Year 2008 is a leap year therefore one day has been added at the end of February to bring the calendar year into balance with the solar year rather David tells us from his knowledge of witchcraft that which is an occultist believe it is a year of great or power or year of greater power as time becomes balanced a year of greater power as time becomes balanced with the astral plane as is far above the average man's understanding but not above dollars who follow the occult every leap year is a presidential election year in the United States it is also a year when you live because hell with all the pagan worship of false gods and goddesses this is when the sacred is ignited on Mount Olympus by rays from the sun. To high priests just a whole gent high in the air the torch in travels around the world and finally arrived fish here at its destination in rich honor then this torch is huge to light to secret cauldron out the beginning of the Olympic Games we you know the Bible know that nothing brings around the God upon a people more quickly than Dish grows defiant idolatry remember all of the children as you're made of gold in Canada our infuriated God Wow that's what men are doing today they are saving we are lowers their own college many strange things are taking place in our land today weather pattern storms raining again today about that tornado out dare not watch dovish game. That's the demonstration of power of God to destroy what is God willing to make it our know how prepared vessels fit it prepared to be destroyed that's exactly what are you doing with the whole world has been yet allowing it given up on it I let it go let them go on in their absolute silence and rebellion and then he will destroy them in a final move against Satan and all of his cohorts on December 22nd 2007 the day of which is subject of fuel new Hindu temple were dedicated in Sugar Land Texas this Texas community was the gathering place over 1000 Hindu as sure you have solved the new temple to get dedicated to Lord Shiria the snake god it was dedicated right here in the state of Texas. Tonight just how to become a stronghold for the Hindu religion where there's devil worship described or disguised as harmonic prayer services so right David this is definitely a unification of the religions and it's never before had been seen and there is a common acall thread running through the mall on the some of the 11th 2007 the Vatican the word that it came means beginning nation in classical or is it God so I shall not you know David I'm sure glad you let me know about that with the word Patty Kim the word Vatican means. Given a nation in classic in Classic. That is really shocking how they use a great herd shot your word that it can means do the nation good classic planet they light it did 90 foot Christmas tree in St Petersburg where it. Was an unusual 8 point didn't die are. Born star has always represented the 8 which is Sabbat and history and an occult symbol on a summer 22nd 2007 there which is so that if you will former British Prime Minister Tony Blair left to charge of England and converted to Roman Catholicism and all British prime minister has ever done this before Mr Blair is known quite well for is devotion to the new age your cult then on January 3rd 2007 to Vatican to now. That it will hold meetings with Moslem leaders around the world of the time of the aqua Knox the got it going to fissures and all of us of interreligious dialogue will endeavor to bring Christian and Moslem leader to gather dirty value that common ground of belief in One God and they they do worship the Sangakkara the God of battle that God the God who is the other God God One True God Wow We're going to see a unity take place in Jerusalem and on the temple mount between curative zoom and Roman Catholicism and Muslims as they combine together to bring about that image of the beast that. Preception of a one where religion that all men everywhere will be required to worship you want to keep your eyes on Jerusalem things are moving a lot faster than most of us can ever believe in addition to that on January the 10th 2008. 1000000000 don't predict how a man began work on a motion to just as Galbraith to charge your doing this which separate the church and state in England the number this is reduces ironic how blessed David is keeping his eyes and ears open to a number of the registry that fish show motion was motion number 666 Wow Well here we have it friends out of emerging upon a site prayed in the strong and powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ as we conclude this segment of broadcasting today I want to remind you that we are now coming to the spring season of the year for the spring feast days the 1st one is coming up very so. 40 or 45 days and it is called the feast or the pass over followed by the days of on 11 great to dates are around April 19th through the 26 Passover is scheduled for the 19th and April the 20th and 26th to schedule for the Feast of Unleavened Bread now we're going to be more accurate on that as time goes on because we again are going to I'm sure the moon. Showa wrote me to danger bro the stare I'm deeply moved that we are going to see a tremendous move of God It passed over while we can concur with that. Down through the years we have watched God make a move every past show some of the motion tragic drastic moves of God to bring the elect closer to him and to secure them more and to cast doubt on his kingdom all things that have banned took place and take place at Passover remember the Passover the cheater had yet to preserve our Lavin and expose the one for Trejo which in your midst. Her will saying Ha dear geezers out that glorious commemoration of Passover say to his disciples one of you will be trading house over had been a time of portray o. Every stage Jesus implemented it has always been true he is worthy of our praise our admonition in our love your brother stair gentleman writes is a wonderful and godly ideal to invite list as a calling to your show being and I don't have a show brother I hope you people will be your be transformed with your minds and stop treating this like a shallow I'm not putting on of our show I'm sure the listeners were wide will benefit from this opportunity Well if you will please extend this opportunity even if you decide to lessen it all in time period for everyone who calls with foolishness there are hundreds and thousands who benefit from your wisdom really not too many brother I guess you people are never going to get it are you if you there read it find a few b.s. What are your feelings on the pope's coming u.s. Visit and Bush's terrorism please add to this question on your radio show well I don't think you're going to get an answer my friend because I don't have all radio show and I've told you hundreds of times that I don't have opinions I prigged bring to you the Word of God This you've given to me and asked the reason why most of you folk never never receive anything because that's 2 way you treat it as my opinion so therefore you don't have to take heed to it you know it's just my opinion and you don't need to listen to one man's opinion you know that air says doctors because there are. God bless you brother stair I missed it the sister hurt your sense I had my Internet back on and everything that the kids yourself mad at me is because I wouldn't go to the doctor when the medicine but I'm doing past and 30. Years with a single issue. God bless you mother just where you pray for you know it's not just children turn off the Internet because you won't go to a doctor not just racially her husband their father went to the doctor went to the hospital and you die. Because God is keeping her alive I wonder time comes to die she'll die easier suffering Lord and quench the fear in our hearts and continue to give her faith in the strong and powerful name all the Lord Jesus Christ so man's full John Doe's of our own household why anybody who loves us we seek to keep us from hearing the Word of God that covers your heart and strengthens your face. Very difficult to understand but you're doing it you're doing service. For every other purpose they're called press your last purpose. To. Carry. Further reference guide through the pier. Where the right to cry of the pure after right. Here brother there good. For them. Where you would keep your. Coming there is our past. Present or prophets past Tory to school call me. Given a check on the bin listened to you on a cell phone through the night and go to go where I think we're able to still do that hear the words that we need again in this last time a man we just praise our God that we've been chosen prophets go to but just said they're thinking and that was in the turned a limitation to chapter 3 from a just read the Scriptures a cut in spark me this I recall to my mind therefore have I hope it is of the Lord do not consume because his compassions fail him up there are new every morning great is that I faithfulness the Lord is my portion save my soul therefore will I have hope in Him the Lord is good in the way in that way for him to the soul that seek Him It is good that a man should both hope quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord thank the Lord prophet that he is faithful to show stills mercies every morning glory to God We just want to call you keep in touch with you with great God strength the boy knew this day probably even be talking to you in writing to you a man God bless you met your pastor tie reopens in your high or how dollars will deliver its all you precious brothers and sisters within a 10250 miles on out Make it your business to move by the Spirit of God to be with Pastor gyrate you can actually go there I spent some time with him on Saturday a Saturday night service maybe or whatever but for sure with him on Sunday drink in his heart and let him strength in yours there you your high or out the house of Deliverance already listening on the. Telephone what a unique thing is taking place where the cell phone. You can hear oh god about this is the overcomer minute runs day I'd like to give you a new special dial up telephone number that you could call and you can listen through the overcomer on your cell phone or on any phone that you so desire hears it over your call it is a long distance call so if you can call when you're not being charged for a long distance you could just listen for hours and hours the phone over your dial is 712-432-7250 all you're doing just dial that number and you'll be connected right through the overcomer broadcast directly from this radio room as it doesn't anywhere in the world your pick up your telephone you dial 712-432-7250 Now remember that's all digits go straight you got to dial one or not the u.s. 171-243-2725 extension 0 just call that number and you'll automatically be connected directly to the overcomer radio broadcasts another service I got a job or dock for people to hear in almost on usual way just take your telephone you could put a little bigger to the output on there if you like or listen to it anywhere you like any time a day 7 days early call right now 171243272 guys you God bless you all right now saw your brother's dare I am sending an offering to help the last day promise to get the word out. I was sitting in about the 3rd row in the House of deliverance on Sunday my name is Jerry but you knew that already you said we did not get excited my spirit shook our stood on the mountain and I lay in the pit I heard in the spirit I prayed in a spirit and give thanks to his dear God bless you and. Keep giving you the strength to bring the message to the world I'll bet you're Jerry good to have you and we're so thankful that God enabled me to come and be with you there and Jane Ohio listen here and pay attention not as a true as we talk you constantly hear on this overcomer radio broadcast on this overcomer radio broadcast continuing some more with the newsletter. Commenting on brother David Maher's comments David Marr is a former which being saved by the grace of God a preacher of the gospel and he understands Satan's devices because he spent many years in witchcraft if you'd like to contact David and ash prompted newsletter o't Office Box 8 oceanic Beaver Dam Wisconsin by 3916 or you can locate him on the internet last trumpet Ministries dot org wars and rumors of wars and distress of nations also seems to be the order of the day u.s. Bush wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are now costing 700000000000 dollars each month and there is still no end in sight. On the summer 20th 2007 the Pentagon called for an additional 74000 soldiers to fight these and other potential wars Meanwhile former top u.s. Commander in Iraq who Genet General Sanchez issue the following statement I read and I quote The Bush administration's catastrophic failure in leadership of the Iraqi war has mire do us in a night March conflict with no clear way out there has been a clear airing on fortunate display of an incompetent should teach leadership within our national leadership how that came from the u.s. Top commander in you in Iraq Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez That was a quote There has been a glaring on fortunate display of a conference get to a huge leadership within our national leaders while. It's interesting to note says David that a strong resistance to go Bush administration has arisen in Vermont in Brattleboro Vermont there is a petition in the works for the arrest and indictment of George w. Bush and Dick Cheney for war crimes if there ever came to that area it's no joke incidentally Vermont is the only state that President Bush has never visited the beginning of the new year has brought forth increased activity in a presidential campaign. David says I must point out that very strange spiritual forces are at work in these campaigns in the Iowa caucus Hillary Clinton was a big loser after finishing in 3rd place every analyst and expert without exception declared that she was finished. The news media ran with this story and no one thought she could revive it and move forward Hillary's hug been former President Clinton was solo in rage ad about a group Obama won the Iowa caucus that he Obama's car shocked reporters watched as Bill took a key and put a long deep stretch in borrow a bomb car 11 witnesses said that Bill Clinton was wide eyed as he twittering his keys and said You ain't seen nothing yet this is outright that who is and perhaps he is feeling the same spirit of the structure that he and Hillary fell during their rabble rousing hippie days of the 1960s revolution Well today this is our day fairway 2nd and this song mysterious movement here we find that mysterious Clinton is right there running head to head with Iraq Obama and today on this day Mr Romney has. The Mormon gentleman has pulled out of the race and there's Palin name McCain is front runner in the Republican nomination push each on the Democratic shy react to a woman. And the 1st black American one of the 2 will be the nomination whether any of the become president is yet to be seen as to true Accords or certain high level which colons in California Hillary Clinton is a 4th level which David my writing who is a former witch and understands which crowd he says I do not gallery because she has all the characteristics of that right after huge loss in Iowa something tragic happened in Sioux City Iowa on the night before the New Hampshire primary on January the 8th 2008 the sushi Journal newspaper and The Associated Press reported that e-mail which was caught after killing 2 young girls in a ritual that turned out to be a human sacrifice Kendra suing 10 and live in a show suing 8 were dead and Lars Douglas powers cure or Sr was arrested although witchcraft. He admitted to doing this while casting Spec Ops suddenly everything turned around for Hillary Clinton she became a big winner in New Hampshire and it was reported that women voters gave her a victory margin out 13 percent 38 percent to Washington Post speech really short profound headline for the Hillary Clinton victory story the 2 words headline was she lips Wow On the 11th day of January 2008. Rooters new sheriff reported death Mexico's grand warlock predicted that Hillary Clinton would be the next president of the United States. Call for shoes are at work and only Almighty God can stop him and I don't know if he really wants to do that because it's been given on to shape. To make more with the Saints and we're all be on to the in how do you know the earth forsaken has come down on to you a woman scorned nothing like a fury of a woman and. She been scorned left and right and yet she still moving forward towards president nomination of a woman with no likelihood of becoming pretty that's an interesting thing I've been praying about Jack and thinking about. That woman already God say about that religious Tanner out here called a willing. Another a cult John regarding Hillary Clinton says David Meyer is dead it had been 30 teen years since she made her flashy debut regarding a national health plan she has she now has a health plan which would require every American to have health insurance in the same way that they must have car as yours tax credit will be given to. Cost one more thing must be noted about the coal powered victory of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire we know that the American flag consist of 30 key alternating red and white stripes. A groupie over in the upper left corner and 50 white Cornish stars with one point and 2 points down Hillary Clinton's celebrate her success in New Hampshire by suspending giant American flag on the wall of her campaign headquarters this flag had all of 50 of its y. Stars or Paktika tentacles with 2 points up and one point down I had never seen such a flag before said David Meyer as a former occultists I immediately recognized that fish had to cope with 2 points up is a symbol of the goat meat is. The Horned Hunter of the night this symbol is also using Freemasonry. Andie Easterns Dr it is one of the most powerful symbols in both witchcraft and satanism Wow reading from David Marsh newsletter David sure doesn't actually job being a fear of God admonishing us David is a former witch who had been born of the Spirit he is able to tell us because he is not ignorant Satan's devices you'd like to get a computer you just write to the Last Trumpet ministry. Box. Beaver Dam which caution I 3916 Be sure to send an offering when you write you help brother David with the publishing of this last drop a newsletter you may also go to a last trumpet Ministries dot org The Lord bless you you are listening. For the overcomer radio broadcast and you're listening to the match and you read the company Jesus said I will come again and the coming of the Lord is drawing show very very near and you're listening to the prophet who's proclaiming alerting and seeking to prepare all for the coming of the Lord come for Jesus. Again the word of the Lord game on for me saying Son of Man speak to the children of my people and say unto them when I bring the sort of on the land if the people of the land take a man of their coasts and set him for their watchman if when you see that the sword come upon the land you blow the trumpet and warn the people. Then whosoever hear of the sound of the trumpet then take a small warning if the sword come and take him away his blood still be of on his own head he heard the song of the trumpet. And took not warning his bombshell be upon him but he that taketh warning to live it is so. I guess is not a day that I don't come and I speak to you our listeners and I'll say to you don't you listen to me why don't you hear what I should say how come you don't do it so why Jesus Christ you know asked the same question he should How is it that you don't hear my speech how come you don't understand what I'm saying is it because you don't. Hear my words as a unique question huh I mean you're hearing my words and you still don't understand what I'm saying the Lord Jesus Christ you know he actually asked her his own question yes he did he said is it not because of your father the Devil you're listening to the spirit of this world you're paying homage and hearing the things that have to do it does lie and you don't hear the truth when it's spoken amazing how with that in mind I want you to listen to a question that just came in from a man down somewhere I believe it's in New Orleans or somewhere and I'm I just start my heart because he's asking the question as your answer Oh good hundreds of times why don't you hear me you think maybe brother that you'll hear me now maybe we shut out all the other voices and all the other spirits being tossed to and fro by every Windows Dr Will you hear what their spirit is saying and then you will know the truth and the truth will make you free. Rather promise and really understand said that word of warning if Webster could address has been a long line with where we spoke with service leave so loses his grip on the wrist and step on the server apple then the sales were never thrown. When I was gone all along they had a bad back back of their services several bags and there were people on the bird longer than all but all people and I think a little known exactly. Of the 7 level classes will still dress for spreading their research where will the crabs hopes to lose all with a hole in a letter that has a jesus name on them now the Bible tells us that not everyone not j.s. Lord Lord is going to enter into the kingdom of heaven the Bible says that many false prophets would come and many would follow them the Bible says certain men were their glasses and their evangelistic approach will come with there are new shoes ways and deceit matter. What you have is done manifestation time deception was deceiving many how come you have heard me say that before wrong is doing that lead us to destruction and mandate Joe go there in. The Strait is the gate and Nairo is the way that lead it to life everlasting and few there be that find that job doesn't matter is they are gathering the tears they are putting them in abundance and they are going to be burned in the fire of destruction just tell me I shall go more coming where $10.00 in just the cents to x e Q judgment upon all day on coffee for that on godly deeds that day have on oddly committed. Turn off your t.v. Stop listening Joe those apostate ministries. Giving vent to the spirit of this day each love not the world nor the things you well know separate yourself on to the Lord your God in obedience and sanctification the day of the Lord had make ready. For this is there yesterday to Voice of the last day prophet God help us to make ready for the coming of the Lord brothers. I have not listened to you might have met up late. But since I've heard you I like what I hear I hear more of it I think I'll just call you again when maybe I can talk to you but for right now I appreciate it I'll write a letter thank you and May the Lord richly bless you all right now you can hear day or night if you make an effort just a simple you know we broadcast postulate to all generation and around the world listen to the call from. Our dear brothers from God bless you run by bless remember status with remember Brett Emerton Mark. Experience and also for all problems in their life at the moment but they will. Remember this is a boomer responded. As I said then this government commit agreement about their religion. I said Well sir I am president we regret about ourselves we haven't got them all regret that many Christians left the lab as a last prophet is the only country. It was after I was mad to do so and i told us that the same. Sentiment read. They come and read them about my. Work I remember but not everything Several said chancer better stay last paragraph and I said you weren't going to last a crap and then recap everyone I met. God bless clever man I. Go much given it's given no man can receive going to dig from God the Father expected to get a job. God bless you brother received the prophet and you will receive a non profit reward and the reward of this profit you're listening to is the profound message. Of the end of the age and the end of the world and the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ I will send my messenger polls you're wrong brothers dare I say something I'll have to face won't I suppose I'm right what are you going to do you see if I'm wrong I'll be the only one this white out and taken away but if I'm right most of the world will be destroyed and Jesus is coming. I cannot explain to you to your intellect why I believe but believe I do thank you Lord Come Lord Jesus come did you know that don't Bible tells Josh and all my Yahweh he said he would appoint on to you terror you know he warned us that there is a place of habitation that will deliver us from the terror you find all in. Songs $91.00 the Bible tells us that the end times would be marked with earthquakes pestilence and famines Just a thought of them smites our heart with care I was listening to a prophet the other day who prophesied there would be a famine in America he said he was told by God in a vision that America would be going hungry and he said How do you tell that to Americans you expect them to believe that a famine just a thought of that care right because we have become people of great abundance in eating Who ever thought or believe that we would do without our famine is coming to America a long time ago I spoke and told you that there would be bread lines in America gave it works in writing a book many many years ago one of them was call running to judgment. In other words cause said the trumpet to the mouth. David wrote Shambo votes never very timely in water when he talked about the famine in America how. All the millions of pets now we spend millions of dollars are going to feed there will not be any thing to feed those animals after Wow let alone people and the dogs and cats and a peace that we have in our homes will turn ferocious and turn on each other in turn on humanity being attacked by packs of wild hungry dogs I think was a way David works eroded in the book you say that a never happened you people have any idea what hunger dollars to the human body and to the human mind and the. Battle for survival in humanity I take become like natural brute beasts I was just reading a word from the Lord here were Jesus sad these things have I spoken on to you that you should not be offended or upset they should put you out of the synagogues Yea the time cometh that whosoever killed it you will think he do it God's service kill the people of God to saints destroy them martyr them and Allah say they are doing God of service you can see that King being fulfilled with Mr Bush and powers it be with the war in Afghanistan and Iraq and places like out in many other parts of the were all enjoy loving and in Judea as they are killing people and they say they're doing God's service that God is sent in to do it the Muslims are killing same they're serving their God Jesus said Remember I told you these things these things will they do onto you why be cause they have not known the Father nor me I was reading a little bit more of this in John Chapter 16 and Jesus talked about when the Holy Ghost would come he would reprove the word our sin. And I looked down there and I thought what Sid and he says of the Syrian because they believe not on me Wow Now it's decision that God is going to destroy mankind because they refuse Here's message of redemption and his method of salvation famines pestilence earthquakes I think I read the other day and David Marsh newsletter that in the last 30 gate there was over 300 earthquakes of 4 or above throughout the whole world 300 of them and we had just terrible tornado that swept through the nature and a devastating news of it has gone as far as India I heard from a deer during over there that we have help in in India she was concerned are you all right brother stair we heard of her almost arms what you think is going to be the aftermath of this could get political process do we got setting up as they are throwing our money away abundantly as a nation you understand why because our dollar is losing its value and we are going to see an economic collapse and a very good purpose of it would be the very cost of food famine why the price of peak oil is famine that's a news headline of all of the regions of the world. Face the risk of famine over the next 3 years I can't tell you how many times I've read some of the thing concerning pestilence and earthquakes and famines and they narrow it down to a magnification of the next 3 years are we about to embark on the final 1390 days are we about to embark 290 days are we about to see the revelation of the Man of Sin hope overall mission coming to the United Nations to speak to all the nations of the world and does a 2nd piece will rise up and use all the power of the new art or whereis as generally wanted it to be at the United Nations why does this content take who believes he rules in palaces in the King's chambers and in every part of man's life what do you think he's fiction on doing is going to be very interesting one of the things you will find out that in every country. In every place around the world where the Catholic Church is a predominant religion of servitude and people who aren't sure that counts because Mary and I don't they live in poverty almost every Catholic nation in the world where Catholicism plays a major part in intertwines in the government process they live in poverty Philippines Haiti Dominican Republic. Down in South America Dick general population of people who live in poverty while the paf u.s. Roman Catholic Church is a wealthiest organization on the face of the earth having probable readers of the world faced a risk of famine over the next 3 years as rising energy costs spill over into a food crunch we have never been out a point in commodities where we are today he said Jeff Curry banks a commodity chief who closely watched our oil as it rises although oil output have been stagnant for 4 years now failing to keep up with rapid demand from Asia and the Middle East China imports of rolls 40 percent last year and bio fuel from grain oil sheen and sugar are broadening to get what they're trawling away from food supply at a time when the world is adding more than 70000000000 miles to feed every year China is terrified of their current situation how do you feed all these people the key is to go agriculture try to grow up produce more folks. While the u.s. Housing crash poses such threat to the price of metals an energy effect has largely occurred already the slide in crude prices over the past month may have been caused by funds liquidating their derivative contracts or will be priced much harder than $100.00 by the end of 2008 right just analysts corn can be used for as well now in cars and power plants for plastics as well as in baking Tortelli and natural gas can be made to fertilizer peak oil is more fitting into a pig food in a pure market sure. He's a long Melinda listen on 10 50 am 102.3 f.m. And one o 6.5 f.m. . We. Are you. RINGBACK Life well you know all your love for your work. Your near for. The. Children she will you know all the. Rules of the order. Your perfect RINGBACK. You. Must really. Reveal all the.