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All the way back to the ancient understand well how they saw the world how they saw life and maybe just maybe we can learn a little something to help us out here in modern times so welcome back Dr. You know the Sphinx has always been very fascinating to me and I would love to know your research what you have found out about the Sphinx there's a lot of talk about maybe hidden chambers under this finks. You know I've always wondered if it's that with the Sphinx was carved or built by Gyptian or if they found it if it was already there and they found it I mean it seems to be incredibly old possibly even older than the pyramids at Giza. The 1st time I ever saw picture of the sink was 12 and I wanted to climb right into the picture and I had the burning question how close can you get to it and then of course I stood back and went. Why do you care. Why the population so just you know the 1st time I laid eyes on it. I was obsessed with it and so. In 1977 I actually went to Egypt and and saw it with my own eyes and I spent a lot of time inside the cavity around the sink and there are several chambers the inner chamber of the heart of the Sphinx said there's a chamber by the last back. I really had a concerted effort to spend as much time in there as I could by myself and what's true is I didn't sleep for 72 hours after I was in this thinks wow I was processing so much information and I say downloading like codes is what I've come to tell myself what was happening after and my being just had to process it somehow and so that's that's a big deal to not sleep for 3 days oh yeah yeah I mean that puts party through quite a bit Yeah and that's why I ended up you know doing research on you know what's actually going on here and how how can it possibly be affecting me at the cellular level. Now they've done a bunch of restoration inside the sink so the original energy isn't isn't the thing that's it's it's been you know covered up and distorted but there's. There's I've got a photograph beside the left side of the sinks the temple pillars from the temples of ISIS and then the screen councilwomen tickets to quitting under the direction of Dr Zahi Hawass covered it all up with cement so. You know there's a lot of stuff going on there and they they say that they you know they they've discovered all the records so. I question I question that like when they did the research they did drill a bore hole on the left side of the top of the sinks and and they basically had us literally a sledge hammer and something that had a primitive machine that you know the the. Like a gauge would would register and they were trying to ascertain if there was something hollow down there and they decided yeah there's something all down there but I don't think a sledgehammer and a primitive gauge is. To. Really be definitive about you know what went on down there. And you know I know also you know in your case he said there was you know the whole record is under the part of the saint but you all you do is change one word beneath the nice and in front of you know I think that a lot of you know the information that's been channeled is a little bit cryptic and you know my Ph d. Ended up being in linguistics and by just changing a proposition you change the whole meaning. There's definitely energy around the sink you know whether the head was recurved or how it got there. It's fascinating and the river used to run right in front of it and there was a time when they thought you know that they were excavating there but what was happening is the water table was bubbling the water back up. So they were putting sandbags around so that the water didn't end up in the seating area for the sound and light show which is right there and so you know it was you know I've seen lots of things where people are you know making sensational claims about a boat that and kids there. Because And if you understand how to interpret things you can see that they that they don't but they're making claims that aren't found but there's definitely an energy around the sink now it's been completely quote unquote restored which is basically like putting it in a plastic bag and. It's like it's the sand it's almost like taking a sand castle on the beach but still wet and encasing it in. Molding or whatever and then the sand dries out and it's contained but if you put a bucket around it sort of thing like with the Saints it's actually. It's old and it's it's it was falling apart there and it took them 10 years or something to do the restoration on it and some $80000000.00 So. It's a fascinating fascinating thing. You know when I look at it we're going to look at photographs of it so you're so lucky you got to see it for real in real life but when I look at photos of the Sphinx I get the strong sense that there are there are secrets preserved under the Sphinx meant for us to find thousands of years later and I wonder if we'll ever have the privilege or does that information even exist under there I mean I suspect that some information into there does exist but I don't think we'll ever ever have access to it. And yes and therein lies part of the problem but is that it is that I think we're looking for a book or you know the animal tablets themselves or you know an instruction manual on something but I've come to think of it as more energetic and know is that a part of the Antiquities has anything to do with it we're never going to see any of that so it's for me it's been more than Samus think it's St It's being able to be in there by myself so at the beginning they would you know to send a card with me and what was happening was the consciousness was being magnified of the psyche of the guard of the of the Watchman and somehow they ended up let me go in there by myself and that made a huge difference because it's magnifying energy somehow so it's it's it's a mystery has a really good mystery actually Wow magnified your own consciousness is that what you're saying yep when somebody else is nothing credible well then you think that that energy could possibly be restored or do you think that what's been done to restore the Sphinx is just destroyed that I'm not sure how to answer that I think that there's an interaction between our entire being and. The ground plan of the Gives a project and the temples in Egypt and I think that they're designed to stimulate us in some way but we have to do the work to wake ourselves up you know I solely to is to Egypt and. I make an assumption that if people want to come to Egypt with me they were there with me before in another incarnation. Or they for some reason they feel that they will connect with something deep inside themselves and and switch back on which happens and it's fascinating that cost me whatever trouble some that there's so much propaganda against Egypt being so dangerous and all that it's just it's just totally untrue I mean it's whatever is being said about it is is just nonsense really I mean it's perfectly safe over there and I think they they there seems to be a concerted effort to keep everybody asleep and if a place like Egypt can wake someone up. I say you know come and wake up in Egypt right and so it's fascinating because it's stimulating people on many many levels and I think that's what the parents are there for now if it was up to the authorities they would have taken the parents don't want to trust what absolutely sure they tried to blow him up they dynamite inside and on the outside. They're considered on Islamic and they would have taken them down by now they could have they can't we don't have the technology to take the pyramids down is that now that I might build them that's a point on the great pyramids that I've never heard before and isn't that interesting we can't even destroy them. We'll Good I'm glad that we can I'm glad that the ancients who built them built them so strong that they can't be brought down. Well in the construction there's an interesting feature of the construction because some people say other than inverted pyramid underneath and there's an upside down in the earth and all of what it is is a light I'm making a shape with my hands here on the farm but it's just it's a so it's a great inverted pyramid and so the blocks are set on there and if there's an earthquake or something any kind of earth catastrophe the stones and up nudging themselves and getting closer together and tighter so they're actually earthquake proof and natural disaster proof. This was definitely designed to survive for thousands and thousands of Yeah I mean they wanted this to survive as long as possible as long as possible and if the message is energetic and all you have to do is go near it or get inside it to get that message then they intended on that always being there. And I can only recall that it stays. You know it's a well to me think without it I mean like without these monuments and we started out talking about monuments all over the world you know without much you Picchu and stone him and Jim Glastonbury Tor and all these places that are energetic markers would we remember like these are triggers now I said this before Heather if it was us and we knew there was going to be a disaster coming and it was up to us to leave Mark we knew we were going to end up in the Iron Age dumbing down distracted corruption everywhere and we had to leave something for ourselves to wake What would we be. Something made of stone that will last no matter what weather comes along no matter what wars come along something that would last and last and you know what it's very interesting because the subject of nuclear waste storage has come up on the program and. I asked the audience because I thought it was such a good question you know what kind of sign should we leave future generations because the half life of most nuclear waste is that in the thousands of years sometimes tens of thousands of years or more and so we never did really come to an answer but I would think a stone structure in the in the fashion of the megalithic structures that we see that would be about the only thing that would last and if you built it well enough and then you would be lucky if it lasted throughout the ages and carried on that message to those future generations that would be about the only thing I could think of that would last for so long and so you know will those monument still be there 2000 years from now I sure hope so well and then there's the details in the temple that have the story of Egypt and the temples are a completely different you know entity and style than the care of it so I think they come from different time frames but also the symbolism that's represented in the artifacts and the From. Calloused story that also stimulating and they make imprint Like I said on the shape of the temples replicate the cavity in the human body and if somebody is replicating Egyptian artifacts and they they're not Egyptian and they're not operating with the precision that the Egyptian did you can see that it's fake. Right. Because you go to a pirate factory for example and somebody is painted in all colors with something that they think they're getting an exact design you can see that the proportions are not exact and so the energy off the fake thing is not doing the same thing as the real ones and so I'm really sensitive even to the time frames like Ramsay's time frame then Abu Simbel the temple but to the extreme south of Egypt you can see that the the workmanship was deteriorating over time and that's the other fascinating point Egypt strong in to its existence at its peak and started to deteriorate from there. So the later dynasty the workmanship is not the same quality. Oh I'd say so because there's got to be a reason for that I was there was talking about this with a with another guest because it came up in the conversation about how newer pyramids don't seem to be made quite as well as the great pyramids at Giza or pyramids that we find around the world there's the step pyramid right or there's also the Red Pyramid which isn't doing so well there's just some pyramids don't seem to be as successfully built as the others and it made me wonder and I don't know I mean this is just a hypothesis I have call it a gut feeling but I think possibly that some of those ancient structures maybe even the Sphinx were found and not really built and maybe they found them and decided well let's try to replicate that let's tried to build that and and maybe later dynasties were just not successful maybe they just didn't have the engineering knowledge that those originating dynasties had I don't know I don't know just something that I thought about well I think that the government agreed on a stick. I think that this business of 2450 b.c. Could have been the last restoration so if you painted your house last year doesn't mean your house was built last year. And so some work was done on it $2450.00 p.c. But it certainly wouldn't have been the origin which is why we have trouble figuring it all out because the context is missing. And then you know all the nonsense about saying that the pyramids they were experimented with the pyramids when they built the bus bent pyramid and they thought if they had wanting gold then they changed the angle in the middle that they you know they were practicing that's in the param a code to practicing building permits what why why do we even tell a story that the Egyptians were you know in from Thailand you know didn't know what they were doing like why start there you know because you know the course has a reason for the bent pyramid to be the way it is in terms of resonance chambers and that sort of thing and then they go on and on about how the step pyramid is the oldest one and so Cyril built it and all the stuff the plates. It's built out of tiny little breakfast so it's not even straight sided it did have a chamber inside it with with great goods I mean it's a mast about it's flat at the top that's not that's not it's not a functioning Param it it is but it probably is a tomb and. And that's a completely different story I'm in terms of Kermit building and they insist that that was the oldest one and I always 1st time I heard that I'm like why do you think that no I don't I don't think that's true at home so I mean these are still mysteries I mean it's it's. You're asking some pretty interesting questions and I don't want to pretend I have all the answers that's for sure oh well you may not have all the answers but your theories sure are interesting and worth talking about all of this it's worth talking about I mean really when we talk about. Ancient cultures we talk about megalithic structures and we ask the questions that are related to them I think what we're really asking is who are we and where did we come from and I see any. Efforts to keep the truth about these sites and these cultures is preventing us from knowing who we really are and I think if we knew who we really are or at least had a better idea of who we really are and where we really come from Gosh my gosh maybe just by a long shot might we be headed into a better direction than we are now. Again just a little hypothesis there but that's what I think when we I think that's part of the fascination also with megalithic structures an ancient cultures is this is by learning about them we learn who we are and where we came from. And I think that. It's the best kept secret and. We are meant to figure it out everything that being to be generating around I keep going back to media and school because that's the propaganda machine that you know tells us what to think not how to think is designed to disconnect instead of connect us so if you are truly connected to yourself and your ancient roots. Standing in those places would resonate and give you more information about. We are I mean if that not the best question Who are we in and what are we doing here right what's the 1st line in the government code who were the agents and what did they know. It would seem to me one of the most important questions in it and you know it. I I hope one day through sheer defiance researchers like yourself and other researchers out there trying to get into this will find out the those secrets anyway and I know that researchers like yourself are not going to give up and that's what I'm kind of banking on is that you guys don't give up and that you do can still continue digging and continue asking these questions and continue going against the grain of mainstream archaeology and what mainstream archaeology wants to ignore. They I think ignore you know far more than they actually even tell us what's not fashionable Well I think the biggest problem is what patriarchy is done in academia and everywhere but divide divide divide like divide different departments different departments of government different departments and everything so that you don't put all the pieces together and so as long as social anthropology doesn't speak to cultural anthropology doesn't think the linguistics doesn't speak to you know dating methods and all of that then all we do is repeat repeat repeat what the accepted story line is and so by not being cross disciplinary and not encouraging creative thinking it makes it really difficult to tell a cohesive story but we're not trying to set up. Everything in our culture moves us away from not toward. And you know. I thought I were to be a devil's advocate we were bunch of old rocks why should we care why should we look back you know I could see that as being a look also. But I. Think it's really a disservice to ourselves if if that is an argument I don't accept that as an argument but by the way did you see the Michael Shermer as paper that he just wrote talking about de bunking that there was ever any kind of Advent civilization 12000 years ago did you see that now you didn't see that well but there is no civilization 12000 years ago no advanced civilization 12000 years ago and what he's saying that's what he's telling us well pretty much directing that towards researchers like Graham Hancock and such so that you know he'll just put all that to bed for once and for all there was no advanced culture thousands and thousands of years ago people were we were just just using rocks and discovering fire at the time apparently according to him but I mean I know he likes to debunk things but we had another problem whatever that word means but let me just tell you that when you say that. I still. Feel. Not good in my stomach yet that's how I felt not how that's how I know that for me that's how I felt when I read it also. About the visceral response. But it can't be true and again I mean. You know I could go find it read it but. Everything in my being. That there was a lot and 12000 years you know probably the end of. You know the glory. That Brian said he wouldn't even go read it we had to take another break Dr and we'll be right back everybody. On his. I'm getting older and noticing that my body just doesn't work as well as it used to so I like to keep fit as possible by hitting the gym a few times a week recently I started having a nagging bicep pain and it got so bad I couldn't even lift the whites when I was complaining about it to a friend he told be about angio prim he said Keawe lation helps remove toxins heavy metals and cholesterol and veins and arteries that may cause blockages you know after just. 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Dot com I know it's hard sometimes but if you can stay up through the entire show please consider a time traveler membership where you'll have access to all of our passion for playing anytime on your computer or smartphone for a limited time we are running a special offer to sign up to be a time traveler for just one cent for the 1st month and then it's only for 99 the archives have the commercials edited out so you'll have a studio quality compact audio file visit midnight in the desert dot com look for and click the how to listen in sign up post and then click on the join here banner for. 2000 and. One a day to ride your conductor had their way it will punch your ticket when you call 195-222-5527 extension 8 that's 195-222-5527 extension 8. Colors are welcome at 775-285-5800. 77528500. Go ahead and open up the phone lines for my guests this evening Dr Carmen. Fascinating person but also happens to very fascinating research have you ever seen the pyramid code well that documentary series was directed and produced by Dr Carmen Boulder who is here tonight all the way from Spain and I'm enjoying the conversation but you know what doctor I'm a little bit embarrassed now because here I got my big chance to speak with you and I have made you nauseous by bringing up the Michael Shermer article I apologize for that I didn't want to make you sick. For a moment you know but not much of this or all response in a top of that sentence we start talking about other things but I think we need to. Share share experiences and trust our own reaction to being investigated but also keep ourselves feeling. Yes and I had the same reaction when I saw that I just couldn't believe it and I said wow really so without being an archeologist tour or a historian or any of it we can just throw it all out the window because one guy says that it's that it's not true I. You hear me struggling for my words that was also my reaction to the article I was trying to formulate some thoughts about it and it just my brain just seized up. And to me that's what yeah what does that mean exactly I mean like we have to trust ourselves and our reaction and the invitation is to keep saying just. And eventually like all of us have you know guides and angels I suppose if you want to put it that way you know like Take your umbrella know if the weather's going to rain and so you don't take it because you're following you know what the weather reports out of your intuition and I keep saying the bottom of your range or you never listen to me I go help somebody else. Yeah well that's another thing that we're pretty out of touch with is far is the unseen world our own guides our own just the information that comes from from the non-local consciousness field inspiration hunches all those sort of things I have found more often than not that if I don't listen to my gut if I don't listen to a hunch I'm going to pay for it later and so even if it feels a little bit strange I try to listen to that gut feeling as much as possible and we all have that we all have it and so I hope you know that we can use that a little bit more to navigate through this very weird time that we live in right now and and you know I'm half tempted. To just ignore the news for a couple of weeks I don't know if I can take it doctor. Talk about a disconnect the news and everything that I'm seeing out there is making me so angry and that feeling right there anger that seems so against the grain of what it is to be human I mean I know it's got its place right but we are way too angry way too often anymore and and we've got to get away from that is that is promoting this sense of anger also part of keeping us disconnected from ourselves and what's important. I tend to keep my ear to the ground as well and listen to the geo political news and it's harder and harder to get to be in a good mood it's just all very upsetting and because I'm a public speaker and you know we have these lengthy conversations on the air with many people listening I feel like I need to know what's going on. But it grew with you I mean it's it's absolutely horrifically frightening what's going on and it doesn't seem that there's anything we can do that changes and it's different it's affecting people differently. Thank you even people who are not quote unquote informed or following alternative media or any of that and it doesn't matter where you're getting your news from now it's all upsetting isn't it where it is good news and why can't I can think tele you know experiment that kids are doing and breakthroughs and you know free transportation to get the stuff we don't need to people in Africa or you know redistributing. Wealth in a way helping people grow which got the whole dock where it's all about it's all about hurting people you know I wouldn't mind hearing about I don't know some new job opportunities that some people may be taken advantage of out there any kind of good news any kind of good news at all right now I've got to a point Dr Well I'm not sure if I want to be informed anymore I am half tempted to just open up the show for the next couple of weeks with ghost stories. And just get away from it from a lot for a little while I mean I feel my blood pressure going up more and more and more and more every day and I think if I did news until Friday it would probably hit like $300.00 and I blow a gasket or something and I almost wonder if that isn't what the news corporations want do they want us to collectively blow a gasket and again I don't know how that helps anybody or anything except some news organizations ratings out there is that all just for advertising and ratings and to hell with the people and how it's affecting them you know I don't know and you know what's really funny is I don't think my audience would hold it against me at all if I just opened up the program with ghost stories for a little while or anything else in the paranormal just nothing about the current news and I just may do that. Just may do that because I here's why because I don't feel like I can contribute I feel like I'm part of the problem too just by covering things that are current and that are in the news affiliate. Contributing to the existing problem and I don't want to do that. Not at all I mean I want to come on here and talk about things that are interesting and things that get inspire people to think and the news right now is not inspiring people to think it's inspiring people to fight with each other it is and I keep thinking by design part because you want to hear. Well it's interesting I'm having a little bit of a reaction to what you're saying. And what I'm finding because I've done hundreds and hundreds of hours of interviews 24 hours just with George Noory. Process. And I'm finding that the interviewers over the years it's very similar to what you've just gone through there if you're in a south reflective place express things that stomach distress it's not. It's hard for you to reconcile your own job you know pushing you into a place that you don't want to go. You know I don't I don't want to cover another terrorist bomb I don't want to cover another person that we all love that has died I don't want to cover somebody getting mad at another person over political reasons anymore I just don't think I can do it if I have to talk about new inventions and just science articles maybe that's what all do but there's a little bit of a comfort in knowing that I'm not alone in that if other presenters out there are feeling same thing then you know maybe those feelings are on the right track just like you were talking about your our physical reactions to the things that we that we hear out there we've got to pay attention to that and maybe I should just do that a little bit more you know pay attention to that internal physical reaction to information that's coming our way because as you said earlier we're bombarded with it right all the time it never stops if it isn't electro some sort of electromagnetic interference there's there's problems with the food there's problems with the air with the Kemp trails there's problems from top to bottom that you just cannot escape from and then add the information assault on top of that and where does that leave a person it kind of leaves you in a state with a seized up brain and you don't really even know where to start so I just I just may ignore the news there for a little while and maybe the listening audience is relieved to hear that but I'm glad to know I'm not alone even if you try to find scientific story I mean I think the hope in the children. And you know children are doing inventions and stuff but you know like because governments are coming and taxing everything and you know killing us with paperwork and driving everybody crazy with bureaucracy and all of us it's almost impossible for somebody to even become self employed and to and to you know not to make a living and it's global like I have to admit that I thought moving to Spain might give me some relief from all lot and I was greeted the 1st day with 14 campgrounds or well it's the top salute respect coming what's going on and and more and more of the you know interviews are lamenting the state of affairs like it's not good news and I in my big move here I came across some papers that I wrote in 1902 and my Master's program on my personal position for psychotherapy and you know what it what the role was and I was you know coming up with my own. Job out developing my own programs if you will and it's not even the same old same old like we used to be able to just do after Nations and catch ourselves in self-defeating patterns and you know get to the bottom of the trauma and then. Ourselves and you know but now you can't just take an affirmation on something like when people say you're only responsibility is to be happy but wait a minute like we you know I know in another life I took a boat you thought of al which is basically as long as one person suffering we're not free so all these people are suffering and you know dislocated and stack and you know pets are dying all of a sudden and kids have cancer and I'm supposed to find a way to be happy. Back good advice. Yeah yeah thank you yes yes I feel very much the same. Now I know I can't there's no saving everybody you know that I know I can't do that but still with so much going on you know how do I how do I just go well it's not happening to me so my day is fine. I have a hard time with that too so yeah gosh my gosh well you know the phone lines are open everybody if you'd like to call up maybe you can think of a way we can head back to the right direction I would certainly love to hear it if you have questions about Dr Carmen bolters research in creating the pyramid code or any of her research questions about Atlantis You know that's all welcome tonight I would love to hear from you tonight and let me head to the phones here now go right here and line one you're on the air with Dr Carmen bolter Welcome to the show leaving Dr in hell are both scoring well. As well as it can. Yeah you know I was thinking about what was being said about the steak Moos and the courage to needed to sake news started when the Clinton family decided that politically correct was the way to teach kids to lie to make that there would be no truce and I think we have to go back prior to the Clinton administration. Just tell our young people that it is very important to lie and we're sorry if you hurt someone's feelings by. Lying but it's still better to lie than to have all this fake stuff going around that nobody believes it's really really sad. One of the things now last night I was noticing that when. Dr Bichette was in there or a he he was talking about what's going on in Washington and I just on a stand how people can stand to live in Washington with all the traffic and all the crime and one of these thing of Fortune night the are Marna. The interesting thing about Marna is of course that it was abandoned after it was built apparently content and brought in about 15 or $20000.00 teenagers to build it because there are massive amounts of teenagers buried in shallow graves there that all died of. A Larry at the various kinds of malaria in fact King. Himself had 2 kinds of malaria one was serious and one was not very much but his his birth defects that he had with his club foot. Made it almost impossible Duraid curious but boy you sure love Greg Norman I'm afraid it probably cost you missed life. And I'm sure that we're all that we all have alien d.n.a. In this. Because it's just just too long a story and should aren't being necessarily used to it or incorporated in our d.n.a. Anyway I just appreciate chose has a rich wonderful thank you for the call Dr I'm sure you've got a lot to say about that everything you just said. Well I followed the story about touch d.n.a. . For 13 years. And I just watched how they closed the d.n.a. Labs in Egypt and opened one in the basement of the museum I was studying doing graduate work in archaeology and anthropology at the time this was going down and you know studying how the mitochondrial d.n.a. Works and how you want to and somebody lineage you have to use the x. Chromosome not the y. Chromosome and I could see. That saw he was headed toward making taht eq not in the sun and it chops rubbed me a wrong way my intuition was just screaming like I know top was a royal and I know he was raped at the North palace and you know he was in the company of not never teaching if not in this daughter's And there's all kinds of things that were going on with the d.n.a. In the solar energy Maurice Cordell talked about some cycles and the boy children were dying at they were they were not able to survive and that's why there were more girls than boys them and then Tut there was still the patriarchal part of the 18th of all the dynastic Egypt. And so I was at the press conference and ensure Barry said brewery 17th or something 2009 at the museum they let me in the curator secretary says to that I think I come and and I listen to doggy in Arabic he had had a Japanese team and then he had Scott Woodward doing d.n.a. Testing and then the old national security this is you know National Geographic cameras ready to go get the d.n.a. Of the talks to and then they took it upon themselves and I knew that he was going to say but thought was not in fun because there's an agenda for that and so then they're going on about the medical model Well I think it's a medical model to say he was he had malaria at a club for 2. They only priesthood killed him when they realized that he was saying that to dunk Allman too often that he was writing both sides and he was really of the office now teenagers building them are in a I've never heard that shallow grave tomorrow I never heard that such people died of malaria sorry never hurt us and I'm you know very very invested in the whole situation in the morning and I've been there couple of cards and so to say the talk had a club foot and malaria it's using our medical model where everything has to be attached and then you've got a kidney function this or that and I just don't get it but I will say this if there is an agenda and they want to be a cannot and sons do you know what that does that makes cut $18.00 instead of block Egypt is in Africa and even saying that that judge land just isn't center greeny makes a black this western instead of eastern I mean it can be as simple as Dr. But they did and they did not do that d.n.a. Testing properly because they were using the y. Chromosome not the actual chromosome and the x. Chromosome the mitochondrial d.n.a. Is what's going to give you the lineage and they had an agenda from the beginning to prove quote unquote the top was that not them son and I don't think he was whose son was he do we know. No but I mean if you if you think if you feel a little sick and swimmingly you know reading Try reading all the stuff on it not in it's just like it's just a whirlwind of. Not true things so I think it was roiled no doubt you know he was part of the world family but person I don't have any way proving that and I didn't do the d.n.a. Testing. But I did see this coming and I'm telling you I was glued to the whole time and I went to see Scott Scott we're talking in Denver and he said we didn't get the d.n.a. And so they keep they kept shutting things down so this isn't a contentious issue and being at that press conference and I was sitting there I had to listen to the whole thing in Arabic and then it switch to English and I was like I knew he was going to do that vote that's just my personal opinion I think that we're just too stuck our medical model to get a diagnosis and then a medication I mean how do we know that they weren't I think the I think they were radially healthy Well you know I guess the thing that's bothering me so much right now is even archaeological research has to have some kind of political spin on it I would think archeology of all things would be free from spin but apparently it's not. Apparently it's not why that's why I got banned in doing the ph d. In Egyptology and archaeology because I knew whatever I found I couldn't say it so I put my personal research into Egyptology and up with the pyramid code is and I I threw myself into learning how to do proper research and did the ph d. In linguistics because it's cross disciplinary. Right yes a linguistic psycholinguistics you need to look at anthropology it's cross cultural it's cross disciplinary and all of that and so you know but basically when you're doing those kinds of degree here to learning how to how to do the research and how to piece things together so that ended up serving me quite well right but no you can't tell a different story I mean. The guy was a terrible realize ation for me I was on the international speaker circuit speaking at archaeological conferences and then I really and I was talking about never Jean acknowledged and then you know and. And no one stopped me but I realised I was going to be able to publish. And if you did you'd be attacked when I did it my way I did it my way. Well and I'm glad that you did the pyramid code is an excellent. Collection of episodes and it takes that many episodes to really get all the information out but yes with the 1st time I watched it I said this is incredible it really does just feel right and I can't really explain why it feels right but again it just does it just feels absolutely right we've got to take another break here coming up but it's funny because I was talking about just doing ghost stories at the beginning of the show for the next couple of weeks Well turns out the audience wouldn't mind at all I got a message in the wormhole from reading in Oregon who said and this is in all caps please no news is better news I would love ghost stories or even jokes at the beginning of the show please and if you do think you. So I mean other people out there are sick of it too absolutely tired of it so you know what just maybe I'll do that I don't know probably just get into in the paranormal stories but look. There may be major events that come up in the news and I don't know I don't know if it involves tragedies I just I don't know I can't make any promises about what may or may not happen in the future but I'm going to do my best to try and avoid some of the horrible news that's out there and I don't want to just bury my head in the sand and not look at what's going on in the real world. But I could use a little bit of a break couldn't you well the phone lines are open everybody manipulate your telephonic devices and call into the program I would love to hear from you Heather Wade and we will be right back. I love talking about legends and that c.c. 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