In today's society the majority of people are not getting enough sleep I know if you're like me and having problems getting a good night's rest whether it's health or stress related I have a solution for you South Pacific sleep well Sapa civic sleep will do an evaluation of your sleep pattern and will provide a comprehensive study so you can start getting a restful sleep they take all types of insurance which will cover your cost of the evaluation and they will in provide transportation to their offices at no cost to you for more information contact Tony at 310999187 that's 310-999-1887 Tony even stays awake all night 24 hours a day 7 days a week so you can sleep better and rest easy stop a civic sleep start feeling better Great night of sleep today. It's guys guy radio here's your host. Welcome everybody to guys guys Radio this is your host Robert many hosting the show where men and women can be at their best and everyone wins guys guys radio wow we've got a great show today our special guest is Tony Rodriguez he's joining us for part 2 and his discussion about the secret space program that Tony claims to have been a part of for what's called a 20 and back where he was recruited as a 10 year old into the secret space program. He did some training in the United States went to the Mon did some more training worked and on Mars and series which is a planetary object that's close by to Mars and worked in other areas in space and came back and had a mind wipe and returned to his 10 year old self it's a mind blowing story you may have seen Tony as well as some other quote unquote whistle blowers on the Gaia and the whole secret space program information is out there for everybody now so what we'd like to do on guys guys radio hey we've talked about everything from sex to the Supreme Court and now the secret space program I bring you information you determine if it works for you and my job is to just get that information out there in a way that's digestible that's in introductory in a way I don't go to too deep on subjects I don't get into the machinations of the current political system right now but I do get to issues and I bring information out there for our listeners for your edification for your consideration and then you determine what you want to do with it and I'm the conduit though I reach out to a lot of guests a lot of guests are now reaching out to me and we've got some sensational stories that we're going to share with you on guys guy's radio so as I mentioned Tony Rodriguez is our special guest today we did an hour with him a couple of weeks ago this is part 2 because to cover that 20 year period it takes some time now a lot happened to Tony during his 20 years in the secret space program from his training some early abuse he experienced before prior to his training. It's interesting about Tony that he wasn't recruited into the program as kind of a leader if you will or or as an empath. He was kind of a regular guy to be kind of used as cannon fodder if you will for the military and also just as a worker bee so he comes to the program and comes to guys guys really with a different perspective than some of the other quote unquote whistleblowers that you may have seen on some of the shows about you off ology that are on either traditional cable or Gaia and some other networks but Tony story is unique I think everybody who listens to it can relate in a way because just imagine how it would feel to be suddenly awoken and find out you were being transported. Into a program that you know nothing about and for the next 20 years you're going to be serving in a capacity that you know nothing about basically doing work for an operation that you know little about you're on an as needed to know basis. And it'll change and reshape your life in your 1st perspective on everything I think the most important thing I learned when I talked to Tony was that throughout all of this throughout all of the buz he experienced he still maintains some spiritual aspect to his life so that's a good takeaway and I was really glad to hear that so with no further ado let's bring out our very special guest Tony Rodriguez So we're going to get into part 2 of his tales of his experiences with the secret space program. And Robert Manning the guys guys Guide to Love is a fast paced tale of log and savvy women competing for love sex power and money in the city with a play for keeps it's the men successor to sex in the city the guys guys Guide to Love is a sexy romp through the fast moving high stakes world both Madison avenue available now on Amazon and wherever books are sold All right guys guys radio your host Robert Matty as I mentioned we're due in part 2 of our very special show it's almost like a series now with the secret space program we're going to talk to Tony Rodriguez again today when we left off we were talking about the secret space program Tony did what's called a 20 and back so 20 years of his life he gave to. Yes our country and the Alliance or whatever you want to call it Tony will explain it to us and he came back and he gets his mind basically but he gets those years back and like some other folks in the secret space program Tony started to have I guess some flashbacks or some memories and things started to come together last time we talked through how he was kind of a quote unquote recruited he was kind of lured into the space program kind of placed in it unlike some others who were recruited for specific roles Tony was actually I guess you could say almost being punished by being put in there he was sent to Seattle for a while and then 2 I believe and then he went to the moon then he went to Mars and we left off there where he had actually been used for some battles with some insect . And he lost a limb and the limb technology group back it sounds like a lot let me just set this up before Tony gets on by saying you know guys guys radio I bring you information and I think it's important to just hear about you make the determination if you believe it or you don't believe it if it's something you vibe with whatever if you go on guy at the cable network there's a whole bunch of series on the secret space program you can learn a lot about it and then you can determine for yourself I've got Tony on here today is going to get into more detail about what we talked about last time and it's up to you folks so. Welcome back to guys guys radio it's been a couple weeks but I'm so glad you're here. Good so as I mentioned where we left off you were stationed on Mars you were being used for some battles where they'd send you and some other guys out to test out how to deal with some of the locals if you will and in this case the locals were like. Giant insects in one battle that we discussed you had lost a limb and then I think the limb grew back I'm let's start from there and then just take us through kind of what happened in instilling months and years during the program for you what was your experience they're all trying to be quick about it so Murray a program that was more color around they were trying to. Thread the. Train they were trying to. Qualify and the. Strategy they could use the comment or coerce or holler I did my Her rambling repression and then we go back to where we see that I was on the very back by holding back on the base of consciousness. When I woke up I had my arm in my back and I don't know the medical procedure was not what the consequence of mine. You know my my and then the programs. That well because technically. Possibly. They didn't. Need or the constant. Walk on the p.c. . Whenever they did that it happened quite a lot over the cost of I don't know because. You did you were aware though in the battle with this insect that you had lost a limb Yes. Ok so then then then you woke up I guess you wanted to probably wanted to shock at that point you woke up and your limb what had been grown. Yes or replace some How did you know how long I know you're on a need to know basis but as a human did you ask questions like what happened how did how long I've been here what happened with my arm were you allowed to ask that stuff where you were training I just checked a law degree. If you want to. Explain or machine Bickley of my back I ask that work they. Worry about it until the medical the medical area. Around. You or the armory area or on the person or. On. We were thinking. Car and that was the kind of. Character. I didn't get a whole lot of time I want to. Answer all of. Her or. Well. I was. Like. Well. Ok so tell us a little bit about your day to day life there were you use for different missions and had some training. Did you have any type of socialization with the other folks who were doing the same things that you've done. And women where there are different races where there are other entities that were part of the program that you worked with. About that later. I guess. It was me and the. Women there will always mark. Their place. Colors. Those are so cars like myself and the characters. Are quite program was. Nothing else. And we wanted to do something. Not just. Let me ask you this Tony so you went to series for our listeners where where is series and how did you get there how were you and. How did they kind of inform us to Ok guys you've been sitting around for a couple weeks now we've got something for you you're going to go here how did that all take place. In those and. High altitude. A priori they were. They were talking about that. Because there is. A risk for them. It was another underground. Because. I'm retiring. To. Determine their job. And I used to. A lot of it was fires across the planet. But in the. Realm of result. Of. On the every morning. You're looking I mean the construction. Artistic or the. Look of. Like an elementary school kind of construction. That I was I. Was shocked. Because. It was basically a. Train that it was. Gonna leave this. But it was going to. Be like it was. Really a. Crazy. Young like me it was a pretty good. Question . People wearing suits and this is like suits and ties with a speaking. Like Western culture or. You know or like. Or of of color. You think. I want to train hard and all. Was Ok. Because because of the. Rules of. Our clash. With Israel. Oh no it's going to. Be old it came out of the tolerating of it was a. Few minutes. Ago I'm out. Like it was on Mars. And the country was a completely different color color. At this point when I walked out. Of the. Water there. As of the. Size. Probably. Right around the. Corner. It's right in the. 500. Yard. I was there on a little. Honest about 12 years. A little. Around . Ok All right this guy's guy's radio host Robert Manning we've got secret space program Survivor Tony Rodrigues with us we're talking about his time now he's on series so looking back for Mars I guess it seemed to you and it must be seem like it is now that there's a lot of things going on on Mars right now and it sounds like there's a lot of thing going lot of things going on Ceres. You know when you when we talk about disclosure and stuff I just saw in the paper yesterday where they're saying oh there you know they actually found signs of life on Mars and it was like buried in the buried in what I was reading it wasn't like page one or anything like that so it seems like they're trying to get the word out there but so all this stuff up to your knowledge is still going on correct. At the time was right around the year 2001 when I went back and. Your economy under heavy construction was the proprietor they were illegals are going to call going Ok what are they doing parents so what's going on there. Is an entire colony. On a great quality. Colony or. Ok And what are they what do they do and did they interact with the earth or they interact more with out or beyond Earth or are they doing trade deals with our planet now. Yes all of the above are what. We work we routinely go cargo vehicle cars in the. Car on a kilometer run by the Center of America that we would go car and take it and train it with speed and vice versa. When they needed raw materials or. They would come we would go to the car in the car to Mark. Whitaker. Thank her for her that they want to read you know what other species are fine and go there and. There was a man called Alan bucko. Corn. Flour black money. Ok power now when you say there were Germans there's been a lot of reports if you will about after World War 2 there was a breakaway forces from Germany went to Antartica made some deals with aliens Reptilians and have been kind of flying around in the universe and creating their own destiny if you will and controlling a lot of things that are going on down here where you being told about this that you surmise this could you guys talk to each other it had you kind of put the pieces together. Twice ever. Crossed our entire. Colony. Series colony was one of the more than. Originally. A man a mother. Ago. Or a human looking. For current series calling. Because with all kinds. Of colony other. Humanoid. Requires. Robots can recall when they were skinny with her. Arms. I think they were training knowledge with those. And they were. Water around I don't really know because the arrangements so. If you report in to I'm sorry to interrupt the new report into eighty's or humanoid. And did you get your order telepathically or was it verbalized or how did you how do you guys communicate who is communicating with you I'll work on a couple different. Eureka lines a little mileage down and the bottom of it with an all. Or no I was just making this with your other guy and basically on my skull I didn't have any pre and I went on for a minority your cholesterol decommission I was promoted became a cardinal if you're more modern. Or like us eat like crime around. That one night I get one where I was Ok with you can terminate the translator technology because when you try to convert to receive Christ we're going to learn. Speaking in English with the budgetary of the stuff or the translator. Ok we would go to Jupiter. We would go here in the colony Jupiter they would make contact with others comment. Boards going where they would. Well the personnel are overwhelmed and they were glued via their bank trying to make an arrangement and our mission was to trigger technology could track what was discussed period they were trying to give me an acknowledgement by any means. The way the trading room enroll Sir things like that or gold or everything regular people being able to get 3. Weeks on people line on the other 3 cars a little. Bit of money. That was. Like a storage like a where I'll carry a. Car missing chemical bag pharmaceuticals because I work on something that was valuable to a mark on a park or beyond beyond the trade was there any did you notice in your time any altruism going on or was it was a good about greed was it about making the universe and the planet a better place in anything that was quote unquote humanitarian or is it Was it strictly You know trade it was great my observation quickly 3 there were times when we weren't going. There was work. Time when we ran or we come alive and we would drop the market they turn around and. Be the nominee around and then we would go there and we would bar come out and this 20 or another or one common become. Quite some time there with the children the worst situation we were at for her and other. Or. At least a military operation so now you're a young guy and you're going through all this what were you thinking and feeling when you had the reality of like wow. This is. It was expecting when I got into this program I mean. What was it like. That was the 1st I've been told about any kind of training any kind of panic or. I just got on and run out on another planet Island really unstuck. Disorient or. Whatever it was they came to an area where basically with like I was with the other guy and I am a little girl like a prison but it was a criminal record of our. Article I could come across the country. Are. There places to go to places socializing that you gambling that you have or do. With. Like I was or later on trying to get creative. Or the calling card like when I went to that nice. Person. Like I did not want to go shopping well. You know I was like if I were a collar and Magog was obvious and he was going to the side like but he was mayor of Newark or another man it was like I was being I was waiting in line and coming out of the back of the line back in line like you and humiliating voices that are on the run. Up because Caruthers like the respect for. What I want to say one of my very days Iraq during the next. Screwed up and putting me on the train from the barracks where I was. To the hangar or to my show. Nobody recognizes me or do what I want and I know going to the mines I went with the press guy. And I worked my rehearsed work with them. They were looking. Around and then you know I was Ok when I looked around and I knew God. It was the period man mining process could have occurred on a recliner and machine the words. Machine that were the red light would come on the fire because we will go and read mine with a. Grin the laser the paper with images framing was an actual sound of the sound sonic or some. One pulverized rock on the wall they would mine in the microgravity and then cross rocks in the minor gravity and then quickly all in our twenty's apart and then gravity creating our. Ok let's let's fast forward just to the time I want to make sure we get your whole story out here so you're in there for 10 years or so how did you kind of knew you get to the end towards getting towards the end of your. Time to put in the 20 and back what was that like and how did you have the program end for you and then how did they do the kind of turn over back to Earth. So. While criminal like you. Are the kind of. Freedom and absolutely. Friends are in it Caroline is going to carry her through. All 3 hours' sleep and gun bans to the point where I called her and friends and what they want to call her own I had a place going to work for what happened was we were on a mission and it was the. Because the 29th will be the correct order and I will quote my lines or so I and I can thank me one morning me and thanking God my job and I thank you me another colleagues of the show must go out and work our day we got back in the manner I had to stay there and keep working and doing our job which was manual labor moving actually moving the car around with it was brutal I didn't get a lot of sleep I think of the Albany money I couldn't travel anywhere and when I did I went straight to bed and I don't mind because there was a cut on there that people really knew there were not 20 and there were going back a lot everybody knew about everybody in the government or not to a few They live there and they got 20. But they stayed there. And you know it was because on the last. Couple of weeks ago that everybody would do your work for you give You need to hear a couple days later they knew you were going back and they went around and everybody would do your job. It was easy and. So as radio your host Robert Many were talking to Tony Rodriguez of the secret space program great discussion here it's really mind blowing so I hope you're enjoying it so Tony so now that you're going to go back to the end what happened how does that work what is going on at that time my girlfriend and I want balance of work and I did not want only. That I didn't get to see or. Because. I was thinking of ways I was thinking of writing or writing are going somewhere and trying to stay there longer but it was absolutely not call to do. It all the same and done it one morning I got ready because I was going on the train to work and an officer was waiting for a look. At one from the locker room area there was a covert serial when you came out of there you know we're all. Going for an hour the gateway you went through that was true where the train would get you and there was an officer waiting there and I went on and we rode on a steamer trying to get into an area of that anger that we walk along a walk and talk about me you know you kind of. Know business disobeying orders and we talked about this. To worry about it and I said I'm going to remember that you guys are not going to be one of the ones because I'm going to remember I want to go back to your life and. Find yourself a good German woman and I don't know if it's just the life of his wife worry about . This it's going to be it's going to be trouble. And you know that was like the last few things. I walk across across. The human element in a reptile pilot. When you see that. You call around and the cockpit was like I. Went to a store in your room that was the talk of the room and there was another. Guys like on back to call that they were on the return. Because the 6 hour flight it was an incredible because it was 6 hours. 7 hours back. And I remember a single car little crack and I remember. Thinking to myself I'm not going to fix Iraq and I remember that it was kind of like I went back in the. Series called The use of another kind of. Like. There was a black you and I you know it's a black man. He was cursing the pilot he was yelling and. Controlling what are they going to do they have to put us back. A little bit they're going to call me aside and let me bring you anything did you hear me down there Jim and he was yelling at him in the dark so when I when we got back to the. Condo know what it was they had some contact with a quick human a. 60. 60. Where they were given procedures they would It was a big room. You know with the big series rooms one thing about the conductors are when you go to a doctor's office budget conducting rooms enough you always find that if you're in there with a machine there are open doors you go in with a machine that would program you the river for $1.00 or 2 describe her to the car commuters and they were giving you the result that. You know if you get a real money bank while you are at risk because it was incurring that your brain caused every just because of the awesome thank you thank you clerk Larry there was another one they tried to program it with a little as a kind of program where if you saw a space or you think if you encountered you know that you would. Pirate ship you would associate things or when you started to remember their personality your manager Ok so then in terms of the aging so you had aged along this now you had mentioned in our 1st that you think that they used a cool version of you and then they took your consciousness and then put it into it Tony that you were. Ok Ok so I get that kind of the receiver where they were deleting memories are different for. Different very different memory products that they really go to one machine and go across. This one before they dribble out at a time I would have been 30 years old. In my body and I was and I was combative during that process and I was now I know you and I said no but I was combative about it not one a cauldron. At some point and a you going through the heart and glamorize pretty. They could be a puppy on a table and then. Like a leg all around like an old all around me and I was told that every element of. Permanent damage. That you can hurt your back can be criminal but if you and I remember it's not that they gave you drugs all. The horizon muscle neutralizing or. Ok that went from a law requiring. Injections all over your like your life. And then so you get out of that and then where where are you. Going to be like I'm gonna. Go. And then I walk the walk when I woke up I was back in my general body on the. No memory Ok now you are your parents around and I don't think. I was the same but Ok back all right so get rid of it so where did they forgive me I don't mean to interrupt I just want to make sure we get as much as possible so then they. Added you get back to like you 10 years old or how to get back home if you will. Never. Acted my younger body. That's why you go with cloning because they go back on all those memories are gone oh my god my written about memories waiting for me. Mom and . Me Were your mom and dad there and that was just like with the next day or. More procedures than the backlog. If you want me to come to the point where it was cle they knew I was going to remember they were going to retire me but they could comment on and off the record or just going back. I'll go back. Over all my toys r us. Ok . Did you feel Tony when you woke up and you were to really turn again or did you feel like you were been through something and you were physically but you really were intent. I was. I was going. Oh. Ok. All right so this guy once again Robert here with. The secret space program we're getting into some details here I'm not going to get in trouble for this I'm not going to have. Some. To. Ok so when did you kind of. Been through something. Going to remember I'm going to remember and I guess you did remember at some point so how did that come about Ok. You know. How many people have you heard Chris that. Was always were always do something. For our house well. It was. My work I would also. I was. Going directly about. 18. Clark early twenty's with over and I realize all the one day I kept saying no as though I didn't know why I'm going to stand up for work and I felt like a 1000000 bucks uncle the 1st time when I had all my 30020 years I was I had probably gotten a lot. Of those years and I always dream about going and then. But it didn't make any sense going through our whole camera to make it go to Earth because they were so then when did all of this aggregate to the point where you said it all came together like a start really having I would assume you know it's a vivid memory then you now because you're recounting everything now when did that and what did you do how did you feel and then what did you do about it and how did you get to like where we are now her daughter every couple years of my going to school research dollars or something that would go away. I would look for something that I remember happening I would call home I never found anything on computer policy and nothing if you were either However if you don't go away for a few years and I went back memories they would bill. Because it makes and they were green because I can remember in the memory I can remember. My teeth going there on a tree doing my job because back by that time or that dream you know that one I told of when. I had a chronic career I like them in your midst. Well it was April of 2015. And I went to the doctor and he prescribed m.r.i. . And I got mine and my. 2 weeks off coincidentally. Kramer's your 1st interview the next about that explain the 22nd I thought. It was. The risk they didn't take me for a night it was 20 years and when I want to thank God And I thought. The same way that you recall your birthday card when you're 18 right now you think I'm about to comment on the news because our memories will call me that experience down 100000 that was real around the thinking chunk big years if not months worth of memories with like me and that went on for 3 to 6 on the ground when I was getting huge electric recall everybody talked to about it. So that was my next question so what happened like how did you you had this to yourself you're probably wondering like what do I do with this should I talk to anybody it must have been some trepidation How did that how did it all come out then for you. And by the time to leave. Until there was really no one is going to really want to counseling I knew this was coming or magnitude was going to be real and I wanted to get causing a 9. O'Clock. There was an hour there was no. Oral counseling I was equipped to deal with what I remember with the monocle I know the iconic researchers. And then basically I was grilled her on her quest in the beginning the memory of a girl with a lot of things like I remember was a career girl or for who with Tony who with researchers that you got with a military or was it a policy of Ok Ok. Then why. Are all the required hours going home or call a law saying that one of. 3 had already been. Trained or you are free and are going. It was really hard. But it was the hurry I was the 1st one to remember the Marines were going to screw you pretty good because the research that. We're. Giving I was going to hell. On the contract that I was offered to do an interview. Like. That you get any type of because some of the other folks who come out you know they've been followed in a They're in fear and they had some issues how about yourself did you get any warnings like you better not talk about this or that or whatever are you at liberty or you feel comfortable talking about any of that stuff I don't want to get you in trouble and I don't want to get your body else in trouble but just curiosity I had any idea. Ability to contact me. I was. On. A lot of climate and the experience quite going out in my yard money Dr Carson to clear my closet start while and what did he say to you when they had the t.v. To take in what was that all about. Ok so this is and this is a loan really don't buy talking about a lottery because in the beginning other people that I don't want to give you or anybody else in trouble to make a long story short it was anything else on my door in the morning when I was waking up and it was the color of the communication and basically that's me was you know by coming forward and speaking about my marriage publicly what was my intention. And my answer was and when I was talking to them it wasn't like me telling you you know it's. Just a car exactly in the communication felt like this instead imagine if I were you know or not you nice or what if you left. Right you would realize all or there was a time when Iran and Iran really want to shout if we did. That our data with music this communication was positive or when. You know kind of like what did you do last month the entire month that it was you believe download it like instantly like it was taking years of data out of me every minute that was before the communication was much more data. That we can talk you know with. And I was being I was able to communicate back. When I was look it's wrong what they did wrong with it but that's what I said back when people. Showed me the future of the bank. And that I was going to. Be safe because about it until I got exhausted or because . They love. All right. Ok. All right well I only That's what it says a fascinating story I would go on and on and on but it we're out of time so what's the one thing that you want people to know about the whole secret space program in your experience. That's. All. I want to ask. Was Really. Sure Ok last question just a yes or no you feel based on all the stuff that's happened are you a spiritual person. Ok Great All right Tony Rodriguez I want to thank you so much for being on guys guys radio we can do it again I had to squeeze a lot out of you today and you were fantastic so thank you so much I learned a lot I'm sure our listeners learned a lot God bless you and stay safe and it's a pleasure talking to you and thank you for being so forthright and so articulate about your experience and I really when I saw you one guy I felt for you that like This guy's been through a lot so all the best to you my friend. Thanks. Ok I hope we gave you a safe. Safe Place here to talk to me Rodriguez guys guys radio Robert mini's. Guys guys Guide to Love is a fast paced tale of the laws of man and savvy women competing for Love and Sex Power and money in the city with a play for keeps it's the men successor to sex in the city the guys guys Guide to Love is a sexy romp through the fast moving high stakes world of Madison avenue available now on Amazon and wherever books are sold. All right Robert many here we just had a series of interviews with Tony Rodriguez So the secret space program that was mind blowing I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and I hope you keep an open mind about it as Tony was saying most his information has already been out there and you see it in drips and drabs sometimes you see in the back of a newspaper about a they found something that looks like life on Mars now before the sports section or whatever but tucked in the back not on page one and. There's a lot going on that I think we would all agree that we probably don't know everything that's going on so there's a lot of stuff happening out there that we're not aware of so let's just all keep an open mind and you make your own determination you might say that's a bunch of nonsense what so many have to talk about and you might say wow there are things going on in. In our lifetime we're probably going to meet some e.t.s. And they're going to show up so might not be a bad thing could be a really good thing we'll see what's going on anyhow guys guys radio we bring you it all we bring you sex the Supreme Court and the secret space program so the show all began with my novel which is the source material the guys the guys Guide to Love you can pick up the novel on Amazon it's about 2 guys in advertising competing for love sex power and money in New York City the city where they play for keeps I started blogging a few years ago on my website Robert Mann e m a n n i dot com There's over 300 blog posts there on everything about life love and the pursuit of happiness through the guys guys filter if you will we began podcasting guys guys radio a few years ago and then we expanded on to k.c. a. Every Wednesday evening they replay the show also on Sunday afternoons at 2 pm but we're on Wednesday evenings 8 pm Pacific time one of 2.3106.5 f.m. 10 50 am You can also download stream and listen whenever you want on Spotify i Heart Apple podcasts speaker stitcher tune in Blog Talk Radio cast box Casey a and Robert Manny dot com If you want to support the show all you need to do is listen and if you can pick up a copy of my novel maybe rate subscribe or review the podcast version on i Tunes slash Apple podcasts that really helps and spread the word Guys guys are you are here for you I'm bringing you all the information I can to enrich your lives and get you thinking about other stuff because I know how busy everybody is making that money taking care of their family doing their thing so guys guys radio I thank you for listening I hope to do it you'll be back with us next week we're going to do something completely different as we do every week on guys guys radio and until then like I always like to say Guys guys finish 1st. How you doing this is Gary Garver in today's society the majority of people are not getting enough sleep I know I'm not if you're like me and having problems getting a good night's rest whether it's health or stress related I have a solution for you South Pacific sleep well South Pacific sleep well doing evaluation of your sleep pattern and will provide a comprehensive study so you can start getting a restful peaceful night of sleep they take all types of insurance which will cover your cost of the evaluation and they will in provide transportation to their offices at no cost to you for more information contact Tony at 310-999-1887 that's 310-999-1887 Tony even stays awake all night 24 hours a day 7 days a week so you can sleep better and rest easy stop Pacific sleep less start feeling better and getting a great night of sleep today. Loma Linda listen 110-5102 point 3 f.m. And one of those exploited by. Folks this is very important information what's to be said about c.b.d. 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