealthy level in most parts of northern India including Delhi and many children returned to class today wearing face masks on Barbara Klein n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from I drive providing cloud backup full system back up and on site I drive appliance to protect P.C.'s Macs and servers from data loss due to crashes and ransomware and I drive dot com slash n.p.r. And Americans for the Arts. Public radio. Program to make your Sunday evenings a little more exotic take a global spin every Sunday evening from 7 to 9 pm when the world comes together in a festive celebration of music and culture this is Jim join me along with Andy Zink as we travel the world in search of exciting music both traditional and contemporary on global spin every Sunday evening or anytime on demand. Hey it's Peter Sagal Are you resolved to lose a few pounds this year how about a few 1000 pounds through the public radio vehicle donation donate your old car truck or r.v. To support this station and drop a lot of unwanted weight from your garage in a matter of days and you'll feel great because you're also supporting public radio in the biggest of ways it's easy fast and you may even earn a tax write off learn more. Support or call it 5. 55. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News good morning I'm David Greene and I'm Rachel Martin 1st the u.s. Ambassador to the e.u. Said there was no quid pro quo now he says he delivered it himself 18 days after testifying before House investigators Gordon Sunland submitted an addendum to his testimony 3 pages that include crucial information about a meeting he had with a top aide for Ukrainian president Voloder Zelinsky n.p.r. Congressional reporter Claudio gross Alice has been digging into hundreds of pages of transcripts released this week and joins us now in studio Hi Claudia Hi there so Gordon Simon in his original testimony he laid out this timeline of important events related to the House impeachment inquiry but he left out a key date September 1st explain why that significant Yeah that is a critical day now he says it was on this day that he met with an aide to the president of Ukraine to let them know that military assistance was predicated on investigations of corruption and so on said he recalled a record he delivered this message and he testified that he told this official Andre your mac quote I now recall speaking individually with Mr your Mach where I said the resumption of USA would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks so this is a big of omission because it stand and it stands in contrast to what he said in his original testimony why the change right so someone said his memory was jogged by witnesses who came after him and contradicted him he said these witnesses recollection of aid being held up refresh his recollection in his original testimony to house investigators he said he had no idea there was a quid pro quo but in this new testimony he lays out what is the very definition of a quid pro quo that the aide was held up for. These investigations and how did Solomon understand these investigations what did he think they were about so someone said he thought this was about a general corruption probe scribe's it as an insidious process 1st he didn't think there were conditions and then there were he failed to make the connection between bitin and barista holdings this energy company that's been a large focus where. Former Vice President Joe Biden son worked and in one exchange with investigators he was asked with all the media coverage had he seen mention of Giuliani in the news and he was on he was talking incessantly about charisma and Hunter Biden on cable Exactly and so they were asking him How did you miss this do you do you watch any of the news do you watch t.v. And he said. Eventually I do watch t.v. But I watch h.b.o. Suggesting that he wasn't aware of that connection so this wasn't the only transcript that was released we also got a transcript of testimony from former u.s. Special envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker what did we learn from that So Kurt Volker talked about a May 2019 meeting in the Oval Office that included him song one and others he had just returned from the inauguration of the Ukrainian president they wanted to deliver a message that this new change in administration in that country would put a new focus on corruption however Trump was very resistant and he said quote They will take me down they want to I'm sorry they will want to take me down and so he was resisting he said talk to Rudy and they had difficulties delivering this message Volcker said so just because the president was trying to shift the focus from Russia which actually did interfere in the u.s. Election trying to put the blame on Ukraine and Volcker kind of poked a hole in that entire conspiracy theory right right right it was yet another illustration of the debug theory that Ukraine played a role in the 2016 elections so what does all this information mean to the impeachment inquiry going forward and more specifically how does it change the Republican argument in defense of President Trump I mean what what what are terms ally saying right now well they have demanded more of this public transparency more of these transcripts to be released now that they are they're basically pushing off the developments and still passionately defending the president however it seems as we move further into this public phase of the inquiry it's putting Republicans in a bigger and bigger bind and the White House itself has released a statement yes they have released a statement they said that basically that this. These new developments show that the impeachment inquiry rephrasing in their own words that it remains a sham and that it doesn't change their position that the president didn't engage in anything that was of concern and meanwhile there is this transition to a more public phase as part of that house investigators have said peanut No they have invited I should clarify they've invited Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney to come testify correct right they've invited sometimes what will happen is we'll see these committees issue a subpoena right before they are due to show but what we're seeing with these witnesses and we're expecting to see with Mick Mulvaney is another no show probably 10 witnesses that will no show this week is what we're looking at at least N.P.R.'s Claudio selves Thank you thanks for having me another story we're following in Mexico a relative of the 9 victims shot to death in Monday attack says the family will not be run off by the drug cartels that have made the area around their home so dangerous Murphy Woodhouse from member station k.j. Z.z.z. From terrorist desk reports the 3 mothers and their 12 children who live in Mexico were traveling in 3 vehicles when they were ambushed by an unknown number of assailants headed towards. Being a 4 Tucson Daniel liberal who also lives in Mexico is the cousin of Maria Miller one of the women killed in the ambush along with 4 of her children he says they were going shopping in to the airport to start a routine trip. To Europe and. Unfortunately there's this tragic event occurred authorities recovered some $200.00 spent bullet casings at several scenes near the town of East Bay According to Sonora authorities they also found the burnt out frame of a Chevy Tahoe with 5 bodies inside the other 2 vehicles were roughly 10 miles away all told 3 adults and 6 children were killed with another 4 children injured labeled on says some family of the victims believed the ambush might have started as a case of mistaken identity but he says the attackers didn't back off even after they realized there were only women and children in the cars I think it's not accurate to say that they're caught in the crossfire because everything in the case it was done by just one cartel that we're going there the tight knit community here in the Sonora Chihuahua border region has dealt with drug cartel violence for years later on says it's been escalating putting his family members at what he called ground 0 of that dispute his and other bi national Mormon families have lived here for decades and they don't plan on leaving the Salt Lake City based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints does not recognize these groups as a part of their church they pride themselves on being bilingual citizens of both Mexico and the United States he says they see the beauty in both countries we've been here for 5 generations most of us. Oh. We're going to we're going to and it's whether we let it stand up so he says it's too easy for Americans to just play Mexico for drug violence you have biggest consumer of everything. They're fighting for down here really 90 percent of weapons are you going to your own from the u.s. I mean the I'm not blaming one place and I'm just it's really you get a point appears out. Well. You have started with parts of u.s. Ambassador Christopher Lando was an animal seal the Sonoran capital yesterday addressing the Arizona Mexico commission meeting shortly after news of the shooting broke it back yeah it is. Almost like the Binational wives of the massacres victims underscore the challenge that both countries face he says commenting organized crime something Lando argues can't be done by either country on its own nor does each side blaming the other for the security situation help he says Lando says it's very important for the 2 countries to move forward together against criminal groups what he describes as very strong but it is absolutely I mean it is almost enough of this you know this is what I call them here it is in the common interest of our countries to defeat organized crime ambassador Landau says adding There is no alternative we have to win and we will for n.p.r. News I'm if you would have us in animal c.-o. Mexico. This morning we remember the life of author Ernest Gaines who died this week he wrote several novels that pay tribute to the resiliency of African-Americans in rural Louisiana in the years before the Civil Rights Movement Louisiana always felt like home to Gaines even when he left for California as a teenager under the body went to California the so he and Louisiana Gaines had moved away when he was just 15 because there was a high school for him to go to in the easy Ana and in California he could do something that was forbidden for many black people in the South at that time visit a library that's where I started reading and it was read and read and read this is back in 4849 and there were hardly any books they had by all about blacks and that libraries them I read literature of the other writers of the Russian writers and a French writer an American writers of course but when I didn't see me there it was then that I thought I'd start writing try to. And so Gaines wrote about the life and the people he knew in the wheezy and one of his most famous novels is titled The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman it follows the story of a woman born into slavery who lives long enough to see the civil rights era the book was adapted into a film in 1900 for many journalists at the character of Miss Jane was based on Gaines is disabled great aunt the woman who raised him but in a 2005 n.p.r. Interview again said it was more complicated than that Miss Jane is not my art neither is she a composite up people I just want to write a story about a simple little lady who came through slavery and survive another 100 years Miss Jane like many characters in games novels exemplified the black people in his life who faced racism with dignity and grace it's not only about the heart crime of African-Americans in this country but the strength they had in order to survive and it's wrong to make me the person I am today. Ernest j. Gaines died from cardiac arrest in his sleep at his home in Oscar weekend at the age of 86. This is n.p.r. News. 90 Thank you. Hi there I'm Jane Maynard in prehistoric times it seems as though every single animal is bigger than its modern counterparts one such enormous prehistoric creature that dwarfs its modern counterpart and a creature that our ancestors came in contact with was the glittered on a giant armadillo about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle taxonomists have long classified mammals by the teeth so this one ton armadillo was called lifted on meaning group tooth and they were indeed gigantic growing up to 10 feet long it's good to Don's live from 5000000 years ago through the place and seen about 12000 years ago which means early humans coexisted with these large creatures but our ancestors had little to fear because these herbivores weren't hunters they ate primarily plants as they roamed across present day North and South America its size and hard back plates weren't the only features that made this creature stand out its tail had a bony club on it sometimes with spikes that the creature could wield with deadly results probably used primarily in territorial disputes with other lifted ons the 92nd naturalist was brought to you by the Gehring Center for Family and private business about you Parker delivering knowledge connection and community as part of the lunar College of Business at the University of Cincinnati the Gehring center has been helping drive a vibrant regional economy since 1800. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Whole Foods Market offering colors and flavors of the season with seasonal produce holiday desserts and Chef created menus Whole Foods Market color the classics from Americans for the Arts committed to transforming America's communities through the arts and arts education supporting the nonprofit arts industry which employs 4600000 people nationwide learn more Americans for the Arts dot org And from dual lingo a language app whose mission is to make language learning fun and accessible to the world with lessons in more than 30 languages including French Spanish and Chinese available in the App Store or it do all lingo dot com. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm David Greene and I'm Rachel Martin all this week we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of this very program Morning Edition went on the air for the 1st time on November 5th 1979 in the 4 decades since we have witnessed and covered a whole lot of change now we're going to turn to the world of science technology and health and who better to do that with then N.P.R.'s science correspondent Joe Palca who has seen I don't know probably all of it right so yeah rematch all of it yeah so it is safe to say Joe that in science and technology I mean the world is just it feels like a totally different place in Florida as it has now and deciding what to talk about is it's almost impossible I mean we're not going to talk about the space shuttle we're not going to talk about going to Mars we're not going to talk about planets around stars outside of our solar system why our gravitational waves so for us to judge others I would argue about what we saw we thought we'd focus on things that effected people's lives so we're going to start with this 981 report by my predecessor Laurie Garrett in the last 3 months 28 cases of Kaposi's sarcoma have been reported in this country all occurring among game in most of them young now no one of knew it at the time but those cases were the 1st hint that we were heading into a new epidemic that became aids and only a few years later the virus that causes Aids was identified I mean we heard Laurie there talking about how this was something that was occurring them on among gay men that's how most people thought of it right right and then this announcement in 1991 because of. A type b. Virus that I have attained. I would have to retire from the Lakers today and that's Magic Johnson you member and later in the news conference he said something that was really remarkable I planned on going on living for alone time bugging you guys like I've always have so you see me around now happily Magic Johnson is still alive and effective Aids drugs were just becoming available then so it was a little surprising as it isn't at his announcement because a lot of people thought that it was a death sentence or could have been and now typically Aids is a manageable disease and that takes us to another scientific advance just last year we broadcast this story a Chinese researcher has shocked the world by claiming to have created the 1st genetically modified humans now that researcher was trying to protect babies from getting aids and to do that he modified them when they were still embryos and it's not clear the modification will work but the work caused a huge controversy because many people think modifying human embryos is unethical but the fact that you can modify an embryo for any purpose is the result of a tool called crisper well before you can modify genes effectively you got to know what genes to modify Right exactly and that's where this announcement comes in we're here to celebrate the completion of the 1st survey of the entire human genome . Without a doubt this is the most important most wondrous map ever produced by humankind of course that's President Bill Clinton announcing the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2000 it was a project to map and sequence all our d.n.a. And while the genome project was still underway in 1907 there was another remarkable biological breakthrough scientists in Scotland say they have cloned a sheep This is the 1st time scientists have reported cloning an adult mammal and the implications could be enormous This is Dolly right that's all eventually Ali although I mean we still haven't had a clone humans No not yet and. Maybe not ever but there sure been a lot of talk about it now I want to shift gears and talk about another topic that's been on our air almost from the start with Morning Edition in the past year scientists who presented evidence that the polar ice caps are slowly melting and some researchers feel that we'll see climate changes within the next decade that was Lelie Franklin reporting in 1902 at the time people called this the greenhouse effect why adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere would make the planet warm up since then of course climate change has become a political hot potato although in 2008 there was this rim amazing p.v. Commercial that suggested that there could be bipartisan agreement even on this topic Hi I'm Nancy Pelosi lifelong Democrat and Speaker of the house and I'm Newt Gingrich lifelong Republican and I used to be speaker we don't always see eye to eye doing you know but we do agree our country must take action to address climate change wow yeah wow indeed but by 2017 that consensus had pretty much broken down as of today. The United States will cease all implementation of the non-binding Paris accord that of course was President Donald Trump and the Paris accord is supposed to get countries to limit their greenhouse gas emissions All right so Joe if I asked you to name the technological change that has most affected our lives when you look at the past 40 years what change has really made a difference to everyday people in our everyday lives how would you answer well maybe like this. How we used to connect to the Internet in the early days I remember and the internet has come plea change society I mean remember computers were something mainly used by enthusiasts and scientists and engineers and then this announcement in 1901 signaled computers were going mainstream today I'm pleased to tell you that we're introducing the i.b.m. Personal computer and we believe it will set a new standard for the industry that's I.B.M.'s George Konrad a speaking on an internal i.b.m. Video and I think my favorite part of the video is when Konrad is says the new p.c. Comes with the option for color graphics and the new standard i.b.m. Keyboard with both upper and lowercase letters. Are a case of yeah you know me well you member teletype didn't give you that. And the other event that really kicked the Internet revolution into high gear for most people was this announcement in 2007 that there was going to reinvent. I Phone and i Phone and its successors have changed everything about how most people interact with the world in fact Rachel when Morning Edition went on the air you had to be with a radio and near a broadcast tower and now someone with a phone connected to the Internet could listen almost anywhere in the world it's amazing and so I really think that that is the the big change so many changes to remember over. 40 years of covering science and technology N.P.R.'s science correspondent Joe Palca Thank you Joe We appreciate it. This is n.p.r. News. 176. The 1st sample of the Ebola virus he didn't get much credit a lot of people go. With. It. Now he's leading Congo's Ebola response that story this afternoon on All Things . Live from n.p.r. News and Washington I'm Winsor Johnston the gubernatorial race in Kentucky is still too close to call Republican incumbent governor Matt Bevan is refusing to concede to his Democratic challenger and he Bashir who's leading by Aslan margin claiming victory to a crowd of supporters in lieu of a last night this year says he plans to represent all of Kentucky by putting aside partisan politics I will work with anyone who has a good idea that we can deliver for Kentucky ends with all the partisan bickering and nastiness that we're seeing in politics we have an opportunity to do better right here in Kentucky in Mississippi raves on Tuesday's election for governor despite a close challenge from 4 time Democratic attorney general Jim Hood President Trump will travel to Louisiana for a campaign rally tonight N.P.R.'s gyal Snyder reports voters there are preparing for the year's final contest for governor the president has to travel to Northeast Louisiana to the city of Monroe where he will seek to strengthen support for any response to the Republican challenger locked in a tight race with Democratic incumbent governor John Bell Edwards who emerged as the top vote getters in the 1st round last month but neither received enough support to avoid a runoff early voting ends this weekend ahead of the 2nd round Nov 16th N.P.R.'s gyal Snyder reporting this is n.p.r. News from Washington. The government of Zimbabwe has fired dozens of junior doctors who've been on strike for higher pay and improved working conditions . Reports the work stoppage has brought an already strained public health system to the brink in a letter to the doctors the government accused them of misconduct by staying away from work and ignoring a Labor Court ruling ordering them back to work those fired also failed to appear before a disciplinary committee on November 1st saying they could not afford a transport to attend. Is a spokesperson for the doctors yes to open for Dad to communicate and you know actually shut our ways in which we can but he says States with cases to the doctors who take home less than the equivalent of $200.00 Us dollars a month say they are finding it impossible to cope for n.p.r. News. In Harare Iraqi security forces are clashing with anti-government demonstrators again today protesters have been blocking a bridge in central Baghdad since yesterday there are reports of casualties in Karbala in southern Iraq more than a dozen protesters have been killed since late Monday demonstrators have been denouncing corruption and the country's poor economy for weeks Dow futures are higher this morning following another record high close for the Dow This is n.p.r. News in Washington. Very diverse voices make up our community I'm Chris Kington Barker and I'm Fred Munro every Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock we bring you suppose voices conversations with insightful members of our community focused on topics such as health care commerce community design and education together we can gain a better understanding of the challenges and choices facing our community join us for $7.00 worth of Thursdays at one following democracy now here in case you can. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from c 3 dot a i c 3 dot AI's software enables organizations to use artificial intelligence at enterprise scale solving previously unsolvable business problems learn more at c 3 . 1 from Wells Fargo Wells Fargo has committed $1000000000.00 through 2025 to develop housing affordability solutions for transitional housing rentals and homeownership learn more at Wells Fargo dot com slash impact It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm David Greene good morning when Attorney General William Barr was appointed to the job he was greeted with a measure of relief on both sides of the aisle remember the Justice Department was in the middle of Washington's partisan battle over the Moeller investigation and there was hope that Barak could restore stability at the department almost a year later bar certainly has the president's approval credible guy tough guy. And somebody with a with a tremendous heart also. But he is strong he can take it Attorney General William borrowers. But Democrats have accused Barr of turning the d.o.j. Into a political weapon against the president's opponents So how did we get here here's n.p.r. Justice correspondent Ryan Lucas President Trump was never shy about his frustrations with his 1st attorney general Jeff Sessions he castigated sessions time and again on Twitter and in t.v. Interviews one of the president's complaints was that sessions didn't open an investigation into what the president alleged was wrongdoing by the f.b.i. And Democrats during the 2016 election Trump's claims include allegations that Obama era officials spied on his campaign here he is on Fox News in early 2018 a lot of bad things happened on the other side not on this side but on the other side and you know somebody should look into it because what they did is really fraudulent that somebody is Jeff Sessions after Rocky 21 months in the job sessions resigned under pressure in November of 2018 the picture replace him was William Barr a prominent Republican lawyer and former attorney general under George h.w. Bush Republicans were delighted by the choice and bars conservative legal pedigree and experience even Democrats acknowledge that Barr was qualified for the job but they had concerns about how he would handle special counsel Robert Melissa Russia investigation which at the time was still in full swing their concerns stemmed at least in part from a memo Barr had written criticizing aspects of Mahler's probe at his confirmation hearing in January Barr told lawmakers he would be even handed and independent President Trump has sought no assurances promises or commitments from me of any kind either express or implied and I have not given him any other than and then I would run the department with professionalism and integrity bar also made this commitment to the committee's Republican chairman Lindsey Graham. Do you promise me is attorney general if you get this job to look into see what happened in 2016 yes Mr Chairman what happened in 2016 in Chairman Graham's book was a potentially improper investigation of the Trump campaign a month after that hearing Barr was confirmed by the Senate his relationship with Democrats quickly soured it began with a 4 page letter Barr wrote summarizing Muller's final report the letter said Miller's team did not find that the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government it also said the special counsel did not draw a conclusion one way or another whether the President obstructed justice Barr however did clearing the president of wrongdoing President Trump speaking before the press eagerly embraced Barres letter and its conclusions why whatever people are lost right if it's not been factored in said no it struck him no competition he could not have been that I think Democrats accused Barr of trying to hammer and stone the no collusion no obstruction narrative before anyone else had a chance to even see Miller's findings as the public waited for a redacted version of the report Barr told lawmakers that as promised he was going to take a look at the origins of the Russian vest a geisha as I said in my confirmation hearing. I am going to be reviewing. Both the genesis and the conduct of intelligence activities directed the game at the Trump campaign during 2016 Trump and his Republican allies welcomed the news but for Democrats and some former Justice Department veterans Barres decision seemed odd The reason the Russia investigation was already being looked at the Justice Department's independent inspector general and the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee were already diving into those issues among others meanwhile the president continued to accuse American intelligence agencies of wrongdoing the fact is they were spying on my campaign but they steer you. Base by I didn't look at people spying on my campaign is very simple on Capitol Hill Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen pressed bar on what his Russian review was about so you're not you're not suggesting now that spying occurred I don't know. If you could I think there's a spying did occur yes I think spying occur Democrats jumped on Barres use of the word spying it was far from the carefully crafted legal term of court approved surveillance that law enforcement officials typically use on the hill and it also appear to echo the president's own language a month later bar appointed a veteran prosecutor John Durham to lead the rusher review even for skeptics term was viewed as a good choice he's a veteran prosecutor with a reputation for being tight lipped in independent and he's handled politically sensitive investigations before once appointed Durham got to work and has quietly operated under the radar the attorney general in contrast has remained very much in the news new scrutiny on Attorney General William Barr why he also learning that Attorney General William Barr now William Barr himself the attorney general as the attorney general's name came up several times in President Trump's now famous phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart in a rough transcript of that call Trump urges Ukraine's president to investigate Democrats and he also tells them to get in touch about it with his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and with William Barr when the Justice Department decided not to open an investigation into the president's actions House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Sunday Democrats reaction this way I do think the attorney general has gone rogue he has for a long time now for its part the Justice Department says the attorney general has not discussed Ukraine with Trump nor has Barr been in contact with Ukraine or Giuliani but he has taken a hands on approach to the Durham inquiry bar has asked the president to make phone calls to foreign leaders to help open doors for derm and bar even traveled with Durham to Rome for meetings with the Taliban intelligence officials bars critics accuse him of using the German Vesta geisha as a political cudgel Jonathan Turley a law professor at George Washington University and a friend of bars says not so I mean if this is not legal alchemy he built part can't make gold from lead. So if John Durham finds no criminality that will be a finding that Bill Barr will respect late last month News broke the terms of you had been upgraded to a formal criminal investigation it's unclear what prompted the change or what a legit wrongdoing is under scrutiny but the news came after days of damaging testimony in the House impeachment inquiry fueling fresh criticism from Democrats that bar was weaponized in the Justice Department again Jonathan Turley there seemed to be an effort to undermine any conclusions of John Durham before they were reached and you know this is becoming a hamlet like moment where the Democrats doth protest too much Turley says Americans have questions that only investigations like Muller's and Durham's can answer and it would be unwise he says to count on politicians to frame the conclusions Brian Lucas n.p.r. News Washington. This is n.p.r. News. Hey their kids this is Carl Sonny Leyland reminding you to tune in to my shot of the rhythm retrospective every Friday night at 7 30 pm right here at the good old casein b.x. You will hear boogie woogie blues swing rock n roll in its original incarnation and even a bit a country trust me you will take it. To an indicator to be ex Tuesday nights at 10 for be on the fringe where we explore the frontiers of organized sound enjoy the latest progressive rock electronic and contemporary classical release along with CLOs accounts you won't hear anywhere else so take a 3 hour journey and trouble be on the fringe every Tuesday night it's been following picking up the tempo only here on Central Coast public radio c.b.x. . Good morning I'm David Greene odd year elections like the ones held yesterday in several states tend to have pretty low turnout but one Pennsylvania constituent was determined to vote astronaut Andrew Morgan submitted his absentee ballot from space the Newcastle news reports that election officials set up a secure p.d.f. So Morgan could vote from the comfort of his home the International Space Station No word on whether they were able to get him one of those I voted stickers You're listening to Morning Edition support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Capt Terra for helping people find the right software for their business from applicant tracking to workflow software visitors can access more than 1000000 software reviews and compare products more it kept Tera dot com from Charles Schwab Schwab believes in asking questions and being engaged Charles Schwab own your tomorrow learn more at Schwab dot com and from the e.c.m. C. Foundation at e.c. Mc Foundation dot org. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm David Greene and I'm Rachel Martin the Golden State Warriors won 3 n.b.a. Titles of the last 5 seasons and in the other 2 they made the finals but that is not how this year is shaping up Here's commentator Mike Pesca this year the Golden State Warriors experienced their 5th loss on Nov 2nd the 6th game of the season to pick a year when they didn't even win a championship in 20152016 the Warriors didn't lose their 5th game until Feb 19th it was the 53rd game of the season just to lay the predicate a bit more about how the Warriors have laid an egg before the year started Las Vegas thought they were about a $10.00 to $1.00 shot to win a title now there are ads are 2000 to $1.00 maybe laying an egg is unfair it's more like they had their shells cracked their best player Steph Curry is out for at least 3 months with a broken hand they're all star and human Swiss Army Knife dream on green is out with an injured index finger in last year's finals they lost to all stars Klay Thompson and Kevin Durant's to torn ligaments and tendons respectively and then with the loss of Duran to free agency it turned out not to be just the connective tissue within the players' bodies that were fraying it was the team's aura but the Golden State Warriors once represented was an o. Most unfair remorseless winning machine complicated by the fact that the a statics of their game were frankly Beautiful think about glancing up at a volley of arrows launched from English longbows during the Battle of Agincourt it must've been quite lovely until you realized you were a French soldier about to get multiple body parts pierced by those same arrows this approximates the emotions felt by the other $29.00 n.b.a. Teams facing a torrent of Golden State 3 pointers it's too early to write the Warriors final obituary their injured players still have talent in their coach Steve Kerr is still sharp. But there downturn is shocking to imagine just 5 months ago as the Warriors even the n.b.a. Finals at one game apiece that the team would lose 3 of their next 4 games lose the championship lose Klay Thompson for the next season then lose 5 of their next 6 regular season games lose their luster lose their fearsome this and just lose what else is lost well the n.b.a. Narrative to get to or win the finals for the last 5 years you had to contend with the specter of the warriors the idea of the warriors and eventually if you go far enough the reality of the warriors if ever a coach or player publicly committed to the idea of building a champion he was saying we're out to find a way to beat the Warriors that's over they've been beaten I think about the children little kids love wearing Steph Curry jerseys the other day I saw a 5 year old in a Steph Curry Jersey running down a Brooklyn street chasing his older brother who is wearing a home Steph Curry Jersey those poor kids their classmates who show up to elementary school in the colors of the Phoenix Suns or the Charlotte Hornets now possess a bragging rights over those warrior boys not my sons I've indoctrinated them to be next fans which means losing will never come as a surprise but for all these were kids who thought they were betting on a champion it turns out they're just wearing the garments of losers sudden shocking losers which may be a good lesson for the youth after all nothing lasts for long in this world especially when success is premised on the frailty of the human body and the vagaries of n.b.a. Free agency. Commentator Mike Pesca he hosts the slate podcast The gist. This is n.p.r. News. This is Bird know. By now retirees and other people who want to escape the dark days of winter have headed to California or parts of the southwest or to sunny Florida we call them snow birds because they leave as soon as the snow begins to fall and temperatures drop but there's another type of snow bird the dark junkers. Just although you may see dark eyes juncos here in summer come fall many many more arrive to spend the winter they've been nesting in the mountains or farther north to them this is a benign winter habitat these juncos often find the seed feeders for winter feasting watch for a small bird with a dark so the hood that covers its head and chest a gray brown back and a white belly However the most attention grabbing aspect of this shot Junko is its tail as the bird darts off giving a sharp twittering call it flashes the white outer feathers of its tail. Enjoy these dark eyed juncos now and through the winter comes spring most of these snow birds will head north or into higher elevations to begin a new breeding cycle some. Bird note I marry me can support for bird note comes from the Port Aransas tourism bureau home to hundreds of species of birds and the whooping crane festival in February more at visit Port Aransas dot com. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm David Greene the humorist Mo Rocca loves obituaries he loves how one last time the public gets to dig into people's lives however consequential those people may have been his coined the term mobile it's a 2nd remembrance for someone who didn't get a fair treatment the 1st go around his new book Mobutu worries great lives worth reliving memorializes those who have passed and not just people also places like Prussia date of death February 25th 1947 Prussia's life Mo Rocca writes is the story of the transformation of an insignificant medieval territory into a major European power and may rest in peace the stationwagon Morocco is with us from New York good morning good morning David good to be with you know it's good to have you so you wrote that the station wagon died a tragic death in 2011 the death of a love by if in your said so make your case well the station wagon for people of a Certain Age was of course a beloved family vehicle my image including me and my mom and I drove all over with broken all stiction and I hope you like I loved riding in the way back there was no other place to party that I loved whenever my father or mother would make a wide turn and I'd get thrown against the side I just loved being you know pin bowling all around especially after a pizza party with friends and it was a wonderful experience to have that even though it was a death chamber in the way back we all know that right but it did die in 2011 but it had begun its demise long before in 1903 when the minivan was introduced if you can remember the mini van was actually seen as something hot and sexy back then you know so it was out with the station wagon but it's remarkable to think the Ford Country Squire at one point was 19 feet long I mean you couldn't there were more than parking spaces big enough for them no parallel parking was a. Possible don't you don't learn how to drive one of those things what got you interested in death. Life got me interested in death because a good obituary is really about the life of something and someone not the death and my father got me interested in obituaries he would always say the obits was his favorite section of the newspaper and I think he loved them because he had a real sense of the romance of life and I'm not being cute there a good obit does feel like a movie trailer for an Oscar winning bio pic sort of the highs the lows the triumphs and the tragedies there's a kind of sweep and a drama about them but not everyone has gotten the sendoff they deserve or really any send off and of course there are rarely obituaries for things for ideas for places you do focus on some people though and some people don't get the sendoff they deserve because they had the misfortune of dying on the same day as someone else which you write about there was Margaret Thatcher April 8th 2013 but she she died on the same day as Annette Funicello who I'm assuming didn't get maybe what you thought she deserved can you can you stop by reminding us who she was a definite cello was beloved on the Mickey Mouse Club and then she was she made the transition into movies as a grown up in Beach Blanket Bingo and then she suffered from multiple sclerosis and in a 3rd act became a great advocate for people suffering from that and I like to think of her and Margaret Thatcher I don't know maybe Palin around in the afterlife or thinking of maybe a Freaky Friday reboot where they switch places. The randomness of who ends up dying on the same day it's fun to write about but I bet Well another part of the book I Love was you write about people who have New Jersey Turnpike rest stops named for them and I've driven the interstate many times and all these names sound so so familiar but one of them Joyce Kilmer remembered for writing a poem called Trees. As you're Mobutu are you wrote a follow up poem to Joyce Kilmer's poem and could you read that for me yes trees part to. Joyce Kilmer's famous poem trees always leaves me ill it iis you know the verse I'm speaking of the one where Joyce professes love for every tree that's ever bringing deciduous or evergreen the couplets jangle every time with sing song meter obvious rhyme the sentiment it seems well false a bit too thick with Grandma's Smalls so as you'll gather I'm no fan and by the way he was a man. I do want to get back to your father who you mention because you know your book does not have a quick simple dedication at the front and as an entire chapter dedicated to Marcel Jacques Rogge who died in 2004 your dad can can you tell me about him. My father started playing the trumpet at the age of 50 which is the age I am now which is an act of such extraordinary optimism I still remember in the cellar of our house on the wall there were a series of Xeroxed sheets teaching you how to perfect your sure word I learned to spell early on which is how a trumpeter forms his lips around the mouthpiece of a trumpet and it's really hard to do and my father didn't think that he would end up playing at the Blue Note he knew that he was starting late but boy every morning for half an hour he would work on those scales on those exercises and then for an hour every night without fail he would be in the cellar and it might as well have been the Blue Note and he played he played clubs and everything right I mean he was all over boys he and his buddies they formed a band called the Metro towns every Monday night they had a champ session without fail he would attend that jam session. I mean it was an act of such love and such faith they played a lot of retirement homes assisted living but every gig was was important to them and that made a big impact on me I mean my father was also an extraordinarily sensitive person and treated people. With Dignity I know I'm sounding It's my father and I'm idealizing him but when I was writing of this book so many of these these topics I feel a connection with him on that. Morocco wonderful book and it's good to hear about it that thank you David. The real burning question yes it was pressure. It was a duchy it was an empire crush it was anything you wanted it to be. Most importantly it was the entity that brought us the pickle. Which was the helmet with the spike the vertical Spike and I would not want to meet that on a battlefield. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm David Greene and I'm Rachel Martin. It's 459 on a Wednesday morning November 6th this is k.c. B.x. H.d. One Sam who is a bespoke h.d. One San Ardo and Katie is b.x. In a Barbara streaming online org You can join us on Twitter Facebook and Instagram. F.m. Good morning. Good morning Democrats score a major victory in Virginia taking control of the state legislature there for the 1st time in a generation and turning the state solidly blue It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. The Democrat in the race for governor in Kentucky has claimed victory as well although the race is still too close to call I'm David Greene and I'm Rachel Martin what might the statewide election results portend for 2020. 1 comes up a lot in new transcripts of the impeachment inquiry how much power did Rudy Giuliani will he have to shape u.s. Foreign policy in Ukraine and the u.s. Supreme Court hears a case that could change the Clean Water Act It's Wednesday November 6th actor Ethan Hawke turns 49. The news is next. From n.p.r. News in Washington. Voters in Virginia have given Democrats control of both chambers of the state legislature. Member station reports the Commonwealth now has a Democratic governor and state house for the 1st time in decades now with unified power Democrats say they can raise the minimum wage passed gun control measures and ratify the Equal Rights Amendment going into Tuesday's elections Republicans held a narrow majority in both the state Senate and House of Delegates the balance of power hung in the suburbs outside the state capital and in Virginia Beach where demographic shifts and recent redistricting have favored Democrats election officials reported unusually high turnout for an off year election a fact that Democrats are sure to cite as a sign of they are voters enthusiasm heading into the 2020 presidential race for n.p.r. News I'm Mallory no pain in Richmond House impeachment investigators have invited Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney to testify on Friday N.P.R.'s Johnston reports the chairman of several House committee.

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