We have isis and al qaeda attacking us and were really talking about fantasy football . Can we stop . As the candidates battled over their records and tax plans. They found agreement on one thing ted cruz vents their shared frustration with the moderators. cruz this is not a cage match. Jejeica rae duringngnd after the debate, cnbc moderators came under attack. Rnc chairman rainss reinin priebus was quoted as saying, im proud of our candidates for standing up to a pretty hostile environment, its like they tried to design a rubiks cube for every question to take the worst element. Jessica rae and here in siouxland. A group weighed in on the republican president ial debate at briar cliff university. A watch party was held on campus. The event was organized bybyhe Briar Cliff College republicans. The students also invited local republican officials, who said they expected a Heated Exchange between candidates who are still fighting to find a place in the race. One of the bad things with this debate and so many people theres very little time that they get onontage so they haha to maximize the impact of whatatnd those peoplelehat are polling poorly need to get the attention, said tom mitchell, secretary of Woodbury County Republican Party jessica rae students we spoke to at the watch party said they want to hear more from the candidates on the economy and the job market. Jessica rae and jeb bushs campaign released a video targeting one of hisisivals. But the target is not one of bushs republican rivals. The campaign ad hits democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. jeb bush weve had six full years of tax increases, endless new regulation, vast new federal programs, eight trillion dollars borrowed and spent. And what has it gotten us . Jessica rae bush goes on to say he believes the way to bring jobs back to america is to quote take the power out of washington and give it back to the american people. Jessica rae the democratic president ial frontrunner, Hillary Clinton took her campaign to new hampshire. Where she talked about problems with the Veterans Administration Hillary Clinton d president ial candndate we need to rererm the va. Absolutely we need to reform it. It needs to work, it needs to be responsive and respectful and all of the problems need to be put under a bright spot light and eliminated. But make no mistake about it, i will not let the republicans use the problems as an excuse to privatize the va and to end it as part of their ideological crusade. Jessica rae a new poll shows clinton with a commanding lead in the Iowa Democratic president ial caucus. The Monmouth University poll shows 65percent of likely democratic caucusgoers back clinton. Jessica rae the house gop conference h h made up its mind about who should be the next speaker of the house. rep. Paul ryan i want to thank my colleagues for bestowing onto me this great honor. Jessica rae paul ryan, who represents wisconsin gave his regards to outgoing Speaker John Boehner in a press Conference Announcing thehe nomination. Ryan says thursday marks a new day in the house of representatives. rep. Paul ryan we believe that the country is on the wrong track. We think the country is headed in the wrong direction. And we have an obligation here in the peoples house to do the peoples business to give this country a better way forward, to give this country an alternative. We are going to respect the people by representing the people jessica rae the house is set to vote on electing a new speaker this morning jessica rae the house of representatives passed a budget deal wednesday. Despite many republicans voting against it. The twoyear fiscal proposal would increaea federal spending and extend the debt limit. House Speaker John Boehner calls the bill fiscally responsible. But many republicans criticized it for easing spending caps and expanding the debt limit. The deal passed despite 167 republicans voting against it. The bill now moves to the senate. Where it is expected toto pass. The proposal lessens the chances of another Government Shutdown in december. Jessica rae when we come back. Ill tell you how Bishop Heelan is working to protect their student athletes from possible concussions. Youll hear from the schools athletic trainer, and a student who suffered a concussion. Scott ll have. Youre watching abc9 news this morning. With. Jessicrae. And meteorologist scott larson. This is abc9 news this morning. Siouxland. Well pace through your stormcast hd where you can see that well have cloud cover this morning followed by clearing this afternoon. Tomorrow, we expect some sunshine early before increasing clouds and a chance of showers by the afternoon. Rain will end by sunrise on halloween and well have some warmer temperatures through the weekend. Our rain forecast model indicates well see between a quarter and half an inch of rain through most of thehebc9 viewing area. Not a heavy rain, but a decent today, your High Temperature is 50 and were going to have partly cloudy skies with a light breeze. The low tonight is 30 under mostly clear skies. Tomorrow, the high is 56 with rain during the afternoon. Heres your 7 day focast where well have High Temperatures gradually rise into the 60s and 70s. Jessica rae Scott Jessica rae football is a high contact sport. And as a result clearing this afternoon. Tomorrow, we expect some sunshine early before increasing clouds and a chance football is a high contact sport. And as a result Football Players have the highest risk of experiencing a concussion. But, helmet sensors are intended to help reduce that risk. But a local school with the device is finding preventing concussions may require more. Abc9 News Reporter Deborah Souverain has the story. Pkg the stigma of concussions surrounds football so when Bishop Heelan high school got a grant for schockbox helmet sensors last year. The Athletic Department was excited. However, a year later. Only three sensors remain and they arent as helpful as expected. There is a place for some of that technology but i think its quite not to the point were ey figured out how w use it yet, dan nelson, Bishop Heelan athletic trainer said. In fact, the helmet sensors havent changed how heelans coaches and athletic trainers work. Bishop heelans Girls Volleyball Team has had two players with concussions in the past year. While there isnt didict body contact. Concussions occur for her reasons. I dont think weve done anyting differently from the date we collected , it doesnt really change anything we do, said dan nelson, Bishop Heelan athletic trainer. You could maybe see a kid that takes a really hard hit and ill go over and talk to them and stuff but it doesnt really change [things] im not going to pull a kid out of the game for one of those readings. To prevent traumatic brain injuries coaches and trainers undergo concussions the right way. Five to 10 of all student atatetes will suffer a concussion at some point during the season, regardless of what sport they are playing. But most of those concussions happen on the football field, and its not just confined to contact sports, Deborah Souverain abc9 news said. None of these have been contact with another player, they have beeeecontact with t t floor. So weve really b bn trying to emphasize ill tell you how one purdue Football Player made a three year olds birthday wish come true. Stay tuned for more on tario fullers act of kindness. Jessica rae and. A Kansas City Royals fanatic is showing his devotion to his favorite player. With a tattoo. Well discuss this act. And how attached ns get to their favorite teams special very first birthday coming up . Well dont forget we want to celebrate your babys first birthday we will be showing your babys picture right here on our newscast. Everyone is invitedto send in a photo of your kiddos first birthday. You can email that picture to firstbirthdayat kcautvdot com. Please be sure to include your childs first and last name along with a guide on how to pronounce their name. Along with their date of birth. Please email us all this information at least a week before their birthday and we will air their picture right here during our morning show every monday between 6 30 and 7 am. Jessica rae a purdue Football Players act of kindness. Made a little girls birthday wish come true. Reportrt kayla sullivananalked with the girls mother. And has more nats almost 3year old Kinley Shufflebarger doesnt want anything to happen to her early birthday gift, she calls, princess dolly. Megan Shufflebarger shar ed story on facebook she slept with it, shes had it with her all morning, Megan Shufflebarger says she has purdrd Football Player rio fuller to thank for her daughters new favorite toy. He didnt know them, but he overheard kinley making her birthday wishlist at target on thursday night. Megan Shufflebarger shar ed story on facebook he came up to her and started talking to her and asking her which one she liked and she was like, i really like this one. so, fuller bought it. kayla sulliviv lafayette, inin and kinleys taste in dolls isnt exactly cheap, in fact target has this doll priced at around 35 dollars. Megan Shufflebarger shar ed story on facebook i want him to just know how much it meant to us and to her. She started by thanking him on social media. And the post has really taken off. Purdue athletics shared it on their Facebook Page saying they couldnt be more proud of the typepef young men and women in their department. Hammer and rails dot com also shared the story saying, with the news of so many freshman getting arrested, its very nice to see tario fuller, who is redshirting this year, do something really awesome. nats Megan Shufflebarger shar ed story on facebook when you hear something good, its just very humbling because it makes you want to do goooo things for o oer people. She says she knows fufuer didnt do all of this for the attention. However, inspire others to follow his lead. Jessica rae a Kansas City Royals fan is taking world series fever to a whole new level. Richard fatherly got a tattoo of pitcher johnny cueto on sundada. Two days after the royals advanced to the e fatherly says he long before he joined the royals. richard fatherly, has tattoo of johnny back, you know, 2030 road, my kids sitting there and tugging on my leg and saying hey daddy, what is that . , ill say let me sit you down and show you some replays and highlight reels. Jessica rae cueto pitched a masterpiece in the royals win last night. The royals now have a two gamam ad in the series over the new york mets. Jessica rae Scott Jessica and scott are chatting about the johnny cueto tattoo. Jessica and scott are chatting about the johnny cueto tattoo. Jessica and scott are chatting about the johnny cueto tattoo. Scott tattoo. Jessica and scott are chatting about the johnny cueto tattoo. Jessicand scott are chatting about the johnny cueto tattoo. Scott good morning tattoo. Jessica and scott are chatting about the johnnynyueto tattoo. Jessica and scott t are chatting about the johnny cueto tattoo. Scott good morning siouxland. Temperatures are sitting in the 30s across most of the area. We have strong winds still continuing at this time sustained between 10 and 20 miles per hoururwind chills as a result are in the 20s. A few of us saw our first snowflakes of the season yesterday. That system has moved to the northeast and we shouldnt see a repeat of that on dayplanner, wewel have decreasasg clouds as we move toward a high of 50 this afternoon. Across most of the area. We have strong winds still continuing at this time sustained between 10 and 20 miles per hoho. Wind chills as a result are in the 20s. A few of us saw our first dot traffic cams here at. Many folks still waking up and starting their workday. Please drive safely everyone. Scott now youll want to watch your speed in these areas today . Police will be running radars, here. S. L leport and on s sging hills blvdvd so again. Mind that speeded jessica rae still to come. Ill bring you the Details Behind a 125 Million Dollar project. That would bring 180 new jobs to the norfolk area. That story is up company says its planning to help grow the economy in norfolk with the addition of a 125 Million Dollar facility. Development plans are currently underway as construction is already set for early november. Abc9 News Reporter bria bell has the details. Theres good things happening around all over the state of nebraska. Today its norfolks turn, its a eat thing for norfolk, said scheer. Of texas is set to build a one million square foot manufacturing facility worth 125 Million Dollars in order to produce steel pipe for oil and gas companies, while boosting norfolks econony. Charley haveve, the ceo says that it will also benefit the state of nebraska as the company will be exporting outside of the region. E have a steel manufacturer that will almost provide it for us freight free. That makes us very competitve because thats what we want to do, we want to bring this business back to the United States, said havens. The buildidi will be at no o st for tax payers because it is a tier 6 incentive package by the way of the nebraska advantage act. Nearly 50 jobs are to be created and the average salary is around 70,000. Other than were ready to go and dig some dirt, i dont have a whole lot more to say except im glad to be here and i think we can make this Community Grow said havens. Wwve already compmpted an 80 million expansion of our mimi shop. We just completed it last week in preparation for thisis so were ready to go right now, siad petersen. Construction is set to begin within the next couple of weeks with a operating date of july 2017. Jessica rae the new project anticipates creating 180 jobs for cocotruction. Charley stated he is currerely searching for all positions ranging from human resources, accounting, security, and more. Jessica rae there are some water concerns in rock rapids after a water main break that happened tuesday when operators noticed no water was coming into the Wastewater Treatment plant. The dnr has traced the leak to a break in a main underneath the rock river. And estimated 56 thousasa gallons of wasaswater was discharged into the river. The dnr is monitoring cleanup and repairs. Jessica rae iowa and nebraska are included in a group of 21 states to receive new ethanol fuel pumps. The usda is spending 100 Million Dollars to help install nearly five thousand additional pumps. Matctcng grants brininthe total publicprivatete investment to 2121 milliodollars to increase the availability of the cornbased fuel according to the usda. Iowa, the nations top corn producing state, picks up 5 million for 187 pumps, and nebraska gets twopointthree million for 80 additional pumps. Jessica rae coming up. Its a talent two women are trying to make a living from. But they say state regulations s e getting in the way. Ill tell you why. After the break scott in sioux city y d the currently near 40 degrees in sioux city with a breezy wind and some clouds. Temperatures are sitting in the 30s across most of the area. We have strong winds still continuing at this time sustained between 10 and 20 miles per hour. Wind chills as a result are in the 20s. A few of us saw our first snowflakes of the that system has moved to the northeast and we repeatatf that on our thursday. Well pace through your you can see that followed by clearing this afternrnn. Tomorrow, wewe expect some sunshine early before increasing clouds and a chance of showers by the afternoon. N. Ain will end by sunrise on halloween and well have some warmer temperaturur through the weekend. Our rain forecast model indicates well see between a quarter and half an inch of rain through most of the abc9 viewing area. Not a heavy rain, but a decent shot of moisture. Today, your High Temperature is 50 skies with a light breeze. The low tonight is 30 under mostly clear skies. Tomorrow, the high is 56 with rain during the afternoon. Heres your 7 day forecast where well have High Temperatures gradually rise into the 60s and 70s. Jessica rae ott jessica rae imagine going in sioux city and the kings pointe skycam hd in storm lake. Its currently near 40 degrees in sioux city with a breezy wind and some clouds. Temperatures are area. We have strong winds still continuing at this time sustained between 10 and 20 miles per hour. Wind chills as a result are in the 20s. A few of us saw our first owflakes of the season yesterday. That system has moved to the northeast and we shouldnt see a repeat of that on our thursday. Well pace through your stormcast hd where you can see that well have cloud cover this morni imagine going through thousands of hours of training and paying thousands of dollars in licensing fees, just so you can braid someones hair for money . The Justice Institute has announced theyll be suing the iowa board of cosmotology on behalf of two hairbraiders. The two plaintiffs claim the states current licensing laws require them to finish more than two thousand hours of cosmotology school to run an african hair braiding business. The probleis they dont even teach this kind of hair braiding at these schools. These women say the technique has been passed down through generations and it allows them to keep that heritage alive. Now they want the chance to own and operate their own business withtht having to fofoow what they consider to be outrageous licensing laws. Being a hair braider and not being licensed is terrifying. I just want a right to make a living and not feel like im a cirminal. Jessica rae there are some serious penalties for violating these licensing laws. Criminal penaltiti, that incncde being fined a thousand dollars fofoeach infractionon the iowa board of cosmotology, which is under the Iowa Department of public health, said they wont comment on pending litigation. The legislature looked at this issue last session, but didnt make any changes. Jessica rae police all over the country have the same priorities. Keeping you safe and catching the bad guys. Of course, the bad guys dontt like being caught. And, when they go on the run, police chase them. Officers must learn to balance policy and protecting people. Reporter Morgan Briesmaster from our affiliate in the quad cities has a special report on how this works. sound of car zipping by sounds of Police Sirens sounds of scanner capt. Brent biggs information is constantly coming in. Decisions are being made in a rapidly evolving incident. morgan fore officers turns on their flashi lights and ben chasing a car, they consider a lot of things. Most important . Safety. Capt. Brent biggs we recognize that there is a need for vehicle pursuits in certain circumstances. morgan circumstances like terrain, traffic, time of day and the weather. Capt. Brent biggs those are constantly being reevaluated as this pursuit unfolds. It makes things more complex at times. morgan captain brent biggs has been with the Davenport Police department for 24 years. Every department in iowa and illinois has a policy thats followed when it comes to pursuits. Davenport, bettendorf, rock island, moline and east moline all have the same pursuit policy and its a long one. It states that an officer can chase a car if someone used a gun during a crime or committed a felony like murder or child endangerment. Capt. Brent biggs the people that were pursuing have to be wanted or suspected in those types of those crimes. morgan for instance, if a car runs a red light or speeds through a school zone, the officer can write a ticket for a traffic violation, but wont chase you if it means putting other people at risk. sounds of cars zooming by morganstand up the policy is similar for other local Police Agencies around the quad cities. These standards are consistent across the country. There are some agencies, however, that have a no pursuit policy. Capt. Brent biggs whether were in davenport or whether were in another jurisdiction, our policy is always the same standard. What changes is the circumstances surrounding the pursuit. morgan but what happens if an iowa offir chases a car across one of the bridges into illinois or an illinois officer into iowa . Do they follow the other states rules or their own . Capt. Brent biggs going into another jurisdiction, our officers continue that pursuit until officers from that jurisdiction take over. morgan biggs says the policy is reevaluted after every chase to make sure it meets the needs of the Police Officers and your safety. Morgan briesmaster, local 4 news. Jessica rae the South Carolina resource officer caught on camera violently arresting a female High School Student has been fired. Richland county sheriff leon lott blamed the student and what he called her disruptive, disrespectful behavior ended with her on the floor, tossed from her algebra class. But he said deputy ben fields did not follow proper procedures. Sheriff leon lott he picked the student up and he threw the student across the room. That is not a proper technique and that should not be used in law enforcement. Based on that that is a violation of our policy. Jessica rae the teens attorney told abc news the 16year old suffered neck and back injuries during the incident. She also has a cast on her arm and a rug burn on her forehead from being dragged across the classroom floor the fbi and the Justice Department are conducting separate investigations of the incident. Jessica rae while this incident has made national headlines. Fields actions do not reflect all School Resource officers. Davenports Central High School is saying. Goodbye to Corporal Martin lopez. Who has been a fixture at the school for the last 21 years. Reporter Gretta Patrick has his story. After 21 years of serving as resource officer at davenports Central High School, Corporal Martin lopez is retiring. He says interacting with students is the thing hell miss most. Nats martin causing a problem . Why . Boy we were roasting each other martin oh man but hes leaving with plenty of stories. Martin lopez weve had everything from, and i wasnt here the day of it, but we had a kid bring g gun into school, this was probably 15 years ago. To kids that come intoxicated, fighting, i mean just, you know, but nothing is tio serious that we cant overcome. Principal scott mc kissick says martin was a big part of the School Family and theyre really going to miss him. Scott hes really, really had an imprint on central and our student body, hes touched a lot of lives, both students and staff. Mckissick says martin has a way of dealing with students. And generations of both teachers and students will always remember the bonds theyve formed with corporal lopez. Martin i treat people theheay i wanted to betreated when i wasnt a police officer, so thats what kind of got me going here. Gretta although he will be dearly missed by all, officer lopez is looking forward to avoiding the harsh midwestern winter and spending the next few months in arizona. Jessica rae helena chemical has been granted a conditional use davenports centrara high school, Corporal Martin lopez is retiring. He says interacting with studedes is the thing hell miss most. Nats martin causing a problem . Why . Boy we were roasting each other martin oh man but hes leaving with plenty of stories. Martin lopez weve had everything from, and i wasnt permit to open a retail fertilizer business paul hughes has more. Work begins in november on a new manufacturing plant that will bring 180 new jobs to the norfolk area. Oct pipe of rockwall, texas announced yesterday that it will build a one millionsquarefoot facility to manufacture steel pipe for its customers all over the United States and canada. The plant will be across the street from the nucor, which will provide oct with all of its steel. Despite objections from representatives of a specialneeds facility aboutut quartermile away, the norfolk planning commission,n, earlier this wee unanimously approved a conditionaluse permit for helena chemical to open a retail fertilizer business at the corner of 1st street and eisenhower avenue. City prevention manager trent howard said all of the safety concerns were addressed in the preplanning phase. Downtown norfolk will be buzzing tonight as local businesses invite young ghosts and goblins totoheir stores for wntown trickor treating from 4 30 to 6 30. Then beginning at 7, its the annual zombie walk. Zombies are asked to gather at the corner of 5th steet and norfolk avenue. Those and more stories can be heard on news talk wjag, lite rock 97. 5 and 106 kix. Jessica rae ford has issued three recalls affecting thousands of vehicles in north america. One safety recall for popontial fuel tank issues affects rougugy 129thousand vehicles. It includes 2009 and 2010 models of the ford edge and lincoln mkx. 72 more vehicles are subject to another safety recall for 2016 ford e series cutaway and cab vehicles. Those vehicles face a possible trailer brake controller issue. Fords third recall affects roughly 19 hundred 2016 ford mustangs. The company says restraint parts in those cars may have been damaged during shipping. Ford says it isnt aware of any accidents or injuries related to the recalls. Jessica rae coming up in sports. The first round of iowa playoffs kicked off last night. Chris and alex join us with highlights after the break. Scott stay tuned for the iowa football playoffs kicked off last night and chris and alex were all over siouxland with action from all six classes. Th join us now with highlights from 3a. Chris palmquistgood morning everybody, alongside alex, im chris. The iowa playoffs kicked off last night and well check out a pair of class 3a regular season rematches. Sbl took on spencer just 5 days ago. Opening drive for spencer. Dylan ellis finds a seam and makes that warrior defense pay. He gets all the way doorstep. And they punch it in. Sean slattery with the qb sneak. They eventuall call it a touchdown. 70 spencer. First offensive touch for sbl. They start clicking. Jacob shultz to chris kroll. First dowow warriors. Later that drive. Matt george bounces to the outside and he hits the spin cycle. 10 yard score to get sbl on the board. Next warrior drive. Its that george kidid again. Is time from 65 yards out. 336 yards and three scores for george. Sbl wins it 3321. Alex walkerelsewhere in class 3a, heelan hosted boydenhull rock valley for the second time this year. Bhrv was looking for their first win over heelan since 2011. Third quarter. Hawks up 183. And they start trucking on another drive. Les van maanen. A mama possessed. Heheits the edge to move the chains. But the drive stallls. Next bhrv drive. Its brett moser hooking up with van maanen and the nighthawks later. The big fella punches it in and the nighthawks take the 246 lead. Nighthawks win it 2416. Cory brandt chris palmquistcongratu lations to the nighthawks on a big win. For full highlights s from our sportszone half hoho show, be sure to head to our website, siouxland matters dot com. For alex, im chris, have a great thursday everybody. Jessica rae scott its time now to check on your forecast. Scott good morning forecast. Scott forecast. Scott good morning siouxland. Temperatures are sitting in the 30s acrossssost of the area. We have strong winds still continuing at this time sustained between 10 and 20 miles per hour. Wind chills as a result are in the 20s. A few of us saw our first snowflakes of the season yesterday. That system has moved to the northeast and we shouldnt see a repeat of that on our thursday. Going through the dayplanner, well l have decreasing g clouds as we move toward a high of 50 this afternoon. Rae thanks scott. The Federal Reserve left inin rates across most of the area. We have strong winds still continuing at this time sustained between 10 and 20 miles per hour. Wind chills as a resusu are in the 20s. A few of us saw our firsrs Interest Rates unchanged, but signaled a changed before the end of the year. Kendis gibson and reena ninan have the details good morning. Topping amicas money no change in intnterest rates for now. W. But the Federal Reserve is hints it could ra as key rate in decemr because fwloebl economy is improving. Th move sent major stock indexes up. Major hotel merger could be in the works with hyatt set to buy out star waurd hotels. It be one of the Biggest Hotels in the world. The National Retail federation sayays pet ownersrs will shelll outut about 350 million for their furry friend this is halloween. The top five best selling costumes for pets on ebay are superer man, lion, batman, panda, and necktie. No darth der. No storm trooper. And no princess leia. Im surprised. D thats americas money. Have a great day, everyone. Excellent looking below the e surface,researching a hunch. And making a decisio you are type e. Time for ahange of menu. Sesech and invest frfr any website. With e trades browser trading. E trade. Americans. We try to live heaeahy. But many of us dont knkn there are nutrients that can help suppo our metabolism. Take new one a day healthy mebolism support multivitamin with chromium to help use carbs from fd anbvitamins to helpconvert food to fuel. Magazines, or even stamps. Well an arkansas man has been collecting pennies. For nearly half a century. So what did he do with all of those pennies . He took them to the bank of course. And he got back a pretty penny. Pennies for nearly half a century. So what did he do with all of those pennies . He took them to the bank of course. Otha anders arrived atatrigin bank in ston Tuesday Morning with 15 five gallon water jugs collecting the pennies in the late 60s. Anders would pick up any penny he found on the ground and says he has not spent a penny in 40 years. I have not spent a a penny in 40 plus years. I would b bak a dollar before i would spend a penny said otha anders. So how many pennies did he turn in . 513,614. Which comes to 5,136. Mr. Anders will use the money to help pay a dental bill. Pennies for nearly half a century. So what did he do with all of those pennies . He took them to the bank of course. Otha anders ararved at origin bank in ruston Tuesday Morning with 15 ve gallon water jugs full of pennies. He started collecting the pennies in the late 60s. Anders would pick and says he has not spent a penny in 40 years. I have not spent a penny in 40 plus years. I would break a dollar before i would spend a in pennies to pay a dental bill. Jessica rae Scott Jessica and scott are chatting about this mans penny collection. Jessica and scott are chatting about this mans penny collection. Jessica and scott are chatting about this mans penny collection. Scott well have collection. Jessica and scott are chatting about this mans penny collection. Jessica and scott are chatting about this mans penny tomorrow, wewe expect some sunshine early before increasing clouds and a chance of showers by the afternoon. Rain will end by sunrise on halloween and well have some warmer temperatures through the weekend. Our rain forecast model indicates well see between a quarter and half an inch of rain through most of the abc9 viewing area. Not a heavy in, but a decent shot of moisture. Today, your high tempmpature is 50 and were going to have partly cloudy skies with a light breeze. The low tonight is 30 under mostly clear skies. Tomorrow, the high is 56 with rain during the afternoon. Heres your 7 day forecast where well have High Temperatures gradually rise into the 60s and 70s. Jessica rae scott adlib tomorrow, we expect some sunshine early before increasing clouds and a chance of showers by the afternoon. Rain will end by sunrise on halloween and well have some warmer temperatures through the weekend. Our rain forecast model indicates well see between a quarter and half an inch of rain through most of thehebc9 viewing area. Not a heavy rain, bubua decent shot o omoisture. Today, your High Temperature is 50 coming up in our six oclock hour. Ill tell you how families dealing with Food Allergies take extra precautions to not have a scare this halloween. Stay tuned for this weeks your health matters. Jessica rae plus. Ill tell you about the dreaded middle age spread. And why we seem to pack on t t pounds as we age. Temperatures are sitting in the 30s across most of the area. We have strong winds still continuing at this time sustained between 10 and 20 miles per hour. Wind chills as a result are in the 20s. A few snowflakes of the season yesterday. That system has moved to the northeast and we shouldnt see a repeat of that on our thursdaygoing through the dayplanner, well have decreasing clouds as we move toward a high of 50 this afternoon. Jessica a e sioux city is being honored for encouraging business growth. Through a skilled workforce. Governor Terry Branstad was in sioux city at the Convention Center to formally announce the city has earned the Skilled Iowa Community designation. The city completed a checklist of both business commitments and workforce certificationsns the Skilled Iowa Initiative aims to develop local economic benefits by creating more skilled employees. Sioux city is the largest city in iowa to receive this skilled iowa award, and its a recognition that you have employers encouraging their applicants to get the National Career readiness certificate and you have Unemployed People that are upgrading their skills by doing this National Career readiness certificate, said governor Terry Branstad. Jessica rae in order to become a Skilled Iowa Community, sioux city had to ve five percent of the local workforce become ncrc certified as well as have 20 percent of the local employers commit to supporting the Skilled Iowa Initiative in their hiring process. Jessica rae theres a good chance you know someone with a food allergy. And heres why. According to the cdc. Food allergies among children have gone up 50 percent over the last 15 years. Food allergies can be especially problematic around halloween. When candy is llected door door and

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