It's time now for the Bob Siegel show a religious open forum where all questions are welcome. And now here's your host just in apologist Bob Seger. And this is Bob So you go sell you'd like to believe in God but lately you've been meeting people who call themselves Hebrew Christians or Jewish Christians and you are wondering what isn't there if there is retrain a Jewish Christian a plain old run of the mill question well my friend there isn't supposed to be any difference at all at least no difference of belief I myself I'm a Jewish Christian this means that I was born and raised Jewish about in young adulthood I came to understand that Jesus was the promised Jewish Messiah something that you don't find it in most of these days I came to understand that the Son of God came to die for the sins not only of the Jewish people but all people now some of you that is a contradiction of terms they say a Jew can not believe in Jesus if he starts believing in Jesus that immediately means isn't Jewish anymore they say that you deism in Christianity are 2 completely different religions Ok. There are many a Roni s. Ideas about organized religion floating around and this is one of them so allow me to set the record straight as a matter of fact the title Jewish Christian is not a contradiction in terms I don't care what you've heard Judaism is based on a series of promises from God that we've come true after the Messiah arrived Christ is merely a translator ation of the Greek word creased else that's Greek for Messiah and so a Christian is one who thought those the messiah how can one cease to be Jewish if they are following the promised Jewish Messiah Jesus himself was Jewish his disciples were Jewish the very 1st church in Jerusalem was made up of all Jews Gentiles didn't come on the scene until later anyway that is supposed to be the definition of the Hebrew Christian one who has accepted the Messiah Jesus Fortunately these days there is a new branch of thinking amongst some Jewish Christians called the Hebrew roots movement. Let me be as clear as I possibly can I am a Hebrew Christian I am not a part of the Hebrew roots movement while I do share their belief that Cheesus is the Messiah this movement has a lot of other beliefs that I strongly disapprove of now if you've been listening to my radio program these past couple of weeks you realize we're continuing today in the middle of a discussion already in progress if you'd like to hear the previous ones you can go to my website Bob Segal dot net and on these previous programs I have been critiquing 2 different movements on opposite sides of the Paul I began by showing the flaws of what is called Replacement Theology the belief that God is done with Israel that all promises about Jesus returning to rescue Israel someday are not to be taken literally and are instead fulfilled in the church as a kind of new Israel that is false and I spent a good deal of time proving from the scripture that it is false no god is not done with Israel however and it's a significant however in their zeal to move far away from Replacement Theology the Hebrew roots movement has moved too far again some of what they teach is true they are correct when they point out that Christianity grew out of Judaism when they speak against the shameful anti Semitism which is permeated much of church history of course they are correct when they defend the idea that one can be both a Jew and a Christian at the same time unfortunately many other claims are also being made today in the name of the Hebrew roots movement and on these other matters I am forced to part company now as I mentioned last time initially I enjoy fellowshipping with other Jewish believers although it is perfectly content to call myself an. Christian It did not matter to me if other preferred terms like completed Jew or May Sienna Q To me it was the same serial just in a different box I felt no obligation to incorporate Jewish customs into my life such as the Sabbath Passover or young Kapoor neither did I feel God calling me to attend a may see in excess of God rather than a Sunday morning church service a bike if my Jewish Christian friends enjoyed celebrating the traditions of their heritage I was totally fine with it in those days I was not chastised by anybody to follow suit Hebrew tradition was described as a choice the Gospel itself remained pure and unblemished we were saved through the Atonement of Jesus and nothing else the only problem I did see in those days was some over zeal which became a bit arrogant I was concerned when some of my Jewish Christian Brothers would say Well Bob has Jews we were already got chosen people and when one becomes a Christian he is also chosen by God So we are double we chosen and doubly blessed Of course it was tempting to bask my prideful ego in such a notion but I knew that biblically this was not a road to go down there were the last cocky as they sounded at times I never heard any blatant heresy and for this reason I lost no sleep over the track of fellow Hebrew Christians but as the years passed I saw gradual and significant changes from completed Jews no longer with the customs dietary laws and policies of Judaism Meir tradition for them Jewish Christians were supposedly under an obligation to continue following the law of Moses with Gentiles this was only an option at 1st then as time went on that changed as well I started hearing the Gentiles also were expected to God by God to a bay the law the evolution of viewpoints is. And human phenomenon people when excited about a course of action are seldom satisfied there is always a need for more always a need to demand even greater forms of obedience they got worse I started hearing that the New Testament was originally written in Hebrew and the Greek ideas have substantially changed the original Jewish roots of Christianity often resulting in a false message with distorted words I heard from a few people that Jews are going to be saying whether they accept Christ or not just because there are many Jewish Some even went so far as to deny the deity of Christ and deny the entire Trinity claiming such deification of Jesus was an invention of Emperor Constantine No this is the kind of so-called scholarship that inspired the Devinsky code in to be traced tremendous ignorance about early church history now Hebrew Christians who fail to call fellow Jews to Christ who deny the Trinity are in the minority to be fair they are in the minority so I will not focus on those issues at this juncture I have done entire radio shows about the Trinity I have also written articles on the subject both of which you can find on my website I even have articles on my website showing the Trinity in the Old Testament and as far as the idea that Jews are automatically saved Well Peter made it very clear that that's not the case and I talked about Peter before telling his fellow Jews that they must accept Christ as for the New Testament being written in Hebrew that is true only with the Gospel of Matthew and even Matthew eventually put out a Greek version as evidence by the fact that he sometimes stops to explain to his readers what a certain Hebrew phrase means the rest of the New Testament was written in Greek which makes sense since it was aimed primarily at a Greek speaking audience Greek was to the ancient world with English is today it was the language of the court it was the. Language of the marketplace one can travel to virtually any country and find people who spoke Greek so naturally it makes sense that the Gospel of Christ which was meant to go to the entire world would be written in the most commonly understood language ladies and gentlemen my personal feelings are not at stake here because I wouldn't really care had the New Testament been written in Hebrew that would have been fine it's just that this is not the way things happen to be oh but try explaining such history to people who proudly use the name yes sure instead of Jesus as if some kind of earth shattering importance is attached to the language we use now pronouncing his name a summer thing it will Bob I shouldn't be important Jesus was Jewish and his language was Hebrew that means yes sure was his name the name his parents called him by as a child the name they were instructed to give him by an angel his shua has an important meaning which at its heart indicated salvation this meaning is watered down with translations. I look follow this carefully because this is not rocket science a name is important only in as much disappoints us to the correct person as long as we have the one true god as long as we understand that God The Word became God the Son to pay for our sins on the cross why would God have a hernia if we pronounce the name is Jesus in English or in Greek instead of Yeshua in Hebrew ironically overconcerned with your shoes name is a kind of thing issue it himself would have called straining out than that but swallowing a camel allow me to make the obvious obvious as I like to do so often on this program if the name yes sure I mean self ation than any language is translation of yes sure means the same thing so what does Jesus mean salvation this would be an example of finicky legalism even if the New Testament had been written in Hebrew as it happens no ancient Hebrew manuscripts for the New Testament have ever been found even in Matthew's case the only surviving early manuscripts are in Greek with a few in other languages but none in Hebrew we know of the original Hebrew version only because some comments were made to that effect by 2nd century church fathers such as Papias Irenaeus and origin Yeah I hear that there's more going on here than concern for the proper name of Jesus by denying the original Hebrew language of the New Testament the theology was also changed and the Jewish roots of Christianity have been excised the rewritten Greek New Testament is an anti semitic book really. Seriously anti semitic where exactly in Romans 11 which we looked at before where Paul warns the Gentiles not to get conceited and predicts that the Jewish nation will someday accept Jesus Hebrew Roots excised where in the book of Hebrews where the author explains the relationship between the Old and New Covenant showing detailed familiarity with temple ritual and its fulfillment in Christ in the many New Testament prophecies about the 2nd coming being manifested as a deliverance of Israel in the many passages where Jesus shows respect for the Old Testament Jewish scriptures and if the early Apostolate fathers were trying to hide or whitewash the fact that the New Testament had originally been written in Greek Why would they have openly admitted that one book of Matthew was written in Hebrew . If they were going to lie about the rest of the books why don't lie about nothing as well now it is true that we can find many confused in it the Semitic statements by church leaders of the 1st few centuries but while their opinions of Jews may have been erroneous their belief in the sacredness of scripture and their responsibility before God transmitted it accurately remained intact if any personal agenda about the Jews had affected by the preservation none of the positive comments about the Jewish people would have stayed in the text. Not Bob Siegel is aware that there may be one or 2 people who disagree with his opinions to offer your own comments on the topic at hand or to challenge Bob by the thought provoking question they'll free to contact Bob on Facebook Twitter or questions that. 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The answer you're listening to the pub Siegel show our theme Christianity and its relationship to politics and pop culture we're having it all Bible for a gram today which always makes my lovely wife Dana so happy but I will today in his dismay return to those nasty turbulent current events next week meanwhile if today's subject is of interest to you and you'd like a lot more detail I have published a book on the subject it's called the star and look across a match made in heaven but strange earth this book critiques both replacement theology and the Hebrew roots movement as opposite extremes of the extreme showing how the Bible is right down the middle no god is not done working with Israel but yes we are living under a new covenant we are no longer under the Law of Moses that's the star in the cross abide Bob Siegel available at Amazon dot com in Barnes and Noble dot com. Returning now to our discussion far more concerning than discussion of the original language of the New Testament is the message of the New Testament the idea that Christians are still under the law is not only untrue it is the very 1st heresy that Christians had to deal with even the Apostles believed this for a while which creates some of the confusion but the Apostle straighten themselves out after the Jerusalem Council which we can read about in Acts 15 turned a conclusion of this important discussion we see the words of James the brother of Jesus and apparent head of the council and he said it is my judgment therefore that we should not make it difficult for the gentiles who are turning to God instead we should write to them telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols from sexual immorality from the meat of strangled animals and from blood later on Paul came to the conclusion that the council had not gone far enough even to meet that had been offered to idols was so k. So long as the idol was not being worshiped. Yeah but Bob didn't Jesus tell us that he did not come to abolish the Law Ok I said this a few weeks ago you can quote the Bible and be unbiblical if you quoted out of context Jesus did make a statement like that the statement in question can be found in the Sermon on the Mount here in Jesus's exact actual words I'm reading from Matthew chapter 5 verses 17 a thing I do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets along the prophets was the term for the Bible in those days they didn't call it the Old Testament because they didn't think it was going to be a New Testament so when they said the law the law referred to the 1st 5 books what the Jews called the Torah the prophets referred to a lot of the historical books like said you'll end prophet such as I say and as he kill they also had a 3rd section called the writings which had Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes job but they didn't know we say Law prophet writings to abbreviate they would see the law in the prophets it was their way of saying The Bible says Jesus saying you not think I've come to abolish the Bible you not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them I tell you the truth until heaven and earth disappear not the smallest letter not the least stroke of a pen will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished as you can see Jesus did indeed affirm the law but the how does not all he said it is always important to read the context of Scripture Jesus went on to add I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them he also said until everything is accomplished when did the law become fulfilled when was everything accomplished these are the $50000000.00 questions the law became fulfilled when Jesus died on the cross at that moment the curtain of the temple where the Holy of Holies was was somehow supernaturally torn into. Do from top to bottom the earth shook and the rocks split the way it is now carved for us to go into God's presence without the high priest an animal sacrifice once a year and young Kapoor The Day of Atonement in their place Jesus became the ultimate high priest and the ultimate sacrifice book of Hebrews goes through a lot of detail explaining this truth so he talked about not one jot or tittle of the law being relaxed but he also explained how long that situation would last until all is a complex just the all being accomplished are the events I just described that's why right before Jesus died on the cross he said it is finished now the statement about heaven and earth passing away was common language in that culture when giving an oath and his intended as a hyperbolic guarantee of the oath not a criminologist of the events to be accomplished people forget that even though we read about Jesus' ministry in a book that we call the New Testament the Old Testament once again Old Covenant old agreement was still in operation until he went to the cross and atoned for our sins then we're under the new covenant by the gospels give the history of Jesus' life and ministry the title New Testament is named after his provision through the cross and resurrection events that do not take place until the very ends of the books that before these seminal events throughout Jesus' lifetime he did follow the Law of Moses because the law of Moses was still in operation he followed the law and he encouraged others to do the same are we to follow the law now after all Jesus did for us on the Cross of course not we're in a relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit that goes beyond the law it is the fulfillment of the law the entire book of Galatians was written because Jewish Christians in the 1st century were making comments very much like. Those in today's Hebrew roots movement now in their case to practice it more around circumcision Gentiles were told to become Jewish the process would begin by seeing to it that every male in their family became circumcised those who refused to do so were treated like 2nd class citizens now Paul talks about this collations he church started several churches in the province of glacial when he returned and they saw them doing the stuff he had a real problem and he talks about it day when he reviewed Peter and this is significant because Peter was considered a big shot in the church Paul wasn't I mean from Galatians to the Apostle Paul talking when Peter came to Antioch I opposed him to his face because he was clearly in the wrong before certain men came from James he used to eat with the Gentiles but when they arrived he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those he belonged to the circumcision group the other Jews joined him in this Apocrypha see so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray when I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel I said to Peter in front of them all you are a Jew yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew How is it then that you force gentiles to follow Jewish customs. Ok ladies and gentlemen although it is not stated in this text we assume Peter accepted the rebuke let me say that again although it is not stated in this text we assume Peter except that the repute How did it been widely understood that Peter did not back down this would be a weak and ineffective argument from Paul once again many in those days viewed Peter is an authentic apostle since he was one of the original 12 follow Jesus around Paul of course became converted much later the poles conversion was a result of encountering the resurrected Christ on the road to Damascus and he was not going to knuckle under and in the face of false accusations regarding apostleship credentials the entire book of 2nd Corinthians was written by Paul to dispel all challenges to his Apple style authority. This is Bob Segal with the wiring in your home you don't want to mess around with some unknown electrician for all you know he may have gotten his license by sending in 3 cereal box tops and these things have been. Firing. You want to carry you should one of the locks folks play it smart called w n s electric incorporated they specialize in contracting in repair from troubleshooting to remodel. Going to circuit breakers and fuses w.n.s. Takes a skill but personal interest in your home at affordable rates I use it myself and I wouldn't call anyone else call 6 more I'm going 447-8785 that's 44787854 w. And s. Electric license number 480539 w. And s. On Lector it people are enjoying Bob sequels time travel novel Push the winds around check out these customer reviews on Amazon dot com This is one of those books like certain movies where you keep thinking about it long after you finished once I picked it up I didn't want to put it down until I'd read the entire book literally a page turner every character came to life their personalities were well defined and consistent 1st thing I did after he finished the book was to ask about the sequel. The next customer said I read this but cover to cover in one sitting great raid with completely unexpected ending that left me wishing there was just one more chapter give yourself a couple of hours to read it all at once because you won't want to put it down push the lens around available on Amazon dot com Our Barnes and Noble dot com. Welcome back. We're talking today about the Hebrew roots movement. In the early church people viewed Peter as more of an apostle than Paul because Peter was one of the original 12 that had followed these around Paul became known as the Apostle to the Gentiles interestingly enough Peter was the 1st one to ever preach to the Gentiles Peter got a vision from God commanding him to go to the Gentiles and a corneal man then Cornelius a Roman centurion while praying Gentile he was told in a vision from God to go and find a man named Simon Peter and of course Peter got balled up Peter came to understand that Gentiles did not have to become Jewish in order to be saved and Peter lived that way but there became this new movement called the Judy eyes or the g.d. Eyes yours were Christians of Jewish origin who were going around telling people if you do not follow the Law of Moses you cannot become a Christian which means you can't be saved now Peter didn't agree with that but when they came to the churches of the lay chef Peter started going along with them and it became very snobby you know we always think today about racism and anti semitism let me say this as a Jew. Nobody's going to accuse me of being an anti semite India early days the Jews could be very racist against Gentiles they look down the Gentiles they call them dogs and Peter stopped eating with gentiles when his buddies from the circumcision party came along let me tell you the circumcision party was an end to any real party when Paul got there Paul who had started these churches in Galatians he read Buke Peter openly I've read his rebuke before we went to the break and I mentioned that I believe it was common knowledge that Peter had backed down and Paul didn't even need to remind them of that because why would Paul mention to give credibility to his message hey I even had even talked to Peter about this if it was common knowledge that Peter told Paul the take a hike and said I don't agree with you Paul I think we're still under the Law of Moses why would Paul even bring up this incident in any event if there's any doubt that Peter authenticated the Apostleship and message of Paul later on when he wrote his 2nd Gospel that's made very clear it's not a guess we got his own words to look at and I'm going to look at that and read some of that to you in just a few minutes but for the moment in as much as there were rumors that Peter was an official apostle and Paul wasn't what possible reason would Paul have to include this incident of openly rebuking Peter unless it was widely known that Peter did back down in admit that Paul was correct had Peter stood his ground Paul would not be making a persuasive debate at all indeed he would be making the opposite case then decayed into Judy eyes used by giving them more ammunition in the form of their hero Peter but Paul does not stop there as we continue reading Galatians we see several reminders of things he did evidently taught them well he was there in person 1st he said that in the church there is neither Jew nor Greek Now this was not a contradiction to Paul's understanding that certain prophecies would still be fulfilled for physical geographical Israel but church life was a different matter. Altogether if in our standing before Christ no such distinction exists between Jew and Gentile how it Paul feel about those who claim we are worshipping God more properly by observing the Law of Moses Yeah Bob I've heard that verse explained by people in the Hebrew roots movement they say it's a salvation verse talking about our position in Christ and that has nothing to do with the church really nothing to do with the church it was written to the church because of a problem in the church Jewish Christians were feeling superior to Gentile Christians to correct this vein falshood Paul tells us that in church there is neither Jew nor Greek Yes that will remain true when we get to heaven but it is also true now as a matter of fact the church is supposed to be a sample of heaven on earth and now an embassy if you will of the Kingdom of God Obama are you saying there is no place at all for holding on to or celebrating Jewish customs in the church that all depends on whether this is viewed as voluntary or mandatory certainly there is a place for having church services with ethnic flavor be they Jewish or be they some other nationality Paul himself acknowledged as much for the sake of testimony Paul spoke at the level and the language of the people he wanted to reach as far as evangelism when he approached Jews in Greeks quite differently I'm reading from 1st Corinthians Chapter 9 to the Jews IP came like a Jew to win the Jews to those under the law I became like one under the law though I myself am not under the law so as to when those under the law. Those are the words of Paul nay in this vein one might indeed reach the Jewish friends more easily with the Gospel by bringing them to some Saturday may see an excessive s. Rather than Sunday morning church that might be a much more comfortable experience for the much more familiar experience for them that can be a great place to start but there's also the question of where we will want to amde Paul seemed to hold both a beginning and ending principle in balance as far as outreach went to the Jews he became as a Jew as far as discipleship went he wanted Jews to know that their Jewishness was no longer important instead Christ and the fellowship he grants with all peoples is important in church there is neither Jew nor Greek Polish running into something much different with the churches of Galatians in their mind such customs were not considered optional for this reason Paul wanted them to understand that they did not have the luxury of clean you a few rituals such as circumcision unless they were going to go back and obey the entire law of Moses he says and again a lot of this good stuff a single ations Paul says again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised he is obligated to obey the whole law this is very important if you're going to incest that we go back to the law you can't go back to just one part of it yourself you have to go back to all of that nobody does that no body does that somebody could say they have a love affair with the law they do not do that no explain when we return to the Bob Siegel show. This is Bob Siegel looking for a church maybe not perhaps you've had your fill of churches maybe you even grew up in the church maybe as a kid you were dragged to Sunday school against your will maybe used to throw spent lots of misses pumpernickel tried desperately to interest you in the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul you may have grown up listening alone sermons anxiously looking at your watch to see how much of the game you were missing at home on t.v. It's a pastor made his 97th point or perhaps you are not races a Christian at all instead you have merely encountered Christians maybe some of the doctors personality tried to shove the Gospel down your throat use it all the tact of a lawnmower in a barber shop will die for perfect Christians don't exist because Perfect people don't exist that's why Jesus died for our sins so I'm not going to tell you that the people of Skyline church are perfect I'm just going to tell you that we are real close no actual just fine people who struggle with life the same as you they were honest about the struggle and we help each other with the struggle what you will find is a church that takes a love of Jesus Christ seriously after all his messages would have mercy and inclusion and we don't need $97.00 points to talk about God Ask anybody our sermons have never made more than 96 points skyline church Sunday more. Services 9 am and 11 am. It's kind of fun listening to my own commercials when I do my radio show because my last commercial made it sound like hearing stuff about the apostle Paul was boring not when I ain't talking about him it's not boring when I talk about now I'm referring to kids sitting in Sunday school when they're little kids and you put up this map of Paul's missionary journalism a little middle school or just doesn't give a hang but that's not the case tonight and it's exciting that actually Paul made some fascinating points let me tell you something about Paul he understood the Gospel better than the disciples that followed Jesus around for 3 years at times they scratch their heads listening to him and there's a reason for that he's called he calls himself the Apostle untimely born God had to catch him up and you know how God called him up he literally called him up into heaven Paul says he doesn't know if he was there bodily or if his spirit went there he suggests possibly may have been some vision but he had the experience of going to have a now and there's no such thing as time in heaven only turn to be some pulse friends may have seen him disappear for 3 seconds Paul could have been there for what seemed to him like years when he came back he had it down he understood the difference between the law and the gospel even more than some of the men who had been following Jesus around and he got into a lot of trouble with it but in the Church of God lation. They were not saying well you need to go back to the Law of Moses you need to be circumcised and we have people today that say the same thing it's called the Hebrew roots movement there are other Christians of talk about going back to the law and they don't call themselves Hebrew Roots well but they make that claim a lot of people make that claim nobody does it they don't do it consistently because what they'll do is they'll go back to some of the law they will not go back to all of that instead they cherry pick the customs that are convenient to them and they may enjoy keeping kosher or celebrating the Sabbath but who for example makes animal sacrifices today no Christian whom I've ever met although I'm sure there's always some nut case somewhere who could do anything but in general we don't see that anywhere whenever I meet Orthodox Jews Jewish Christians or just plain legal lista Christians who claim we must follow the law I ask a very simple question do you conduct animal sacrifices that's a fairly large chunk of the Mosaic Law almost every time I hear the same reply we can't the temple has been destroyed this argument may sound convenient but it immediately suffocates people in the quicksand it is made from there was no temple from Moses to Solomon a period of several 100 years yet God still come in and the sacrificial regulations Well politics of present day Israel and the existence of the Muslim Dome of the rock on the Temple Mount make it presently impossible to rebuild a temple a tabernacle which was portable in the days of Bose's could be recreated at any time. Protest from Peta notwithstanding there is no reason why any claiming that the Old Covenant is still in operation should not be making animal sacrifices but don't hold your breath it's not going to happen we must conclude that even amongst the most zealous adherents to Jewish customs the entire law is not in fact being observed in lieu of Paul Salinger to consistency they're hard pressed to explain themselves Yeah but I've heard it said that the law on the Gospel are one in the same and that the Gospel is just a broader expression of the law that is simply not true those who make such a claim justify their position only by doing verbal gymnastics with the very plain teaching of Scripture never have Paul's words to the Galatians been more relevant one would think he was travelling through time writing directly to today's Hebrew roots movement I'm reading from Galatians chapter 3 verses one through 5 you foolish delay shims who has be witched you before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified I would like to learn just one thing from you did you receive the Spirit by observing the law or by the leaving what you heard are you so foolish after beginning with the spirit are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort have you suffered so much for nothing if it really was for nothing as God gave you his spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law or because you believe what you have heard and now not long after that I'm reading from the same chapter Chapter 3 of collations verses 23 through 25. Before the coming of this faith we were held in custody under the law locked up until the fake that was to come would be revealed so the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith now that this faith has come we are no longer under a guardian a contrast between saving faith and law could not possibly be made plainer the law has been fulfilled the new covenant is here as Jesus put it so well let us not mix new wine with old wine skins Now what exactly did Jesus mean when he said the law has been fulfilled to start with instead of outward commands God offers us a relationship with His Spirit who changes our hearts and makes us hopefully so loving that we no longer need come then such as Don't kill or don't steal or don't mess around with your neighbor's wife if we are already loving if we are already unselfish if we are already treating people the way we want to be treated those incentives will come naturally I told you earlier on today's program that when Jesus of the law and the prophets he meant the Bible what we would today call the Old Testament Jesus says and the Sermon on the Mount in everything do to others what you would have them do to you for this sums up the law and the prophets we come to call that the Golden Rule and what's interesting is when I talk to an atheists He says he doesn't believe in the Bible and says that the Bible's has an outdated morality the same atheists will brag that they don't have to become Christians to believe in morality and one of the things I'll ask him is you accept the golden rule. They'll say yes I said Ok anything that the Bible calls a sin comes under this heading something is a sin because it is selfish Well really what's wrong with premarital sex you can show somebody that premarital sex is selfless and so it's not that God's against sex god invented sex would have time to get into right now but any standard in the Bible any moral standard if somebody says they don't agree that that's a sin just ask them if they agree that it's wrong to be selfish I don't mean positive self-esteem I mean the kind of selfishness we're always putting ourselves before others Jesus said in everything do to others what you would have them do to you this sums up the law and the prophets I've never met anybody who claims they disagree with that which they agree with the morality of I will next question is are we following it. I go home selling a home because without saying that you need somebody experience and skill but you also need a realtor you can trust a man who will look out for your interests as if they were his own this is Bob Siegel here to steer you the right direction with just 2. 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He's a said that to some of the laws living unselfishly So we have a workable definition for sin selfishness not without the Spirit of God in the forgiveness of Christ nobody can live according to the conscience which tells them to never be selfish so that standard brings us to Christ and the mercy of God Paul taught something very similar in Galatians this is no surprise because they rip people who had forgotten how the law had been fulfilled by the Gospel Well Paul statement says the entire law as summed up in a single command love your neighbor as yourself in other places the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love we call this a fulfillment of the moral law and it goes well with Jeremiah 31 through whom God said I will put my law within them I will write upon their hearts Now the other part of the law of ritual law was fulfilled through Jesus' death on the cross the animal sacrifices of all were of our show doing of what Jesus would later do for all people the blood of lambs and goats provided a picture of atonement so that people needing to be saved by Jesus could be saved before he even came. Yeah but didn't pull himself show that he was under the law by paying the expenses for somebodies Val that's a fair question and the incident in question is found in Acts 21 when they heard this they these are the apostles the other apostles talking to Paul when Paul of return to Jerusalem when they heard this they praise God then they said to Paul you see Brother how many thousands of Jews have believed in all of them are zealous for the law they have been informed that you teach all the Jews who live among the Gentiles to turn away from Moses telling them not to circumcise their children or live according to our customs What shall we do they will certainly hear that you have come so do it we tell you there are 4 men with us who have made a bow take these members join in their purification rites and pay their expenses so that they can have their heads shaved then everybody will know there is no truth in these reports about you but they yourself are living in obedience to the law as for the Gentile believers we have written to them our decision that they should abstain from food sacrificed to idols from blood from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality the next day Paul took them in and purified himself along with them then he went to the temple to give notice of the date when the days of purification would end and the offering would be made for each of them are lazing gentlemen we have already studied Paul's reason for doing these things I mean read it again the words of Paul to the Jews I became like a Jew to win the Jew So those under the law I became like one under the law though I myself am not under the law so as to when those of the law Paul knew it was easier to straighten teeth with a brace than a hammer he did not want Jews to reject the Gospel out of a misunderstanding that he was somehow against the law of Moses simply because he understood that this love was now fulfilled but while Paul bent over backwards for testimony said he did not consider himself personally bound by the law I can he says I myself am not under the law these conveniently forgotten words are. Also in the passage there is no getting around these words they are abundantly clear of course some of the Hebrew roots movement take a much bolder approach with Paul they admit that he actually did teach that we are no longer under the law all the while discrediting his words on the basis that he was not a true apostle and thus not really inspired by the Holy Spirit as Peter in the others where it is much as Paul penned about half the words of the New Testament look how much Scripture has been thrown out the window simply because people can't admit that we are no longer under the Law The truth is Paul was as much of an apostle as the men who follow Jesus around for 3 years for proof we have only to look at the words of one of these men who we've already been talking about today Peter Peter wrote this bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave Him He writes the same way in all his letters speaking in them of these matters his letters contain some things that are hard to understand which ignorant and unstable people distort as they do the other Scriptures to their own destruction notice how casually Peter equates the words of Paul with scripture as for the idea that people who distort Paul's words are ignorant and unstable will just mercifully change the subject but understand this if Paul was not inspired then Peter was not inspired when he wrote about Paul this was 2nd Peter Peter was an apostle nobody was an apostle. As I said earlier no people including those in the Hebrew roots movement really return to the entire law instead they tend to isolate customs such as Jewish holidays or observance of the Sabbath Paul talked about this is well I'm reading from Colossians to therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink or with regard to a religious festival a new moon celebration or a sabbath day if a Hebrew Christian or any Christian finds it personally meaningful to observe the Sabbath or certain holidays that is certainly an option I have no quarrel with those traditions so long as that is all they are described as traditions the problem is that all too often they are not described as options we hear sanctimonious lectures about how important these holy days are to God Some have gone so far as to suggest certain detailed information about Christ 2nd coming imbedded in Jewish holy days pointing out various decoded mysteries to the symbolism of customs they seem to forget that Jesus said it was not our place to know the Times or the seasons associated with this return Still others will play the n.t. Semitism card if we relax holidays that were commanded under the Old Testament they imply that he could for Jews is the true sinister motive for expunging Jewish holidays for Christianity I want to remind the listener for the 3rd time today that I myself I'm Jewish I stamp with the Jewish people I still challenge the notion that we are under the Mosaic Law because there are a few bible verses which contradict that teaching such as the entire New Testament . We'll see you next week. News this hour from townhall dot com I'm going to Britain Konkani police and protesters facing off as authorities try to clear the streets of a few 100 people who stayed near the city government headquarters after massive demonstrations the police asked for cooperation in clearing the road China searching all parties to exercise restraint after the suspected attacks on 2 oil tankers near the strategic Strait of Hormuz military affairs analyst retired Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnis tells the Salem Radio Network that China may be trying to take advantage of these incidents to assist Iran's leader Rouhani has been very supportive president she's dealt a road initiative which is now touching you know 120 plus nations around the world and it's all about wanting infrastructure you know railroads highways or well gas pipelines power grids you know 5 key Internet services and the like a setback for the United Auto Workers Here's correspondent Bob Agnew workers it folks why in the plant in Chattanooga Tennessee voted against forming a union when would have offered the u.a.w. Its 1st fully organized foreign owned auto assembly plant and that traditionally anti-union South governor believe Senator Marsha Blackburn and other top Republicans had been urging a no vote he said a union could have caused economic harm to the state by a new report a government watchdog says nursing facilities have failed to report thousands of serious cases of potential neglect and abuse of Medicare but beneficiaries to authorities even though reporting is required orders with the Health and Human Services inspector general's office focused on episodes serious enough that the patient was taken straight from a nursing facility to a hospital emergency room the inspector general is calling for new attention on protecting frail patients Medicare says it's currently doing then and agrees the training must be improved for nursing home staff and inspectors that's correspondent Jeremy House reporting more on these stories at townhall dot com. 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