Even. a brawl in your hearts not to meditate if all you as are proud would give your mouth and will do which all your adversary shall not be able to gain share go against or oppose the words however. Holy. You shall be betrayed both by Penn. Brotherhood and can folks friend someone you show they cause to put their bet you're still here and of all men provide a name say a Deshawn not a hair of your head perish in your patience make up your mind you'll be and their over to your parents your brothers your rose give your friend some of you who will cost to reported that everyone will hate you because and they stand firm and you will save your self or God being your patient in the insurance you will gain salvation for your soul this is a brother stay or. Other to get alone. Here in my house. In this place of solace to at the gates of hell looking out for the gates of heaven. 50 some years of my life I preached the lead to Jesus the Christ was nice. And now I find out more that he believes in a boy's not believe in a we're going to try them we kind of restate because. But he will never forsake. Never to a us never did I've come or gave us come this is the day the Lord has made that the words I'm on my hope and the meditation of my heart my brother be not masters or many that are knowing that we shall receive the greater context Oh yes. Many men we are poor and many things we offend all yet any man said not were the same as a perfect man and a book also to bridle the whole body we put a bit in the orses Now there may obey of and we turn about their whole body behold also the ships which So the so great are driven affairs with yet are they concerned about with a very small help either so I will come just a little better for. Both the great pains the old how great a matter of a little fire killed our done this done that I was not yesterday trying to show me how successful they were in their misery and the tongue is of fire a whole world of iniquity souls that come among our members that it be part of the whole body and set a going farther course of nature and said own power by hell. You know really kind of beast where it's serpent thing jealousy is tamed and I've been Cain by mankind the tongue no man can play and it's about really evil full of deadly poison that are always blessed with God Even the Father and therefore we curse with men which are made after the still to God of the same out the seal blessing and cursing my brother. He sings ought not to be . Thought of found consent for at the same time sweet water and better than the fig tree my brother. Bear Oh bury it bind figs so can no found both salt water and pray who was her eyes met the wise will endure it who was a wise bet and adored with knowledge among you that if you are a good conversation his works will make this a Wisdom but as you have better and be a stripe in your hearts glory not lie not against truth this was in the Senate not from above but earth essential and deadly pollution bitterness strife were envious tribe is there is confusion and every evil work but the wisdom of sperm above is pure peaceable gentle even to be in truth full of mercy good fruits without partiality without hypocrisy all but I for these are the lords a lesson to be overcome are the words of this wise man. That you might be able to stand in this last hour. So maybe you are still trying to figure out where I'm just calling what I have do is promise to God They all know my friend what is happening in your life and my I did a. Talk about in the Bible as tribulation persecution chastisement which God had begun and to purify you perfect you Perry you stand in the presence of a true and holy God on that final day of just. Congregates of service may oh god no heart to day try me always say I. Know my thoughts I pray. To. The Me I'm awake it. Is Mary. Coloe and. Probably in a bridge soon. Set me free in the process all her make me free to stand in that great day of the Lord my email address is the last time l.a. Asked. Me last time. Over come on this tree or deep I contact phone number is us call 180-370-1505 extension 3 outer garment every day a week in this house and by recuperating from the attack on my heart. I didn't press my way because I know it was I missed 7th service which we have every Saturday morning at 10 o'clock right here in candy candy South Carolina and anybody and everyone is welcome the press your way and attend service was us here at the time. I came over and my body was quite worn out was quite heavy my spirit was. Going to be encouraged because a lot stretcher they gave me strength then I received an email from one of our sister to both Astaire I read through Romans 8 today and you preach from Burma just Verse 3 the saddest service president following verses of this chat drink a water at the events of this day which was very unusual because this day my son and I would sing for years and spoke quite harsh worst hate and were partly true if boy left I was moved by I want to say tell your story and I did for all those things he felt I heard him in the hills and rightly so repent just a straight. Face he is not in the flesh but in the spirit prophet I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us all the Revelation of Jesus Christ for we know what we do know all these work together for good to lend a love god to them who are the call according to a purpose as in call. From my mother's woe. Was a sour one with your one who is also the predestinate with the intent to become born to the image of the sun which of whether or not rain. The Rim I've been a firstborn among many brothers Moreover he who has predestined i then they also called home a cult and they also justify it with just a pipe and they also worry. Over when it comes to big or life what shall we say the various things God before us who can be a guest. Bed now is own son the real person all our show he not with him also freely give us all things who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect the god back that just. Who is either condemned. Christ died. Rather that is risen again who was even at the right hand of God who also Michael in the self brought us who shall start with us the love of God for tribulation distress hope I have persecuted for and then make it a personal source as written with I say queer killed all the very little. Heat for the slaughter they and all these they were more than Congress to or the love thus God I am pretty sure it is death or life. Or Angel principalities powers things present nor 30 to come I the word that or any other creature show be able to separate us for the love of God which is in question he says he will never leave us and never for sake of he will not come between us. And that's the truth and the hail them all their brother stair I want to live here for they. Last time overcome this tree. Orgy on brother Jason lace I'm pretty brothers tear would you pray for a miracle concerning the health of my mother asked God to allow or to walk again. To resume her life and all say to put a kind to ask me to pray for a prayer like death because that's where to choice we're on that. That's one reason why I request God so I'll be urged to pray for people just like that Jason I do pray for your mother that he will have a miracle. Cure rise up again walk glorify God or that what he has done great boaster the one right a very sick Yes Lord I mean a miracle can give Christ I can hardly eat or drink and is it. My body because we can malnourished I don't know he really can hear me completely We just pray together like your brother Jesus Christ have each hand upon your ministry and all who with you. In the spirit of unity of love and all I call upon the name. The Lord who our brother got raised about all this world and that of others who are clearly suffering and suffering because they continue to hold. To the promise of just what we are here one of the most glorious verses Holy Bible all thank God that we were in this rich. Old. Low that I wish above all things that you prosper. Me in health as your soul prosperous Heavenly Father help us to prosper seriously then we will see the result physically mentally emotionally so they the whole men will find a hearing or friend of mine just. Know I just sent me a interesting note. That last week today is a memorable today is Monday that last week the Minnesota Twins the baseball Minnesota to insult abraded pride night no one in the world as professional sports team had to celebrate that nonsense with it reminds me of all the stupid parades and stuff like that pride parades when I was a or wrote a really interesting as a us reverse mind. They look on their faces the look on their faces testifies against them they parade their sim like Saddam they do not even the height of the world to them and it's interesting that Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because of this whole homo sexual thing and today what are we doing just that I didn't know so you knew about that goodbye is one reason. I am. Having. To continue to broadcast around the world. Is another why good talking to you people need to listen to fellows talk about the time we're in the days of solitude tomorrow this is the last time the Bible tells us as the word Days are started so shall it be in the day that Christ is about to appear and that same day and those same day you talk about measure time the same day the Gaga Libert lot from the coming destruction in some was about the same date later in Delavan we are in that day and that day is not going to be proper long Jesus Christ is common No said you are walking around fussing about what's going on in the world the thing that's happening on this earth is happening and because God spoke it in time and now is going to fulfill time and bring it to the time of the coming of the war de grace you are listening to the overcomer to one voice cries in the world are those prepare you go away of the Lord make your crock at best raise little problem get out of the silly get out of debt get out of charges please on the wrath to come. Because it is coming the day of the war is good and it is not. Thank you this morning on the telephone. I just want to let the readers know that I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to read these verses for its king 93 I have our this house which style has. Put my name there forever in my eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually and then share my ass. This is a wonderful For Yes small numbers that escape to so our children turn out of the land of Egypt into the land of Juda and all the remnant of Judah that are gone into the land of Egypt just so sharing our hang out there shall know that there shall know whose word shall stand mine or their. Stance God is rich seeing men through all those who hope to stand for Jesus in the end got bless you brother scare. Gobblers your sister Those words are very vital the remnant go through the small part that was just to let go of the rest of his going to be literally why don't the God God preserve our job sell a rabbit and buy it probably God brought the whole masses of Israel out of the well by Prabhat God preserve the rabbit measured Delavan. Code that is brought jazz here what does. The sober and be good for your administering the devil is truly moving quickly making war what does dies come a dollar on the earth because because because big God who know. But are sure God. Hi Brenda this incident. I meant to him how. I got blown a bone was wrenched in my shoulder and I'm not a cause to say I was a pain or nice. And cared for him. And was surely going to give it to me because. I take on a pin and she already biomechanics and said she should take a look couldn't tell I shouldn't get. Like she was getting these subpoenas I really kind and then. She took the ensample and I got the about time because I see here is an. Irony she's going to that pain there's no way for me. She said to you give me some for stronger but I doubt it now and honey please please pray for me that my child God bless your sister been praying for you since you start going a few days ago we know you're in the right type situation right help them your friends or people around about you. Push you to the so-called solution by the world God just set this sister free from the pay. The drugs whatever they use help her not heart mind to be strong show yourself don't call her by delivering her by the power of your spoken word in Jesus' name amen. I bless you but I don't I want to lay my head on your butt sometimes and I was thinking about that the other day when it crowned and I had thought about it just before if I didn't act on you on your faith and now. That I just met my match you know you're going to hear I am and I'm doing it because. You represent Florida you know the Lord in our midst and I'm not exaggerating about measure but. Giving you the rightful honor Dave you know I was thinking about how your judgment 1st begin to educate and how we're waiting for that 2nd. Of the 3 favorites when you were saved and healed and when you were healed I have to start where you try to stare and we're waiting for our interaction we know it's going to be between you've got to be strong to Laurin Sydney end and even though your power flashes the cane and we don't see it and you know it. We go to the spirit of Christ and you think it's going to cooking I want to buy anything you can finish your courses and I just wanted to not encourage you and keep you warm the funny that you so much Fred Astaire you know you know how much I'm so grateful and just a humble thank you can help help me to keep going Doreen if you. Want to be with you you know I want it in Christ I don't understand it but I understand it so and I mean so much I bless you from day here make it plain to watch this mysterious God of the blood and unity and one in the spirit as we stop or to gather in the realm of spiritual battle against our adversary God bless you Sister you be strong go hold perhaps as your. Country will rise or fall but together we suffer together we know reign with head together Come war games with come. Yes. Go Vermont and route a 100 when hearing loud and clear. Read it make you feel wonderful messages every night. Nothing but adoration for you. And a whole anybody can sing that about. People who are people call me me when I'm a prophet of God No Just last. To tell me one again. And. Is on a level he said and the only downer well. They move r.j. Steering and. Listen you for many years. That 'd is putting too many trials and tribulations including someone stealing all the money that my father rode in a $100000.00 when you died and. People found a way to do it I have a disabled brother right to care for many years financially and my dad had the money. He lost his car returning and some evil person she took the money from acquaintances is horrible. Counselor closed in my car for 6 months. Work for minimum wage and not. People. That's just his brother's day or I'm sitting here in my house I've been in this house for almost 2 weeks I don't go out of the house then the rest of their physical attack I'm not for her sister's watching wrath and I pray always for what God would have made to do. I don't know of my words main any think anybody but my words if you listen to them saturated with the Spirit of God They're meant to bring spirit and light to spiritual life not physical life he that Sister save his own life shall lose it what are we who profess to be God's people when are we really going to blame what God said someone said to me could you explain what tribulation Jesus told of the Apostle Paul doors in this life the one that you and I are now to the in this play as you shall have persecution or tribulation the Word of God goes on and says through much tribulation show you enter in to the king you'll have to scratch it goes on and says that through great tribulation these are they we came out of the great tribulation so what is tribute relation is simply events happening circumstances situations that try your fate do you understand that. Faith this is the decree that all recover the tribulation event your fate and the trial of your faith is more precious than gold you'll be able to romp keep hoping in the United States in your family in your money in your own health and your own tank and you don't trust in God I would come to do one of our brothers Well it's good to told me years ago in vain shall tell you whose men these medicines the how shall not be cured Have you ever read that do you believe that this is a door to God saying in vain self valued many medicines a lot of food health a boat take your vitamins but that will not bring you healing and then just tell you many medicines that are shall not be cured another pleasure says health and wealth are the gift of God Now what is God's help and well. Oh come on we don't believe God because of your don't believe God's Word His word is settled yet change and he can say I don't and that's what tribulation that is trying your faith in God's Word and God said and God sent us God through much tribulation shall you and to rid killed Archangel. May God grant your ears to hear hard to perceive a spirit to adore and say to overcome this is Brother stair. Well you respond to me what ever you are able. To see a lot more Linda listen 110-5102 point 3 f.m. And 106.5 f.m. . Medical scientists worldwide are encouraging people to eat more fish most American diets are low in cold water fish that are abundant and important omega 3 oils d h a and the e.p.a. 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They all workers they all workers at this the Amazon Walmart and the fast food industry the the owner then they go standing up and fighting for a living wage all that at least $15.00 and our law and the right to how they Union her own they all the young people taking on the fossil fuel industry and demanding policies that transform our energy system and protect our planet from the ravages of climate change or her own they are women who refuse to give control of their bodies to local state or federal politicians who overheard a are people of color and they are allies demanding an end to stem the.

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