A rare t.v. Interview defending himself against sexual assault charges I didn't do this or anything resembling this embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh accused by one woman of sexual assault while in high school and the 2nd of exposing himself to her when he was an undergrad at Yale denies the allegations during an interview with Fox News Channel's The story with Martha MacCallum I've never sexually assaulted anyone I did not have sexual intercourse or anything close to sexual intercourse in high school or for many years thereafter an expert on the judiciary couldn't find a similar such interview by any Supreme Court nominee in the past 100 years Kavanagh on his 1st accuser Christine blazin Ford are scheduled to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday to McGuire Washington prosecutors are asking a judge to sentence Bill Cosby to 5 to 10 years in prison for drugging and sexually assaulting a woman at his suburban Philadelphia home Correspondent Mike this attack reports the defense plans to call one more witness today to challenge a prosecution expert who labeled Cosby as a dangerous sexual predator 8 member of the state's sexually violent predator or took a stand and said Bill Cosby fit the criteria of a sexually violent predator that would have a lot of cases if he were to be out of prison he would have to check in with the sequel 4 times a year and he would have to go to 5 people every time wherever he went he would be granted a sexually violent predator and Sons is expected to today the f.b.i. Has joined the search now for a 6 year old boy who is described as being both autistic and nonverbal who disappeared from a North Carolina park over the weekend we still want to do everything possible to find Maddox and we're hopeful that we'll be able to do that that's a supervisory special agent Jason Catholic and Wall Street right now Dow futures are up 70 points more of these stories that townhome dot com. I've gathered you all here today because the answer is San Diego is now 1 am 117096 point one f.m. Then I got. 3 sets a classic rock station why should I keep you you don't buy new music anymore you need me to remind you about who you were back in high school here country station well what about you admittedly all my songs do sound the same but that's what makes me perfect for background music with radio. Do you remember when you gave me $50.00 . Out of the bag right in the grocery store parking lot. If you needed a new toy we've actually got. You at a fundraiser last week. I think we can all agree. It's now $96.00 north county. 1170. The next generation of home improvement has everything you need to do projects smarter faster and from less every day Home Depot more saving more doing. This is Candy Foster with voices of courage to me and on Sundays at 10 am we bring amazing guest that help you see the unseeable know the noble and the possible join us every Sunday on the answers. They love and 70. Folks reported the government says a 40 company has agreed to spend more than $6000000.00 in penalties for selling computer software that disabled automotive emissions controls breaking news and analysis. Correspondent Julie Walker reports that attorney for the white police officer who shot her black neighbor in Dallas after she said he she mistook his apartment for own and thought he was an intruder says she should not have been fired attorney Robert Rogers says police bowed to pressure and took action before all the facts had been gathered and due process was afforded his client Amber Geiger police chief Renee Hall says while the investigation is still ongoing She waited until the critical portion of it was complete and would not be compromised and fired the officer his horse spotted Julie Walker the developer of the Keystone x.l. Oil pipelines has a plan to start construction next year after the u.s. State Department concluded major environmental damage from a leak is unlikely and could be quickly mitigated a trance Canada spokesman says the company remains committed to moving ahead with the project following years of reviews from federal and state regulators more of these stories can be found at townhall dot com. The downfall of our society a man who was let a big simple real life is accused of groping a girl in high school. And it's the railing his nomination to the Supreme Court and I am not supposed to think like my society is sick but it doesn't matter that the left the left is a mole for all the Dennis Prager Show weekdays and night fun and the 6 point one north and a lot and somebody said Diego. Andry show how my welcome to the angry Keisha Andrea just today and time and I have never heard so many on the radio is a big deal it in as good as you are and I'm guilty of any years rule on. So much speak at bottom I love a compliment thank you now my. Morning Glory America here to hear from the laid back about concert Elance out of the beltway headed out to the Golden State out of the program money back on Friday watching birthday hearing from 30000 feet as I return but Eliana Johnson of Politico who knows he may be in the room if you get one of the Willy Wonka in goal but pick it up to the very small committee room that way are you going to be able to get into through the actual hearing. I am actually going on vacation Thursday morning very good choice. It's a long scheduled vacation but I kind of can't believe it well it's Ok you're doing like I am We're going to be in the eye but I'm not and if you notice I'm going to be I'm to be dying to watch this and trying to like to the Internet from planes and airports and you know it's terrible Luckily I'm going to be on American flying back and then they've got pretty decent wireless tell me a little bit about I'm going to be elbowing old ladies out of my way to get tenure and tell them. What the state of play in your view. You know I'm hearing from Republicans and White House allies that ironically they they saw an opening and what they see is the shakiness of this 2nd allegation and I think you saw them become much more aggressive in their kayaks on Democrats and the key there and take a much more aggressive tone I It struck me that Cavanagh came out and called it a mirror and he didn't do that with the 1st allegation and you know I said to a friend yesterday that it would be ironic if Ronan Farrow turned out to help Cavanagh's nomination and his longtime friend at will and her now and then but this is sort of the world we're living in so I do think you're seeing Republicans some much more aggressive trying to push this through after the 2nd allegation Cavanagh's going on Fox News obviously speaking right to the Republican base trying to energize them ahead of Thursday's hearing and in fact I believe that the case I just had on Senator Tom Cotton and he denounced the New Yorker story as McCarthyism as I have as Senator McConnell did yesterday was actually 1st out of the gate on Twitter yesterday morning at saying that this was the time to characters the nation and Bill and then many other. Cottons Republican colleagues followed suit yesterday and so what you saw Josh Holmes longtime McConnell political adviser on Twitter not long ago saying this has in fact energize the Democratic base because it tore the mask off on like Dr blogs the Ford who is being whose accusation was timely filed if not by the committee timely revealed by Senator Feinstein it wasn't a boy a minute manufactured hit this is this just reeks of McCarthy's worst tactic to show up with a name people and and no corroborate the New York Times wouldn't even run it Eliana that's what was so damning. Well what's interesting to me is that you know Dr Ford Her allegation is also uncorroborated. But I think that there the Republicans were very reluctant to attack her you had people saying that they thought she was genuine even Orrin Hatch who you know he was around during the Anita Hill hearings he said I think you genuine but I think he genuinely mixed up but he took it to. A much different tone toward the 2nd accuser which is that I think this is a smear so for some reason and I'm not quite sure why Republicans are just going after as a 2nd accuser Deborah Ramirez in a way that they were much more gentle towards Dr Ford It could be a purely political thing because they know that Dr Ford's going to testify. But. They are drawn it's not that as a lawyer Eliott of the big difference is it was manufactured this week and she admitted in her own interview with The New Yorker that she wasn't certain that she spent 6 days reconstructing her memory and that it was reported by The New York Times that she told other members of her circle that she wasn't even sure it was Cavanagh So when you impeach your own Abbott ends and there's no other evidence it becomes McCarthyism And that's that's different from Judge blahs e-file doctored blocky Ford who judged that it was appropriate to bring this forward in July and she's not responsible for how it was handled I really do think there's a huge distinct distinguishing characteristic about timing and motive that is obvious on the face of the presentation but there is certainly no doubt in my mind that it is piss off the Republican and the centrist baith something fierce that it it's the worst that we've seen next question has a filing for. A vote in the committee occurred that requires 3 day notice from the chairman that a vote will occur has that happened yet you know I don't know actually whether that has occurred but you're certainly seeing Republicans push this forward McConnell giving fiery speech on the Senate floor yesterday very clear that he's going to push Chuck Grassley to. Make this vote happen I think Republicans know that if Cavanagh is go to down or that is something that will energize the Republican base but if his nomination is pulled. Or for some reason or if Republicans are viewed as folding at that something that will simply demoralize 100 percent turnout and had a 100 percent. As a. A conservative person who cares a lot about the court they cannot retreat they cannot pull they've got to win actually I believe it will be a disaster if they lose but if they retreat that is it becomes a rout and not only that every future confirmation will be marked by this I mean every future because we're hearing I think from allies of the White House that they view this as a fight that's bigger than Cavanagh but it's a fight about how nominations will be handled going forward as well and what will be legitimate Now tell me about Rod Rosenstein because I didn't I didn't partake much in the game other than saying hey if you leave Michael Luttig is sitting there in Chicago General Counsel bowing out to be a next attorney general or deputy attorney general that's all I say to everyone but I don't know if anyone's going to run Rosen signs actually done a very good job and I thought the president was getting along with them so what's going on there. All I heard from several Trump allies over the weekend were that they were imploring the president not to fire him and that the president had no plans to do so I don't believe that that change yesterday and when news came out that the president was going to fire him and Rod Rosen. Rod Rosenstein was headed to the White House at all from allies were saying that this was coming from Rosenstein not from so it will be very interesting to see what happens on Thursday but there is a lot of skepticism and concern among Trump ally that Rhode Island you something that's going to block Trump and a strong belief that this is not coming from the White House or from Trump but from Rosenstein And just if you're saying we'll follow that but have a great vacation Eliana why Jonson follower on Twitter even if she's going on vacation like me she can be reached at 30000 people thinking only on a time for the premarket report bought you by Andrew and Todd dot com Andrew and Todd dot com They are mortgage lenders was here it was if it mortgage they actually lend you the money and you're in Todd dot com dot They take your application they were view it there get back to you right away. 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That's interesting do not go anywhere America when we come back I've still got Major Garrett Coming up I'll also read replay for you some of the key points of Brett Kavanaugh last night bottom line there's also an article in The Wall Street Journal by Richard Mackenzie no stranger to this program stumble down memory lane like Kavanagh's latest accuser people often have gaps they don't always fill them with the truth go and read the Wall Street Journal because you've got to read Richard Mackenzie's conclusion that with corroboration comes certainty but without corroboration you can. Trust memory Elizabeth Lockett's has been on this program is able to implant false memories in people memory is never great evidence it is that it is never greater than make sure you don't read the piece by Richard Mackenzie in the Wall Street Journal come back right after the break here on the future this course or to hear kill has been brought to you by Michael Pollan 89515.93 or go to Michael dot com And be sure to use a promo q. . Somewhere in the world this is happening you'll hear it here 1st but only if you're here when Hugh Hewitt continues. On September 17th $1787.00 the framers of our government signed the u.s. Constitution in Philadelphia a constitution which set up our government well Constitution Day has passed patriot mobile supports the conservative values that the framers adopted in the u.s. 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This is Jerry Boyer of townhall finance for townhall dot com the current crisis in the Catholic church demands a very brief history lesson in the ancient world same sex relations between men and boys were an accepted norm among the Greeks and among Roman citizens these relations were even celebrated Jesus up ended all that threatening child abusers with terrible punishments saying that it would be better for those men to have a large stone on around their necks and to be thrown into the sea christianity ended the cultural acceptance of pedophilia but now 2000 years later a number of leaders who claim to serve in Jesus's name are in a scandal over exactly this is time to go back to the words of Jesus to provide no hindrance for the children as they look to come to him that will take repentance and only after that a restoration of trust I'm Gerri boy. 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American to do it. But will get a vote many people are reporting on Friday or Saturday as the New Yorker story collapses in a great smoldering pile of infamy. And as you've heard people say the co-author has been sort of a turn for Lakin's purposes for a long time running for I had a lot of credibility which people were after this is McCarthyite smear coming up after the break marriage Major Garrett joins me I do want to remind you if you want to fight her break out of this week join a mac today. You asked a mac of the Association of material American citizens. A mac from 1905 represents you in d.c. In a way that air people are the same sort of cost of not be as a left wing organization they appeal to feel seniors with night t.v. Showing you in a retirement home and playing golf and all that good stuff then they go and work to destroy your retirement they are p. Of a left wing group a Mac. New sensation of material American citizens if they center right group founded by Dan Weber less than 5 years ago there are a 1000000 plus members already and they represent you and your values they're out there fighting for Brett Kavanaugh right now they're out there fighting for judges up and they're out there fighting for conservative causes. That is protected by making it solvent by making sure that spending is under control by making sure that Obamacare repealed and replaced by doing the thought that you need done is a senior head a man you asked us and joining us today let me go back and just play for you because I played in the 1st and 2nd hour Brett Kavanaugh I was so good yesterday talking about the the challenge to his credibility at number 3 did anything happen no I've never sexually assaulted anyone in high school not ever. I've always treated women with dignity and respect. And listen to the people who've known me best for my whole life the women who've known me since high school to 65 who overnight signed a letter from high school sang I was treated I'm with to be in respect that is that is the bottom line didn't happen he rejects it all but he particularly rejected the Ramirez New Yorker story let's go back more from Brett Kavanaugh a customer for I never met her we did not travel in the same social circles she was not a friend not someone I knew no remember ever being a part of but her at her I do not and this is. An allegation about a party in the summer of 1902 at a house near Connecticut Avenue in east west highway with 5 people present I was never at any such party the other people who are alleged to be present have said they do not remember any such party a woman who was present for another woman who was present who was Dr Ford's lifelong friend has said she doesn't know me and never remembers being at a party with me at any time in her life all I'm asking for is a fair process where I can be heard that is that it's only going to get on Thursday by the way he did respond in specific way to the ridiculous wild accusations by the porn star lawyer Michael now that Eddie. About him participating in a horrible crimes I mean that just these are slanderous things that. This publicity chasing crazy guy actually is saying on t.v. That acting like a crazy man cut number 5 the slightest thing that all through all these years that are question your version that's correct. Never had sexual intercourse but that he wanted high school crackers throughout years in college where probably had chairperson and yes many years after I'll leave it at that many years after and it's the people I went to high school with the girls and the boys now men and women that I went to high school with I knew I was good friends with them and we remained good friends that's how 65 people on a moment's notice 65 women 220 people total men and women who knew me in high school and I would say fair process let me be heard care process hear from both sides and listen to me and the facts I described and with some of the people who've known me throughout my life the men and women the women have known me throughout my . You know me better standing in my job as a judge for 12 years I've been promoting women's equality and there was a problem when one of them was getting hired to come in when I quit Major Garrett. So here the president himself but it came to me but Cam and I had a triumphant interview last night with Mr Cavanaugh and we're going to find out on Earth Day whether or actually pay attention to facts and proof they can. Stop action from. Coming. 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To join me as cause for a day the week after the election depending on how many points you assemble in the course of that setting by waiting for Major Garrett in the meantime I want you to hear what Mitch McConnell I did say yesterday on the Senate floor cut number 22 Democrats have signaled for months. They put all whatever performance the far left Bush largest amount of and throw all of mud all of a they could manufacture. Bush out like that and more of. It but he would have a far less standard this shameful shameful smear campaign. As hit a new low cut number 23 more McConnell they kept this one secret from Republicans too by the way evidently several Democratic all of his knew this allegation for at least a week. But like with Dr Ford slyness out on this one to lose so the committee could not take any proper action they just wanted it to wind up in the press another orchestrated last minute here. On the nominee. And now they're acting like it's a legitimate reason to light things to delay things even further. As though they had already announced themselves as completely opposed his nomination anyway. As they had already promised a far left they would lead the fight to bring this nomination down whatever it took whatever the cause. What I wrote took whatever the call. Let's put aside as last minute unsubstantiated Samir. Let's return to the facts let's have a fair hearing on Thursday. Let's have a man do that but one more kind of Mitch McConnell because number 24 and this unsubstantiated allegation stands and cowardly at all with everything we've heard about Judge Cavanaugh's character from those who worked with him socialize the sound dating all the way back to high school. But Democrats would have had a few and convenient things like a complete lack of evidence or accusers requests for confidentiality to get between them and a good smear. Anstiss spectacle. And the contrast with a completely professional conduct of Chairman Grassley could not be starker. As soon as Chairman Grassley learned about this allegation he handled it through proper channels he immediately began gathering the facts his office promptly conducted a transcribed interview of Judge Kavanaugh and which under penalty of felony he unequivocally denied the last minute allegation. But if that if that basic McCarthyism versus due process and an up or down vote which will happen on Friday or Saturday I believe Meanwhile Mike in Lancaster's And Mike in Lancaster Col and Brian in Lancaster Hey Brian Hey Q Thanks very much for taking the call the number is 180-520-1234 other people want to join in 180-520-1234 Go ahead Brian thanks so much you know the Dems of proof they believe the and justifies the means they did it with the despicable things they said about Judge Bork the high tech lynching of Clarence Thomas and now this you know say Paul doing evil so that good me prevail Isaiah said they call evil good good evil and that's what we're seeing from the Democrats no matter what disgusting manure with which they have to wallow and dirty themselves it is worth it because and just fines to me Well it does look like they're willing to go to any lengths although they have dropped the New Yorker article today so that was a bridge too far thank you Brian I want to play by the way Mike Pompei o yesterday talking at a very serious gathering at the United Nations General Assembly about very serious things has an exchange with Jim Acosta cumber 21 days something if I may ask you follow up on North Korea. Before you went into the summit with him just in Singapore you did not have an agreement really in place for complete the station why should you have another summit with Kim Jong Il The 2nd son the president talked about this morning if you don't have the details and ways it just seems even to the layman that you sort of have the process back if you want the details in place before I do something here you may do it for a 2nd time. 2 things fact check and I've been with the administration since the beginning to. Now that's relevant but I'll add no discussion with me about the 25th Amendment anywhere in it so you can never. Important there are 2 senior leaders that have said that your statement your question was ludicrous. The 2nd part of the Specter North Korea. We're going to ask somebody what our policy is for not for the previous years or obviously Syria. Is so ludicrous to the deputy attorney general after struck down the cease. Fire I find the question ludicrous I've been involved in the center of this administration along with lots of other folks for. From virtually day one and it was actually day 3 or 4 I've never heard anyone talk about a whisper about it joke about it in any way and then in a lot of meetings with a lot of senior officials from the sky moment. It is just. Par for the course right now Molly Hemingway of the new piece up a New York Times article scrutinising inside jokes in the 1003 year book of the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of Georgetown Prep school he had multiple problems with it claims including that it was source to a rabidly anti Trump politician in Maryland and his associates the article reveals inside jokes about a friend of Kavanagh and his classmates named were Nate Schroeder Dolphin the classmates are featured a picture with a caption alumnus which the Times named anonymous sources argue that bragging about sex the classmate strenuously and says the reference was nothing of the kind and that none of the men had sexual relations with a friend they say they attended each other dances and prep school functions and maintain the friendship through several decades the original article published online. Well I got to get here was quickly scrubbed of reference to Mr Malvo and then you know the Times uses full names on 1st references to sources and titles on 2nd references that was the 1st time his name was mentioned in the article the claim of sexual braggadocio a source earlier in the article to one named in one anonymous individual who claims he fears reparative retribution Newsday have such a site that tracks challenges of the articles at the New York Times caught the rapid deletion of his name reporters Kate Kelly and Dave and Rick did not explain why it was removed Richard asked him all day I'll model a no i classmate of Cavanagh's at Georgetown Prep is a state senator in Maryland who recently lost a bid for the Democratic nomination for governor he garnered headlines for a campaign that pictured him kissing his male spouse as a rebuke of trump the 32nd spot has him telling the or as he seeks to deliver progressive What's that. We do have Major Garrett finally shut up I'll get back to that story major How are you this morning Hugh Good morning how are you good we weren't there this is a before and after because I believe your publishers have sent Mr Trump's wild ride to my California studio where I'll be going tomorrow so I'm going to work off of your interview yesterday with the signal which was terrific by the way with Rob Bluey and his colleague It was a very very good interview 1st of all tell us about Mr Toad's Wild Ride it comes out in the middle of a bunch of books. Mr Trump's wild right it is a play on the Disneyland right it's also a reference to what I heard everyone in the Trump inner circle during the campaign refer to the candidate as Mr Trump is odd to you I've covered lots of presidential campaigns Republican and Democrat usually those who were close with the candidate have all sorts of names nicknames sometimes friendly sometimes enduring sometimes not so much in the Trump world there's only one term Mr Trump Mr Trump until it became President Trump so the title of the book plays off of both and it's really a book you about what have. But not what didn't happen and that's my answer to the question Do we really need another trump book yes we do we need a book about what happened and why and what is already a part of the American experience and the Trump legacy whether you love it or hate it it is going to be with this country 2 years 5 years 10 years in some cases 20 years from now that's why you're here and what I'm looking forward to in Mr Trump's wild ride and Frank once Israel is that you have to say the title of a book 7 times Mr Trump wild ride for people to remember Mr Trump's wild ride so we will get that back if I interview the president 15 times I did 4 debates with him he gave clues to himself every time he spoke and you recounted to Rob Bluey a story about the 1st time he saw you at a rally in Michigan have that you had been listening you would have picked up I know a lot of people listen to Rob but tell that story because I found that very illuminating So the 1st sentence that Donald Trump ever spoke to me August 25th Bertran Michigan my 1st trump event covering him as an emerging force in the Republican Party major fantastic yours here and he makes a reference to a very tough question I asked President Obama about the Iran nuclear deal on American hostages that being unaccounted for he says President Obama wasn't very happy with you I'm sure all be happier anyway that's a rough quote of what the what candidate Trump said to me I basically in the prologue of the book deconstruct it and tell the readers that I blew it if I had been wiser more curious and looked at that sentance. And found 7 or 8 very important clues about. Trump's psychology his approach to communication what he tells people about himself I would have learned so much more if I had been more curious so I open the book by taking myself to task because you I don't think I need to tell you and your audience. Reporters who covered the trunk campaign and who cover the Trump White House have to be honest about what they do well but also honest about what they missed and I do that a lot during book I explain things that I should have been sharper about should have seen more clearly should have understood the importance of a classic example of that is the Supreme Court list 1st notional and much more specific in the tail of the general election campaign I noted it thought it was interesting but didn't give it the credence that lots of other voters did and didn't comprehend how pivotal that list could be in actually electing Donald Trump the 45th president stays you know everyone needs to go back and revisit that campaign and looking forward but they also need to revisit the picture that has emerged. Trump White House and I interviewed Woodward last week out of you again next week after this but you do talk about his very methodical approach on Syria which is inconsistent with the view of the impulse of Trump which has emerged as sort of the dominant media Matta narrative explain the process on the Syria. Well briefly the president sees the images you television because you consumes a lot of television some think it's a disproportionate amount whatever it works for him that he gets confirming intelligence information as a deep emotional reaction and also wants to make a statement to the world that he believes will contrast immediately with President Obama when he goes through a 3 meeting process a preliminary meeting them 3 formal meetings with different sets of advisors and those who I spoke to who were participants in those meetings remember them is thinking this is a measured all rational and curious approach it's not impulsive it's not improvisational it's actually deeply serious. Major Stay right there with me thank you through the break I would like to continue talking about Mr Trump's wild ride by Major Garrett I tweeted out the link to it at the same time I have to remind people I'm in the relief act that I come studio for a reason they sponsor the program 3 times a day I tell you about it people on book tours need relief academic calm they get up at all hours they go all over the place they travel across the country on short notice and they climb up and down and mostly they do the most dangerous thing in America for most people that are not in the military or the person responding police force they put bags in the overhead bins and when they do that they always hurt their back that's when relief factor dot com comes in the support for the temporary relief on minor aches and pains that comes a natural supplement that everyone should be taken every day Omega was very gentle I carry an anchor come in go watch that path amounting all the starter pack in 1905 you will love really fact this is a huge huge. 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Back America if you want to California after the show I'm going to pick up Major Garrett brand new book there are it's called Mr Trump's wild ride I want to read all the way back and have him back Nick I hate interviewing authors whose book I actually haven't read Major but there's a kind of like an app or you know an appetizer that's not yet really good either I . Go find stuff that nobody else find in the book so let me get down to this do you think the president is helping or hurting himself by dialing back his contacts I loved it when he would swing away with you and with me and he's really dial that back and I think he actually advances the cause the more he sits down with reporters I agree he is a formidable. Political actor and he knows what he's. I don't want to suggest in every respect he knows what he's doing because I think he is improvisation he knows where he wants to go and he knows the agenda he wants to pursue and in the White House they say all the time the best communicator here is the president and yet to your point he's been communicating less he's been communicating in environments that are of a Daily Variety where Republicans come in asked ask one or 2 questions but he doesn't get a chance and he doesn't take the chance it's always up to him I can do it or not to take the questions and bat them away or really orient them toward the things he's trying to pursue and I'd like to see a more for sure it won't surprise you you that I got the same treatment that Bob Woodward did I put in numerous requests went through all the channels nothing ever came to pass in large measure because the White House after fire and fury was in is deep an anti book bunker as it could possibly. But it didn't sit down with fair people people who elected me and look I've made it I made it abundantly clear what I was trying to do and I think one of the things I expect now to happen you when you read the book I think you'll agree with me but I'm just going to say in my own behalf if there is a 2nd book. The people who didn't participate with me will the 2nd time because I lived through all of shown them what I'm about and like hysteria literalistic book it's every right and one thing you heard in the Daily Signal everything's on the record. Thing is on the record intentionally and that is I say things well in the market and I don't want to do it any other way I think people well I think they will have you and I think the Syria exchange I want to go back to where we were before the break his methodical approach to Syria does not come through in many places what we're did touch on a little bit Bob did touch on it and that's why I'm looking forward to reading your account of it too because I think it's so. Contra the narrative out there so complete the story so it goes through a 3 stage process and the 2nd big meeting which is national security all the top people are there secure facility everyone expects the president's going to come down and see This Is it because everyone has pretty much narrowed the options and they're sitting before the president the options are says no I want to take a little bit more time I want to think this through and people around the table are surprised and say to themselves wow this is not what I what I wasn't sure exactly what I was expecting but this is the way I would hope any president put particular want to novice president who doesn't have a lot of the skill set would do and then once he made the decision he was very calm about it he wasn't rah rah or emphatic about it and the idea that he talk seriously about assassinating Assad I never came across that I'm not disputing Woodward's reporting on that but I never came across it what I came across was a reflection that if you're curious about his process on big issues and national security things with real risks attached to them you would come away saying the approach was good the process was solid now it's serious all know all the same underlying issues still there yes but that's not the point the point is on this one early decision he went through a process most Americans of either party or no party would say I'm comfortable with that so I'm curious you know there's so much never trump out there Major and your balls and strikes guy I like to think of myself as a balls and strikes guy too are you getting pushback because it's not a rant either for or against him it's actually reporting Not yet but I'm bracing for that because I just think and I say this in the book that the Trump presidency the Trump personality the Trump. Creates such reactions deeply emotional reactions I say that there are millions of Americans who are emotionally attached to Donald Trump in ways they have never been attached to a political figure and they literally love him and adore him and want to support him in every instance and there are I don't know maybe an equal maybe slightly larger some number of Americans who loathe him with the kind of hatred and distain that they've never felt for political leader leader and to fall in the middle of that journalistically I've always feared about this book you would put me in a space where those who love the president won't find enough in the book that is loving of him and those who hate Him will find enough in the book that skews nothing but hatred of him and it will fall in this journalistic middle ground that will sell a lot of books well if that's my faith that's my faith I don't know how to do it any other way but I will say this you know I believe my book will become more important with each passing day because and I'm going to be a member what happened and why it happened and I'm going to be here next week again with Major Garrett having read Mr Trump's wild ride to talk through with you exactly why that kind of balls and strikes reporting is the absence of journalism Jonathan God journalism major thank you foam on Twitter Major Garrett follow me tomorrow I'll be in the California early back to dot com study I think out of the joint and Ben thanks all of you for listening to Talk around the next or your show portions of the hearing your juror brought you by driving American jobs our car. 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