Even celebrity happenings that impact our emotional and mental wellbeing my hope is to build a community of support and help you feel less alone and hopeless no matter and what ever your situation maybe I will inform uplift give advice when appropriate and connect you to resources in the community I will also try to entertain and have some fun along the way I want you to have a better understanding of the role of mental health I want to help you make sense of your struggles and your experiences and provide answers and guidance on a range of issues such as depression p.t.s.d. Anxiety divorce aging dementia grief and loss if you're a caretaker how that might be impacting you addictions self-esteem issues body image issues anger sexuality faith and the list goes on and on we will tackle each and every one of them one show at a time there is nothing like this show on the radio that I know of and it brings me great joy to have these types of conversations with you I hope that you join us for the hour since this is our very 1st show I thought it might be most appropriate to start with the question what is mental health. What do we mean when we say that what do you think that means when you hear those words Well there's a lot of different definitions of mental health and we can all get lost in the clinical jargon around it but simply put mental health refers to our cognitive behavioral and emotional well being again it refers to our cognitive meaning the way we think behavioral the way we act or behave and emotional the way we feel that's according to the medical news today so how we move and function in the world is a direct reflection of our mental health because we are all thinking feeling and behaving every single moment of the day unless when you're asleep of course the World Mental Health Organization stresses that mental health this is really important is not just the absence of a mental disorder Ok I'm going to repeat that mental health a healthy state of mind is not just the absence of a mental disorder so just because one doesn't have a diagnosed mental health condition it does not mean that one has optimum mental health and vice versa just because one has a mental health diagnosis does not mean that they do not have a healthy state of mind the absence or presence of a mental health diagnosis alone does not determine or predict whether you will have a healthy state of mind there are of course exceptions to this like people who have very serious mental illnesses or psychotic disorders excess schizophrenia for example but we will tackle more of that in a separate show. I think this is evident if you just look around society today or the media or even Hollywood there are a lot of people who are under the radar so to speak an extreme example that I can think of is unfortunately the last Vegas incident where this man Stephen paddock unfortunately mass murdered 58 people I believe and as I understand it he had no documented history of having had a mental health condition but then what he did was clearly something a mentally sick person would do it later turns out that his doctor suspected he had bipolar disorder but he was never treated for it or formally diagnosed so this is a great example of how somebody who did not have a mental health diagnosis and that are being very very mentally unstable and then on the other side of the coin there are a lot of people with obvious signs of mental health imbalance who garner success power fame money people we revere and sometimes even emulate think celebrities and famous people so we all start with a mental health set point or baseline meaning we all come with a set of thoughts beliefs behaviors and emotions just like we came of the body we came with a mind it's part of the package of being human therefore it is essential that we understand protect and nourish our mental health the way we do our bodies because mental health is just as important as our physical health. As a matter of fact I do not believe that one can achieve optimum health without a healthy state of mind and sometimes when your body might be failing you your mindset can save you think about that that's how powerful the mind is it's all starts with our thoughts and perceptions and there is now a ton of research proving this mind body connection there is undeniable scientific evidence that supports this not only are we what we eat I say we are also ultimately what we think we now know this that stress affects us on a cellular level think about that stress from work relationships death divorce and sometimes even positive stress can be tough on our bodies like thing for example like a wedding your body can't tell if you're stressed because there's a big grizzly bear in front of you or whether you just think that there's a big grizzly bear in front of you get it your body can't tell the difference between perceived or actual danger it just reacts to what you're thinking to what you're believing in that moment we now also know about what we call neuroplasticity This is our brain's ability to adapt and change through the choices and lifestyle changes we make that's the brain is a malleable organ that's really wonderful news that we are not bound by our genes we can minimize the impact of life stressors by changing the way we relate to the problem. By changing our narratives about it which is not always easy by the way and this is why professional help exists so that you can have some support if you've been feeling stuck for a while or you're experiencing persistent or chronic sometimes so isn't that empowering to know that you have that kind of choice and personal power some of you may have heard about Viktor Frankl and his book Man's Search for Meaning for those of you who don't know he was a psychiatrist and a Holocaust survivor and his wife and mother and father were murdered in the gas chambers and somehow he was able to come out of that horrific almost unthinkable experience with with still so much of life in him so much hope and faith in humanity when he saw the worst of humanity and he wrote a book about it and he wrote a book about. What makes us human basically and what our purpose and meaning ultimately is he survived an overcame because of how he perceived his experiences Isn't that incredible the power of the human spirit and it all starts with our mindset I want to read you a little excerpt from the book as I think this might give you some pause in the concentration camp every circumstance conspires to make the prisoner lose his hold all the familiar goals in life are snatched away what remains is the last of human freedoms. The ability to choose one's attitude in a given set of circumstances I'm going to repeat that last statement what remains is the last of human freedoms the ability to choose one's attitude in a given set of circumstances Wow what a powerful statement Viktor Frankl survived and over came because of how he chose to perceive and relate to his experiences he could've just been a victim all his life but he survived it and he thrived and he spent the rest of his life inspiring and healing other people now that's a story. So you don't have to do this alone and you are not alone we all need support we all need community there is a whole industry of very smart talented professionals ready and willing and able to help you so please if you're feeling stuck and you've been suffering long enough and you live in San Diego you can give us a call transcend therapy our phone number is 619-823-1382 or you can look at us look look at look at ups are they on the web at transcend therapy see a that com So the other thing I want to talk about is what's called post-traumatic growth Ok so you've probably heard about p.t.s.d. Which stands for post-traumatic stress disorder. Well the upside of p.t.s.d. Can be post-traumatic growth this is one a person who experience horrific abuse or incredibly painful or Tragic events such as some of our military veterans in war come out on the other side a much more whole and happier person how does that happen we're going to talk about that in another segment you know the resiliency factors the things that make people thrive and survive like they are Franco I know that this is 100 percent true and possible I've seen this many many countless times in my practice that we can live a full life in spite of what happened to us but it all starts with the quality of your mental health that's why I'm so passionate about this subject I can personally attest to that we won't get into it we won't get into my background today. About trust me when I say I know what it's like to feel deep in dark despair and be completely on the on the other side of my history I know that firsthand and I am telling you I will not I would not be doing this work or this show and dedicating my life to this if I did not believe that but it starts with a choice it's up to you to choose the path of healing 1st no one can make you do that Ok now the power of our mind like I've been talking about is so incredible Our thoughts and beliefs shape virtually everything we do every choice every yes every no every step every relationship everything. Unless of course there isn't always an exception right unless of course one is unconscious or not mentally. Mentally competent which is of course another another conversation so I hope you have a better understanding of why this is important to protect and nourish your mental health just the way we do our bodies so you might be wondering well with all this talk about mental health what constitutes a healthy state of mind am I on the right track Well the National Mental Health Association cites 10 characteristics of people who are mentally healthy and I want you to think about this list is just a guide it's not an exhaustive list by any means but it's just a good way to gauge where you're at on the continuum of mental health Ok so the number one thing that they cite is that people feel better or or the person feels good about themselves that's one of the characteristics I would like to think of that is like somebody with a healthy sense of self or self esteem. Number 2 they do not become easily overwhelmed by emotions such as fear anger love jealousy guilt. So what I want to say about that is it's not about having these emotions I think what they're talking about here is not frequently being overwhelmed by these emotions to the point that it impacts your functioning and debilitates you so having more balance in your reactions in wrists and responses in other words Ok Number 3 having lasting and satisfying personal relationships I really like the part where they say satisfying personal relationships because just because a relationship has lasted it doesn't mean that it's healthy or that it's satisfying so that's really important number 4 they feel comfortable with other people Next they can laugh at themselves and with others that's when you're not taking things so personally right that's when you can rise above Failure Rejection number 6 they have respect for themselves and for others even if there are differences this is really really important guys because so much of our political environment right now. Is struggling with this respecting others even if there are differences right there seems to be so much animosity and demon a demonizing of each other lately depending on where you're at in the political spectrum so I'm going to dedicate a show on this later on. There is able to accept life's disappointments they don't become stuck for too long in k. And by the way if you are finding yourself stuck for too long it's not necessarily your fault because usually that means there have been events or traumas that have not been and have not been processed therefore that's what's keeping you stuck that's why professional help can be really really helpful and we specialize in trauma and abuse recovery and transcend therapies so if you're in San Diego give us a call and we would be more than happy to support you through that Ok the next one they know they can meet life's demands and handle their problems when they arise they can make their own decisions and they shape their environment whenever possible and adjust to it when necessary Ok so that's just a quick guide. To to give you a sense of what we're going for here so imagine going through your day thinking feeling and behaving in that way doesn't that sound pretty pretty magical Unfortunately none of us think feel or behave that way 100 percent of the time because it's not about perfection not even priests or monks or nons can do that Ok it's a practice having a healthy state of mind is a practice just like you go to the gym to work out your body it's the same thing with your mental health it's not just going to happen and it's not just a $1.00 to $1.00 time thing that you work on and then you're done it's something you have to cultivate Ok so again it's not being it's not about being perfect. The best that we can hope for is to have enough awareness support and coping skills in our toolbox so that when unpleasant experiences or tragedies come our way we have the ability to weather the storm and for those of you who have been diagnosed with a mental health condition I'm very passionate about what I'm about to say here if you've been diagnosed with a mental health condition I want you to know that your condition is a what you have it is not who you are Ok it's what you have it's not who you are a great example of this is people who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder right often times we hear people say oh she's bipolar which you know maybe doesn't mean that much to you but what we're really saying is relabeling that person that there are their condition it's much more mindful to say in appropriate to say she has bipolar disorder instead of she's bipolar you know if that can make a big difference in that person's way of conceptualizing themselves. You know do we ever say if somebody has cancer Oh she's cancer no we don't say that right we say that person has cancer we seem to have a little bit more more. Distinction about it so we just need to be more mindful of our words and language and you know I will own up to that I think our mental health field can can do a better job also. This stigmatizing that industry because I think sometimes our our clinical terminologies and our clinical Dargon can contribute to the stigmatization of mental health issues. But just to clarify I don't want to oversimplify mental health either right there are definitely serious mental illnesses and chronic conditions that require intensive support sometimes including hospitalization or residential treatment so there are definitely those cases if you will if you are a loved one is struggling with unexplained or uncontrolled symptoms give yourself the gift of a professional assessment a lot of mental health sometimes are fixable That's the good news but you have to be willing to dedicate the time and the resources towards it and in this day and age and with all the research and advance advancements that have happened in the mental health field there are very effective forms of treatment for many psychiatric conditions did you know that anxiety and depression is one of the most treatable mental health conditions one of the most treatable there's no good reason to really be suffering in that way but it's up to you to take the 1st step you may not have chosen to have a mental health condition but for the most part you can choose how to manage it that's where your choice and power is you can choose how to manage it had a little of it Ok so hopefully all this information is helpful in making you think differently about our mental health so for now I'd like to answer a couple of questions that came through and the 1st question is from Rose in Crown Point Here's her question oftentimes there is a stigma that surrounds mental health that prevents a person from seeking advice. What would you say to a person has a tenant about seeking help well that's a very good question thank you Rose I think I have answered this question in part but to further elaborate I would 1st tell that person that the relationship between therapist and client is strictly confidential by law I would reassure them that they do not have to share the fact that they are in therapy with anyone that they can have that boundary in the beginning in fact I might even advise against self disclosure in the earlier stages of therapy if they fear that they will in fact be shamed or judge or just significantly negatively affected though that's just a little practical advise to help people with the initial fear apprehension about therapy is that it's confidential but more importantly I would tell that person at the pain and suffering of not living a happy fulfilling life is going to be by far more far more painful than that of being judged and shamed there is no shame in taking care of yourself there is no shame in taking full responsibility for your life are we ashamed of working out you know. Going to the gym or a yoga class or going on a diet know there's just so many distortions and misconceptions out there about what it means to seek mental health support when it means to go to therapy and like I said earlier maybe part of it is our language the words we use like disorders or illness and like I said we need to to work on that but. No there is no shame in taking care of yourself and the person judging and shaming probably could use some therapy themselves. I'm being a little I'm being a little. Sarcastic there but seriously though we have all been conditioned to stigmatize mental health it's no particular person's fault it's just were we were collectively as a people as a culture but things are changing now the fact that I can have a show like this is proof of the tides changing we're not out of the woods yet though there's still plenty of work but we're definitely in a much better place than ever before so I would say to that person rose step into your power and courage and make that call trust that wise voice the thing is you really have nothing to lose only so much to gain you know what's the worst thing that can happen you don't like your therapist fine there's thousands of other ones and by the way that's actually really important shopping around for a good therapist and making sure it's the right fit just because you see one you're not stuck with them if it's not working for you Ok. You're not alone you are not crazy and things can get better give yourself the gift of healing and peace and if you live in San Diego call us 619-823-1382 again 619-823-1382 transcend therapy or go to our website at transcend their a p c a that com. By the way just just to clarify Ferebee may not always be necessary Ok sometimes you know you just need to talk to her friend go for a walk. Distract yourself shake it off and you're fine but what I'm talking about here is chronic persistent. Symptoms patterns things that are getting in the way of you happy having a healthy happy life. Feedback that maybe other people have given you those usually are the times to seek mental health support Ok especially if you know you or someone you know are having suicidal thoughts thoughts of hurting others. Can't get out of bed Those are pretty chronic symptoms and you don't have to suffer alone Ok. So that's my answer to you Rose So we have another question here from Sarah in Adelaide gardens and her question is do therapists experience the same things other people do are their lives perfect Oh boy that's a great question and the answer to that is absolutely not our lives are far from perfect and remember what I said before it's not about perfection anyway as a matter of fact unhealthy perfectionism often creates more mental health problems but to answer your 1st question do we experience the same things other people do yes yes yes most definitely we're humans 1st before we are anything else. Therapists experience pain loss shame some have psychiatric diagnoses some have addictions some are in recovery some are functioning better than others some times clients are healthier than their therapists I hate to say that but that's true but it's not an all or nothing deal Ok The bottom line is it's not about having issues or problems because none of us are a finished product we're all a work in progress it's a bad out what are you doing about it how is it impacting your life and your loved ones and are you willing to grow and change when needed that to me is the most important question Are you willing to grow and change when needed Ok And as far as therapists are concerned one of the best ways to gauge your experience is how do you feel about the relationship with your therapist do you feel safe you feel understood do you think the therapist has a solid grip or understanding of your issues are you seeing results a are you feeling and doing better are your thoughts emotions and behaviors behaviors improving because ultimately that's why you're there that's the whole reason the relationship exists is so that you can feel and do better if those things are happening then generally speaking the therapist is probably pretty competent in the area in which you need help in and is probably doing a good job managing their own stress. Another thing to consider consider is red flags Ok for example is a therapist consistently canceling or looking out of sorts to shovelled frequently making the sessions about them crossing boundaries even making sexual advances which unfortunately happens on rare occasions If so then trust your gut it would be best to find another therapist you're not obligated to see the same person especially if you are being violated in any way shape or form so I hope that I hope that helps you Sarah. Another question here from James in Little Italy he asks What is the 1st step in helping a loved one who may have a mental health condition but does not think that they do and he says I believe one of my family members is suffering from an eating disorder Ok this is going to be a complicated one so or a complex one so hang in hang in there with me everybody 1st of all thank you James for wanting to know how to best help your loved one for being willing to learn new ways of supporting someone that's that's a really awesome thing so the 1st thing I would say is offer non judge mental support Ok what do you mean by that I mean we all have judgments we make judgments every day but it's what we do about it so just suspend your judgment even if you think you're right or no you're right that's not the time in place to offer that Ok just hope especially if they don't think that they have a mental health. Situation Ok so just. Holding the space for that person offering your observations versus labeling what you're seeing So for example you know if if you see this family member and you've you notice that they're sad you can just reflect that back right so you're not labeling you're not saying you look depressed you're saying hey I notice that you've been looking sad lately and asked the person how you can help this is if there are only open to the conversation and they're open to getting help from you and there's some form of you know. Disclosure on there and if there isn't Don't push just keep an open door right that's what I mean by holding the space like you're watching on the sidelines not offering too much too soon just flying them know I'm here for you and then if they are if they are willing to get some help and support you can offer to give them resources in San Diego we have an excellent resource called the San Diego access and crisis line and they're open 247365 days a week I used to work there so I know firsthand that there are many quality clinicians waiting for your call. And they will talk to you no matter what time of day or night and support you through whatever you're going through but they can also give you information on various social service type needs in groups in the community for eating disorders addictions and so forth so you can offer to give that to your loved one if she's open to it. And this this this part of what I'm about to say is really important respect for where they are in the stage of change so you're in you're in the stage of change what we call action you're ready to act right it sounds like this family member is in a stage where they're not even thinking about that about the problem or maybe they're thinking about it but that's all that's where they're at they don't want to do anything about it so it doesn't matter what you say or do that's where they're at so this is why you have to be patient and this is why I always tell my clients is hold the space you know because everybody has their own. Timeline and journey or rock bottom like they say in recovery but there's no right or wrong that person's going to going to ask for help when they're feeling sufficiently bad enough and so as a loving family member all you can do is respect that and not personalize that and just be there for that person just let them know him here when you need me and I'm not going to judge you either way Ok. For you though you might need to get support for yourself if this is getting to be too much or too stressful it's Ok to have boundaries to know your limits taking breaks taking breaks from that person if you guys are like spending too much time it's really starting to affect you spending time in doing activities that you enjoy with other people all of that stuff is going to be really really important for you to sustain this is support for this family member Ok so if you're like calm compartmentalized the stress or. So hopefully that's helpful James and for those of you who may have other burning questions related to your mental and emotional well being you may e-mail us at transcend their p.c. At g. Mail dot com Again transcend their p. And g. Mail dot com And we welcome and look forward to your questions and I would be happy to answer them here on the show so thank you for being here thus far I hope you are getting something out of the show but for now I just wanted to talk a little bit more about our mental health especially the beautiful organ called the brain that controls virtually everything we do such a powerful organ so our brain has evolved over centuries to be what it is now Ok and so has our society the things we humans used to fear and worry about say a 1000000 years ago are very very different from what we fear and worry about now but you know what in all the years I've been doing this the one thing that I truly believe remains constant no matter what century you are born in race class political beliefs all these things that differentiate us as humans the one thing that remains constant is our yearning for the love. And acceptance you know at the end of the day I'm convinced we all just want to love and be loved this is our true nature. Unless of course again there's exceptions like so people who are sociopathic. And. Psychopaths they may not have this longing and capacity for love the way we understand it and empathy and you know research and studies are showing that their brains are very different from ours but that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about for the majority of us Ok that we have this huge earning for love belonging and acceptance. And I believe this is what you know my forefathers in the mental health field have been talking about it's called attachment theory and again not going to get into that but that's another show so the main premise of attachment theory which we're not going to get into but just to make my point right it's it's a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space Ok so this is the heart of attachment theory which is what a lot of our work in mental health is born out of a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space also known as and my in my layman's terms love right this is this is all about love guys and for some reason we still have a difficult time saying the word love in our field but I believe that the work is really about our return home our Return to Love which is our true nature Ok and our mental health dept hands on it. So this is why I am so passionate about this. So for those of you who are thinking well you know I'm too old it's too late well support of changing this is comfortable well not true not true at all you're never too old you just haven't hit that point yet where you feel sufficiently bad enough to want to do anything about it or you've lost whole or you haven't found found found the right fit Ok so I'd like to share one of my favorite quotes here with you guys you're never too old never too bad never too late and never too sick to start from scratch once again I'm going to repeat that one more time because I think it's really powerful You're never too old never too bad never too late and never too sick just start from scratch once again you could literally be on your deathbed and if you have enough consciousness in that moment you can make a change you can say sorry you can make amends you could ask for forgiveness like you know what I mean like it's just you know it's not too late and that code is from the founder of Bikram yoga Bikram himself. So give yourself a chance seek support you deserve it remember your true nature is love you deserve it but you can't have that you can't have that healthy experience that healthy love if there's been a lot of pain and trauma and unresolved issues that you're carrying around Ok so on that note. I would like to end our show with a positive story and this is about a current client of mine whom of course will remain anonymous as I'm not allowed to to identify them so I really love this story because of how we started and where this gentleman was and where he is now Ok he came in about maybe 34 years ago in his early sixty's male married retired as a pretty good life you know from the outside financially doing well travels a lot you know just has an easy life quote unquote from the outside and the reason he came to me was because his wife wanted him to get some help it wasn't even his idea is wife kind of got of got fed up with some of his behaviors he would just you know become verbal be aggressive usually to strangers not his wife and some neighbors that rub in the wrong way he would have these anger outbursts you know in public road rage nothing too crazy but you know enough to you never got into a fight or a physical altercation but that certainly was a risk because it was his behaviors were escalating and so his wife was starting to get really worried and increasingly uncomfortable in public because of you know the unpredictability of her husband so she she brought him in and over the years of working together he really has shown. So much progress and this is why I'm saying it's not too late I mean this gentleman has had so much trauma so in my world we call we have what we call a little traumas and big dramas Ok little traumas or you know a little traumas along the way like maybe some dogs or. You know you had a car accident nothing too crazy and or are serious and things like that and big traumas are where say you were sexually abused or physically abused emotionally abused and so forth and I'm going to talk about trauma in a separate segment but I'm just you know simplifying this for you guys but anyway he had a lot of little traumas and big traumas he had all of them and many of them so and he's never had therapy before and he comes from that generation where you don't talk about these things and you don't do that and you just tough it out and try to figure it out yourself I'm glad his wife knew and knew better so he came in with all of that and I finally. You know we got to the point of our treatment where he trusted me enough to start talking about those things and little by little as we as we tackled what I call his baggage of pain right where he had little rocks of traumas and big boulders and big rocks of traumas little by little he started feeling better and doing better he no longer has these episodes. I mean I think for a good going to say going on 2 years I've been working with him for 4. But don't be scared I mean not everybody you know comes to therapy for that long but he started off coming weekly and now he's just coming once a month he's on a maintenance track which is really amazing and he doesn't have those outbursts usually travel is a big trigger for him and he travels a lot and he doesn't have the same kind of emotional behavioral issues when he travels his wife is so much more calm traveling with him she doesn't have to manage him and he really unburdened and what we found the reason why he was behaving in acting this way is because he was severely physically emotionally verbal e abused by his father and so that was that little inner boy that little child that was abused and wounded was the one showing up in all of these interactions when he was you know asking out and being aggressive really displacing his anger onto other people places and things and really he was really a very with his father and with himself he had a lot of self blame self loathing but through you through work through him dedicating the time and resources and trusting the process he is a very very different man he's a changed person. And he you know he talks about that and how he feels like he's just not the same person he can't recognise that person I mean we're not out of the woods yet we are now working on the little rocks right because the big rocks were really weighing him and we needed to deal with them 1st and that's the beauty of therapy as you remove the big rocks from your bag of pain you realise that there are these little rocks of pain that you never would've gotten to because the big rocks were in the way and so now what we're doing is we're not in crisis anymore we're not dealing with these acute childhood traumas anymore. We are now able to work on other day to day things and deep meaning he is his practice so to speak into being this wonderful human which he always was right but his thoughts and his believes about himself created a narrative that was just simply untrue and so this is why I'm so passionate about this work this is just one of the many many stories we have. In my practice and millions of other therapist across the globe have these experiences all the time and I wanted to bring some of that out here on the radio you know and share it with the world so that you don't feel like like this is this. This mysterious process and going to therapy is this weird strange thing it really isn't were essentially talking in a safe place and you get to really impact whatever has been bothering you but you don't feel safe talking to anyone else Ok so I hope that this gives you hope and inspiration and courage the courage to heal the courage to step into your own power and the courage to return home the courage to be love and to love which is really what this show is essentially about so thank you so much for for being here today for listening thus far again my name is Cecile Aaron's our practice is in San Diego California on Park Boulevard in the University Heights Hillcrest area my phone number is or the phone number for the practice is 619-823-1382 again that's 619-823-1382 the e-mail if you want to e-mail us is transcend there a p at g. Mail that Com transcend there be at g. Mail that com and our website is transcend therapy ca that's for Cecilia Aarons transcend therapy see a bat com And for those of you it's been brought to my attention that maybe I need to spell transcend it's t r a n s c e n d. And we will be here every Saturday 6 to 7 am I hope that you continue to join us I'm so crazed and excited to share this time of you and till next time be well and be gentle 5 For now thanks for joining us today and good mental would see you here to learn more about to see you become a sponsor or a guest on good mental Well if you have any questions about mental health visit transcend there the ca dot com That's transcend There Be Ca down pat join us next week at this same time for more time on all things mental health and get mental with Cecile Aaron's. 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Over 20 years ago now they're offering the answer water boy discount $500.00 off any water boy whole house system call 1800 water boy today for a free estimate and water tests the water boy also extends the life of your appliances and even improves dry skin the water boy has 5 star ratings and is maintenance free with the best warranty in the business call 1800 water boy and ask for the answer water boy discount that's 1800 water boy or visit Superior water dock and remember that water is a serious problem and the water boy is your answer make the change this spring to have fresh tasting water from every tap period of every. File system and it is not . A great model. Number 37460343 sets him was looking for a place for his mom Frances in the alcohol in the Mesa Spring Valley area when I walked into Sun garden terrorists I sensed a real homey feel like that was just right up her alley I thought vibrations were so good since Tim found some garden terrace he gets to visit just about every day and the price was certainly very reasonable and competitive compared to all of the other facilities that I had checked out some garden terrace customize individual care and activities based on the unique aspects and abilities of your loved one you are invited to take a tour see the renovation of their welcoming memory care wing and join them for lunch this is Sun garden terrace dot com or call 619464 Care sun garden terrace because there is such a lot of living. To deale 619464 care. 96 point north. 11 see. Just how our townhall dot com with Washington Park Sherman reports Trump administration is still looking for a legal way around a Supreme Court decision blocking the inclusion of a citizenship question on next year's census so there's been a dizzying series of events and the latest news is that the Justice Department says that it's continuing to look for legal grounds to try to force the inclusion of the question on the census and that comes just shortly after the president himself said he is considering an executive order to get the question included among other options what's not clear is exactly how the government plans to proceed another major earthquake struck in Southern California last night with a preliminary magnitude of 7 point one The restaurant manager Ramon sort of says the quake was disorienting I just felt dizzy efforts to be honest. When it got ready. Before so but when I seen the screens moving and I knew in the next quake then it seemed pretty long and contact seismologist Lucy Jones says it's clear that the quake on Thursday was not a big one with more powerful aftershocks on the way we changed the name of all the 1st one of course so everything up before the $7.00 would be considered a foreshock to this earthquake this is an earthquake sequence and it will be I'm going strong jobs report yesterday financial analyst Hilary Kramer says the White House is still calling for an interest rate cut even if the jobs report signals a healthier economy they are adamant as ever wanting to see the Federal Reserve such now cutting rate very important and very critical to the economy because of that.

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