But he has shows a group of children confronting Senator Diane Feinstein demanding she votes for the radical green new deal sure there's an apparent rift between older liberals and young progressive Democrats. 12 years to. The Feinstein told the crowd the Green New Deal really has no chance of passing I've been doing this 30 years I know what I'm doing in fact it didn't cut much ice with one young girl in the crowd who told me the 5 year old Feinstein. 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Puerto Rico and Canada as well as its e-commerce business Rich Thomason reporting 8 University of Mississippi basketball players Neal during the national anthem Saturday before a victory over Georgia in response to a confederacy rally near the arena with the teams lined up across the court had the free throw dives 6 players took any and bowed at the start of the Star-Spangled Banner 2 of the players later joined. More of the stories at Town Hall dot com. Patrick Foss. 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Am 1172 yet or young sponsored by logic media marketing l.l.c. Multi-vitamin formulas by going to w w w dot supplement dot one that supplements dot au and e. Also available at Vitamin Shoppe sprouts and at a fine health stores nationwide that supplements dot au and e. The information provided on the Forever Young show by its host or sponsors is for educational and personal alternatives statements have not been established by the Food and Drug Administration they are not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease. Welcome back to the 2nd hour of the Forever Young radio show with host Harry Knox Larry health journalist and fitness enthusiast who is joined by health educator and executive producer Kelly Kappa sell out. And now for the very young. Hello everyone so glad you could join us today on the Forever Young radio show if by chance you've just stumbled across or so on the dial for the 1st time our mission has been the same here for nearly 2 decades and that's to inform and educate every listener on healthier lifestyle options and good quality science based information indeed and if you would like to learn more about the show here's how you do it you visit the Web site for ever young Radio dot com That's forever young Radio dot com When you go there listen to past shows read fantastic articles got a whole bunch of those and make sure that you visit the weekly highlight page you have to go to the highlight page because that's where you get a play by play of everything we'll be discussing today and while you're there look for the little face book icon click it and you will join us as part of our Facebook family Yeah it's great to be part of community stay connected just like you said Carrie now we have an excellent show planned for you today we're going to a very special guest on Stacy Faulkner she's a National Educator for Emerald labs and she's going to share with us ways we can better handle and protect and support the adrenals so many people have adrenal fatigue we're running out in a 100 different directions every single day she's also going to share with us the important role that the vitamins play within our body so excited about what we're going to cover today I'm Kelly capital and as always I'm being joined by Carrie Nasr Hey care Good morning looking forward to it is well you never get tired of learning Kelly that's the whole point that's you and I we share that love in terms of having the opportunity every day to learn something you didn't know before and this is this is our gift to the listeners helping them to have that same opportunity Yeah absolutely and one of the ways you especially given that gift each week is you share an article off curious corner and Forever Young Radio dot com What do you have for our listeners in this 1st segment when we come to New. You know there's all kinds of research on the value of nuts and seeds in the diet but a lot of folks say oh goodness you know they're so concentrated have all that fat will eating nuts make me gain weight and unfortunately they're not saying how will they make me healthier its will I gain weight Well this particular article came from the Australian dietary guideline organization and they recommended that you eat about 30 grams of nuts today that's just a small handful each day but again they're high in calories and fat so can I be healthy into the same time and not gain weight well in short the answer is yes we can eat these and no they won't make us gain weight if we eat them in moderate amounts in fact the benefits that will get from eating them in moderate amounts are really just amazing in terms of overall health now the fat in nuts is mostly what we'll call the good fats we always have to talk about good or bad and the fact that the nuts do contain not only fats but they also contain all different kinds of of nutrients the different kinds of substances in the fight Okemo cols of the nutrients that we get in nuts have shown in numerous studies to be not only that people who eat the nuts even when you're eating a healthy diet do make you healthier and at the same time that you really don't have to be worried about gaining weight and there's there's a several good reasons for that particular issue are you interested in what those are I am all right 1st of all you don't absorb all of the fat in the nuts believe it or not that's because they're also very very good source of different types of fiber but not increase the amount of calories you burn that's right when you take in the right kinds of foods. Your body actually can burn them more effectively and the nuts also help us feel full for longer that's a good thing too if you feel full What are you going to do I can't even as much and the people who eat nuts have healthier lifestyles in general so all in all they're just a good addition to the doc Kelly I don't know about you but I love walnuts wallets haven't I love them as well I'll tell you the truth I eat about a pound a week believe it or not really I go we are all in but I know but I started eating it when I can't stop so maybe I'm maybe I'm eating more than the 30 grams bought but that's what they did hasn't affected my weight in a negative way because I'm also doing many of the other things that we've talked about so I'm not saying you should eat a pound and us a week but do a variety of not sure walnuts all meds pistachios pecans they're all good just try to make sure you get them if you get them in a raw state store them in the freezer to keep them from deteriorating once you crack the nut again over time they will deteriorate suppose those fats will interact with their oxygen if you're going to get them there roasted get them dry roasted without salt that that's also an acceptable form and for some people who just have a little problem with nuts you can soak them and then throw the water away and you'll find that they are easier to digest for some people I don't really have that particular issue but if you do that's one of the ways to kind of circumvent it that's a good valuable information again you could read this article it carries a corner that for every young Radio dot com We'll be right back with our very special guest to talk more about adrenal health the key and things we can look and find we can look for to see if it's something we could be experiencing and what to do about it. We have to be complex referred to as the happy vitamin b. Vitamins are instrumental for maintaining proper help b. Vitamins are not only what your body burns through to cope with stress but they are also necessary for energy production a deficiency in them can leave you feeling stressed and with low energy be healthy offers a superior. In their highly absorbable activated farms this unique clinical potency formula contains a wide variety of b. Vitamins in the activated methylcobalamin form and folic acid in its activated methylated form studies show that over 46 percent of Americans can not properly metabolize. Even from food sources if it is not in its active methylated farm Emerald clinical. Made it be healthy is also gluten free and additive free. Additive free company. Health food stores nationwide. 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My friends welcome to for ever young a scary novel are here along with Kelly Kappa soul and were happy today to be able to talk to Stacy Faulkner she is the National Educator at Emerald labs the additive free company Stacy on behalf of Kelly myself thank you so much for joining us today morning thanks for having me oh so happy to have you on you are truly one of our favorite educators the way you share information I think our listeners are in for a real treat and boy do we need you today as we tackle a topic that seems to be causing some real issues for people and that is adrenal fatigue or a lack of energy so see if you don't mind how about we start with giving the listener some background on the adrenal glands and what they do sure so the adrenal glands Basically there are these tiny 2 Google Dean she plans that are hit right on top of our kidney and for listeners if you just break the word down add means adjacent and or near and really needs kidney and that's that so the adrenal glands are made up of 2 distinct parts so we have an outer part which is the the adrenal cortex and we have an inner part of the adrenal module and basically what these guys are in charge of is decreasing hormones and the difference really is the cortex is the outer part like I said but these are the cortex releases a sensual hormone things that are vital to our lives so things were like cortisol regulating their metabolism helping the body keep a 1000 proteins and carbs and energy and regulating blood pressure and cardiovascular Now the other. Part is you had you know I'm a doula in a part of the clan and it produces non-essential hormones but people are more familiar probably with the and it's a journalist and not a gentleman is really helpful for our body to react to what we're going to talk about today is stress adrenal fatigue and the fight or flight that our body really gets into back in the predatorial days but in these days the ramifications of the events that we see ahead can really be process with different levels of stress so that's amazing that's going to have little glands can do so many things in the body but what are what are some of the common causes of why the adrenals can become exhausted as you said you can just kind of run out of steam as it is well these little guys I think the 1st thing would be not getting enough vitamins and minerals to support our bodies the Civic with the vitamins to support the adrenals I think that's really important chronic and acute stress obviously can wear out the little guys as well the adrenals this is like turning a light on it off so those hormonal have when their dreams are really can all be form of the cascade that can occur over time really overwork the adrenal gland and then obviously an unhealthy diet and then lastly I didn't you give you you're really affecting some issues with the adrenals and the fatigue of the exhaustion no doubt and I can we're going to talk about it in the show but I think we can all work in that autumn in conditions are becoming as common as the common cold so a lot of people are up against that but are there any signs or symptoms that people can look for to maybe think well maybe my adrenals aren't working the way they should be sure I would say the 1st thing would be irritability early irritability not being able to rest a lot of restlessness I would say a lot of monkey chatter in the brain at night you know meetings not adjourned and not being able to get deep sleep obviously suppressed means that somebody just discussed depression a weight gain would be fine t. Just being tired in the early more. Being unannounced and all you know when you're trying to grab that coffee so the change really need to get reported and so there's a lot of fun that people can. Really figure out that would be leading into the adrenal fatigue in Boston when I when I look at that list Stacy it you know there aren't too many people that hurt and affected in some way shape or form by by what's going on with the adrenals but I remember when I kind of a long time ago one of my 1st jobs was in a health food store and I always remember that the people that came to me the number one concern they all seem to have was energy how do I get more energy so obviously energies an important factor that we need in life and a lot of folks just think they don't have enough It helps us with getting up each morning and having time with our family careers whatever whatever the opportunities are presented during the day doing the things that make us happy or sometimes unhappy unfortunately you know a lot of the for the things that we have to do well we do we become fatigued to get done at the end of the day and you just sit down Ha my gosh what a what a what a day I'm just ready to to kind of try to relax if possible but if this energy connection and fatigue Dan is is holding people back and so tell us about this and the connection between fatigue and your adrenal health. Well 1st of all I would say again. Acute stress in the context that people are suffering from a lack of nutritional support. To keep the adrenal Toppy is really really important so again I would point to the b. Vitamins really important for people in. So many essential fundamentals going supplements support is really important not nutrient dense especially in coastal zones old construed. As well as healthy fat so the adrenal fatigue that people are feeling every day like you're talking about just with every day you know work the case the family life just promoting helping this is really combated because people I don't think are getting the proper nutrition and those adrenal glands really need the support because they're really overworked for the moment hormones that they are creating and. Creating out yeah no doubt and I think that everybody before like you look like 5 years ago they were bragging about I have 2 jobs I balance my family I can do that and they almost swore that stress is like a badge of honor and then all of a sudden everybody was like getting inside and everybody stressed out and totally fatigued by everything and then they're turning to energy drink so they're turning to stimulants or caffeine or coffee to try to get through the day and again those hike amounts of caffeine can also affect the adrenal So yeah it's one of those things avoid it can really lead to a lot of things people gaining way the having depression again I get that hormonal imbalance that you spoke about especially with the process of aging is so relevant because a lot of people have a issues if they have a d h a issue then they're cortisol levels keep rising there's no adrenal gland to be able to modulator and and regulate that and then we get ourselves into a really bad situation and that's I know firsthand I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. 2 years ago and one of the things that helped me tremendously was by using the Emerald labs adrenal health I know that you love the product Stacy give us a little bit of background on some of the ingredients in this excellent formula that Dr Singler put together sure so we have a full array of b. Vitamins or in the Clinton needed forms the b. 2 the b. 6 and the d. Trials so the b. Vitamins cooperate as a team to relate ensure good health and well functioning of our brain and our nervous system so what we're going to continue to look at a lot of these ingredients are helping the with our nervous system and and combating depression and other relief of stress and anxiety so Dr standard put together like I said the essential b. Vitamins of the b $26.12 and he's also added 5 other adoptive parents and for those that don't understand the Dr Jenn it's just basically an herbal supplement herb that adapts from a lot of our body to adopt from stress from our environment so it's pretty promote that patient and everybody's different with the way they handle their stress so these adopted genes that he's added are b 10 pada Ok which has got these claim benefits of reducing fatigue and irritability but will deal a sensual were gone the lose with Caucus and royal jelly and so the Rhodiola right away is really good for strengthening the nervous system and enhancing the energy in memory the actual ground is a talented brand that really stabilizes our body stress response and it contains compounds that promote call and sensual were gone that is the brand integrating the people can look for the effect on energy sleep and staff and then the Siberians in Sr We believe the caucus is really been known to increase in a gene that protects the nervous system again you hear me say that by using strengthening diety and we storing brain function and that's really good for people that are under a lot of chronic stress so special Restoring that brain function and then lastly he's added growth. Jelly which is that strong and talk that the really rich in b. Vitamins and I've been talking about the b. Vitamins overall a lot but it's very essential to be fired and get it and these really counteract the effects of the cortisol or like I said earlier cortisol and adrenaline Pete are basically the main hormones that the adrenal glands are. It's a creating. A different level of how we're going to face whatever going on at Strathyre anxiety and what it was that you are going to do you know so you really can't have your cortisol but you can feel adrenaline they have no doubt that's for sure and we're going to run out to break listeners I want you to go and visit our website again that's forever young Radio dot com for every young Radio dot com click on that weekly highlight b.d. Can learn more about Stacy Faulkner you can learn more about Emma labs which Remey highlighting today but I want you to keep in mind that stress is running rampant in our environment whether it is stress always bad no it's not is the amount of stress that we're having and everybody walking around almost twitching not so great so we need to take a look at that and find ways to better manage and to see why are some of these issues why are we not sleeping well at night why are we tired throughout the day we're going to talk more about it when we come back from the break don't touch that dial. You probably don't think about your adrenal glands often but they play an incredibly important role in your health Nonetheless many people need adrenal support has or adrenals are constantly challenge through many factors primarily stress poor diet caffeine consumption and lack of exercise the adrenal glands are responsible for regulating stress response in the body by producing the hormones associated with metabolism balance energy levels memory circulation blood pressure sex drive and immunity adrenal health by animal. Whole Food based formula with prebiotics enzymes in probiotics therapeutic doses of a synergistic blend of the activated forms of b. Vitamins and botanical extracts that have been helpful to support energy levels promote mental clarity and to help offers a period or adrenal glands support to learn more about adrenal health by Ms it supplements dot one that supplements dot au any Emerald adrenal health can also be found at finer health stores nationwide Emerald the additive free company. Do you want to become more informed about your health and get questions answered that you've been struggling with in tune in every Saturday to the Forever Young radio show 8 am to 10 am Pacific Standard. Hosted by Kerry lost health journalist and fitness enthusiast who's joined by health educator and executive producer Kelly carrying mission on the Forever Young radio show is to empower the audience so they have the tools to achieve a better quality of life and the listeners walk away from the show feeling informed and educated above all we hope to provide our listeners with important life saving information about health fitness and longevity in an entertaining format so if you have health issues and would like to know how you can resolve them naturally or if you just want to achieve greater health. You are making informed choices that work for you the person not to. Visit. Every young Radio dot com That's every young radio the Forever Young radio show getting healthier one Saturday at a time. Did you know by age 35 Most people start to notice the effects of declining hormone levels symptoms include lack of energy less focus decreased weight gain and poor quality sleep. 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Oil products provide the highest quality hemp derived c.b.d. Products available ask your local independent health food store about plus c.b.d. Oil products by c.v. Sciences today that's plus c.b.d. Oil dot com. And welcome back to for every. We're talking of. Outages are adrenals and stress and fatigue and all the kind of things that affect so many people every day Stacy I know that the adrenal health is a raw whole food based formula but perhaps you could talk about that as well but also you've included prebiotics enzymes and probiotics as well as the adapter gins that you talked about so I wonder what what motivated you Admiral lab's to formulate adrenal health with those added nutrients So Sherry Kerry by adding those all Whole Foods bland it's basically a proprietary when. We're looking for absorption so the whole thing Bland is really ensuring the absorption with the formulas put together by Dr stinger so we're only as good as what we absorb right to learn crease in the bio Gill delivery by having a particularly raw hole preplanned it's actually got organic sprouted protein powders we've got Millet mung bean in Timor we have probiotics prebiotic a raw broad plant spectrum a guy just been signed and super through that so by adding that with the warning that the body will recognise that it's old and so therefore we're increasing the bioavailability and we need to I mean the bioavailability is so imperative especially when we start having all these different issues it's not Kerry and I liked it quite something it's called I use this I used to be able to run 2 miles now I can barely walk once you know what I mean is that as we age so many things change within our body whether it's our hormones whether the way we accept food the amount of food we can intake our hydration levels and so that is why it's so imperative that if we can add these different enzymes people out expressive out x. All into a supplement that you're already getting other benefits from it's it's a no brainer you want to do that and I know that we've talked about it throughout the show how essential it is to make sure we're getting enough b. Vitamins especially the vitamin has been quite a happy vitamin and we understand that but is does it matter what form sure taking are all. B. Vitamins the same or is there a different form that we should be looking for you know that's a really good question because I think a lot of people misunderstand supplements and the quality versus the price and all of that so one thing for sure when we're talking about the vitamins My preference is to take them in the Cohens needed or methylated or active form and that just means that it's in an active form it's ready to perform and also it's really important for some people there's more than 50 percent of the population that has genetic variants on an ins on that specific leave converts fflick acid into method fully and so methylated are koans made and why wouldn't everybody genetic variant or not when it's less work for your liver the active form of the b. Vitamin b. It's just going to be much more absorbable and results and so the vitamins and people need to understand it's not just the 12 there's a whole complex right Kelly there's 8 essential going vitamins that need to be taken every day and with these adrenal formula doctors English got the Cohens move the b. To the b 6 m. The b 12 and then also the b 10 that's working as adapted general terms for other adoption so it's a really great corner less form in quality of everything people just need to label read and know what they're purchasing to make sure that they're absorbing it and they getting the benefits of the formulas that they're taking Yeah and speaking of knowing what's in the supplement that you're taking then not only the form but what other things might be added I think everyone would be perhaps a little surprised to learn that is some supplements are not additive free Emerald labs is an additive free comp company so tell us exactly why you do that and why it's important Well being an additive free company isn't really important to us and always has been so it's important for us to make sure that the consumer is getting the synergistic benefits of whatever formula condition specific form of that they're taking and get the results so. Being added to free means absolutely nothing except put in the supplement back thoughts and our vegetable capital and our veggie calf the cellulose or sourced from pine bark will pretty much common knowledge and 3 inches have to label read but mean additive 3 carry means absolutely no flow agents or lubricants and some people might associate that with magnesium dairy or vegetable lubricant So we're not using any slow agent any lubricants no magnesium dairy no betcha lubricant no fillers no binders no experience so it's just not that she kept and it's just that synergistic formula to achieve whatever result you're looking for a preventative looking to amend a military or prevent So between a formula for anybody that's going to stress going on in their life would be very very fundamental to something to start with especially because with this formula people feel results within 15 minutes a month talking about a call or wellbeing or whatever kind of stress they're going through at that moment . You know and I've heard that and I think I've kind of felt that way where a lot of the Times will take different nutritional supplements and you know like a multi-vitamin 70 percent of the population take a multi-vitamin I'm hoping we can talk about yours before we go because I've been taking Amaryl bobs for a number of years and I take it because it's good for me it has all my daily nutrients that I need in it but when I started taking the adrenal health and then the thyroid health with it that seemed to really help me because I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's right after I have adrenal fatigue so it was one of those things where in the body it's not these little things that happen that you just think it will be fine I'll just be tired I'll just drink more coffee it's a cascade effect that cascade of things start to happen we start to not feel our best we start to be irritable and I thought in the 1st segment when you were going to say one of the 1st signs of adrenal fatigue was irritability that Kerry was going to start laughing and say Kelly Maybe you need to get your adrenals checked again so. I never say that I'd have a drink trying to defend myself. On the show but it isn't you know a joking matter I'll tell you that really made me feel like I had brain fog I didn't have a lot of mental clarity and I think that's where the b. Vitamins within that adrenal help formula by Emerald labs really helped me because we all want to be our best whether it's for our church our family our friends our jobs our children whatever we're working into our life and unfortunately when we're pulled in so many different directions people tend to not only get a little Bits of us but not the best of us and then we feel so tired and I like that reference earlier Stacey about the monkey chattering because that was one of my issues I would try to go to bed at night and I'd still be trying to process the day and there's different things that we do differently now like I don't I don't go to bed and watch t.v. And I go to bed I turn off the light I go to bed I'm as I don't get on my phone I'm not on my i Pad Those things can really started. Rough our sleeping patterns and we all know what happens when you don't get enough sleep right and I think talking about this adrenal for the Lead bottom line is what people just need to understand with the 5 adopted the bottom that you spoke of earlier all of those combined we're looking at increasing the mental alertness the strength and insurance all while calming the central nervous system and so those ingredients a lot of them are causing the central nervous system to help in the body's response to stress and regulating many factions creation of those a jingle for mom so we really want to have not a cascading effect of hormonal would form of the general and and we want to limit the cortisol as well by not having too much or too little it's a little corticoid So basically he's in charge of feeding the brain with the sugar glucose and I report on the show quite a bit of sugar and the overconsumption we also talk a lot about stress because people say well my ancestors a good fight to save or to Tiger and you know woolly mammoth and that's how they would get food well they weren't doing that every day you know maybe doing it right once a week storing up on food you know that fight or flight but it's like people are in are putting themselves in a position where they're having that stress they're having that thanks every single day so we'll talk a little bit more about it but today we've partnered with our online affiliate that we've been talking about the last week or 2 supplements one supplements dot and he they carry the entire line of emerald labs products there's over 100 products that they make but today and this is a big discount I mean they normally don't do this they offer 10 percent off every single day for for being a listener of Forever Young again at supplements. But today when you use the code forever you're going to get 50 percent off 5 and 50 percent off adrenal he'll be healthy and the multi so they have over 16 different multi like want to Day to Day $45.00 plus men's women's. Nagel's we're going to talk a little bit more we come back from the break but again Emerald labs all their Malteser 16 of them the adrenal health and the the healthy is 50 percent off today and that's in addition to the daily 10 percent so it's almost 60 percent off and all you have to do is use the code forever and visit supplements dot au and supplements dot one we've linked everything from our weekly highlight page for every on Radio dot com So if you're driving don't worry about writing that down we're going to stay safe we'll leave this up for the next couple of days but again visit supplements dot one use the code forever and get 50 percent off the be healthy the multis and the adrenal help what a wonderful way for you guys as a company at Emerald labs to work with our affiliate supplements not one to get these people to try these products because I'm telling you these are Cadillac products these aren't run of the mill still is sold at a corner store the cool part about Emerald labs is there are a manufacturer so what they do is they bring in all of their own raw material the c.e.o. Rick Simpson he decides which products are good enough they're using branded ingredients these are what we want to look for so often we see other little supplements that claim to be great but there's no science there's no research and there's a lot of window dressing behind it so when we come back from the break we're going to ask Stacy a little bit more about the healthy and the multis and we're going to learn a lot more again check out our website that's forever young Radio dot com We'll be right back after the break with. There are lots of good reasons to take a good quality multi-vitamin even the best eating plans can fall short of meeting all of the necessary nutrients you need each day Emerald labs opera's different multi vitamin formulas with specialty men's and women's and prenatal formulas to meet individual needs each formula contains Colin dine activated forms of b 2 b. 6 and folic acid Albion minerals the gold standard in mineral killing vitamin k. 2 as m k 7 full. Acid is one of the standout nutrients in these formulas 46 percent of the u.s. Population does not process folic acid properly putting them at greater risk for premature heart attack and stroke depression and even schizophrenia taking once daily multi-vitamin is an easy way to help small nutritional gaps learn more about him. By going to. Supplement that supplements. Also available at Vitamin Shoppe sprouts and other fine health stores nationwide the latest trend to hit the store shelves the whole country. Or c.b.d. Might just be the greatest discovery of our generation and it comes from a plant that is not so new agricultural. After 70 years of prohibition and misunderstanding is back to healthy and balanced growing research showing a lot to learn from the. Nutrient rich products. Concentrated provides broad spectrum nutrition including fatty acids. Noise and naturally occurring vitamin e. From seed to shell. Oil products provide the highest quality c.b.d. Products available and are offered in a variety of delivery systems and flavors to suit your needs ask. The scientists today and learn more about the c.b.d. Evolution. Plus see. Here is. Your young at heart let's keep it that way stay feeling young with. Extract designed specifically to help support and strengthen your cardiovascular system as you age. It was founded on scientific research and it's been the subject of more than $800.00 research studies over the last 45 years revealing it significant cardiovascular benefits. Age garlic extract cardiovascular blood pressure health cholesterol and circulation formulas are just a handful of the many keylock supplements that can help reduce the major risk factors the part to see and promote overall heart health organically grown Kaila garlic is aged up to 20 months has no function to odor and is gentle on the stomach make a resolution today to stay young at heart and keep your cardiovascular system strong for years to come today available a financial health retailers nationwide. Got into just in gas bloating your symptoms could be caused by an imbalance of the good versus bad bacteria in your intestinal tract stress fast food x. Rays antibiotics they are all a part of modern life they can decrease your good intestinal bacteria leading to a rise of bad bacteria and then digestive distress make 2019 the year you tackle your digestive concerns head on rebuild your good intestinal bacteria with Dr o. Here as probiotics a worldwide leader in probiotic health for over 30 years taken daily Doctorow here as will help improve your digestive wellbeing and for sudden upper digestive distress chew a capsule or to the enzymes and post biopic metabolites only found in Dr o. Here as probiotics will help you feel better look for Dr o. Here is probiotics and Vitamin Shoppe Wholefoods sprouts and other financial health retailers nationwide also available online get your digestion under control today learn more about enrolled lab science based multi-vitamin formulas by going to w.w.w. Dot supplement dot wine that supplements dot au and he also available at Vitamin Shoppe sprouts and at a fine health stores nationwide that supplements dot au and e. . Welcome back to Forever Young My friend. Killick of the soul of our special guest. AC Faulkner the National Educator for Emerald labs and you know Stacy while you were talking I was just thinking about all the all the ways that you make sure that the supplements are actually available to people is that they can actually get what's in the supplement in their body the fact that you've got it so raw whole food that you've got to probiotics you've got the digestive enzymes you've got to the b. Vitamins in there in their most absorbable form you've just made sure that you know it's not just like reading a label I don't got this and this and this is the other question should be well is this going to translate into something that my body can actually absorb and use and it seems that Emeril Labs has that as its as its prime goal not only putting those elements together but making sure that the consumer is going to benefit from them absolutely we are using the superior form when armor possible I would say that after reading the labels on the was interested and looking for a quality product they would find that they would they would read that they would see that we are completely additive free and using high quality branded ingredients are necessary we also manufacture as if we are under f.d.a. Regulation we are an f.d.a. Abhi to facility already meaning that f.d.a. Could pop in any time that we actually manufacture in our own facility as if we are you are you know regulated industry and that's big I mean I've been here facilities there pretty awesome to go in there and see everybody and see the steps of process of what you're doing and then when we're talking about these multis again we talked about earlier that's the number one taken a vitamin which is great we want people to take a multi-vitamin because it's a great way to bridge the nutritional gaps that we're no longer getting from our food supply right but let's be honest not every multi is created equal so what should consumers be looking for when they're out there in the world looking for a quality multi for themselves or their family the for. Thing that I would say would be an additive free product from nice looking for a quality multiply I would make sure that the added Asli and in the correct absorbable form the people want to be looking for something that says Cohen's immediate are methylated on the label and basically what that means is just there in the act of form that doesn't have to be converted when we take in vitamins our bodies not ready to utilize they're not ready to perform in the circus apart so they have to be converted into active forms to be able to perform and so when something's already messed later to cleanse me to make sure that it has proper amount read your labels and make sure that you're looking for something that's additive 3 gluten free a good price point the most expensive does not necessarily mean it's the best we try to be really fair minded with and the last price being so fair minded price gluten free additive free a whole food base that you can make sure you're absorbing all of those ingredients together that the body will recognize it as food and that you have to use the Albion minerals That's huge right l b n minerals is a company that week for 30 minutes and basically it's called the gold standard of excellence for key leading minerals to amino acid So again the body will recognize this food because we're looking force the period of starvation little looking for absorption no matter what increase in the bile Bill ability of the formulas that we're taking and so that they can achieve the results that that we're looking for you know Stacy we've been talking about stress of Pachachi good those kinds of things and and yes we want to help that but you know it's it's a cascading effect if you've got that kind of fatigue and stress in your body Yes the poor adrenals are taking the brunt but it's it's going to affect every system of the body so it's really imperative that we that we keep the foundational health in intact so that we can we can have every other organ of the body working optimally I agree I agree wholeheartedly and this. Body is meant to work all the functions are meant to work together so we can keep like you said the foundation strong and that is as important as. The structure itself keeping the foundation strong so we want preventative maintenance so we want to keep vitamins and minerals we want to keep mincemeat out that always functioning their body together to make space in the best running show on earth right exactly and you know one of the things that I think is really cool is that these are Dr formulated as we mentioned Dr Marc Spangler and he's using it at his clinic actually based in San Diego our show is heard all over the country but Dr Marc Stengel is very well known in the Ensign Edith's area and let's be honest if these products didn't work and he was a youth and he was using about a center you probably one of many patients so I think that's why you guys go that extra mile to really do the research find out what friend ingredients are working because that's one of the cool things that we've used your products for years and I think a lot of our listeners do but you're constantly trying to think of your consumer for purchasing the products you have this new campaign it's called Emerald I'm free you can go to their website Emerald supplements dot com Again Emerald supplements dot com scroll to the bottom and go to the Emerald I'm free testimonial submission if you currently use one of their products and you have been using it fill it out tell them what you've been using it why you like it not only will they send you a free bottle of the product you're taking but they'll send you a free t. Shirt so it's really cool thing where it's not all about I know your c.e.o. I know your c.f.o. I know everybody within the company and let me tell you they're one of the most nicest and honest companies where yes as a business you have to make money to stand business but your c.e.o. Has never price these products on what the market would bear I mean that I pay 12 bucks for a multi-vitamin that has so much quality in it my women's one daily That's a great price point so you know whatever you guys are doing keep it up because we certainly love it around here terrific I know we're running out of time. There we've got a few minutes left what would you like to leave with our listeners about our conversation about adrenal health today and other little nutritional things that we're missing within our life Ok so the bottom line the adrenals are our primary glance we're succeeding the energizing hormones so we want to keep the adrenal happy these little guys want to keep them happy and supported the 1st thing would be quality be vitamin b. Complex quality not want to how the adrenal fatigue you don't want them to start to start getting exhausted we want to give them the support with the proper b. Vitamins Cohens made a form to be vitamins Otherwise if you start feeling a little bit irritable a little bit stress you can incorporate an adrenal health formula into your system and start getting a little bit of support there to increase your mentor alertness and your strength and endurance and keeping calm. With the 5 adoptions in the vitamins the. Adult and it's a vegetarian formula and it works within about 15 minutes as far as. Those things I talked about that's a big deal Stacy thank you so much for joining us today we look forward to having you come back on the show I know that you're really love talking about liver health up a whole nother section that we need to talk about especially with the amount of medications people are on but continue to go out there in the world and educate people because you're really helping so many people out there and we appreciate They joined us today thanks guys alright listeners Ok that's it again just want to remind you we've partnered with our online affiliate supplements the one that supplements dot Oh and the they carry the Emerald line of products on that website among many others but today when you use the code forever that's forever just like this show you will save 5550 percent off adrenal health be healthy and the multis and again this is in addition to the daily 10 percent off just for being a listener of the Forever Young radio show all you have to do again is use forever and go to supplement start one and you will. 50 percent off adrenal health all the multis there are 16 to choose from by the way and to be healthy you can pick the prenatal the women the men so whatever suits your family it's a wonderful way to stock up but then at the end of the day also you can find follow them on social media their hash tag is at Emerald I'm free on Instagram or at Emerald I'm free on Facebook so make sure you go and check that out a lot of good information we've placed all this wonderful news on our weekly highlight page so if you're driving don't worry about writing it down we will leave it up for the next couple days on that weekly highlight page for every on Radio dot com Carrie wonderful show today we had a lot of great information in the in those last 2 hours yeah on this special is unbelievable I can't afford not to do it and I know I thought that's better than our whole so I count on Mike I'm going to be stocking up too and you know it's those rare things again it's the beginning of the year and they're excited they know once you start trying their product it's something that you're going to stay on because of the quality and qualities everything when it comes to the industry where and carry We don't want people to spend money they can't afford but at the end of the day when we're talking quality and it's inexpensive on your pocketbook load up so that's what we tend to do but I always loved being on the show with you Carrie I want to congratulate you you know 6 years we've been co-hosting the show together forever young been on 19 you've been on this journey for 6 with me and I couldn't be more blessed and thankful to have a alongside of me every single week Kerry I love you well I hope we can do another 60 that be fine with me but I love it is well no problem if we keep lengthening those telomeres and get rid of those senescence those and and taking these wonderful products and eating good and exercising we will be it will be no problem sixty's that's pretty small going for 100 so we should be Ok Don't worry about that the listeners again thank you for tuning in Be happy be healthy be will be yourself out there and always remember to hit that weekly highlight page for every young Radio dot com Thank you so much for joining us today we create. You're pretty and my. Brother Young sponsored by logic media marketing l.l.c. He has San Diego has got interactive. Download our free app to get special offers deals and more than just status updates and pictures of cats from Mark. If you hear something that you want to weigh in on Bella the phrase the answer app picked instantly call or e-mail the station straight from your mobile device or download our free today the answer San Diego the best conservative coverage in San Diego. 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Run Senate as well and if it does well I veto it 100 percent it would be the president's 1st veto in Congress likely would not be able to override it though the battle over it would test g.o.p. Support for the president's declaration which even some allies see as a stretch solderer mag on the Washington White House press secretary Sarah satyrs is speaking out about bias in the media she says she hopes some of the press have learned their lesson after jumping the gun on recent stories to make the president and his supporters look bad I certainly hope it doesn't get worse look I think they see some of the record caution trying to. Come out and attack the president without a lot of information the Washington Post is now being sued over its reporting on the so-called Covington kids in which one of the students was videotaped standing his ground when confronted by a Native American activist in front of the Lincoln Memorial last month satis as many in the media simply got the facts wrong in the case of the coming to get I have never seen. Thank you so all all and media LIFO about destroying a. Tire it's a shit and trying to bring him down as they were in this case Center spoke to the Salem Radio Network the 1st 2 days the Vatican sex abuse summit focused on the responsibility of church leaders and tending to their flocks and how they must be held accountable when they fail to properly protect young people from predator priests more of these stories at townhall dot com diabetes high blood pressure anxiety meds everyone's on them if you are a 50 year old male maybe a bit porky and you may even have type 2 diabetes a $1000000.00 of Term insurance may only cost you about $200.00 a month called term provider speak with big blue at 804442013 Big Blue will find a term life policy for you even if you have type 2 diabetes are overweight or have high blood pressure term providers help thousands of people like you think they can't afford term life insurance to buy a $1000000.00 of affordable term life for you all you need to do is call Big Lou at 804442013 who will make sure the scales are tipped in your favor call 804442013 Big Blue will answer your call and work to fit you into a term life policy that you can afford remember Big lose like you he's on meds to call 8044 forward 201-380-4442 extension 013. 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