In the past over it was passed over where Satan made his move we got of Passover coming up again and you can mark it down Satan knows what time it is he really does and he is going to make even a more dramatic move this year than he ever May before why because because he said he didn't know he has but a short time there is only a period one more period of time that is good allocated to allow states and to make his move against the Most High God It has been given on to him to make war with the Saints and he will prevail what that means is that he will make war and he will make war and there will be no Already we the people of God are in a war we were not always fight not against flesh and blood although that is where Satan likes to sidetrack us and get us to a huge our repertory against flesh and blood but that's not our warfare our warfare is in the spiritual in the realm of the Spirit pulling down the strongholds Osages where has Satan got his stronghold What are the strongholds are saying why should the mind of man be pretty Will got control of the human mind and these minds are constantly opposing God they. Call my human right is enemy to God Well let me get on with this story about Jesus. Coming to him for this purpose was just Son of Man manifested Jesus that he might dish truly the work so the devil what are the works of the devil the thief Satan coming to kill to destroy and to Rob and he's doing it he's robbing all mankind of your human identity he 1st use human identity to get you to be proud of it and then he uses it to destroy you he destroys family has destroyed nations he just going to political process he just throws economics he has destroyed this world. And he's usually meant to do it as a man destroy each other well we're in day to day all manifestation of the Son of God don't hold creation grown together on to now waiting for them out of the station of the sons of God and as the poor blind man went out to is little beggars point one morning sitting down as he had done so many times in the past but this particular morning Jesus. Passed by and as he passed by the poor beggar at 1st didn't know what was going on and he began to cry out all those things but no one was paying you any mind as they were all infatuated with Jesus and Joe the blind man inquires what's going on and someone told him as you heard he could see but he could hear hear what I heard a lot of people go by our loud noises in the background what was I supposed to have heard you haven't heard a blind man know what what what did I miss what Jesus of Nazareth is passing by jesus jesus Rev I heard that name by you you know Jesus the promised Messiah the Christ well I have heard about him is he the one that they said raised the dead fed to 5000 turned a water into wine is he that one day cause Elaine to log the leverage to be cleansed yesterday and he's passing right by here right by me this morning yes in fact it just passed you by is about a block away oh my I know the blind man jumps up runs out in his blind and into the midst of the crowd and he begins to cry Jesus Jesus son of David James us Son of David have mercy on me have mercy on me I always love this account in the Bible the Bible tells us in this particular account that a deaf blind man begin to cry out and Jesus had already passed him by there's a statement in there that is just. Below Yes it says and Jesus stood still go to God go to God He stood still he turned around his pa pa was nearby and he said I was going on somebody is calling my name somebody Peter says to the order Matthew why all these people are crying out to you what are you talking about Lord no listen there's somebody calling my name Jesus as. Does son of David have mercy on me what a desperate cry almost out of reach Here's Lord I don't know what you're talking about Jesus said Peter you're go back there somebody back there is calling my name and I'm not moving one step further I'm not going one step on my way until I find out who this one is calling my name he'd seen show desperate yet he has so much faith Peter goes back into the crowd looking for show me one historically hollering for he just and he finds a blind man he finds your now is sinking back down to the ground tears streaming out of those blinders eyes and started down each he. And the Jesus Jesus Jesus Peter Walsh over should sure by Man Yes Are you the Wanted been hollering and calling for Jesus yet as Yes I called but it looks like you did hear me the so far away that's where you're wrong sure what do you mean well I'm his disciples and he's stuck down there he heard your call and he sent me back your job finds you he why he hurt me yes he are nice you watch major bring it to him. Go away to God go away to God tonight break it to our Lord today have you been calling on him have you. He is the is Jesus the Christ the Messiah the Savior the Bible tells us in the story of this blind and there is another profound statement it says in the blind man casting aside his garments came to Jesus is a dead significant fasting a sigh he is gone but now his god it was a special designed government for a blind beggar he was required to wear that in order to make and it was his identity but when he heard that Jesus had sent for him he said I will need this anymore a black man yes you through your garment down I know but I'll know way to change this and I will need that anymore I don't need that anymore and he came to Jesus and Jesus said to him what would you have made to do for you oh Jesus then I might receive my sight o. God. Have mercy on me Jesus tries to drive and healed him oh oh brother and sister Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever Jesus I come to the Jesus I come to the. The for a brush there I remember as I started to talk to you this morning I I had so it's an issue brought to my mind but taking the initiative to Jesus it was many many years ago I would say maybe 35 I was preaching in New Orleans I would quite extensively go into new are linked. I was coming back on in New Orleans there had been a hurricane that a god of the coast and I was coming to Gulfport in that area and. I stopped with some friends there in Gulfport and as I got ready to leave. Someone came running to me and they said there's a sister over here she's in real bad shape she has a home we've been broken up in and she needs prayer so I went to where they had the sister her name was Vera Lee Lampley I never forgot the name Vera Lee lent me as I sat down to talk with her and to pray with her she told me a very short story she told me how are husband who she had been married to for many years I think she had 6 children she was on her way a dabbling in the other one and. She had been told by the hospital that she had to have money to pay for the birth of the child and she didn't have any what happened was her husband who had a pretty good job had taken off with another woman and he ran down to Pensacola Florida leaving her behind with the 6 children great with child and no money and no food and no way to pay the hospital bill and she would be slighter So then she looked at me she said What can I do and I didn't know what to do I said to her sister Leslie I I don't know how to help your dish time because I did have hardly any money in fact I was hitchhiking back home because. Because of the storm and and the sirens I didn't have any money so I was trying to get back to Savannah where I lived at that time. You know did you really overcome a radio broadcast I just. On the last day brought the God who wanted vengeance in reality the end of his life and the end of this ministry in the ground 0 to do here at times was then down to the ears if you listen to me my guy would girl in order to sustain me and keep me going I know I told you you don't even care 1000000 dollars and now a good time to do it we're on the road just a grand a grand can not take more I might be out way to Grand Isle of the Scriptures referring to Christ coming member gazer said I will be given m.t.n. Remember a tell all of those concerning me as and then so the end of the world will permit a lawless grabs your house and then he is the end and we have talked about it preacher programmed it and live in the manner that the end is upon my members here and I told you the guy was going to get like $10000000.00 a gram was already fairly wildly in and we use it all to proclaim the gospel of the coming of Christ in this generation till the end Carwell and to every nation. Just recently we have had an opportunity to purchase or to take over our course 3 ways that will enable us to cock accomplish the work that God wants us to do in my plan to rally God when I die or when I am killed and I will be carrying this so when that happens you will know that I don't know him by last year he will be I to confront the world powers to hammer Christ save him south and they will kill me and the world will hear it because we will be televised to other world wide and then rejoice in the grass of the ground that the God people will look up and rejoice in the return of Jesus Christ can bring about our going to mass can are made to accomplish just as time is running out for even the use of money and we can all look back with a knife use it and now make a promise. That can make use of my control it won't gave me 3 a better month to spend every single dime drive to raid the airwaves what the once was a crop it took for granted just not generation the last one Jones of Christ is coming to the family of God where right now will be the company word that God will comfort you one another with the words while I'm in southern Europe today are the grounds for the to the left pray to us to pray with me that I stand true and God keep the sperm in the truth of the gospel of the kingdom. I appreciate if you will credit flowing a Very soon we will have the final resources with that to sell his offer to us now I will put us. On president sure way reaching the end down world once Grayson is in the faeries no one is in South Africa another one is going to remember the old joke we had to bow down to now dentist 2 or 3 rather than your nice traits that we did fled from remember when we don't know as we will broadcast right from where I'm talking to you now rather go there as that rabbit trial began on the. Calories to roast lamb than doing up and including out the most part we are are still shut up from the satellite comes out of Israel that were big and and it circled the globe then with gentleman I hope and pray that god. Will hear and be a part of the anti war by sharing your prayers your contributions your offerings and right now apparent cause are you likely now are you been stung her are you started or challenge your own heart to look up lift up your head or your regards you is going die when you seem to be slowing the event way out where for our path to be getting back out facing the ending you look up that duck your head and rejoice for your regrets you do return of Christ are even better is at hand. My Congo home number is not going to code one us code one. For free then yellow one by oh by 3 Mike I've got phone number you want to call 184-3701 I call 53 call right now with your message of the current one your questions your comments your friends you and your prayer requests and when you get opportunity was it our website I can only vet to you are enough you'll see a picture of our community our radio. Our rain your schedule and from right off the website you can jam and personal even though that comes to me. Look under contact page on the website the website is w w w dot org Our combat our ministry dot au argy I'm praying for you now you're probably not that your courage. And your will be committed God bless your book you have loved you so not after I did tell her though that I would pray for her and as God to deliver any work America for well I came back called to Shabana and it was maybe 7 or 8 days later I went to the post office. And I picked up from a hole and there was a letter that was quite thick and I looked at it that it had only Vera lead last week from this sister in Mississippi I thought to myself and for sister she sat down and wrote me a letter to tell me all over again all the situations that were bothering her and where their husband who had ran off to Pensacola was another woman I opened a letter up and how do the letter fail I believe it was a $10.00 bill I thought to myself How in the world good this desperate mother send me any money so I begin to read the letter what a letter it was she said brother stared. My husband he took and went to Pensacola with the Shelley woman and when he got there he found out that the woman used him to get the Pensacola to go to another man so she didn't stay with him there and now my husband he came back home and. He. He came to the house now before I left there in Mississippi she wanted me to pray for God to deliver that situation and I told her I said Now when you're hugging come back you you don't reject him Joe she telling me in the letter that he came back and she said Brothers there I wanted to take a frying pan and just beat him over the head because he left is such dire straits he said but he came back and he came to the house and he got back his job and the boss had even given him some back pay and he came to the house any he asked me to forgive him and he'd come in and pate some of the bills and he paid the hospital bill and he would be here now so I can have the baby and he will take care of things for me he should what should I do brother stair should I receive him back and I wrote a bank said by all means sister you you forgive them your god send him back this is responsibility to help you to take care of you and your children and the Lord will make a way as he has done and I just thought about that this morning how God that man dealt with him for a sense is a waywardness and how he was able to touch the mother who is not fully sure to go and put him out but to receive him back to forgive them and to let him be restored and her be restored and their home be restored it was one of those situations over the years and I've seen God work on Mary come Jesus I come Jesus son of David have mercy on me help make the horse help me I pray. In Jesus' day all home that her husband was arrested and put in prison for raping a white woman in Mississippi how different back 3540 years ago and. A black man having any relationship was a white woman in Mississippi was considered a no no Her husband was put in jail. And charged with raping a white woman. She wrote me about it sheesh you now go into another problem and. I. Mean I got this Roy it was a very early chump a long piece husband it was another man who was down in the prison who had been told about the overcomer and the prophet he wrote me a letter and told me what he was imprisoned for and try to read recall it because it was almost 40 years ago he wrote me a letter he said I've been prison here in this area of Mississippi they got me charged with raping a white woman and he was very belligerent age letter as he wrote to me and he she says I didn't do it. And I haven't got it change and I just read a letter and I felt his very. Hearty spirit and Joy wrote I turned it over and I wrote in the back of the letter go to hell and Gena back to it now you're back 4 years ago I know it's going to sound kind of choked. He wrote me back and said What kind of a preacher are you I tell you the situation that man and I ask you to pray for me that you write me shut your letter Well I did like your spirit again Joe I turned it over you know that didn't turn the overcomer radio broadcast. Of the last great product of God who was then in reality the end of his life and the end of this ministry in the ground for over 30 years I've turned the thing down to the ears if you lived to tell me thank God I would do in order to sustain me and keep me going but I know I told you you don't even care $1000000.00 and now good time to do it we're on the road just a grand a grim calm that think I might be out way to grow all of the Scriptures me growing to Christ he's coming member Kayser said I do begin m.t.n. Remember all things concerning me how then so the end of the well the whole primitive almost grabs your house and then he is the end and we have talked about it preached to programmed it and lived in a manner that d.n.a. Is upon my image here and I told you the guy was going to give us $10000000.00. Begin with Already we're only 5000000 and we use it all to proclaim the gospel of the coming of Christ in the best generation children count well and to everyone here just recently we have had an opportunity to purchase or to pay God for powerful sram ways that will enable us to conquer accomplis the work that God wants us to do in my final day cause when I die or when I'm killed and I read me I can end this so when that happens you will know that I don't know you my last journey will be I to confront the world powers am a Christ save in South and they will kill me and the world will hear me because we will be televised or whatever we're all alive and then rejoice in the graph of the crowd but that God People will look up and rejoice in the return of Jesus Christ can bring about our going to mass cons are made to accomplish just as time is running out for even the use of money and we can't hold it back with my use it and I make a promise what good can millions of my control it won't Jamie 3 have been almost to spend every single dime she had to raid the airwaves what the once was a crop it took a while to this not a generation the last one doomed was Christ is coming to the family of God where right now will be the comforting words that God will comfort you one another with the words. When I'm in certain record they are the grounds for the to the last place you are asked to pray with me that I stand true and God keep the sperm and the truth of the gospel of the kingdom I appreciate it if you will credit Frona very soon we will have the fineries or assist with that to herself and offer to us now our Congress. I'm President sram wave reaching the end down world one station is in a prairie. One is in South Africa the one is Jim Rome a real joke we have to put like you now Dennis 2 or 3 rather than your nice traits that we did fled from remember when we don't know as we will broadcast right from where I'm talking to you now rather we're after rabid crime began on the. Calories drilled slum them doing up an inquiry out the most Aren't we are are still shut out from the satellite comes out of Israel that were big and and it circled the globe then with gentleman I hope and pray that god. Will heal or be a part of the anti war by sharing your prayers your contributions your op range and right now apparent cause are you likely now are you didn't start or are you started or challenge your own heart to look up a little out your head. What you know Regards you is going die when you seem to be slipping begin layout where for our path to the getting back out facing the ending you look up that duck your head and rejoice but you don't regret it the return of Christ I remember is at hand I can't go home number is too much cold one you ice cold one. For pretty then yellow one by old by 3 my god that phone number you're an ice cold one a bore 37 general well on I all by 3 go right now if your message of the present your questions your comments your intentions and your prayer requests and when you get an opportunity go to our website I can read that to you or not your see a picture of our community our radio room I re your schedule and from right off the website you could jam and personal in the l. That comes to me below look under contact page on the website the website is w w w dot org Our camber mimicry dot au r.d. I'm praying for you to your face that will be enough that your courage be strong and your will be committed God bless your the care both of you Phil. Not NAFTA and wrote again on the back go to hell and Dutch always do it and I sent it back to him it was just a few days later that he wrote me another letter and he says man of God Why are you writing recession letters like this and what is what are you doing I wrote to you because someone told me you would pray for me and help me and now you're right I mean these kind of letters so I I begin to sense now that he was beginning to see his serious condition so I wrote him back said look I will pray for you but I want you to repent I don't care whether you're guilty or not guilty whether you don't or or didn't do it just tell me the truth and repent and Google from there Joy roll me back he said Brother stare he said I did not rape the woman she was my girlfriend we were having enough there and one night she got mad at me and she called the police then she said I raped her but I was you raping her we had consented situation course even at that point in time that was not a professional and his state of Mississippi but he said I did not rape or and that show is too it so I wrote him back and I said all right I don't know where you did or didn't doesn't make a difference to me just as long as you are repented for what you are doing because you are doing a having a sinful just you a should there and you repent and I believe God will deliver you and forgive you ladies and gentlemen. Isn't yet the truth of the gospel I could tell you go away as Dish go eat at the time the man put a gun to my head and as be God which saved him because he had killed people he was because that or self a murderer and he asked me if I kill you or if I kill someone will God forgive me and I remember telling him sir it doesn't make any difference well you kill anyone you repent and believe Christ will forgive you he put the gun to my head and he said to me suppose I kill you can I repent after that I says Sure if you kill me you can confess your sins and God will still forgive you didn't kill Jesus and he 4 day well so you've opened up like this but Jesus I come I come I remember the gentleman in the prison I prayed for him brought him back until just to be repentant and we ask God to deliver and it wasn't a 30 days later he rolled me back and he said Brothers there are a lot of those jailhouse I'm home I'm back with my family I renounced that sinful situation and I said well what happened was. When they came to charge me with the rape of this woman he said they put me in a lineup and they called in the woman to ask her to pick out the man that she said had raped her. It was for Bush in the lineup and she rolled up and down and she told the prosecuting attorney and those who are with her I don't see him up there and the prosecuting attorney was frustrated because she had identified me as a man before and now looking for a positive id she says he's not there Joe the prosecuting attorney had me step out of the lineup and had me turn every which way shows a woman who would get a good profile of me and she again she says I don't know that man and his attorney said to her to project or said isn't dad to Manute Kolisch great q. And a show that you just said I've never seen that man before now usually brothers don't I don't know why she did that because we had a relationship but she just would not identify me and she therefore told to brush your attorney that I was not the man and I don't know why she did that except she did it yeah deter me loose their dope case no charge and she had to turn me loose Frasier Lord Jesus I come Jesus I come to see oh by French Let's come to Jesus today Jesus name. The. The. Preaching about. Jesus to Christ now ours to Christ because I've been dealing with so many situations in my life now again in my home with my family with our brothers and sisters all over the world it seems like we have come to a standstill in dealing with our relationships with God and with each other and surviving in this last thing crucial are surely we are on the urge of the final and the great tribulation the trial of our state counted all joy and God prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemy in this wilderness time is he able to be judged as spiritual food well I was challenged as I stepped out of my room into our living room and onto the porch to come to the radio this morning I was challenged and God said to me son you are going to have to reach door and be restored in your faith do you remember how you prayed for him to be in show me the impossible situations do you remember how I told you to obey me in India and I raised up just to stare Do you recall when the flu hit your son when he was just a lad that looked like you was going to die and I remember how I told you I heard you the 1st time you prayed do remember how you took him out of the hospital after he was hit with a car in Philadelphia. With a shift change fracture of the skull a crushed shoulder and a smashed the and the doctors want to celebrate and you fled from then do you remember the impossible situation in Cuba Oh yes I can't explain it any other way not to the intellectual blind anyway but the Lord made a way or live the shame today yesterday today and forever go away be to God you know that didn't turn you over come a radio broadcast. On the last day proper god who wanted them to be in reality the end of his life and the end of this ministry in the ground 013 years I tend to think down to the ears if you listen to me my guy would glue in order to sustain me and keep me going I know I told you you don't even care 1000000 dollars and now a good time to do it we're on the road just a grand a grand con that Dick Moo I might be out way to grow all of the Scriptures referring to Christ coming member Kayser said I am the big empty and the memory all things concerning me as and then so the end of the while the whole primitive almost got your house and then he is the end and we have talked about it priests are programmed it and live in the manner that d.n.a. Is upon my members here and I told you that God was going to give us $10000000.00 . Again was already fairly Bible in and we used all to proclaim the gospel of the coming of Christ in the best generation children car well and to everyone to him just recently we have had an opportunity to purchase or to pay God for powerful sram ways that will enable us to cock accomplish the work that God wants us to do in my final race car when I die or when I'm killed and I read the I can end this so when that happens you will know that I don't know him my last journey will be a to confront the world powers the hammer Christ save him south and they will kill me and the world will hear me because we will be televised or whatever we're all alive and then rejoice in the graph of the ground that God's people will look up and rejoice in the return of Jesus Christ can bring about our i've been to my scans are made to accomplish just as time is running out pretty even the use of money and we can't hold it back with my use it and I make a promise what good can millions of my control it won't take me 3 of their money to spend every single dime Chapter 8 The airwaves what the once is a prophet took I am just not generation the last one joins us Christ is coming to the family of God where right now will be the company word that God will comfort you one another with the words. Well I'm in southern Europe today on the grounds of the to the last place you are asked to pray with me that I stand true and God keep the sperm and the truth of the gospel of the kingdom I appreciate it if you will credit Frona very soon we will have the final resources with that to self and all that you are now I will put us. On President shredder way reaching the em down world once Grayson is in a prairie. One is in South Africa and the other one is in Rome and we all joke we'll have to bow down to a dentist 2 or 3 rival United States waited fled from remember when we go west we will broadcast right from where I'm talking to you now Grabow there as that rabbit trial began on the. Calories drill slum them doing up and impurity out the most are we are are still shut up from the satellite comes out of Israel that were big and and it circled the globe then we've got women I hope and pray that God's people will heal or be a part of the anti war by sharing your prayers your contributions your operation and right now apparent cause are you likely now are you being stung her are you started or challenge your own hard to look up a lift up your head. What you know Regards you is going nice when you seem to be slowing the event where far path to the getting that out pacing the ending you look up that duck your head and rejoice but you don't regret your eternal Christ I remember is at hand I can't go home number is 2 minutes cold one new ice cold one. For 3 then yellow one by all by 3 Mike I've got a phone number you write code 184-3701 I will buy 3 go right now if you're back each of the present your questions your comments your complaints and and your prayer requests and when you get an opportunity go to our website I cannot exactly you are not your see a picture of our community our radio room I ran your schedule and from right off the website you could jam and personal email that comes to me. Look under contact page on the website the website is w w w dot org Our camera are mimicry dot au argy I'm praying for you that your faith valid enough that your courage the strength and your will be committed God bless your the care both of you still not enough to come unto me all of you. That are weirdly heavy laden Now I will give you reaction take my yoga Pa you for I have meek and lowly You will fight wrist for your show we're going to break you're just I'm old and remember we go to prayer every morning and every evening here at the house a prayer wall to roll South Carolina we always take your prayer requests many of them commanded morning throughout the night God bless you all want you join with us because we are weary you know we are weary and that's for sure. Is. Lay in my. Room. To. Run you. Through. Our Heavenly Father I sure of the gift of God within me the gift of faith for over 50 years that has just debuted from coast to coast and throughout the nation show the world through prison house captivity adversity and desperation Almighty always I remember there in Pensacola when I looked like my life was over and you delivered me remember Lord Oh God I called today to pray. 400 the slain of the daughters of die people we need you Father Jesus. 1 son of David have mercy on us I think is about it we're having in the spiritual realm with the daemonic powers of the Lord that are pressing so heavily upon the earth the anti-Christ the man of Sharon that's who we wrestle against Lord principalities and the powers and the spiritual wicked as that is invaded our mind oh God be the Manifested Glory as we grow within ourselves today waiting for the manifestation of Jesus to Christ by the Holy Ghost I was sent on to you another comforter 1 even the Spirit of truth and when he is come he will lead and guide you into all truth greater is He that is in you that he does in the world and he passed out just here which was his word and he gave him power over on unclean spirits to cast them out whole by God in the name of Yeshua to day stretch for you are had father by the Holy Ghost I heard it many times by ear is not a heavy that it cannot hear my arm it is not sure that it cannot say you will out your iniquities and your senses separate you from me saith the Lord but return I want to be richer richer and. Oh the virgin daughter and beat out a rich dork in Jesus' day we pray a van a man and Crazy brother check in this morning weather still cold and icy you know brothers bend that icy scrolls in the dish of Shelley just cutting you right off pray George coming in loud and clear though on the verge Please remember she in your prayers this morning that my daughter has to go to court again over children yes there's a lot of we be here this morning a daughter Cheryl has surely missed her life but she she left home Coleridge day was up but she would do it. They shine our creation like this is just there and they only it's just your vision of brothers and sisters and children in Christ there among you on the farm you know precious brother I learned something new for you every day through God's voice coming out of the mouth of the Prophet we think we know it all and we don't rather made the grace of God be upon you especially you brush care and God bless you father take care of our brother and profit in Jesus name we pray Amen and Amen brother Kami right should we bless you man of God and give thanks for the word to straighten us initial The fear of our Lord or in the. Us. The.