It's in America today I think that will be the question that will affect. This but I like your input who. The real racists you know them but it's a 3333. 833-334-6752 we have so much news so many amazing stories and $40.00 to share with you plus special guests in the next 2 segments Katie powerful it's my colleague from Fox News from town hall will be with us in studio But 1st very very fresh of course the president is meeting today has met in the oval with the prime minister of Pakistan. And we have some fresh audio from the president with regards to what exactly is going on in the news outside of that one of them was very interesting for putting the Iranian threat the recent events the capture of the British tanker the other aggression being executed by the mullahs Let's listen to Donald Trump response to the threat that Iran faces and what he's going to do about it and said today in the Oval Office cut 8 I think. Where they are and I've been watching and reading a lot of reports and right now they're very mixed up country they don't know whether they're coming or going they have tremendous problems economically their countries are in turmoil they're having demonstrations all over. Their inflation rates at 75 percent they have a lot of problems whatever it is it is I'm just going to sit back and wait let's see what happens sit back and wait. Haven't we been told that this president is tied to a chair and hostage of a neo conservative. How can he do that how can he say he's going to sit back and wait I thought John Bolton had a gun to his head was telling him we've got to invade the Middle East and. He's been hypnotized by this thing golly Ambassador Bolton. Yes we give you the truth here not the fake news law it's not just of the media but of the Obama hold up as a lot of what you're hearing isn't just left wing activists in the media it's those people who are committed ideologically to the left and who are still in government a lot of them at the State Department the CIA and elsewhere who would have you believe this garbage but just listen to the words of the president more important than that because remember a man or woman is only judged how. But it was it's one thing but the end of the day actions how many unnecessary wars has this president ignited in the last 2 and a half years it's around. It is the roundest of numbers it is 0 stick to the facts stick to the truth let's listen to the president again today in the oval just moments ago with the prime minister of Pakistan talking this time not about Iran but his more general philosophy spring boarding off the question of the future of Afghanistan fighting a war we want to fight a war in Afghanistan and what if I could win that war in a week. I just don't want to kill 10000000 people because it makes sense to you I don't want to kill 10000000 people I have plans on Afghanistan that if I wanted to win that war Afghanistan would be wiped off the face of the Earth it would be God It would be over in literally in 10 days and I don't want to do that I don't want to go that route so we're working with Pakistan and others to extricate ourselves nor do we want to be a policeman because basically what policeman right now and we're not supposed to be policeman we've been there we've been there for 19 years in Afghanistan it's ridiculous do you see what he did. In a very short audiotape response to a question he actually explained his national security policy his stance to the world it's very clear I mean I haven't seen such a condensed explication of a foreign policy anywhere why because. If you if you work it backwards from the end he says we've been doing this for 19 years this is not it's but I could win it. In a week if I wanted to because I know how strongly we are the strongest nation on God's earth we have capabilities that other nations just trade off but I'm not going to do that why because. I'm not a neoconservative he actually lives in the real world and secondly because I'm not going to cause the deaths of millions of people because that's wrong this isn't World War 2 This is 944 This is. This is Central Asia and I'm not going to do it but and his important dent them neither am I prepared to be the world's policeman. Job that again is a utopian fantasy what I'm driven by that's a good name for a radio show is America fest actions are predicated actions are measured on whether or not they serve the national interest and all out war in Afghanistan that would lead to millions of dead would not serve a purpose and rule would us remaining the policemen of the world neither of those so what is he going to do he's going to strike a balance in between and that's exactly what he's going to do and has been doing for the last 2 and a half years now I have to play you want to order cut it's a little bit older it's a vintage It comes from you're going to believe what comes from it comes from the current speaker of the house but it's an 11 year old piece of audio. Now this is Nancy Pelosi so classified you really have to dig it out of some a storage facility run by the u.s. Government like the end of writers of the last docket in some crate this is that this is already oh public audio of Nancy Pelosi what is she talking about illegal aliens and isn't it a surprising piece of audio I'll let you judge to. It we have. One of the options that we have available to. Work. And the challenge we have. Excuse me what was that Nancy we have a commitment to secure the border you Heda. How can you say that and then she closes on we must make sure that no more undocumented immigrants illegal aliens through p.c. Even enough and years ago we don't get any more crossing the border. What did she say it's a talking point for a Trump rally. Written by Steven Miller and slipped into Nazi polo sees a lot of cue for that speech this my friends tells you everything you need to know the Democrats have no principles. They flow with the stream they bend with the way and what ever will get them what they need nothing nothing is objective nothing has any truth value it's like. Amazing classified Telegraph. Wrote back to d.c. Back in 1947 the communist. And truth have a very special relationship truth is whatever the Communist Party needs to be on any given day of the week that is today's Democrat Party it's not your daddy's at it's most certainly not your grandfather's I'm Sebastian spreading truth with my friends why allies team members one America 1st on the Salem Radio Network next Katie Pavlovitch. Fox news here on America 1st. This is. 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Dot com. 96 point one north 1170 San Diego the answer. In the side of the u.s. Constitution America 1st. Yes indeed welcome friends so imagine if I'm a strategist to the president very excited about my current guest who may be a colleague but that doesn't. Really write this she brings to the studio she's kiddy power which I like reading Twitter bios but in reverse in this case. It starts a new born free. Boot addict to go inside graduate me to Ok and then bestselling author a New York Times bestseller a columnist for The Hill contribute to Fox News and town hall at it to follow Katie Pavlich I c h part of the massive empire that includes all of this radio station America 1st Katie welcome back to the Today feels so much it's great to be here I'm going to do the lefty identity politics thing on you Ok you're a woman right and you're young Yes So what do you think about young women in the squad. Do they represent you know they would also say well I'm white so I don't. Have a woman so that my views don't count but as one of their peers I would say that I discover what I have which is pizz it appears that I am but I would say I acknowledge the fact that socialism has never worked and I'm a student of Communist history and know that I don't want to go back to the way it used to be and I have family in former Yugoslavia and they are not fans of communism and the Russians in the Soviet Union for example and the United States of America is the most wonderful country that has ever existed in the history of mankind. And God willing will continue to be but the ideas of these 4 which are not based on race my criticism of them is not based on that or their skin color or their gender it's based on the idea that their very fragile ideas have been tried before and have resulted in the human suffering of hundreds of millions of people Ok and I don't think America is in the business of a human suffering so we should reject their ideas or let's let's get very tactical that's the big picture strategic the damage that the ideology is their spouse ing now in the 21st century down to humankind in the last 100 years let's get to the last week and a half who won the Twitter war between the president and the squad is can we draw a victor in vanquished Is it too early if we can who was well I think given the Warsaw ongoing president trying to still tweeting about the squad as we speak but the squads also talking about him in speeches so they're both on each other's minds but overall I think President Tom won this politically and this is why I said this when this 1st happened last week because he has. Everyone kept saying well the Democrats throat don't get in the middle of your enemies going after each other however they are also creating some space Nancy Pelosi was trying to say that they're just 4 people they only have 4 votes they don't control the narrative of the house they don't have any kind of real power in the Democratic Party but because President Trump tweeted about them they initially had this emotional overreaction about the things that he said and Nancy Pelosi immediately ran to Twitter herself to defend the squad who told her racist called a racist just 3 days before. And she went to defend them and then she put a resolution on the House floor violated the house rules to say what she said about the president calling him a racist and then the vote came down in a way that was very negative for Nancy Pelosi and then they had an impeachment vote the next day which was even worse. So she's been trying to stay $137.00 Democrats jump ship right so she's trying to stave off impeachment the squad gets a tax the impeachment resolution gets put back on the floor it gets a vote Nancy Pelosi had 95 people vote for impeachment what she's been trying to avoid politically could be set out in the country it's not a popular thing and then she had more than 100 people voting with Republicans showing solidarity with the Republican Party and the president so I think overall the president has won not that debate in terms of its own marrying the 2 Yes but it's certainly ongoing and you know if you look at the polling of where these 4 come down with the districts that Democrats want to hang on to they are described as toxic they don't like their socialism this is among Democrats living right off the country who by the way are voters and so I think politically for now he has won that debate does this mean because we have more than 470 days to go. So while it is a while does does that mean that this is all good for the president and for conservatives these people because there's 2 ways to look at this you have the radicals that really all driving the agenda for the Democrats it's clear nobody's talking about what Chuck Schumer said in the last 7 or 8 nobody everybody is talking about the green you Sky detention camps and everything else all this garbage doesn't mean that it's good that the president has shone a light on them or should be we'd be more disturbed especially with your family history my family history has suffered on the 1st fascism that event communism should we just I mean this is shocking isn't it that for people who all freshman have taken over the Democrat Party this socialists or they hate America I think you've seen this. This happening over the past probably 50 years though and academia is full of people write a c. And her she didn't. They were giving lectures as you. Say work for. The Pentagon on a global scale errors right they were sitting on the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Tigris and now they are right and so you know this they are very patient and their ideology has culminated in Montreux out exonerations right March to the institutions it's been backed up and now they're out there in the not apologizing for it's no longer something that the Communists part portion of their their base and their left wing ideology no longer has to stay in the corner and be hittin they can come out and be open about it and really gain a lot of power considering how much social media presence they have in the media glomming onto them and defending them against a president who they hate and it was they want to leave office so therefore they are going to do that by embracing these 4 as they have but in terms of their ideology Yeah it's a scary all ideology it's one that has Like I said put you know hundreds of millions of people into horrible human suffering positions. And or kill them and it's also a false ideology when it comes to actually fixing the problems that they claim to want to be fixing our standing up for the people that they claim that they're standing up for and so I think the president not just with these 4 but in general is a genius at x. Allowing Democrats to expose themselves so by tweeting about the squad initially he they just jumped into action and they exposed themselves Nancy Pelosi ran to defend them expose that she's really not that separate from them and Democrats on the campaign trail did the exact same thing and people have been asking the question about well why is he going after 4 members of the House who are just low level Congress freshman because every Democrat on the campaign trail running against them has completely embraced their political ideology and their policy positions on the debate stage so you can say that yeah they only have 4 votes in Congress but they are driving the train when it comes to what Democrats are campaigning on against President Trump and that is why he's responding to them and making them rightly so . The face of the party I have a. Minute left with in the segment and she's Grace graciously groups they've in 30 seconds. To leave sooner or later they're just going to go too far for the Democrats what do you think I don't know if they're going to go too far I mean there they are in the going to go and they're going to keep going I mean I'm not sure exactly what they can do that would be too far for them at this point they have a whole long list of things you think Democrats would be distancing themselves from and yet they've defended them with a resolution on the House floor last week so yes this is the truth. This is a mark of what took to Katie Pavlich at it's a Fox News contributor at. The age back with Katie in a moment after this message. This is. San Diego hello commuters right now good afternoon people were hurt and dozens of vehicles were damaged after someone with a b.b. Gun went on a drive by shooting spree in various parts of the city early yesterday morning one person was stabbed in Escondido Mountain View Park yesterday afternoon just after 3 pm the victim remains in the hospital a fire in a residential area burned one garage and cost about 1500 homes to temporarily lose power yesterday afternoon several California representatives including San Diego based representative Scott Peters won Vargas Susan Davis and Mike Love and announced new legislation aimed at fixing the sewage problem that has plagued San Diego's South Bay for decades and a 4.2 magnitude earthquake shook the 29 Palms community just after 9 am this morning closely Sunny this afternoon highs in the upper seventy's overnight lows in the upper sixty's tomorrow partly cloudy with a high in the mid eighty's this report sponsored by Liberty tobacco located on Claremont in the Ethan Allen center in the flower Hill Center I'm Randy Cox for the answer San Diego hey this is. D.d.a. 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Doing this last chapter is about how they overtook politics culture media the news the actual facts of the story someone who knows all of those details is Katie. Katie Pavlich. Edits a Fox News contributor and a colleague in fighting for freedom you've seen the video it is now viral of the. Event in 2016 then form a State Representative soon to be congressional representative to leave. Well behaves in a certain fashion let's play the video for all of us on this this. Will . Be. So that's an issue to tell even having to be forcefully ejected I think by the secrets from a trump a vent and then shall think that the people watching sitting bet you'll probably see. We'll ultimately universe always bizarro land Well yes I think we've been there for quite some time now you have to remember those is the woman that she said that she wanted to impeach the mother after and then she doubled down this week at her during her speech of the n.w.c. People she wasn't going to leave Congress until she had impeached President Trump do you think that she would have other things to be doing and Congress outside of constantly spending her time going after the president that's your job in Congress is just serve your constituency but I guess her constituency wants her to be focusing on this which is a whole nother story in itself but you know adults acting like that at political speeches instead of being professional listening and then maybe having a debate I think we're far from that I think Rio especially when they were around that everybody they disagree with that are a lot see you're a racist you're fascist I have to thank you back in the day when I was in the White House for standing up and calling them out when they use that language against me they not only use it against you they had you know Gerry Badler and members of the Democrats in the Senate were using government resources to try to ask for your papers and tried to get you deported right so this whole and because I work for a trial Right exactly so it's fine if they do it to you and use the full weight of the federal government resources and write letters to the Department of Justice to you know ask for your papers which used to be a racist thing to Dale apparently it's justified as long as you're allied with the right person or I'm going to see the question I think I'll share the last thoughts here but it is the most important question always events help us reassess rejig where we should be we have 270 days left what are we doing wrong what are the conservatives have to concentrate on in the next more than a year to make sure people like that really I'm sorry that's not a state. More people like that don't get power over our freedoms which I wouldn't say that we're doing anything. Wrong But I would say that there's more that should be right so I think the campaign is doing this you know the campaign is being run by very capable and experienced people who know that they have to go back and do the work you can't take any seat are any vote for granted you have to go back into all of the same places that you did last time you know I was in Ohio at the beginning of the year and all of the Republicans there many of them have been Democrats who switched their party affiliation for Trump said he has to come back here he has actually asked to come talk to us he has to come speak at the factory that closed down we have to hear from him so they know that they have to go back to those places and I think also maybe focusing a little bit less and giving these types less attention because they're going to get it on their own and maybe talking more about the issues would be helpful but generally speaking they know that they've got to get on the ground and do the work to an election in the last minute we have with you Katie Pavlovitch you know your family is still in the former Yugoslavia mine escape communism when Junior said in Orlando in the launch of the reelection campaign it's very simple 2020 is a choice between socialism and freedom and resonates with us does it resonate with people who don't know the real reality of socialism do we have to finesse that message I think in terms of the voting bloc of young people they have embraced it because they don't understand what it actually means but the younger black voters doesn't you know in terms of the people who turn out to vote but actually I don't know you can take that for granted but I think generally speaking it's something you have to explain you have to reiterate and you have to give examples of why it has failed not in the past but is failing my. Day that is Venezuela wasn't braced by people like Bernie Sanders and aoe see as the utopia show socialism should be what's happening now there is a complete disaster of human suffering and so we should definitely give examples that are accurate and modern day situations that we don't want to turn until we want to tell them that the threat is real not just historic we've been talking to Katie powerful Atrox News contributor town hall at a follow up Katie Pavitra p. A v l i c h I'm Sebastian Gorka author of the recent book Why We Fight defeating America's enemies with no apologies this is America 1st broadcasting from the relief factor dot com studios really fact pain relief that works this is a script I don't need a script because I live it along with my colleagues Dennis Prager Hugh Hewitt Mike Gallagher We've tried pain relief in all forms hasn't worked we've taken this natural supplement reservoir a trucker Cuban on the Get 3 fish rolls and it's incredible what Pete and Seth told would have created is natural pain relief that at the source of inflammation in my case a low back pain issue almost a decade long I took really fact for 2 weeks and it disappeared and has yet to come back a 3 week quick sort of pack is a poultry 1995 how much is pain relief worth it to your go to effect dot com right now see the incredible testimonials from across the country or your 3 we packed right now really Fact dot com Our number here for your calls but America 1st a 3333 goal that is 833-334-6752 back after these messages. 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Going to show you the let me listen to the ordeal of the little video when the fire all until she was caught red handed and this is the the Democrat who has committed the Thurgood national hate hoax just this year let's play Come one because people are getting really out of control. With this white privilege. I'm at the grocery store and I didn't see it that this is out of the list Yes I have 15 I don't but other pregnant and I can stand up for. A white man comes up to me. You lazy. To go back where you. Are you don't even go beyond that lazy. Let's bring you this here. And let's show this is the right there. Well we do it. With the plate. Is the way state is. Why he has so much hate in his heart of why you love life so much to America because what do we know about America Thomas now. She fabricated that. Because the man the white man. She accused of doing that of telling her to go back oh well he's a Democrat and he doesn't like being lied about and he's actually from Cuba so he's Hispanic and he on camera as she was being interviewed about that incident imagine if we had known that we walked on in front of the camera and said I didn't say that I didn't go back home Oh and by the way I'm a lifelong Democrat and I'm also Hispanic there is no depth in fact you know it's even worse to the trap Chris Wallace seems out of place on Fox He interviewed my former colleague Steve in this weekend and I have to cut and they're important it's the 1st one goes to the heart of racial politics today and where it's coming from and the 2nd goes to see. To the memory of those killed in the real concentration camps Let's listen to the racism of the left from Steven Miller with Chris Wallace cut for I fundamentally disagree with the view that if you criticize somebody and they happen to be a different color skin and that makes it a racial criticism and fact. Pressley this week that she was saying that if you are if you're brown you have to speak like a brown person if you're black you to speak like a black person that's the kind of ideology the president is rejecting if you want to have a kind of one society and you can criticize immigration policy you can criticize people here you can ask questions about where they're born and not have to be seen as racial Why does your skin color have to determine your political views Surely that's the ultimate racism. In free to express your opinion it respective all the shade of your skin. What would Martin Luther King have to say Presley of your determination that if you have a brown skin you can only say one type of thing he'd be horrified at you but what's more horrific is what Alexander Ocasio Cortez has done to the memory of those who died in real death camps and Steven Miller who lost family in the Holocaust is uniquely fit to make his judgment on what words let's listen to cut 5 I meant you as a Jew as an American Jew I am profoundly outraged by the comments from Ocasio Cortez it is a historical smear it is a sinful comment it minimizes the death of 6000000 of my Jewish brothers and sisters it minimizes their suffering and it pains every patriotic law enforcement officer as a war criminal and those are the comments that we need to be focusing on that last point I hadn't even thought of and it is really I mean he has an incredibly sharp mind if you say that the detention facilities where we protect illegal aliens concentration camps you are calling off federal agents war criminals and that is a rare breed sensible act from a cultural Cortez and the squad but we see through you thank you Steven Miller let's get to one of your calls the number is 833-334-6752 let's get to Ron in New Jersey line 4. Oh yes wrong go ahead the bastion thank you for taking my call I'm an older man I'm well into my sixty's I grew up in a military patriotic family my father was with General Patton in Europe I just not only our age absolutely amazed at the degree of infiltration that the radical left as that clip that you played was sickening. Congresswoman breaking down like a narcissistic child. Complete I don't know mindless Teletubbies motional insecure or undeveloped individual and this is this is elected to the Congress I just speak to every person I can have a presidential mandate to put President Trump back into position and you know I just never could believe that it was it had gotten to this extent the infiltration into our country believe it my friend believe me that's why we're here to push back on the lies they run you know you know that old anybody who's in the sixty's you can make penny Toppy references you're up on your you know what your social means I'm impressed Ron I'm impressed yeah it seems like some type of. Brainwashing that's gone on through the school says no. When you're a little older you see a bigger picture of what's actually hope and literally hundreds of the millennium it's not even their fault because you seem to be emotionally developed and wrong way and wrong. Ron ignorance is no defense I'm sorry I'm of a certain age you have to take responsibility for your own education and your own understanding of the truth great color I think the whole trance thing start of the Teletubbies remember one of them or 2 to. Subtle back then. How is your energy levels doing enough of your. 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Melting the web every day. Sure it's getting more and more subscribers every week just look for America post it's free free. Free. Let's go to John Line 3 in Cleveland Welcome to America 1st Yes Hello Dr Gorka Hi you are saying that the economy here this is doing really good I just heard on your local Well I said well I said well because Grammatically I say something does well not good but. But they just got through saying that and we will say we of Salem radio news that Social Security will become insolvent 'd in 2020 correct what's that got to do with the economy today well I don't think there are things that be doing too good of their Social Security to well if Ok so what is the growth of the economy and the growth of wages and investment got to do with future debt Well I mean remember 'd president from said that the economy is a great big bubble. Maybe but again I'm asking you a question what is future Social Security debt got to do with the condition of the economy today which is the strongest it has ever been in American history as a statement of fact it can say you said it's a great big mobile ready to pop No not now he didn't in the past he said he was referring to the hostage under Obama. You know he was talking about after he was inaugurated. Be full of the economy started firing on all cylinders John you're kind of lost in the forest here you do know we have the lowest unemployment in 70 years the lowest unemployment for Hispanics and black Americans since history with the since record keeping began you know we have growth rates that Obama said were impossible and you know that individual companies repatriating hundreds of billions of dollars you know these things right now with all that debt it's a big bubble. If you buy a very nice house John Ok a beautiful house and you've got a mortgage does the fact that you have debt in the bank make mean that the House is not beautiful John John it's not a call to get a read on it's not a complicated question if you buy a beautiful house and you make the down payment but you still owe 90 percent of the money to the bank is the house not still beautiful. It maybe John can you say yes or no can you say yes it's very simple is the house still a beautiful house I'm talking about going to live jaw guys if you can have a conversation do not call up seriously we have conversations here we don't talk about each other and when you also question the polite thing to do is. Give it a try with your wife some time it will work wonders I'm sponsored this is America 1st we have actually Sinclair your calls next. Number 37460343 sets him was looking for a place for his mom Francis in the alcohol in the Mesa Spring Valley area when I walked into Sun garden terrace I sensed a real homey feel that I liked that was just right up her alley I thought I don't vibrations were so good since Tim found some garden terrace he gets to visit just about every day and the price was certainly very reasonable and competitive compared to all of the other facilities that I had checked out Sun garden terrace customizes individual care into activities based on the unique aspects in abilities of your loved one you are invited to take a tour see the renovation of their welcoming memory care wing and join them for lunch visit sun garden terrace dot com or call 619464 Care sun garden terrace because there's such a lot of living to do 61946 for care. 96 point one north and 1170 San Diego the answer. Breaking news is one from townhall dot com And Keith Peters President Trump is denying of Rand's claim the. It has arrested 17 CIA recruits Iranian intelligence officials says the recruits were all Iranian nationals arrested over the past months for spying on the Islamic Republic's nuclear and military sites that's only a full story that's another lie the report comes amid rising tensions between the nations over the president pulling the u.s. Out of the Iran nuclear deal asked of Washington's closer to a deal or armed conflict he says Iran doesn't know which way it's going and continues disrespecting the u.s. Frankly it's getting harder for me to want to make a deal with Iran and says it could easily go either way Saager mag Washington President Trump is not happy about Special Counsel Robert Mueller scheduled testimony before Congress this way on Twitter the president describes Muller as highly conflicted and says he should not be given another bite at the apple following his 2 year investigation he says in the end it will be bad for him and the phony Democrats in Congress who he describes as having done nothing but waste time on this ridiculous witch hunt the president writes in all caps no collusion no obstruction White House correspondent Greg Luntz than a cold front is headed to the east coast bringing thunderstorms and cooler temperatures to the region but officials in New York City are still angry that Consolidated Edison shut down power during the heat wave to some neighborhoods in the City Mayor Bill de Blasio on w. A.b.c. T.v. Con Ed it is very haughty about this they don't give real answers and they don't feel they have to so I think it begs the question of whether a private company should continue to provide a service if they are not accountable to the public he accused Con Edison of making a conscious decision to shut down power in various neighborhoods on Wall Street that out by 18 points the Nasdaq rose 58 the s. And p. Advanced state oil up to 5609 a barrel more on these stories at townhall dot com. 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Foundation's investment advisors and registered investment adviser now here's Marty. Good reading frenzy and welcome to the world of well Financial Network in Happy Monday to letter here the retirement Professor glad to have you all along and hope you had a great weekend pass thanks for joining me where. We're going to talk about your life your money your finances your retirement and we do have the phone lines open here this afternoon as always AAA 344-1170 is the phone number triple 83441170 if you have any. Financial or retirement type questions we've got the phone lines open for you and we invite you to participate. If you have something that's kind of got to scratching your head a little bit on your financial life give us a call and know we'll get John board here triple 834411783441170 live on this Monday afternoon to remember what day of the week it was and let's see let's start let's just take a look at the market today the market actually closed slightly higher Not much much much action but kind of hovered most of the day right around the opening price didn't move much but the Dow. The Dow Jones finished about 17 points the s. And p. Index up about 8 and a half in the Nasdaq was the biggest percentage gainer on the day up $57.00 on the Nasdaq to close at 82 wolf or so green numbers all around them the 3 major indexes so we are in the middle of you know earnings right now where companies are. Reporting their last quarter's numbers. And it's always a bit of a you know. A challenging time for companies because a they have to do the reporting to begin with and but at the same time they also have to give. Guidance as to what the that particular company sees moving ahead to the next quarter what the outlook is and you know for them their industry their placement within the industry what they predict. In terms of their earnings for the following quarter so all of that is looked at carefully and that investors and managers and portfolio managers try to digest all that and get a sense of what is going on with the consumer are we spending money are we. Continuing to expand the economy so. Doubt 16 percent of the s. And p. $500.00 companies have reported their 2nd quarter earnings and the blended aggregate estimate is a decline of about 1.9 percent from a year ago in terms of earnings so. End of the companies that have reported results already 79 percent have beat their earning pre-shared estimates by an average of 7 percent so. That's pretty good so you know that and this is kind of the way it works during you know earning this reporting week where they're digesting not just the numbers from the past quarter but they're trying to gain a sense from the guidance as to you know what can be expected from this particular business moving forward and. Tell you what it's it's been.