Priss of the Pruitt Baptist Church in Van Texas with Brother Mike Calhoun. You know. You're. You're. Normal. Form. Now it would get you into you were father and as we look into your work prayed you would look into our hearts just morning. Father we pray for the families that were affected just this last evening the tragic car accident took place father we know that there are hearts in our communities are grieving this father not only the hearts of family members of these that were lost but then also Lord just the friends of these children who were classmates. Father God I just ask you today for a special portion of your grace and your mercy not only in this worship service this morning as we look at your word but father in this coming week we're going to be a lot of people asking questions about what this is all mean and I pray that you will help us and your believe that your children is your fall. Father to give them thoughtful prayerful. Precious and you. Give them hope thank you for your sins in Jesus' name we pray in all of God's people so both of you will open your Bible to the Book of Jonah chapter 3 Jonah chapter 3 and as you turn over there I just want to emphasize this morning. This is one that this is and that I love the character of God the nature of God who He is one of the things about my father in heaven and my Savior Jesus is he is a God of 2nd chances he gives a 2nd chance and we think in our foolishness we're all just made me i'm I need one chance no no no you're going to need a lot of chances if you're like you're like Adam you're like me in the rest of humanity you're going to have different times in your life are going to come back to the cross you're going to have to let the Lord know you know rededicate yourself sometimes or had a bad way you know and you've even messed up you sin I do this we all do this but we have to come to a place in our understanding of the relationship you'll never not be one of his children you're always going to be one of God's children when you ask him to come into your heart and that that child needs to have the kind of relationship with the Father in heaven wants to learn I need anything can stand on even though that I need to start anew start over again with you and he will allow that to happen we're seeing that happen in the life of Jonah in chapter 3 read me what it says there in chapter 3 verse one it says now the word of Ward came to Jonah a 2nd time saying Arise go to Nineveh the great city and proclaim to it the proclamation which I'm going to tell you so Jonah arose and he went to Nineveh according to the word of the Lord now as we read begin to read through this text here together this morning we're going to discover some different things one of the things is this unique I think it's a characteristic of God that he is willing to recommission again and so the last couple of Sundays one of the things I've talked about is maybe something God his issues in your life a call that he's issued something he you knew that he wanted you to do and how important it is for you to discover that call in to know what it is but you know there may be some that are here this morning you've never been you've never said or even my state of mind I know that I'm a Christian but Lord I don't know what it is that you know he's got I can tell you for a fact if you're a believer you're a Christian God has a special plan for you not only in your life and in your marriage with your children your career but listen in the church he has a special plan you have a Special Gift of The Holy Spirit he's uniquely uniquely equipped. To serve in some way and there is a 1000000 different ways to serve a New Testament church a man of my same in a 1000000 different ways and so you may not you may have to have really embrace that calling that God God in your life and in regards to serving the church for Jonah for a lot of reasons we're going to discover he knew he was in the Lord as far as a prophet and so of course we remember that in our 1st couple messages back that he got issued a call to him and we went over the various reasons why Jonah may have said no he just he got into a ship in a spiral down down down down of the ship went to the into the fish one of the bottom of the sea and and then prayed from the belly of that fish and got answered that the fish brought him back to dry land and deposit him there on the shore and now the word of the Lord comes to him a 2nd and so just on the introduction of this message just more on say something you may have been on a journey you may have been in a stinking fish and you and your family may be now on dry land trying to get your legs back underneath you don't chase something God has a plan for your life everybody say Man Ok I want to wake up when we say Everybody stay with me God has a plan for my life rather that registered as a good news for you. So it came to him a 2nd time and let's take a look at these words here that he uses arise go to Nineveh the great city and proclaim to the proclamation which I am going to tell you so this phrase that he uses here go to that great city he leaves out there wickedness the rim of that was in the 1st call it's almost a word for word paraphrase what he used in chapter one but the word he uses there for great city is actually is actually a phrase that means it's a way for God to say to Jonah this city is a great city it's an important city it's important to me and I'll tell you what I've read and read several different commentators and read several different scholars that passage right there more correctly interpreted is saying he basically made me give you a Calvin paraphrase what he's saying Jonah I want you to go to the city and tell them what I had told you to told you to tell them in the 1st place this city bet is important to me now this is a very important point here because whatever else Jonah was and whoever else he was or why he didn't do what he did one of the things that he missed is that this same may not have been important to him but it was important to God And so this is it this is incumbent upon us as Christians to ever be discovering forever in this life to be sensitive to what God's will is because it might not be something may cross your path and they may not be important to you but you've got to remember it may be important to God and that could be an individual that could be a community that could be an opportunity to he's provided you and you might look at is Jonah look and then we're going to do that and I believe Christians do that I think they can be born again Christians had a true salvation experience but they reach a certain place in their life and for what reasons that we can or to exhaust him to explore here this morning we say for whatever I'm going to do that. And that's what's wrong with a lot of that that's the struggle that a lot of Christianity is having today because God will deal with you he loves you too much not give you a with you on this person particular subject it was the God of 2nd chances calling to Jonah about a city that was important to him and we see 3 things immediately right here we see the persistence of God to produce this plan and I'm just I'm encouraging you to have your heart open and sensitive not to my Calhoun not even to prove Baptist church but I'm telling you to the Lord God Almighty because he is going to be persistently moving you in a place in a direction at a speed an economy that is pleasing to him and makes a man the persistence of God Secondly to the pressure of God Do not underestimate the amount of pressure that God is willing to bring to bear in your life he can go a long way he has all he's got the Universe b. If he's holding if he's holding Pluto in its orbit this around the Sun This very morning I promise you he can hold you right where he needs to hold you in your life and he can bring pressure to bear as a father was did your father love you did your father discipline you did your father and your parents direct you will so does your Heavenly Father and he can bring pressure to bear and thirdly we see the persistence the pressure and thirdly we see the preciousness of things to God and God forgive me for this in this area of my life because I tell you I have missed many times and probably will many kinds before I go to meet my lord things that were important to God but I missed it for a lot of different reasons but I just missed it and this opportunity comes to the prophet. This opportunity comes the prophet again and the 3rd point we see here is where he's going to settle it's a settled time of doom that is coming verse 3 again so Jonah rose he went to Nineveh according to the word of the Lord now minute it was an exceedingly great city a 3 day walk and Jonah began to go through the city a day's walk and he cried out and said get 40 days and Nineveh will be over 'd. Very very simple message that you would believe how this Pat this little phrase or here's been dissected was he being flippant because he just has a few words there or 5 words if you look at it in Hebrew it's a very concise it's not a it's not any it's not an expansive explanation of God the Creator it's not it's not an expansive explanation of the ology are what could happen or are there God he doesn't attack near God he just goes ahead a judgment is coming listen we worry too much I don't want to say the wrong thing I don't want to push too hard that's not the problem we're having in the church today that's not the problem we're having in the world today oh we know who the radicals we know who the true radicals are but that's not the problem we're having in the world today we're having a problem among Southern Baptists and other denominations because there is no sense of urgency to go and say doom is coming and that is a that is a true message that's a factual message even if you didn't believe that mess not cave to the message of the end of a person's life is coming that message is true for every British soul in this room this morning. Judgment is coming and he gives a simple concise message in a state settled time of doom the word he uses when he says 40 days is a Hebrew word not a Greek word with a Hebrew word and it literally means to turn over a plate it means to turn over a plate it's think the exact same wording that used in Genesis 19 in 25 were that the Scriptures record the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon the morra brimstone and far from the Lord out of heaven and he overthrew turned over like a turning over a plate those cities and all the plain and all the inhabitants of the city which grew on the ground but his wife looked back from behind him and she became a pillar of salt and Abraham got up early that morning to the place where he stood and he looked toward Sodom and Gomorra and toward all the land of the plain and beheld and lo the smoke of the country when as the smoke of a furnace it was a settled time of Doom one of the reason I think the Church is struggling with this concept is because we don't have that concept settled in our own heart is something we don't want to think about this is a part of you know people that we do think we need to preach the whole counsel in the whole character of God God is a loving God a gracious God a merciful God but he is also a jealous God a raffle God a vengeful God a judge he is going to be a one point of judging God He poured out his judgment he didn't just forget about his judgment he poured out his judgment he poured out on God that's right Jesus everything that the world deserved it was and had come into it he took all of that anger all that revenue poured out on his Son Jesus who was innocent a settled time of day and we struggled with this concept because we have a set of in our heart great things very quickly about this point it is a promise number one it is a promise of something to come Number 2 it's problematic because we have not embraced this aspect of God's character and his nature and historical fact that he is going to take place it's going to take place and that should motivate us in some different way. But guys the potential benefits the potential benefits you know what do we tell our kids don't take drugs don't we and I say man listen watch how you drive put your seatbelt on and we say that what or some other thing to say don't eat that if you eat too much of that it's going to get we say all kinds of things because we care about the people that we love and the New Testament church we have got to arrive back in a place where we again we recapture the certainty the urgency to persistency of what it is that God is doing because of the potential benefit of what is going to happen yet 40 days and then of a will be overthrown look what it says in verse 5 when the people a minute believe in God and they call a fast and they put on sackcloth from the greatest to the least of them they believe there's a lot of different words that could have been used here phrases could be used here to know a particular thing but if it's a hit in the Hebrew stance in the deepest into it means they believe in they trusted in Hebrew since you could say you believe all you want but until you begin to do with the Torah called you to do they said you had but you hadn't heard and you had to believe but this is a phrase that he uses that means that they truly believe and they began to change their actions and not only a lot of time there was something I'll tell you there's something about sackcloth and ashes that are that it's good there's something about sackcloth and ashes that are good these people if you notice he didn't say the leadership insight inside the 1st Baptist Church down at Nineveh It's the ones who believe I'm being facetious there was no 1st church then I don't think your what. It just said that the people believe the King's going to believe in a minute in a moment that takes the people who believe if you look at the great awakening to 3 great awakenings we've had in this country and the other awakenings that have happened on the other commie in Europe you'll find that it wasn't not necessary the leadership they helped fostered after it got started it was through after some tragic accident it was after some some at some university where the Spirit of God go on people just the people in the people began to repent and they began to believe in turn their lives over to God and it swept across the nation to change the course of a nation America has been forever changed by the awakenings that have taken place revivalism and it was no leaders who did it it was God doing what the people believe what did they do here's the proof of their belief they call the fast they put on sackcloth from the greatest to the least just a very a mock teaching on fasting is when you deny yourself fasting is missing a meal you're worried about one of your children so you start missing a meal maybe your lunch and dedicating that time to praying for a child that you're worried about your your family's going through a financial or physical problem and so you dedicate a certain time of the week where you're going to fast on Fridays and you're not going to eat something you're going to eat right then you dedicate that time it's a denying of one so people these men about you all remember weeks back we talked about the cruelty of this this group at the very end of this chapter is going to talk about turning away from the violence of their hands but this was a rough rough historically vicious group of people. It wasn't Jonah's preaching either anybody in the room could preach that message he preached yet 40 days and Nineveh will be overthrown I wonder preacher It was this flower to illustrate it was the Spirit of God moving in the moving in people that he wanted to redeem he wanted to save the people believe God and they called it fast that is not of themselves sackcloth was an illustrated it was to deny yourself a comfort it was a heavy course wool black wool and they would put this sack cloth on and they sat in that sack cloth and a set of ashes and it was a type of denial of oneself This is why America is struggling and revival This is why America is struggling revival right now can we don't want to deny ourselves any pleasure we don't want to ourselves any time we don't want to give up our time we don't want it we don't want to give up anything and you've got to give up the closer you get to God You've got to give up yourself what did John the Baptist say he said I'm becoming less but he's becoming greater I must decrease and he might increase and that's why you can't have a lot of God you've got too much of yourself we have too much of ourselves in our lives and it separates us from God and what we've got to do is poor souls out that I do ourselves and be open to what it is God wants to do in Iraq and he'll move and prevent be sure he'll move in his church to the people who believe God they call the fast put on sect law from the greatest of the least of them because there's a verse 6 in the word reached the king of Nineveh and heroes for Mr own he laid he rose from his throne laid aside his robes from him covered himself with sackcloth sad sad and ashes and a proclamation it's and he made a proclamation issued a proclamation and he said in Minerva about a creed of the king nobles do not let man or beast or her flock taste a thing do not let them eat or drink water but both man and beast must be covered in sackcloth and let men call of God earnestly that each may turn from his wicked way and from violence which is in his hand. Do you remember that great that great part portion of chapter one when we talked about Jonah spiral he began to run from God He wanted what he wanted to begin to run from abroad in your member we say he went down topographically he went down from Joplin and he spiraled down to the shore he found a ship he went down to the docks he went down to a boat he went down to the belly of the boat eventually in that scenario he was cast into this down into the sea and then down into the fish and then down into the depths of even the sea you remember a spiral spiral spiral and you know what it just lead to destruction but here here we see a completely different response but there's still a spiraling down here the people in the King especially to illustrate in the life of the King what does he do he stepped down from his throne he stepped down from a stone he took off of his road he set down on the upon the ground he covered himself in ash and ashes and in sackcloth and then he issued a decree he got down from himself and he said let the host of everything that I have control over let let him even put on ash ashes and sackcloth and repin And there's another spiraling going on here but if within the man it's the right kind of spiraling it's the right kind of downward descent where we get past ourselves and over ourselves and we allow God to become real every real and a true king you know how much pride I had when I got to say not one stupid thinking did you could have told me to do anything I did not need to get Jesus because I was on my way to hell and miserable and my life and my family my whole world was I can't say for the pulpit what it was everybody laughing in not a joke it wasn't good it was dark dark dark and what I had to do was in my heart rides that it might kill his king I had to spiral down from there down and down and I had issued to Korea and my family say Brenda from this day forward if it kills us we're going to we're going to be we're going to be church people we're going to go to church. We're going to be baptized we're going to make new friends we're going to have good friends and you know what we're going to learn about I didn't even know there was an old or new testament That's how much of the Bible I knew I had to spiral down down I had to go to my friends my my tough friends I had to go to those guys at the warehouse and I had to tell my own I had to go down and said Man I'm I have met him I have met him his name is Jesus guys listen this stuff is really there's really a God I remember looking around in the warehouse and there is a god here he's here not mad and you've got to go down you have that great awakening that great turning It's called repentance Mr friend listen to repentance is one of the best words you'll ever learn in the Old or New Testament when John the Baptist came preaching he came preaching and he said repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and Mark one of 15 when Jesus came preaching he said the promise with field in the kingdom of God Hand rippin and there's it's not the proper repentance where you're just sorry You'll be sorry that the highway patrolman didn't see you coming by at 85 miles an hour you can just be sorry I got away with that you can just be that that's not true Repent repent is a true internal mournful feeling about our standing and what it is that we have done to God my stand your stand put Jesus on the cross and when you get saved when you come to the place where you recognize that you need Jesus in your life and in your heart you become truly repent you become truly more full and storable for the stand that you have lived in your life your sin could Jesus on the cross you have true conviction a true changing of mind you change your life please please please please don't do this this is a this is a national phenomenon Ron and I talked about it long and that is when you truly get said Don't tell me I'm saving but your life never changes I know you are not perfect. But don't tell me I don't want to go to church I don't want to read the Bible I don't want to pray I don't want to serve the choir don't want to serve in the church I don't want to talk about it I want to bless my food and then tell me you're a Christian. Woman Why did you even accept Jesus paid I'm going to change your life any more than that why would we ever ever accepting just of that we get a little fire insurance and not go to a place called a oh let me tell you something you're missing heaven you're going to miss it because the Jesus I know is going to change your life and you may not be perfect but you'll be saved and it'll be a struggle but oh what a glorious struggle I can get up now and I can know that that day that I'm going to live me in the Lord I know I may fail but at the end of that day Jesus' blood is still waiting on me my friend Jesus going to be white mommy going to dust me off the list will start again tomorrow just put the day to rest I'll ask you to forgive me must and we we keep moving forward repentance if you experience that kind of true reaping what the king recognized that there was someone greater and he got the entire kingdom he did that we see in the Senate the another type of dissent the right kind of the state that he made and he gives to the very end of this chapter and look what he says verse 9 what he says because who knows God may turn in relent and withdraw his burning anger so that we will not perish when God saw their deeds and that they had turned from their we could waste and God really made concerning the calamity which he declared he would bring upon them and he did not do it I want everybody to stay with me this morning who knows no matter who knows who no one more time who knows it's not sad it's not sad. If you have children at home and they're still breath and you can you can be a witness you can tell your friends about Jesus. Is America lost we're never going to have another great away can we never have a revival is bank is of everything that bank community this is going to get I don't believe it because who knows what God might yet do it God's people are faithful and we pray and we and we search for him with all of our hearts and all of our minds who knows what God might do in your family in your marriage in this community in this nation I still believe God can do it I believe he was to do it and if for no pay you can came from Nineveh can say who knows surely we respond good upstanding Christian people surely together we can shout to the heaven to say who knows the Lord maybe you'll really land and you'll still work in my life in the life of my family and people will be saying marriages will be saved the Gospel would be preached children be raised in church but people think that I've heard teased about the years that we need a Baptist mafia and that we need to have to send people out going on someone's with going to church I only really met one person like that but she did it out of love my wash grandmother misses a leader obviously we were going basically for about 2 or 3 months and we got to you know you get tired you get tired where you don't want to you know so we had always been on 1st Wednesday not brother Preston we didn't go well we were Ms Reza worst of miserable wins day not in the middle wasn't good enough and was on t.v. I don't want to be in a living room I don't want to be in the front yard when I was in the front yard I want to be you know it was just miserable when the house that large chair about 10 after said this church was for sale own my oh hey grandma Louise how are you doing where were you all from the well we just we worked it late and now I'm not talking got to understand what time it legalism you know every say man I'm not talking about leaving the legal it's the. Grandma knew she knew what was best for our lives. Keep saying return Tara run County and a couple other surrounding counties she was just waiting to get the call that I was on my way to pay and she knew Michael I said well I was so tired says will you just come be targets hurt cuz we need more ram not because it makes you any more saber any less because church is a place to be a church the place being Christian and that's the kind of person you want to be you want to be a say born again Christian you want your children years from now say my parents had a drug problem they drug use to church on Sunday morning they drug a Sunday night a drug test everything I wish here that's what kind of that's what you want your children to say your baby's to say 20 or 30 years from now my parents can not because it saved them because it's just a deceit who knows what God will do just give the Lord trust Jesus trust in the blood of God's people said Father I thank you for this message just me and I thank you for preaching it at me where I needed this myth Lord I don't know what's going to happen with America even though our own community here dear Lord things are changing in the world so fast but Lord I identify with King of Nineveh who says who know but I still believe that you want to see people saying you want to see them serving you father I believe with all my heart for this what I want to try to follow for the rest of my life I just pray you give me this not out of a legalism to cruel robotic fish but your Lord out of a wonderful loving relationship that you initiated you call me I call you you found me out in my New York and I prayed that for my brother sinner here this morning who knows what you might do and answered a 2nd call his name would pray and. You're listening to the Sunday morning worship services of the Pruitt Baptist Church in Van Texas with Brother Mike Calhoun and 1st testimony in Chapter 2 is a continuation of one of the concerns of Paul has about what they're hearing about the 2nd Coming of Christ we've been reading in verse one look what it said it says we were question you rather And with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering to him that you would not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by spirit or message or letter as if from us to the effect that the day of the Lord has come let no one in any way to see you for it will not come unless in apostasy come 1st in the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of destruction who opposes in the results himself above every so called God or object of worship so that he takes his seat in the temple of God himself as being God Do you not remember that while I was still with you I was telling you these things and that's I'm going to stop there that's not the natural right for that. But we're going to stop right there and we're going to go ahead and just review for a 2nd that what was happening was Paul had just written the letter 1st testimony but something that was very common back in antiquity was a pseudo letter and that's actually an interesting area of study and people had no scruples like it would be if I knew that there were 2 churches out here that were communicating back and forth or whatever and I stuck a letter in because I'm trying to capture a people or promote a doctoral Why do you have any problem doing that that's highly unethical most organizations would not do that today but back then they didn't think anything about it probably one of the most famous groups with which this is not about was the Gnostics laid a lot of Christianity in some of the themes and so they tried every way to hijack it they wrote false letters were simply false prophets out so that's an interesting area state so when he writes this letter he had just written remember 1st nestlings when we go back and look at the minute the. 1st their slogan is Chapter 4 is about the 2nd coming of the Lord and of every chapter but here he's having to revisit this so he will have to reassure them about some things that he has already said that I would request to you brother in with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and the gathering together of him talking about the rapture he said did you not quickly be shaken from your composure or disturbed either by spirit or message or letter as if it was to the effect that the day of the Lord had come what was the hardest the heresy was his will get you you missed it so Paul had been there he minister to Demi told him about the 2nd coming he left and when he physically left their presence somebody came in behind us and say what you guys missed it then think about how unsettling that was this is a technique of Colts today they will use a shock doctrine they'll make up some time and guess what shot doctrines are connected to they're connected to political events natural disasters you know. Many of you are old enough and in the room to remember when the anti christ was Gorbachev or one man of Christ was Kissinger that was a real famous one and then so you just go down the list to history and so Christian groups unfortunately will they'll just adopt one of these scenarios happening that used to be Russia was going to sweep out of the north Well now it's Islam is going to so you have to be careful because there's always going to be some type of a turmoil that's going on that Satan is going to use that maybe you will be lost but it can make you any effectual it can it can hurt your faith it can cause you to be anxious about things that God And that's not the life of a Christian is to be anxious about something that's going to happen in the future very quickly again he says from your composure disturbed either by spirit it's a nother Spirit working or a message could have been a written message and letter as it was from us the day of the Lord has come let's turn over and look in 1st testimony and chapter 4 and verse 13 This was the initial teaching that connects to the day of the war there he says and 1st Estonians 4 and 13 but we do not want you to be uninformed rather as those who are asleep that you do not grieve as the rest who have no hope God wanting peace for their. For if we've been lead to Jesus died and rose again so God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep with Jesus for this we say to you by the word of the Lord this is not Paul's doctrine he's creating This is a great inspiration of the Holy Spirit for this we say to you by the word the Lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will not proceed those who have fallen asleep and that means who have died for the Lord himself will be sent from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel with the trumpet of God in the dead in Christ shall rise 1st then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with him in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so we shall always be with the Lord and again this idea of comfort verse 18 therefore comfort one another with these words and so he's given us an order that's an order of resurrection so every time we see a Christian remember every time we see a Christian just like the young lady who was baptized this morning the state can't baptize this morning we can to stop all that individual to the place where they understand it only wanted to know from that point forward only one of 2 things is going to happen she's either going to live to a ripe old age you know live a full Christian life 7089 years old I hope the Lord gives her many many years and passes away and will see the Lord immediately she will be present with the Lord that's either going to happen or when I look at young people I look at young Christians when they're converted they're say they might be one of the lucky ones I think it's going to be anything to see be doing something I love Remember the old pictures they had in the sixty's fifty's sixty's seventy's of the planes crashing in the cars going crazy people in every activity alive and then a flash. The sky is going to roll back like a scroll and people are going to translate it those who are alive actually what will happen Paul says and this text right here is that those of the Grays Will they were in 1st they will be on their way and then we go join them so Paul even gives priority to those who have fallen asleep the Lord 1st and so then the symmetries will be a very lively place will be very active place chapter 5 this is 1st lesson only and again he describes that day the Lord is going to come back and just describe it to him again Chapter 5 now to the times and Pox read and you have no need of anything being written to you or you yourself know full well that the day of the Lord which is a phrase it used in the old in the New Testament will be like a thief in the night and while they are saying peace and safety destruction will come upon them suddenly what so what's happened when this day of the Lord come back what what I just described the Rapture Ok so pre-millennial Dispensationalism Ok $10.00 words but all it means is that the Rapture is going to take place this is not a litmus test for a person saved or not but I do think that it goes to your heart on your piece that you can have so I've always disciple young I've always to stop when my people don't understand it at the moment salvation you are secure and this the very next verse I'll show him a lot of promises John Chapter 10 and Jesus is talking of the ferry sea she said no one but no one it's a double negative it's a poor English word it's great Greek because what Jesus is saying no not no one no how interest is Calhoun here but no not no one no how can ever snatch you out of God's hands. Ok And so that is that's already happened so this day of the war is going to be the judgments are following afterwards to come like a thief not Verse 3 says while they are saying peace and safety the destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with a child and they will not escape but you brothers are not of the darkness that the day would overtake you and then calls them has all these wonderful descriptions he says they are sons of why they are sons of light and sons of day we are not of not more darkness so than let us not asleep verse 6 is important for me to read you not because the coming events cause us to be sober today because we know that these things are going to happen let us not sleep as other sleep let us be alert and sober for those who sleep in their sleeping and I pose to get drunk drunk and since we are the day let us be sober having put on so he's describing he's describing that force and verse nice as we're not destined for this wrath it's to the world yet in effect this issue affect our outlook. If we as Christians who know that this day or its coming it inspires us to live differently Spirit uses that you know a Christian parent looks differently. At their babies a Christian parent that because they know this day is coming there's this big thing is coming you know they were saying they had a conversion experience so they know this is coming and you look at your children differently I love my children before I was say I mean a lot of them oh my goodness I would love them after I was saved like I could imagine and what with one of my main concern that dose children would be converted they would come to a place of faith and come to know. Jesus you go back over to 2nd Thessalonians. And he uses the word here in verse 3 Let no one in any way deceive you world will not come in last and so the 1st part of that verse 3 there when he talks about deceiving deception being deceived deception what he's saying he has a way he's a liar he's a thief and become a knob or steal kill me strong but I'm coming they might have life and have a terminal so there's an antithesis to the truth that is in Christ Jesus the mantis of this to that is this person this person of say this person of Satan a spirit that's in the world will not come unless the apostasy come 1st and the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of extra of destruction looking on the negative description of him verse 4 who opposes an exultant so about every so called God not to work so he takes his seat in the temple of God displaying himself as being God Do you not remember that while I was still with you I was telling you these things but here's something that a good teacher is doing right here he's told them and he's probably sent word through other messengers about what he's told him and now he's writing another letter saying do you not remember telling him again and telling him do you not remember what I told you this is the Christian. How many of us ever had to tell our children one time go along. How many of our children have and how many of us ever had to tell them what time to go to bed I mean it was just wrecked your life of a parent is repetition repetition repetition and good doctor and get the ology you just keep telling him you just keep telling keep telling this individual how some characteristics look what they are opposes exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship so why politically on the scene I think there will be a time where this individual will show up he might not at 1st show himself he is actually going to demand worship the Caesars did this did you know that in in Roman when you studied Caesar ism and you didn't study the the. The historical arc of Caesars they became they were very conservative in the beginning and the beginning of the Roman Empire but by the end of the Roman Empire they become so politically corrupt that one of the things that was the last thing that was left on the table besides all the other vices I won't go into it tonight is that they called for the worship of them so they got me feelin to be deep depravity and so there was an arc there was a natural arcs of what he's describing here a political figure is very much what we can probably imagine I mean I can see this happening in the world today and there's some other things that are going to be added to this person is characteristics going to help themselves masses I'm glad we're going to be raptured out of this truth still needs to be told and that is they will be able to perform line wonders now they're going to be miracle workers they're going to great imitations of death is as if you'd seen Jesus himself walking. That's what it's going to be parallel to it's going to be very impressive it's going to be an individual that is careers magic people are going to be drawn to and they're going to and I don't know why but he's been able to do things he should be able to do things in the way of miracles people are going to get and the whole world is going to gravitate to. $1.00 checks $1.01 of his commentaries talks about this and. Says that after the rapture and I'm not a conspiracy guy I try not to because it sounds so weird when you start talking about a little bit but you know have you ever thought about what the government has done to get the world ready if there's a rapture if you think about a lot of the different narratives that are being sold out there right now don't laugh but you know back in the mid eighty's there was a movie called not a comma in this comic comes by and people disappear that's when the 1st times I saw it recognizes Chris one of the main religions today is u.f.o. Worship u.f.o. All a-g. And abductions and people disappear a 3rd aspect is the infiltration of Islamised in the nation and what about mass kidnapping so all of these are narratives that plausibly could be used by the any Chrysler He's will be able to explain all of this he could have data and then he's going to be he's going to cruise Mattie and the world has no say well I guess there was that that you know they even made a splendid way while the Christians Well he's going to pose going to exalt himself explain yourself in God He said Do you remember while I was still you that I told you so the tribulation is that period immediately following the rapture where there's a great outpouring of God's wrath going to be if you're me a 7 year period half way through that period this individual is political figures going to set himself. He's going to say he's going to use this as a you not unifying aspect let me tell you what I think it is this is Calvin and if it's not Scripture right here. But there's a great on the Temple Mount there is a. The the Jews worship at the base is Solomon's base but then there's a big structure on top and I think a natural disaster is going to destroy or harm both them and it's going to be cause for but all of the religions to come together and they're going to 1st say that it's going to be something where have a part for the Jews part for the Christians apart Muslims and I think what's going to happen if halfway through that structure that's where he goes ahead he reveals himself because he is going to reveal himself half way through this tribulation period and he said now we're going to worship me again I don't believe we'll be here then but the reason this truth needs to be taught for those who are left I won't stay too long this point is too sad too scary but you know really children that we don't talk about this on Sunday morning children their parents are going to go to bed that night as Christians and those babies you know wake up in the morning I mean. That one that one point right there on a card every anybody that has any decency at all to even consider priest you to think about leaving your children behind so there's going to be this this is called the doctor the rapture in the doctor and of the tribulation and. This idea of the earthquake he says don't let anybody shape you this is what was happening in his day this man we call him The He's going to teach a false doctrine the man of lawlessness. Of our describe him let's go over and look at 1st John chapter This is why so important be a christian up and lots of different reasons look what it says right here be a discerning Christian 1st John chapter 4 but the levity do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God because many false prophets have gone out into the by this you will know the Spirit of God Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. And every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God This is the spirit of the end of Christ which you have heard that is coming and is now already working in the Now this is a very interesting passage of Scripture Baptist Church here is your 1st litmus test for any prophet preacher teacher from this point forward which you have I'm sure David has preached this to you and other pastors have and that is when somebody hedges on the idea that Jesus came in the flesh Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God came in the place where brother Mike we know that we've been taught that all are Listen there's a lot of the nominations that are hedging on that now they hedge on the miracles that are in the New Testament they hit head on the virgin birth they say that's not really necessary because just the back of the idea of a surrounds it and so this is some of the liberal theology that begins to erode away at the base of what our faith is founded on that end and this is also the missed test for somebody who is going to become a Christian so whenever we whenever we evangelize people this is something this is to the heart of our faith every spirit to confess that Jesus has come in the way and every spirit that does not confess this is the spirit that is of the any Christ and you notice that he doesn't he doesn't. Split hairs here because you know science says that everything is just been going on that's f. That's anti-Christian this one I'm a young earth Christian I mean a young earth Christian believer I think that God has corrupted he created the World in 6 them to this not necessary a litmus test for your salvation because we're supposed to place your faith in Christ Jesus but you do have a hermeneutic problem if you believe anything else other than that see the world can't have always been dying the world was it has to be according to Christian theology has to have been created set up by God and there was just one thing that messed everything up and guess what that was. And it's so science even though and you know science is just doing what science does 1st of all science just says about itself is that it just goes by the empirical evidence it doesn't go by it just goes by what it can it can see and understand at that moment in time the data that is we get but but science that is opposed so I suppose to that that not necessarily because science is intending on tacking Christianity but the fact he says that this No everything's always been done well that part of the spear that is of spirit the anti christ can use that Satan can use that to begin to work. I have had conversations with young people and say well what about you know the Crusades What about. Creation what about the Da I mean so you have to be able to answer those questions which you better come back and your theology you know your theology is on there because that's your case for the cross and so that can make a thing Christian or anti Christian or and that can be something the end of Christ in you every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God This is the spirit of any cries of which you heard that is coming so when John talks about that this was in the corporal teaching of the church at that time that the corporate teach you the church was saying that there was an anti Christ it was coming and so John in 1st John $43.00 says what you heard about that is coming and is now already at work in the world and so that tells us that the spirit of any crisis still working today the end of Christ the Spirit of any Christ is working today in the hearts and institutions in countries in the nations u. Verse forces you are not you are from God Little children and have overcome them because Greater is He who is in need then he who you 1st John to an 18. 1st John to an 18 children it is the last hour and just as you heard that the any crisis coming even now many any cries have appeared from this we know that that this is the last hour they went out from us but they were not really of us this is a very popular Baptist text by the way they would have remained with us but they went out from us that it would be shown their own lot of us but you have an annoying thing of the Holy One and you know and he read he tells them have I not written to you because you do not because you do know the truth and because you do know it and because no lie is in the truth another aspect of what's going to happen when the man of lawlessness comes and the rapture is taking place is the Holy Spirit is going to be raptured out I think this is kind of in me be a logical aspect of who we are suckers your very presence in the world is the presence of the Spirit of God It is the spirit in you you heard you say that some people get any close to the kingdom their whole way unless they get close as as when they get close to you when that person that you work with or go to school you go to school with passes you know hallway that day that's as close to the kingdom as they got because of their families lost maybe everybody in class is like maybe they're in a world of lost as in Europe and that that presence of the Holy Spirit and God's people today is one of the. Restraining factors of what's keeping the lid on all this people left to their own devices are incredibly wicked people left it to their own moral devices will do all manner of evil but when the when the church is raptured out that holding station that holding hands your present is going to be gone and it's going to be bad if nobody really because people will be that he's the Jesus said I must go become a Saint you another Helper talked about John Chapter 16 talk about it. Matthew he talked about in other places where he talked about the spirit was going to be a helper force and that is what's part of what's holding back the evil that's endure it's a restraining presence though it says here in verses. 8 and Paul then that lawless one will be revealed from whom the Lord will slay with the breath of his mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of his coming that is the one who is coming accordance with the activity of say with all power and signs and false wonders which I mentioned earlier and with all deception of wickedness for those who perished because they did not receive the love of truth so as to be say is very very tricky version right here I think I've always wondered about this verse but for this reason God will stand upon them deluding influence or they will believe what is false in order that they may be judge those who did not believe the truth but took pleasure in the wicked and so the thought is here that for the whole course of humanity and the presentation of the Gospel and the presentation of the Son when man should have repented should have believed and he waited and he waited and he waited that it this point in history when the church has been raptured out he just gives them over to the evil influences that are within them so that their judgment because you know what happens is that Jesus comes back he sets up His kingdom there is a lineal reign there's a 1000 years of godly rang and you know what the world does at the end of that 1000 year reign that's when they gather against Druce them to beat them they don't care they're mad at God they're going to fight and try to kill God at the end of the 1000 year reich that's part of this this thinking right here the fullness of their weekend if they're going to deserve exactly what it is that they hear after that post more in the spirit is here now the Spirit can work but there's coming a day when the Spirit is going to go. And that spirit you're not going to be able to be say and there's a there's 2 schools of thought and I jump back and forth on that you know there's 2 schools of thought you can't be saved unless you have the conviction of the Holy Spirit but there are some who say well maybe after the rapture you'll be able to be safe because of the martyrdom because there's 140000 going to be convert those 2 schools of thought that go back and forth on that but if I heard a youth pastor in from Florida say Wall Street one time who would bet their life on that why not go ahead and be say I mean you're betting on whether you're going to burn with foreign burned or brimstone you're going to going back and forth why not go ahead we say live the blessing life of the Christian before these events are going to happen this is incredibly interesting and provocative area of the ology but it's so important because these things are going and so these are some of the things that should motivate us to grow to be healthy to our brand when I say Be healthy kind of goes to what I was sharing with you earlier when we started you know when we started tonight in the services you know I do want to grow a lot growing as a church but I want to grow healthy I want to grow healthy and because eternity is on the line and so that's why this Church me man. You have been listening to the Sunday morning worship services of the Pruett Baptist Church in Van Texas Apoc asked of the service is available on demand at the k.c. a Web site at w w w dot k c a a radio dot com the Pruitt Baptist Church is located at 9908 State Highway 110 invent Texas the Sunday worship schedule includes Bible study at 9 45 am morning worship at 11 am and evening worship at 6 pm for more information about the proof Baptist church visit their website at w.w.w. Dot Pruitt Baptist Church dot com or call 903-963-7473. You are on board to see a change in mental Express can see you home and can just be a distraction you notice your behind. And. What are you listening to this radio station watch when you can host your own radio show you're listening you think you can do better you have a message or a product you want everyone to know about post your own radio show team up with the areas best radio professionals and let them make you sound like you should be on n b c k c 8 n.b.c. Radio that is Casey a produces more than 50 local programs each week Hud subject ranging from business and sports to political. Or even marijuana related issues we don't just broadcast on the radio we broadcast to the world online on t.v. And social media on Facebook you'll be all over imagine what your friend will say and case he reaches over 5000000 people on 3 radio stations joined a staff on 10 50 am one of 2.3 f.m. And one of 6.5 f.m. N.b.c. Radio jump on the k.c. a Express and 7131065 that's 90979310. 65 and get ready to transmit. This is Scientific American 62nd science I'm Christopher and. You wouldn't think that studying lizards is a particularly dangerous profession intil that is sheriffs approach you with their guns drawn but you get the cops called on us sometimes repugnant behavioral ecologist at u.c.l.a. And the natural history museum of Los Angeles her colleague at the museum Greg Polly really did end up on the wrong side of a gun once and here's why a lot of time doing work at night people's neighborhoods are more like using flash lights to look for get on the side for people and so sometimes people will think were criminal there burglars are thumping the museum solution was neon orange shirts with the museum logo and we call you sir but don't shoot me sir but the bright orange left Putnam with a concern that the color would spook the very enemas they were trying to study so she devised an experiment I basically designed the study to show it to the museum that would be sort of we're not going to be good for research. Are not present. In our trials apartment or tank tops of various colors red gray light blue darker.

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