People at a synagogue in Pittsburgh over the weekend and wounding half a dozen others made his 1st court appearance today even as federal prosecutors are vowing to seek the death penalty in the case 46 year old Robert Bowers appeared in a wheelchair and accepted a court appointed defender Scott Brady's the u.s. Attorney for the western district of Pennsylvania describes what's next in the case our investigation of these hate crimes continues under the law we must present this case to a federal grand jury within 30 days of today. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the victim's families and with the community and rest assured we have a team of prosecutors working hard to ensure that justice is done President Donald Trump travels to Pittsburgh tomorrow to show his support however some leaders of Jewish groups in the city have an open letter said Trump is not welcome until he denounced as white nationalism Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says the recent shootings at the synagogue in Pittsburgh and a grocery store in Louisville Kentucky should be considered a hate crimes and is advocating for the death penalty in both cases Kentucky Public Radio's Ron Barton says McConnell also says the events underscore the need to ratchet down political rhetoric at the Kentucky capital McConnell said the political rhetoric is always pretty hot before an election but this is different the whole tone of the country right now and needs to be ratcheted down and these horrible criminal acts only underscore the need for all of us to go to dollars to get into a better more respectful when asked of President Trump's rhetoric need to be toned down McConnell walked away federal prosecutors are already pursuing the Pittsburgh shooting as a hate crime but are still deciding whether to do so in the wool incident police say the accused gunman shot 2 black shoppers after trying to break into a predominantly black church for n.p.r. News I'm Marilyn Barton in Frankfurt Kentucky the drug administration is asking the Supreme Court to postpone the 1st trial over the citizenship question of the administration added to the 2020 census. Hands of the Wong says dozens of states cities and other groups are trying to get the question removed the emergency request to the Supreme Court comes less than a week before the 1st citizenship questions trial is set to begin on November 5th in New York City show the ministration is asking for more time so that the supreme court can review its new request it wants a justices to block a lower court orders allowing testimony of 2 senior trouble officials to be considered in the cases delaying the trial would put more pressure on preparations for the 2020 census in the coming months the census bureau needs to finalize forms for the upcoming headcount of every person living in the u.s. Administration says the citizenship question was added to better enforce the Voting Rights Act but the lawsuits plaintiffs argue the question could undermine the accuracy of information collected for the census and the long n.p.r. News New York and Wall Street the Dow is down 245 points today you're listening to n.p.r. Support for n.p.r. Comes from Fidelity Investments taking a personalized approach to helping clients grow preserve and manage their wealth learn more at fidelity dot com slash wealth for Delany brokerage services l.l.c. And Americans for the Arts at Americans for the Arts dot org This is Central Coast public radio it's now 5 o 4 with the city x. News I'm going to mark a central coast media outlet has a new owner be why the n.b.c. Affiliate in San Luis Obispo broadcasting a Santa Barbara and slow counties has been sold case b. Why along with 14 other television news stations own Borg owned by Cordella communications will be sold to the e.w. Scripps company k c x is time the proud has more the deal is worth 521000000 which will bring the total number of television stations owned by the Ohio based company to 51 with 33 television stations and 24 market scripts as one of the nation's largest independent t.v. Station owners he haven't heard of scripts you might know them through their ownership of humor and video company cracked or the podcast provider stitcher according to scripts the recent act was. And will give the company the number one rated t.v. Stations in a 3rd of its markets and reach 21 percent of American households the sale still needs federal regulatory approval but is expected to be completed in the 1st half of next year can't be why is the only California station in the sale but it's not the 1st time the station has been sold has been on the air since 1953 in addition to scripts in court it's been a part of the Salinas Valley Broadcasting Corporation joint holdings incorporated new vision group Evening Post publishing company and more in the year since tele Pratt case of x. News and The Big Sur highway won't be fully closed tonight as planned Caltrans announced crews completed the necessary work to shore up the roadway around Paul slide during a last night's foreclosure our coverage of California on the Central Coast will continue in about half an hour I'm going to mark a c.b.s. News local support is provided this evening by Cal Poly extended education presenting California one appreciation a course starting October 31st provides basic knowledge and experience of tasting a variety of Central Coast and California wines learn more extended poly dot edu It's now follow 6 You're listening to N.P.R.'s All Things Considered. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I'm Mary Louise Kelly and I'm Ari Shapiro the man accused of killing 11 worshipers and wounding 6 others in a synagogue Saturday appeared in federal court today Robert Bowers has been charged with $29.00 counts and could face the death penalty N.P.R.'s Brian Mann was in the courtroom in Pittsburgh today and joins us now Brian describe what the scene was like in there today. Incredibly tight security about ours was wheeled in in a wheelchair really surrounded by federal marshals he was injured of course in that gunfight with police Saturday before he surrendered so he came into the court wearing a blue sweatshirt he's kind of a beefy guy he had handcuffs on and just sort of a blank expression and I know the judge read a summary of those $29.00 charges against him then what happened after that it was over pretty quick but ours answered Yes serve a couple of time to the judge's questions he was then assigned a public defender and he'll be back in court on Thursday the federal prosecutor who is handling this case u.s. Attorney Scott Brady spoke after today's session and said he's confident they have a strong case against Bowers at that time we will have the opportunity to present evidence demonstrating that Robert Powers murdered 11 people who are exercising their religious beliefs and rest assured we have a team of prosecutors working hard to ensure that justice is done Ok that Scott braided a federal prosecutor at that court appearance today and Brian I know you've also been looking into who is you were at his neighborhood talking with people who knew him What have you learned it's kind of a mix of industrial shops plumbers and electricians and then these low rent apartments and I talked to a lot of people who lived right next door or Also who ran gun stores nearby and actually all of them say they have no memory of ever meeting Bowers or seeing him 46 years old this guy isn't left very little trail that we can find except for these anti semitic hate filled rants online I will say though Ari The police say his motives aren't mysterious in the criminal complaint they filed against him they say he told officers point blank. These are his words that Jews are committing genocide to my people and he told them the Jewish people need to die the attorney general also talked about this attack today Jeff Sessions was at a meeting of the Federalist Society which is a conservative legal group what did he say this meeting in Boston. Sessions described this as a murderous rampage and he said it's an attack on American values this was not just an attack on the Jewish faith it was an attack on all people of faith it wasn't an attack on America's values are protecting those of faith it cannot and will not be tolerated is a direct threat. And remember our 8 sessions will have to sign off ephedra prosecutors here in Pittsburgh to pursue the death penalty against Bowers and they have signaled already that they intend to do that and meanwhile the city of Pittsburgh is in mourning I understand the 1st funerals are set to begin there tomorrow that's right the 2 brothers who died Saturday David and Cecil Rosenthal they'll be laid to rest on Tuesday after that there are funerals now scheduled for the 11 victims each day Wednesday Thursday and then on Friday 97 year old Rose malingerer will be laid to rest and as this period of mourning continues there's another vigil tonight at Carnegie Mellon University also we learned this afternoon that President Trump on the 1st lady will visit Pittsburgh tomorrow what have you heard in the way of reaction to that planned visit Well the reaction from those I've spoken to here has actually been pretty critical some local Jewish community leaders wrote a letter to the president asking him to condemn white nationalism more bluntly before coming to Pittsburgh we've spoken to a lot of people here and heard from local leaders who say they've been troubled by the president's rhetoric just this week you know his campaign speeches attacking the press talking about immigrants and undocumented workers in the past but he plans to arrive tomorrow with the 1st lady I should say that White House press secretary Sarah Sanders oak really emotionally about this today at the press briefing she said we all. All have a duty to confront anti semitism in all its forms That's N.P.R.'s Brian Mann in Pittsburgh thank you thank you Ari the shooting in Pittsburgh is believed to be the deadliest attack on Jews in American history and it falls at a moment when anti-Semitic incidents in the u.s. Appear to be on the rise for some perspective on this we turn now to Deborah Lipstadt she teaches modern Jewish and Holocaust history at Emory University professor Lipstadt Welcome thanks so much for joining us thank you for having me are anti-Semitic and students increasing in frequency in the u.s. Yes the Anti-Defamation League the a.d.l. Has come out with a study arguing that in the past I think 2 years they've gone up over 50 percent. So I think part of the this rise in these anti-Semitic acts particularly from white supremacist white nationalist groups begins probably during the Obama administration with the hostility towards Barack Obama and his being of African-American heritage but I never say that President Trump and those around him created this they didn't but they they lit a fire under it so walk me through the range of incidents that you have seen emerge over the last several years well during the presidential campaign a number of reporters who posted slightly critical things of Donald Trump or even of Malani a Trump were bombarded with anti-Semitic comments on Twitter Facebook Instagram etc etc So I know harassment online harassment but now we're seen that the online harassment can move further over to real danger and that's I think has left even people who have been somewhat worried about this feeling much much more concerned about it anti semitism also appears to be on. Risin in other countries if you look at incidents being reported in the u.k. And France for example which have nothing to do with the political right here in the Us Well I think what we're seeing certainly in certain countries we see it in Hungary we see it to a certain degree in Poland we've seen it with the a.f.p. The alternative for Deitsch Lan Party in Germany in Austria is a certain populism anti-democratic in a liberal democratic as one leader called it a populism which plane paints Jews in traditional anti-Semitic stereotypes they control the media they control the finances they are foreign to our country etc. Some Jewish families are drawing parallels in light of this past weekend's event parallels to Germany in the 1930 s. And I want to put that to you for some historical perspective on this I mentioned you're a professor of holocaust studies do you see parallels or nowhere near the point you know I see certain parallels and I see certain ways in which the analogy does not apply at all in Nazi Germany this was the government doing this what we're seeing in this country in terms of anti-Semitism is maybe a willingness on part of certain a certain segments of the government and certain people in government to look the other way but this is not government sponsored However there are parallels there parallels in the attacks on democratic institutions or institutions which are at the bedrock of our democracy the judiciary aleck to members of Congress you can disagree with them but when you begin to engage in ad hominem attacks attacks on the media people respond to that especially your followers who are looking for an easy explanation and that I find very disturbing and there is a parallel. If you see parallels do you also see lessons ways for civilization to advance and do things in a very different way than the way they have folded in the 20th century I think so I think 1st of all not to see it just on one side what we're talking about today is anti-Semitism coming from the right but there certainly is anti-Semitism on the left Number 2 not to tolerate anti-Semitic comments you know Thanksgiving is coming up and we all have a Christmas in uncle who may make some comments and people around the table you know say oh that's Uncle John and they let it pass we can't do that we may not get you know Uncle John to change his views. But silence in the face of bigotry is acquiescence there's no neutrality when someone expresses bigotry whether they're just saying it's or whether they're going into a synagogue and shooting up 11 people Professor Lipstadt thank you thank you very much Mary Louise Deborah Lipstadt she is a professor of modern Jewish and Holocaust history at Emory University in Atlanta Pittsburghers of all faiths gathered to remember the dead last night at the soldiers and sailors Memorial Hall the 1st speaker was Jeff Finkelstein president of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh the traditional Jewish way to respond to news about the death of an individual is to say. Less it is the judge of truth or in Hebrew borrows a on high eminence and when 11 people are slaughtered we say 11 times are rough day on how I am at a rough day on high and that are rough and I am it or wrote a on that and it are rude on them it borrowed him it are Ok on them that are Ok on it are Ok I have met. Them and. They are. Thousands of people attended the vigil they filled the hall crowds outside listened on speakers faith leaders from across the region spoke including Libbey Barlow pastor for the United Church of Christ 1st to the Jewish community. When violence came to Christian sanctuaries and mother Emmanuel in Charleston at Sutherland springs in Texas you stood with us and today with our whole hearts we stand with you. We will cry with you we will resist anti-Semitism and all hatred with you and we will work with you to end violence we will do that because you are neighbors but more because you are our friends and still more because you are our family we love you and we are so sorry that's Pastor Libby Barlow speaking last night at an interfaith vigil in Pittsburgh. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. California voters are facing his 11 statewide ballot measures that's a lot to study but help is on the way from your public radio station I mean there are a natural host of the California dream projects voter cram session will review every ballot proposition the most significant pros and cons of each crappier sample ballot listened in it's the voter cram session on California's public radio stations you can hear their special broadcast of the California dream voters cram session tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock right here on listener supported public radio k.c.b. X. Serving the entire central coast of the Cali Here's your case c.b.s. F.m. 90 weather forecast It's currently 70 degrees and solid had 67 Morro Bay and here at k.c. Vx in San was visible at 74 Look for mostly clear skies tonight with partly cloudy conditions tomorrow in the inland valleys King City will have a high of 78 a task of Arrow 76 and Buellton 81 in the coastal valleys San Luis Obispo has a forecast of 77 Santa Maria 78 degrees and along the coast camber is forecast high as 7274 and Santa Barbara should reach 71 degrees you're listening to public radio k.c.b. Xserve in the entire central coast it's now 20 minutes past 5 o'clock. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Log Me In makers of Go To Meeting a collaboration meeting platform allowing people to connect around the globe to get work done learn more go to meeting dot com from Harvard Business School executive education for executives at any career stage to prepare for new challenges through one of its comprehensive leadership programs learn more at H.P.'s dot m.-e. Slash executive and from the John d. And Catherine team MacArthur Foundation at mac found dot org. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Ari Shapiro and I'm Mary Louise Kelly now to Brazil which yesterday elected a new president who is from the far right messages of congratulations from world leaders are pouring into your year both snarl including one from President Trump there are concerns though about what both Sonora will do once he assumes office N.P.R.'s Philip Reeves reports from Rio de Janeiro. As his supporters celebrate a stunning victory. Appears before the cameras a good decision was enormous. First for prez led by an evangelist pastor and then for a promise that's intended to allay the fears of his opponents in Brazil and his critics approach 5 of you with a mirror of the boy is. My witness both an out of it tells the audience my government will defend the constitution and democracy and liberty. A retired Army captain and Congressman will take over as presumes president on the 1st of January his admiration for his nation's past military dictatorship has led to concerns of whether democracy is safe in his hands. To supporters celebrating outside his beachside house in Rio I have no such worries cloudy Amanda is a lawyer now I'm I'm not afraid about that I had read that there sometimes he doesn't have their eye towards the earth but I don't think that they that they date or plan to hope Sposato will end the massive corruption that some broiled many Brazilian politicians his record from a such an ist racist and homophobic remarks doesn't bother her she thinks that taken out of context and that there is a completely different meaning thought I don't that I'm not afraid about that other Brazilians are warring on many fronts will both scenarios plans to loosen the environmental laws threaten the Amazon rain forest others civil rights secure this is Rio's launches for that. A low income mostly Afro Brazilian neighborhood sprawled across the hillside it's a battleground in the war between security forces and criminal organizations in the narcotics trade residents caught in the middle sometimes injured or killed both Sonata wants to get the police even more leeway to use lethal force to the alarm of Luis Fernando to power who was born here I think they will be terrible seriously terrible So it's not good to poor people that live here opinions among political analysts are divided about what the future holds for doing their country to help them institutional weren't sure it's stronger than many people in the east specially many people outside of jungle gender gown a political analysts consultant doesn't think both are not as a threat to democracy he says Brazil's judiciary has proved how strong it is by convicting some of the country's most powerful people in a massive anti corruption investigation but also not 0 has strong support in Brazil's new Congress yet he must still negotiate to get plans approved he also has close ties to the military his cabinet is expected to include several retired generals Chata gowns also not worried by that I have absolutely no doubts that the Brazilian armed forces would all rigs troops to Constitution over any president you can if it's predator's also not a political scientist show Santoro also doesn't think Brazil's at risk of a dictatorship but he is concerned about the rights of Brazilians every contrary where extremists were elected to the power or say sedan arrows are democracy facing problems regarding minority Iran I hate crimes violence against social activists the does seem to be one area of consensus among those puzzling over what President Bush or not I will be like if he's to unite personal he must knock off the divisive political rhetoric chatter gone again these narratives can. We're here to get the chills the country to believe that they have a green light to mimic us support climate manner against minorities Philip Reeves n.p.r. News Rio de Janeiro now to the city of some Pedro Sula in Honduras that's what a caravan of thousands of migrants heading to the u.s. Border began most of the migrants say they are fleeing violence and poverty and as N.P.R.'s Carrie Kahn reports many people still in Honduras are closely following the caravans faked radio and t.v. News are glued to the migrants journey. Every stop and start as the thousands continue their March north to the u.s. Border it's a massive exodus says Ismail Moreno a Jesuit priest in the northwestern town of Progreso He says the flight of thousands out of Honduras shouldn't be a shock to anyone. This caravan phenomenon is like a pressure cooker that exploded says Morning know who's better known as Padre Melo on his nightly radio program. Says people are frustrated. That frustration has been accumulating for years people have no opportunities no jobs but they have plenty of crime and violence he says. At some point the pot had to boil over we're at that moment right now he says Miriam Calderon who was waiting outside the radio station has a son currently with the caravan in southern Mexico. She breaks down while talking about why her 18 year old son Anderson left. She says back in June gang members took a liking to his girlfriend and threatened to kill him he wanted to flee then but I wouldn't let him go she says and the American. When he couldn't find any steady work and word of the caravan spread he insisted on leaving she says he wanted to help us out with sending money home money sent from Hondurans abroad accounts for as much as a 5th of the economic output for the country Latin America's poorest after Haiti President Trump has said he will stop the caravan from entering the u.s. And will send $5200.00 troops to the southern border he's also threatened to end all foreign aid to the region some in Honduras think cutting off u.s. Aid wouldn't be such a bad idea then yell Pacheco is an evangelical pastor who lives and works in one of the most violent neighborhoods in the northern industrial city of San Pedro Sula. He says the problem is citizens just don't know how much the u.s. Gives to Honduras where exactly the money goes and he adds it rarely trickles down directly to them corruption especially within Honduras as national police force is notorious It is not very transparent was not clear to me that we're handing significant lots of cash to the Gulf Jeff Taylor is with a Washington d.c. Based think tank focusing on Latin America according to its analysis last year Honduras received nearly $200000000.00 in aid from the u.s. About a 3rd of those funds now go to security justice and violence prevention. Is likely to continue or increase in security concern or increase all the kinds of things that drive people leave in the 1st place so interested in making sense if it were up to patrie mellow of radical Progresso He says the u.s. Should pull all of its aid but. Without the money we hundreds who rely too much on the u.s. Anyway would be forced to solve our own problems Carrie Kahn n.p.r. News San Pedro Sula Honduras. This is n.p.r. . It's a dark reality that I don't know a Jew in America that hasn't had this as a kind of waking nightmare that something like this would be possible vigils are being held across the country for the victims of the mass shooting in Pittsburgh How much is a national climate of hate and division responsible for this attack words matter and rhetoric and kind of this climate of bigoted rhetoric matters That's tomorrow on Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. You can hear Morning Edition tomorrow morning starting at 530 or rather starting at 3 am till 9 here on listener supported public radio. Support provided by community health centers of the Central Coast and their board certified doctors providing professional. Or information is available at community health centers. Support is also provided by Wilson and companies so these International Realty the service you expect. Serving the Central Coast since 997 Your Best Life begins with a home that inspires you Wilson some of these Realty dot com. It's All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Ari Shapiro and Kelly author John. His latest book on an experience he and his wife had together marriage counseling I don't think you should settle for just Ok. You can talk to and it gives it back to the book is listen to the marriage. Live from n.p.r. News in Culver City California I'm to Wayne Brown the man accused of killing 11 people in the tree of life Senate dog in Pittsburgh made his 1st court appearance this afternoon Robert Bowers was arraigned on $29.00 federal charges including $22.00 that could carry the death penalty from member station to say and Lee herring reports Bowers sat in a wheelchair during a 5 minute arraignment wearing a blue sweatshirt in handcuffs he spoke in a clear voice when the judge asked if he understood the charges lodged against him those charges include fatally preventing people from practicing their religion which is a federal hate crime u.s. Attorney Scott Brady spoke with reporters after the hearing our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the victims' families and with the community and rest assured we have a team of prosecutors working hard to ensure that justice is done Barrass said to return to court for a preliminary hearing Thursday he's being detained without bail for n.p.r. News I'm only herring in Pittsburgh the Pentagon is sending another $5200.00 army troops to harden the southern border in anticipation of the Central American migrants headed to the u.s. Seeking asylum the migrant caravan has been moving slowly north through Mexico and its numbers have been dwindling Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McMullen and says the additional troops are not expected to engage directly with migrants we will treat intending migrants humanely and professionally at all times and the safety of c.b.p. Personnel especially our law enforcement personnel on the front lines as well as the traveling public will remain paramount he says about $800.00 active duty troops were on route today and the remainder will be at the southwest border by the end of the week the announcement comes as President Trump focuses on the caravan just ahead of next week's midterm elections calling it an invasion and warning the group the military is waiting for you. Stocks finished lower on Wall Street today the Dow lost 245 points this is n.p.r. Its public radio k.c.b. Exit 532 and then Kathleen his great amount with a look at today's think why do you think you think in a good evening proposition one is called the veterans and affordable housing bond act of 28 team but this camp radio's Randall White explains only a quarter of the money goes to housing programs for vets prop one is aimed at easing the state's housing crisis and has broad support throughout the state if approved it would authorize California to borrow $4000000000.00 for a variety of housing programs while the word veterans' is in the title just 1000000000 of that would go specifically to the Cal that farm and home loan program Rachel Isco with the Sacramento Housing Alliance says the rest of the money would be distributed to help other groups senior people with disabilities homeless individuals working families with kids so you know people who just are getting shut out of both the rental and the For Sale Marca supporters include the California League of Women Voters which says the money would also open up sources of federal dollars is cow agrees saying local jurisdictions and affordable housing developers will be required to bring in more funding that $4000000000.00 will leverage a whole lot more money double or more than David Wolfe is with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association which opposed to the bill in the legislature that led to prop one but hasn't taken an official position on the initiative you know we don't just if they need to question again comes down to bang for the buck we've done nothing to show you the problem is making it more affordable to dampen California if approved the state would pay off the bonds over the next 35 years at an average rate of $170000000.00 annually the California Democratic Party supports Prop one while the state Republican Party opposes it in Sacramento I'm Randall White k.c.b. X. News coverage of California in the Central Coast will continue in about. In minutes local support for gay c.b.x. Is provided by the consumer resort in the Santa Ana's Valley where visitors experience gaming entertainment dining and views of one country and one destination details of you know dot com This is k.c. V.x. It's now $535.00. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from Farmers Insurance committed to helping people understand the ins and outs of insurance so they can prepare for life's ups and downs coverage options and more information can be found at Farmer's dot com from Trader Joe's offering new products in every store and new episodes of the original podcast series inside trader joe's at Apple podcasts or where podcasts are available more at Trader Joe's dot com and from the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Mary Louise Kelly and I'm Ari Shapiro we're learning more today about the man who is believed to have killed 11 worshippers at the Tree of Life Synagogue and Pittsburgh on Saturday he was arraigned in a courtroom in Pittsburgh earlier today Julie Turk which has been reporting on his background for the New York Times and she joins us now welcome thank you thank you for having me you've been speaking with people who know Robert Bowers including a childhood friend of his what have you learned from them so most of the people that we've spoken to described him as very quiet very isolated he lived alone he seemed to watch television in the night he used at p.o. Box and not the sort of mailbox at his apartment which is just south of the synagogue. But I spoke to a friend of his who has known him for years and years they went to elementary school together they went to middle school together they went to high school together and he said that the robber barrons as a child was very smart but also seemed to really struggle with social cues in the 2 of them were friends and they would put it together they would build things together they would take things apart they would build bombs together with his pranks and blow up watermelons But as time went on the 2 of them sort of grew apart and Robert Powers became quieter more isolated and then in high school eventually just disappeared and it's not clear if he graduated and it's not clear to this man what happened after that paint a picture for us of his life at this apartment complex the man you portray in your reporting almost seems like a ghost like he's not even there. So he lived in this sort of low slung apartment building about 25 minutes south of the synagogue and the people there sort of described him as so unremarkable that they didn't even remember his name and that he was. Pretty much a ghost he would come and go and sometimes disappear for days come back go inside and that was pretty much it and there's such a contrast between that demeanor in person and who he was online about the person he was on social media Yeah so at least in the last year he spent a lot of time on the Internet and he. Of really terrible things about Jews about immigrants he was clearly very angry and he seemed to find a like minded community on dab which is usually the network that has become more popular among all right activists among white nationalist people whose views are on welcome in places like Twitter and Facebook even the president didn't escape his anger and he seemed to think that the president had not gone far enough in completing the goals that Mr Bowers and can you tell whether those online communities shaped and formed his hateful views or whether he just found a home for those preexisting beliefs when he joined his community I don't think that we know enough yet to say that I think that that is one of the things that is going to come out over the next couple of weeks of the next couple of months as investigators go into his past what else are you still hoping to learn about him in his motives I mean we would certainly like to know more about how did he become as hateful as he did and how long has that been going on and what role did the Internet play to the current sort of political anger and conflict playing so I know that investigators are going to be going through his computer files they're going to be going through his home they're going to be talking to folks. Who know him who might have worked with him Sam Lee members friends that kind of thing that's Julie Turkle it's of the New York Times has been reporting on the background of Robert Bowers the accused synagogue shooter thank you very much thank you President Trump will travel to Pittsburgh tomorrow at today's White House briefing Press Secretary Sarah Sanders condemned and to some a tism and said the hatred stop critics of the president say his campaign rhetoric is raising tensions and widening divisions even as the country is still reeling from the Pittsburgh attack and from the arrest of a trump supporter believed to have sent pipe bombs to Democrats and critics of the president N.P.R.'s Are you sure Roscoe is at the White House and she joins us now to talk through all this hey there. So the White House is of course aware of criticism of the president's words how are they responding in that surprisingly White House press secretary Sarah Sanders is defending the president she says he is working to unite the country and that he is showing leadership Here's some more of what she had to say at the briefing today I think the president has had a number of moments of bringing the country together once again I'll remind you that the very 1st thing the president did was condemn the attack on the very 1st thing the media did was blame the president she's really going on the offensive here she's saying that 90 percent of the news coverage of the president is negative even though the country is doing well and that the media bears responsibility for the divisions in the country and she's she's basically arguing that the president is going to defend himself he's going to highlight these differences between him and his opponents and against the media and she's doubling the White House really doubling down on his rhetoric even after these improvised explosives were sent to c.n.n. Last week what Sanders is saying is that the president can't be held responsible for the actions of another person who he doesn't know personally the thing is you. Whether you like the president's language whether you hate the president's language he has been consistent this is who he is so is there something different about the way it's resonating this time it really seems to be about the timing you have these kind of back to back events happening right before a critical election Trump is not known for being able to play this role of the consoler in chief or certainly not the Unite or in chief that's not a natural fit for him and basically what he has done is when something's happened he says something directly after the the tragedy that is expected but after his call for unity on Saturday after the synagogue shooting he held a campaign event where he went back to making personal attacks he called out Elizabeth Warren using this belittling nickname for her he says color Pocahontas I can't do it she doesn't have any Indian blood I am bored and she does and I have none and since that rally on Twitter he's once again denouncing the press as the enemy of the people and calling out the Democrat running for governor in Florida Andrew Guillen calling him a thief without evidence in many ways like he said this is what his supporters likely expect from him but what his critics will argue is that going after people so personally and not just saying they're bad on taxes or something like that is that it's inflammatory and that there are consequences to that well you mention the midterm what might the consequences be in the midterm what difference might the president's rhetoric make it's very hard to tell people's views or Tromp are as seem to be pretty hardened at this point so it will you really don't know whether this is going to change any revolts the risk of course is that maybe some lukewarm vote supporters of Trump could be turned off by the negativity or that his opponents could get really fired up but we'll just have to see what happens next week that's n.p.r. White House reporter I assure Rosco reporting from the White House thanks Asia thank you. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News and with. Maher a relative newcomer to the Central Coast is undertaking an effort to bring people together in a new way and to get out the vote he says News contributor Matty Burgess learns more about something fun happening this weekend. It's a typical night at. The Farmers Market barbecue off of the air and the sound of chatter and laughter. Suddenly the song begins to play and a group of dancers emerges from a crowd it's a flash and everyone. This is the brainchild of. Surprised market. But it has a larger mission to get people to vote you can pick one thing just one thing that left right and center could agree upon and that seemed a voting the idea began when Morrison 1st heard the song attention. To create. Been in one flash mob before I had such fun and I thought of the bumper sticker if you're outraged you're not paying attention Morse and her husband moved to see 2 years ago discouraged by the current political divide she looked for a way to bridge the gap in her new community doing something to get out the vote and being able to do it in a fun way. And you don't have to talk to her. So you could be standing next to someone with political views that would make your blood boil but you're maybe helping one another or laughing like oh man I'm a stop Morrison says that while her focus is to encourage others to vote she can mix the dance on a more personal level I love to dance of for 20 years I was very very happy and embarrassed to be seen on the dance floor after losing 85 pounds and overcoming a slew of injuries Morrison is ready to get back on the dance floor in front of hundreds of strangers I was very nervous starting out since we don't have many friends here yet we are just getting established to reach out to complete strangers and say Here we go the flash mob draw a large crowd Amber Smith who sells produce the market with her mother saw the performance from her nearby booth and that it was very very very fine very good idea for something like this later in public at least to people that it can be gathered he said. Christine was an entirely nighter participate in the dance and say they are excited to do it again that was. Why I love it really seemed like the band at the end of the song for some of her village answer shouted out to the crowd. Pay attention to. The 2nd flash mob was scheduled for last week and cancelled it due to low attendance the final flashmob will be on Thursday Nov 1st at 7 pm at the intersection of high gear and George Street in downtown sinlessness but everyone is encouraged to join reporting for Casey b.x. News I'm Mary Burgess. Support for k.c. B.x. As provided by the Casino Resort in the valley were visitors experience gaming entertainment dining and views of one country and one destination. Dot com This is something. Weather forecast is currently 70 degrees and 68. And. It's 75 degrees look Rowsley clear skies are partly cloudy conditions will return tomorrow in the inland valleys King City will have a high of 78. $76.81 in the coastal valleys on those abysmal as a forecast of. Santa Maria 78 and along the coast is forecast to graze 74 and Santa Barbara's 171 this is Central Coast public radio it's now 11 minutes before 6 o'clock. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Mary Louise Kelly and I'm Ari Shapiro John j. Osborne is a screenwriter and novelist who has mind his own life for material in 1980 based the book The Paper Chase on his time in law school his new novel is based on an experience he and his wife had together more than 30 years ago we went to the marriage counselor and it was a life changing experience that made our life together so much better and we went to her for 4 years and at the end of 4 years she said you know guys I'm sorry but this is it you know this isn't designed to go on for your whole marriage you know now you're going to have to go out on your own and we were like Oh God no you know but she said no this is it got to go His new novel is called listen to the marriage the reader only meets 3 people a couple and their marriage counselor and the author's note John Jay Osborn writes that he hopes the book may change some marriages for the better I've been wanting to write this novel for quite a long time but I couldn't figure out how to do it I just couldn't get it right and then suddenly I had to realisation So the 1st one was it all takes place in the marriage counselors office that's what the story is and the 2nd was it's from the marriage counselors point of view and that was a big step for me for 2 reasons you know I I've never been a marriage counselor and number 2 the marriage counselor had to be a woman why I just I've asked myself that I mean part of it was that my marriage counselor was a woman and I believe most marriage counselors are women and it just felt right it just felt like it had to be that way how similar is a marriage counselor in this book to the one that you used. So the marriage counselor in the book is different but the themes of the marriage counselor the techniques of The Marriage Counselor are very much the same way explain what you mean one of those themes and techniques so for example the marriage counselor says there are no deals you know you can't make any deals with each other we're not going to do exchanges of promises we're not going to say Ok all do this and you'll do that and therefore our marriage is all going to work out there's none of that you know to go to a marriage counselor who says that to you is really an interesting experience and then the 2nd thing is if you want something from your partner you've got to make them want to give it to you so in the simplest situation if you want your partner to love you then you've got to become the kind of person that your partner is going to want to love you know. Those are the kinds of insights simple but I think critically important insights that my real marriage counselor and my fictional marriage counselor share would you mind reading a section of the book for me no sure page 38. Usually Sandy didn't pay much attention to the world beyond her small office the illicit meeting in New York where Gretchen was going for the weekend what Bill's wife knew everything that happened outside the office she didn't care to Sandy the important story was what happened inside a rough us it was what she had to focus on it was the story it was what was really happening of course all the time it was tempting to get caught up in the outside story the affairs the sex the betrayals the soap opera. But the real work was here inside her office that almost feels like a thesis statement for the book. It is actually and I put that in because I didn't quite trust the reader to get it you know those 2 paragraphs are marker for the reader saying look guys this is where the real story as I know that's true of the novel is that really true in life it's hard to imagine that betrayals and affairs cannot actually be what's important to whether a marriage lives or dies. I have to say that in the long run they don't matter the stuff that happens outside the office doesn't matter and I can tell you that by analogy so what happens in really good marriage counseling the marriage counseling . Illustrated in this book is that by the end of the process when you really begin to get it when you can actually understand for the 1st time in your life what your partner is really saying to you you feel like a new person it's as if you've shed everything that happened before. Right I mean so if you had an affair before it's as if it happened to a different person it doesn't count anymore you're new Does that make any sense it doesn't it makes it sound like the marriage counseling is about much more than marriage it's about real transformation of each individual it has to be it absolutely has to be and that's why it takes time because it's it is not some kind of blinding insight that you're going to have 0 God this happened to me and I was 14 now I understand it all be different it's not about that at all it's about learning lessons that you should have learned when you were growing up maybe by watching your parents but your parents didn't have it together they weren't didn't have a great marriage it's about learning these lessons of how you can relate to the other person how you can understand what they're thinking and you have to practice you have to practice it again and again and that's that's what the couple does in this book there are certain little things that the marriage counselor leads them through for example throughout the book will stop and will say I want you to look at each other and tell me what you see and as you read the book you'll see that they see more as they learn more until they're really can see the other person you know in a deep and meaningful way I said that we only meet 3 characters in this book which is not exactly true because the way you write that's a writer really is sort of a 4th character there is which is the marriage itself it's the marriage itself and the marriage counselor actually sees the marriage as a distinct and real character she's actually listening to the marriage as the marriage changes in the office. And she's trying to get the couple to be able to do that as well to see their marriages as something that they've built over time that's very important and that's alive in a way this different from each of them. Marriage rates have been going down for decades according to the Pew Research Center today just about half of adults are married down from about 75 percent in the sixty's your book is clearly pro marriage why do you think this institution still matters Well I mean you're absolutely right my book is pro marriage. But it's not pro marriage in any kind of transnational sense that we have to have marriage is pro an important relationship because it makes your life so much better you know I mean there's a reason that everybody wants to have a relationship it's like the 2 of you individually are one thing but if you can get it together you literally become more than the 2 of you if you can if you can create a important filling relationship together do you think every marriage can benefit from a good marriage counselor or is it really just sort of for people in crisis and dysfunction Ok I think that every marriage could benefit from a good marriage counselor you know you may not have to go for 4 years but I think that you can really learn a lot I don't think you should settle for a marriage that just you know is Ok. I mean it's the it's the critical thing in your life you want to merge that's wonderful you want to merge that that you can feel and talk to and that gives it back to you. Well John Charles for thank you so much for talking with us about your book thank you so much this was really thought his novel is called listen to the marriage. Are all. Around. You. You're listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from the Brown University School of Professional Studies offering an executive masters for science and tech professionals combining business fundamentals with leadership development online and in person brown dot edu slash n.p.r. From t. Rowe Price offering a strategic investing approach that examines investment opportunities 1st hand institutions advisors employers and individuals choose to Rowe Price to Rowe Price invest with confidence and from at last Ian a collaboration software company powering teams around the world committed to providing the tools and practices to help teams plan track build and work better together more at at last Ian dot com. Do you enjoy music that is out of the ordinary far from the middle of the bell curve on the outskirts of traditional musical rounds then join us Tuesday nights attend or be on the fringe where electronic classical and world music combine to reveal the latest to contemporary composition take a 3 hour adventure and go Beyond the Fringe Tuesday nights at 10 right after picking up the tempo here on Central Coast public radio k.c.b. X. This is k.c. V x h.d. Ones on those of us 90 point one f.m. K n b x e t once on audio at 91.7 f.m. And k s b accept Barbara at 89.5 f.m. And have the beach were at 90.9 f.m. We serve you close and Northern Morro Bay at 91 point one f.m. For the center in this valley in the Cambria sense Simeon area we are at 90.9 f.m. In the la Venton Berg Village area we are at 95 point one f.m. Support for k.c. D.x. Is provided by advanced biomedical providing sales service and maintenance of medical equipment on the Central Coast learn more at advanced biomedical repair dot com or at 805-462-3012 so one is also provided by human Saudi studio Studio gallery working to create resolved interior spaces and objects that. They specialize in custom fine furnishings hardwood flooring area rugs our curation and design the showroom is on short street in the San Luis Obispo design district that's now 60 on live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Jack Speer President Trump plans to visit Pittsburgh tomorrow to comfort victims of Saturday's deadly synagogue shooting N.P.R.'s Scott Horsley reports a White House spokeswoman brushed aside suggestions the president's language is contribute to a hostile climate in the country White House press secretary Sarah Sanders calls anti semitism a plague to humanity and said all Americans have a duty to confront it some Jewish leaders have complained that Trump's own rhetoric directed at refugees. And Democrat says fuel division in the country but Sanders dismissed that criticism saying Trump bears no responsibility for what she called a chilling act of mass murder you can't start putting the responsibility of individuals on anybody but the individual who carries out the crime Sanders added Trump will continue to highlight sharp differences with his political rivals in this final week before the midterm elections Scott Horsley n.p.r. News Washington rescuers in Indonesia have recovered some human remains along with pieces of aircraft and personal belongings from the Java Sea after a Boeing jet operated by an Indonesian airline crash minutes after takeoff the 2 month old plane with spirits pilots aboard was flying in good weather when it went down Stephen Wright is an aviation expert he says it appears the plane needed to be checked for issues and was not it has had an issue it's had some maintenance corrective actions been released to service and here's the way it think in its next flight the last contact where the flight crew recognizes a problem and then the boss to come back home strikes a y. And it's in those few moments they're off the last contact in this aircraft as obviously ditched into the states believed all 189 people aboard the relatively new Boeing jet flown by Lyon air were killed in the crash October auto sales figures I do on for a few days yet but some analysts are already bracing for a slowdown in the industry consultant j.d. Power and Elam c automotive both say they expect sales of slip slightly this month compared to a year ago when the need for replacements following Hurricanes Harvey an arm a boosted demand for vehicles after opening much higher stock prices plunged the Dow was down nearly one percent N.P.R.'s germs Rolly reports the drop came after news the u.s. May impose more tariffs on Chinese goods the Dow is up 352 points at one time in the morning but in the mid afternoon word came that the trade war with China might be intensifying and the Dow dropped as much as 566 points it later recovered part of the loss big exporting companies. Like Boeing were hit hard and so are tech giants like Amazon which fell more than 6 percent for the day Netflix lost about 5 percent the Dow has fallen 10 percent in less than a month and is now in negative territory for the year Facebook is down 30 percent from its all time high Jim Lee n.p.r. News New York the Dow is down 245 points the Nasdaq 116 this is n.p.r. . Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include f j c a foundation of donor advised funds working to maximize the Empacher of charitable giving and to create customized philanthropic solutions learn more f j c dot org and the ne ek c. Foundation this is. Public radio it's now 6 o 4 with k.c. X. News I'm Graham are a central coast media outlet has a new owner k s b y the n.b.c. Affiliate in San Luis Obispo broadcasting to Santa Barbara and solo counties has been sold along with 14 other television news stations owned by Cordella communications will be sold to the Scripps company. Has more the deal is worth $521000000.00 which will bring the total number of television stations owned by the Ohio based company to $51.00 with $33.00 television stations and $24.00 markets Scripps is one of the nation's largest independent t.v. Station owners if you haven't heard of scripts you might know them through their ownership of humor and video company cracked or the podcast provider stitcher according to scripts the recent acquisition will give the company the number one rated t.v. Stations in a 3rd of its markets and reach 21 percent of American households the sale still needs federal regulatory approval but is expected to be completed in the 1st half of next year. Is the only California station in the sale but it's not the 1st time the station has been sold has been on the air since 1953 in addition to scripts in court it's been a part of the Salinas Valley Broadcasting Corporation holdings incorporated new vision group Evening Post publishing company and more in the year since tele Pratt c.b.s. News and The Big Sur highway won't be closing tonight as planned Caltrans announced crews completed the necessary work to shore up the roadway around Paul slide during last night's fall closure our coverage of California in the central coast continues to March during Morning Edition from 5 to 9 am. Local support for Casey the actions provided by Wilson and Company saw the reason International Realty the service you expect from so these ought every price range serving a central coast since 1907 Your Best Life begins with a home that inspires you Wilson says of these Realty dot com This is Central Coast clean c.b.x. It's now 6 or 6. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I'm Mary Louise Kelly and I'm Ari Shapiro Pittsburgh is in mourning after Saturday's attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue 11 worshippers were killed 6 other people including police officers were injured today the victims' bodies were released to family and the suspect made his 1st appearance in federal court in a wheelchair and handcuffs Margaret Jake Ross of member station e.s.a. Is at Carnegie Mellon University where a vigil has just wrapped up by Margaret. Describe the vigil for us in just a little while ago at the Torrey Ms in the university center and people of different faiths and backgrounds filled the room to capacity security officers were actually trying to turn people away but they just stood outside the doors anyway Rabbi Jamie Gibson is the senior Abbot temple Sinai and he said there's a lot of reason to be afraid and that fear can be paralyzing and the only thing that will help us move forward is to remember that the car the most important thing is low enough I said Clowes do not give in to their fear do not be afraid to move forward arm in arm what have the people you've spoken to said about how they expect to move forward what they see in the days ahead. There is a lot of talk about leaning on each other about grieving being both a personal and a communal process speakers who took the stage tonight urged people to seek out others to talk about how they're feeling and not to shut it down and that it will take time and Alan menagerie it is a Carnegie Mellon student he says when he moved here Pittsburgh is Jewish community opened him welcome to him with open arms and he says difficult to think that that same community has absorbed so much horror right. There right. And this is not. What it's about. And that was the whole room stood for a moment of silence I wish we could play the sound because it was moving but that be weird and said the Kardashian Rabbi Jamie Gibson told the crowd that while the cottage the prayer is often said in times of death there's no mention of death in the prayer it's about faith and that that's that's what I heard people expressing tonight is a faith that he can be overcome that Pittsburgh can be better and stronger President Trump and the 1st lady Mamiya Trump are scheduled to visit Pittsburgh tomorrow what have people you've talked to said about what they want to hear from the president what they expect from the visit. So far it's not clear that the people that I've spoken with what they would expect or want the president to say it's been a mixed response in terms of thinking about their visit tomorrow mayor our mayor you know told reporters earlier that he hoped the president would not visit while we are burying our dead specifically that he the city doesn't have enough public safety personnel to provide protection to the funerals that will start.

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