$7.00 to $7.00 plan 877-7526. 96.1. 1170. Welcome to the angry occasion she's gone by food troops and 102 pounds of dynamite in a dress you see you under your care. Look it's a night it is a shame. They turn it around man. 2 Hump Day Yeah yeah yeah you know what the crack aka team here tonight is still under the weather in fact we're getting more and more under the weather as the days progress here but it is hump day and now there was so much breaking news today and so much of it so yummy so juicy that we just had to come in tonight there's no way we could bring in substitutes we had to come in to share this this evening with you guys I was trying to play my little my little pin that I got down at the river in the rain as a vacation in the Redneck Riviera my little boxing champion right let's see if we can get outta here some of some of the action that went down today in the news conference with President Trump he did too actually did one in the Oval Office in the one later. Did you hear that you know a child you are the smartest guy we know because you played the Democrats. So brilliantly in their coup attempts so far but that doesn't mean that I'm happy that it's going down no don't miss Don't misunderstand my glee in terms of how President Trump handled things today though I am and at all happy obviously ya know how absolutely distressed I am that a free and fairly elected president of states is spent the last 3 years of his presidency having having to fight off a hostile United States government that that is attempting to overturn the will of the people 83 for 411 seventy's you want to call in the show share anything on your mind about today's events would you guys think a president trumps presser today I mean to me all you need to know if you didn't hear it about how phenomenal it was is the fact that trending all day today was Trump meltdown accusing him of being off the rails mentally What did you guys think 888344 love and 17 a little bit we got my buddy Kurt she looked are from Town Hall and revel T.V.'s going to be here you know Kurt always bring some something interesting comedy a day people think that the that this p.c. Culture we've got you know has removed comedy from everything but nobody can crack me up more than curse Lichter In fact he's got an article out on Townhall right now about how could you we Elizabeth Warren how she's going to be the one to get the nomination the john need to check out. Speaking to check it out he could have checked out on me today he could have gone home and rested up and drank some chicken broth and done whatever his family rituals are when they're under the weather but he decided to stick it out and join me tonight and I'm so appreciative you know I must be talking about d.j. Carrot sticks you are the sickest man in the United States you have everything. Trump pressing buttons today did you guys see that I started to pull some audio clips from it but you know really you know the I thought Asli he was on Firefly can our I was like which clips to one poll I mean it was absolutely extraordinary of course the Left is in meltdown mode today and in fact like I said they're tweeting out literally hashtag Trump meltdown what did they mean do. Oh I tell you what he did wrong according to the left he decided to not sit there and let the left sling dong at him and not do anything about it which is what's expected he supposed he was supposed to act like w. Or or 41. I can't I can't say Reagan because we really didn't have this kind of vitriol in this kind of deep state stuff going on Reagan faced a lot of hate but nothing like we're we're dealing with now in fact it's because w. And 41 did never push back particularly but he didn't push back at all when the Democrats came after me let them smear him with anything and did this well gee I don't have to let it get to me which to me was a completely selfish move there because it was never about u.w. It was always about trying to destroy conservatism trying to get the upper hand trying to trying to divide this country trying to paint conservatism and Republicans as as bad and evil and wrong and by you never pushing back you set a precedent they were just posed to take it and the Republican Party went along with it what did President Trump say that was wrong that he spoke to truth he talked about how this was a coup attempt that had gone down he talked about how the media was the cricket media he said you know what I coined the term fake news but you know actually you guys have crooked media he says Joe Biden is a crook his son is a crook and you all know it and the media and he's absolutely right at one point where he said reminded everybody that the media the enemies of the people they absolutely are because this media allowed for 2 and a half years to have Adam Schiff go out on c.n.n. And other media outlets and flat out lie for 2 and a half years and lies saying that he saw actual evidence the President Trump had colluded with a foreign government to interfere with the election and he continue to propagate that lie after the report came out where Muller himself said that there was no Russian collusion. And the media didn't call him on it yeah it's great news that you know sometimes the media as Trump acknowledged today sometimes they they are kind of forced to and I say forced to report the truth because they sometimes they have to throw a bone out there sometimes they have to do what the New York Times did today in order to to somehow continue to maintain some level of relevance but really any time the new you see the media doing what they did today where they actually put out a report a factual report that was not favorable to Adam Schiff Adam Schiff had gone around acting as though he didn't know anything at all about this was a blower complaining divans then of course New York Times comes out today and says oh the whistle blower went to up the chain of command went to somebody in intelligence. And said he wanted to issue a complaint didn't really like how things went down and then decided to go to somebody and Schiff's office well shifted necessarily lie in the sense that he did not have direct contact with this whistleblower but he pretended that he didn't know anything at all about anything at all about this was a blower complaint which was absolutely not true and Trump was right to suggest today when this came out and to congratulate New York Times because they do occasionally the propagandists will occasionally report something accurate usually it's to get out in front of themselves being destroyed or usually because and I think it kind of goes hand in hand with shifts and Palosi press conference later I'll explain that in a minute. So I think the New York Times felt like they had to put this out there probably because others were going to find out because the investigations if it was going to come out exactly when Schiff knew it Jack perso because others had already reported out that after shift got the complaint within 12 days his staffers were over in Ukraine paid for by a think tank associated with the holdings over meeting with poor shank of the former president. Who told the prosecutor to drop the case against by drop the case investigating breeze mint and buying Sun So I think New York Times knew that they had to come out with the story today they had to get it they had to get ahead of it and Trump gave him praise for it but he said this just proves what a fraud Adam Schiff is Adam Schiff needs to be the one to go down and Sean Davis from the Federalists the guy who broke the story Sean Davis was the guy from the federal super of the story that the i.c. I.g. Had changed the form which changed the criteria from whistleblowers having 1st hand knowledge to allowing 2nd hand information Sean Davis tweeted out today remember when c.n.n. Falsely claimed that e-mails from Don Jr proved he was working with Wiki Leaks He says never forget that the fabricated e-mails c.n.n. Relied on came from shifts H.P.'s c.i. Staff which is a Senate Intelligence Committee staff shift has been one of the main actors in this coup attempt from the beginning and President Trump was so gleeful today and rightfully so and pointing out what a fraud shift is and how he needs to go down more and more. In the House are wanting to censure or do you know whatever non slap on the wrist happens to people like this what we need to have happen like Bernard Kerik said. When any time a citizen presents false information makes a false accusation in this regard criminally like this they face charges and that should happen here shift needs to be the one you know I'm not a constitutional expert in terms of the Senate and House and what happens when somebody commits ethics violations I mean I'm I understand a little bit is like a duck and Hunter that you know really they you know they have to be voted out of office Duncan Hunter here even if he gets indicted even if he gets convicted he could keep his seat on the house he would have to be voted out by the house he could he could technically skip the house and actually be in jail and vote and that concerns me it concerns me that somebody like Adam Schiff could continue to be propagating lies to the American people launching a coup attempt behind the scenes and get to keep. My president is facing impeachment on the basis of a corrupt crook like Adam Schiff who continues to go and lie before the American people and get away with it that's insane so then later on in the day Oh no by the way you are the year the president United States you have endured 3 years this being the 3rd coup attempt coming against you your family's been under attack your family's been under criminal investigation the southern district of New York you're acting or assistant u.s. Attorney came out and said or the u.s. Attorney yourself or said the District of New York came out and said she was going out going against President Trump she was going to do everything she could to bring him down and he doesn't have the right to that they don't like his tone Ari Fleischer from w. Spokesman for George w. Bush. Came out today I saw him and said Yeah you know he really didn't like President Trump's tone he didn't like when Hillary Clinton accuse somebody of treason he didn't really like it when when when Trump did it today really he just really thinks that the Republican you know rap Republican doesn't have to respond that way yeah we you know what Like I said earlier that mindset the way the Republicans are supposed to be the gentleman in the room when somebody is literally attempting to personally financially and professionally criminally destroy you is insane and it's that kind of ridiculous moronic mind numbingly stupid mindset thanks to w. Bush 8 years of that let pave the way for Obama and continue to pave the way and it's also pave the way for why conservatives it's Ok for conservatives to be d. Platforms off of social media it's Ok now for for anybody in New York to be fined $250000.00 because they don't like words we say there was far long far reaching effects from that stupid mindset of the Republican establishment to just allow the Democrats to disappear us with whatever they want to say and get away with it and we're all paying the price for it now. We're going to take a break we come back going to bring my buddy out Kerslake drawn to get his perspective on all this see what he's got to say about what's going to happen if she if she is what's going to happen a job I yeah that's the real question what's going to happen here plug one as their cause and and and. And and snorty and snorty hunter by as he calls them and I want to hear from you guys 883441170. Be sure to follow. On Twitter and Andrea Keisha and follow her on Facebook and like her friend Andrea k. Expelled y. e. 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San Diego Welcome back to tonight Cedric a show played head you're here with me and I mean fighting. That's right and boxing Trump he was boxing to day he was he was punching today and that's why the left wing hysterical you always know when when he's hit the right spot because the bruised egos on the part of the left and joining me now to discuss at today's press conference and all the impeachment happenings that's that's going on right now is my buddy Curt Schlichter from Town Hall I think you know he's got an article coming out tomorrow but don't miss the one that he wrote that came out just a few days ago the smoke signals say to be Trump versus war and let me tell you I don't name anybody that you tell you comedy is dead because that article cracked me up Hey Kurt Welcome back to the show thanks for having me Andrea and people are going to want to get my town hall tomorrow if they're if they have only signed up to the current award newsletter they were. I have it in their e-mail box now and be able to read winds where I describe Jr abiding as that coke thing widow diddling weirdo so. Going well you know that that's. Kind of almost where truck wanted to go today when he said this listen to this guy's. That's the question thank you sir. But if you want. To look Biden and his son are stone cold and you know it is son walks out with millions of dollars the kid knows nothing you know and so do we go ahead ask a quick yes don't call her kid I think he was kind of going down the same path you were when you think back to how he handled today look Trump is Trump as Gloria and I I am truly enjoying this fight now and there's something about troubling you know all the all the little. Sexually defective weirdos back in Washington d.c. Are thinking oh we platforms there we got him saying we need for 58 time and they don't understand that form is not an invertebrate Cissie like the Mitt Romney's and all the rest of them he enjoys this yeah they're doing it like let me put in military terms because I have a slight army back. The Mongols used to go up to people you know these wild horse archers would go up to people in these law long well formed discipline lines Keizer them and pretend to run away in terror and then they would break ranks to follow the Mongols at which point they would lose their cohesion and along those who come around and cut them to rid of that's what Trump does he says he going some into the kill zone and then he cut their throat figuratively he's going to leave them in a heap of smoking rubble Yes And he kind of alluded to that today well not alluded but I mean I thought it was extraordinary when he's like look they never expected me to release the transcript it was like Look I'm so happy you people don't even know you dealing with was how it was today I don't know what really bugs me and I can't decide who I'm more angry at here with this I'm enjoying some juicy moments like today but overall I am really. Really cranked up over the fact that a free and fairly elected Republican president United States has been under a coup with him for 3 years and a nobody in the Republican Party that I can see Christian leaders do anything to stop and I can't decide who are more angry at what well there are a few in ones here about are the. The mollusks like and Sas is we need to see all the facts no no you know all the facts everything is a lie and a scam you don't even have to tell me what it Democrat is saying it is a law or a scam or both now then say a sponsor protests and a lot of those like and the Mitt Romney's on the other you know Crew shilling hacks who used to read The Weekly Standard They would love to live in a world where there are respected as the local game to remember pulp fiction right now I gotta live in the final in the box Yeah that's the normal state of many of the d.c. Republicans they enjoy their submission as the grace of spades says the kink shame is part of the cake day enjoy being abused the rest of us understand that our lives and our freedoms are at stake we have just in the last 48 hours we had Maxine Waters taking a break from her particle physics work to say she thinks the guy we elect a president should be die in prison in solitary confinement Kamel heresy has taken a break from arresting people for their kids missing school to request Twitter that the president be science remember all of these things are not targeted don't trump they are targeted at us if they can tell the president the United States we will imprison you for your views if they tell the president states your views should be silenced what will they do to us if they're given the chance when we can already kind of see where they're going with as we can see that now in your New York City you can be fined for up to $250000.00 for you. The term illegal immigrant illegal alien I'm sorry that it isn't a town that I'm in the doing that because what would you be doing the out on your bullhorn Evie you be hanging out the side of your bands all day long why would I would find somebody to. As a plaintiff and go to federal court saying yes I want to characterize person as illegal aliens therefore I have I'm afraid to do so because I'll be arrested therefore I have standing enjoying this act and hopefully hold some of the individuals 'd responsible for personally liable so they can pay me out of their pocket this kind of fascism has to stop you know and here it's bizarre to me that they think. These you know he pork pie hat wearing vinyl loving hipster doofus is think that somehow if they get rid of trump they can stick their Birkenstock on our neck for the rest they'd never actually met a normal American I'm too freaking all to be a serf I serve this country too wrong to allow all 'd my constitutional rights to be put up to a vote of the kind of weirdos who choose to live in the dung infested streets of San Francisco I will die before I become a slave I'm never going to stop you know Erick Erickson who is actually a friend of mine and he put out a he a wrote a tweet he got blamed for ways just really reporting but he said you know there are some Republicans I've talked to and they're just they're just so tired of fighting all the time and get used to it freedom is not the normal condition of humanity we are an exception we're an exception because we are right bearing in that wielding punch a sociopath who won't let anyone tell him what to do you're going to if you are willing to fight you will never be free if you want to rest you can rest in the grave if you want to. At a wall and you can do that by putting a crow around your neck and they can 1st square out I refuse to live that way I am an American citizen and for if you were an American that I were answer to one entity and wanted to be only anything they have a state he said more upstairs right well that and as you're saying this I'm thinking about yeah we're too old to be serfs but you know what the Left has done an amazing job in creating generations of serfs now by hijacking our schools are educating. Kids here there's a lot of kids who are sissies right now but you know I get to serve with a bunch of allies in the Army. Not too long ago including their insinuate go. And you know one of those guys then you know when you start to look to do that to me like we're not going to watch you make me want you making me give up my free speech rights or if you make me not worship I want why don't you come and take my firearm . Why Or if you if you were a rock n roll what do it but I hear it but when I saw it last and will talk in the Sex Pistols you are talking Nickelback you list is weird here's my concern though curch Lecter is that there could be. It could be a situation where I think one of the things that President Trump is exposes which I don't think we you know the American people even conservatives that have really been paying attention even the last 2 and a half years the extent of what's going on with the deep state when people were chanting during a swamp at the rallies they knew that there was 2 sets of laws one for the elites and one for the for us hasn't so we knew even after stuff started coming out with the mother investigation that you know we had a problem with the deep state and there was kind of a coup attempt going on but even good people I shot Hannity continue to push this notion Oh it's just the rank and file it's just just the rank and file I've been calling b.s. On that from the beginning because the 4 people could not have have pulled off the extent of what's been pulled off but what I'm concerned about is all these behind the scenes I believe Erick Erickson was right I believe what he said was true I think that if they thought that they could pull the trigger and vote anonymously Trump would have already been out of the Republican Party could have their way and what I certainly am that's my question for you know how do we know they can't how do we know that we're not going to be in a situation to where even if Trump gets reelected if to me if they get away with this. They may not get away with it with Trump Trump may keep saying office the impeachment won't work he'll even get reelected but if there's no prosecutions of anybody in the deep state and they're allowed to get away with this with nobody being held accountable then we could we could be in a situation where even if we ever got another Republican president they're just placeholders and we we've got these deep state people behind the scenes controlling every aspect of our government the Democrats have basically taken over at that point we just don't know it no you know we're in the fight that we knew was coming but in our hearts we didn't want to believe it we didn't want to believe the CIA was corrupt we didn't want to believe the f.b.i. Was incompetent and full of careerist hacks who you know are unable to stop Chinese us to be in office but they're already only good at helping Democrats spy on their political opponents we did we we we said it but you know it's some level we didn't want to believe and we wanted to believe that you know instead of you know we had Jack Ryan and. From Zimbalist Jr and instead we got you know. We got how do you do the. We didn't want we are in the fight that we promised to get in we knew it wasn't going to be easy oh my gosh you think you think they're just going to give up you think they're just going to walk away they spent their whole pathetic lives getting in these useless bureaucratic positions they're going to fight like hell in the most passive aggressive way possible. You know it's it a way it's like mean girls except they're in charge of the intelligence system. And they're just not very good at it I mean if you can think of a success that the CIA has happened in the last 30 years let me know right yet if I want to say oh well in 10 years we found you know some. Saudi Arabian Bandito that's not quite a success Yeah. I can't make it work at just barely north of failure right and the in fact John Brennan I mean this whole thing to me with the whistleblowers basically just using the same playbook from Christine blazin Ford right you know the behind the scenes go to somebody and work eat it we are we know the ending so John Brennan tweets out yesterday like ease Michael of an audio the day before any other whistleblowers out there anybody else who wants to make a claim as I do you are the head spook and you can't you can't create a better you know false narrative than that that's all you've got is ridiculous a sense of even good at it. So much to expect our betters to be better than us I mean I think there's the pure you're to with what they keep losing and then you don't just lose to anybody and for that he lose to a real estate developer. New York never held political office before who's best known for bang in hot. Ah the other losing to their loser the guy who most of the apprentice who filed bankruptcy to file bankruptcy in. And is going to lose this you know feel all these people I thought well you know they're washing clothes but that this article come across really learned from him from previous mistakes and this time it has all that leave for him like that they learn to count to 67. You can't count that 67 in the Senate you wait got nothing right before we got to wrap anything any thoughts or prayers you want to extend to Bernie Sanders tonight who had to pull off the campaign trail because you know I know that you really wanted to keep seen him out there he provided such good material I mean as. You know anybody who adopts it but. I'm not going to end up judging the guy who decided to side with the people who butchered 100000000 human beings he is he chose that that's where he went. You know May God have mercy on your soul Yeah well courage like everybody I don't I didn't get a Kurd alert I did notice sign up for a Kurd alert I should have already gotten that article and so my e-mail but I'm going to make sure I get it yeah I need a maze I can't wait to read it. I think I just gave you a little. I can't wait you know we should do as we should have Kurt sometime do like an audio like he's Jesse Jackson Jr reading Green Eggs and Ham we should have Kurt you should be doing like audio readings of your articles and putting those out as well you know with with your own interpretation kind of like Adam shifted their own you know you maybe seen me more say a world when you're. Really something's up and. I'm not saying that I have a podcast but I could oh right well we look forward to well thank you for being here tonight maybe it might be my last time to get him on here he might be going so big weapon to let you know all you got to do is ask and I am there and I say especially if I have an excuse to come to San Diego where I want to u.c. San Diego and I hit one of the yeah I'll watch one Roberta's alley baritones Rigoberto as we got lots of bird as man it depends on what I think. I heard Thank you so much for being here adios Bye Bye bye now all right we've got we're going to flip gears we're going to get off this impeachment topic because there's other stuff happening at with wait to hear the latest from the racist Rashida to late we've got that's talk about we've got some shocking immigration issues going on here in California and more sustained coming. One more caller on Twitter and. Facebook. Told me why. Right now at the Home Depot you can save up to 35 percent. Like a refrigerator for just 600 bucks regularly 99. Control drawers to keep. Your food fresh and flexible storage options to keep your options open even when the doors aren't today's the day for doing and saving on appliances now at the Home Depot. Or do you assume it was last used over and over 60. What keeps you up at. Work stalks you through your name right. Next to your horse. Whatever it is it's here and we transformed California greater America into your own personal nightmare is it some nights through November 2nd for heart attractions endless scares rooms full of monsters and fear you can't escape it unlimited home when you buy a 2020 pounds today and see a great American dot com. This is a day of props for townhall dot com The same Democrats who decried the Bill Clinton impeachment as a product of g.o.p. Hatred and an illicit effort to nullify the results of a presidential election have now become exactly what they accuse Republicans of being and I mean literally the same Democrats who gave an endless defense of Clinton 2 decades ago Nancy Pelosi Maxine Waters. And then Senator Joe Biden but Democrats can I guarantee transfer move on from office or anything close to it there combination of hypocrisy with show me the man and I'll show you the crime Soviet style justice has assured only one thing the results whatever the result of the 2020 presidential election will be seen as fraudulent by half the country if Trump wins Democrats will contend he did so by rigging the election if the Democrat wins Trump loyalists and anti-socialist will see it as a byproduct of 4 years of inquisitions for all their talk of protecting the integrity and legitimacy of the 2020 election Democrats have gravely damaged both I'm damned. Sponsored by a.d.f. 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Receive their no obligation offer by calling 858-859-0107 that's 858-859-0107 or will visit West View s h p p dot com. After the 6 point 4 pm and learn some of the answer Andrea telling you like it is all while eating a donuts the injury case show on the answer San Diego. Welcome back to 100 k. Sure I can see by now the monitors hear the breaking news according to Fox News that Giuliani has notes saying that the former prosecutor of Ukraine was told that he needed to drop the prosecution of based upon pressure from Joe Biden. That's just for the cooperation because you know according to John Solomon from the Hill there were actually show can the prosecutor who was forced to was fired under pressure from Joe Biden vice president his state using his position and taxpayer baned taxpayer dollars. To get him fired he had already filled out a sworn affidavit that was accepted in court and court documents saying that you know he was he was forced out here's what he had said he testified he said The truth is the truth is that I was forced out because I was leading a wide ranging corruption probe into Bryza Holdings a natural gas firm active in Ukraine and Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden was a member of the board of directors on several occasions President Poroshenko who Adam Schiff staffer went to visit immediately after the complaint asked me to have a look at the case against present and consider the possibility of winding down the investigative actions in respect of this company but I refused to close the investigation so yeah and the reason why it's important to go back to that is because of course Joe Biden's people are already putting out that oh this is debunked it's been debunked it's been debunked No it hasn't been debunked there's been nothing to bond just like Hillary Clinton has gone around and pretended like everything was debunked about her and it wasn't I just saw on Twitter though. That . The Department of Justice has fired a assistant u.s. Attorney who revealed a grand jury information to an individual I don't know to whom it involves Michael Flynn of the Department of Justice. There's a I'm not sure who the individual is I mean have to look into this and maybe text Sidney Powell and see if she's going to have a statement on it but the Department of Justice has declined to prosecute that is a crime grand juries are supposed to be private secret what is going on with the bill bar department of injustice that's an outrage it's not enough that this person was fired supposedly on September 28th and today there was was a statement that they were not going to prosecute is ridiculous. We we cannot have you know it's going to get to the point if this the if this doesn't end we will be I have to disagree with her I agree with Kurt Schlichter in the fact that there are many Americans out there and I know many many that are that are willing to do what they got to do for their freedoms but if we don't know. If President Trump had not one would we have any idea that this was going on in our government we would have no idea but it's almost worse to know and then not have anything done to stop it because if we the average American citizen cannot do anything to stop it there's nothing I can do to force the Department of Justice to prosecute people nothing we can do and we can continue to vote Republicans in office but they don't seem to be doing anything about it either. But I believe the President Trump. Is is actually intent on doing something about it and I think what's probably happening is with Barr I think there and I think that because of the situation I think it's likely that bar is having to pick and choose you know really you know I think he's decided he's going to have to be a big game hunter and pick and choose what he's going to go after and what he's not . You know it's astounding President Trump has done absolutely nothing wrong and yet the left has been from day one trying to take him down under impeachment he was never on Trump and 2016 we cannot wait for years to vote Mr Trump out of office we must keep our eyes on 2 important goals depressing trumps public support and dividing the congressional g.o.p. From him and from each other this is been the play from the beginning Republicans who were voted into office you must band together and support our president in the meantime who's still certain Not only did we have Adam Schiff in Congress line to the American people putting out false information which should be criminal if it's not at the very least he should be taken off committee we also have ill one Omar who was busted for tax fraud busted for immigration fraud obviously married her brother. Campaign finance violations going around fund raising for terrorist group we got Rashida to lade anti-Semitic did that whole Tried to try to usurp our foreign policy going over to Israel to support the Palestinian people against is against Israel will she comes out today doing everything she can to foster hatred among the American people should she she has no business being in Congress either I want you to hear her and was she trying to pressure. I can't I can't remember if this is a police. If it's a sheriff or if it is it it's the the head of a police department in Michigan Listen to this. Americans. Because. If it happens all the time I. Think. For people calling coming. Coming from people I'm just saying I think it all the time and I want that because long. Before. Yeah he calmly respectfully gave her more respect than she deserved and said I trust people who are trained it's really not about race it's really not about gender it's really about training we had been too much on the end she goes yeah I know and then she goes but it does make a difference do you do you get what this woman is saying that white people cannot be trusted to look at to be to work for a police department and and identify somebody on video. We're talking about facial recognition software so the computer and everybody's face is even identical twins have different facial features either from the way they're born or a scar or whatever so. That computers racist Well that well it's but it's not the computer I mean I think with facial recognition they're still going to be a human element somebody trained to review. These images whether they're in video form or whether they are static image and and I don't know why they would have a human element involved so basically what she's saying is that you know why people cannot be trusted to look at an image of a black person and correctly identify them you know how many times when Allie McBeal was on air how many times people got Michelle Pfeiffer mixed up with the actress who played I can't remember a name played out in that deal you know why people get confused for each other all the time you know I used to be you know interested in the entertainment industry nice to see all the time like on entertainment channel or even in my National Enquirer and stuff all the different actresses and actors that look so much alike people could tell them apart in fact I was just watching the other day Dylan McDermott was always getting mistaken for Dermot Mulroney they're finally doing a project together and he was laughing about it the other night like white people don't ever look alike are you kidding me that's insane it is so racist and the reason why this is important is 2 things 1st of all continues to prove the anti white that the discrimination and on the part of the Democrat Party to do everything that they can to diminish white people but they're trying to take over police departments because think about this if they can get you we have the 6th grader yesterday with the hate crimes hoax because they've they're telling African-Americans that you're hated by white people all day long and then they can get then they can get only black people hired by police departments involved here. Do you see where I'm going with this it's a problem. We're going to take a break we come back we've got more to talk about on the other side see indication Don't go away. Be sure to follow. On Twitter and Andrea key issue and follow her on Facebook my profession and reengineer still Kadish Why eat. What keeps you up at night work stalks you through your night. Armed or your horse. Whatever it is it's here how and when has transformed come a foreigners greater America into your own personal nightmare is it select right through November 2nd for heart attractions endless scares Owens full of monsters and fear you can't escape it unlimited home when you buy a 2020 gold season pass today and see a great American dot com. Right now at the Home Depot you can save up to 35 percent on appliance special buys like a large capacity whirlpool washer dryer pair for just for $98.00 each regularly $749.00 adopted walk into college eating clothes fresh at a price of one even wrinkle your budget Today's the day for doing and saving on appliances now the Home Depot or say or do it to us only last as last gastritis different over 6 to. Get your closet ready for fall at Macy's lowest price of the season on specials feel fabulous from head to toe at 60 percent off shortly after 50 percent off the latest Dan Baxter and designer shoes are just 349-921-3999 plus get your look some serious sparkle with 60 percent off select diamond pendant and updated large up to take 60 percent off Rob learned Tommy Hilfiger suits and get even more benefits no matter how you pay with me the star rewards savings of regular and sound prices exclusion the plan. 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Come on go ahead insult to injury you could have used those 15 blobfish minutes to switch your motorcycle insurance to Geico Geico 15 minutes could save you 50 percent or more on motorcycle insurance Bill Hall and with Yasser on Wall Street stocks down 2 percent on average today about 3 and a half percent in 2 days so far in October well also look oversold one of those typical madness of the crowd rushes to stay safely of the herd It's all very emotional it looks technical as also well overdone as we did not top those July levels again well recession fears reflecting plant closings Why do you have Boeing an impeachment hysteria as a swap wars headline in the news we created only 135000 private sector jobs which gets a plumber jobs Friday Well partially down a $1.50 to the sword here and I have you over China and Korea talks disappoint you know and they all added up to selling but somebody bought everything and cooler heads profit it's like this reported sales up 6.3 percent Chrysler flat for down 4.6 percent on the expected of Microsoft as new wireless to your buds call it whatever the day on Wall Street 36 point one north 11 somebody said to you. You're listening today Andrea Kay show on the answer San Diego. Welcome back to 2900 cases for the break we were talking about me play the audio of her she had to leave trying to convince a police department head that she should only hire black he should only hire black people for one particular position 1st of all how discriminatory is that can you imagine a Republican congressman talking to a police department and for whatever reason doesn't even matter saying you should only hire white people. Should only hire white people I don't care what the job is for I don't care what her twisted justification was for that's racist and that's the Democrat Party flat out racist there was an article out today on Fox calling out for the fact that she has promoted for racially charged hoaxes or debunk stories and never corrects the where record because they never do shift didn't care when when shift is just a shift going before the committee and flat out lying as Trump called him out for days flat out lied about what was in that phone call why would he do it people ask well because you know what is going to get ingrained in the minds of the people they want to hear that he did parody that he said parity didn't matter it doesn't matter why did that 6th grade girl do that do that hoax because she believes it doesn't matter how much how much the truth is of the lies that have been told to her Hands Up Don't Shoot never happened Trayvon Martin was not was not murdered because he was black we are not a systemically racist country but you push a lie often enough and people believe it to have to country still believes that Kavanagh raped girls in high school so didn't matter to Rashid Italy whether or not that that 12 year old girl told the truth or not whether or not the Covington Cathy kids accurately said racial slurs to an American Indian doesn't matter to her they just put it out there because what matters is that Americans hate each other what's matters is that African Americans hate white Americans and hate President Trump because of bleeding out African team African-American vote because of the results President Trump has is getting on behalf of the African-Americans and they were glad today we had a little we have a little hiccup in the Dow because of this impeachment nonsense and that's really what the Democrats want they they don't care what damage they wreak on this country or on African-Americans all they care about is power. And if they cared about African-Americans they'd be sealing that dang border Los Angeles County paid nearly $1300000000.00 in welfare money during 2015 to 2016 to families of illegal aliens that number amounts to this is according to Fox News that number amounts to one quarter of the total spent of the counties and tire needy population going to illegals in 2015 more than $58000.00 families received 602000000 dollars in benefits the next year some $64000.00. Families received $675000000.00 in benefits illegals all of the eagles all in this country illegally how many of them how many of the $64000.00 families how many of those do you think were felons felons how many raked how many drunk and killed somebody how many molested a child we know that a certain percentage of them did you know why because we know that they're committing they're only 30 according to this article the only $13.00 they are now 13.7 percent of the nation's $28000.00 population but they are committing. Let's see. I can't see the percentage. To get my of suspects per prosecuted in u.s. District district court and 2857 percent were u.s. Citizens 43 percent were non-U.S. Citizens almost all 99.7 percent of the non-citizens prosecuted in u.s. District court were prosecuted for something other than 1st time illegal entry so according to this article there are only 13.7 percent of the population but they're committing. In the interest of speed here they're committing it depends on what type of crimes you're looking at but you know 40 in some areas 40 percent in some years you know 30 percent of the crimes. Meanwhile giving billions of dollars of taxpayer aid and that's just l.a. County that's not seen Eagle County that's not our inch County where we got tent city and where we got how many Americans we've got in c. Diego we got a shack a $200.00 square foot shack in c.t. It will be rented for $1100.00 people can't afford to live in the state in part because a large part because of the illegal population imagine what would happen to supply and demand if the if the 60000 illegals that were getting these benefits 68 that were not living in 60000 those dwellings However many of those well these were available to other people to rent because we've got to show we got a housing shortage. Meanwhile we've got Gavin Newsome member gas tax increase it was supposed to go for highways we promise we're not going to touch the gas tax now he's won and to quote redirect the gas tax funds. Crazy I will be right back here tomorrow night I'm going to be here with d.j. Potato skins He's my buddy d.j. Styx is going to take in a couple days off and we hope that he goes and gets gets recharged recharge his batteries baby come back to us on Monday and ya'll come back tomorrow night 6 pm Pacific time he's out. Right now at the Home Depot you can save up to 35 percent of appliance special buys like a large capacity whirlpool washer dryer pair for just for $98.00 each regularly $749.00 the walking technology to close fresh at a price that $1.00 even wrinkle your but today's the day for doing and saving on appliances now at the Home Depot or say or do with us only was Christopher details valid for over 60. The starlight lounge presents an evening of the Chris Cox the movie. That's you tickling the Ivers you just say by bundling home an auto with progressive going to finally buy a ring for that gal of yours you go send American dollars and. There's. Something because of casualty insurance company if it's discounts on available states or situations on dot com. Or anyplace in the floor $96.00 he or she were running down the aisle for him and somebody takes each year off San Diego. Breaking news this hour from townhall dot com And Keith Peters the Democrats here heading the House impeachment inquiry is claiming the whistleblower who sparked it has the right to remain anonymous California's Adam Schiff blasting President Trump's demands to learn the identity of the whistleblower this is a blatant effort to intimidate witnesses it's an incitement to violence see if adding We will do everything in our power to make sure that that was supposed protected that that was a blowers. Preferences in terms of their anonymity are respected shift says his panel has reached an agreement to secure testimony from the whistleblower but no date or time has been set Capitol Hill correspondent Wiley Hynes reporting while President Trump says the impeachment inquiry is a scam he'll cooperate with House Democrats this is a fraudulent crime on the American people but we'll work together we shift the shift and Palosi it all of them a white former Dallas police officer who said she mistook both of John's apartment for her own and fatally shot him in his living room was sentenced Wednesday to a decade in prison and a stunning courtroom scene that included the dead man's brother in the black judge embracing the sobbing officer John says he forgives or I don't even want you to go . I want the best for you. Because I know that's exactly what both of them would want to do. And the best would be. Occurrence the action stunned the courtroom as well as angry protesters outside a Connecticut state official says 7 people died in the crash of a World War 2 era b. 17 Ampera airplane during an aborted takeoff from Hartford airport 6 others who were on the airplane suffered injuries ranging from minor to critical on Wall Street a down day as the Dow dropped 494 points the Nasdaq plunged 123 yes of people or by 52 more a townhall dot com. Stocks plunge again on Wall Street private employers added 135000 new jobs last month those stories next a few years ago my wife and I couldn't find great bedding in any stores so we founded our own company I'm Scott 10 in the founder of Poland branch the world's most comfortable seats my wife missing I spent months developing the super soft organic cotton fabric we're now known for since then we've helped millions of people including 3 u.s. Presidents get a great night's sleep you compare them to $1000.00 sheets but we sell them for a fraction of the price because spending that much on cheat is bonkers right now check out our luxury flannel collection it sells out every year that's because Bloomberg is cozy but breathable cool sleepers and all love it you can try it's risk free for 30 nights but I think it will only take one to convince you and right now it's $50.00 off that bill and branch dot com with promo code com That's spelled the 0 l. L. And branch dot com from a code column say $50.00 at Boland branch dot com with a promo code call bull and branch dot com promo code call on Wall Street today investors reacting to the radical Dem drama in Washington d.c. Stocks plunged again in the worst start to a quarters and 2008 uncertainty generated by the radical damn Congress and their insistence on a so-called impeachment inquiry on the New York Exchange nearly 5 stocks fell for everyone that rose at the closing bell stocks broadly lower the Dow Jones industrials down almost $500.00 points another victory for President Trump the World Trade Organization today authorizing President Trump to impose tariffs on 7 and a half $1000000000.00 of European exports to the United States ranging from helicopters to wine and cheese the World Trade Organization ruled.