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Lance this is Dave still tell me about this show you and I put together on Sunday People want to learn about stuff that's happening in the gun world did you say guns sure did guns or it's radio if you're into guns check out gun sports radio it's every Sunday morning on the answer San Diego. Am 1170. And now America's number one show on pop culture and politics this is Michael Medved Show and another great day in this greatest nation on God's green earth a great day which marks exactly 2 weeks until a great and fateful us election voters and many many states who are already voting. And some of the figures on early voting as reported by n.b.c. News show big gains. For Republicans for Republicans what does it all mean and where are we going and what about that blue way that was supposed to be drowning all conservative hopes John Fund who writes about politics as well as just about anybody and has followed politics in situ Asli He's also an expert because he wrote the book on it literally on the question of voter fraud and manipulating elections John is a columnist for National Review he is a contributor at Fox News and he has why is the Blue Wave looking more like a splash than a tsunami that's his latest piece said in our National Review John thanks very much for coming on the show up pleasure Michael as always Ok Right now. How many states approximately are people already and sending in Dallas of course here in the state of Washington people are because it's all vote by mail 38 states have some form of early voting whether it's absentee or you know showing up at a government office before the election Ok so let me put the word out to people anyone listening to us right now in one of those 38 states and you probably are us don't wait send in your ballot get it done that way you can make sure you're making a contribution to this important national decision the consensus seems to be on the part of everybody who's looking at this John Fund that the momentum seemed to turn around in a Republican direction after the Kavanaugh hearings you agree with that. Well I think a lot of people had baked in the cake any negative attitudes they had to President Trump and I think that Trump's antics as a personality had depressed part of the Republican base but the Kavanagh hearings brought out the ugliness of the Left their complete disregard for normal procedures and rules in the rule of law and I think that at best it showed the Democrats to be the equal of Trump in violating norms in politics and it were almost extra constitutional So I think that Trump managed to succeed where nobody else ever thought he would he managed to get the Democrats to drop their own direct over surprise on their feet and have a blow up in their face and yeah it's it does it does seem like that and I know there are a bunch of people I Dean Heller who was long considered our most endangered senator a senator from Nevada he strongly supported Brett Kavanaugh confirmation and that appears to have given him a boost I think they're running tight now right now in the Veteran's Day I think of the election were held today Republicans would lose none of their seats and the only question is will the Democrats lose to 3 or 4 of their wound which then means they have of course Republican control of the Senate what about on the House side. I would say the Democrats because of a variety of good factory's including the fact that you know suburban women have become one of the most resistant groups against from 25 point gender gap against them against Republicans I think there's 60 percent chance to take back the House. 60 percent is a lot lower than it was 2 or 3 weeks ago because I think that as the issues start to be talked about you know remember most of your listeners are into politics Michael you and I are into politics the average voter doesn't pay attention until much closer to the election so when they actually look at the issues the center right country and if the Republicans frame the issues property they tend to close the gap in the last 2 weeks unless there's some extraneous event like the 2000 the financial meltdown Ok to 2 issues which are very much front and center at this moment one is the alleged had horrible aghast at present Trump made last night and used and when he called himself a nationalist do you think this is going to alienate millions and millions of American voters. I think if you know any of the hundreds and hundreds of reporters and journalists who are once again appalled by the fact that the president is you know troll trolling about I mean you notice when he said it he said I don't I'm not supposed to say it but I feel anyway I mean look the president may not be the most elegant speaker but boy does he know how to use language as a weapon but he doesn't use whatever years there's a trigger word someone doesn't like you he pulls the trigger right and pulls the trigger on on then to watch their heads explode and it's just extraordinary I'd like to hear people I even offered to listeners to call up and say why nationalism was a bad word 189-5776 our phone number go ahead it has bad historical antecedents but basically it's another synonym and I think you've pointed this out as for patriotism Yeah of course and again the 1st 3 synonyms that are listed when you just click on it on the Internet are national feeling gnash as patriotic feeling pardon me patriotism and flag waving and nothing wrong with any of those 3 things what about we had on yesterday and Eric Aggers who is very concerned about the confusion in American voting registration suggesting that as many as 24 percent. Of registered voters right now are really shouldn't be voting you've written about this extensively do you think that's a very big problem 2 weeks from today. It depends on the state you know I hate to draw national brush a 24 percent sure sounds high to me I think that the problem with voter fraud is it doesn't show up until the very end when it will actually close and somebody gets desperate and they put their thumb on the scale and send the street money out and it all happens quickly at the very end you know under the cover of you know vans and everything else so we may not know what happens but we do know that we need to watch for it and if there's anything untoward these bad lists these lists like in Georgia you know these lists these are not people being prevented from voting it just means they have to show up at the polls and fill out a provisional ballot and prevent their i.d. It doesn't we're not preventing anyone from voting we're just making sure the person is voting is the person they say they are yeah I mean while there is a this additional And it just $36.00 governorships that are up in in this election right now right yeah it's a big this is the biggest seat Oh yeah and these these these governorships will help decide how redistricting is done after the next census which into in 2 years right which will also help to determine whoever wins what will be a very close election you don't think there's any chance the Democrats win more than 30 seats via their own no no no tech I think I think the governorships are going to be a lot of swaps the rip Democrats will take back some Midwestern states that have been in Republican control for a long time like Illinois and the Republicans are going to take back I think they'll take back States where the Democrats have mismanaged the finances so bad that you know they've given up any chance of governing like Connecticut by the way even Oregon even Oregon make elect a Republican governor for the 1st time in 30 years right which would be amazing but as Kate Brown ever deserved to be voted out of power in Oregon now there's one surprise to look for is there a Republican candidate against Angus King in main. There is but he's a good guy but unfortunately Angus King has this impenetrable independent image because he technically runs as an Independent so he's got that nailed down Ok except the New York Times today ran a forming piece about the Democrat there's a Democratic nominee against Angus King whose name is Zach Ringle Stein and he apparently is a big Bernie Sanders guy he's been endorsed by Democratic Socialists if we could encourage anybody listening to us up in Maine vote your conscience vote for the real socialist vote for Ringle side the Democrat and make his Because right there has to be at least 40 percent something like that a vote for the Republican anyway right well you know I'll say is that when you're trying to remember who to vote for King does beat wrinkles dying. At The Probably yes in terms of the future but I assume that the Republican candidate could do more than Ringle side as well for any other surprises that you think we should look out for an Election Day Yeah Minnesota Senate race the seat that Al Franken resigned from there's an appointed incumbent named Tina Smith Michael last night they have the only debate the Democratic candidate didn't show up refused to show up citing scheduling difficulties there was one candidate on the stage the Republican candidate of an empty podium wound and by the way it's close to the polls if the 6 point race according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune which does Republicans no favors and it's polls that is terrific I'm actually going to be in Minnesota and a campaign event on Thursday night there are 3 red hot congressional races in Minnesota there are 2 Senate races one of them not so red hot where I think is and Senator clubbish are on the ballot. She's the one probably the only political figure of the Democratic side or came out with a reputation in advance of the capital here could be John Fund's reputation enhanced by his new column about the Blue Wave looking more like a splash than a tsunami we will be right back on the Medved Show with some of the worst political ads of the season coming up. The studio. 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That's 96 point 10 am 11 somebody. On the Michael Medved Show we are right in the midst of our ongoing campaign and you've been terrific so far but I hope we can move forward and go further for the Alliance Defending Freedom the Alliance Defending Freedom is right on the front lines of basically ordinary citizens who want to take a stand in their personal lives about religious liberty and end up getting bullied by various government agencies sometimes public schools sometimes so-called civil rights commissions and others you should read about the a.t.f. Work it is it is truly inspiring to read about you can find it at Michael Medved dot com code of the banner for Alliance Defending Freedom or you can call them at 866-954-3388 whatever you can give right now it gets doubled because there's a matching grant and it will be used effectively in cases all across the United States in every state to defend religious liberty read about some of these stories where they've been a lot of victories recently and there should be more there's this upcoming case that is just unbelievably insane where a Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that a war memorial has to be literally blown up I mean literally blown up by a Taliban style because as a cross on it now it was a war memorial for World War one. Ok you want to fight that kind of insanity this is the kind of fight in which the a.t.f. Is engaged go to Michael Medved dot com click on the banner for the Alliance Defending Freedom or call them toll free 866954338 that's 866-954-3388 back with John Fund John is the national affairs columnist for National Review he worked for more than 20 years for Wall Street Journal and is also a contributor at Fox News we're talking about the the upcoming elections and one of the things and again you made this observation before John we're both admitted political junkies follow this stuff a lot. But the House races with 435 of them are so confusing to most people my strong guess is that most Americans most Americans I think probably an overwhelming majority could not identify who their representative in the House of Representatives actually is couldn't give a name so what do we do about that or just basically live with that and try to break through somehow into people's consciousness on these House races. Well incumbents have an advantage in Win 90 percent of the time because they do a lot of constituent work for their people and they also get around the community shake cans and become well known so while not everyone knows who their congressman is a lot of people in the middle of the independent voters if they've met their congressman or their gotten their mother Social Security check taken care of the congressman's office they like the congressman and the job of a congressman is twofold is to represent the people and also of course vote their conscience that it's a balancing act and ultimately voters have to decide what's important to them sadly the vast majority of people don't vote what about half the people will not vote in the selection of those who do vote a lot of people will vote by party down the line but you'll have some people who say well even though I disagree with my congressman or woman I like what they're doing and they have integrity and they're honest person. Yeah and whether it's the same kind of thing if you ask people in general do you think that Congress is honest and legit it's usually very very low approval rating people don't trust Congress an institution but then you ask people what about your own congressman Congressman Smith I have been ill have a Congressman Smith who's. Representing my district as as it happens so what I can and they say oh my congressman he's the exception he's really a good guy it's a the normal way people that feel when they talk about public schools or medical care or anything else is that I'm the only one who's fortunate in an island of dysfunction of discouragement publicans keep the house it may be in part because of the last minute people who are really mad at Donald Trump will say yeah but I'm really so mad at him that I want to get rid of the guy that I've liked to have met and shit or shaken his hand or help me out and that's why in general you never bet against incumbents so some of these Republican incumbents me in the end win because they've built up goodwill over the years but the real problem is the 40 empty seats right there were 40 Republicans the House will retire or more empty seats than in decades and that's why I think the Democrats still have to be favored to take back the House because in an open seat basically you're much more able to vote party straight party line so. In terms of I know that the Republicans have good chances of knocking off some Democratic seats I know there's a district in Minnesota where the Republicans actually now favored by the Cook Political Report to win a Democratic seat. Where do you think Republicans should place the emphasis in these last 2 weeks of the campaign in order to try to hold on to the house well I think that they have to emphasize 3 things One is you know even though there are problems in the world we're at peace and frankly we are more respected now than we were 2 years ago that's number one to the economy is really good and that's not an accident or Barack Obama a Bach Obama's policies having a delayed reaction if you want higher taxes and want to take the risk with taking the economy backwards vote for the Democrats to take over Congress and the 3rd is you know there are some basic things the Democrats don't seem to care about one of the rule of law as proven by Kavanagh and to why are they saying nothing about this caravan this mob whatever you want to call it that moving up from Mexico as the Wall Street Journal reported today which is very pro immigration this is outrageous that we have these people encouraged to move to the United States that influence our election and at the same time the Democrats are completely silent on a fundamental issue of national sovereignty and apparently this is the work of a former president of Honduras and his henchmen which The Wall Street Journal has written about in The Daily Beast has written about that this really started as as basically a means of undermining the current center right president of Honduras and to hold the American people hostage to the vagaries of one Duren dirty tricks campaigning doesn't seem a good idea. John the Democrats need to step forward and say this is wrong and I hear crickets for your crickets Well exactly what they have nothing to say because again they would much prefer to run on the the family separation issue which they tried to make a great deal of apparently 62 percent of all Democratic ads. Each for health care is not a mistake to think well it's putting lots of eggs in one basket and you know I think preexisting conditions are important I don't think they're that important to that many Americans Ok and Republicans have been very emphatic that we are not going to endanger people with preexisting conditions that those guarantees will remain we are speaking with John Fund John appreciate your insight and hope maybe you can come back again before we have the occasion for a post election let's hope celebration a John Fund's new column is post our website at Michael Medved dot com What are some of the very worst fans of the season we'll get to coming up on an adventure. See. You right now good afternoon u.c. San Diego Medical workers joined a statewide 3 day strike today to protest the university systems outsourcing of jobs more than 15000 employees at 17 locations are participating a man driving at a high rate of speed crashed into another car to Claremont intersection late last night 1st responders perform c.p.r. But he died at the scene a short time later the district attorney's office filed a motion yesterday to reverse the decision to let loose a dangerous sexual predator Alan quarrels was set to be released and how come by Hot Springs next month the southbound 5 will shut down from 9 30 pm to 5 am again tonight Caltrans will close the road from Big 8 o 5 interchange to lawyer village Dr Eve made the morning clouds otherwise mostly clear with highs in the low seventy's on the coast upper seventy's headland for the mountains news and weather sponsored by Marty Schneider the retirement professor at 877-7526 I'm Chris wires for the answer San Diego number 37460343 said Jim was looking for a place for his mom Frances in the alcohol on the mesa Spring Valley area when I walked into Sun garden terrace since to a real home we feel like that was just right up her alley I thought. 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F.m. 96 point one north 1170 San Diego the answer I am retired Judge Stephen Bailey and I am running for California attorney general California faces extraordinary challenges our kids and grandkids are being victimized by increased mine crime our veterans and elderly are also under attack but this November we can do something vote to elect me as your next attorney general I have been endorsed by law enforcement and asked for your support also Judge Stephen Bayley for California attorney general I'm Judge Stephen Bailey and I approve this message. Ready for a bad cold and flu season the best way to tell it's the flu is that the flu brings a fever to be prepared with a thermometer you can trust the exigent temporal scanner back by more than 70 clinical studies. Don't you just hate it when religion or politics comes up the dinner table if you're late in the middle of making some great point then somebody pulls the wind out of your cell can we just change the subject join us on the bob Siegel show where we never change the subject. The evenings at 6 on the answer San Diego 96 point 10 am 1170 to. Present Trump just spoke at the White House to reporters on this issue of nationalism and the parts of it that I heard he he sounded effective we will get to that in just a moment 1st as we do from time to time a tweet of the day from the page now to the Internet. But meanwhile what a great small tweak change his password so he no longer has access to his Twitter feed did you send the tweet but I did not send that tweet my system was hacked I was prank call from puzzle tweeted out of once I'm starting to get worried about him so we have a Newsweek poll right and I do honor them by tweeting Ok this is not a we. Trumpet it's a tweet about him and of course everybody is out there tweeting in the left wing about nationalism equals Hitler which is ironic of course because Hitler wasn't even really German he was really Austrian I know but he says one people I know for . In any event Bruce Bartlett who used to be a conservative. I have no idea where Bruce is right now but he's written a number of things that are strange and the tweet that he sent out today is as follows key differences between Donald Trump an adult Hitler Hitler served honorably in the military Trump Didn't Hitler was faithful to his wife trump cheated on all his wives. Hitler wrote a book trumps world ghost written so this sickness is is now in order to slime Trump you're going to praise Hitler by the way Hillary was faithful to his wife Hillary never had a wife. And it's not that there weren't lots of adoring females in Richland at the time there were but no never never married so I guess you could say Hitler was faithful to his wife. We have to say I guess a Hitler never cheated on his wife because he never had one. And Hitler wrote a book from several ghostwritten they now know by the way that Hitler did not write my income all by himself in his jail cell that was just part of Nazi mythology had a lot of help. All right. Meanwhile here was President Trump at the White House answering some questions from reporters President Trump on nationalism but I am very proud of our country we cannot continue to allow what's happened to our country to continue. So I'm proud I'm proud of our country and I am a nationalist it's a word that hasn't been used too much people use it but I'm very proud I think it should be brought back I'm somebody that wants to help other countries of the world but I also have to take a minute to think of our country we cannot continue to allow ourselves to be duped on military and also deal. With the European Union as an example last year on trade with $151000000000.00 on top of that we lost hundreds of billions of dollars on protection so we protect. And we get killed we we do the trading and they get killed kid to it I want to be fair so I want them to open their borders I want them to make it fair for our farmers our our companies our medical companies they sell medical equipment they just put restrictions on your half ago where the medical equipment can't get into Europe even though it's better than what they have. So they have to treat us well all I want our country is to be treated well to be treated with respect for many years other countries that are allies of ours so quote all of us they have not treated our country fairly So in that sense I am absolutely a nationalist I'm proud of it Ok he went on in that vein and basically stressing some of the issues that got him elected the idea of an America 1st agenda now the term America 1st has very specific echoes of the term nationalist does not have on the whole some echoes America 1st. There was a very very active organization in the 1930 s. The America 1st Committee there are lots and lots of famous people involved with the Gerald Ford future president was a young guy at the time at law school yeah Law School and he was active in America 1st committee but there's a good tour if a piece actually about Trump is not an isolationist he's not somebody who wants to withdraw American power from the world and has mattered we just had a pretty impressive shows of power we sent. A an aircraft carrier up into the Baltic Sea I think for the 1st time in many many years to a little show power to Russia and we've sent a ships of our Navy close to China to indicate we're not going to be kowtow and buy them so look this all has to be taken in context and meanwhile a quick word from a relief factor this came in from Linda the king every time I call everybody is so polite in time doing and helpful and most stable the promise to help me sound much money with swelling a lot and that is all going away and legs hit me every night terribly and then it has gone away and gather eggs and anxiety like that in my shoulders has gone away Ok it wouldn't be worth it and $0.95 a day if you could have that kind of experience that Linda describes try yourself she talks about the team being great this is a great product from great people relief factor dot com That's relief factor dot com Meanwhile. A political hat and they have 1st praise himself in a bid for votes. I will get to that coming up on. My. Special Buy One Get One Free. 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Friends of the answer were asking for your help today the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews his conducting special wings of eagles Freedom Flights this month we're praying that you can help us rescue Jews on flights to Tel Aviv Israel taking place October 16th from Brazil Russia France and Lithuania and on October 29th from Ukraine your gift today large or small is greatly needed call right now with your tax deductible donation to the fellowship of 1500 dollars 500 dollars or 150 dollars and hopeless one of God's chosen people as a listener to Casey b.q. The answer we are asking for your help today here's the number to call and rescue would you on one of these October flights 84480 wings that's 844-809-4647 extension 8 friendly fellowship operator is standing by right now waiting to talk with you or you can donate online quickly and easily at i f c j dot org slash radio. 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Strict rules apply that's 96 point 10 am 11 somebody here. Michael Mitchell are botching. To open each region to each other to. Record and death of a nation is about to be released on d.v.d. And you can free Audi or copy the released on d.v.d. Is coming out October 30th but you can preorder your copy on Blu ray or d.v.d. By going to death of a nation Movie dot com The latest from Dinesh D'Souza Ok I have a a. Perverse interest in political ads and partially because many many years ago I. I spent. The better part of 2 years doing political ads and yes sometimes it's hard to find something novel and different but there was a Democrat running for Congress in Colorado named Levi Tillman he was strongly endorsed by Bernie Sanders big liberal and he did actually one of the most unintentionally hilarious political ads I have ever seen and you have to watch it will try to link to it at our website at Michael Medved dot com But what happens in the ad is he had a his to whole campaign was based on keeping guns out of schools and he said that rather than introducing guns into schools we should provide. Every student in Colorado with pepper spray to use and then in the ad he does a demonstration of pepper spraying himself showing how effective that would be and here's what the ad sounded like I'm calling on Congress to stop talking past each other and try something to empower schools and teachers with non lethal self defense tools like this can of pepper spray. Spray doesn't cost too much and it can be seen only stored in a break glass in case of emergency cabinets but it's powerful and accidently killing. Trust this will stop anyone in their tracks. Now he pepper sprays inner city little. Kids get a big old Jag now like a kid see if they pop just such for less than $1.00 per person in the once we can have a security chemist or pepper spray in every classroom in America it's just a fun fair little it's like a lot of computer mice I still barely see any like sea life and I see why you can't buy the bickering. Ok. It turns out he was a democratic and he didn't win the primary in Colorado's 6th congressional district you know with the with the ad you can kind of understand why and then there's another ad which I honestly have a no respect they attack an American institution trying to associate the Republican incumbent here this is Dean Phillips who is the Democratic nominee 3rd District of Minnesota and he's attacking a fine congressman Representative Eric Paulson by suggesting that he is actually big foot listen. Number 6 I was going to die. Now Never Paulson comes along. How can you how tens of thousands of people looking for you all the time and not want time of will find you. Under. The jerk Paulson earlier just. In words of proof some are taken from bombs away. I didn't know so I'd come up with a claim. Paulson takes Paulson money from Big Pharma and force Sure road essential health care protections. Most likely place to fall into the septic pharmaceutical company. And not try what. I was prepared to stare for weeks. It took 7 minutes. I was so shocked when I saw him walking by almost dropped the camera but I got it. Ok reversible. Big foot doesn't sound anything like that the real 8 foot but I mean really. Inventive I guess. And then unfortunately Bruce Rahner who I think is a good guy and I wish he would get reelected as governor of Illinois a Republican Yeah there's a Republican governor of Illinois and a businessman who tried his best in a very very dysfunctional state. He's now running an ad suggesting an unholy union between his opponent Pritzker and the boss of the Eleanor legislature Mike Madigan it sounds like you have to me I might Madigan take you j.b. Pritzker as my own lawful partner and structures raise property taxes corrupt governor and bankrupt Illinois which done. Nods a.b. Pritzker to Mike Madigan to honor and obey of death through us always have always will by the power vested in me I now pronounce Illinois. Mike Madigan NJT Pritzker an unholy union Illinois Carol. Ok is this. An anti-gay marriage because both j.b. Pritzker and Mike Madigan are. Male I mean at least they currently identify as male . And then there was this great one from Don Blankenship remember he was running for the Senate in West Virginia Republican he didn't win the nomination but he had this ad I'm gone like your candidate for u.s. Senate and I approve this message I want kept in Mitch McConnell has created millions of jobs for China people while doing so Mitt's has gotten rich in fact China family has given him tens of millions of dollars Michalis want people are now running false negative ads against me they are also childishly calling me the spec a boy and mentally ill the war to drain the swamp and create jobs for West Virginia people has begun I will beat Joe Manchin and ditch cocaine Midge for the sake of the kids. Ok. Did not win the nomination of fine Republican the attorney general Patrick Morrisey did and he still has a chance to be jel mansion China people his china family gave him he's talking about Elaine Chao who is Mrs McConnell more of some of the less effective political ads of the season I'm going up on the Midday Show Michael was no offering a special deal Buy One Get One Free money to. Use the promo code. To. Get away I'm Scott from plug in pest free I want to personally thank all my plugging past very customers who have taken the time out to call write and who have left messages to think me for reading they have homes and businesses of I wanted road and past problems so for me to you I think you plug in Pest freeze the only scientifically tested and more importantly consume a proven electromagnetic pest management system since 1995 why put up with those annoying rodents and pass any longer plug in pest free is 100 percent chemical free making it your safest bet to many Geo rodent and pest problems arrange your family and pets with a 60 day money back guarantee you have nothing to lose so already you is today at Go pest free dot com Use promo code save 20 for 20 percent off and free shipping that's go pest free dot com promo code save 20 don't spray and regret plugin and forget go test free dot com today. I guess that sound can only mean that Halloween is right around the corner and watch Charlie is out looking for this year's costume the boys have some spooktacular savings on all your favorite cigars and pipe tobacco and if you need any accessories liberty to bacco is the place to get those 2 there been some great turnouts to watch the college and pro football games in store in game days so next time you finish the yardwork early swing by one of Liberty tobaccos 2 locations and pick up your favorite stick or ask for a recommendation the whole team at liberty to back Ok to help you make the right choice then stick around and watch the games and one of Liberty tobaccos big screen T.V.'s remember liberty to back over has been around since 1975 and has 2 convenient locations there at 7341 Claremont miscible of our next Ethan Allen furniture and in the flower Yamato off of the Adela by 8 in Del Mar stop by and pick up a couple of sticks for this weekend and tell your significant other they said it was Ok. Have you ever seen a pest control a spraying chemicals in your home it makes you wonder if the chemicals are safe then why do they suit up in way a respirator only to leave you to walk back in protected good day I'm Scott from playing pays for it and I'm here to tell you there's a better way you know age where we now have the choice to drive electric cars you to come electronically read your home or business of unwanted rodents and pass the answer is plugging pest free 100 percent chemical free plug freeze your safest bet for your family and it's now a best seller the plug and pest free pro will cover up to 4000 square feet now that's fair dinkum So what are yours today at Go dot com Use promo code save 20 for 20 percent off plus free shipping and a 60 day money back guarantee that's go test free dot com promo code save 20 Brian regret plugin and forget go press for a dot com. Today that's 96.17. To be a. Be a portions of The Michael Medved Show or brought you the association of mature American citizens and for many American citizens there is nothing more important then preserving your retirement which you have paid for your whole working life and right now Medicare in particular is under attack Yes that's right your Medicare the program you and millions of senior Americans paid into Democrats want to open up to all Americans including people who've paid nothing into Medicare right now there are over 70 Democrats actually so over $85.00 now who have attached their names to a Medicare for all Bill which means Medicare for nothing will turn Medicare into a single payer European style system there's a bill by Bernie Sanders has one 3rd of the Senate Democrats already supporting it in rolling kids in Medicare at birth now these bills won't just change Medicare they will wreck it destroy it Obledo raid it and like create massive rationing regimes and a massive tax increase of course to go to don't touch my Medicare dot com Take the pledge to bring a senior to the polls to vote the right way don't touch my Medicare dot com. Go there now. Let us go very quickly to Michael in Sarasota Florida Michael you're on the Medved Show. Thank you so much for taking the call. I'm not sure that I'll be able to listen to it here on the west coast of Florida about 9 pm to 12 pm but I wanted to call and thank you specifically because your objectivity your shows consul. Has made me a smarter person it is making us smarter. On the United States Marine Corps veteran and I have an immigrant wife and daughters around turned. And I heard the president speaking on the news today in regards to the caravan that's approaching the borders and he flat out small but it's it's a smart in the face of the people that enter this country the legal way and I've been able to educate my wife. Since he arrived in the United States is past February and it's too small for people like you and the content of your service and what we're going to do that so. I can show you well I have prescience of salute you for your service in the Marine Corps and your service making helping make your wife a good and solid and and patriotic and yes nationalistic American because the the problem with the caravan right now is it's political manipulation but it's going to backfire on the people behind these Honduran politicians are trying to do this kind of cheap stunt that the terrible thing is you can feel sorry for the people in the caravan but to actually simply open the doors and allow people in unconditionally will get much much more of that what we need to do is actually do something to help them where they are in this greatest nation on God's green earth. Life and. 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Breaking news this hour from townhall dot com I'm Keith Peters a severe viral outbreak at a rehabilitation center in New Jersey has left 6 children dead and 12 other sick the state Health Department is confirming the 18 cases of n. Dino virus at the Wana q. Center for nursing in rehabilitation in Haskell and you know viruses usually just cause mild illness but officials say this outbreak is particularly severe because it's affecting medically fragile children with severely compromised immune systems they also know this strain has been associated with communal living facilities the centers administrator says they are cooperating with officials I'm Julie Walker According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention these viruses are spread through close personal contact and coughing and sneezing. Vice President Mike Pence tells reporters at a press conference at the White House that radical leftists are involved in the March of some Central Americans toward the southwest us border brokers certainly spoke to. The curve in the public and its way through Mexico to the southern border. Organized by liquor store decisions and financed. By business while the Trump administration is vowing that the caravan will not make it across the border Sandra Day O'Connor the 1st woman on the Supreme Court says she has the beginning stages of dementia and probably all Simers disease back in 2008 O'Connor told a Senate select panel that the us needed to make a concerted effort against all Simers the nation is certainly ready to get deadly serious about this deadly is easy 88 year old O'Connor announces in a letter that her diagnosis was made sometime ago and then asked her condition has progressed she is no longer able to participate in public life on Wall Street the Dow down by 126 points the Nasdaq dropped 31 the s. And p. Lower by 15 down 293266438 barrel more at townhall dot com. Gas will could do for you today Philip please how will you be paying cash credit main clones lay away lay away bank loans ever since to Ghassan current 10 times we started offering alternatives we've got to be kidding me afraid not Miami I'm happy to take your 1st born or an arm and a leg not in my California California hi this is injury case inviting you to join me at the Yes on 6 campaign rally Thursday October 25th from $3.00 to 7 pm to learn why we need to repeal the current gas tax I'll be broadcasting live the special guest called a mile from $6.00 to 7 pm to come join your fellow taxpayers for the gas tax repeal campaign at the belayer gas station located $873.00 Palomar street you have this Thursday October 25th. In the for the show to get gas for only a $1.99 per gallon learn more answer see the a Go dot com as being to see Diego dot com sponsored by the gun range San Diego Help Wanted San Diego dot com salutes the employee of the month the one employee you can't live without the others let's just call them Dave Hey Dave you missed yesterday's meeting you said you'd be there through Mr employee of the month but yesterday it was opposite day so when I said I was going I actually meant I wasn't we Opposite Day So everything you said yesterday had the opposite meaning right so when you told me you didn't have pink I actually have a raging case of it and when you said you finish the Q 3 reports haven't even started I'm well then that must mean that when you were asking for a raise you were really asking for a pay cut to show you Mr employee of the month. If you don't mind hiring Daves go to the national job boards they may be free but trust us they'll cost you but if you want to blow use of the month go where smart local job seekers find good local jobs help one in San Diego dot com local jobs that work we don't discriminate against people and Dave Dave is a common name fundis And so we're using it as a catch all for lackluster employees everywhere please don't write us to tell us you were insulted by this ad that would be a real Dave move Dave f.m. 96 point one north county 1170 San Diego the answer. This is one each of the Hoover Institution for the Salem Radio Network voters in Missouri have a critical choice before them this November when they consider who dissent of the United States Senate on the one hand there's incumbent liberal Senator Claire McCaskill She's obstructed president Trump's agenda by voting against tax cuts against the judges he's nominated and against efforts to make health care more affordable by repealing Obamacare and then there's the g.o.p. Challenger Missouri's attorney general Josh Holley he's fought for a legislator and constitutional conservatism he supports pro growth economic policies that will create jobs in Missouri and he wants to bring down health care costs while ensuring that the vulnerable have access to the care they need Holly is the right man for the job in Missouri and across the country voters face important choices that will profoundly impact our future success. On November 6th don't forget to make your voice heard I'm lucky. 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