The moon lobby would see the moon all go take is located in the southwest quadrant of the tri city center where the 10 of the 210 meet in Redlands and you'll say moon la la. With 60 years a fascinating facts this is the man from yesterday. And back in time this time the 1065 my 3 sons returns next month but will move from A.B.C. To C.B.S. Very living stand with 11 rather of Stanley Livingston who's 14 in place chip on the series joins the cast as the youngest son Ernie. 2 from this time in 1959 Looney Tunes and nary melodies cartoons available to T.V. Stations just a few years ago are proving a hit. Record all over the league and from this time in 1988 actor Robert Shaw who's just 51 passes his movie career really took off a few years ago with the staying The Taking of Pelham 123 course Jaws where he played Quint jaws accurate Richard Dreyfus remembers Robert cha but I also reeling worshipped him as Robert. Things and I'm grand artist as an actor was a wonderful writer with more at mad from yesterday Don. Lemon. That he built he clubs are original pure pouty Arco Super G. Comes from the only tree in the world that fungus does not grow on it so it naturally as antifungal antiviral antibacterial anti infection and the inflammation and anti parasite properties but maybe more importantly he will T. Clubs original pure Paudie Arkell Super T. Builds core puzzles in the blood which carry oxygen to our organs and cells our organs and cells need oxygen to regenerate themselves the immune system needs oxygen to. And cancer happens to die in oxygen and the tea is great for healthy people and can truly be miraculous for someone fighting a potentially life threatening disease due to an infection diabetes or cancer that he will he flubs original pure pouty oracles Super G. Is only 3495 plus shipping order now a day he will he Club dot com or call 818-610-8088 day boys spelled T A H E B O So table D. Club dot com 818-610-8088. Good morning everyone this is Reverend Jeremiah forward and Michael Holmes and practitioner extraordinaire JEAN KENNEDY And we are here presenting to you this broadcast call wake up awareness this morning and it is a splendid day here in Southern California is that correct it is a magnificent day the temperatures a lovely. Marine layer is still here a little bit but it's breaking up OK and it looks to be an absolutely gorgeous day and the temperatures are coming down yes thank you. Shall we say thank God for that . We are and so we want to welcome each one of you to our spiritual magnificence I know that there are some of you who are live streaming this morning and I want to welcome you to our show and to those of you who are not live streaming but listening to us in your car on the highways and byways of this wonderful land we welcome all of you and we are going to empower you this morning as we talk about the absolute cost that we call God the absolute cause of all is the topic of our lesson this morning. And the purpose once again is to empower you to know your spiritual magnificence to know who you are in the grand scheme of things this grand scheme of things that we call a life and who you are is a child of the universe and what you are simply put is an expression of the divine that we call God do you think that's the truth that we are perfect expressions of God This morning because we are perfect and complete we are and as Dr done who comes on our show every now and then at the very core of our beings we are that spiritual perfection and so I invite you to know that this morning just kind to mentally embrace yourself and say I am perfect whole and complete at all times and you listen for the correct answers the answers that will guide you through your day this show is brought to you by the Center for spiritual enrichment as we honor the memory of the founder of that organization Reverend Sue Constantinou is now this past Thursday we started a wonderful class which is being held at the Center for Spiritual Living in San Bernardino and that address is 2 pours 0. For golden Avenue and we are talking about the power of your word how your word creates your reality and this is an 8 week course and we would invite you to join us on Thursday evenings at 630 and once again that's a 2404 north golden Avenue and that's just north of Highland Avenue in San Bernardino and if you have any questions about that give us a call or leave us a message on our Facebook page which is wake up awareness. Jeanne do you have any other announcements for I do not that was the announcement that I thought we were going giving you OK And so what we have then for you this morning are couple of readings and they're not really readings but Gene is going to read to you with the explanation excuse me. Some of the 10 core concepts of the teachings that we are presenting to you from the Science of Mind and those core concepts are what are those wonderful ideas well that for. The 1st one is one is that is a source of all that is and God is all that is so everything in the universe comes from the god source to try to nature God expresses itself in 3 aspects spirit soul and body. Creative nature God thinks and the world comes into being. Prayer all good is eternally available and ready to flow into the human experience Honus spirit is transcendent perfect whole is a perfect whole that contains an embrace is all seeming opposites. Abundance all that anyone will ever need or desire is already provided by Universal abundance. Of the reciprocal universe for every visible form there is an invisible counterpart. Forgiveness. Into your channel now there can be no place for divine anger unforgiveness or punishment. Immortality the universal truth about life is that life never ends. And 10 the Christ Christ is not a person but a principle a universal presence the universal image of God that is present in all creation. Wonderful thank you for that and so we'll be talking about these principles a little bit more this morning as we allow our message. To unfold for us. To anchor us in prayer and then we're going to have music coming from Jamie Lola. OK joining with me now as we recognize the source of good is that of God and that everything we have flows from that divine source and know today that the lesson we have is heard by many thousands of people and we all take it throughout our whole week to remember enjoy and embrace the lessons of oneness and love. And for all of this I think Say Thank You God and I would use my word knowing that it's done and so on and so it perfectly thank you and now our musical inspiration this morning is something for calling me by Jamie Lula. Sun. The. Sun is called and. Some call. Bourbon. Lol. Lars. You know we all have that feeling sometimes that there's something calling me there something stirring within my soul so to speak to allow me to express my authentic self and that's what Jamie Little is saying that something's calling me here I need to answer I need to respond to this to this call and we have to think about that and so many different ways life calls for us and it calls for us to be our greatest expression of ourselves and when we rely on the absolute cause of everything the source of all that there is we can answer this call with and with grace and know that we are out so to speak our father's business when we do that so it's important for us to remember that there is always something calling you to expression or self so much greater than what you are joining at this moment because you don't know that you can and we. We are here to tell you today that you can express yourself to a greater degree than what you are expressing right here and right now because there is that with you that is going to support the call that you have to make an imprint to leave a big footprint in this thing called life and today we're talking about having focus thought and looking at the science so to speak of the absolute genius where we're going this morning OK that's where we're going and so when we have focused bond we do deep inner personal work of self discovery and healing to reveal the greater truth of our divinity which is our wholeness and our freedom as well so when we do that we find that there are some principles and some practices that we engage in that will allow us to do this inner personal work that we need to do because it's all about what's going on inside and what's going on inside will actually make a physical manifestation into what we sometimes call the real world the manifestation comes from the power of our thought processes so this inner work that we want to do consists of meditation affirmative prayer visioning for the highest good for whatever it is that we need to manifest into our life and we want to simply be still in the presence to be still the Scripture says Be still and know that I am God and what Ernest Holmes the founder of a Religious Science says he says that God is in the room around and for us now think about that God is in us God works through us and God is all around us there's this present is and around us supporting us and lifting us up to our high. So this being the case then we can further assimilate this quote all sold by Holmes this is another quote that we have here by Holmes and Jane would you read that to us because it does come from the book that he wrote called Love and law on page $146.00 what does he say there every living soul is a point of purchase personified God Consciousness immutable. Power. You're not approaching the point of God consciousness but you are there now fearlessly announce that you are the truth and nothing but the truth you know. That within you now dwells. For all the Presence all the power and all the god there is. And now that's a very powerful powerful statement now what we want to do is to say to ourselves I am the truth and nothing but the truth is coming from my mouth nothing but truth is being spoken from my mouth here and so what we do is that when we acknowledge when we have been bought at this idea that I am the truth because I am this perfect child of God navigating through this wonderful universe then we know that we are a part of source itself that we are a part of the eternal God just differentiated we all have our certain abilities that we came here to express and God being infinite in its creation and infinite in its love for us all allows us all to express to our highest degree and so all the god curse says that all the god there is is with the you and in you who am right now right now that God is within you right now. And we invite you to embrace the presence of God living in you for God lives moves in has its being in you now when God put us here he made each one of us a little different just a little bit and so if one of us is just a little different as though each one were a new mall then the greatest adventure in life would be an experiment with ourselves to see what we could do with this thing inside of us so there is something inside of us this calling as the song says there is something calling me to express myself to a greater degree and Holmes says this very clearly in his essay called experiment with faith now then he goes on to say further in the book that we referenced earlier love and law he says that people who expect to demonstrate this this principle must be very constant They must be very determined very positive very sure and faithful with themselves patient with themselves long suffering with themselves as well and again I'm going to refer to this as Focus thought this is a boss that we want to absolutely focus on so you see he also says that for in reality you will never discover anything outside of you greater than you yourself are did you know how great you are did you know that that you are a great human being you know just mentally embody this idea or this thought that I am great I am so great that I don't even know how great I am and that is fabulous because when this greatness starts to come forth then it will stand and look and say Did I say that did I do that and the idea is yes we can is there is that something within you that's calling you to your inherent greatness now. It's a generally a fact except it's scientific fact that man is an evolving being in whom reason slowly developed he is on an upward not a downward path he's on an upward spiral and Frederick Bales who wrote in The Science of Mind Magazine says that to us he says that we are spiraling upward that consciousness is evolving to a higher degree than what we can experience right now so there is so much for us to know and to be and to become and man is moving in that direction that there's a shift right now as we feel that there is a shift in the consciousness as on the planet there's greater humanity being expressed for all concerned and we know that we had those hurricanes again down there in the Bahamas that kind of demolished a whole lot of different things but people are stepping up by right of consciousness to support the population there to support humanity there just as well and so we want to always know that we are constantly evolving because there is that within us that says that we can evolve to our greater yet to be that there is higher potential in us is just kind of latent there waiting for us to recognize it and to embody that idea. Now back a little while ago there was a grandfather who was passing by his granddaughter's room one night when he saw her kneeling beside her bed with her head bowed in hands folded repeating what the alphabet. And so the grandfather of course was really curious because his idea was that if you're on your knees with your hands full that you're absolutely doing prayer and but she was reciting her Alpha bed and so he asked her he said What are you. Doing and she explained I'm saying my prayers but I don't think just what I wanted to say saw she could think of what she wanted to say so she says I'm just saying all the letters of the alphabet and God can put them together however thinks best wonderful that is wonderful a child's faith is just not blind at all it's just whole hearted And so what we realize here is something that we always say is that the manifest universe itself is the Body of God and that all people and that means gene it means myself that means our engineers Gabriel and Rick this morning that we are all incarnations of the one spirit that divine presence that we call God and God is what God is Absolute got is the absolute And so from the teachings of unity I have a wonderful explanation of what the absolute is the absolute is the divine mind in action it is also unlimited principle it is the almighty one the all pervading spirit the end finance the eternal the Supreme Being God It is the one autumn a creative mind think about that the ultimate creative mind meaning that that mind is infinite because there are all kinds of creations out there and things there are being discovered that we didn't know were there before but anyway the absolute is also the source of all things that which is unconditioned unlimited unrestricted and free from all limitations the self existent God Absolute God places judgment into the metaphysician who finds it necessary to place his judgement in the absolute. Root in the absolute in order to demonstrate his supreme power and so we want to be able to demonstrate the supreme power that comes from the absolute and it goes on further to say that this is accomplished by 1st declaring that one's judgments are spiritual and not material and that the origins of these judgments are in God that all its conclusions are based on what Gene own truth they are based on truth and they are absolutely free from prejudice false sympathy or personal ignorance. Now the absolute treating treating in the consciousness of the Spirit of God which is true of firm the absolute truth of being for man and when we say treating we're going to be talking about that a little bit more because we have to treat the mind itself to accept the truth that is already there. The absolute is the unification with man with the man and he unifies himself with the absolute the recognition that he is the son and heir of the Father in whose image and likeness he was created by realizing the mind of Christ he becomes one with the absolute And so we are created and I want to go on further to say that we are created in the spiritual image and likeness of God at all times God itself and so we become one with the absolute as we embrace the mind of what we call Christ consciousness and will be talking about that a little bit more you see the nature of spirit which is God and the nature of the human one and the same what is true in the macrocosm which is God the macrocosm is true in the microcosm which is our human self our human beings so a study of the absolute leads us into an awareness of the nature of the universe and man's relationship to the spiritual universe there in one becomes aware of core tenets which is one mind one God one power one presence one intelligence one life which governs and expresses in the body of our personal environments one. On one there's only one you see this idea of oneness is what we want to embrace that we are one with the presence that we call God Now the core concepts of the Science of Mind acknowledges that oneness of being is the operative source of all that exists now and Jean read to you some of the core concepts of science of mind early on in our program this morning but I want to go back to the very 1st one which is one this and what it says there is that God is the source of all that is and God is all that is now think about that let me back up and say that again God is the source of all that is and God is all that there is everything not some things but everything in the universe is made of God substance and is a unique individual lives expression of God Now think about that one more time because you see you my friend are an individualized expression of God Now we look also at another concept which is the tri you nature of God God if spread itself in 3 aspects spirit soul and body each human being also has the same 3 aspects Thus there is God as the macrocosm human beings as microcosm because God is all there is in the universe its power can be used by all humans to the extent that they recognize and align themselves with this truth and presence it can lead one into understanding our oneness with the universe and how one is able to apply that knowledge to personal spiritual growth and development and the issues of life. It facilitates ever growing and ever increasing awareness that through this unity the individual is more than the physical appearance presents now stop and think about that because a lot of times we will say that is what's inside of you is more important than the outer shell of you and that's exactly what we're saying here that the individual is more than limited and on condition in that which transcends any conceivable limitation or determination and unconditioned perfection we are all perfect just as we are the outer shell is perfect just as it is just as our inner self is perfect because you see this outer shell is what carries around the soul itself and that's a story for another sermon will do that in a few weeks but just to know that we are carried around by this physical body and it is perfect just as it is however that may appear to you I don't want you getting up in the morning and looking at yourself and saying Oh God another day no that's not it this is a wonderful day and I'm able to carry myself around looking as good as I can but anyway we'll talk about that but we are self existant were self-sufficient often we use this perfection as a synonym for God You see Truth is absolute and remains unaffected by the opinions by the desires or beliefs of other men and this is what truth is we can't allow my truth to be affected by something that you are saying to mean and what something something that somebody else you know what your truth is and your truth is being guided by that essence by that certain so. Something that's calling you to be so much greater then you appear to be you see Spirit is the absolute being if it is true it is the only thing in the universe which has self knowingness which has volition choice or will. Ernest Holmes right science is absolute knowledge in so far as the facts of science are demonstratable science is the knowledge of facts based on some proven precipice and he says this in The Science of Mind textbook on page 74 but with a proven principle you can rely on it doing what it says it will do for it has been tested through experimentation. now the question is how do you see the science of mine and the science of spirit expressing collaborative it bully and in unity in son aspect of your lie you see the science some bine employees mental thought in action such as perch retirement and you moving your feed sell the cyrus of spirit employs prayer treatment and realizing and releasing the faith inspirit the divine reality for of the outcome now let's talk about that for a minute i always say that when we do spiritual mind treatment it's kind of like a scientific there are i'm because is set up that way we have a purpose for what it is that we want to have happen we state put our purpose is and then we go through the steps which are the science the 1st step is recognition and then we want to unify ourselves that is we want to be totally aware of what it is that we are from are truly we are children of the universe we are god expressing and so therefore we are perfect hold an complete and we can speak our word with spiritual authority so we want to unify with that presence and then we have this idea of what we call realisation that is simply as i had a friend that with say speaking the truth in advance of the manifestation that's where the realisation concept comes in we speak our word reverend i could back in the day the old evangelist back then new thought evangelists i would like to call him he would say name at and claim it this is a step or you do this you name it in claimant and in you give thanks in advance for of the manifestation of this experience this experience and then you release it to the law for the law the creative law to do the worth the loss going to come in and And do the work once you totally release it you can't go back and stare and lift the lid on the pot and say is that cooking No because in that slow things down because then spear I don't want to say spirit is confuse because but spirit will say Say I wonder if she knows what she really wants she keeps testing the waters here so we don't want to stop the pot from boiling when to keep the lid on man but anyway we stop we release it giving thanks for and knowing that is the truth and then the reason that we know that spiritual mind treatment works because scientifically This can be replicated you see when scientists do their works to prove their theory they know that it can be replicated and done again and again and receive the results that they're looking for we're convinced it's spiritual mind treatment is scientific because we can't release it and know that it will take place again according to our beliefs and what it is that we want to manifest and so Spirit is the absolute being it is true it is the only thing in the universe which has self knowingness we said this already has bullish in and choice of will. Sell Science of Mind and the science of spirit do express and unity and in some aspect of your life and so as we employ this idea of spiritual mind treatment we know that as we release it in faith which is releasing it to Spirit it becomes a divine reality and we will know and experience our calm the science of the absolute into an understanding of our spiritual reality which is the allness and totality of being the truth and nothing but the truth and we will have unity with the infinite spirit of life and how to consciously. Use the spiritual realities to transform undesirable circumstances conditions and unacceptable situations by correctly applying the laws of life and nature to our personal lives it provides the avenue through which to remedy our problems caused by inappropriate actions and then we use it constructively to live successfully How does a practitioner of this teaching speak a word of power and what the practitioner can say is that I am perfect whole and complete it is in spirit that I live move and have my being and that this is said in the Bible in Acts the 17th chapter of the 28th birthday and then as you say this that I am perfect called and complete it is in a spirit that I live move and have my being then began to notice the personal changes that will start to happen for you and so through the power of the spoken word the law of mine acts upon these words and we are once again I want to emphasize that we are surrounded by a creative mind that receives the direct impress of our thoughts and acts upon them. Dr Holmes has written another article called an experiment in faith he says the greatest adventure in life would be an experiment with ourselves to see what we could actually do with this thing that is within us I invite you to discover what it is that is within you to discover this power and this presence that is within you and the discovery we want you to use spiritual principles to make this discovery such as affirming the truth. Positive prayer spiritual mind treatment meditation and visioning to climb into the depths of the Soul that is contained within your mind and use your imagination to image a desired idea and pay attention to the inspiration that fills your thought processes listen to and be guided by your intuition and have faith in that the Infinite Mind knows exactly how to do what needs to be done we invite you to also learn to understand the nature of conscious mind and the sub conscious mind in the universal and in the individual learning the truth of being to practice spiritual online men and learn how to effectively use the mind for everything is the mind and nothing moves within the My But intelligence you have an intelligence mind some people have been told that they're not too intelligent that's not true that is not true we are all intelligent so there is nothing to move but intelligence and through this adventure in self discovery learn to use this intelligence this substance of my poor and effect learn to control personal circumstances or create. Circumstances and know and experience the wealth of health and wholeness and how to experience freedom and you are invited also to learn the gifts and talents that you have that you personally have to contribute to this wonderful thing that we are in and we call it life and we often say that life is in session and it is in session and you are invited to participate. We want you to have ever increasing faith in the infinite Spirit we want you to trust in the law of life the law of love and in this thing that we call life. The science of the Absolute is about mind and the relationship of the human to the Divine the nature of the universe of spirit in the macrocosm which is God is the nature of the human in the microcosm Now think about that one more time the nature of the universe of spirit in the microcosm is the nature of the human in the MAC microcosm every person as a center of God Consciousness has the ability to use the power and presence of mind to design and build a successful life. The use of spiritual practices are highly encouraged for personal discovery for continuing growth in consciousness and these. Ideas these spiritual principles that we invite you to participate in are once again affirmative prayer stating your affirmations to meditate to a vision for what it is that you would like to accomplish to be mindful of everything around you and to express gratitude. And have this idea of giving that as you give social You re seen and to participate in what we call sacred service some east and traditions calls it save us but it is sacred service and to participate in this idea of forgiveness We'll talk more about forgiveness because that's a big one in time and today let us know that we speak a word of truth it is Spirit it is life giving We are the truth friends and nothing but the truth. Shall we say together and so it is and Into. Your hands and this is kind of what we have to do we have to. Do the work through our. Whole average that we do our treatment work and move our feet we pray and prayer. But then we have to work to manifest this and so we want you to remember that there is always that something that's calling us to do our greater You have to be and then once we do that we listen to the call and we have to surrender into your hands I surrender I commit my spirit and so this is what we're about Gene I believe you have some prayer requests for us this morning OK So please join with me now. As I recognize the source for good and that is of God that all of us flow from that divine source and we are one with it. And I know today for everyone I speak my word for that there's release of all negative thought and everyone is open and receptive to receive their good that there is no lack of want everything needed is here now and everything is manifest for the highest good in each person's life and I speak my word for it for June in family for Bryce for Mark Louis' stability for the planet. For Susan and family for 1000000000. With a Y. Patty with an eye for Marissa and rich. And all the people affected by Hurricane Dorian and everything that is needed is absolutely here and now. And manifest perfectly in each person's life. And for all of this I see thank you God knowing that this is done and I release my word. And so it is and so it perfectly is and we are absolutely thank for that for that we are privileged to pray for each and every one of these prayer requests we have a team of what we call prayer warriors and we share this information with them and they are praying with us as well so we invite you to go to our Facebook page leave a message there with any prayer requests that you have. Our monthly affirmation Jayne is I choose love this day love points me in the right direction let's say that together are writing OK I choose this day. Point me in the right direction and cell will say that I'll say that one more time and invite you to embody this idea and say it to yourself constantly during the week that will be just really great I choose love this day and love points me in the right direction so please be still with me for a moment and let us know that what has taken place here this morning has been good and very good and we're absolutely and wonderfully blessed as we understand that we are surrounded unconditionally by the love that is God We are grateful for this prayer this presence in our lives as it lives moves and has its perfect being moving in and through each one of us we give thanks for this great nation that we live in that we reside in we give thanks for the absolute beauty and wonder of the planet called Earth and we know that all of our world leaders are guided. By listening to the still small voice from within and making right and just decisions for the ongoing this and safety of everyone on planet Earth and it is for this that we give thanks knowing that the day that comes forth is already an idea in the mind of God and we just step into it and participate in it fully and with complete spiritual abandon knowing that we are supported by the love that is God and so it perfectly will see you next week people and so it is and so it is. The hour. Ensued Loma Linda temple to am one of 6.5 F.M. And now one of 2.3 F.M. . B.C. Sports radio one day. To Sunday game set to kick off about an hour or so from now as far as the actives in it actives years to go for your fantasy purposes Mark Ingram is active for the Baltimore Ravens as is Mark he's pretty good in practice on Friday might see some unlimited snatch Joe makes him an easy active for the bang goes job or dog could still take on the lead back to tease there though because mix in dealing with an ankle injury for the Giants wide receiver Sterling Sheppard is out with a concussion and wide receiver Cody Latimer is questionable with a calf injury on the defensive side of the football the chad wars will be without both aeonic and got away and A.J. Bouvier as well as safety Ronnie Harrison Joey Hayden is questionable for the Steelers Patriots will take on the Dolphins a big 18 to 19 point favorite down in Miami Antonio Brown is going to make a season debut Bill Belichick will. Asked on what he's seen from A.B.C. So far practices a long way to go obviously is not familiar with our office systems. So US Coast often switches. From their system to our system they are good as you know we have players to force and so I think that's so. Hard to get so speaking of baby according to reports he declined to sign a $2000000.00 plus agreement with his former trainer to settle a sexual assault allegation the N.F.L. Is set to meet with pretty tailor to morrow as a part of its investigation into the matter Major League Baseball games with postseason implications the Phillies host the Red Sox about an hour or so from now in the in the Twins Nationals host the Braves Atlanta clinching a postseason spot yesterday the Cubs host the pirates at 220 Eastern tonight the Mets host the Dodgers get all of your scores on the N.B.C. Sports scores app I'm Scott Seidenberg with N.B.C. Sports Radio. You're listening to it has been passed down from one generation to another from our ancestors whose call to teach and preserve our native culture is carried on today we invite you and your family to join us in celebrating this legacy at California native american day Friday September 27th 6 pm on the campus of Cal State San Bernardino enjoin evening under the stars with California Indian people and experience traditional native food music in the arts this free family event is brought to you by the salmon while Band of Mission Indians and Cal State San Bernardino This is James Ramos of the Salmon Well Band of Mission Indians. There's something popping up in Redlands and the word is moving lawn lot to get ready it's a twice yearly pop up shop that helps over $650.00 local families sell their children's outgrown items all on consignment prices range from 15 to 90 percent off retail cost clothing shoes baby equipment such as stroller swings toys books which are where furniture basically anything pertaining to kids and friends until the mood in the price city center for most items are gently used to go through a quality check through a law is open with free admission starting Thursday September 19th all the way through Saturday September 21st Saturday will be a discount day for most remaining items at Mooloolaba will be an additional 50 percent off the ticket price W W W MU la la boutique dot com The move is located in the southwest quadrant of the tri city center for the $10.00 and a to 10 meet in Redlands and you'll say moving la la. 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Promulgated under the Securities Act of 1033 gold mining is a high risk business all investing in securities involves risk purchasing the stock may result in the total loss of your investment but timber 11th is a day Americans should never forget let's remember those who lost their lives and those who continue to serve to protect their lives this elude is from one stop shop construction and restoration in San Bernardino serving the area with quality and pride specializing in bathroom remodeling cabinetry purpose and more for more information on my own 95126173 S 909-512-6173 that's one stop shop construction and restoration on the air thank you our 1st responders for their service.

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