The answer that's 96 point 12 am 11 somebody. Breaking news at a breakneck pace sirius a star Mike Gallagher show I think we all sense that the president is facing incoming every single day since $978.00 Mike Gallagher writes about I'm voice of clarity for millions of Americans I sleep right ever thought about politics I'm actually using your show to kind of part of the good you're on your show known by the most famous man on the planet you've been great Mike and I appreciate it very much you know as I walk over here very quickly from the really factor dot com studio Mike Gallacher. You saw a whole bunch your resources to to try to discern what's happening what the media is saying I look at conservative sites I look at some some mainstream media sites actually this is one of those sort of you know daily rituals I go to Mike Allen's site and it's an online news site actually yes I am and. The rest of the media is doing x. Years is reporting all the nervous the job you know the jitters in the White House right now the big reality tremor Mike Allen actually has calls it last week's show done even court filings detonated what one official called a reality tremor that has White House officials and key allies increasingly aware of President Trump's rising legal and political vulnerability some top officials are suddenly much more attuned to the political fallout from the mall investigation . And on the outside some hard core Trump allies were rattled by the specificity revealed by the special counsel and by federal prosecutors are one trump loyalists aren't always like that one trump loyalist that's the linear equivalent of writing a story find somebody on Twitter and say on Twitter user said you know this is where you serve decided not to support I'll run back on I mean I was like Ok a trump loyalist one trump loyalist said after a day of conversation with hard car hardcore my guy online influencers these are the people most prone predisposed to believe in the witch hunt rhetoric they're now expressing real you know I'm concerned. Can we can we please try to come back to Earth for just a minute I silent Dershowitz this week on t.v. Want to get him back on the show Lance because he's a great he's a great reality check guy he points out that Tom Styer this climate change activist billionaire who wants to he's the guy that spent millions and millions of dollars with a stupid futile effort to impeach Trump millions of dollars you think of all the hungry people that would have said Do you realize if Tom Styer had his heart in the right place I'm $16000.00 away from my goal right now that's like his lunch money for my salvation army red kettle campaign $16000.00 short I'm so close and I feel like we've stalled over the last day and I'm panicked because we've got to get over the finish line. So if you believe in me if you believe in the show if you believe in the Salvation Army please take a moment to make a donation to our Salvation Army Red Kettle it takes like 2 minutes go to Mike on Line dot com top of the page I'm so close i can taste it were like What are we going to have now glanced almost 135000 like 15000 away from heading our goal of 150000 then I can kind of breathe but I think of Tom Styer wasting millions and millions and millions of dollars. With his stupid failed impeachment effort Alan Dershowitz pointed out Tom Styer could run for president 2020 he could spend a $1000000000.00 on himself running for president and that's perfectly legal you really think a one $130000.00 payoff to a porn star is going to lead to jail time go go research John Edwards campaign finance reform history better still look up Obama's campaign finance violations and the record fines that the Obama campaign paid for campaign finance violations campaign finance violations. Again that's like that's like a jaywalking ticket it's nothing and it does reinforce I mean not listen I'll invite you to call me are you wavering because of what you heard Friday from this smaller investigation I'm more convinced than ever that this is a witch hunt I'm more convinced than ever that this is a. Prosecutor in search of a crime desperately trying to take down the president of the United States and I'm no conspiracy theorist. How many times do we have to say where's the Russian collusion Oh oh Axios now they're nervous inside the walls of the White House oh now the Mongol world now Trump supporters are narrow police traps reporters how are on wavering because we know there's no Russian collusion showing it trump wanting to build a hotel in Moscow isn't Russian collusion remember what Russian Collusion means did the Russians conspire with the Trump campaign to him to impact the outcome of the election in 2016 that's all this is about all the convictions none of them have anything to do with Russian collusion and the American people are smart enough to know it now let's get down to basics build the dam wall build the wall $5000000000.00 and you want to know what the president is up against now that Americans let this country down by letting Democrats win the House in November here's what we're up against now now I get we got a lot of spineless Republicans and I don't know where the Republican leadership has been over the wall they're afraid they're weak kneed doggone it this guy won the presidency because of border security and that that was his whole campaign was building the wall Here's Nancy Pelosi this is something you want to hear when Nancy Pelosi is asked about border security and a wall and how to fund it here is the incoming House majority leader thank you America House majority leader's position. Disappoint some people are wondering if you were going to want to vote. No but because you could have been stabbed with a bomb thinking to myself I can clear the wall and ineffective and then fall and hasn't come on the full health of promise Mexico will pay for it. That's the House speaker started in January the walls are immoral it's expensive and in effect in that order immoral devil wall you think Nancy Pelosi lock your doors at night think Nancy Pelosi takes any steps to protect herself from invaders weren't at all time high last month the illegal immigration of the Us Mexico border short to levels that we haven't seen since fiscal year 2014 with more than 51500 illegals tried to cross the border in April of 2015 remember how was it was down number how it was decreasing dramatically with the assent of President Trump now that I mean you don't think illegals have figured out the we're not serious about a wall and I want to hear Democrats on record say they oppose a wall I want to play that clip all day long till it does come out my ears so you know what the Democrats are about in 2018 America they don't want border security they don't care let the illegals come in catch and release a Ok take the jobs a.l.k. . Fill up our emergency rooms no problem that's the Democrats' position. So as president begins 2019 Believe me this is going to be a battle about border security and we're going to go back to basics and I don't know what's going to get done with that with obstructionists like Nancy Pelosi However from a political perspective letter digger heels in because we'll win in a landslide in 2020 Our number is 1865 Mike while come in it's a Tuesday December 11th I'm nervous about my red kettle I need a but I need I need $160.00 listeners to pop in $100.00 will you be one of my team of $160.00 what can we do Lance can I flash $160.00 people to New York for a party probably can probably can't pull that off that's probably not practical maybe I can call everybody will I need the $160.00 plus if we're 16000 dollars away and I get 160 listeners to go to Mike Online dot com and make 100 dollars donation today to our Salvation Army red kettle campaign we had our we had our gold you here my son yesterday on the on the on the show Michael did a great job talking about how the Salvation Army has opened his eyes and his heart and he's turned to God and he's helping others please do what you can all right so 160 times to his 320 joining 320 listeners to give 50 dollars the possibilities are endless whatever you can afford Please give to my red kettle I need you I need you to day please go to Mike on Line dot com The Salvation Army Red Kettle banner at the top of the page or good team Gallagher dot org teen Gallagher dot org or the really factor dot com studio's great having you on the right our number for you to join us 18655 Mike we're live streaming the show at Mike on Line dot com You can watch the show as well as listen pop into the chat room Great having you along for the ride buckle when it's the Mike Gallagher show and you're not going to want to miss Sharyl Attkisson at the bottom of the hour right here Sharyl Attkisson the award winning journalist she is she is brilliant on the testimony of James Komi and so much more. She'll join us in about 15 minutes from now so don't go away. No phone. This no. This is c.n.n. San Diego. 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Get a lawyer now I just got a note from a good friend of mine where do you hear the match offer for my Salvation Army Red Kettle because we're a little bit stuck right now but I think thanks to a buddy of mine the mad Lithuanian from Chicago land we're going to we're going to get to our goal and I think we know how to do it I mean I'm going to have to Eric we're going to have to build a studio and precision payroll of America he show good to us I just got to get Tommy his beautiful wife to come with us to Israel next year but I'll give you an idea and give you the information on the match in about 15 minutes from now it's pretty exciting and thanks for indulging me over my love for the Salvation Army and how they've shaped my son's life and how they do so much good for so many people so we got a big big announcement about a match a match offer an offer to match coming up in just a couple of minutes but let's talk a little bit about Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats obstructionism on this wall let's talk about how to battle these Democrats and let's let's go back to to to to basics where are the Republicans where's the leadership. The Republican Party on the wall start with Larry 25 past the hour hey Larry welcome aboard How are you sir I'm fine Mike I just have an idea that I know that you're working on cell lation army and there are thankful for the money and everything but my idea is Heck I'll donate money for the Wall started and for the wall and I just believe too that a show that would support Trump and I just believe I'm just pushing this to you because I don't know how to go any where I mean where were the Republican leaders on this Larry Where's Mitch McConnell I mean where's Paul Ryan outgoing Paul Ryan where is the leadership for that matter I mean what Lindsey Graham has been so great on so many issues and was great on Cavanagh incidentally Cavanagh you saw the news about his his deciding vote yesterday a blistering dissent by Clarence Thomas in the 3 conservatives. Errs there's some bad bad rumblings coming out of the Supreme Court after that hard fought battle one for Judge Cavanagh yesterday he cast the deciding vote as the Supreme Court rejected reviewing the issue of Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood a give you those gory details in just a moment we got a lot on our plate we've got we're up against a lot right now we're up against a lot and this president is fighting and he's battling and now he's got to go up against the Democrats who have taken control of the house and you know I get the political optics of how bad the Democrats look with Palosi saying that the ball the war the wall is immoral nobody thinks the border wall is immoral unless you're a far left progressive who wants open borders but there are a lot more of them than you think at the end of the day. This president has to be supported on the issue of the wall Peggy you're next day Peggy How are you I'm fabulous Mike how are you I'm great I'm great just got some good news about my red kettle so I got my fingers crossed you know I mean that I mean that kind of Christmas spirit how about you absolutely and don't let me forget about that after I make my point that yes ma'am go ahead. You know the thing that really ticks me off about the Democrats and the establishment Republicans is all they do are thing you know to benefit their pocket all they care about is illegal is over American citizens and the thing that really ticks me off you know talking about losing the house I don't blame the American people as much as I blame those 44 or so you know piece that got cold feet and decided not to run again you're right and then you're already of them have run we would have if they would have stayed the fight if they would have stayed the battle they would have stayed the course and they would have been in there we wouldn't be in the mess we're about to face and you know what Peggy It reminds me frankly of John Kelly of Nikki Haley of these folks who are who are leaving the White House after one year or 2 years whom we need these people now more than ever. One more thing before I hear you're going on a on a break what they need to do is they need to talk about the amount of money American taxpayer money that is spent on a legal part of the American citizen and what the wall would say. You know break it down to just dollars and cents Thanks Peggy coming out the great Sharyl Attkisson manager she been through it I mean she has been through the ringer and people of even sort of a Go Fund Me campaign to help her with her legal her legal fees she broke down the James called me hearing Friday in a brilliant way she's going to join us next and big news about our Salvation Army regular coming up. This is c.n.n. San Diego. This report is sponsored by the word on well Financial Network. Here's the word on welfare retirement 5 star wealth manager certified financial planner Mikey Schneider their retirement purpose are pretty friend welcome to this edition of the word on with Martin Schneider here if you are in employee and or your are participating in a 4 a one k. Plan you may be familiar with the concept of the so-called target date funds now a target date fund or investments that are tailored to an individual account holders age in retirement year essentially it's sort of a set it and forget it kind of strategy because the fund managers are going to automatically rebalance this account to align with the investor's age so for example somebody in their early thirty's may be invested in what's called a 2050 target date fund which assumes that that individual would retire in that year of 2050 at their age of 67 and on the other hand if you are maybe 60 years of age right now when you're thinking of retirement in 5 years or so you might participate in a 2020 or 2025 fine the beauty of the targeted. Funds is that it adjusts your equity risk for you as you get closer and closer to that retiring retirement target date so obviously somebody that younger in their twenty's thirty's would be more heavily invested in stocks which come certainly with more market risk in the target date fund portfolio is going to be just to be more heavily allocated into more conservative type investments as that individual gets older these have become very very popular in fact a good deal of the funds that are going into for a one k. Accounts are ending up in these target date funds right now in fact more than half of the 4 a one k. Accounts hold 100 percent of their assets in target date funds that is according to some 3rd quarter 3rd quarter data from Fidelity Investments Now whether that's a good strategy for you or not is up for debate and the reason I say that you know a fun like that is going to be tailored to the retirement age but look for the challenge here is that they're not for everybody because a lot of employers are going to use this as their default portfolio for an employee and they were pretty good starting place especially if you're a new participant to whip out a lot of assets in the account but you should also consider alternative options as you begin to accumulate more and more assets in these funds these funds treat everybody as if they have the exact same risk tolerance in that particular portfolio they have the same income needs in retirement as everybody in that portfolio and that everybody in that portfolio can tolerate the volatility before that target year date is reached so they certainly have advantages on the downside they have been criticized for their fee and expense ratios whether you have a good one in your portfolio you don't know happy to review it for you and to help you allocate properly based on your age and other financial planning consider. Ration to fly to come in to make sure you're doing the right things in your retirement planning I certainly invite to come see me here for your absolutely free retirement consultation with me here in my Mission Valley office I do meet with everybody personally absolutely free of charge just call my office to schedule your retirement consultation with me 877 plan 877-7526 that's it for this edition of the world and well from the retirement Professor Martin chatter this is the word on well financial network and I made that clear tomorrow same time same place right here in these very same Salem network stations. This is Ed Martin host of The Ed Martin movement heard weeknights at 9 pm if you're looking for intelligent and conservative answers you can find them right here on the answer San Diego if you live in North County you can hear those answers on f.m. 96 point one and still am 1171 in San Diego that is a good. Bit Eldritch. Martin on f.m. 96 point one in North County and am 1170 in San Diego the answer. 96 point one k. On 1170. 4 in Barrow Mazziotti thinking. 11 thing that people. Are watching Santa isn't the only one watching you Mike Gallagher is also making a list checking it twice so you didn't or very nice Once again here's Mike. We got a lot of nice people be a nice and one person in. Killer who may get us over the finish line with our Salvation Army red kettle campaign the details on that match in just a moment and stand by for the great Sharyl Attkisson man has she been through a lot and is she doing she blended work she's the host of Sinclair's Sunday t.v. Program full measure She's the author of 2 New York Times best sellers she's an Emmy award winning investigative journalist and poise she all over the James Comey testimony on Friday one of quickly tell you go about our friends and go go meds because this is this breakthrough online pharmacy for all of us who don't want to go to the pharmacy and want lower costs on our prescription medications it's a great pharmacy it's called go go meds dot com Now how many times have you stood in line when you don't feel good and need to get your medicine and your prescriptions filled and you're behind 10 people and you feel like crap who wants to do that or sit behind 6 cars while they argue about insurance and co-pays and all of that with go go Match dot com Your doctor simply send your prescription medications to go go meds dot com and then your prescriptions are delivered right to your home every month I get my meds from go go meds dot com Like clockwork right to my door right to my home go to Go Go meds dot com Use the promo code my 2018 they'll give you 10 bucks off your 1st prescription also check out the new mobile app on your phone it's free and under go go meds dot com You can make the switch today all your meds will be delivered from go Gomez dot com They're saving me about 8 or $900.00 a year lower prices shaving time no waiting in lines ever never having to go to the pharmacy again go go meds dot com Go Go meds dot com promo code Mike 28 team was welcoming Sharyl Attkisson and Cheryl 1st of all welcome back to the show it's been too long. Boy have you been through the ringer and I was I was reading about some of your the challenges you've been up against last night and and I just got it at 1st of all ask you if you have if you have if your confidence has wavered at all considering all that you've been through with your computers being hacked and the government going after you as a reporter I mean it would it would break the will of a very strong person how are you doing overall. I just have decided to use it is motivational I love the thought of a good goal and instead of letting it you know defeat me I view the thought of as an investigative reporter as a way to get involved. And it's been very interesting that I have been able to with the help of people inside be entirely they could together the story with friends exams that show the government monitoring of my computers the content of my confidence in the government let's say the generic government to get to the bottom of this and to root out constitutional and privacy violations back on down yes. It was for you that I've been suing the Department of Justice and f.b.i. They've been nothing but a taxpayer money to fight they're not even concerned about going after the criminals they're defending. Some scary stuff and I think about your journey because I mean you're an award winning investigative journalist you were you were the Washington based correspondent for c.b.s. News. And it seems to me and I I could be wrong tell me if I'm correct me if I'm being overly simplistic here you're somebody who has made a career out of pursuing the truth and you've gone into areas that politically correct liberal reporters didn't dare go and as a result and listen we're grateful for your voice we're grateful for your your best your New York Times bestsellers we're grateful for your Sunday t.v. Show but let's be honest here I mean you're you have not you're not in that prominent network position you were in it seems to me that's what happens that's what the system does that's what the mainstream media does to somebody like you is that a fair observation or my simplifying this too much. I think that's generally a fair take 'd that another is as you may know I think that the the I'm right and my program on Sunday for what that's worth a said far more people than my work at c.b.s. With the ever said to on a more diverse group a.b.c. C.b.s. The d.p.p. Telemundo right but that was never on purpose I exited ahead of my contract because I saw this trend in the news industry and before the 26 team can form right whereby investigative reporters were no longer allowed to in many cases just follow the facts we were assigned to complete narratives and if the stories didn't turn out the right way you know the facts be damned they wouldn't hear the piece and then you pay the penalty for it in essence but but would but in the climate we're in now had you stayed in there would you still be you know a network correspondent for for a network like c.b.s. Or do you think that would have been behind you. Well I what I always try to do is really only a huge problem the last couple years I was there which is why I left but what I always tried to do with my area of research on political in nature right you know that were sold to people aside from what they didn't want you to cover at the end but I left because there was really nothing my producer and I we were up over where the story of the money he was really popular story with consumers and viewers and none of that was anything that the programs wanted any more or the managers on the program so. In today's system can Years ago yes I could have done some meaningful coverage political or coverage on Bill Gates fire at the network I would probably be a man out that I've always wanted to do the under reported to the point widely covered so that would put. Me on the up to something a highly valued but today I think that sort of recording would put you on the outs Well you're a warrior and I'm showing press that your tenacity give it we're going to give our listeners the information about your Go Fund Me page because it's called the 4th amendment litigation fund and you know you're fighting the Department of Justice the f.b.i. Over over this government you know control computer intrusion and we'll give our listeners that information here just a moment let's get down to brass tacks about commies testimony on Friday I spent 15 minutes yesterday reading you want to talk about President Trump on a tweet storm Surely you were on a tweet storm over over and over call me and I was going through it and we were breaking it down because frankly the way you explained it it makes the Obama administration and Hillary and Muller even worse I want to play for you an audio clip from last night Newt Gingrich was on Fox News Channel as kind of or 3 from Fox News and gravy and and I want to get your reaction to Newt's position on what would really be going on with James Comey if we truly had. Had equal justice under the law. Kind of or 3 guys if we had any sense of equal justice everything commies done would in fact from from the standpoint of Muller would have come in right now wind up for a whole series of felony charges. These things you have you're right he's signing documents which it is illegal to sign knowing that they're false and now he's telling us he didn't know the things he said in the document. Well in any reasonable system Comey would now be guilty I think by his own admission of a series of felonies including what they're going to ask about next week which is having weak things which is illegal but it tells you what a onesided political witch hunt Mueller's engaged in that all of these things go on and somehow it never quite becomes important but going after General Flynn after his 35 years of risking his life for America that's Ok even though nothing Flynn has been accused of is comparable to what Komi now has admitted Sharyl Attkisson is Newt Gingrich right. I think there is I don't know what Muller is working on obviously so I can't comment on that he may be looking at some of the stuff although it may be outside of his purview but yes there are huge really serious implications to what Comey has acknowledged in his testimony not the least of which as Newt Gingrich said but didn't get the specific there's something in the f.b.i. I've reported on with the help of sources called the Woods procedures that were installed under lol or after it was discovered that f.b.i. Agents too often were submitting false information to the fight the court to get wiretaps right it was prestigious in 2001 require the f.b.i. Agents and headquarters and everybody signed off on these wiretap applications to verify every fact they present or not presented to the court so it doesn't really matter under the blitz procedures the way my sources tell me how much of the dot ca or incorrect or unverified information was used in the wiretap if not as a single fact that wasn't there 5 was used and this was a subject earlier in the 2000 decades according to internal document that was being investigated by the Office of Professional Responsibility over the complaints of the 5 The court judges so it appears as though the very same thing is still happening despite these rules that were installed to prevent that Cheryl after after Comey testified Friday he went over to the 92nd Street y. In New York City Chef there with Nicole Wallace in front of an audience and he and he sat there and was so partisan he literally said the only paraphrasing here but basically in 2020 the only way to stop the lies of Donald Trump is to vote him out of office you've got to you've got to get a vote in 2020 now stop the lies and of course a huge cheer from the liberal audience at the 92nd Street y. Carol I just found that so shocking this is a former f.b.i. Director I thought I thought this guy was in a part as well and the former u.n. And back u.s. Ambassador to the u.n. Has made similar. As have former director of National Intelligence and CIA Director Clapper and Brennan and I asked the question Did Trump radical I think people are always feel this way or we only know what's the answer to that because I struggle with that too I struggle with the never trappers who are Republicans who should be now more left of center more left than than Jane Fonda I don't understand their shots all the sudden they act like the far left progressive I show your great question what's your theory I have they been allies by Trump or is this who they really. Are they really are I believe this is who they were always made or what they're always made and the Trump atmosphere has made it whereby we warded or encouraged it right you might say when it comes to the media and intel official maybe one of the things trump of done most effectively if you want to twist things around is expose the nature of some of them that was kind of hidden maybe always there but they pretended to be something else and now they no longer do. Sure Ackerson we want to wish you nothing but the best and there is a Go Fund Me page where you can find it Go Fund Me dot com Sharyl Attkisson 4th amendment litigation Cheryl we need your voice and I and every Sunday I hope everybody's watching for measure on Sinclair stations all over the country you keep fighting the good fight Ok very kind you have a great having you on the program here in the really factor dot com studio she's a warrior and she's fighting hard and says she's taken on the Justice Department she's just a tough cookie 40 minutes before the hour here in the really factor dot com studios and I got exciting news about possibly possibly I got to find one generous donor who is being challenge for a match for our Salvation Army Red Kettle 28000 campaign this is very very exciting news involves a dear friend of mine from Chicago and one generous donor who could maybe get us across the finish line today can it happen I'll tell you how next Also the latest on justice Cavanaugh and what many say is his betrayal of conservatism with his ruling this week of the Medicaid Planned Parenthood funding issue that and more all ahead right here on the Mike Gallagher show. 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On a typical autumn day in Afghanistan it can be as cold as 30 degrees as autumn turns to winter it can reach as low as 15 degrees it's rainy windy and miserable but the men and women who serve our nation answer that call they fight back those who want to harm us they are our true American heroes but sadly many are all but forgotten they are no longer receiving care packs and reminders of home and when those in our armed forces receive your care packs tear up with joy that you took the time to remember their sacrifice 855 in number 7 troops 855-787-6677 right now to say thank you for each $100.00 donation you'll receive a $20.00 gift certificate for Richard Walker's pancake house that's 855 the number 7 and there were troops or get on line at the answer Sandiego dot com Please join Move America Forward to send care packs full of premium coffee jerky cookies personal care items and more call 8557 troops that's 8557 troops are given line at the answers dot com Larry Elder and if you're thinking about selling your home listen up now's the time to act Sandy a real estate authority John point real estate has been telling you for a while that the San Diego real estate market is slowing we've been recommending and telling you about John Reeves for a long time now and it's critical you work with an agent you can trust and who has a track record of guaranteeing your sick. Every time in writing John next is summer 5 percent more money and sells $3.00 times faster than the average agent John Reeves sells a home every 27 hours how does he do it well John already has the buyers over 5000 ready buyers in his database looking to buy right now your home could already be sold don't just call any real Tor when you can have San Diego's number one realtor called John Reed's now 858800 home and start packing that 858800 home or Jr has the buyers dot com That's j r has a buyers dot com and he 6 point one north 11 some of the San Diego messaging data rates may have individual results may vary the website for details but hey I'm buying a huge flat screen t.v. So I can finally see it without my glasses Why not just get racing at the Lasik this immense to you that's what I'm doing my glasses and contacts are a pain and love to finally get rid of these but who can afford Lasik you can because the Lasik vision Institute is offering dramatically low prices and absolutely free consultation just text vision 222350350 The Lasik vision Institute has already performed over a 1000000 procedures they use the latest f.d.a. Approved lasik technology that helps the majority of patients achieve 2020 vision for a fraction of what other structures better vision better value the Lasik vision Institute make this the year you finally get Lasik for a free consultation plus an extra 20 percent discount text vision 222350350 you'll see for free if Lasik is right for you that's v.i.x. I o. Into 22350350 It's good to ask for advice but what if you're getting advice from the wrong people that's why I wrote the book financial detox and why I'm inviting you to listen to our radio program Hi I'm Jason labor of labor in wealth management join us for financial detox Saturday afternoons at 130 and later on well we give you a written plan one that's research based in truly cost. Giving you the highest probability of achieving your goals call us in 877-707-8889 learn more labor in wealth dot com 96.170. Gerd I'm a little nervous because we've been a little bit little slow on our Salvation Army donations and I got a text from a friend of mine in Chicago Tom should take a who owns and runs precision payroll of America to the best payroll processing and h.r. Company in America any sized business model of these guys so much in common is already made of $25000.00 donation to help us with our red kettle campaign Well guess what Tom just texted me we're less than $15000.00 away from our goal right now Tom just said he will match a $5000.00 donation to the 2018 Mike Gallagher show Salvation Army red kettle campaign or that means we're $15000.00 short All right so if somebody calls Lance right now and is willing to make a $5000.00 tax deductible and of your donation to this wonderful organization your 5000 will not only become $10000.00 thanks to Tom said Dacres generous offer it will become 15 because I'm going to match the $5000.00 personally as well so if we have one listener who is willing to donate $5000.00 Thomas a daycare and I are going to turn your $5000.00 into $15000.00 and we will hit our goal today and I'll get to saying I'll get to play I'll even sing along with Nat King Cole joy to the world joy to the world my favorite version is by Nat King Cole we've played it when we've had certain benchmarks and I feel like it's like God is talking to us today and we've got God's hand in this and I've been praying for a way to get over to get kind of out of our little slump we've been in for the last day or 2 it's really lots of yogurt are donating today and I preach it you so much . I'm looking at these donations Phyllis donated $150.00 in memory of her sister Joy Seth said many hands make light work they say and the Salvation Army does good work and he donated $200.00 saved by God's grace and the gift of faith in His Son Jesus to an organization of places charity head of administration fees God bless you all Carol said I donate every year to the Salvation Army but I want to be part of the people who helped get Mike over his goal today show if you are blessed and if you're able to make a 5000 dollar donation today with the Salvation Army red kettle campaign all I ask is you call Lance Anderson my producer right now and 180655 Mike he'll take all the information and get the get your donation processed Tom should take of precision payroll of America in Chicago will match it with 5 and I'll match it with another 5 I'll put it in right now on my credit card Tom will put it on his credit card and we will be over our 150000 dollars goal today and I bet I'll betcha even Mike Lindale might even step up and and encourage some donations from my pillow because we're going to chat with Mike today who's in New York on business so if you're interested if you want to take $5000.00 and turn it into 15 all you have to scoll Lance Henderson my producer at 180655 Mike 806556453 I have a hunch that somebody is going to come through and make that big donation and listen maybe we'll be blessed and we'll have a couple of people maybe we'll have 3 or 4 people who want to make a $5000.00 donation all I know is we're going to take your $5000.00 and turn it into 15 Thompson persuasion payroll willing to match a $5000.00 donation I'm going to match it as well so how about that that's the way that's the way the Salvation Army deserves a way to get over our goal today our Salvation Army 2018 read of red kettle campaign you'll make me the happiest guy in the universe and I've been facing a couple of Purr. Still challenges if as you know over the last couple weeks and I'm by the way by happy news I've lost 7 pounds 6 days 7 pounds I'm trying and I'm sticking to my point so you're motivated in a lot of ways but again if you want to make a 5000 dollar donation and see it turn into 15000 call lands right now we'll keep the lines open for about 15 minutes 180655 Mike 806556453 Lance knows how to get it processed for you and will get it in there and then Tom will put his 5 I'll put in my 5 and we can sing Joy to the world together because it is this is a great country. And I have some of the most generous people in the world like my buddy Thompson Baker if I've got folks like Thompson Baker precision payroll in my corner and I've got nothing to worry about the great my Clinton is going to talk about all the attacks on President Trump and his friendship with the president he's going to be in studio with us next to this is c.n.n. San Diego. Mike is another guy who I'm proud to count as a friend Mike Lindela of my pillow What a great offer he's put together for Christmas time he'll tell you about it when he's in studio with us coming up but for my pillows to premiums to travel go anywhere pillows 50 percent off when you use the promo code Mike g. Is that not incredible you also get this mattress topper 1st one quick word about the pillow this pillow is the most comfortable amazing pillow you'll ever sleep on in your life it never goes flat it conforms to your neck in your head and your back in a way that no other pillow does it stays cool through the night never gets hot you can pop in the washer in the dryer whenever you want and guess what my pillow is now offering 4 pillows you he can have 4 recipients on your Christmas gift list with my pillow under the tree everybody wants on my pillow go to my pillow dot com Use the promo code my g. My pick. Dot com problem code my g. Or call 809286034809286034 promo code my g. Word their. Program code might just be history will look back at President Trump as the president who defined leadership he's already passed the 1st major tax reform in 30 years on unemployment and Jeanne your low jobless claims are the lowest since 973 while the Dow celebrates its highest levels ever matter so a break these milestone achievements of our 45th president noble gold has minted an exclusive collector's priesthood 2020 present in concrete in the corner one side depicts an image of gone o.j. Drowned while the others are listen always major a genius this commemorative one owns going to the only presidential drum growing made of 99.9 percent silver not sober plating in his Ira approved as the price of silver rises so will the value of he is going to go to trump point 2020 dot com and use cold make sure he or text might machine to find 11511 and when you buy it 3 or more receive free shipping go to try to point 2020 dot com for this over 2020 present income Freedom Corps now available for a limited time only go to trying point 2020 dog gone today standard x. Rays may apply. Stuck in traffic. We've got the answer to 15 north on Brighton Adams our new there's a crash on the on ramp stop and go traffic from the 5 You National City 5 southbound just after the 54 there's a crash on the right shoulder you've got some slowing in the 163 south from the 826000 you know 56 West brake lines from black mountain road can you know search also on the 78 he's down from Mission Road north all the coastline drive slow on the 5 south from poinsettia to Insidious cool seasonal temperatures through Wednesday under low pressure high pressure builds for a warmer and drier Thursday of the coast and inland gusty winds can be expected in the mountains and valleys high temperatures today near average coastal highs in the mid sixty's and then highs in the. Upper sixty's mountains reaching the upper fifty's and the deserts will top out in the low seventy's this report brought to you by Liberty tobacco located on Claremont miscible of art in the Ethan Allen center and Del Mar in the flower Health Center I'm Randy Cox for the answer San Diego. 96 point one north channel 1170. Is our Town Hall dot com and Thomas Congress is hearing from the top managed Google made allegations of political bias at the online search giant I lead this company without political bias and work to ensure that the products come to you to operate directly to do otherwise would be against our caller principles and our business interests Google c.e.o. Sooner for Chaya also asked about reports that Google collects massive amounts of data from smartphone years it depends on the applications uses choose to use if you're using a fitness application which is to defend the number of steps you walk you expect it to send that information but it's a choice use this make we make it clear and it depends on the use cases the child testifying now before the House Judiciary Committee talking rational Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer heading to the White House for budget talks with President Fox that will include the president's demand for $5000000000.00 for a border wall Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton tells Salem Radio Network the ball is sorely need out the time to have this debate and I think we should fight very hard to secure our borders this is a critical issue on which we all campaign we are elected to office it's a simple fact that walls and says physical barriers work Democrats so far rejecting the president's $5000000000.00 request for a wall construction offering one and a half 1000000000 instead for border security President Trump is disputing news reports that he's having a hard time finding a new White House chief of staff Mr Trump tweets the. Reports are fake the president says many people over 10 are buying for and watching the White House chief of staff position stocks are higher this morning on Wall Street the Dow is up about 132 points the Nasdaq composite index ahead 66 and the s. And p. Currently up 21 points more on the story San townhall dot com Michael Horn here from the What's Cooking Today Show heard weekdays at 8 pm and 2 am if you're looking for intelligent and conservative answers you can find them on the answer San Diego if you live in North County you can hear those answers on f.m. 96 point one and still on am 1171 in San Diego that means you get Hewitt Gallagher Prager Medved Snyder elder Kmart and Wallace and me Michael Horn and f.m. 96 point one in North County and am 1170 in San Diego we are the answer San Diego. Friends of the answer be International Fellowship of Christians and Jews as conducting special winds of eagles Freedom Flights this month you your family or your business can sponsor a Jew on one of these flights were expecting to rescue hundreds of God's chosen people on upcoming wings of eagles freedom flights to Israel taking place from Ukraine Brazil Russia France via Turkey whose biggest and Lithuania the cost to rescue one Jew and put them on a seat on one of these flights is $1500.00 with your gift today of any amount will partner your donation with other Christians and together you'll rescue what precious to you on the wings of eagles as a listener to Casey b.q. The answer we are asking for your help today call 84480 wings beds 844-809-4647 or donate online that i f c j dot org slash radio. This report is sponsored by the word on well Financial Network here's the word on welfare retirement and 5 star wealth manager certified financial planner my Schneider the retirement Professor reading frenzy and welcome to this edition of the world on well more to shatter here that traditional 3 legged retirement stool that we've talked about for years that pension plans your personal savings and Social Security benefits Well that particular retirement stool gives the little bit war right now the personal savings however often ends up being the weak link for people and so this is where it really becomes important for you to understand your projected Social Security benefits your retirement income and the amount that you need to save to get the job done for you and your family so if you need help with that I invite you to come on and see me do me with everybody personally and I offer an absolutely free retirement planning consultation all you have to do is call the office and schedule your visit 80727 plan that is my office number here 877-7526 You can also go to my website the retirement Professor dot com f.m. 96 point one No. 11 somebody send a you know the answer don't you wish you could choose your own monthly mortgage payments if you're 62 years or older and have sufficient equity or own your home free and clear a reverse mortgage loan may be the most powerful tool for your financial planning with your current mortgage in case of any emergencies or business opportunities you may not be in the best financial position to make a move with a reverse mortgage eliminate your mortgage payments and receive cash or a large line of credit but the bigger down payment you can even purchase a home with a reverse mortgage which is much easier to qualify for since there are no mortgage payments sometimes you can even qualify with just your social security income to learn more visit our website at www dot base where you can ask questions request more information or sign up for our next workshop on Co at 86661130 that's 86661130 or visit a rum co dot co purchase refinance reverse your easier 1866 animalistic 7716 nobody was called This country is in trouble 51 percent of voting age young Americans surveyed prefer to live in either a socialist or communist society if this trend continues within the next decade America could be a socialist country in California we're already seeing the effects with religious freedom being undermined heavy regulation crippling small business owners and chasing corporations out of the state along with jobs but we can reverse this the key is being informed then educating friends and family with rational argue.