936-5348 that's 180936348 if you're in debt and you need help call trinity at 180-936-5348. Conservative pm 1170 the answer. Is the. Service of Salem on the Nasdaq as a. Breaking news this hour from townhall dot com. It's budget day on Capitol Hill House is poised to pass the Senate budget resolution that paves the way for Tax Reform Georgia's Rob would all calls it an historic opportunity will we or will we not take on the challenge of reforming our text I believe that we will Massachusetts Democrat James McGovern House Republicans are pushing a job killing budget so they can use Fastrack reconciliation procedures to steamroll through their billionaires 1st tax plan with a self-imposed end of year deadline the House could on Vale its tax reform proposal as early as next week Capitol Hill correspondent president has reacted to news that the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party paper research produce a dossier of Russia allegations president from views himself as the victim on Twitter he posted a quote that he attributes to Fox News saying the victim here is the president he has derided the dossier as phony stuff and now there is reporting from various news outlets that Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the d.n.c. Helped pay for political research that led to the dossier of allegations about Donald Trump's ties to Russia Greg kludged and Washington remarks to a meeting of the defense of Christian group in Washington once that I'd buy as president Pat says the u.s. Will bypass the u.n. And directly offer relief funds to persecute Christians the Middle East you will no longer rely on the United Nations alone to assist persecuted Christians and minorities in the wake of genocide in the atrocities of terrorist groups the United States will work hand in hand from this day forward with faith based groups and private organizations to help those who are persecuted for their faith president Sharp was asked his reaction to Senator Jeff likes a taxi saying that because he has nothing else to say but I do think this I do think because I wish him well I really believe is going to do the right thing for the country he's going to vote for it that's God's ears on a senator said he will not seek reelection due to the disharmony in Washington more of these stories at townhall dot com. 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Saddle recommends that older people by accident for shingles get a new better shot approved last week if my story panel says the vaccine made by Glaxo Smith Kline works better than the 1st one made by Merck which has been sold in the u.s. Since 2006 shingles a painful blistery condition occurs when the chicken pox virus resurfaces later in life vaccine is recommended for people 60 and older but health officials say its effectiveness dropped sharply after about 5 years the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices says doctors should 1st opt for Glaxo. Licensed last week which uses a new ingredient to boost its effectiveness it was recommended for people 50 and older heaters reporting the remains of a teenage soldier from New Jersey went missing during the Korean War will be buried next month at Arlington National Cemetery I should say Army Private Richard Lucas is the rains were recently identified breaking news analysis at townhall dot. Higher entry fees are being proposed at $17.00 popular national parks National Parks Service is considering hiking entrance fees at $17.00 of the nation's most popular parks the proposed fee would be $70.00 for a vehicle up from the current $30.00 fee at the Grand Canyon Yosemite Yellowstone and Zion National parks at 13 other national parks the increase would be even steeper jumping from $25.00 to $70.00 in a statement interior secretary Ryan Zinke He says the increased revenues needed to shore up aging infrastructure at the parks a 30 day public comment period opened Tuesday I Mike Ross a federal official says a laptop out of the Los Vegas shooter's hotel suite after the deadliest mass shooting in modern u.s. History was missing the hard drive the official says Wednesday that investigators believe gunman Stephen Paddick removed the hard drive from the laptop before taking his own life after he opened fire in a crowd at a country music festival the officials of the hard drive hasn't been found more of these stories at townhall dot com and Patrick Foss. Kyle is a dog trainer Ok so. 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The. And now America's number one show on pop culture and politics this is the Michael Medved Show and another great day and this greatest nation on God's green earth still a great nation despite the fact that many people believe we are facing a great and grave national crisis concerning sexual harassment has sexual harassment exploded everywhere across the country are there literally millions and millions of guilty men how do you define central harassment is it being defined it way too loosely I will talk about this and other matters tomorrow with one of the people who started this entire episode in our national story her name is Gretchen Carlson used to be a very popular anchor on Fox News she was one of the people who blew the whistle the 1st one to blow the whistle on Roger Ailes over at Fox News we'll be talking with Gretchen Carlson tomorrow but today there are a whole series of stories that honestly lead me to believe. That we as a society are losing all sense of perspective on this and part of that of course has to do with Harvey Weinstein because I mean if if Harvey Weinstein were real you'd have to invent it because he is like a fictional character I mean just an illustration of a great deal of what is worst about human nature but then you think back and there's Bill Cosby. And if you know only a fragment of what Bill Cosby has been accused of doing is true this idea of drugging and raping and abusing when he's accused by 49 women I believe it's it's truly appalling and it's sickening and yes there is something wrong with this thing and go on and on and on and on for years and nobody's talking about it but does that mean that every pilot every time someone talks about it now it should be taken seriously to me the most dubious indication that we have already gone way over the top on this is the fact that President George Herbert Walker Bush he should be well has been forced to apologize for an alleged incident of sexual harassment in which the wheelchair bound former president. Allegedly participated in 2014 I'll just give you the story and then I'll give you my reaction and my reaction is what was this woman thinking former President George h.w. Bush has apologized for an attempt at Huma or he says after being accused of sexual assault by the actress Heather Lindh Heather Linda's 34 she was one of the stars in turn Washington's spies that was a American Revolutionary War drama which I did not see I don't know whether it was of any quality or not who cares as she posted yesterday on Instagram claiming that the 93 year old former president touched her from behind and bumped her with his wheelchair. And Barbara Bush the former 1st lady the wife of President George Herbert Walker Bush was right there. And here's what Heather Lynn's now deleted. Instagram post had to say she said I was disturbed today by a photo I saw of President Barack Obama now he's not accused of anything no weren't there I was doing but it will come that will come to I mean remember when Barack Obama made some comment about Camelot Harris's looks said she was the best looking attorney general and people for reached out. And that was when she was attorney general of California now she's a potential presidential candidate and senator from California Any minute this actress Heather Lind writes I was disturbed today by a photo I saw of President Barack Obama shaking hands with George Herbert Walker Bush in a gathering of ex-President organizing aid to states and territories damaged by recent hurricanes I actually saw those pictures too and they were beautiful it was 5 rather extraordinary people President George Herbert Walker Bush President George w. Bush Jimmy Carter Bill Clinton and Barack Obama 5 former presidents all united to try to help the people of Houston that was a benefit that occurred on Saturday in and she said I found the photo disturbing because I recognize the respect x. Presidents are given for having served and I only feel pride and reverence toward many of the men in the photo but when I got the chance to meet George Herbert Walker Bush 4 years ago to promote a historical television show I was working on he sexually assaulted me while I was posing for a similar photo. How is it possible to have a sexual assault while there are a ton of people around and you're being photographed. He didn't shake my hand she says he touch me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side and he told me a dirty joke actually I'm not going to hear on. I I honestly cannot imagine knowing President Bush. I don't know what dirty joke it it's it probably wasn't filthy could it possible that was mildly off color and that's possible is a former sailor by the way Navy a.v. Naval aviator then she says and then all the while being photographed he touched me again Barbara rolled her eyes as if to say oh no not again I can let you can read minds Lynn said that after the event the security staff working for Bush told her she should not have stood next to the former president well if you're complaining because he bombs he with his wheelchair and he touched you from behind he has Parkinson's I mean. It's he has vascular Parkinsonism It's a rare syndrome that mimics Parkinson's disease and that means is it possible that he was 89 at the time of this alleged incident occurred is it possible that he bumped her Is it possible that he even reached down and touched her to call this a sexual assault is nots and it's ridiculous she said this We were instructed to call him Mr President it seems to me a president's power is in his or her capacity to enact positive change actually help people and serve as a symbol of our democracy he relinquished that power when he used it against me what did he do against you for goodness sake. And judging from the comments of those around him countless other women before me I'm sorry you know there are countless women with Harvey Weinstein there are countless women now with Leon vessel 2 year who by the way lost his magazine be cause of the charges against him and we'll get to that in a moment vessel tear was for many many years a writer for The New Republic and he's someone who's made me a special target he's attacked me oh about a half dozen times he thinks I'm a bigot and a religious fanatic and an evil person who is in thrall to the evil Christian right Ok fine but now I also wonder about the charges against Leon why I don't know I just know the hates me but in any event this Heather Lynn writes my fellow cast mates and producers help me that day and continue to support me I'm grateful for the bravery of other women who have spoken up and written about their experiences and I thank President Barack Obama well of course for the gesture of respect teammates towards Jeb George h.w. Bush for the sake of our country but I do not respect him and then she has hash tag me to. Me No. At this point in President Bush's life this is very sad he issued a statement without acknowledging that he ever did anything wrong apologizing saying that he regrets that she was given offense his his statement says it's a brief response and President Bush would never under any circumstances intentionally caused this anyone distress and he most serious sincerely apologizes if his attempt at humor offended Ms lend I'm not sure he remembers what his attempt at you Mer even was Meanwhile Scott Brown the 1st ambassador appointed by Donald Trump is now under formal investigation. You know really there's a formal investigation because as ambassador to New Zealand. Scott Brown said something horrible unbelievable this is also sexual assault. Scott Brown said that a number of people who are at a party in the Samoan capital of Apia which is part of his assignment as ambassador to knowing New Zealand he said you know you look beautiful and you could make hundreds of dollars if you worked in the hospitality industry in the us Ok probably not the right thing to say but does that cause a formal investigation the Us ambassador to New Zealand is reporting the Guardian Scott Brown has admitted he is being investigated over allegations he made inappropriate comments on his inaugural trip to Samoa of which he is also the us Representative Brown told New Zealand media today he wanted to address innuendo and rumor about his visit to Samoa in July to celebrate 50 years of the Peace Corps in the country Ok no allegations he touched anybody it said they looked beautiful. Should that be a crime 180-955-1776 are we going through national hysteria We'll be right back. In. 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The. 21 minutes after the hour on The Michael Medved Show everybody is getting into the act apparently have been millions of people who use the hash tag me to to recount their own. Horrible and hideous experiences and let me say here this is not a defense of sexual harassment because I think there is such a thing and it's terrible and it's one forgivable and shameful and yes it should cost people to lose their jobs and if it's bad enough that it mounts to sexual assault go to jail. But I do think that we have to be a little bit more careful about the definitions here and that's one of my problems with his Scott Brown situation I know he's a u.s. Ambassador to New Zealand he was Trump's 1st appointment he was one of the early supporters of President he's the former senator from Massachusetts remember Teddy Kennedy died and then Scott Brown shocked the world by getting himself elected in the very very very very liberal state of Massachusetts he ran a great campaign he was running it's the terrible candidate Martha Coakley and then he served briefly and then he got a deal like that and then he tried to make a comeback in New Hampshire and was very very close but didn't make it now he's our master to New Zealand and Scott Brown is a friendly likable pleasant guy and he apparently did not realize that he was going to be causing some kind of serious offense. When he said You look beautiful tonight you know you could make hundreds of dollars if you worked in the hospitality industry in the United States. We are in a different culture even though we all speak English sometimes when we say one thing it means the complete different thing Brown went on to say that politics is a blood sport and there were a lot of people of the event who did not like us President Donald Trump and Brown was Trump's 1st ambassadorial appointment I I don't think this is going to come to anything and but it is symptomatic of what is going on here and when I say it's important to make a distinction look some random comment. Or some kind of I mean even telling some mildly racy joke. When you're within earshot of someone who is female I mean for goodness that particular version of the military and right now there's a front page of USA Today senior military official sanction for more than $500.00 cases of serious misconduct and yes most of them involve sexual misconduct the the idea that this is just totally out of control and every woman is subjected to what they've actually done polls on this and about one out of 5 women say they've been subjected to some kind of sexual harassment so that means. Majority about 4 out of 5 have not. And I think that's accurate I mean I've been engaged in conversations with people and yes I I mentioned that my wife had an experience that I think could clearly be called sexual harassment if someone actually tries to touch you or someone tries to grab you and you make it clear you don't want it like by running around that the other side of the table and then being chased around the table. Yes that's sexual harassment and again I think it's telling that Elizabeth Warren the senator from Massachusetts said rather credibly that she was subjected to the same sort of thing from one of her colleagues at Harvard but here here's the the point about Senator Warren she was already a member of the law faculty she was not some kind of flunky she was a professor at Harvard this was a fellow professor So with that we're not talking about a professor student we're not talking even about of boss subordinate and that's the other aspect of this that crosses lines and gets much more serious if someone is in a position where they are in a power position over you like one of these cases against one the top generals involves a very high ranking general. Whose. Name is Joseph Harrington who was fired for sending racy text to a much younger woman who was married to a soldier on their post in Italy Ok he can't do that but. Surely surely we are not in the situation where the most random comment or President George Herbert Walker Walker Bush touching someone twice inadvertently in front of a crowd of people that I'm fairly certain was inadvertent that that this amounts to sexual assault as Heather Lynn claimed becomes ludicrous. Leslie in Santa Monica California Leslie you're on the med that Chalo Hi Michael 1st I want to say that I admire you very much thank you the Conservative I voted for Trump to see you know where I'm coming from but you frankly and no man especially a tall man has no idea what women have put up with since time eternal to put it mildly I have been touched so many times I mean I'm 63 years old so I'm not talking about now but I was busty I was pretty I was touched in front of people because men would come up behind you and kind of give you a hug from behind as their hand sort of slid over the side of you or your blouse or whatever and you can't say anything because it's in public so it looks like they don't even realize what they were doing or going into an office at work and somebody following you in there and sort of brushing against you know your breasts and so it's you know again inadvertent and many many lewd comments when I was in Leslie Leslie was when's the most recent occasion you can recall like that I am 63 years old I don't have a recent Time No I guess I guess what I'm suggesting is that I believe you and I know this to be true I've told the story before I was in the company of a sitting u.s. Senator. And literally asked ending right next to him and there was a t.v. Reporter in a very tight sweater and she said Senator x. Can I ask you a few questions he said sure and she said Ok roll in please and when they start of the tape and it was caught on tape it's asked to be somewhere he immediately reached out and squeezed her 2 breasts and went on. And you know he was drunk when he was a senator so I know what you're saying is true now somebody like that 1st of all he should have been in the u.s. Senate at that point next life because he was drunk all the time and everybody knew it and again I think it would be tougher today for this. Member of the United States Senate to to hold told his job I jus things things have changed don't you I don't know I honestly don't know but but the all the people coming out of being accused now and I know that some of them are various complaints but most of them I am sure are true and people are finally speaking out because they're being believed I spoke out I went to a lawyer years ago and he asked me did you throw up when it happened and I said no in that case you don't have a case so I know I sound angry and by the way when you say what is this happening somebody giving you one want to touch is squeezing you are patting your pinching you yet again and that is assault somebody pats your behind that's an assault Ok stay with me for a moment Leslie I think your perspective is important and you're expressing a expressing a very forcefully and well we'll be right back. With 80051776 Michael Medved Show. Yes. Care can help if this. Becomes a case. 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If you qualify rapid resolution tanks troop can work toward settling your tax debt for a less removing penalties and fees and stopping levies and garnishments called the professionals in rapid resolution tax group at 806012929 that's 806012929 starting tomorrow 5 long haul airlines will begin new security screening including in person interview of all passengers bound for the United States Emirates Air France and Egypt Air are among airlines that will start enhanced screening which was requested by the trumpet ministration if there's a stranger in your house it may be an Amazon delivery person the online giant today revealed it'll launch a service next month allowing delivery people to walk into your home while you are away but it won't be cheap minimum startup costs include $250.00 for cameras and software on Wall Street stocks closed down today that out of Jones Industrial Average plunged $112.00 points orders for durable goods rose over 2 percent last month please join us for Lou Dobbs tonight at $7.11 Eastern on the Fox Business Network I'm Keith Peters for the Lou Dobbs financial report. 30 par minutes after the hour on The Michael Medved Show us peaking with Leslie in Santa Monica California who has been the victim she says of sexual assault and not just once or twice but it sounds like Leslie many times would that be accurate times many times yes and minus a many regularly I mean like once a month or more often you know I didn't count but when I would walk into a public place or a work environment I was always on guard because you never knew when it was going to happen and I also want to say that I dress conservatively I'm a professional I have an advanced degree I'm not a floozy and if somebody is a clue say that doesn't mean they should be manhandled either but and you know you asked me before the break when was the last time this happened I'll tell you the last time I was in my fifty's it was winter time I was at the Grove and you know Los Angeles it's an outdoor mall and a comedy team came up to me and I was wearing a jacket and started making fun of the size of my breasts I'm a mother I have grown children I was wearing a jacket it was cold out I was not exploiting my assets so to speak at a comedy team Plame and started saying lewd things to me on camera I didn't know at the time that they can't use it unless you find something so I was mortified didn't want to weigh because that you know you see on t.v. These you know Shope shows that people running away and I don't want to be one of those people it was never on the air because they didn't give consent but I was in my fifty's Michel I mean they didn't touch me but they certainly said lewd things to me to get my reaction in fact that was the moment I decided to have aggressive reduction surgery which I did do. Well now would a lot of this. These assaults and in salsa and approaches have to do with with your breasts would a lot of be focused on that yeah yeah I guess you know I'm sorry it sounds horrible I what I'm thinking of right now is. And again just to show how deep this is in our culture there's a tweet in fact stay with me Leslie because this is very relevant to you it's a do do this with our tweet of the day page to the Internet. A big great smart tweet change his password so he no longer has access to. The tweet but I did not send that tweet my system was hacked. I was once started. We have a Newsweek poll right and I do. Ok. It just supports what you were saying it's a tweet from Ellen De generous Yes Ellen De generous she is female she is gay very happily married and publicly gay but. She sends out Happy birthday to Katy Perry it's time to bring out the big balloons and there's a photograph there showing Katy Perry looking buxom and with Ellen De generous with her mouth open looking at amazement with her mouth approaching the. One of Katy Perry's breasts now I don't know if Katy Perry thinks this is funny to say it's time to bring out the big balloons but wouldn't you suspect Leslie that she wouldn't think this is ha ha. You know she's in the public eye they say any any attention is good attention but that brings up another point point and that is the abuse some women take from other women because maybe we're prettier than them maybe we have a bit of stick here and the remarks you know when you walk by and you hear things or I mean that's that's something I think that also needs to be explored Yeah so what what is it what would you like to see change in our world so that. That new generations of women like my little adorable granddaughter who's 9 months old what what do we do so that they don't go through this well it would be nice as a child if they're not seated on some man's lap unfound thing up and down number one because it's not always innocence wait wait wait oh wait. Do you really I mean at what age do you not see a little girl on a man's lap. Most people I would think it's totally innocent but it isn't always totally innocent and when it's done in front of other people how can anybody complain because it's out there in public but it's not always innocent but when you say it's a lot always innocent how I mean when you talk about little kids I look if you're talking about a young lady who's 13 or 14 or 15 got it you're right but if the girl is 2 years or 5 years old. If we really come to that where and Leslie I appreciate your call and I I I I I do hope you'll call again and that everything should go well with you a quick word from relief factor. People tend to be skeptical about nutritional supplements and. 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Hysteria surrounding all of these made to stories and this is not to say that it is justifiable or acceptable to put your hands on someone who who clearly isn't welcoming it or even who may not be clearly unwelcoming it just put your hands on on someone in a if your man she's a female Yes it should be particularly sensitive. But. The idea that there are careers that are being blown up over this. I mentioned before this story and it it's a huge story everywhere Leon diesel tier who was for many many years the book editor at New Republic and they left New Republicans starting a new magazine cold Idea magazine and he had millions of dollars behind him and he was hiring staff and those that entire thing is pulled it's collapsed because there are a number of women I'm 15 so far who've made complaints about his conduct and we're not talking about Harvey Weinstein level stuff we are talking about making comments about women's appearance and making sexualized conversations and. He's issued a great apology and said he's had to look at himself Ok look at another one bites the dust but at what point do does this become a political issue and by the way I do have the sense and I hope that I am wrong that a lot of this is going to stop probably starting next week start being turned on the president the United States and people close to him because well you remember during the campaign and all that stuff it's kind of gone away but with me too how much longer is it going to be before Trump doesn't become the focus they're just like is the focus of everything else Bill in Minneapolis you're on the Mad show. Mike thanks for taking my call I listen I listen to you every day thank you. Note thank you for the program that you put on your extremely intelligent you're a voice of reason. And I disagree with most of what you say. When I when I when I listen to you talk about the black lives matter folks I listen to you talk about gay people now as I listen to you talk about women to me at least from my perspective it often feels like you diminish what they've gone through you you you've in the past said look how blacks got treated in the twenty's and thirty's and look at the progress we've made Can't people acknowledge the progress and I'm left thinking as. We what we were all created equal. With through our constitution a long time ago there is no excuse for this behavior back then and particularly now where a lot more enlightened now than we were back then I agree and now my own my only point is right now in other words if you want to talk about that issue and this is a one point I will say all the time about lingering inequality in the United States and and the persistence of prejudice which I agree still exists but I do not believe that right now that prejudice against black people is the major obstacle to black progress I believe there are other factors that's that would be my basic point but go ahead Bill that respect as well but you're hoping at this point that the you know you just brought this up right before you cut me on our i got cut on I appreciate it but. I think that there were 18 women. And he's our president and he's not my guy but I try to support our president but it was horribly there some to have 18 women come out and say that this guy had touched me in a properly a point in time when he made the comment about grabbing a woman I thought the election was over at that point so did I figured rebound from that and so it's not going to be a tremendous surprise me I get there's a lot of piling on going on right now but if men aren't losing their job Mike what will make them take this these charges seriously and then I don't know if I don't want to see Trump lose his job over this stuff. I know I can but I think right now everyone in the country is taking these charges seriously and I don't know very if you work in an office or anything like that that I think I'm one of 150000000 American men and literally who look at this differently because of all of this attention right now and you have to be very very careful and I think that's appropriate but I do think there have to be some guidelines and for instance what Scott Brown said in New Zealand was stupid. But does it merit a u.s. Government investigation I mean unless it's much worse than the Guardian the leftwing Guardian has is reporting I don't see why and then when it turns on President Bush when Heather Lynn says that the 90 then 89 year old former president . Assaulted her from his wheelchair don't you think that trivializes the whole nature of a very real. And I agree with you that it is a problem and I don't diminish what. Just thinking about and I wanted to address something else about it and I hope still listening as a matter of fact. Bill thank you for your call we will be right back with you more . On what has become a very absorbing front and center national issue. 100 . Pictures. Same kind of different. Everything they could ever want. Their lives begin to intersect. The. Same kind of different as me be an incredible true story and. Really p.g. 13 maybe the. Same kind of different as me. Are you among the millions of Americans who feel uncertain when it comes to their health care we're happy to inform you that there is a solution and that solution is Liberty health. It's a community of people who work together. Starting at $107.00 a month for a single. Mom. Liberty . Liberty. I. Can Help. You get into a group. Of people to get you to putting the only make you. Need to find a Medicare plan get help now at u h c Medicare dot com a r p Medicare plans from United Health Care United Health Care to. 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Are you a responsible person or find yourself growing deeper and deeper in credit card debt and you're not sure how to fix the problem then get ready for a tone free number that will put you on a path to financial recovery Trinity debt management is a nonprofit organization that will consolidate your accounts into one easy to manage monthly payment put a stop to late fees and overlimit charges and reduce short interest rates by as much as 60 percent you'll save thousands and become debt free for keeps it's not a long it's a smart way to relieve you of stress meet your obligations and preserve your self-respect if your debt has you down we should talk gather up your bills and call this toll free number for a free no obligation debt and Alice 180-936-5348 that's 180936348 if you're in debt and you need help call trinity at 180-936-5348. Portions of The Michael Medved Show are brought to you in part by job creators network tax cuts not. 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Gashed are reaping a little too. Uncontrollably sponsible with their sensitivity and just saying Ok what's your end goal here how can we be productive if everyone is so afraid of everyone else what they're saying no one can really see through the kindness and goodness that most people would want to be yeah I just can't let me ask you a question Carolyn and I I appreciate what you just contributed very much when you were at those parties or you were working in the entertainment industry as a stunt woman and people would hit on you all the time did you ever have a situation where it was so egregious it was so obnoxious that you wanted to complain Yes And what was it's like I don't want to came to Milan for the film industry market and it's part of the game and you just say you must have to do a reality check saying how do I play along with the this crap in I don't see good ol boys because everyone it's male and female I mean like the actor says when they complain right now the big actor says well they're doing the rock em sock I'm very sexual movie and it's like gosh with you is it. Well. Yeah I mean again they can say that they are fully consenting to the movie roles in which they appear but it is ironic that now an industry that has from its very earliest days really thrived on selling sexuality and female beauty and romance now is saying oh my goodness Hollywood emphasizing sex and female beauty yes there are still some shocks available on this greatest nation on God's green earth. The following is not of that but a real life story from Trinity debt management My husband and I wanted to buy a new car and we don't hear very good credit rating so the banks recommend a treaty so we called them in the people are very nice the best solution for our problems if you're in debt and you need help call trinity of 180-936-5348 extension 2 talk to a certified counselor treaty consolidate our bills a lower interest rate and a much better monthly payment trinity will consolidate your accounts to do $1.00 easy to manage monthly payment put a stop to late fees and overlimit charges reduce your interest and possibly improve your credit score you.

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