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Good full details an example policy com slash commercials monthly premiums vary based on health company and other factors not available in all states on the issues on their insurance 6.1. 0 am Kiev's yours indeed you know you can't get more ultimate than death and that is the subject with Rabbi Steve leader of the welsher bill of our Temple in Los Angeles and his latest book is the beauty of what remains so I have to channel inches for you. And one is the one I asked you why so many Jews don't believe in an afterlife and I think your answer was entirely apt Jews bought into. The. Many not Orthodox Jews bought into the Renaissance Renaissance how funny. You don't like them and and. And embraced reason. I don't expect you to be familiar with my thinking but we live in an age of irrationality that makes the Orthodox village in Poland look like a secular university. And I'll give you an example I have talked about this I don't know if I have on the air but many many years ago in fact shortly after I arrived in l.a. . His name I won't mention he was a legend in Los Angeles and I attended a funeral at which he spoke and non-Orthodox rabbi and he said Of course there is we Jews don't believe in an afterlife we live on through our good deeds and through the memory of our children. And I said to myself at the time that is far more irrational than anyone who believes in the resurrection of the Dead in fact it's not just irrational it's stupid 1st of all why do you want to if you have no children so you don't live all right secondly if you do have children how many of us can name our great grandparents just made them forget know anything about them are they living on through us of course not yeah as for the good idea exactly I'm sorry to say that bad deeds do a lot more immortal work than good deeds so this nonsense of the deniers of the afterlife dwarfs the nonsense of believers in the afterlife. I agree with you I agree with you and look I said before just just really look at a single body and you will see in a very real and construal way that that is not the sum total of who we are it's the best you know when I'm talking to children about goals I like to use the metaphor of a coon and about of. The body is a cocoon when we die it releases the butterfly and the scene this makes perfect sense told him by the way. And it's a it's a good way to think about it. For young people and it's a beautiful image as well but but you're right I mean it's a ridiculous notion that we live on in memory because at some point the man registered at him quickly credibly famous remember yes exactly Ok So that brings me to my challenge to you what I said to you do you say to parents who lost their child you will see your child and you say you don't because you can't be certain so of course but what we can't be certain that there was a soul either I mean that we we rationally believe there was a soul but we're not certain So what prevents you from giving that comfort which would not defy what I'm not asking you to say things you don't believe well you do believe it afterlife so why wouldn't you say that to to that parent because I don't I don't envision and obviously can there's no way to be certain for me I don't envision. A decomposed body returning back to its former state body of that and being reunited with that child so. I don't know what you mean reunited with a child's body or reunited with that child's soul well when you say when you say you're going to see your child up Ok self I see you're very your take on we're seeing literally Ok that's fair correct as would. With both parents in that vulnerable state so would you say you want you and you will experience your child again I would say something like your souls will be together something like that to do you say it you know I'm not trying I'm I'm you know about how to get a handle that oh. Yes I I have said I do I said every time you know because you know Dennis all deaths are the same and they're all very different and you have to assess the emotional state of the of the grieving parents you have to assess it you have to know how much to say and how quickly to say it people are open to things a month or 2 later that they simply cannot hear the day ugh. So you know you have to really understand this is art. 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Staying with Rabbi Steve leader will shrivel of our temple Los Angeles California his book The beauty of what remains reflections it's not the subtitle I'm telling you what it's about and that is about death. You know it's funny and I'm very very early age I thought about this stuff for when I was a kid I was not normal in that way and it wasn't that at all dark I just thought about it and I realized that a very young age that. There's a there's a terrible I don't know if terrible is the word but terrible irony. That destiny like I think that's is awful why we lose people we love we value I mean there's no way around it on the other hand it's exactly what gives meaning to life . That's right that's right what it that's less what would it deathless life really mean what would that mean to be a death wish well as the right I guess I always say I mean if you know I'll read the book for years from now. If I think it's more than that I think it would need to be something other than human you know Kafka said the meaning of life is that it and it's very simple and absolutely true and and it is only death that impels us to think deeply in seriously about how we live our lives right so I'll give you a good example during the pandemic do you think this virus did not have the least fallacy that. You think for a minute. There would have been this global pause and people have changed their lives so dramatically as a result not a chance if it was a bad flu we'd all still be living our crazy crazy former lives and I'm not here to dismiss the misery of this pandemic and its suffering but it has taught us because of it's without it and it has taught us some very very important lessons it has taught us something we know but don't always live which is that it's who we have not what we have that matters it has it has taught us about loss the loss of freedom the loss of invulnerability the loss you know I think the worst loss of a pandemic or the death of course is the simple. Opportunity to hug people to hold to be held by other people you know to to know that no matter how many times we said I love you and no matter how many times we embrace it's never enough it's never enough with out death those are very things to forget right that's that is entirely accurate tell me what you think of my argument on behalf of the afterlife that I have offered all of my life and on this radio show. If God if there is a God there are 2 ifs if there is a God and God is good or better if God is just there must be an afterlife it's axiomatic you can't have a good God I mean no afterlife. What do you think of that argument. I think it's true but again of course the issue is in the detail what exactly what is the nature of that afterlife you know do we simply return to some pool of energy from which we were born well or. Well if it's a pool of energy with no consciousness then it's as if there isn't an afterlife it would seem to me. To some to some that would be an afterlife honestly I know that I know that your man in my life does believe that but I I am not comforted by an afterlife of no consciousness right I understand some people are you are not or you are you and. I think well 1st of all I would obviously being a spiritual oriented person I would accept whatever God's plan is for my soul and the act alike whether that's consciousness or lack there up and you know you made a point about God being just I think it's important to remember and you know as well as I do that when sapphire made this point in his book Job The 1st incident that that earthly justice and cosmic Jessel are not necessarily the same thing. Well and so when you have to really think about what you mean by just right well it could be job Abraham was mixed and Abraham inertly said I use Abraham Abraham argued with God or you are if you're if you're just you'll say 50 decent people in Sabah so. The implication of that argument between Abraham and God is that we do share a similar view of justice. Except except it doesn't always happen that way. Well not on this not on this planet not not in this anyway that's not here or there that I was just I was just curious how you deal with it does it give you peace that there is a soul Very much so there is not so it gives me peace for my own soul and it gives me peace for the souls of the people like people who love her dog very much so yes and you know again this is part of what I mean when I say the beauty of what remains. There is a soul and it does remain and it is beautiful and it's beautiful to think of the soul that remains from both of us who are left behind by the death of a loved one and you know I think that that morning. Is such an important dance with that memory and that soul that that's the thing about morning you know we were talking about that sermon earlier and what I had to change from that sermon and and the biggest thing I changed was my understanding of grief your generation we're not quite the same age but we're in the same generation Dennis and the ones below us I think we're done a terrible disservice by the idea that there are stages to Greece. Because of their status to Greece that means that Greece is a linear process 1st to. Even see them and then it's all over and that's not true he will live from Tom Friedman about the Middle East in the book I say anyone who thinks the sort of distance between 2 points is a straight line not understand great cool. Cools the right edge. Will be back in a moment the Dennis Prager Show. 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No matter who you are or where we come from we all experience difficulties in life. Military veterans know that sometimes it takes strength and determination to make it through . Whether it's obvious physical challenges or struggles on the inside it takes strength to ask for help when you need it. I knew that I had to get support not just for me but for the sake of my wife and kids. Talking about it has helped me more like myself. Honestly. It was hard to open up the 1st. Letters changed my life for the better. Learn how veterans like Gusev reach out for help. And hear stories of strength and recovery that make the connection that. Answered San Diego streaming on smart speakers and radio. For everybody and the sad news that sort of like death. To. Be a bit light for a moment the final segment of an hour is. What does it all is the necessary losses the book by Judith Viorst it's sort of like we have there are a lot of little deaths in life this is a very little one and but it's been a great hour away of you Rabbi leader of the book of course is the beauty of what remains I just want to review some calls here. And they're all great and all of you forgive me for taking it know what in Dallas I'd like to talk to you about your call on Friday sort of try to call in the 3rd hour why is believing in a soul rational belief since my Bible Commentary is titled The rational Bible I'm a big believer in using reason in these faith matters so I would love to talk to you about that and. Conrad Carol Ben Steve Pora Rafael Robert. And wish I could have gotten your calls but I know the rabbi would have loved to have a talk to you I'll end with a bit of it with this question in doing by bible commentary on the 1st 5 books. I think I think I'm right in saying that only one figure think in the whole Bible but certainly in the 1st 5 books dies and is described as having. A good end of life and that's Abraham how many people do have a good end of life. I think I think almost everyone by the way you forgot about Moses who you know the men drop says was died with a kiss from God Yeah well that's big rush I'm not that I'm a big believer well but it's better than that at them out at the mouth of God So now now that's fair All right that's true Ok so I'm not sure it's just a bit him but I think listen I think I think Jacob dies a beautiful life because he's surrounded by his children and they have that final conversation it to me it's the 1st ethical will in human history I think I think there are more and all I can tell you is every single person I have been with at the end of his or her life and by end I mean hours or a day or 2 is a piece. And you know the rabbis in the prayer call the Emily rocking the prayer called the new comment No I'm not perfect sleep perfect rest this is also why I think the 23rd Psalm it's a compelling and I often read it you know that may cause me to lie down in green pastures. These are all poetic ways of helping people understand what I have seen over time well you've described that beautifully. It has been a pleasure Rabbi Steve leader the book The beauty of one room. By everybody this is Dennis Prager and I headed back to Israel on October 2021 for a 10 day stand with Israel tour of the key sites and best places meant to give you an unprecedented view of a world you've likely only read or heard about come home inspired renewed and empowered by the experience if you've ever dreamed of seeing Israel this is your records to show you how easy it is to file a claim with Geico we hired fitness celebrity Billy Blanks Ok everybody cards got a broken wing shoe about we've lost some steam punch Mr blanks there is no need to be stressed Geico makes it easy to file a claim online on the app or over the phone you know what if I never hear back that's going to make me want to go jet Nope your bank will claim steam is always there for you Ok do I still get my post workout protein shake sure Billy Geico great service without all the drama. Plaguing our 96.1. 170 cities. San Diego. News this hour Can townhall dot com Our traffic boss Senator Ted Cruz has decided to waste your time holding an impeachment trial against former President try just from that's how Senator Cruz sums up the Democrats for moving ahead with the trial this serves no function other than political retribution and I don't think the Senate ought to be wasting our time though so you and radio network a trial will divert important attention away from things like Copan 1000 relief and helping restore the u.s. Economy and I just think it's a case of misplaced priority who says he's looked at the merits of the case and plans to vote not to convict the former president on the charge of inciting an insurrection by. Agnew report former president has established official post presidency office in Palm Beach County Florida a statement from Mr Trump's office said the office of the former president will be responsible for his correspondence public statements appearances and official activities the office will also advance the interests of the United States and carry on the agenda of the top administration through advocacy organizing and public activism speculation about Mr Trump's post presidency has range from his possibly starting his media company to running for a 2nd term in 2024 campaign advisor Jason Miller ruled out a 3rd party run saying Mr Trump's focus is to help Republicans regain the House and Senate in the next election Bernie Bennett reporting the federal government's purchasing $200000000.00 more doses of the Pfizer emitter of vaccines with the additional supplies President Biden hopes there will be enough vaccine to protect $300000000.00 Americans by the end of the summer he also announced other actions being taken we will both increase the supply in the short term by more than 50 percent and give our states and local partners more certainty about when their liberties will arrive the president said it will be a difficult operational challenge and warned that the pandemic will get worse before it gets better Greg kludged washing Senate Democrats are preparing to push ahead with the president's $1.00 trillion dollar code 19 relief package this is townhall dot com. 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With the shelling of the jungle from progressive progressive casualty insurance company affiliates in other words you're responding to Scott not available in all states or situations everybody we want to invite you to join Dennis Prager and Mike Gallagher for a travel opportunity that may be the highlight of your year we're headed back to Israel in October 2021 for a 10 day stand with Israel tour of the key sites and best places meant to give you an unprecedented view of a world you've likely only read or heard about if you've ever dreamed of seeing Israel this is your opportunity register today worry free with no cancellation fees until May 8th call 85655519 or book online at stand with Israel tour. President. From the objection the Constitution objection from Senator Rand Paul will not be raised in a couple of over weeks when the 2 weeks' time when the actual trial begins on February 8th he has actually raised it to day. God bless Senator Rand Paul whether it goes any way in a split Senate is is not possible to predict right now but we will discuss that and so much more with our regular guest from Stanford University the author of so many seminal works including the case for trump the 2nd world wars and also the western way of War Professor Victor Davis Hanson welcome back to American fest thank you for having me Professor we have relatively breaking news. Kid whilst we were on air that a u.s. District judge for those Southern District of Texas has put a restraining order on President Biden's duck port Taishan freeze is this is this what we condemn to now the tit for tat of what goes around comes around because we saw this relentlessly with President Trump's executive orders that various judges would think that they could stop them well now a Texas judge appointed by President Trump has done exactly the same to Joe Biden. Republican didn't do that as much because they were less inclined to use the courts to overturn legislation or executor warders and they didn't have the judges were that many conservative judges and now don't want it some 300 of them and they saw what. The left will belong so yeah you can see a lot of. And amongst those executive orders one I'm very curious to get your your take on given your career in analyzing and being a historian of warfare the strategies of warfare one of my favorite works of yours is a war like no other than this idea that we with the stroke of a pen the reimposition of trans gender is them in the u.s. Military. Is this a meaningful act by the president does it have a strategic effect or is it really the consequence of just another ideological move that the Democrats have to take to please some radical base. I think it's both I think it's certainly symbolic and it pleases their base but that and other declarations are going to really change female support for the United States here as you know if you're a sprinter or a shotput or female you're going to be at some point your career. Competing against somebody who was born male and all have a larger body frame I'm eccentric. And also raises the other question of I think conservatives have to look very differently at the CIA The f.b.i. And the u.s. Military there's this idea that these are conservative institutions that are. Concerned primarily with the defense of the United States and that's not true anymore they have social agendas the left really likes them and so on of them because they contact social and cultural radical changes by rather than upon the back and take over Congress and congressional debate or legislative action so people like the CIA because they can call a CIA director or 4 star general said this is what we want we want you to do it and these guys are in themselves in a revolving door between going into the Pentagon are going into the CIA coming out and contractors border or lucrative billet on a cable television so I think that there's going to be a radical change in attitude among the conservative base of all of these institutions I think if they're a left wing person introduced a bill maybe have Bernie Sanders said you know what no general for 5 years should be able to be on the defense contracting more no more lofty I think that most conservatives would vote for. Given the this this rofft of executive orders it's very interesting for me that I've just clicked on your Web site Victor Hansen dot com in the very top article is a piece on the 17th 76 commission as created by Donald Trump and it's 1st report which is a document we've discussed on this show a remarkable piece of work the what does it say. Of the new president and the new administration that on the very 1st day of the inauguration President Biden felt impelled to dissolve the 776 the mission. Well another one of these symbolic acts to his base he didn't I don't think you have to report at all that he knew anything what it was about we had this discussion 10 years ago during the Obama administration very noncontroversial a commission was deliberately made up of people who were not all academics are but liars political officials bureaucrats x. Elected official it was not written Akademi it wasn't heavily footnoted the whole point of it was to review the founding in 776 with the declaration and the extension way sure that in 77 with the signing of the Constitution and they became controversial I think for 3 reasons one Donald Trump that it's bigger plans on he appointed they got angry and it was a rigged refutation of the $161000.00 project which was a fallacious argument that the United States started. You know 136 years earlier with the 1st arrival of African American chattel slave stores and then 2nd there were people from the Claremont institution Institute excuse me Charles Kessler Larry aren't Mike you sprawling on that institution had been very pro Trump and then the an electoral I guess framework of a lot of mag agendas when so that was controversy when 3rd finally after we wrote this document we decided that we should have remind students and teachers and the public what were the challenges to it. Especially in the 20th century we talk about 1000 century racism slavery 20th century racism contemporary racism fascism communism but there were 2 other challenges I think that are at the heart of the controversy a lot of us felt that progressivism the idea of it's a fluid Constitution and it has to change with improvement and human nature supposedly. Should be addressed and then the reversed the identity politics movement that we all are then applied by our superficial appearances where the. Character and they often zation to what Martin Luther King had told us and recommended so those last 2 elements I think also consider the controversy and then we only have 3 weeks a bastion of it was very very hard to ruin zoom in lock down the right but it was a very good document it reads very well does very fair Frederick Douglas I think and Martin Luther King are reference more than any other individual there except for the founders and regular guests and colleagues of mine including Charlie as well as the good professor when members on potentially would have to say one of the shortest lived commissions in American history but we are reposing the report right now today. Feeds all Facebook pages and read it just share it copy it and make sure that it is as well read as you can make it it's the 1770 Commission Report penned in Pod and supported by our guest Professor Vic The Davis Hanson of the Hoover Institution at Stanford in the last few minutes we have with you in this segment Professor what do you respond to those who say if you're a conservative you really shouldn't be applauding federal government's involvement in education but this that wasn't really the aim of the commission was it you know it wasn't it was to. Put any document make a document available on the government dislikable or I mean the c.d.c. Guidelines are our center or National Institute of Health it was a document that would be posted for citizens of go up there and see a very simple history and explanation analysis of where the United States came from power of all where it is now what were the challenges what war it's. Problems will accept and they and that would give them a very different view on the mainstream anomalies what social media Silicon Valley New York Times Washington Post. Well that's what that was the purpose of it was sort of like what the lesson in p.r. Or you. Know I think anybody who looks at that document doesn't say you know by now you find I'm into you on t.v. Or this or yes it's the 7076 or 8 poll it's we're posting it right now on social media download it print it read it share it it is vital vital reading we are talking to a regular guest senior fellow with the Hoover Institution at Stanford follow him right now at the v d Hansen on Twitter and also his web page Victor Hansen dot com I'm so magical give them a strategist the president from this is America 1st on the Salem Radio Network. Folks America faces 2 challenges the 1st test to do with a virus that's brought our great economy and our great country to its knees actually the lockdown has the other has to do with that internal threat to our core values radical activist some progressives want to rewrite American history and fundamentally destroy our nation and folks at a macro working hard to resist these false and radical notions a Mac like you believes America is a good and great country that's why you need to join a Mac. You'll enjoy their ever growing list of benefits products and services including the very best when it comes to Medicare supplements or Advantage plans to join a mac Malco to Praeger for a mac dot com or call 855-624-0163 enjoy the great benefits that will make a difference in your life and save you money that's Prager for a mac dot com or call 855-624-0163 I'm a member of a Mac. The fastest growing conservative 50 possible denies ation in America. 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Folks America faces 2 challenges the 1st has to do with the virus that's brought our great economy our great country through which these actually the lockdown has the other has to do with that internal threat to our core values radical activist some progressives want to rewrite American history and fundamentally destroy our nation looks at a macro working hard to resist these false and radical notions a Mecca like you believes America is a good and great country that's why you need friends of saying it and I tell them all about it a lot of my friends are like you know what's what I mean you know you're right and Janet this that you know if they didn't like you never get sick and then they get sick and my friends I keep telling them I says Why don't you try to balance a nature. 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Nice start your journey to better health today by calling 180-246-8751 or by going to balance of nature dot com and make sure to receive this special radio offer by using discount code health books. Was one everything I've been recommended to me to see and hear back today face Hansen's an autumn of war why the West has won and won that I'm halfway through right now who killed Welcome back Professor Hansen following right now at the v d Hanson community we have a lot of black on and I'd like to. Ask you the same question I asked Conrad so many voices on the right especially from just you know common Ogaden voters just American citizens say enough is enough the g.o.p. Has failed us they don't they don't understand the things that occurred in 2016 that you wrote in your book case for Trump and we need a 3rd party is that a rational response and is there any way a 3rd party could succeed in the system we have in America today. Well I'm going to do what protocol exactly I do founders that did not want all parties so. We saw that the closest we've ever come across people and having not pulled out I think. In 1900. 92 election I think you might have done pretty well when he when he we enter governor 1000 percent of the vote but as we saw in Georgia Our don't fall and so on the election I'm not looking to electoral college a popular will. It's very hard for Republicans to keep everybody on the same you know I thought that the never trumpeters were pretty irrelevant numbers they were but they were very influential and the Electoral College I think they did a lot of damage national review of the ball or Lincoln project was swing independent voters so I think the base and the solid conservatives Yeah I think that's they can get a party they get 40 percent of the world where you get the next 8 or 9 percent I don't know unless you have a very charismatic Reagan asked leader and that's going to be hard but I don't think the Republican Party is going to go back well for Trump I just don't see it happening and how significant was it in that case that we have the official announcement the president has and hasn't indicated a plug for his library but he has opened in Florida his office of the former president and yesterday in Dulles made his 1st political endorsement since leaving the White House of Sarah Huckabee son is a given a block and so you surprised how quickly he seems to be back in the fray politically. Or not it's ironic I mean I think. I had been I I was ambiguous about his tweeting a lot because I think it hurt him but now it he's off Twitter and he can't tweet and he just on the receiving end of this is terrible hatred and this crazy trial in the Senate and we've seen what Joe Biden. I think public perceptions are changing daily and I think he's the beneficiary of that and you can even see it when maybe the one candidate of the possible field it's the likely announce Nikki Haley was on Fox last night and you would think that she would say you know it's time to reject Kompas and go back and she didn't and you can. He's insincere or what but she just pretty much endorsed the entire trump gender on China on reindustrialization non-secure borders so when you get somebody like bats. The conditional wing of the Democratic Party the neo conservative wing I just don't think anybody thinks it's viable to go back to Romney as a McCain And them or Bush isn't but what about in situ and see for what about the humans that a certain bar was set a standard was was in called Katie in 2016 by Donald Trump not being a politician and that you. Are a man Gates or a holy or a cult and can't replicate that because again it needs to be somebody who comes from the outside is that is that is that a weakness that the Trump presidency created will go kind of be overcome by by a machine politician. While I think what you're saying is in order to enact the Trump agenda it offends all of Wall Street silicone anybody have any dealings Yes sign on those are considerable It destroys any chance to work with libertarians you know we're going to have free trade even for bankruptcy right people and I could go on but you get the picture that corporate America wants open borders Yes So you have to get somebody either outside of it and not be told I'm with them or somebody within the system that's got such skill with Torkel charismatic political that he can stand up against them or she can otherwise they just become endlessly compromised in the by so yeah you have a point but more than that I'm thinking of the way I think of the way that people look at individuals who are already politicians what wasn't a large portion of the seductive attraction of a Trump presidency this is a man who'd never never run. Political office or at least never held political office before and that's something that none of these candidates can replicate it has to be another celebrity and I think there's a few yeah. I think a few of them when you see that they're running as non candidates and Charlie is running as somebody that is just different or Rand Paul or just different so there's going to be people maybe even a Tom car I don't know where they're going to be some politicians would say Say I say things and I do things that gets me in trouble with my establishment gets me in trouble with conservative donors whatever they are they're going to people are going to try to lease Fane now because of their own phone but if you're asking me Is there anybody on the lance political landscape that can get out and speak to 40000 people at a rally and hold their attention for an hour and a half the actors not know the answer clearly now absolutely but in the meantime If somebody wishes to even fake that appearance they going to have to have the impression they're going to have to have the mark of approval of private citizen Donald Trump are they not. I think so because this should be his name dear I think that why it was unfortunate I thought when I when I talked to one point it was time to move on and win Georgia but never water on the bridge which should have been his navy or this was the point when he have the greatest amount of criticism and he had the greatest amount of invective and venom shown him and anyone out of the harbor terrorist call it 48 percent approval and. If he won and now. Biden every day creating a new enemy Yeah he's I think he's got a good subject 3 to be a major player in the midterms and who knows what that what he'll do in 4 years I think I think that's a very very enlightening way to look at the last 5 days of the by the administration that literally and I think this is not a long political lines this is jobs in the oil industry this is a man going into a girl's locker room is this president is creating new enemies day in day out and that will have political consequences in the meantime I understand how he got Donald Trump why he's so different and what his last thing impact on American politics is by buying the case for Trump amongst many of the incredible works by our regular special guest from the Hoover Institution senior fellow classicist military historian and follow him at Vdare on Twitter Professor take Davis said. 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Pay Pal Dennis Prager knows who he's rooting for I want badly to have rational hope for the Democrats for this creation that is coming in the Democratic side of the Democratic House but it is rationally not possible for me I root for the United States to Dennis Prager shout weekdays at 9 am on f.m. 96 point one north county and 1170 San Diego the answer. Is. Standing out tonight hard to come to an already has come stream is they're going to redefine Donald Trump supporters as domestic terrorist I mean if you are if you are an American adversary you look at the United States and you think we've gone nuts because we have that's exactly what's happened here look at the United States and you think we've gone nuts because that's exactly what's happened at least Smith an unusually robust and forthright lease miss on memory of Dr Romo so that we can God bless him especially for being on America 1st Happy New Year only congratulating us and we're not relying on you nice miss what happened to you. I've been saying the same shots that Biden's been taking. Getting I'm using on my pillow getting more sleep now I understand Ok we've been talking about people have been buying today Mike Lee and has been banned for every twit out there and we have been banned for a whole week by You Tube because we had a congresswoman on expressing her 1st Amendment rights leader I'm going to give credit I mean it's a friend of ours we're going to least with all of the plot against the president of the permanent coup we have a friend Jim Hansen a friend mutual friend of ours and he used this phrase I will message group I'm in about a week ago the. Tactic of the left not fall they've they've cooled us Islamophobia they've told us white supremacists and even Nazis if you're a conservative the goal now is they've pivoted is usually move the goalposts and now it is the criminalize zation of being a conservative do you concur. Yes absolutely that's what's going on look I should say I am enraged as you are as our friends are the greatest but I have to say I am given where we are right now in America I'm frankly frankly optimistic because last eyes are equal yet because these guys have gotten so far out of control and they're just that they're high on their own supply right these are people remember who have no sense of history. Their history goes no further back then that then a week old tweet right this is how they understand why it's not a good thing why why does that mean that we shouldn't be as concerned as some would have us be oh we should be concerned absolutely what I'm saying is they're. They're over the optimistic they're overly exuberant they're high on their own supply and they are backing that we don't have on the right. I'll put it like this not just on the right but the defenders of the Republic do not have a lot of political moves right now right our big move is for them to make mistakes yes it's for them to make big mistakes a big mistake I believe was dispatching more than 20000 National Guardsman to Washington d.c. That looks crazy it's very bad for the country right as a whole it's bad for the country but these people are not thinking about the country right now and frankly we can't think about foreign policy or anything like that we have to think at some point about getting back to protecting the integrity . The country that's not where we are right now anyway the move of calling up 20000 guardsmen shows shows fear it shows not even us the efforts to end teach Donald Trump these will not show confidence these also will show fear not in us but these people forget there's a whole country out there it's not necessarily just what foreigners are doing there's a whole country who's watching what they're doing oh well Americans respond people in Washington want it people in New York while the people in think tank world love it but the rut it's a big country more than 330000000 people what is the rest of the country thinking while these nuts continue to pursue these. These hunts of their adversaries what will the rest of the country do that's why I'm optimistic Well the Americans are fundamentally rational and they see what's happening before them they will make a mistake they will potentially make a strategic mistake the fact that we have to wait until that happens doesn't give me a warm feeling inside but it is inevitable that they will overreach check out his Super books of the plot against the president and the permanent coup one of them turned into an amazing film by a friend Amanda millions to plot against the president you can watch it record breaking results on Amazon p. 80 p. Movie dot com That's a plot against the president Pete a.t.p. Movie dot com We will be back with our good friend policemen momentarily I'm smashing Ok this is my professor broadcasting from the early fact a dot com studios Relief Act drug free pain relief that actually works just listen to Ken from Arkansas I've been taking only factor for about 3 months and I'm amazed at how much my pain has decreased in rainy weather I would be in ridiculous pain and just wanting to crawl in bed and cry at this writing it's been raining all day and I feel just. 5 and before really fact I never had a day when something didn't it now most days I have a great quality of life thanks really fact that could be you find out if only thank you liberate you from your daily pain as it has for tens of thousands of Americans by offering you a 3 week quick sort of packed call 805-8384 or just go to relief factor dot com That number again 805-8384 your 3 week quick sort of pack for just 995 from really Fact dot com It will be at your house in 3 days or less take it morning and evening just like I do just like Ken does and I promise you Dr G.'s got and t. 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We have back with our good friend Lee Smith he is the author of the plot against the president he is a regular writer on matters swamp ish Can I ask you a personal question only your mind not absolutely I You are right where you are for your personal future given the fact that you're one of the the handful of people whose research been published honestly about this wall when you when you look at what's happening around us the the blacklists the the idea that people have to be quote unquote according to Katie Couric deprogrammed What about Lee Smith's future Yeah I mean I think it's I think it's very bad for the country I'm in sure I think that anyone that sees what's happening both in the book publishing industry we saw when they canceled who wasn't Simon and Schuster canceled Senator how I. Josh Ali's book but you know but Regnery picked it up I mean Yet there are different avenues that are being closed off to us I mean what they did the parlor was shameful I mean this was clearly this was clearly just a monopolistic practice this was just a bunch of tech oligarchs beating up on someone and had nothing to do with actually I think it didn't even out of can do with ideology they just wanted to beat up a competitor so yeah it's quite alarming and I think it affects all of us nonetheless there are different ways for and I mean we all existed before Twitter right now and I'm not saying that Will and that we should get a lot in my life without social media and the Smith what a radical folks look I mean it's a big thing because we can help get our ideas out to a larger audience more quickly but nonetheless we see that people ask for thousands of years managed to get their ideas out whether it was pamphleteers we didn't have social media the American Revolution right there were pamphleteers that were broadsides there was not there was not social media that helped bring down the Soviet Union there was some is that so I'm confident that especially this incredibly creative productive entrepreneurial class of Americans will figure out different ways 1st communicate and disseminate is very important ideas and again I might appear to be Pollyannish but I think that once people try to set you down they're saying they think that your ideas are dangerous and that makes it really more appealing who am I to the not to run it through run the New York Times not to the people who work with or who work or vote for Adam Schiff but to young people right they're sick of hearing this what happens all throughout history young people they think they're teachers they think their elders are making stuff up they think their elders are lying to them so they want to go out and want to get answers for themselves well that's fantastic just people like you and me and others who are here coming up with different answers to the same questions it's. Again it's an exciting so you can see less the fight you may be making it sound and I'm a meat and drawing inferences I should make it sound as if it's less a function of what the existing conservative media does and more a question of how many new conservatives or how many people we can bring in who haven't seen themselves as conservatives in the near future thanks in pots to the the reach of the by did ministration is that the kind of scenario you expect he myth absolutely right we see the establishment conservatives who are you know going out of their same way and they're making excuses for the excesses and I'm insane stuff that the Biden administration is already doing but right there are more people there are younger people and they feel sad I mean you were there you were there at the origins you were there begetting but there are young people who think that what Donald Trump stands that and even more than Donald Trump thinks that what my guest stands for making America great again they think that's exciting they think it's you know they think it's got a little edge they think it's gotten zest sent but these are all huge upsides if you look at not just the sounds from conservatives but if you look at the people on the left these are even leftists right these are people who are defending a normal us an enormous corporate interest there's nothing left wing about it and it's not that hard to get out look at the people who are behind big tax so again younger people this is a cliche but I'm going to use it anyway younger people the future. People I say hey so there's some interesting people were saying stuff fear some people have interesting answers and there's some edge to it so again I'm I'm sure I'm coming across as Pollyanna ish but looking at this is Sturrock Lee I think there's lots of reasons for us to be optimistic and not least because we are Americans resume. We're optimists we're always on we have to be happy want is last question for least myth following right now only a smith d.c. The president has endorsed this the former president has indulged his 1st political candidate Sarah Hawke and he's on his for governor and so the role of Donald Trump in they need term future once your prediction least myth Oh yeah I mean I want to see him promote I want to see him promote people who represent what what we've been talking about exciting candidates people who are pro America and I want to see him I want to see them attack those candidates attack those candidates who are it's not that they're at sites but they're and their and their interests are tied to the swamp not to America right we you know want to I mean talk about people like Liz Cheney right here's a list any Republican leadership who use or used Russia gate to try to keep troops in Afghanistan right that whole Russia bounty story I mean this is just lunacy the idea that you know the idea that this has been going on that long so yes I mean what. Whether or not Donald Trump runs for president again in 2024 as a lot of people have been suggesting he still I mean he's still the leader of the party so he's he's well placed the plane in credibly important role right now he is the old throw of the permanent as well as the plot against the president which was made into a movie a soup a movie check it out with you which you which you were in and you play a I'm a great role and I'm a bit pompous big part of it be a tepee Movie dot com Super books excellent movie follow him Elise missed the see one of the guys who has always spoken the truth to this one keep doing what you do this isn't my confessor the same writing that went with me oh ho Sebastian go Ok if you call us please do me a favor and do it on a provider who's on the side not one of the big cell phone companies you know who they are. 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Is that sponsor promotion anyway. Everybody we want to invite you to join Dennis Prager and Mike Gallagher for a travel opportunity that may be the highlight of your year we're headed back to Israel in October 2021 for a 10 day stand with Israel tour of the key sites and best places meant to give you an unprecedented view of a world you've likely only read or heard about if you've ever dreamed of seeing Israel this is your opportunity register today worry free with no cancellation fees until May 8th 565-5519 or book online at stand with Israel. If you've fallen behind in your credit card payments during the shutdown you're probably feeling some added pressures that you don't have to solve these problems alone Trinity debt management can help you have to do is give Trinity a quick call and will take care of the wrath of no one really knows what the future will bring but one thing is for sure if your dad has you down we should talk here's the number call 18099069761809016076 Dr Sebastian says this is no time to rest every single one of us who loves this nation the student is very simple. It's fine because of it this if everything. Depends upon your actions America 1st with Dr Sebastian Gorka. On f.m. 96 point one north and 11 somebody said the answer several. Times and the train's Gend executive order but I don't want to wait I don't think we should wait until that big. Stay whatever it is the multiple caravans crossing the border bringing more coronavirus into the United States whether it's China saying Now's the time to do something threatening to our friends and allies in the Asia Pacific domain something military in the meantime we can't stop them from making those mistakes because well quote unquote They won the election are you listening you to in the mean time we need to engage we need to engage with the people that Lee identified people who may see themselves as Democrats or may be a political but who are going to be hurt by the decisions that have already been taken I think 11000 is an incredibly low number for the number of jobs lost with that one executive order that shut down the Xcel part of the key stone pipeline the transgender decision that will drive. Massive tension between the young girls of America threatened not just on the playing fields in the pitches in the courts but in the changing rooms in places way that should always be safety for young women their parents aren't going to just stand by and witness the ideological degradation of everything that is cost to them back children the safety the sanctity of those young girls so let's start now yes it's what is it Day $6.00 only the 5th full day of work for sleepy creepy Beijing Biden. But let's build new constituencies Now let's create new communities based upon common issues that a stance of really don't look political will strengthen our side the side that has truth this side that is defined by objective issues and the idea that there is only one truth however remember every single day in the meantime they will try to provoke you don't let them keep your head of a swivel watch your 6 hold the line never give up never give in then please my friend. Stay. 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