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Budget is finally set is state senator Rick Bertrand who represents sioux city. With us. Thanks for having me back. Good to be home. I s suppose back on the road ba and forth. Bacac on thehe road. Enof the condnd week. The family is starting to get acclimated were getting a rhythmhm. Lets talk about the numbers there. I mentioned the budget thats where we want to start this morning. Estimates continue to be less than was projected whenn t budget was put together. The Agriculture Community obviously is part of that. First thing on the budget is it is going to be a tight budgett year, but nothing that is happening this year is really not predictable. There was a five yearr plan put out there by the governor, the last three years as you know tim we have r rlly put some big things inlace with commercial property tax reform. The Medicaid Expansion and education reform. The one thing we didnt foresee at the end of the daye got to realize that agriculture still drives the state budget. And again with the bird flu last down and now with some of the renewable fuel standards pull back were starting to see that in some of the grain market. There that little softness in the Agriculture Market which reflectstsnto the stateudget. T. L ls talk aboutpecifics of the bubuet maybe just a little bibiof budget 101 f folks at home that dont really grasp out this works. One of those the revenue that the state has on hand to try to develop a budgethere are two sourc correct . The ongoing revenue and the surplus carry forward. Your ongoing revenue if you look at the budget, almost 85, 90 of t the budget is fixed. These are ongoing expenses and cost. Yoyotalk about the surplus. You hear about the overlapping surplulu that is the ending balance. After we paid all of our bills what is left over. Wh you see is that when republicans took over so six years ago almost, we were using ongoing balance or one time money for ongoing expenses. What you see now is we basically which reflects in the budget currently. And then looking at 2017he estimates for the fiscal year ongogoing revenue of 7. 3 billion is the number being thrown out. 153 million higher thaniscal 16 and that ongoing expense category. You can see that number there. There is also some built in increases which, as you just said a minute ago they werent surprises, but there are increases for the m Medicaid Program for teachers leadership, busiss property tax credits those add up to a pretty big number just about the same number 150 somome Million Dollars doesnt include new money toward summental mental monon for scols, the water q quality we have talked about. How does that come together in the budget process . It goes back to first of all i like the idea the republicans, the governor are standing by basically only spending what we take in. Were not going to use only one time money. There is going to be tough decisions. Go back to prioritization. Education is goingo be the big topic on theloor of the senate house has already passed a 2 allowable growth. E governor has offered a 2 25 allowable growth. People need to understandhat is an additional 130illion on top of last years budget. So for you and me as joe taxpayer the idea were not vesting in education sometimes comes across a little disingenuous. Any growth in government is probably going to happen in education that is where the battle is gointo be. Governor offered a 2. 455 increase. Will we see that part done at the budget sesession. When the house 3assed it lastyear the 2 they threw it into the democratically controlled senate and said you need to make a decision. If it was me and i was the senate demi would take the 2. 45 the governor is offering and lets move forward. Unfortunately i think what you will see its an Election Year of government still contrled by democrats which is thehe iowa 123434 i thinkhis will b b be big political issue. Thats the real world. I like to give the rea wororld cture. A couple other numbers before we move on from education, the state Education Association gave the governor its condition of education inside the state and here were those numbers they ththrough ou including enrollment almost 481,000 students in public schools. Diversity a about2 of the students a now hispanic, black or other minority groups. Thee class size ty look at the co grade classes in stata reached a 15 year high in the past year. More than 21 students in each clas graduation numbers also continued to be good. The teachers salary numbers, up slightly again this year and, superintendent salaries also up, but more thahan teacher salariesinside the state of iowa. That will probably continue to raise a few eyes there. Want to talkbout briefly the savings has notot matched what thegovernor projected early on. Is that a concern . Concern. I think what i like as we make the transion into the 4mcos,the manage care organizatio it showed the flexibility of the private sector we delayed this toto give people, providers and plans an opportunity to sign their contracts. At the end off the day money is acured. This is happening in 39 other states, as this happens early in the spring the savings will begin which will allow more people to get more services it isoofor the state it has to happen. One of the things the governor mentioned in his condition of the state is his plan to te the pennys sales tax sunset in 29, extend it on 20 more years take part of that money and the longterm put ittowards a Water Quality program that h has been luke warmly received. I got to be honest im all abou creativity and trying too find crereative ways and i like the governor i i trying to put a important this is to people like sioux city. He is trying to leverage that vulnerability saying we need to extend so we can bond out and create more infrastructure. When you tie education to Water Quality it muddies the water. I like t see an up or down vote on either one. Do i think it is going to get through i dont, but wellee how the pot gets sweetened along the way and see what we can do for sioux city and northwest iowa. Im always a no no, no, maybe and see where it goeoes. Another thing we tked about was the fireworks legislation bounced around got support then faded away. That . It blew up no pun intended. Why i think it is important it is over 20 million industry that could come to this side of the river i ifireworks. What is important ielieve for northwest iowa and sioux city and the state we always look for ways to grow revenues within the state. Firewos is one of those opportunities we can grow by expanding freedoms. There is no reason we shouldnt be able to shoot fireworks off in this side of the state. Itit got through the house last year now back in the senate. I think on the offseason probably the right guiuis and democratic leadership p got talked to. I think wereoing to see fireworks early. Im sit on that economy we meet next wednesday. Im going to be in full force and i think wellll get it through and this is the year. Another thing i know you talked about last year involved with guns d right to have that gun and to protect yourself in certain situations, will that be something you will try to get through next year . R . People know when i went to s moines it really was and stils about job creation and the Business Climate in northwest iowa. That is my number one priority for siouxland. When you look at the attack happening on the second snsored it last year. I brought on my other 23 republican colleagues to cosponsor. Every reblican signed onto it. What this bill does is it allows a person to protecect yourself, your family, your property liability. If you are sitting in a quick trip and some guy comes inn meth and grabs you and grabs your wife you shoot him if you dont kill him you maim him there is not a legal jury in the world that will convict you for protecting yourself, but down the roroad his parents might sue you because you shot his kid on meth. They sue you civilly. 29 other stes have put this in place. It protects their Second Amendment rights from civilil unjust liality. We need it in iowa. I will run a procedural maneuverr in the s sate whichs c cled a release document. I need one democrat, one democrat to sign onto that petition that discharge petition, to get this to rce the senate for. My prediction is those that democrats are going to lock up and say no again. We need my lifelong democratic friends need to understand, this is not the Democratic Party that i grew up withhat i was part of t that we are all with growing up. When it comes to life, guns and persrsal freedom this partrt has moved on and i think they are showing it right here in iowa with the Second Amendment. Before we let you go i want to talk about the caucus now a week away. Its been months in the building. Thank god lets do this. Finally a arrived. Of late things have heated up inside the republican party. Some of those incluluding ted cruz o early on, stayed away frorom throwing lots of verbal jabs started to throw t them at the governor got into it after not endorsing any candidate certainly not endorsing ted cruz. What is i ieresting ilways say there i i two things that come out of caucus it is great for the iowa economy which is strong a very manageable state forandidates g good for the state of iowa economically and the nation to vet these candidates, but amount sometimes what comes of this is a little battles between the party. At the end of the day the focus whoever we send out of iowa has to be someone that can win nationally. Im a rubio guy, but at the end of the day the battling between the governonor and maybe ted cruz oror steve king that needs to go away. We will unite as a party. Itits greator iowa im looking foard to going to the debateines moines its going to be a great show. I think were going to send a winner out of iowa. Appreciate your time. Very much so will be interting to see what happens o monday. Not only with the republicans, but the democrats gotten very interesting between hillary and bernie sanders. I dont think that thing is over yet either. R. Thanks foreing with us well have you bk agaga. We wanto know what you think at home about what the senator had to say a if you would like to see us bri a particular subject to the table get ahold of us at facebook, twitter or email me. Coming up afte the break, yesterday was a big day for the repupublican candidates in siouxland. Well check out ben carson and donald trump and hear fm a new campaign in iowa,a, a little younger than the average what he has to sayay next. Were back with more this week in siouxland with tim seaman. Welcome back. Republican president ial volumn yesterday in siouxland. [ music ] ben cson revive 714, a prayer wohip experience hosted by kirkrk cameron, and featuring grammy and dove Award Winning christian musicians casting crnsilled thee ororeum theatre with excxcment ononaturday. The carson c cpaign saying it is pausing from normal campaigning to put the f focus whe it should be, on the lord and what only he can do for our nation. Earlier this week carson temporarily suspspended campaigngning afte staff member brayden joplin died in an iowa auto accident. He was one of several people traveling in a van that went out of control on a snowy highway and rolled. Carson said the bible has prepared him well for the came campaign trail. It doesnt matter where you start from it ends matters where you talents god has given you to elevate other people. Carson did almost no campaigning during saturdays rally that drew more than 1,000 people. Instead he talked a lot about his past and how his faith is guidinhim throughout the lifife. Carson said god was responsiblele for all of his success, saying, when god changes you, he does it from the i inside its notot just a paint job. Dr. Carson is in Marshall Town and ames today. A different kind of noise filled b. J. Haan auditorium on the Dordt College campus yesterday. After a couple weeks of build up, donald trump packed a punch in front of hundreds who filledthe college facility. The antitrump vote was present, but greatly outnumbered. Trump again contrasted himself with his chief rival ted cruz. His most serious challger in iowa while also taking shots at several coconservatives including trump in aational review magazizine. He calalled beck loser and a sad sack, but left his mos eye opening remarks for himself while explaining how loyal his supportete are. My peoeople a soo smart, and you know w else they s about my people the polls, they say i have the m most loya people. Did you ever see that where i could and in the middle of 5th avenue and sot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters its like incredible. [laughter] nohey say trump we love you too man. Trump again acknowledged while he has consistently polled well nationally iowa voters have to caucus on february 1. Te cruz has recently caught up where they are neck in neck in iowa polls. 2008 iowa caucus winner Mike Huckabee isnt showing any sign of exiting the republican race. Heade several siouxland stops at t Siouxland Center ofactive generations. Sioux citys Orpheum Theatre is becoming a regular stop for candidates from both parties. Tuesday night more than a ousand people fillllhe building to hear bernie sanders. A nation in which so few have so much, and so many have so little is not a nation that in the long run will thrive. Sanders called his campaign the campaign of excitement, the campaign of energy, the campaign of bringing peop into the political process. Hinting that somethings special is happening in iowa. A crowd that had a much youngher look thahamany other candidateteevents heard the vermoint sesetor talk on minimm w we, health care and being able to ghet an affordable education. Education is very important im in college. Its truly expensive and its nice to have someone who is willing to say Student Loans are ridiculolous and fure out a way to help kidids pay for school. Dont you imagine. I think that is what is hurting jeb bush his personality. Thisuy is tough i think. Of course, it takes lots and lots of volunteers on the ground for a candidate to pulloff a win in iowa. Both sanders and clinton have massive ground games. Some of those folkare seasoned veterans of the campaign whileothers are just getting started. Volunteers at the Hillary Clinton campaign are hard at work. Its crunch time before the Iowa Caucuses. I im with the Hillary Clintoncampaign. They are calling voters, tryingngo get them to commit to supporting their candidate come caucus night. We really do need to make sure we have all of oursupporters turn out on february 1. The volunteers are the most important part. They are t ones talking to their neighbors. They are the ones organizing and taking ownership of their precct. Among the chatter may i speak to ryan. You will hear one voice not like the others. Hi ryan this is george im campaiai for iowa. Eorge is only 11yearssold. Thank you for your te. I haveo idea how many hours i have done. Thats because its a lot. I had a bit of an idea, like, i knew what a caucus was, but i didnt know how it worked and now that im doing it its really interesng. George diligigently works through his list of calls to make not allowing himself to get discouraged when people dontanswer, or when they just hang up. One out of ten. Thats because he said he believed in her recd. I think shes the only candidate with a foreign experience that our president in this modern day of really just tension between nations, needs. And her vision for america. She a fighter. She fights not just for the americans today, but the americans tomorrow. He is notot the only middle hooler who spends their free time here, but he says not enough kids are doing it. Even if they dont support any candidate is just a great opportunity. Of course both parties are working hard to make sure the state doesnt stub its toe on caucus night. Pacts are being handed to all precepts in iowa and vunteers will have logged nearly 300 training hours by the time february 1 rolls around. The chair jeff kaufman says he cant see acenario where rereblicans dont surpasas the 120,000 rson mark the benchmark for both parties. Exception for 2007 when a record turnout of f 240,000 helped send barack obama to the white house. His folks will be prered. We probably have the most talented group of individuals working for ushat we ever have. They are cutting edge themselves they are hardworkrkg. Cause cuss 2016 has a new Voter Participation a online the new system went online new years day. The system is meant to compliment the other options that are already available to people in iowa w who want to participate in the system. Some have criticized that new Online System because it requires a drivers license number, or identification issued from the department of transportation. Iowa is one of only a few states with online registration that dont remember require the voter to also send in a hard copy form to complete that online process. A progrgramming ne that next weeks sho will serve as a preview to caucus night. That is february 1. Among our guests already booked is dr. Andy mcgwire the statete chairman for the iowa Democratic Party. Well be back with this weeks nine things to know and a l lk at what is up nex on this week in iowa afterer the b bak. Siouxland after the break. Now weere bacwith more this we in sioioland. A date between ted cruz and Terry Branstad on ethanol is part of this week, this week in iowa show, it comes up next and amanda krenz has a preview. Good morning coming up next endorsements and how much do the governor offer a bit of a january surprise for the first time ever,e weighed in on the field of gop candidadas. We also have an extended conversation with congressman steve king he will share his view on the candidate he is backing for the first in the nation caucuses. That is all just ahead on this week in iowa. And now to this weeks nine things to know. Well start with with a show still underway. 9. Kool outdoor show the river cicity anglers swap meet wraps up today at the sc conv center 11 00 am 4 00 pm. 8. Soup suppesat jan 30 4 00 7 00 Pm First Christian Church sioux city a large variety of soup and desserts. 7 the sioux city musketeers take on waterloo black hawks week from today sunday january 31st tec 3 05. 6. Elvis weekend Hard Rock Hotel frisat jan 2930. The wier of saturdays preliminary contest will go on to compete in elvis s week 5. Breakfast and a book sat jan 30 at morningside lutheran church. K5 studes are invited for a free hot breakfast followed by a story time with a assic childrens story. 4. Lamb theatre presents fiddler on the roof jr. Today and next fri sat and sunday 3. Tony awardwinning broadway musical, Million Dollar quartet wed jan 2727rpheum theatre 7 30. 2. Sio citys 40th annual des moines lislative day january 27, 2016. 1. Caucus 101, being put on by briar cliff, wit and morningside. Mon jan 25 6 30 Interactive Workshop for new voters and firsttime caucus gos who are planning to participate in t feb. 1 iowa ucuses. A great way to have a little better idea of what you can pect come caucus night here in iowa. Before we say gooday. A reminder that the goal of this week in siouxland is not only to bring newsmakers to the table, but also to spark a discussion on issue important to you. So make susu to connect through use of twitter, facebook, or email tseaman kcautv. Com and if you would like to look back at todays segment or any previous shows go to siouxland matters. Com. All of them will be listed right there. That will do it for this weeks show. Thanks foror taking time too join us a big weekhead as w w prepare for Iowa Caucuses monday february 1. Nearly completely on the caucus process and what you can expt as we zero in on iowas big day on thehe political landscape. Thats it fo now have a great weekend. Captioning provided caption solutions, llc www. Captionsolutions. Comomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomomom music Amanda Donald trump fires up the big guns when a special guest joins him on the campaign. Plus, a deendorsement by goveveor branstad. Why the thing he said about ted cruz is so significant. Sabrina then overcoming tragedy on the trail. Plus we have congressman steve king on the show to talk primary election strategy. Thanks for joining us for this week in iowa. Im sabrina ahmed. Amanda and im amanda krenz. This week it wasnt a president ial candidate, but a campaign surrogate who got all the attention. Sarah palin made her reemergence into the National Political spotlight with her endorsement of donald trump. Sabrina dont forget her sweater. chuckling sasaina the former alaska vernor in 2008 Vice President ial candidate threw her wholehearted support behind the republican frontrunner at a rally in ames on tuesday. The endorsement also got the approval of trump supporters

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